Cells And Systems Cells And Systems Fluids Fluids Water Systems on Earth Water Systems on Earth ...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Science 8

Cells And SystemsFluidsWater Systems on EarthOptics


In science class, we are studying cells and systems of plants, animal and other living things for our first unit in Science Probe 8.

A cell is the very smallest unit of living matter. It comes in different shapes, sizes, and all living things including plants, and animals are made up of cells.

Systems in this case, are like networks of complex machinery that keep living things going.

Cells And Systems

On our second unit, we will learn about the properties of fluids by experimenting with and collecting data about the viscosity and density of different liquids. Also, how these properties affect objects placed in those liquids.

We will be exploring density by investigating and measuring the buoyant forces on different objects.


We will be learning about the properties of water, its global manifestations, and its impacts. We’ll learn what affects ocean currents and determine causes of flooding and examine methods and technologies used to contain/prevent damage from erosion and floods. We’ll explore water pollution problems and identify environmental, social, and economic factors important to the management of water resources.

Water Systems On Earth

In unit four, the main topic will be about optics, how we view and visualize everything. We might be discussing, exploring and experimenting with light more than anything else. Such as what it can and cannot go through, how it creates different colors when passing through different substances etc.
