[] Careers in Insurance and Risk Management

Post on 16-Apr-2015

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Careers in Insurance & Risk Management


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CarEErs IN INsuraNCE aND rIsk maNagEmENT

2009 EditionISBN: 978-1-58207-899-1


Copyright 2009 WetFeet. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. No copying in any form is permitted. It may not be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, in part or in whole, without the express written permission of WetFeet. The publisher, author, and any other party involved in creation, production, delivery, or sale of this WetFeet Insider Guide make no warranty, express or implied, about the accuracy or reliability of the information found herein. To the degree you use this guide or other materials referenced herein, you do so at your own risk. The materials contained herein are general in nature and may not apply to particular factual or legal circumstances. Under no circumstances shall the publisher, author, or any other party involved in creation, production or delivery of this guide be liable to you or any other person for damages of any kind arising from access to, or use of, its content.

All illustrations by mckibillo



Careers in Insurance & Risk Management


1 aT a glaNCE 5 ThE INDusTry

6 Overview

8 The Bottom Line

9 Industry Breakdown

10 The Opportunity Breakdown

14 Industry Rankings

15 Industry Trends



17 ThE COmPaNIEs

18 The Big Picture

18 Major Players

Careers in Insurance & Risk Management