˘ˇ...2018/03/14  · The Punjab Anand Karaj Bill 2017. to move that the Punjab Anand Karaj Bill...

Post on 19-Jul-2020

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14�����2018 ������� 1408 ���������� ������� �������� ���14�����2018 ����� !"����25��#$����%&1439'� ()��*�+,�-����./0

14�����2018 ������� 1409 1 23�4�5�- �6

14�����2018 ������� 14101401 �7� ��������()��8�9 :414�����2018 ;<����=>?�;�@ABC �;��DE�D0��FG ���0 H�I�JKLM NOM PQ�R�S���;��'T�% ���U�V�=W���;�����0�4%X�=Y 'Z� ��;�����[�=��������\ ] �2����������4^_� X�8a�['�b'� c;��dD '=e_�4%f The Punjab Anand Karaj Bill 2017. to move that the Punjab Anand Karaj Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Human Rights and Minorities Affairs, be taken into consideration at once. to move that the Punjab Anand Karaj Bill 2017, be passed. MR RAMESH SINGH ARORA: MR RAMESH SINGH ARORA:

14�����2018 ������� 1411 1402 �;%�d �.%�%��? 'g�h�ij�%k �� -�l��Xm��n op�q��r�s�*;��%��t�V�u��v�w�8���[�=����(� 'xy z{|}~� �����[��%��;����������U�w��I������������;��4���������;�!������h�*����=�w��X��#��������[�=�A�����;��������������;�� �w��¡���¢�£� h� ¤I� [� =¥�9�� V� *;��%�� t� �w� �X�;� ¦§�w�=Y�©�0�ª�«¬­�[�®�(��v�w�8���[�=����(�� ��§����¯�=�Ue�v��8I�[�°j��±A�²�R��³´��µ¶ �·�I�¸¹�h �� -�º»�¼e�½�r �¾��¿���À�� �Á�v�w�4�Â�Ã���[�Ä W%�v�w�8���[�=����(�Å� ��� Æ� �Ç� ��� ÈR� É� �;�� �\� ��Ê� ���� ��À��ËX��[����Ì\�ª�Í�Î�w�Ï���¿Ð���;���¢�%�X>�ËX�R�=e_�s��s�����(���8I�¸%�¢��Ñ����Ò�[%��Ì\�Í�v�8I�[��X�Ó� %�Æ�Ï���Ò���Ô�¸�Õ �Ö�8I 2� �×��Ø�Ù �!�� V� *;��%�� t� �Å� V� � vw� 8��� [� =���� (�Ú�Û�;�¿¡�R�*Ü��;Ý�Þß�àá��â�V��ã�@;��[�%�äI�å����æ��çI�è�ß�V��X��=e_�é¬ 3� �ê��%­�ë���iì �í�¢���Û�;�¿¡�s�@�A�(���î��vw�8���[�=����(��:� h� ïð� ��ñ� ª� D�� (�� òð� [� ó� �� *��ô� õ�8I�¸�;Ð

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14�����2018 ������� 1414 `X;��� e_� 4%f� v�"� .Ð�<� �=� �� �¡�� �RS� ¦>�L�M��TU� � � =���b��v�> �?@A���������;����V���W�8�9w�[���E �s�����V�(��¿��F��G���5 �`X ��8I�¸� `X;��� e_� 4%f� v�"� .Ð�<� �=� �TU � � =� �¡�� �RS� ¦>�L�M�����b��� �2 �8I 1405 6� ��oXYZ[ PM\] �=e_�4%f���b:�=e_�4%f �;�����' `X;��� =e_�4%f�v�"�.Ð�<��=�����oXYZ[ PM\] ^���b��v�>�?@A���8�9 �_w�[���E�s�����V�(��¿��G���F��8I�¸���5 � X `X;��� =e_�4%f�v�"�.Ð�<��=�����oXYZ[ PM\] ^���b�8I����2 b� �8;ô�`���abM��\Mc�������de;�¦>�L�M��=f,��=e_�4%f���� :�=e_�4%f ö;�����' `X;��� e_� 4%f�v�"�.Ð�<��=��=�� ��abM��\Mc������de;�¦>�L�M��=f, ��8;ô������v�>�?@A��7;r��`r����@g����8�9�����V�(��¿ w�[���E�s��F��G���8I� ���5�`X `X;��� �"�.Ð�<��=����v=e_�4%f���de;�¦>�L�M��=f,� ��abM��\Mc���� ��8;ô�����8I����2 �� #��%�hi�jk'�KC =e_�4%f�����:�=e_�4%f b;�����' `X;��� �v�"�.Ð�<��=��#��%�hi�jk'�KC =e_�4%f������l� ���m�� [� ��2� [� (�� �;�� � � ¿�� � �5`X� R��� ��� ����� ��� no�^�À� � h�3p� �QQb��4^_�V�23��4^_�V��^�À�4Ðq� �VQö�8I���r ����s�[ `X;��� � v�"� .Ð�<� �=� �#��%�hi�jk'�KC =e_� 4%f������v�> �?@A��=e_8�9s�����V�(��¿w�[���E���F��G���8I� ���5�`X

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14�����2018 ������� 1417 ¤�©��£���(��ª��� �«�U� ��Ð�D¬�­R�µ;���®� �;�(269)��¥'s�4���[�|� ��� �;� �Æ��Ö%º������*¯°��;��w�±I���(��|��e���²����¸�;Ð������òð(270) غلبالااالا وماعلينo

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14�����2018 ������� 1441 ¥��� ���¸�Ú��+ � ���D���Û�s� ����%� Ð�ä�%��sI�Ú� ��� �;�� w� Ü����¿� Q�R�ù���¡'KLM NOM P�¾���V�8�� Q�R�S�hir�¾g�k�'KLM NOM P ×��hirÓ�A�Ø� ��%å�Ñ� ��� �;�� ¡�Ý� �����hir� �� ¡�¡Á� pI Q�R�S(�'KLM NOM P�Ú�B�������s�Ý�×��hir��w��Ð�A��4�9��� Q�R�S�hir'KLM NOM P��w��¡ ã�s�%�>���ú�ù�h�Þ�µIp��;��*�,��¢ û�öQ�-¢b �3¸��Å��ù-��`X;���u��-v�"�ä���=ü��X�e�4��X�! 'Z�  �*�,��;���I�¢ã�À�s�%�>���NT ' ��ß�à���6���Õ�/>�h�=á�á��I�io�À�V�í��Þ��µIp�s��%��� �� �Xâ;� ��p�V�=��8¡�/�%�¦§�V����[�(����Þ��U�h�=���;���I Täê '/ �� ��p�V�=�Î� �;ã� ��;ã�À�;�8¡��ä��=�Î�À�h�s�=����;���I Täê���[�¢ã '% ��4%������¿Ð��ä����=�Î��;ã������(����Æ����Õ�f���*¥����w�� T ����¥U;�[ � X;u�-'���X��ø�*Ý 'Z� s��%�>���N3���;����I�¢ã���A� �*�,��H� ' ��ß�à���6�� �s��%�>��� �N� �Õ �/>�Ð��Û�h32�b��/�%��µIp���Þ�� � ���o �õ��p�8¡�����¢ã��Þ����;��=�Î��;����w�6 ��%�O�R��[�=��� '/ ����ß�à���6Õ�/>��Ð�Û�h32�b��s����o32��������;���8¡��ä���=�Î ��w�¢���;ã���Î

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14�����2018 ������� 1445 ��=�� ��ûÐ��Ñ��v�U�D���������V��ø�4���V�_�4��%���j��w�D����X ��(�Ó�s�D���Ó�X�����! �¿¡�X���;�¦D�s�D��"9�V�(������X���;Å�v�U� �X���;�(%�s�#������;��V�D�� ����$ �h�s�� �V�� ¨�w�Á�����%�&���*Ü�'ø�%U¬�*¥;���V�¥� �����Å�v�w�j(��� �8I��%��XI��[�¿Ð���s�=����R�(��Ð��%���?�hi�����= ��´ -z�ù��Õ�¿>��U�������8�����= �(�J���{�|��I�� -(���%�ø�½�r�ù�I�)õ����8������ ���s�w�¥��Î�()��h�4���Ír�A�z��¸>�Æ��U�ª������Õ�ª��Î�*¡�¥� -z�ù��>��U���(��w�)õ�/>����8�����= ���¿�À>� � �#�����À> �Ö�8I ���� '�¡�<�U :�A�9:Q��[pI���<�s�=���������� -z�ù:�A���Dy��Ü��ø�*Ý��Q��s�� �ö �pÐ�<�s�=���������[�.Ð�<�s�=���������v�*¡�å%���%�Æ� MIAN MUHAMMAD ASLAM IQBAL: Mr Speaker! I lay the Report of the Special Committee No.9. MR SPEAKER: The Report of the Special Committee No.9 has been laid.

14�����2018 ������� 1446 Now, the mover may move the motion for consideration of the report. ���� '6�����5�`X�U :�A��8�9�����Q MIAN MUHAMMAD ASLAM IQBAL: Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Report of the Special Committee No.9, be taken into consideration at once." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Report of the Special Committee No.9, be taken into consideration at once." Now, the motion moved and the question is: "That the Report of the Special Committee No.9, be taken into consideration at once." (The motion was carried.) -z�ù�À>�Dy��Ü��ø�*Ý V¼���.Ð :�A�������Q�*��h��Ô�E�[ MIAN MUHAMMAD ASLAM IQBAL: Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Assembly may agree with the recommendations of Special Committee No.9, as contained in the said Report." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Assembly may agree with the recommendations of Special Committee No.9, as contained in the said Report." Now, the motion moved and the question is:

14�����2018 ������� 1447 "That the Assembly may agree with the recommendations of Special Committee No.9, as contained in the said Report." (The motion was carried.) ¦±�� ²� °_'³Ù�� %´� *Ý -��~%�Ù� s� Ã��� [� =�A�z� ù��=+M � h�,� �� (���� �w� �¡�à� Ëê� ���JJW��{�~��j%� %-��� Æ�� �;��  ��Ð '*Ýy�z �  -z�ù��#�����À>�|&�*Ý ¦±��²�°_´�*Ý '³Ù��%-��%-�����=��¡����w�Ú�.�����z�ù , �v� �j%��=��h�*q��w��¡�à��M ����Ëê���I���{ VI�»½�=%�%-����� �� �/0%�k������ª�D%�V�*ÂR�V��v�¡�(1����*�Ï��M�v��)¨����=��¡,�v�*¡�¡ ���s��;�� �j%�%-��h�¿¡�à�Ëê���=+M�s���"� *¡�Åø� ��é�� (��;%� ���� � h� Û�8� V� =+M� � àá�� R�ÌP� #�A Æ�� �Ö¡� «� ¢;2� (1�� �� *ÂR� V� =+M� �;�� �� 8>� �3� h� (������ VU J�W~{�{J�~{V��*ÂR��M�4$����h�s�=�� ��$��4ø� �U�s���ð%�¢À�v�������(�����w�����JJW��{�~��'*Ýy�z � �j%�%-���Æ���;�� ��Ð -z� ù©W��W J»����« ©W��W J»����« ©W��W {� ~}� ØVI��«��Dy��Ü�� ø� *Ý �|&��¾��À>�.Ð���� -Dy��Ü��ø�*Ý�������;����À>�s�z�ù�=����*��v�*¡�§ �pÐ��%������ �A�5 �U�â�V�*6��;��*Ü�V��¿���Xd�(��/>���������l��¢m��h�D� �=����[�À>�s2}�{W�7��(��8¡�����#� �¿�U�¦§�V��Ë�ûªI�{���� ~�H� IJ��Å��;����À>�h�D%�8�R�(��s��w���á�*¡��Ð��%�����������=

14�����2018 ������� 1448 �=�A��;��w�b���*Ü�V�¡ �����9�w�Æ�b� � �¦D���z�ù����������h�Ê��V�À>�s��w�b���Ñ�V�s��Ö�*;Ð�«������¾��Ð�° � �� h�À>W�XI��~��V���� �Ä;� ¿���� � �� ��¾g� (�� v� Ö� *¡ � pÐ k�~�H� IJ�[�A�(���w�pÐW��V ����~{V���=�á �V�.X����;��=�á � �²��� ¡��Ð��:��[�����k��V�Ñ�E�Ð�$�¿�(��v�w�Ì�4�%�� ��w���(A�8 �R��;��~�H� IJ�U�[�(��â�V�*Ü�v��8I��W��V ����~{V��D�������â�V �·�¡�º>�Æ�R�=�� �6 �ê� -z�ù��h��V~���8I�� -Dy��Ü��ø�*Ý�ª���À>�z�ù�W��{~�*ÂR�À>� � �v�w��I�d�s�(��ª�¿���r�î��U�;��>�<���������F��V��A�Î�w������R�(��¿���v�w������w���r�=;������è� ��*���[�=��¦D�À>����;� �>�8&�Ù;�����s�A� � �d6��;��*Ü�V��òð�\�v��I�¡��ñ�¥��Ð�l��¢m��à­��;��>�à­�D7����*�À>�/>� ��ã�Æ�D»�=�R���*Ü�=�� �����;����w��I�º;��*ä���s�*?�[�=���ã[2}�{W�����W��{~���Å��;��w�[�#� �¿�À>��w��I�=������W��{~���À>�s�R�¥�w��I �Ð�<�%-�����*¡ �z� ù�!� *q� 8¡��Ð� #� � ª�">�À>� v� *¡� �Ð�@�� �� s �R�DA��Ä;����[�=�á��Å�8¡~�H� IJ�v��"�.Ð�� ��W»½ �� JV��{ª»� D������ r��B�C�h�*�m��Õ�V�*fp�v��¡�}»� � ��D�h��Ë�û7��(���F��V�4` E���¡�F�s�*ÀG�X��%�;%��;���������=­��X�H��U��%�Æ�I � �[�*�m��=��U��¿� *ÂR�À>� �/>� �w�§ � pÐ� J;�� �p� �� =�A� �;��À�� *��ù�� U� �w�§ �Jõ� U�ªI�{���� ~�H� IJ�� ¸%�K8���=�� �V�Ð� �� �v�w�¸ê����;���� ��w�µ��­I� �����[��[�Ô� �(��Ð�D�½�r� �B��U�h�s�=��;�� ��ñ �k��V�*Ü�V�µp�|�!Y�� ��ñ �L�V�=��À>��;������w�§ �pÐ���

14�����2018 ������� 1449 �z�ù�����(��v�*¡��Ð�@��sM���W�» »�¼�»��Ö�·¡��1�N� �R À>~�H� IJ��"�ä�;Ð -z�ù�����ü���À>�|&�*Ý �; W�� YòM P�\ Wó�� �iì-�z�ù���r�>�¦>�Þ�� -z�ù�¿�s��Z�#�����À>�ª��iìXI��~{V� JI~�¨�w�¸%Ð�#� ���� �#�����À>���.Ð���Ö�*;%��;��;+���À>�s ���\��;����[�=������ =e_�4%f 'é�¸���5�`X�U -z�ù� ���ß�/�%��R��7��V�/>�� ��Ð��;����;����[�=���������\���� �=e_�4%f�;��� �.%�%��?�g�h�ij%k �/����O��=e_�4%f���b MR SPEAKER: Now, we take up the Punjab Anand Karaj Bill 2017. First reading starts. Mr Ramesh Singh Arora may move the motion for consideration of the Bill. MR RAMESH SINGH ARORA: Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Punjab Anand Karaj Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Human Rights and Minorities Affairs, be taken into consideration at once." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Punjab Anand Karaj Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Human

14�����2018 ������� 1450 Rights and Minorities Affairs, be taken into consideration at once." �¬�� #)�A� ;� =e_� `X;(�� � ¦>�_�Â�z� ù-'=­�|�!P � p�� ����� VJJV�����(��9��sÐ�Æ0�»�V ���w�sÐ MR SPEAKER: Thank you. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Punjab Anand Karaj Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Human Rights and Minorities Affairs, be taken into consideration at once." (The motion was carried.) �; W�� YòM P�\ Wó�� �iì-��*¡�4 �pÐ�<�%-�����|&���%����s�z�ù -z�ù�s�ë��À>�iì��Ö�"%Ð�<�-�� CLAUSES 3 to 9 MR SPEAKER: Second reading starts. Now, we take up the Bill Clause by Clause. Now, Clauses 3 to 9 of the Bill are under consideration. Since there is no amendment in these Clauses, the question is: "That Clauses 3 to 9 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 2 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 2 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 2 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 1

14�����2018 ������� 1451MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 1 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 1 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) PREAMBLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Preamble of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Preamble of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) LONG TITLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Long Title of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Long Title of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) MR SPEAKER: Third reading starts. Mr Ramesh Singh Arora! MR RAMESH SINGH ARORA: Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Punjab Anand Karaj Bill 2017, be passed." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Punjab Anand Karaj Bill 2017, be passed." Now, the motion moved and the question is: "That the Punjab Anand Karaj Bill 2017, be passed." (The motion was carried.) (The Bill is passed.) Applause! �¬��#)�A�;�=e_� X;(���s�z�ù-'=­�|�!P �p�� �����(A�h�=����Xd�(��V (��v�U������;�����Q����%��R�¿¡����V V¼�W�U��Xd��;����9���V�üý�þ��� þ��#�A�h�R�;�[�=���� �%U¬�s��(�[�=����(���v�#�A�s�=�A��v�U�üý�

14�����2018 ������� 1452�Xd�(�� ��¾�� ���¡�=��s��� �k�������;�� ���Ï�����4;� �%�>� �R�*q�� ����*¡��Ð�<�%-���h�¦ð��[�����X��*Ý��S�{��`X;��;���[�=��� 'ú�8¥�4û ¦±��²�°_ݳÙ�� %´�*-'��;��å��� �T`%�����*�Ï�þ�����z�ù (��/>��;�� �<�U�4�����[�JJWV¼�»��� �R�<�%-�����üý�þ�=�á ��Å�V�.X�� �� ��Ð -z�ù�������ü�¬�����;����#���`X;� �� ;���� #��� `X; � �¬���ìí� ý���� � ù-'�s�å� h�¡�z� ù �ù�(���/>�������;�����Q�������£�h�¡ �s��*¡��Ð�<�%-���ü��R�¿¡�(A�V �Ð�u�`X;��;�� ����X�� �ø�*Ý�=e_`X;�*¡��V�J����� �=­�|�!P �p��V� ª�}�»U VU ½��»U �� 0�»» �� V� ª�}�»U VU ~}� x�J�W~ ��~«�U�å� h�¡ � ¿�_�Â� (� 2}W{�~{�� {�VW{~{���8�;Ð� rõ�� 4;� �� �¡� Æ� rõ�� Wp� ò~� V �� �¿�s�î� %U;��V�(��Î� �s>��¸��� W%��³�������g�V��(��Xd�=e_�`X;�� W�XI��~��� �[k��V���%p�V�(���¿�*���K� � ��~~��} ��~�ª�VVW��W��I���� �¥ " M#% ��w�ì¡����R1{�VW{~{��� ��X�� �ý�¦D�¢��� �;�s¡�Æ�rõ��v�U�*¸%Ô�[�� ��w�s¡�rõ��R�*¥;���ý� ��C M YZm��;����[�[�*Ü��9�*�¸%Ô�R�¹�[�;\�*q��� �����=��w�s�]��v�U�üý�����;���_�Â8���s����(����Ï�;\�����v�U�ã (��¿�.X������â��VI���{ VI� ¼V~���s��ª��â�V�(����¸�;Ð�(A�ª���(���;�� " M#% �K��;��_�Â�=e_`X;��*¡���*���� z�ù���/>�~ »��~ ªI~ �V~ »���~�ù��k�� �k�V�=���;�� � � ��;�����Q��òð��¥�� �8¡�!�R�*q�þ�h�Ä%������;���������=e_�`X;�Xd��w�¸���¿ �� ��;��_�¾��k��V�=�A�4;� �ª� �� �*Ð� �=�A���a�þ�v�b��� ��Ð �� 

14�����2018 ������� 1453 �z� ù�� *c� v� w� �¡�dø�Ù� � {�VW{~{��� s� ���� V»�|{�»�~{V� ���Å���;�� �w��¡�W��{~��;��d�er!������X��ø�*Ý�=e_�`X;� ����À>��w��I�� ����ü ��;�����Q��ùâV�¿Ð�����â�z�ù-�����/>��Z�Ö�"%��;������~;��@³�� ��*¡�§ �pÐ��%�������=�� �!�=�á �Xd�R�*q�ª�e�s��w�j¬�.�����ü� �U���ß�4;�w�@A��%ÔR��Â�f�h�#U����¬�D���`;� ³ �g �h� ³ �g �Oi��Ð��p�Ì��À����Í�4;�¢�w�XÄ��/>�s��� �å�h�¡ � ��Æ�j������(���;��w�k���Í�4;�¢w�����;���l��r����,!���À>� �â�V�(��w��¡�m��Ã���U�s�=����(o�(�� �V����`X;���������ìí�ý���� �ù�¬������ª{��~� �X�����;��=�á�Xd�ù���%�������.�v�w�Ô�n�s�o�V�Ä%�(��=�A���Z�*¡���Ð��<�%-����R� �(����=���;�� �*¡��Ð�R�.õ���/ �þ�R��l�4^_��/>�R�*л�|{�»�~{V�'ú�8¥�4û ��w��¡ *¡���Ð��%����ª����Ð�F;���s�z�ù�s��*¡�%p��ò��V�(���;YZ�w��¡�q���dø� �å�rw�V�*�j%�[��*¡��Ð��%�����ª��������iì�4â�;�¾�s�=����(��V�����v�Q3b�[�üý�þ�ë�VW�JW����~�~{V����(���;����>�W��{~� �ª�V �VIª~�*Ý��%��´ø�*Ý��;������X�ø���w��I������X�e �z�ù(��s���� �|�!P �p���â�V��=­���Z� �w�Ó�4;� �*;Ð��%�����ªs�� (��s�=%�¥����¿�s��� ¸>�Ð�Û��=e_�`X;�Xd� ���(��h�{��I���[�=��D»t� � �� �IJJVW~��µ��k���´�â�R�j¬�ý�¿�*�����;�IJJVW~��w��=e_�`X;�Xd��å�¿ ���(�����;��w�å��T`%���À>����v�ã�G���µ�=%�IJJVW~��k��k��V�(���;�� ��Ðu� ���� [� =��  ��� s� ��� � � v� U� !��vä�r� �;�� !�� �'¶� �d�er!�[� �IJJVW~���µ� �z� ù� s� =e_� `X;� Xd��*¡� =w� ;� �V� ���� ��u� ���� [� =�� �;� l��r�����â�ó�¿�*��� � �x��´�;�moral support��(�� �;���%�����s

14�����2018 ������� 1454 � ����â�¿�*����õ���;+�[�|&�r���*Ð�*Ð�â�ªsupport������=W��s�R�¥�R�*q��*¡��Ð��%�����ª���u�[�=���;��ìí�ý����òð�C���*¡��Ð��%�����ª�¿�y�V�=���;��4;��Z�*¡��Ð��%�����ª���=W��s� �������ª�|&��'¶���������support���� �z�ù.X���s�V�=��s�A�?@�� ��Z�*¡��Ð��%�����ª��� �¿�*����=�ásupport���v�Ö�*¡ �p��R�r�î��������s����������w��¡�(A�/> ��;�(���F��V�=�A��Z�w��¡�m��Ã�����25�s��;��w�üý�þ�µ?�V�O� ¡���v�*¡�minority��ª��F��Vminority�������;��=�A�h�ïð�¥�Î�w ���*z�¿���carry���;Ð��Ír��;�(³��R�*Ð�¸ð���{�Æ� �D¼�[�(W��w��/ �;\�.õ��[��%Ô�[�*z�h�|��ª�ª��R�*¥;� �} �þ�4%¸X�h��V�~� �î�[�þ�ª�ª��R�*¥;��w�s¡�definition����;\���v�w��I�G���þ���w�s¡ part� µP�\bM���A�þ�����R�*¥;��w����[�|���£�U�w�;\� ����%`�þ� �;��w M ����� �¡����¢À�[��%�w �¡�����[�¸ð��4;�w¨�Ð�¡��ñ �R�*¥;����;�ý���¨ / �þ�v� ��¡�w��;��p;�������C������Î�8I�[��X��=e_�8¡�j%�j¬�R ���¡�Æ�����[�=W��È�h�|� �z�ù��Ð�<�ú�/���R����(������'�¾���;�� ����[�=�A�s î�v�*¡�V�*z�ª�related����(W��ó���w�¸>�b� �����priority��8¡�j% ���(�consider���v�w��>�R�*q�/>�D¼����[�¥�w�é�������(��p¡�(A�R��l�E4;�¡�_�Â�ª����w �[�=�A��;���À�#�A�v�w��Ð��X��[�������*���¾��ó carry��[�=�A�v� �ö �6%��������ñ�Ä%��� �w�sÐ��� ��ñ���=W�� �;��w�sÐ�ó���=W���;��w�sÐ����ó�h�*����carry���w�sÐ� -z�ù�e�V�=�A���»� �e�]����À>�ù��À>��� �;\�4;�w � ����ª �V�¡ �=W�� ���� � �þbasic rights�� �9�9

14�����2018 ������� 1455 -��;���� �Q��ù��w�/�%�s��>������,�� �w�������ñ��À>�z�ù4%¸X�h�X�����ó��;����Æ�]��ª�È���À>�ù��¿���Î��à­�w�� ����V�j%�(��s��>�s��w�é� ¸%���� 4%¸X�h�¡ �ó���üý�þ�v�*¡�¡ �s�R��l�5��s��C�;�(�[�=�A�Ð�$�¡ �����Ð��C��,������%�=%�òð�C��=�A�v�k��8¥�4û ��%��4FX�=�A��.Ð��%����%Ð'ú -z�ù����Ô �; W�� YòM P�\ Wó�� �iì-��w�#Ð����¿�s�z�ù -Ô�l��4µÄ�iì����z�ù� -z�ù�åiì��.%� �Ð��������; W��YòM P�\ ó� �{�;�#���;���`X;��l��r�� �;��*¡�§ �pÐ����ª�s�z�ù-' ù-z���ä��� �{�;�#���;���`X;�ç�Ð����iì�å�z�ù-'�;���l��r�� MS SHUNILA RUTH: Mr Speaker! Thank you. I would like to first welcome the most Honourable Members of the Sikh community who are here today. �z�ù��s�*�Ï�þ�ù��â�V�(��w�����æ��U�¿���/>�v�*¡� ������;���v��¡����µ����*¡�sÐ�<�%-�������A�����Æ�U�s>�Ð�Û�_�Â��á ����R����Z� ��Ð�<� %-�����=���� %U;��V�(��Î��>�Ð�Û�����ã� ����#���8�9��A�?@�~%�Ù�s��R�`��������;��R�j(��[�.X��;��¬���� n����;��Ã��������#������w�¸>�h�A�?@�U�w;��¬����n������s�R�¥�ã %�%-�����A������;����;�����Q�'ú�8¥�4û ��*¡�� -z�ù����;���l��r���������r�>�����r�>

14�����2018 ������� 1456 �{�;�#���;�� �`X;�z�ù-'�;���l��r�� ������;������s�å�h�¡*¡� �Ð�<� %-��� ��üý�þ� ���� �;�� ��;�����Q�� h� ¦ð� [� ����� �s�,� ¿�À>� �w�I� �� =�A� ��� ��9� w� Æ� ��� [� *��²�� �.X���/> �*¥;�v��%�ªuntouchables���representation��U�w��¡�m��Ã���4;�*q��w�¤ üý�þ�s�=�A���¡�Æ�%U;��V�¿¡�üý��£�?��s�¸ð�� U���respect���;� recognition'ú�8¥�4û ��*¡��Ð�<�%-�����¡ �À>�s�R�(��w�¤ -z�ù���Ô�l��4µÄ�iì�� -Ô�l�� 4µÄ�iì��z �ù����s�òð�C��[����ª��¿�, � Xd�òð�¥ [�.X�����|&���;�����Q����h�¤I� -z�ù��w������;�����Q� -Ô�l��4µÄ�iì�(��h�¤I�[�����;��.X���s�z�ù�����R�¿�Ð�(A����F��V�,��:��[�=+M�v�G�ª��¿�|&�r���òð�¥��*¡�sÐ�<�%-���¿�*����;���>untouchables���'�.X���Xd�î�ã��;��U�å�`%� �Î�[����[ ���,�s�=+M�¿ -z�ù�'��;��ë Tw���2 ���s�(��� �Ò��¡ �À>�|��!Ô� -Ô�l��4µÄ�iì���#����%&�Ëê�V�,�z�ù� -z�ù�� ��£���# -Ô�l��4µÄ�iì��s��6 �[��¨��*q�Å�[����¿��'�.X���î�z�ù[�¿¡��£��;��w�u���£��v�*¡����â��) ����D����������h���*¡�sÐ���>�@�;�s�â�(��w��¡�O%��;��(�������R�(� ø�(� '0�Ð���>�@�;�h�=����Ô�l��4µÄ�iì�R�÷

14�����2018 ������� 1457 µFY�[���� -C¤�¦�j�ø�ù��w�Æ���������z�ù -z�ù���8I�[� ��¨�w��¡�µFY�[������ R�÷ø�(� 6 �[� ' ¡ �â�V�x��A��¨�w�Æ���������äI��a�* R�÷ø�(�'0 ��a�*¡�â�V�x��A -z�ù��8I�[� �� '6 �[� �R�÷ø�(� ���w���������w�sI�[��;����;����� ����;�������� �¢��� U �0�ê��R���[�=���' -z�ù�������������������ß�/�%�R��7��V�/>��;�� ��Ð��;����;� -w���;��� �« Ý�½{�| VU í�JVW~� �« 2V��{��W�~{V� ��� J����|� VU ~}� £{»» ������r>���[�����d�er�������������r����� ���D���r>�8�9���ö!�6pI����R���[�=����� MR SPEAKER: The Special Audit Reports on Private Housing Schemes under GDA Gujranwala, MDA, Multan and FDA, Faisalabad, HUD & PHE Department, Government of the Punjab for the audit year 2015-16. Minister for Law may lay the Reports!

14�����2018 ������� 1458MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I lay the Special Audit Reports on Private Housing Schemes under GDA Gujranwala, MDA, Multan and FDA, Faisalabad, HUD & PHE Department, Government of the Punjab, for the audit year 2015-16. MR SPEAKER: The Special Audit Reports on Private Housing Schemes under GDA Gujranwala, MDA, Multan and FDA, Faisalabad, HUD & PHE Department, Government of the Punjab, for the audit year 2015-16 have been laid and referred to the Public Accounts Committee No. 2 for examination and report upto 31st May 2018. �����d�er����������������r��������¡����;����r>����[ �D���r>�8�9��������3!�ö������=�pI����R���[ MR SPEAKER: Special Audit Report on Water & Sanitation Agency (WASA) Lahore, HUD & PHE Department, Government of the Punjab, for the audit year 2014-15. Minister for Law may lay the Report! MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I lay the Special Audit Report on Water & Sanitation Agency (WASA) Lahore, HUD & PHE Department, Government of the Punjab, for the audit year 2014-15. MR SPEAKER: The Special Audit Report on Water & Sanitation Agency (WASA) Lahore, HUD & PHE Department, Government of the Punjab, for the audit year 2014-15 have been laid and referred to the Public Accounts Committee No.1 for examination and report up to 31st May 2018. d�er��������������r������)�R�*�;+�%�>��,�����-;�� �D���r>�8�9�������r>��s�( ��[��������ö!�6

14�����2018 ������� 1459 �pI����R�� �[�=����� MR SPEAKER: The Project Audit Report on construction of Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metro Bus Project, HUD & PHE Department, Government of the Punjab, for the audit year 2015-16. Minister for Law may lay the Report! MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I lay the Project Audit Report on construction of Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metro Bus Project, HUD & PHE Department, Government of the Punjab, for the audit year 2015-16. MR SPEAKER: The Project Audit Report on construction of Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metro Bus Project, HUD & PHE Department, Government of the Punjab, for the audit year 2015-16 have been laid and referred to the Public Accounts Committee No. 1 for examination and report up to 31st May 2018. �=e_���%f  �8���5�`X�U ' 6�ã��7;r��8;ô'�9 =e_�4%f���� MR SPEAKER: Now we take up the Bahawalpur Development Authority (Repeal) Bill 2018. First reading starts. Minister for Law may move the motion for consideration of Bill. MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Bahawalpur Development Authority (Repeal) Bill 2018, as recommended by Standing Committee on Housing, Urban Development and Public Health Engineering, be taken into consideration at once."

14�����2018 ������� 1460MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Bahawalpur Development Authority (Repeal) Bill 2018, as recommended by Standing Committee on Housing, Urban Development and Public Health Engineering, be taken into consideration at once." Since there is no amendment in it. Now, the motion moved and the question is: "That the Bahawalpur Development Authority (Repeal) Bill 2018, as recommended by Standing Committee on Housing, Urban Development and Public Health Engineering, be taken into consideration at once." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSES 2 & 3 MR SPEAKER: Second reading starts. Now, we take up the Bill Clause by Clause. Now, Clauses 2 & 3 of the Bill are under consideration. Since there is no amendment in these Clauses, the question is: "That Clauses 2 & 3 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 1 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 1 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 1 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.)

14�����2018 ������� 1461 PREAMBLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Preamble of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Preamble of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) LONG TITLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Long Title of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Long Title of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) MR SPEAKER: Third reading starts. Minister for Law! MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Bahawalpur Development Authority (Repeal) Bill 2018, be passed." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Bahawalpur Development Authority (Repeal) Bill 2018, be passed." Now, the motion moved and the question is: "That the Bahawalpur Development Authority (Repeal) Bill 2018, be passed." (The motion was carried.) (The Bill is passed.) '�KC� =e_�4%f%;J��HI���� MR SPEAKER: Now, we take up the Limitation (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018. First reading starts. Minister for Law may move the motion for consideration of the Bill.

14�����2018 ������� 1462MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Limitation (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, as recommended by Standing Committee on Law, be taken into consideration at once." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Limitation (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, as recommended by Standing Committee on Law, be taken into consideration at once." There is an amendment in it. The amendment is from: Mian Mehmood-ur-Rasheed, Malik Taimoor Masood, Mr Asif Mehmood, Raja Rashid Hafeez, Mr Ijaz Khan, Mr Muhammad Arif Abbasi, Mr Ejaz Hussain Bukhari, Dr Salah-ud-Din Khan, Mr Ahmed Khan Bhacher, Mr Muhammad Sibtain Khan, Mr Muhammad Shoaib Siddiqui, Mian Muhammad Aslam Iqbal, Dr Murad Raas, Mr Masood Shafqat, Mr Zaheer-ud-Din Khan Alizai, Mr Javed Akhtar, Mr Waheed Asghar Dogar, Mr Khan Muhammad Jahanzaib Khan Khichi, Mr Abdul Majeed Khan Niazi, Mrs Nighat Intisar, Mrs Saadia Sohail Rana, Dr Nausheen Hamid, Mrs Raheela Anwar, Ms Nabila Hakim Ali Khan, Mrs Naheed Naeem, Ms Shunila Ruth, Sardar Ali Raza Khan Dreshak, Mr Ahmad Ali Khan Dreshak, Mr Khurram Shahzad, Ch. Moonis Elahi, Ch Aamar Sultan Cheema, Mr Ahmad Shah Khagga, Dr Muhammad Afzal, Sardar Vickas Hasan Mokal, Mrs Khadija Umar, Sardar Muhammad Asif Nakai, Mrs Baasima Chaudhary, Qazi Ahmed Saeed, Sardar Shahab-ud-Din Khan, Makhdoom Syed Murtaza Mehmood, Makhdoom Syed Ali Akbar Mehmood, Rais Ibraheem Khalil Ahmad, Mian Khurram Jahangir Wattoo, Mrs Faiza Ahmed Malik, Khawaja Muhammad Nizam ul Mehmood, Dr Syed Waseem Akhtar and Mr Ehsan Riaz Fatyana. Any mover may move it.

14�����2018 ������� 1463MS SHUNILA RUTH: Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Limitation (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Law, be circulated for the purpose of eliciting opinion thereon by 15th March 2018." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Limitation (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Law, be circulated for the purpose of eliciting opinion thereon by 15th March 2018." MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I oppose. z�ù�¿�*���-VJJV�����.Ð����À>��w�� Wó� �iì W�YòM P�\�;z�ù-�(��s���¸%�j¬���¿Ð����R�(��â�¿�À>�����ü����� � s�¤�%��VJJV������w�é���U���æ����v�*¡�4 ��� ��s�9�*¡�µ�Ð�Æ ¥¥�[����{W��~{V��¥�w�é���R¥�U���æ��¦�����â�V��3�[�*ÂR�U�v�G�¿��� ����;��w�¥�I����KC���(��v�w����*���� ���w�µ�I����»{�{~��§�[�(��8I���[� (�� �� *ÂR�� �  ��>� Ð� Û�KC�¨�� ��� s� =e_� Í��� ª�î��Z� � 8I� [�0�W������å�vÖ�©�Æ�����*ÂR������w�s¡���;+�ü�=%��«���(��K�<�Xy��  �w�>�Ð�Û�4��;%�K���(�����;���é�¸%Ð�� ��pª�Õ�*ÂR���(��v�*¡���s�â�(�¿���v�"� ���â�À>���w���;+�ü0�ª�{~���*ÂR�s�����(��¿����¸%�D�r�R �U� �­R�À�s�����Î�¸%�ê��0�ª�{~���*ÂR��j���(��v�*¡���sT �«õ �����Z�) �pI�Õ '¬�=�ß� z�ù�iì�-

14�����2018 ������� 1464 �; W�� YòM P�\ Wó�� �iì�w�6 ��%�KC�U���h�¦ð�[�.X���v�<�µ��°���s�z�ù-���(��v�w���­���(��»{�{~���*ÂR��;��8I��������=e_������ª�î���8I�¸ê��(��h�(��­R�v�w��¡���;+�ü�s�(��w��¡�â�V��3�[�*ÂR�U��;�� �0�W�� ¥����;��é�¸%Ð�«���(��K�ã�=e_���å��Z�*¡¥�[����{W��~{V�h�4��;%�s�(��R� �KC���w�µ�I����¨����v�*¡���s��KC����*ÂR�) �#¡�§�[�(��Î�w �0�W�������s�(��¿�À>�v�w���Þ�����;%�s�(��� ���ã���;+�ü�â�V��%Q� ��½� UVW ~}� W�¼{�{V� VU ~}� �JJ»{��~{V�����(�����v�w�q�ª� ��s�(�� � " M#% ��»�½{�| ~��~{���î� �;�� �Ð� D��� R� �l� V�Q ��½� VW �� ��½� �4;�K� �� äI� 4� ¾��JJ»{��~{V����Ð�{Ä�� �z� ù(�K� �;�� w� ��;+�ü ��%� �� (�� v� w� D�� �´W�¼{�{V� �JJ»{��~{V����{�JV�� VU���®��K�v�¡�¢����6 ��%�Æ�% ����[�¿Ð���w����ç�D � �;��Ì�4�%� �� �´W��V ����~{V��v� �¡��»�½{�| ~��~{����U� â� V�°� h ªW�¼{�{V� �JJ»{��~{V���� (�� w�s>�{�JV�� VU��â� V� ¿Ð����»{�� �8I� [� ��s�=e_�4��;%�µ�â�V��%�p�����Z�·�$�p��±�;���*ÂR�v�����KC��� �w�µ�I����*ÂR�s�����V�(���8I�[�§�[�(�������v���*¡ �����s�²�(��0�W������­R�v��8I��%�V�UI����­R����*¡�¢�V�UI��������=��K��;�� ��I¡ w���=e_�v�s>�Æ�¥�ªT �z�ùw��������;%�v��»�½{�| ~��~{����¿¡����æ��â�V�³;��� �;��!¨�JJ»{��~{V��[�{�JV�� VU�� �º����»{������ *ÂR� v��) � #>� �;+� s� (� ��·�$�p��R��l�±�; z�ù���(��À>�-VJJV���T� �Ð�Æ�� �; W�� YòM P�\ Wó� ��iì���s�Æ�z�ù-W��V ����~{V�����;+�ü �vU��*¡�µ���% �����w

14�����2018 ������� 1465 z�ù�� � ���w���¯- �¬��#)�A;�=e_�`X;U�s�(��z�ù-'=­�|�!P � p�� Ý{ {~�~{V� 3�~ �Q����w �:�µ�V�(���ö�U��VW�¼{�{V��(��w�s¡�ä�%W�¼{�{V���=;� �D;������$Ô�s �U�R�(��v�� �ö �pÐ��»�½��(��w�V��V�����£������·I��JV�{~{¼� ��� {�VW � ��� ��~�� �� (�� wUIW~}�W ��»�½�� h�îÖ¡� Æ�}»�­� ��� h� ¿Ð��KC V¼���[�d�er!�����h�Å�w��¡0�ª�{~��R�»W���½��(����<� %U¬����s UIW~}�W �V��{��W�~{V�����w�Æ����û�; MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Limitation (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Law, be circulated for the purpose of eliciting opinion thereon by 15th March 2018." -¦±��² �=�á�Xd�z�ù3½����� � �¡�4%¸X -z�ù��¿�s��w�Æ�t���Æ��W�J��~�Æ�µ�� -¦±��² �=�á�Xd�z�ù�¿�*����;��w���D�0�¿�À>3½����w�¸%�° -z�ù�*p�w���¿�À>��� The motion moved is: "That the Limitation (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Law, be circulated for the purpose of eliciting opinion thereon by 15th March 2018." (The motion was lost.) Now, the motion moved and the question is:

14�����2018 ������� 1466 "That the Limitation (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, as recommended by Standing Committee on Law, be taken into consideration at once." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 2 MR SPEAKER: Second reading starts. Now, we take up the Bill Clause by Clause. Now, Clause 2 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 2 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 1 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 1 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 1 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) PREAMBLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Preamble of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Preamble of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) LONG TITLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Long Title of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Long Title of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) MR SPEAKER: Third reading starts. Minister for Law! MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move:

14�����2018 ������� 1467 "That the Limitation (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, be passed." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Limitation (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, be passed." Now, the motion moved and the question is: "That the Limitation (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, be passed." (The motion was carried.) (The Bill is passed.) OP�=e_�4%fL�M������� MR SPEAKER: Now, we take up the University of Sialkot Bill 2018. First reading starts. Minister for Law may move the motion for consideration of the Bill. MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the University of Sialkot Bill 2018, as recommended by Standing Committee on Education, be taken into consideration at once." µFY�[���� -C¤�¦�j�ø�ù��w�Æ���������z�ù -z�ù�[� ��w�6 �[�µFY�[��������8I '6 �[� �R�÷ø�(� ¨�w�Æ������������A���äI��a�*¡ �â�V�x R�÷ø�(� ���A�'0 ��a�*¡�â�V�x

14�����2018 ������� 1468 -z�ù��Xd=�á���8I�[� ��#�����R�*¶��¾��¾� R�÷ø�(�'�6 �[�  �6 �[� ¨�w����������w��w�sI�[��;����;����� C¤�¦�j�ø�ù�s�=������ ;�(����w�Æ���������z�ù-�Q��%U¬�=�á �  z�ù��w������������w�(����R����[�À>������r�>������r�>- C¤�¦�jø�ù�z�ù-�Q��á�� �= L�M���OP�=e_�4%f���� '��I��� z�ù¨�w�������������Æ���-���w�sI�[��;����;����� The motion moved is: "That the University of Sialkot Bill 2018, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Education, be taken into consideration at once." There is an amendment in it. The amendment is from: Mian Mehmood-ur-Rasheed, Malik Taimoor Masood, Mr Asif Mehmood, Raja Rashid Hafeez, Mr Ijaz Khan, Mr Muhammad Arif Abbasi, Mr Ejaz Hussain Bukhari, Dr Salah-ud-Din Khan, Mr Ahmed Khan Bhacher, Mr Muhammad Sibtain Khan, Mr Muhammad Shoaib Siddiqui, Mian Muhammad Aslam Iqbal, Dr Murad Raas, Mr Masood Shafqat, Mr Zaheer-ud-Din Khan Alizai, Mr Javed Akhtar, Mr Waheed Asghar Dogar, Mr Khan Muhammad Jahanzaib Khan Khichi, Mr Abdul Majeed Khan Niazi, Mrs Nighat Intisar, Mrs Saadia Sohail Rana, Dr Nausheen Hamid, Mrs Raheela Anwar, Ms Nabila Hakim Ali Khan, Mrs Naheed Naeem, Ms Shunila Ruth, Sardar Ali Raza Khan Dreshak,

14�����2018 ������� 1469Mr Ahmad Ali Khan Dreshak, Mr Khurram Shahzad, Ch Moonis Elahi, Ch Aamar Sultan Cheema, Mr Ahmad Shah Khagga, Dr Muhammad Afzal, Sardar Vickas Hasan Mokal, Mrs Khadija Umar, Sardar Muhammad Asif Nakai, Mrs Baasima Chaudhary, Qazi Ahmed Saeed, Sardar Shahab-ud-Din Khan, Makhdoom Syed Murtaza Mehmood, Makhdoom Syed Ali Akbar Mehmood, Rais Ibraheem Khalil Ahmed, Mian Khurram Jahangir Wattoo, Mrs Faiza Ahmed Malik, Khawaja Muhammad Nizam ul Mehmood, Dr Syed Waseem Akhtar, Mr Ehsan Riaz Fatyana and Mr Ali Salman. Any mover may move it. Since, no one wants to move it; the same is taken as withdrawn. C¤�¦�j�ø�ù��w�Æ��������z�ù- �C�;��±�u·� X;-'=�ø���F�Ô �z�ù�çä �¢��/��� �á �Xd�À> �; W�� YòM P�\ Wó�� �iì4;�¿���z�ù-��KC0{~}�W�0���w�û�Ð z�ù4;�¿�À>-��KC0{~}�W�0�T�w�û�Ð �; W�� YòM P�\ Wó�� �iì-�z�ù4;�¿������KC0{~}�W�0���w�û�Ð z�ù-����w�� Now, the question is: "That the University of Sialkot Bill 2018, as recommended by Standing Committee on Education, be taken into consideration at once." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSES 3 & 4 MR SPEAKER: Second reading starts. Now, we take up the Bill Clause by Clause. Now, Clauses 3 & 4 of the Bill are under consideration. Since there are no amendments in these Clauses, the question is: "That Clauses 3 & 4 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.)

14�����2018 ������� 1470 ADDITION OF NEW CLAUSE 5 MR SPEAKER: There is an amendment is this motion. The amendment is from: Mian Mehmood-ur-Rasheed, Malik Taimoor Masood, Mr Asif Mehmood, Raja Rashid Hafeez, Mr Ijaz Khan, Mr Muhammad Arif Abbasi, Mr Ejaz Hussain Bukhari, Dr Salah-ud-Din Khan, Mr Ahmed Khan Bhacher, Mr Muhammad Sibtain Khan, Mr Muhammad Shoaib Siddiqui, Mian Muhammad Aslam Iqbal, Dr Murad Raas, Mr Masood Shafqat, Mr Zaheer-ud-Din Khan Alizai, Mr Javed Akhtar, Mr Waheed Asghar Dogar, Mr Khan Muhammad Jahanzaib Khan Khichi, Mr Abdul Majeed Khan Niazi, Mrs Nighat Intisar, Mrs Saadia Sohail Rana, Dr Nausheen Hamid, Mrs Raheela Anwar, Ms Nabila Hakim Ali Khan, Mrs Naheed Naeem, Ms Shunila Ruth, Sardar Ali Raza Khan Dreshak, Mr Ahmad Ali Khan Dreshak, Mr Khurram Shahzad, Ch Moonis Elahi, Ch Aamar Sultan Cheema, Mr Ahmad Shah Khagga, Dr Muhammad Afzal, Sardar Vickas Hasan Mokal, Mrs Khadija Umar, Sardar Muhammad Asif Nakai, Mrs Baasima Chaudhary, Qazi Ahmed Saeed, Sardar Shahab-ud-Din Khan, Makhdoom Syed Murtaza Mehmood, Makhdoom Syed Ali Akbar Mehmood, Rais Ibraheem Khalil Ahmed, Mian Khurram Jahangir Wattoo, Mrs Faiza Ahmed Malik, Khawaja Muhammad Nizam ul Mehmood, Dr Syed Waseem Akhtar, Mr Ehsan Riaz Fatyana and Mr Ali Salman. Any mover may move it. MS SHUNILA RUTH: Mr Speaker! I move: That after Clause 4 of the Bill, the following new Clause be added and subsequent Clauses be renumbered accordingly: "5 Teaching in the University: (1) A discipline to be called Islamic and Pakistan Studies shall be offered as a

14�����2018 ������� 1471 compulsory subject at the bachelor’s level in the university and the constituent colleges but the non-Muslim students may opt for Ethics and Pakistan Studies. (2) A degree, diploma or certificate shall be granted to a student who fulfills the prescribed requirements for that degree, diploma or certificate. (3) A continuous evaluation shall be built into the system of studies." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: That after Clause 4 of the Bill, the following new Clause be added and subsequent Clauses be renumbered accordingly: "5.Teaching in the University: (1) A discipline to be called Islamic and Pakistan Studies shall be offered as a compulsory subject at the bachelor’s level in the university and the constituent colleges but the non-Muslim students may opt for Ethics and Pakistan Studies. (2) A degree, diploma or certificate shall be granted to a student who fulfills the prescribed requirements for that degree, diploma or certificate. (3) A continuous evaluation shall be built into the system of studies."

14�����2018 ������� 1472MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I oppose. z�ù-���iì �; W�� YòM P�\ Wó� � �iì�z�ù-����s���(��¿��2»�I�� ö�[���{~{V��â�(��w�[� � s� (�� ª� �� �¸�¹,�� v� *¡��� s��,{��»I����;��N�º»��Z�)¨pÐ���(��s�*¼���;��*R�����½���w�Æ�d�er������ ��¸�¹,��V JI»�VW½��� ���\��;��w��¡5~}{����s�ß�s� � �«õ��¸�=�A�¸�h�(��R��l�|W����v�sÐ�Æ � Æ�5~}{����s�ß�5�� � �9� 8I� �ðõ� �¸� =�A� �;�JV{�~ VU ¼{�0�Æ�� v� w� � W�»{|{VI� ��I��~{V���£¡�Æ�Ú�4�4�ð­����R�(��ª��Î�8I��% �z�ù����â�V��¸�(��Ó�X��Ó�v�*¡���s��;��) �p¡�d�er �â�V�=�VJ~{V��) �#¡�¾~}{� �}VI»� ª� VJ����w�����������£���L�M��¿�À> �ü�¿¼�{ JVW~��~�w��;� I am all there for education because education is key to development. �z�ù�������v�*¡���s�4%¸X��;��h���¿�����8;9�h��w���æ����Æ����v�w���;+� �£�â�V��%�À��§��s� �*Ü������;��â�V�¿��nÁ��;�����â�V�=��«õ�Æ��Ý,��U� �Õ���\U�;�� �.%�ª�N�º»�k��k�) �p¡�����4�4�ð­���w�3�^���������s�¿��d�er�v�*¡���s�â�(�� ¨����â�V�(��vw����� ���{���J�����~ ��J�W~ ��~��¸I¸� z�ù�, �!���- �¬��#)�A�;�=e_�`X;¿�iì�z�ù-'=­�|��!P �p�� ��K�C¥�è�ß�V� �­� VªÂ��~�w�[����[�DÃV~}�~ {� �»W���½ ~}�W���*��r��Å�[�¹�.¼��s�

14�����2018 ������� 1473���\����w�¢X��µ�h�å�N�[�=�A�Ä�� ��;���w��Ý,��â�V�DÃ�V!� þ�[��Ý,��4;�v�w��Ñ�����5~}{��Y�Ð��Å���=Æ�V� �4}�~ {� �»W���½ ~}�W�« MR SPEAKER: Now, the question is: "That after Clause 4 of the Bill, the following new Clause be added and subsequent Clauses be renumbered accordingly: "5.Teaching in the University: (1) A discipline to be called Islamic and Pakistan Studies shall be offered as a compulsory subject at the bachelor’s level in the university and the constituent colleges but the non-Muslim students may opt for Ethics and Pakistan Studies. (2) A degree, diploma or certificate shall be granted to a student who fulfills the prescribed requirements for that degree, diploma or certificate. (3) A continuous evaluation shall be built into the system of studies." (The motion was lost.) CLAUSES 5 to 30 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clauses 5 to 30 of the Bill are under consideration. Since there is no amendment in these Clauses, the question is: "That Clauses 5 to 30 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) SCHEDULE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Schedule of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is:

14�����2018 ������� 1474 "That the Schedule of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 2 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 2 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 2 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 1 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 1 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 1 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) PREAMBLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Preamble of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Preamble of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) LONG TITLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Long Title of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Long Title of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) MR SPEAKER: Third reading starts. Minister for Law! MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the University of Sialkot Bill 2018, be passed." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the University of Sialkot Bill 2018, be passed." The motion moved and the question is:

14�����2018 ������� 1475 "That the University of Sialkot Bill 2018, be passed." (The motion was carried.) (The Bill is passed.) L�M��D�;;�p��=e_�4%f���� MR SPEAKER: Now, we take up the University of Narowal Bill 2018. First reading starts. Minister for Law may move the motion for consideration of the Bill. MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the University of Narowal Bill 2018, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Education, be taken into consideration at once." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the University of Narowal Bill 2018, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Education, be taken into consideration at once." There is an amendment in it. The amendment is from: Mian Mehmood-ur-Rasheed, Malik Taimoor Masood, Mr Asif Mehmood, Raja Rashid Hafeez, Mr Ijaz Khan, Mr Muhammad Arif Abbasi, Mr Ejaz Hussain Bukhari, Dr Salah-ud-Din Khan, Mr Ahmed Khan Bhacher, Mr Muhammad Sibtain Khan, Mr Muhammad Shoaib Siddiqui, Mian Muhammad Aslam Iqbal, Dr Murad Raas, Mr Masood Shafqat, Mr Zaheer-ud-Din Khan Alizai, Mr Javed Akhtar, Mr Waheed Asghar Dogar, Mr Khan Muhammad Jahanzaib Khan Khichi, Mr Abdul Majeed Khan Niazi, Mrs Nighat Intisar, Mrs Saadia Sohail Rana, Dr Nausheen Hamid, Mrs Raheela Anwar, Ms Nabila Hakim Ali Khan, Mrs Naheed Naeem, Ms Shunila Ruth, Sardar Ali Raza Khan Dreshak, Mr Ahmad Ali Khan Dreshak, Mr Khurram Shahzad, Ch Moonis Elahi, Ch Aamar Sultan Cheema, Mr Ahmad Shah Khagga, Dr Muhammad

14�����2018 ������� 1476Afzal, Sardar Vickas Hasan Mokal, Mrs Khadija Umar, Sardar Muhammad Asif Nakai, Mrs Baasima Chaudhary, Qazi Ahmed Saeed, Sardar Shahab-ud-Din Khan, Makhdoom Syed Murtaza Mehmood, Makhdoom Syed Ali Akbar Mehmood, Rais Ibraheem Khalil Ahmed, Mian Khurram Jahangir Wattoo, Mrs Faiza Ahmed Malik, Khawaja Muhammad Nizam ul Mehmood, Dr Syed Waseem Akhtar, Mr Ehsan Riaz Fatyana and Mr Ali Salman. Any mover may move it. -C¤�¦�j�ø�ù(����z�ù��KC��0{~}�W�0� ��Ð MR SPEAKER: The amendment has been withdrawn. Now, the question is: "That the University of Narowal Bill 2018, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Education, be taken into consideration at once." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSES 3 to 53 MR SPEAKER: Second reading starts. Now, we take up the Bill Clause by Clause. Now, Clauses 3 to 53 of the Bill are under consideration. Since there are no amendment in these Clauses, the question is: "That Clauses 3 to 53 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 2 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 2 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 2 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 1 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 1 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is:

14�����2018 ������� 1477 "That Clause 1 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) PREAMBLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Preamble of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Preamble of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) LONG TITLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Long Title of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Long Title of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) MR SPEAKER: Third reading starts. Minister for Law! MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the University of Narowal Bill 2018, be passed." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the University of Narowal Bill 2018, be passed." Now, the motion moved and the question is: "That the University of Narowal Bill 2018, be passed." (The motion was carried.) (The Bill is passed.) e_�4%f=��RS�¦>�L�M��TU���¡����b

14�����2018 ������� 1478MR SPEAKER: Now, we take up the Punjab Tianjin University of Technology Lahore Bill 2017. First reading starts. Minister for Law may move the motion for consideration of the Bill. MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Punjab Tianjin University of Technology Lahore Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Industries, Commerce and Investment, be taken into consideration at once." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Punjab Tianjin University of Technology Lahore Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Industries, Commerce and Investment, be taken into consideration at once." MS NABILA HAKIM ALI KHAN: Mr Speaker! I oppose it. -z�ù�����(��¿�À>�iìoppose�Tw� ­�{�Ó»�Ç �iì*-¿�s�z�ùRule-98��VGeneral Principles of Bill��oppose�w�� -z�ù�.Ð����À>�w���¯ ­�{�Ó»�Ç�iì*-���s�È�¿¼����v���*¡ �����s�å�h�¡�z�ù ¨��ü�7;r��É�����ü���v� ��Ð� ������X;��ý���winstitutions�[ (��s�w�µ���£��%�>��Z�w���;+����ü��positive sense�soppose�Ð�=e_h�Û�8�V�¿¼����î�R��l�à­�w�p���3�s�(��­� � ��;��*¡�µ�s�(��s��� ��Ð��X���������Z�*¡�����;+� pÐ�$Ô�â�(����8���¾���Ê����ª�î���v�w�µ��I�s¡�ý_�X�;�����*¥�����w�b���Ñ�V�*Ü

14�����2018 ������� 1479�����V��������w��¡�ý_� �s��¡��¦D� 4;��� �Ë0����¿�� 4��%�� �L�M�Z� sÊ� ��� h� =;¢� V�Ì ��TË0� Æ� *�L�M��TU��ö � p�� s�� � �� � ������È�¿¼��ù����v�w�.�ª�­������� develop�3�������.Ð Í���L�M��(����v��¡�¢backward area�N�R�*Ð�Ð�ý_�s�?��Í­�[� �Î�¡�ý_����%��t�4%¸X�ü�µ�å���s��¡�� �Ï��F��V��¡��v�N�Æ �z�ù�k��V�(�� �ª������sattach�[��¡��v�*¡�����;+� pÐN�R�*q�­R�V�*ÀG���;%��Z�w�6 �¡�4%¸X�ü��%�>��>�â�V�¿Ð�}»���;��*¼��*R����w�ì�¡��9���%��Ë���Ð'�s����¡��h�r;�[����V�=���;�� ��A�Ñ�Æ��;9�s�*;g% ���v�w�.�­���¿Ð�����´� �w��Ò����� �Ð��Ó�À>�z�ùt��Í���L�M��(���(������Æ�Ï�¾­����å�R�*Ð�v�.Ð�ý_�s�rG��ÅTw���;+�pÐ������ý�µ��F��V��¡�����;����Y���Æ��%ô�V�Ô�C���L�M�overhead bridgesD�R� �*q�ª� ��'�Õ�;���;��w�Ã�R�*q� ;+� � �w��D�R�*q� � [����� �;�� *ÀG� ��� ���� ��w� µ�needs�3� [�N� �� *Ü� V�*¥;� �� � Æ T! �Ö�Æ�Í­ �z� ù�ù���� v� w� � ���*� �´ignored area�� �;��#�� �º� � ý_����%��t�É�R�*¥;�Æ�Ï�Í­�[�N�s�*ÀG��µ�å���s��¡��äI�å Ô��technology�­R�V�*ÀG���;%��;�� �w��Ð�������%��t����;%��;��w��¡�¦����R�*q�h�r;�[�� ��>�h�3p�[�¿Ð�}»�N�R�*q�=����� �) �����º���.����� �z�ù�Í�s����!��ý�v�*¡���s�9�sÐ�Æ�×Ø�[����!��ª�$Ô�ª�h����w�s>�ò����¨��������R� �����w�6%�k�������ª���s

14�����2018 ������� 1480 �p¡�Æ�/Ù����s�¿Ð)¨�R�*Ð�v�ä��R�þ����Í���L�M��(���������V�*Ü ���ü�Ö¡�3�4%¸X���w�Æ�Ï�¾­���â �¬��#)�A�;�=e_�`X;�à­��;��¦±��²�°_��å�s�z�ù-'=­�|�!P �p�� �� =�á� � =�� � V� ¦±�� ²� R� �lappreciate � (�� v� U� *¡� �Ðlegislation process s� �%U¬�s����%U¬�[�=��appreciate�v�*¡�¡ �s��Z�*¡��Ð �(�����Ôtenure�[legislation��%>�������v�w�U�¡�Ö¡�=%���>�/>��Bill�ë �ª�stake up�(��v�*¡�¡ �s�¢�;�8I�¡tenure�[legislation�=%���>���� ���â�V�/>�Ö¡heavy���s�¥w�é�¸%�C��7legislation��s�(���;��w�$Ô �V�*Ú�M���Bills��s����[�iì�s���w�V���L�M��(��Õ�*Ð� �ª v�Ö�*¡ �#Ð�3,� ���(W��v�>�h� %º�[�Ì �Ô�Ì;%�ù����vw���������� ��p�V�L�M��s�ñ�Ä%�v�w��������;%�� �w��I�¿����L�M��(����w�ý° �h ��JW��~{�����£�h�¡ ��� ����s�� �����L�M��Í�[�®�(��À>�î�v�wU��I»~½ JWVª»� ���¡����%��¦g����u½��;����s�â�V�Û�M������w��¡�Í�¦g�¦���� �w �[�¦g�t��R�*¥;� ��¡�Æ��U���¿I�þ��;��¼�{»�ª{»{~½�.���Õ�ª���w�s¡�Ü JWVª»� ���v� ~���}{�| ��{��» �V»»�|�����;��w�µ��>�<�Ü�Õ�ª��[�¦g�V R�*¥;���*ÂRª½ }VVH ��� �WVVH��Z�w��õ�Ý��¡�Æ��U���¿I���� �z�ù���(�V~}�W0{�� { J��~����î�s���ª�Í�v�w�Ì�%���v�w�r;���.����p>���*ÂR�4%¸X�R�*¥;�R��l���m�����*¡��j;��h�*¥;� �����4%¸X�.��V�R�V�{Þ�=��s�ñ�Ä%�¿�*ÂR�v�w�Ä%�� ��%��È­����s�*;���£�â��¡����â�C����w�Æ��'�;+�R�*Ð��w�Æ�*;+�R�*Ð�w�Æ����£�¦�����s�[�®�\���â�V�¿�� ��';+�v�î� �w�����';+� � �w����*;+�s�����%��;�� ��%�v��õ� pÐ�Á������¾�^�Õ� 4��~�½�� �¥�ö��Ú�â�V���'�Õ�;��Õ� 4��8I�>�s�� �����L�M��(���w�h��C�[�Ô�V���� � �.��4;��������¥��·ß

14�����2018 ������� 1481 Ö¡�R�b���à��;��¦g�µ�½� �Y�D� � ��á[ \bM�â�V�(��ë�V�(������-VI~}� zVW~} ��� 2��~W�» ºI�Â�ª�� �Y�I�å�ý_� � ��á[ \bM�â�V�L�M��(��ª�s�*;�� ���;%�V�w���;+���â�V��j;��[�=��Î -z�ù������h�ïð�hi��¿�À>� ����KC��â�w�[����¿�À>�U��<��%�Æ õ������(��òð�CW��Ö�� MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Punjab Tianjin University of Technology Lahore Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Industries, Commerce and Investment, be taken into consideration at once." Since there is no amendment in it, Now, motion moved and the question is: "That the Punjab Tianjin University of Technology Lahore Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Industries, Commerce and Investment, be taken into consideration at once." (The motion was carried, unanimously.) CLAUSES 3 to 54 MR SPEAKER: Second reading starts. Now, we take up the Bill Clause by Clause. Now, Clauses 3 to 54 of the Bill are under consideration. Since there is no amendment in these Clauses, the question is: "That Clauses 3 to 54 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried, unanimously.) CLAUSE 2 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 2 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 2 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.)

14�����2018 ������� 1482 CLAUSE 1 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 1 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 1 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) PREAMBLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Preamble of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Preamble of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) LONG TITLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Long Title of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Long Title of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) MR SPEAKER: Third reading starts. Minister for Law! MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Punjab Tianjin University of Technology Lahore Bill 2017 be passed." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Punjab Tianjin University of Technology Lahore Bill 2017, be passed." Now, the motion moved and the question is: "That the Punjab Tianjin University of Technology Lahore Bill 2017, be passed." (The motion was carried.) (The Bill is passed.)

14�����2018 ������� 1483 �oXYZ[ PM\] ^�=e_�4%f���b MR SPEAKER: Now, we take up the Punjab Hepatitis Bill 2017. First reading starts. Minister for Law may move the motion for consideration of the Bill. MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Punjab Hepatitis Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Health, be taken into consideration at once." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Punjab Hepatitis Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Health, be taken into consideration at once." There is an amendment in it. The amendment is from: Mian Mehmood-ur-Rasheed, Malik Taimoor Masood, Mr Asif Mehmood, Raja Rashid Hafeez, Mr Ijaz Khan, Mr Muhammad Arif Abbasi, Mr Ejaz Hussain Bukhari, Dr Salah-ud-Din Khan, Mr Ahmed Khan Bhacher, Mr Muhammad Sibtain Khan, Mr Muhammad Shoaib Siddiqui, Mian Muhammad Aslam Iqbal, Dr Murad Raas, Mr Masood Shafqat, Mr Zaheer-ud-Din Khan Alizai, Mr Javed Akhtar, Mr Waheed Asghar Dogar, Mr Khan Muhammad Jahanzaib Khan Khichi, Mr Abdul Majeed Khan Niazi, Mrs Nighat Intisar, Mrs Saadia Sohail Rana, Dr Nausheen Hamid, Mrs Raheela Anwar, Ms Nabila Hakim Ali Khan , Mrs Naheed Naeem, Ms Shunila Ruth, Sardar Ali Raza Khan Dreshak,

14�����2018 ������� 1484Mr Ahmad Ali Khan Dreshak, Mr Khurram Shahzad, Ch Moonis Elahi, Ch Aamar Sultan Cheema, Mr Ahmad Shah Khagga, Dr Muhammad Afzal, Sardar Vickas Hasan Mokal, Mrs Khadija Umar, Sardar Muhammad Asif Nakai, Mrs Baasima Chaudhary, Qazi Ahmed Saeed, Sardar Shahab-ud-Din Khan, Makhdoom Syed Murtaza Mehmood, Makhdoom Syed Ali Akbar Mehmood, Rais Ibraheem Khalil Ahmed, Mian Khurram Jahangir Wattoo, Mrs Faiza Ahmed Malik, Khawaja Muhammad Nizam-ul-Mehmood, Dr Syed Waseem Akhtar, Mr Ehsan Riaz Fatyana and Mr Ali Salman. Any mover may move it. DR NAUSHEEN HAMID: Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Punjab Hepatitis Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Health, be circulated for the purpose of eliciting opinion thereon by 15thApril 2018." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Punjab Hepatitis Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Health, be circulated for the purpose of eliciting opinion thereon by 15thApril 2018." MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I Oppose. -z�ù���º»�¼e�½�r�� -º»�¼e�½�r-v���*ã�.�h�Û�8�V���(��s�z�ù �>��>�*� �[�`%�ü �z�ù���2�s��î�~��IW�����¿�*ÂR���µ�h�D��å���ã� ��¡��;� �� ������oXYZ[ PM\] � � 4ä��*�0%�ý����u��v�w���D������;��<�[��;��#Ð�s�Ä%�=�A��;�(���;��w������ �I ª�W��¦D�w�¥��>�R5|½J~��u���w�4%¸X�h��

14�����2018 ������� 1485 å�s���V���q%���³�(��æ�w����ü�����D»t��� ������3ø�(�� �­R���� �R;��V�(��v�*¡���s�h�r;�[�¥�w��¡�(ç���[�*;�� �â�s����;��C�V��{��W�~{V�����oXYZ[ PM\] � ��F��V���(��v�w��������Ù�h�¡ ��8I�û�Ð�C��;� �RUV�I���������;�����oXYZ[ PM\] �s��u��v�î�w�é��{��{����� W�~� {� ¼�W½ }{|}��� �ª�ñ����*è�*e;%�=��[�oXYZ[ PM\] ��F��V���(����W������� �é�ê�R�*Ð��é���Æ �� ��I�$�s�/>�úA�V�#A�Û�;�ë��;��#A��ìJVVW ���{~�~{V� ��� JVVW �W�{��|�� � �;�UWI{~� ��� ¼�|�~�ª»����­R�î ��� �.�� �=W��w��I����í�h�*MA��ì�*Ð��� ��I�¡����������;�����oXYZ[ PM\] ��� ��Ð�D��� �z�ùè� �*e;%�=��[�oXYZ[ PM\] �s���(��v�*¡�4 �����s���*���W���� Xy�[���(��¿�*����w�Æ�%U¬�î����â�V�¿Ð��6��ï�ª�U�v�w�¸ê���s���(W��ë�V�ð�V�oXYZ[ PM\] ��� Ö�8>�¿�Ð�ð�ñò�â�V�I�_�Â�Í�»{|{ª»�����Ö�8I�¸%���?V� W��VW��ó��ñò�t��v�w�%U¬�¿I�s�*ô�V�ý�� �ª�h�Û�8�VW�XI{W����s�*;��õ�V���;���� �¡������/>��� ��¡ »�ª��Æ�%U¬�î����â�V��ã�@;��[�ó��ö�=���� �µ��Ð���I�ó��ö w� �z�ùª�â�V�(W��v��¡����*��´��ö�­R�v��8I��� � ¢�  ÷�>��ø0� �8¡����ó���b�s�~~��~{V��» ~W��� {��{V���v�w���U�û�; �����Í�ùä �úI�ï������{�U��~{V� ~W���U�W��R;��V�(W����w��Ðö�� �¢���º;����æ ����w�6 �ê���Ï�û�4���������¡�w��ü �h��FX�[�=���Í�À>��Z�w�G�p�ü��Ï ��w�Ó�µ�ü��Ï �z� ù� ���ý� �� v� *¡��� sW��V ����~{V�����%� D�r� s��� (� �w�þ�¡��3����s�(����äI -z�ù���¬��#)�A�;�=e_�`X;��

14�����2018 ������� 1486 ;�=e_�`X;� �¬��#)�A­�|��!P �p��=-'¾��¿�iì�z�ù��KC�w�[���U�s ��£� 4;W�»�¼��~���(��v�Ö�*¡ �s����;��w��¡�`%�±�;�h�Û�8�V���(���;��< UIW~}�W��h�¿Ð��UIW~}�W ��»�½�w�[�µFY�[�*;���¿�iì�����¡����� 4; =��á ����R��K�C��=������ä>�Ð�Û������J~��"�ä��d�����(���;��"�.Ð MR SPEAKER: Now, the motion moved and the question is: "That the Punjab Civil Courts (Amendment) Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Health, be circulated for the purpose of eliciting opinion thereon by 15th April 2018. (The motion was lost.) Now, the question is: "That the Punjab Hepatitis Bill 2017, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Health, be taken into consideration at once." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSES 3 to 37 MR SPEAKER: Second reading starts. Now, we take up the Bill Clause by Clause. Now, Clauses 3 to 37 of the Bill are under consideration. Since there is no amendment in these Clauses, the question is: "That Clauses 3 to 37 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 2 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 2 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is:

14�����2018 ������� 1487 "That Clause 2 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 1 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 1 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 1 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) µFY�[���� ø�ù-C¤�¦�j����w�Æ���������z�ù -z�ù��8I�[� ��w�6 �[�µFY�[���� R�÷ø�(�'6 �[�  �äI��a�*¡ �â�V�x��A��w�Æ��������� '0 ��a�*¡�â�V�x��A�R�÷ø�(� -z�ù��8I�[�  �R�÷ø�(�'6 �[�  �=�á�°�X�h�0�����9�w���������=���� �%U¬�s �oXYZ[ PM\] ^�=e_�4%f���b '��I��� PREAMBLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Preamble of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Preamble of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) LONG TITLE

14�����2018 ������� 1488MR SPEAKER: Now, the Long Title of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Long Title of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) MR SPEAKER: Third reading starts. Minister for Law! MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Punjab Hepatitis Bill 2017, be passed." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Punjab Hepatitis Bill 2017, be passed." Now, the motion moved and the question is: "That the Punjab Hepatitis Bill 2017, be passed." (The motion was carried.) (The Bill is passed.) Applause! ;�¦>�L�M��=f,�=e_�4%f�8;ô� ���abM��\Mc������de���� MR SPEAKER: Now, we take up the Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Bahawalpur Bill 2018. First reading starts. Minister for Law may move the motion for consideration of the Bill. MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Bahawalpur Bill 2018, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Live Stock and Dairy Development, be taken into consideration at once." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is:

14�����2018 ������� 1489 "That the Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Bahawalpur Bill 2018, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Live Stock and Dairy Development, be taken into consideration at once." There is an amendment in it. The amendment is from: Mian Mehmood-ur-Rasheed, Malik Taimoor Masood, Raja Rashid Hafeez, Mr Asif Mehmood, Mr Ijaz Khan, Mr Muhammad Arif Abbasi, Dr Salah-ud-Din Khan, Mr Ahmad Khan Bhacher, Mr Muhammad Sibtain Khan, Mr Muhammad Shoaib Siddiqui, Mian Muhammad Aslam Iqbal, Dr Murad Raas, Mr Masood Shafqat, Mr Zaheer-ud-Din Khan Alizai, Mr Javed Akhtar, Mr Waheed Asghar Dogar, Mr Khan Muhammad Jahanzaib Khan Khichi, Mr Abdul Majeed Khan Niazi, Mr Ejaz Hussain Bukhari, Mrs Nighat Intisar, Mrs Saadia Sohail Rana, Dr Nausheen Hamid, Mrs Raheela Anwar, Ms Nabila Hakim Ali Khan, Mrs Naheed Naeem, Ms Shunila Ruth, Sardar Ali Raza Khan Dreshak, Mr Ahmad Ali Khan Dreshak, Mr Khurram Shahzad, Ch Moonis Elahi, Sardar Vickas Hasan Mokal, Ch Aamar Sultan Cheema, Mrs Baasima Chaudhary, Dr Muhammad Afzal, Mrs Khadija Umar, Mr Ahmad Shah Khagga, Sardar Muhammad Asif Nakai, Qazi Ahmed Saeed, Sardar Shahab-ud-Din Khan, Makhdoom Syed Murtaza Mehmood, Makhdoom Syed Ali Akbar Mehmood, Mian Khurram Jahangir Wattoo, Mrs Faiza Ahmed Malik, Khawaja Muhammad Nizam-ul-Mehmood, Rais Ibraheem Khalil Ahmad, Dr Syed Waseem Akhtar, Mr Ehsan Riaz Fatyana and Mr Ali Salman. Any mover may move it. Since no one wants to move it, the same is supposed as withdrawn. Now, the motion moved and the question is: "That the Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Bahawalpur Bill 2018, as recommended by the

14�����2018 ������� 1490 Standing Committee on Live Stock and Dairy Development, be taken into consideration at once." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSES 3 to 53 MR SPEAKER: Second reading starts. Now, we take up the Bill Clause by Clause. Now, Clauses 3 to 53 of the Bill are under consideration. Since there is no amendment in these Clauses, the question is: "That Clauses 3 to 53 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) SCHEDULE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Schedule of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Schedule of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 2 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 2 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 2 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 1 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 1 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 1 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) PREAMBLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Preamble of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Preamble of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill."

14�����2018 ������� 1491 (The motion was carried.) LONG TITLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Long Title of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Long Title of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) MR SPEAKER: Third reading starts. Minister for Law! MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Bahawalpur Bill 2018, be passed." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Bahawalpur Bill 2018, be passed.” The motion moved and the question is: "That the Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Bahawalpur Bill 2018, be passed." (The motion was carried.) (The Bill is passed.) Applause! �=�[�� �[� �À MR SPEAKER: Now, we take up the Code of Civil Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018. Minister for Law! MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move:

14�����2018 ������� 1492 "That the requirements of Rule 95 of the Rules of Procedure of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1997 may be dispensed with under Rule 234 of the said rules, for immediate consideration and passage of the Code of Civil Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the requirements of Rule 95 of the Rules of Procedure of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1997 may be dispensed with under Rule 234 of the said rules, for immediate consideration and passage of the Code of Civil Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018." None opposed. Now, the motion moved and the question is: "That the requirements of Rule 95 of the Rules of Procedure of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1997 may be dispensed with under Rule 234 of the said rules, for immediate consideration and passage of the Code of Civil Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018." (The motion was carried.) e_�4%f#��%�hi�jk'KC� =���� MR SPEAKER: First reading starts. Minister for Law may move the motion for consideration of the Bill. MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move:

14�����2018 ������� 1493 "That the Code of Civil Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Law, be taken into consideration at once." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Code of Civil Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Law, be taken into consideration at once." Since there is no amendment in it, the motion moved and the question is: "That the Code of Civil Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Law, be taken into consideration at once." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSES 2 to 20 MR SPEAKER: Second reading starts. Now, we take up the Bill Clause by Clause. Now, Clauses 2 to 20 of the Bill are under consideration. Since there is no amendment in these Clauses, the question is: "That Clauses 2 to 20 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) CLAUSE 1 MR SPEAKER: Now, Clause 1 of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That Clause 1 of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) PREAMBLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Preamble of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Preamble of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.)

14�����2018 ������� 1494 LONG TITLE MR SPEAKER: Now, the Long Title of the Bill is under consideration. Since there is no amendment in it, the question is: "That the Long Title of the Bill, do stand part of the Bill." (The motion was carried.) MR SPEAKER: Third reading starts. Minister for Law! MINISTER FOR LAW AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (Rana Sana Ullah Khan): Mr Speaker! I move: "That the Code of Civil Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, be passed." MR SPEAKER: The motion moved is: "That the Code of Civil Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, be passed." Now, the motion moved and the question is: "That the Code of Civil Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018, be passed." (The motion was carried.) (The Bill is passed.) Applause! �.%�%��? 'g�h�ij�%k -z�ù����h��4;�w�[��l��Xm��n�%�%��?�Ù�� ���.%�%��?�g�h�ij�%k� ��.Ð�< å�����±A�R�op�q��r�s�*;��%��t -l��Xm��n��v�*¡��Ð�<�%�%��?���s�z�ù

14�����2018 ������� 1495 "s� *;��%�� t� V� u�� v� w� 8��� [� =���� (��r� op� q (DJ nights)���� [� �%� �;�� �� ��� ��� U� w� �I� �� ���� ��������;��4���������;�!������h�*����=���w��X��#���¦§��� �� [� =�A� ��� �;�� ��� ������� �� �;��  � w�� ¡=¥�9��V�*;��%��t��w��X�;��©�0�ª�«¬­�¢�£�h�¤I�[��±A�²�R��³ �[�®�(��v�w�8���[�=����(���¨�w�=Y�·�I�¸¹�h�µ¶��§����¯�=�Ue�v��8I�[�°j" -z�ù�v�w�6 �[�<�%�%��?����- "� t� V� u�� v� w� 8��� [� =���� (�s� *;��%��op� q� �r (DJ nights)���� [� �%� �;�� �� ��� ��� U� w� �I� �� ���� ��������;��4���������;�!������h�*����=���w��X��#���¦§��� �� [� =�A� ��� �;�� ��� ������� �� �;��  � w�� ¡;��%��t��w��X�;�©�0�ª�«¬­�¢�£�h�¤I�[�=¥�9��V�*��±A�²�R��³ �[�®�(��v�w�8���[�=����(���¨�w�=Y�·�I�¸¹�h�µ¶��§����¯�=�Ue�v��8I�[�°j" � �¬��#)�A�;�=e_�`X;����(��s�z�ù-'=­�|�� !P � p�� �h�òð�(respond��¸�*¼�������µ�¢��;��w��XI��[�(��R��l���R�%���V��³ �[�®�(��v�Ö�*;Ð�4;���w�s¡�s���� �D��ª�Í�¢������[�®�(������w��XI��[�(��s�*R�er� R� (�� �;�� ) � #I� [� µFY� [�¥� w� ��� ����;%�ù� �;��d�Law Enforcing Agencies��¦§�V�(�action����ç �¦±��²�°_�w�#Ð���� �¿�s�z�ù-'³Ù�%´�*Ý -z�ù��|&�*Ý��

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