.'1archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/golfd/page/1957feb11-20.pdf.'1 .,', ". golf 1" heel packs turf a much a a...

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golf 1" heel packs turf a much a a ord ractor! Thi exceptionallylow round-bearing pr ur mean that you can take advantage of ord'vel' atility for mowing a rifyin fertilizing, eding and rolling with littledanger of oil packing or turf damage.

Ford Tractors are ea y on your club budget, too. You can choose fromeight low-cost, 4-wheel model in two power size. On Ford Special Utilitymodel you can specify eith r hi-cleat or "button-tread" tire without extracharg . And, Ford ar famou for saving mon y on fuel and upkeep.

ind out more about th tractor that can maintain turf in season, handldoz n of other job the ye r round. Call your ord Tractor and Equipm ntdeal 1', or write to: Tractor and Implement Divi ion, ord Motor CompanBirmingham, Michigan.

You see ~se they save more money!


with PUC H - 0 KHose Clamps

it's easy to be sureof your hose-

and save money too!

Write for descriptiveliterature and name ofnearest jobber.

n•."t R 3?1 N. Justine St .• Chicago 7. III.

tion underway on pati nt' 00](

cour at epulv da ( alif.) ho pital ...Proje t i pon ored by di trict lk ub ..•Hayward rea Recreation Di r. in an an-dro, ali£', pon or teen dub rniniatur golfnight as contribution to combating ju nildelinquency . . . Tony Lema taking m r apro at Elka ( 'ev.) in Mar h . .. olumbiaBroadcasting t m plannin 1 -hol uon property it own in Torran e, alif....Cour. e would b laid out around radio controltation and tran miion tower on th it.

Tulsa C, buv property on which it 27holes are located, plu 27 additional acre .Come site had be n lea ed for t7 vcar .9·hole Black. River , hebo gail, . Ii h.,being hewed out of the woods, mav he om-pleted before end of golfing .cason . . . H.\V. Knickman, co-owner of Rockav 'av Rivercc, Danville, .J., bu ing \\ olf JIollm'Delaware' ater Gap, Pa.. . our c aban-doned since 1940 v ill be rebuilt ... Kni k-man also will r mod -1 hotel on the P! mi -and add a .wimrning pool.

Andy Pettinco will b back in old tampinggrounds at Cobb' reek , Philadelphi , thipring as head pro . .. nd left a y' r go

to take over Beverly Hill pro shop tUpper Darby, Pa., only to ha e cour e ldto take over Bever! Hill pro hop atFrom Heart of merica GC A com. wordof the e changes: C. f. Beer i. nev supt. atOakwood C ; J. J. Brink has taken 0 r at

with sy-rollinIn construction and maintenance of fairwoys,bunkers and greens, Red-E.Dump Trailers op arofesafely and smoothly over the roughest terrain.For hauling sod, soil, sand and brush they willsave you money in efficient performance.

Write for complete information on Red-E Tillers,Mowers and Tractors, too - sold and servicedfor 35 years.

D- CTO co.12

DUM ILV Large Capacity-up to 3 tons or 1V:2 yards,

3 sizes.V Super Stability-cannot lip under load.V Single or dual wheels, pneumatic or semi-

pneumatic tires.V Adjustable loading height ••• safe, easy one-

man dumping.V Ball or Jeep couplings, front and rear, for

train use.V Welded. rugged X·frame construction.

ichfi Id 4, i .Colidom

"We used Golden VIGORO for the first timelast year and despite the hard year for keep-ing greens in good condition, we had the bestlooking greens in many years. GoldenVIGORO'S long lasting qualities actuallyeffected a savings on money spent for PlantFood."

Take it from Tim O'Connell and manyother experienced golf course superin-tendents-Golden VIGORO will saveyou labor and money because it's non-burning and lasts for months. It willgive you top results because it has beenplot-tested, under all conditions, all overthe country.

Vigoro is a regist red trod mark of Swift & Company


Complete awn Food


g~-L~~ .... and aved one,

, IItoo. ay Tlm O'Connell,Superintendent, Stanford Golf Cour e,

Schenectady, N. Y.

Complete Lawn FoodThe Best Turf Food Made

Just ask your Swift Field Representative( or write) for full particulars to

SWIFT & COMP YPlant Food Division

Union Stock Yards, Chicago 9, III.

13February, 1957

TGreatest arne in Turf anagement

Kills germinating crabgrass

Kills Ants, Night Crawlers, Grubs

Holds Moisture (grass stays

greener, longer with less


Stimulates - Fertilizes

For pictures - further information

Write - Wire


tt r pool

airo.U, S. .Tulliol Chamber of COIl1Il1CTC na-

with ...RAMUCISi; America's No.1 swimming pool enamel.Proved in over 17,000pools. Ramuc is a natural rubber-base paint that goes on easily, leaves a gleaming,tile-like finish that's easy to clean. Keeps your poolinviting season after season. You don't have topaint every year. Won't powder, blister, or flake;fade-resistant. In 12 refreshing pastel colors.

EXALGAE®; This effective algaecide destroys algaeslime quickly. Prevents new growth, too. ExaZgae iscolorless, odorless. Won't irritate skin or eyes.Prevents dangerous slippery pool bottom. Keepspool water crystal-clear, safer. Saves you moneybecause water needs fewer changes! A good bet toboost pool attendance.

Write today for free "Handbook on Painting SwimmingPools," 32 pages of valuable pool information.

I R479 Frelin9huysen Ave., Newark 5, N. J.27-Y S. Park, San Francisco, Cal.


L 0.,. •


Now at half th cost of large com-mercial models . . . the brand newRyan Jr. od Cutter will help k ep theturf on your golf course in beautiful,well groomed condition.

This new full-time perform r easilyhandles three turf maintenanceproblems:

Fir t it cuts 75 square f t of per-fect sod per minute to just the thick-ness you want. Fin t bents or toughestrooted grasses ar no problem either;the specially design d blade with itsreciproca ting action slic s cl anlythrough the root without clogging ortearing.

econd A sp cial tilling bladeoperating at 1000 strokes per minuteloos ns and pulveriz s hard, compactedsoil for asy grading when re oddingor s ding.

Third The Ryan Jr. od utterwith a sp cial edging blade eliminatesup to 90al of the hand labor that andtrap edging requires.

And thi ver atility i match d bythe famou , engineered dependabilityof all RYAN od Cutters, now us d byover 9000 of the turf growers andnurserymen in the nited Stat sand

anada. old and serviced by di trib-utor in mo t principal cities. Writefor full particulars and name of dis-tributor nearest you.NEW SUPER KUT BLADE

of highest quality tem-pered spring steel operat-ing directly under drivewheel always insuresevenly cut sod of uniformthickness. Special "slicingaction" design cuts cleanlythrough all kinds of turfwithout tearing edges.


Cl41f'871 Edgerton Street, St. Paull, Minn.

February, 1957 15

o MoreWinter Rules,

Thanks toAGRICOI"

Mr. Richard D. Mansfield,Supt., of the Mink MeadowsGolf Course, Vineyard HavenMartha's Vineyard, Mass.reports:

"Five years ago, I started a fairway rebuildingprogram with AGRICO Country Club 8-6-4 fer-tilizer to really encourage good, healthy growth.For the past two years, I used AGRICO FORTURF 6-8-2 I am very pleased with the out-standing AG RICO re ults of this 5-year program.The turf IS much healthier, has thickened up andnow has excellent growth and color.

AGRICO has given the same excellent results ongreens and tees. But the one big difference wasthis: prior to my AGRICO fairway feeding pro-gram it was necessary to play winter rules becauseof thin, spar e turf. Now we no longer need toplay winter rules thanks to AGRICO!"

GROW TOP •.FLlGHT TURF-Use AGRICOand AGRINITE the 100% Natural Organic Fer-tilizer. See your regular supplier today-orwrite to The American Agricultural Chemical Co.,50 Church St., New York 7, N. Y.

America's Premier Goll Course Fertilizer



• No walking-tractor mount d cutt rraises and lower,' from tractor hydraulicsystem.

• 18-inch 'tripp r with 6·foot I ngth cut.off give you one squar ani of od.

• 18·inch cutter blade is adju table to cut.od from 1h to 2 inches d p.

• Practically no maintenane ' with mini.mum of working parts, grease fitting _long lif .

fAEEI IP scrip~i.ve literature i your, byJust mailing us a po teard.



o n12 blade reel of laminated Sheffield steelequipped with Briggs 4 cycle 8B engineclip on wheels

Lightweight Easy to H dIe S urdyBecause this mower's reel blades and bed knife are of laminated steelthat is not effe ted by the abrasive action of the oil, the Teo·

pecially valuable a part of the "three-step way to perfect green :"

J. Aerify2. Verti-Cut3. Mow with the We t Point ArCO Greens Mower

w, improve and backed by the West Point Products organization,th AT 0 i worthy of your serious con ideration this year.

moil pOint pro;' c16 Corporation"Modern Turfgras

February, 1957 17



nrl rPLA FOONow your tees, fairways andgreens can be pool-table smoothand twice as tough with Verta-green Plant Food! /t's the terti-lizer that keeps turf green andbeautiful through even theroughest weather. Vertagreenmakes a strong healthy rootsystem for an extra fine playingsurface. Get Energized verta-green today!



Henrv Couon coming over in I teplay in Florida, then in • fa te


You are always welcome tovisit us when you are in Chi-cago. Right now we have alarge stock of machinery andsupplies for your selection.

Be sure and send for our1957 catalogue and price list

4&nqe 4}. V~ J~.5440 Northwest Hiqhwoy. Chi(ogo 30. III.


Term15. 0

Dept. G-27, 4124 N. Kno Ave., Chicago 4 , III., •••••• , •••••.•••••••••••••••••• , ••••••• , •••• ' •••• 11 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

says BOB HOPEstarring in

"BEAU JAMES"A Poramount Picture

In VistaVisionFilmed in Technicolor

Buill for IheUlmo I in Co I

Only Cu hman, th nation's fir t and I ading manufacturer oflight vehicl ,could giv you th golf machin that, f aturfor f ature, 1 ad th m all. Find out for your If.

Ask your deal r for fiEE demonstrationrid or write for iIIuatrated literature.

D aler Inquiries Invited.

o ,I943 o. 21 st, lincoln, Nebraska

Februai ., 19:17 19

ACUSHNET HEAD-COVERS- in many styles and

several high-qualitymaterials.

A year ago we decided to gointo the putter business. From thattime until we recently announcedthe Acushnet line, we studied andtested and played' dozens anddozens of putters of every knowntype and description.

We spent this time and moneyfor just one reason - we wantedthe best. We wanted only the best.We wanted a line worthy of theAcushnet name.

We found it. We now offer younot only the finest, but the mostcomplete and most saleable line ofputters - mallet and blade types- ever offered to golf players. Itis a line built exclusively for thePro - a line that protects youagainst all outside competition.

You'll want it. If you haven'tseen samples and ordered, ask yourAcushnet salesman about it thenext time he calls.Acushnet Process Sales Company,New Bedford, Massachusetts.