Calderdale Children & Young Peoples Service Developing a Quality Assurance Framework July 2010.

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Calderdale Children & Young Peoples Service

Developing a Quality Assurance FrameworkJuly 2010

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPJuly 2010

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Quality Assurance FrameworkDefinition

What is a Quality Assurance Framework?

Quality Assurance Framework is a systematic plan that defines what quality is, how it will be measured and how it will be improved.

QA is a continual and dynamic process by which we set standards, monitor our achievements against those standards, use the information in our business planning to improve services, review the standards and start again

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPJuly 2010

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Quality Assurance FrameworkPurpose

The purpose of the Quality Assurance Framework is to:

- Design quality into our services through the introduction of outcome-focused standards.

- Ensure that services are achieving consistently high standards. - Engender an organisational culture committed to learning and continual


PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPJuly 2010

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Quality Assurance FrameworkModel

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Quality Assurance FrameworkKey Elements


PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Quality Assurance FrameworkKey Elements




PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Quality Assurance FrameworkHow it Will Work

Section heading goes here

Set Standards1 Framework

Monitor Performance2 Scorecard

Manage Risk3 Risk Register

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPJuly 2010

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Quality Assurance FrameworkBalanced Scorecard

Services promote a preventative approach

The service learns from its work and seeks to deliver new approaches

The service is viable and equipped to deliver an effective service

Services are provided in partnership to produce optimal outcomes

Children and Young People in Calderdale

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPJuly 2010

Quality Assurance Framework

Services are provided in partnership to produce optimal outcomes

- Assessments, plans and reviews take full account of the information and

- Professional opinions provided by agencies that know the child

- Services planned for children are holistic and use the resources of the wider family network and all partner agencies

- Working relationships with agency partners are professional and responsive in including and engaging local agency forums and identifying lead professionals

- Communication with agency partners is clear, timely and proportionate to the child’s needs

- Active steps are taken to resolve conflicts should they arise between agency partners

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPJuly 2010

Quality Assurance FrameworkScorecard example

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPJuly 2010

Quality Assurance FrameworkRisk Register

Description Impact Probability (1-5)

Impact (1-5) Rating Risk Owner Mitigating Action

Action Owner

Status Progress

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPJuly 2010

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Quality Assurance FrameworkNext Steps

• Confirm the vision and strategy• Confirm the BSC’s perspectives/areas• Agree standards for each area• Identify key performance indicators and measures• Establish targets for each indicator• Identify risks that will impact on performance• Implement the scorecard as a dynamic management approach

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