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Post on 02-Mar-2016

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یہ مقالہ اسلامیکس پشاور میں سیرت پر چھپا ہے


PAGE - 2010

(An Analysis of the Historiography of Serah Works in the light of Selected Sources)

AbstractThe Prophetic biographies have been constantly inscribed since the time of the abah till present day. In accordance with the changing trends and circumstances, the srah writers adopted and followed new styles and methodologies for their works. The intellectual task of collecting information about srah, its compilation, and codification was brought to a successful completion till the third century AH. The following generations of srah writers solely depended on them without adding something new to it, and therefore, there has been no change/ modification in this area. But as far as styles of writings, elucidations and explanations, long and short works out of the already codified srah material are concerned, biographers have contributed a great deal to this area. This research paper critically examines the historiography of srah literature, various methodologies and trends adopted by selected writers for writing srah of the Prophet Muammad (SAW). For the sake of brevity, a model-specimen has been selected from each period.

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C. Van Arendok









C. Van Arendok