Валерий Крылов -- демонстрация .15926 Editor

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Presentation of .15926 Editor (software by TechInvestLab) at Russian Semantic Day, 6th December of 2011


Introduction to .15926 Editor (v0.81)

Welcome to the second release in .15926 series (pronounced “dot 15926”). This free software is distributed by TechInvestLab.ru “as is” without any warranties or obligations, for testing purposes. Use it and enjoy at your own risk.

In .15926 Editor you can:

1. Browse ISO 15926-2 upper ontology (in three different namespaces: with PCA RDL, RDS/WIP or Part8 URI's).2. Search and navigate five popular public ISO 15926 SPARQL-endpoints.3. … or any other ISO 15926 endpoint you like (provided it doesn’t require authorization).4. Search, navigate and edit popular reference data files distributed publicly, including ISO 15926-4, PCA RDL and ISO 15926-8 templates.5. ... or any other ISO 15926 files you like.6. Create your own reference data, project data or templates from scratch.7. Make conversion of reference and project data from TabLan.15926 Excel tables (.xlsx) to ISO 15926.


Introduction to .15926 Editor (v0.81) ....................................................................................... 1 Basics ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 Walkthrough .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Feedback .............................................................................................................................................. 25


In .15926 Editor almost all basic commands are available both through menu or through keyboard shortcuts. Drag-n-drop technique is extensively used for fast editing throughout the program.

Menu entities and shortcuts are marked by italic below.

Python console (Ctrl+`) – opens console window, used for internal diagnostics and possibly for other complex activities in the future versions.Save (Ctrl+S) – saves file opened in current window.Save as... (Ctrl+Shift+S) – saves file opened or data downloaded in current window under another name.Exit (Alt+X) – exits application. If you have unsaved files the notification will appear.

There are no default "Open..." or "New..." commands, as you have many different things to open or create in various menus.

Standard Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) commands provide a safe editing environment.

Insert new item (Ins) – adds new properties to entities, adds new templates and new roles to templates (but it is not used for new reference and project data entities!).

Delete item (Del) –deles data entities, properties, templates and roles.

In .15926 Editor you can work with each data source (file or endpoint) in any number of windows. You can start navigation from entity in focus by opening a new view using Open in separate view (F12 or middle mouse button).

Each data source window has a “filter” box or a “search” box on top. Which option is available in which case is described below. If your newly opened window looks empty, try using this box.

Both search and filter are working only for the entity name field. There is no wildcard support in this version, all searches look for a substring (case-insensitive). Empty search request (strike Enter with cursor at the box) looks for all named entities in the data source. Please be careful with really large data sources, local or remote!

Filtering is performed on the fly as each new character is added to filter box.

You can resize and rearrange windows in a usual way, through Window menu. Font size in any window can be changed by Ctrl+MouseWheel (increase/decrease) and Ctrl+0 (restore default), which is very convenient for public presentations.

More menu items will be explained below.

The list of icons you can see in various views:

Some operations (searches, window closing with memory cleanup, etc.) require significant time. If the program appears frozen or non-replying, please allow for some patience! Useful diagnostics in case of serious problem can be copied from system

window accompanying .15926 Editor window.


1. Viewing data model

Data model menu allows viewing of built-in data types used to organize ISO 15926 data.

The XML Schema Types menu item allows viewing of data types list inherited from XML Schema and used for representation of strings, numbers, dates and the like.

ISO 15926-2 upper ontology can be also accessed from Data model menu. You can open one of three variants, which differ by namespaces and URI styles – as used in PCA RDL, as used in RDS/WIP and as prescribed by Part 8. Let’s choose PCA RDL version.

The view has a filter box, and all entity types are loaded immediately. You will see the full list of ISO 15926-2 types organized alphabetically. This data source is built in the software and is opened as read-only. You can see number of types displayed with current filter and total

number of types (201 of course). Try to type "spec" in the filter.

By expanding the node in the tree you can see for any type its subtypes, supertypes and roles (EXPRESS attributes). In the property grid below you can find URI, name and entity description from the Part 2. Fields in property grid are grey here, which means you can't edit them (but you can always select by double clicking and copy the content).

2. Viewing public endpoints and files

Lets start from Public files menu.

Part 4 file is a representation of Part 4 tables in a legacy RDF format and can be downloaded from http://rds.posccaesar.org/2009/08/OWL/ISO-15926-4_2007. It can be opened by selecting Open Part 4 file… menu item.

For project and reference data a view window has a "search" field instead of a "filter", because there is no possibility to update filter on the fly for big datasets or SPARQL-endpoints.

You can navigate through the file (which has 9566 named entities; you can load them all with an empty string or try looking for “pump”). Navigation allows you to move between data sources. Try selecting the Part 2 type of any entity (rdf:type in Properties node group) and press F12.

To open PCA RDL select Open PCA RDL as a file… menu item and find RDL.owl file. You will need PCA-RDL.owl.zip file downloaded from http://rds.posccaesar.org/downloads/PCA-RDL.owl.zip (the file is sometimes updated, use the newest version available) and unzipped.

PCA RDL is relatively big, so you can see loading progress. You can continue work with the program while big datasets are loaded.

When the file is loaded, you can type "celsius" and press Enter to start search.

For any entity there are Properties and Relationships node groups. Selecting entity you can see literal properties in property grid below the tree, in more convenient way.

Now you can go to Public endpoints menu and select Reference data from PCA RDL (SPARQL endpoint ver.) menu item.

Search for "celsius" again. You can see the same reference data entity in SPARQL-endpoint version of PCA RDL. Please notice URI difference. There are many cases in ISO 15926 world when data is "nearly the same" but not identical. You must know the data you are going to work with!

Let’s look at templates. The RDF graph for templates is built according to its own specific rules, therefore template extraction from data sources is always performed via a separate menu item. If a single data source (file for example) contains both templates and other reference data types (which is in violation of standard requirements) it should be opened twice under corresponding menu items.

Lets go to Public files menu and select Open Part 8 base and proto templates as a file... menu item. Then locate p7tpl.owl file (look in the samples catalog of .15926 Editor distribution).

There is a “filter” box in all template viewing windows. Try to type "magn" and open LowerUpperMagnitudeOfPropertyRange template node to see the roles of the template.

You can save all data downloaded from endpoint in a current session to a file by selecting Save as... menu item or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+S. If you are working with a local file, Save as... saves always an entire file.

Please be aware that if an endpoint is down or there are problems with connection useful diagnostics and error code can be found only in system window accompanying .15926 Editor window.

3. Editing

Let's move to editing. Open PCA RDL as a file and also open a corresponding version of Part 2 types.

Drag ClassOfScale from Part 2 window and drop it on Reference and project data... tree root in PCA RDL window. Dialog box will appear. You can enter a label and an URI for new entity, both optional. In this version of the software URI will be generated automatically in the format http://example.org/rdl#itemNNNNNNNN. Esc can interrupt editing. Press Enter to finish creation.

New data entity created as an instance of ClassOfScale. You can delete entity later, using Del

key or Delete entity item in Edit menu.

You can edit existing properties (white fields in a property grid below the tree). For adding new literal property press Insert on Properties node. The dialog box will appear and allow you to choose from the list of properties valid for PCA RDL and fill in its value. Esc can interrupt editing, Enter finishes property editing.

New property is created. And also can be deleted with Delete. Please test Undo/Redo commands also.

Let’s now add an unnamed instance of Classification to our file. Find Classification in Part 2 window and drop it again on Reference and project data... tree root in PCA RDL window. Press Enter.

Then drag our new Units of measure for project NNN entity and drop it on the Properties node of new Classification instance. Now you can choose appropriate role of Classification to fill (be aware – no type control here in this version!).

Do the same for existing DEGREES CELSIUS reference data entity and assign it an appropriate role of hasClassified. New Classification instance is created.

If you open DEGREE CELSIUS in separate view window with middle mouse button (or F12) dragging can be more comfortable.

The same editing principles apply to templates.

Clicking on Templates from… tree root and pressing Ins creates new template.

Dragging existing template to Templates from… tree root creates specialized template. Specialization works correctly only in the same file! You can drag between different views of the same file of course.

Pressing Ins on Roles node of a template creates new role. New role is always created with xsd:string type restriction. You can change this later using XML Scheme types, 15926-2 types or RDL items.

Dragging Part 2 type, XML Schema type or reference data entity and dropping it on template role changes role type. Again, no type control here for now, so you can restrict a role in a specialized template by quite inappropriate entity.

You can also change type of restriction for a template role by clicking twice on Restricted by value value field in property grid and selecting “True” or “False” value.

Pressing Del deletes templates or roles.

Dragging roles changes role order.

4. Presets

The preset is very important concept in .15926 Editor. Information about logical dependencies, translations from URI to QName, properties available for various kinds of entities, etc – all these data is embedded in .15926 Editor data structures as presets. All data sources in .15926 Editor are opened in the context of a particular preset.

Presets are engineered according to user data modeling requirements for data sources and metadata types. Each node in a preset is defined by a very simple Python code in .15926 Editor source code module. Presets can be easily added to the source code. Some preset parameters (like location of particular files in this software version) can be made available for editing by software user.

When you’re opening items from menus Data model, Public endpoints or Public files presets are invisible because dependencies are simple and well known. Other more complex presets are visualized as a special window opened after you select a menu item. Preset window contains nodes referencing to data sources used in this preset. Nodes in the preset can be opened from preset window with middle mouse button (or F12) except for nodes marked as (internal).

Preset Demo is created for the cases where you have some ISO 15926 data in RDF/OWL, but are not sure about metadata conventions and dependencies used. With all three versions of Part 2 identification, namespace "meta" definitions, etc it gives you a maximum chance to visualize correctly some given data source – file or endpoint with data on classes, individuals or templates. Another use for this preset is for experiments with creation of new data and new templates with maximum flexibility.

Look at p7tpl.owl opened in Preset Demo.

Preset Rosatom is designed to allow viewing of legacy data from Rosatom pilot ISO 15926 project used as a test data for .15926 Browser (http://techinvestlab.ru/files/dot15926v04alpha4/dot15926_v04_alpha4.rar). This is a preset with dependencies between local files containing class, instance and template data and RDS/WIP endpoint.

Preset Tablan is a preset with data conversion capabilities. Using Preset Tablan you can convert to ISO 15926 data from TabLan.15926 table language put in Excel files (.xlsx). These tables are designed for formalized information extracted from engineering project technical requirements documents. Conversion process creates reference data entities: classes, relationships and template instances in Part 8 format, which can be further used to build project RDL able to facilitate data exchange between CAD/CAE systems, organize data in PLM systems or facilitate requirement’s traceability and verification.

TabLan.15926 is just an example of a simplified Gellish-like table language which can be mapped and translated to ISO 15926. Detailed description of TabLan methodology and formats and its mapping to ISO 15926 will be published by TechInvestLab.ru separately in a near future.

Sample TabLan file Example_One.xlsx is included in the samples catalog of .15926 Editor distribution.

The mapping of TabLan to ISO 15926 data structures is described by a simple software code in special .15926 Editor source code module using domain-specific language build on Python.

To use Preset Tablan first set locations for p7tpl.owl and PCA RDL files. TabLan data is linked to PCA RDL reference data and p7tpl templates are instanced during the conversion.

Then chose Import project and reference data from .xlsx table… menu item and locate Example_One.xlsx file. You'll see long list of dependencies. Wait for PCA RDL to load.

Notice Namespace and annotations for http://techinvestlab.ru/ISO15926 among the preset nodes. This is a namespace for custom meta: attributes used to contain alternate Russian and English named of an entity

Click on Excel spreadsheets... node with middle mouse button (or select and press F12) and

console window will appear. You will see if there were any errors during conversion. Name of the last node in preset now has (generated from …) descriptor attached.

Now you can open new window from this node. If you want to see all named entities – just search for an empty string. Now you can navigate the tree and see relationships created between generated reference data.

You can use Save as… (or Ctrl+Shift+S) and save result to a new file. Or you can change something in the source table, save it and repeat conversion without closing or reloading preset.


If you have any questions or suggestions you can send email to dot15926@gmail.com .

We are using .15926 English/Russian community http://community.livejournal.com/dot15926/ for our discussions. It is open for reading and requires registration for posting/commenting. Please register at http://www.livejournal.com and ask for community membership at email above. Notes

Elephant icon by Martin Berube is used for .15926 software according to terms at http://www.iconarchive.com/show/animal-icons-by-martin-berube/elephant-icon.html
