. All prophecy in the Bible is really history. Revelations is a symbolic picture of 1 st c. church...

Post on 15-Jan-2016

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End Time Events

Preterist All prophecy in the Bible is really

history. Revelations is a symbolic picture of

1st c. church conflicts not what will occur.

All end-time prophecies of NT were fulfilled in 70 AD when Rome destroyed Jerusalem.

*Law was fulfilled in 70AD and God’s covenant with Israel ended with NT.

Futurist Everything after Rev 3 will be fulfilled

in the future Held by most dispensationalists Literal interpretation of Bible; distinction

between Israel & church in God’s program

Holds to a literal interpretation of Revelations; little is symbolic; even the symbolic has a literal interpretation (eg. “a sword in His mouth” means He will win the battle by the power of His word.)

Overt signs…

Mt 24: 5-8 False christs, wars, famine & earthquakes will increase

1Tim 4:1 Deceitful spirits, great apostacy takes place

2 Tim 3: 1-9 Lovers of self & money, boastful, arrogant, disobedient, ungrateful, unholy, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, etc.

2 Thes 2:3 Apostacy, man of lawlessness, son of destruction

Other Signs…

Israel became a nation in 1948 Building of the 3rd temple in Jerusalem Coalition of 7 nations to attack

Jerusalem Who’s absent in Ez 38 Lack of superpower to intervene for

Israel Lack of world leader, leaving a vacuum Rise of modern technology

A temple is built 1 Chron 22: Solomon is commissioned

by David to build the temple to the Lord.

Ezra 1:2 – Zerubbabel builds the second temple to the Lord after the first is destroyed.

1987- Plans are finalized for the building of the third temple. The Temple Institute has all the pieces ready.

3 cornerstones; specially trained Levitical priests; garments finished.

There is an evil agenda

Islam will rule the world by caliphate

Islam will fulfil the will of Allah Allah gives man purpose with a

structured belief system Israel is the enemy of EVERYONE.

But why? Gen 16:12 The stage is being set

to destroy Israel

Blessed hope - Rapture

1Thes 4:17 - Dead in Christ first; then harpatzo!

2 Cor, Phil,1 Cor15: Stephen sees Jesus in his last moments of life; to beabsent from the body is to be present with the Lord; mortal puts on immortality.

Who attacks Israel? Ez38:15 – “the utter part of the north…” Using the north pole as the true

measure of north, the line falls directly through Ankara – capital city of Turkeyo (see Ez 39:2)

Compelling arguments for Turkey: 1. 7 churches in Revelation in Turkey 2. Rev2:13 – Satan’s seat in Turkey 3. Gen 8:4 – Noah’s ark lands in Turkey

Compelling arguments con’t

4. Iran shares a border with Turkey 5. Rev 16:12 – fountains of waters are

in Turkey (which feeds Euphrates) 6. Ez 38:3 – Bible says Gog is Turkey

and the “chief prince” of Meshech and Tubal will invade…

Rev 9:16 – 200 M will invade. Where do they come from? Persia(Iran), Ethiopia (Sudan), Libya & Turkey. Total pop of these countries? 201 M.

Israel is attacked

Russia allies with Iran (maybe Afghanistan), Turkey, No Sudan, Libya and northern Africa.

The attack is not successful and God intervenes.o Yom Kippur War(‘73) Iran helped

Israelo Shaw was disposed/Ayottolah took

over Israel will see the intervention as a

supernatural event.

Great Tribulation First 3 ½ years based on Daniel’s

prophecy of the 70th “seven” – the last 7 years of earth

Of the 70 “sevens,” 69 have been fulfilled in history

1 Thes 5: 3 First 3 ½ yrs “may” be peaceful. The anti-christ will be seen as a global man of peace and unification…but not for long

anti-christ rises at trib

Initially, he will be a peaceful man & a great orator, bringing peace to the Middle East and possibly a global peace contract

Some suggest he will come from obscurity (a Clark Kent who becomes a Satanic Super Man)

There will be a short time of peace,

possibly 3-3.5 years

Abomination of desolation

Defiling of the third temple (sacrifices are being offered)

Anti-christ will put a stop to all sacrifices Ac till put something “abominable” in

the holy of holies where the Ark of the Covenant is

There will be a desolation of the Jews (anti-christ will break covenant with Israel)

This will mark the beginning of the second half of the Tribulation

Wrath of God falls God’s judgment falls (Rev 6-18) 144,000 Jews become believers in

Jesus When the church is taken out, the

eyes of the Jews will be opened; there will be a great revival

12,000 from each of the 12 tribes will be saved/witnesses

Battle of Armegeddon Probably a world wide campaign

rather than one huge war. There will be 10 nations, but we don’t know who they’ll be other than Western Europe(old Roman empire).

Kings from the East form a coalition (200 M) –Constantinople=Turkey (2nd leg in Daniel’s dream)

Rev 19 – culminates in Jerusalem. The goal is to eradicate the Jewish people so that the promises of God are null and void.

Millennium reign Jesus comes back with believers to

reign for 1,000 years Satan is chained for 1,000 years Mt 25 – survivors of the Trib will be

believers, but their children, and grandchildren may not be

Many will rebel at the end of 1000 yrs.

Great White Throne Jdgmt

Rev 20:11-15 describes it Rev 20: 7-15 tells us its after

millenium, after Satan & fp are thrown into hell

Books are opened Heb 9:27 - Book of Life determines

ultimate eternal destination

Bema Seat Rm 14:10-12 “…and each will give a

personal account to God (of his life)…”

2 Cor 5: 10 “For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body.”(This is NOT a judgment for sin, but for deeds.)