, 1 - Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and … · S totca o n

Post on 06-Oct-2018

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ADIJRlo:SS 01' THl Pn!SID!!T.I' a t t he 'l'en t•ont e.l Dinner ror tbe Honol"l!bl e J"a.z:~u A. ll'l rl.y

a t the Maytlat:er lfotel i'ebruuy 1 ~ , 1937

Mr. Vt ca Prealdent .11111 Tar ley: I f'" II"\ t-ot!).~ to ny

thl a pe thertn.; al"e renrcat>~told t hoae wbta t hl' <rotera In the tml te4

St otca on<!. nll t!:le ntc.tcc. ot t nc Vn tnn uwn c:1hed uroo to t•k .. ~~ert.

In the sournment ot 11.11 the neopb or ,lh(> couat~~ll!!:._!~

tbaz 0111 be , lllld ao Lf!l..._:!:!!.~2!.·~~·: ( apphun}

by t en veara. VarY f ew othtor s took 1<11 f\Ctt va r rt In tho gcwar:1111ent

or t hle cnuntry vrtor t o t he DeiiiOcl"!'ltto vtet;rt or 1212. Ya\ tho11a or

otator;r I u.ca It tn'lt t l!e" nJ"f' ftr i'!'OOla - - l ti-·.ot MY ao i!!lpla --

who , In t he attlli r 'l or P"rtz F'o<rem"'ent -- .:-:~~ e1'ter &11 f')r one

hundred ant'l rorty YCII.ra out or our onf' hun.troJd nn.l f thv '"""rl' our

Go•arruaant h"" bean run oil the principle or t ii'O sr<>~t mu•ttea -- t here

Ia not one In 1111 t.M t Use wbo hea ~D or fl"t'.:!.l;llr lapor\ar.e. in tne

f!OYars.enl or the country f'raa t l'le eo1at or 1'1...- or NeponJ lble !?l!t't.Y

personal 1tn1t". 1t 1111 not on~~ or ti'IOM otrlcl 'l l b"lD'luou wttl'l 11 tormel

llllt or to~l 1pealcer e , h.lk l~ on ro~l eubJeete tnto \1111 111!111.11 hour•


Tbi• 1• • t!'&n•er.pt rade bJ tbe1btte Bowoe •tenoo:t"al:ltt'• .. rXJ Lu •horthl\nd nou• tUrn~~~~ 'b. ~e tb<~~ epo-.::b wu .. de. :"!<.;": · 'nla .!~eatee wo!'d• eueape!'aneo. ~11 ~ to t!!& pre•ioue lJ pre~ut-1 rc~ u~ text, Te:-t'L• tn par.ntbeeet a..~l!' t'w:- .. r ·.roll ted wbrn tbe •po.eeh ·:.r ., t. ,b

t~Jfllppnn:o 111 t! ""'· u .. typrq..e.r"l1 ren•Hnf:ec• •at.


ot the -omiftr . I\ ta not a poUUcol f'l!lthartn,. , or a PJIH y tll t .'1ar111,ij;,,

or 11 l'lctory fll\htrt~, or eYen a fi:&turto,g to !latch ·~ •yourtoua

plot or pull e-rr a coup d •et ot .

Tbt "Illy lat>.l appropl"hU t?r the OCCliSlon 111 a ""l'Y alJ:Iple

oae w!ltcb, •hit '2' Derai~aton tba CIIM.oontata •r C!)py, •J'u. ta rlay

of you twra been aa.tQolated. wh!J hi• tor ouly a abort u .. -- but 11ll

ot us , ol d rmd YOUI16 a like , hftye a o~ regard , e c~n ~rrttcUon

tor .n.- Farley, (whieh) a n atteoUon th'l.t t ransc11nde to~Ut)' baceuee

It 111 bn&d on the lllll.n hUueU' . ( 4ppleWJe )

HJnory h$a recorded l!llt"flldr, al:ld will oonttnua to t'IIOOrd, 11

!!f"@ft t -any Inter-eating tach about Jt... In due u- bt .. torv .. nl t alc

out loud aiHNt hla YOUDger 4eye or (loeal) public sen lee to hit tO'II'Il.

on the I!Udeon 'i!!.!!. snd hta er.untry ~d hh state. (It) ~~

wtll t alk about hl11 org&n1z1D( or C'!Jllpelp,nfl to ats te l!lfid llllt.10tt ; It rill

ei'IUlent . h lllll1 nen tu!4 bta DaM to t.b.e dhtlngutahed Ucn or .. Jor

:troph~ts. (Appl!Hise) ~ or ua ol<'\ "Joeople reaeaber 1896 lind eu:~. u

b.epll t lte n.- or JiA Ye.rl .,- wUl IIU.il~"en the -.ore ~erq utt,.ntc or

forty-sill:: to two. (A.,plt!un)

or eucCIIIII In (accow.pU shr..ent) public otf'1ce . I n t he book ot lll 11torv

tl!.el"ff el"ff soli!.<! t o be other thtnes -..rJtt~n . Loyalty wi ll be wrtttea

"tilere -- "thfl"t loyalty t o trlet~d• (wblc:h) ~ reeulu 111 loyaltv rroa

trl ende . (Apphouee) Honor aM decency will be wr1Uen there -- t!le

llonor end decncy which h'"' done .auch t o raiee the e t andel"<tn or ;Nblic

serrlco h:o (oUl' naUon) t he Mler1CIII1 t4Uo11 .

Goc4 tMper wUl be tfl'ltUil t here -- tlle lr11ld or •ood t-per

(which) ~ le baMod oo a Hn. .. or perepecthe, a sanae or b~r ar.d

11. sen" or torgl'l'eneea . In ell ll,1 ynre or auoctotlon with 11• Farley

exceptoo.ce --~wben erter ~~tpo.rtteulftrly 'l'tclou.eRndiMIIll

enae.~: t hAt ne •de on ht. p-r eoully J'ta ~t. to thia lOAA exhDt

and eatd t oM , •Go•ernor• be IItie t1l••11 celled 1M CO'I'ern.or - - be

M i d , "'o•ern.or , (be Mid t o ae) t bl\t tlllow•a .c:lt her OU!:'l:lt to apa.nll:

bil:o . • (La116hter, appbuse)

On (the)~ Sat urday bet oro n certd n f ir11t 1'ueed11.Y

atter tl:le first. Monday in ll'ol'a:ber (electlaa) , Ln epealri~V" t o tJ:ae

workers at b"dquaners - - nnd I uo glad eo &11.11.1 are ilere, 1 pn.l aed

Ii.a J'arlfly tor tlle -y be had taken thlii.c'• oo the chin lln4 had c._ up

t he r e 1e not e 11e.11. i l1 t he United Shua ..me hu lllOre deep-•oatad. ,

thorougbgol~ cou.re,ge tb.a.n be ~· (Applauae)

Beet or 1t 11ll ult.t•te blatory ~ &Zllllyze Uo• oe.uae!. ot

b.-.zaect1011a elld~h- 'IUII.ll t i fle. (It) ~J. t b.•1. e:O.f!O&ent

or i:o ietory wlU, 1 t hlllk, IIIJree wHb .-y aJUilyllilll when I NY t hloot 11•

Jl'llrlty ie 11ot just e Da.ocret with 11 bh •o• -- be is ., O..Ot!'l'lt tn t he

sense t ba t he baa t e itll in hta tellO'IIJIIID , He likee 1.0 be l1f'• e , llnd he

d.oca belle, a , t hat 11en n.nd KOIUin 111 t-'l'ery paM or our eountry ere tu.Dd.e-

e eh.&.D.ee ~hroush deaocratie proceaees, thet:r dec1111ona will be f'unda.-

111$11.\ ally eound . 8ec11us11 ot tb i a bel1er be haa M d.e in hill obort fi!)M

ot lite -- beceuae be ia oalr • cbild -- and. I II::Dow he le go1DP to aa.kfl

t!U'o\lltll all tM r":re t o c- (and I hope through all the ,...:re to ~~

llfill coot1Due t o ..ute) , • definite OODt:r1butiO<a to tbe lt\lcoeee or the

Jt• would not like it tt I we:re to a11.y, ••e lOYe Ill• to:r t he

.!!!z., but I O&.D tell bia tbs t ..a lou hta tor the trlfllldll be Au ... de

(eppleuM) - · lleh a.r:~d W(WaeD. ud e!aild:rt>ll , rege.rdleae of party --~·

llt.l.tea, 1D.olud1J18 lOaillfl 11nd Ver.ont . (Apple.uae )

SO I lmo-r. tb9 t you l'rtll (I uk you. to) Join with .. ID 11'1eh-

1D.Bl!!! hee.lth ead happine11e t hrouph 11ll t he year s t o co.e -- bea.ltb

and baPPiaeee to 111 trlt,ncJ e.nd your trtend, • t&tt.btul serTaDt or the

people or our Repu.bUc, Jl• h:rley. (Apple.ua.e)

Jf)'MC, ca ... =u~ ~· ex.rehlld. to pNNllt u·• ., .. .,. pv~l!ceu.., ,

STD"mr.IIJILT .l.nlnell\ s.e ... u.,. u U.e P.,.Uk-<1~

'nih u ... ,. u 112 rarltJ' ••.,., u.. ~rt or 1111 .. r- • •err ,.,.,~~•• • thtr, h h ~ ··t ._ 'It u- ~rrtcUII ~u eull • t o.-....1 lht ~r t· . .-.1 _'> .... rt, ~~ .... ~"!'>,...,.I ... :.!ec•• IIIU tl» aall ~~ •r tllo!o ..,..,,..,.. h h ,.,, • ;.olitl,.•l n.t~rl~ . rr • ~rlr nAr~, or II Wla: f'"'/ r11oUOI'I'1....-, ._,. ,...., • p\l'.or\81" U lto>U'I - OIJ'Uerl<lllll PI'» OI"PI1101ft•c....p4' eut ,

n. '11117 l.llt<O\ fPP~ rl·· te r~r 1~11 ~;:ul"" h ~11a1al"l'"7 ...,4 hh trlu•.o, • C.ftr ~r "" lw.~ tn.;><:ll U• l!.r,..,,-h tbe renu. S<ao ot J">ll

"-" "'""' euoetulld. W\~h hla r·r ~•r • •~rt u,.,. •• "'" •U Cit ~~~ ~~e .. • _..,., Nt"~rd, o c-..,., .rtactl"' ror 11• 7Arll~ . whloll '"*A- fth toM:WOIUrl>eeoolloii H lah ... <l.""t"-"""'ht-.lt,

:u•t~.,. t•• Nc'r.:•i, ~·.t ~•u "'"'!..,• "' ruor~. ~ rreu :our hter•uUJit" raeu 11~111.,._ In ~ tl.• t.ll\'1')' w\11 teU: ""'' ! ,...!. •~t ).II 1"WWr•r "r• "1' loc!ll pulltlc MJ'WIH to bh t c-. ~~~ loh co,..tr ~~~~~ llh eteiCI. It •Ill uu eb-..t t;t.a ~r,.,htu ct ~l!;o.to; H "ill ~ or IIIII tine ••I'Ti• •• th ,.1,.1aln,..,tor a~ •• I:IP"'~tut c.,,...,..,.., of ~ lt~N.I Go"''""'"'· a,..,- . _,. u~ ~u ..._ " tl>t 411\lllf:)ltsbll':!. l tst cr •J""""""""'"'· J:"" ""''»""'-.. ~rTtllt-: • ...,,,.,.,.b'r••...,.tlloe• -"• t!><- erH .. ""»~Ic ~r •h\Oo•b '"' - . n .. """•• u .. -<It 11• hrl..,. wtll ''"P'~ C. 1'0-. ~ • ..., ort~Uc ot r..n:r-•t.: t~ n.~.

1!111\ ... ,. lin~ urru"", at\Oor .tl t>t •• 11111 ... '""*""' tMOt tt.--., ,.,....,.,11M...,.ui...,...,,..Uii>Ort.uttlollau •• c:...,.te:t.-.r ..,. •• .,.In ,._,....,11.-,t , Lo,..ltr wUl M WMI\01'\ t~re •• tbot l,_H7 u trt•'>4• •Ill<'~ re .. IH Ia l>rt'h:J tr»" trl"h'

1~11...-"""" "'"""C7 •ill be •"I"IU• :o ~~ .... .- tile .... a?r •a<! de•IICJ w~h~ b•n• .,.,. .,...~ u nl" t!le •u~1~r4a ~t publle cent• u 011r DUIC!ft,

r:.,..l ,......,. ••Ul W ~rtttee tl.ll'll - · u .. )lint at t.>OS t~r •~hb 111 h•l ..., " •u~• ~r ~•r"P•etlft, • Hn,. or hounr "lld • •r·• ~r f~•lfiiM&II , In r ll 11¥ JO~U <>t CII"XhtiOII •II~ 1111 Tll'ltl t lw.'N n&'Nr ~ftu b .. rJ hi-. \It tor .,... -.;o~ •yll&blo ab<>~.~t aey h~ft Hllll'• I M'N ,...,... bt•,.,lll-......,....11 ropl'1..,l·-•• o•'t """' -• w!Mr •rt•r• portl""hrl:.o Ytcl""• ~•' ...,llllott.oc~"" n.!~ u ~ • "tl~t ren ... · · ~ .,tlloor "'-'f"~t t~ ., .. ~ bl-.·

0., tM C.O.t">'4<17 .,.~,,.. 1 ct'•, u a~tl..,. u u,.. "or~•r• u looot.II.\IOI"UN , I ~nl- 11 .. 1erle~ tot:" \lw W8J' I.e .. tekft Ut..,. <D \loo •M•- '"''.,... IQI ... ,u_ ~ .. .,. u,., T!rt ..,.,, •011...,. aa! '~"" 11 ''' •- lou.. t"toll~ St.et .. .,.,. .,., ...,,.. ,..,. . ... - . uo~hrc c ... ,.,. .. ,,..llll',


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!adtofi':l.ll"Cil~tehhto'7~ ... thto«uMot ll~n~~r~ uu- llllld .,..,.., -~,I>Al.iuu. h ..,ll , 1 tlllu: , qHe with _, Mllll'IUIIh.,l~<~r uu.tJt.rarleylaM'J,..taO.OC:re.tritll • bJ.c "D" -- M 11 • !loeocre.~ ln tM - .. tiiU ha liN fa.ltll tro ht• ron-. llo llbu t.o bello" that...,. Mod- art twl<'.-tallJ' decGOlt, l'lri<Laonto.l.lJ' ~on.,at, and !Jilt t r thO)',,.. cheo~ 1 ch1U1eo til..,.,.;. dooaoenlttc pN<u .. ~, tllolr d""hlonl .. ut bt ~W.l.l.)' ao:.ld, lecautoofl.hbb<.'Uotllat.aiMJo,M<IIhopatiii"'uch a.ll tilt , .. u to co.:~<~ will eontu...., to Mka, 1 ~tlinUa eontrlbuUon to tho 1\0C:COH of u .. <lcJoo<:raUc ~rKU- ot AanleM lntUtutlona.

Jbo -w:t .,.., Uke It tr I .. ,.. to ..... -r.o loY~ hbo tor tllt-laabob~o~aade• b..o.tl.,.,t.ollbt.tlllt .. l.oY'Ibbofortl:• l'rl•ndt lit baa~ - - cd _,., ..ci dl.ll4....,, r'\IPI'IUO ... of """"'' 1ft '«1'7 -...it,y ot .....,..,. .- ol our rorlf' .. ljtlt 11.au:a, laeltdlfll: liiJDO -:1 ,~......,\.

lui:)'OOtojal.awi'lii-Uiri•llltheAltii-"''>Pl­- U.ro'CII ill W. ~....., to - to _, fr*~ Mol JOW rn.m, otalthMM,.,..,tcf'.haptc>pl.>ot'OW'~Uc, JIArorlq.

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STA TEMENTS FILE Sho·t~1n 1 r?.·!''~r., .,~

.. ,,;:";!!C:~ ~:!':.~:::.~ 4:::.~~~~= · n:.:o::ll.lt 1••• J,., 7arl.,., It ror nU&M Ia all H\110011 ..r -•· ,.,. ... tpMU\ IIf' on IM .-..... u 110'1' UlltJD "•' 101~ P. )1,

s .. ~m:nu~~arG'N ...

~~r.~, Car. ... tt>eeu,..,l- t o ,,... ... "',,.._,.,,.... INbltcaUef!,

-•••u ,\t&h1.lOI>IS.O ... UirJ'IO\.UP,..f!~l

G~S t.,...r vUl W ~rlt\U tt-.. ,., •• \lie \1~4 <>t pod ,_. .. C.. ..... '" but4 ea ,. .,not M ... r,.,&Uh• , 1 MIIM ot h>~t»r •~4 a •n• ot

f01'shuuo, 111 dl a:r ,..,.u ot aaeoo\UIDD •lth II• hrle;r 1 a. ........... '"'!Kt M.r4 11.1-" 1>\Ur ""t.. "Et D t yllablo a b:OH &1\7 ).UNft HI~,/ I Mw .,. .. ,be.,.dll.l,.wro;ealrt.prl ..,l --uoopt O&oe •l).,_•t\na,.rttc:d• r lr

:::u:,;~~.., m..c'l~.~~~~ to:.. -~~~Ht••r• .o!!Wir .. :r.t.t 1.;_ '"\, o. b. S.\W'dor14ll'l. 1 • t•.a..-lm tP"tiiiC u tM "onau u

~~~~:~~ ~~~=~ 2:~:~:.=~~~ ~ ~u· J,.._

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(';- ") - I..}J_fVh -l' • . h o,•'J\'J

'? 'I" · ""- ~· '> "u ~ • ~ \. t ."' "''r·---1-·C:: ,, ,·v , ' ~),

•\.. h_, , 1, ( '-t · }1/ • ) /. , If.'-~.

y v: 4 ' r.,


'ftl11 41nller t o JU. rarhr 1e on W .,_.., or all

ot \II a n17 pen onal arralr. It 11 not. one o r thOle

orrtot.al b.anq1.1e\lwl\h a ror&lllllln or tOI'IId 1peU:1r1,

t allr. l.ne on ror•l 111bJ IOU 1n\o the 1Mll hollrl or the

.orntnr. Jt 11 not a pol1UCI&l ptherlll(, or a p&l"tJ

to MUh ION Ql\erlo\11 plot. or p\1.].1 ott • 0017P/4'etet,

!he onl¥ lab!LapproprlaU t or thl1 oooaelon

• lth hl• tor onlr a lhort ti.IM -~ bl.lt all or \II ba'O'e a

Hlltorr ba1 reoo!'4e4, and wlll oonu n1.1e to

ot looal publlo nr• loe to bll t own &114 hh oo~.~nt.t and

UMI 1\llltltl U..e arltboottlo o r 1Utun co on1 , 10 p1rhap1

U1.1 nt.M or J1•F•rll:r•lll 1\l(gUt thl -ar1 .r>d1rn ar1thHt10

orrort:r-11atotwo •

•• , .. .1...;.;,:,...:. ...... ..-. ,..,, .......... ,~. """"' ~' ,.,_ /

..rwr !all or 111 b.a'll p~.ued f'ro. tbe 101n1, ther• •111 b1

-tbtnc -are ~rknt than tb• ohronloh or 1uoo•n 1n

lo:re.lt:r to f rllnd• ehtob rullltl ln l o:raltt tro• trhndl.

JoiQnOr and d1o1na1 •111 b1 •rltt•n thin - -

lt..nd.lor:tt or .-. publ1onr't'loe 1nOurl'llot1on.

ot pod \n~per wh1oll 11 N eed on • """ ot perepeotl<o"e,

1 ""''of hu.ar ..,.., • "" .. ot for11une ... In all rq

htlrd bl• utur one uan vll•bll •bout ..,. h...-.n belnl.

l M.•e n1nr h11rd 1'111~ •1111's-It nprll-.1 - 11101pt onoe - -

lll'llon ..rt•r • part1oularl:r •1a1ou• • nd Min • t t.aolt b1 ... 14

On U!e ktvr4a7 b<tfor1 •hcUon, 111 aplettnc to th•

ecrkerl et hudqll&J'Url, I p,..l .. d .11• ParhJ for th• IAJ'

ht ht,d tt.ken thlnc• on tht ch1n an4 ht.d OOM up nlllng

t he Unlted Statu who ~~ -r• 4 .. p-eeah4, tho~ln&

cou....., than n • • ~

a..ct of tt au wu.-te hlttort ana!Jr.t• t.h• cau ..

of hu.n acuone and b\IMJI q..alltlll. Il • Ul, I U::lnt,

r.(l'"ll enh ., illldJtll w~n I M1 thl.t .u .. Perl17 11 not

J111ta o.-... twlth a bl.a •o• -- ht 11 eO..ocrat ln the

""'' tht.t. he Me tatth 1n hle reuo .... n. He llll:n to

bdliYI tlw.t. '"" IIT.d wo" n are funda•tnt.ell7 decent, tunlla­

.. nhll7 honnt, IUid t~t 1t tht1 a r t llYtn a ohanot

thrQUih dt-rAtle proc11111, their 4ecl e lone • 111 be

t~ntell7 10\md., B101.1111 or thll blUet be hae .ad1,

endlhope~e.lllht>7..,-•~oo .. wlllcontlnueto

Mke, a 4etlnlte oontrlbu.tlon t o the eu.oc••• or the

411oore.t1o proe11 .. 1 of Mtr loan lneUtutlone •

.J'l• wo\1.14 not l.lkl l t lf l•ere to 117 •welOYI

ht• for tht ene•ltl h t Ml •4•" bu.t I oan till hi,.- that

and ohlldren, reprdl111 of partJ', 1ft HII'J' c--.nlt,. of

.,.,,.,. one of ou.r fort7-ll&bt. ttf.t.ll, 1nol1141nl Maln• IUI4


I Ult: Jcn! CO J Oln • U.h .. 1n ~ health Ao.tl

/.A~ h•-•• ttu'ouct~ all 1ll• J••r • to oo .. ~trlen4 .,.4 J OIU' trhn4 ,

• h1\htul ""•"~ ot ~h• people ot ovr Rlpubllo, .1'1•
