Chromosomes are the structure in which DNA is packaged. Centromere is the region where sister...

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Quiz # 1

Chromosomes are the structure in which DNA is packaged.

Centromere is the region where sister chromatid are bound together.

Gene is a segment of DNA that codes for RNA and protein.

Chromatin is a substance made up of DNA and protein. Nucleosome is a structural unit made of DNA wound

around a core of histone proteins. Chromatid is a thick strand made up of condensed

DNA. Histone is a type of protein found in the chromosomes

of eukaryotic cells.

Quiz # 2 Interphase is a major portion of a cell’s life. Cell cycle is a repeating sequence of

cellular growth and division. Cytokinesis is the process by which

cytoplasm is divided between daughter cells.

Centrosome is an organelle that helps assemble the spindle and aids chromatid movement in a dividing cell.

Spindle is a microtuble network that pulls chromatids in a dividing cell.

Mitosis is the process by which the nucleus of a cell becomes two nuclei.

Quiz # 3

Why do multicellular organisms produce new cells?To advance growth of an organism, replace old cells or cells not working well, and heal a tear or wound.

In prokaryotic cells, DNA appears in the form of a loop

In eukaryotic cells, DNA is wrapped around Proteins

What do all cells do to prepare for cell division? Make an extra copy of their complete DNA

What pinches a dividing prokaryotic cell into two cells? The cell wall

Quiz # 4

Mitosis occurs After the second gap phase of interpase.

Which of these events does NOT occur during interphase? The cytoplasm is divided

During which stage of mitosis do nuclear envelopes form? Telophase

What is the first stage of mitosis? Prophase

What is this a picture of?

What is the protein that aids in the packing of DNA called?


Starting at the first phase, name the three phases of Interphase and what occurs at each phase.

G1 Gap one phase The size of the cell increases

S Synthesis The cell’s DNA replicates

G2 Gap two phase The cell checks to make sure DNA is copied

correctly and environmental conditions are A-OK for cell reproduction. If the cell’s DNA needs a touch up, what structure is responsible for this duty?

Chromosome, chromatid, chromatin

Put the above terms in proper sequence and identify where each is found in InterphaseMitosisCytokinesis

Interphase has chromatin only. Cytokinesis has chromatin only. In prophase, the chromatin condenses to

form chromatid and when joined with a centromere, form chromosomes.

In metaphase, there are chromosomes. In anaphase, there are chromosomes. In telophase, as the cell separates, the

chromosomes turn back into chromatin.

What is the difference between a tumor and cancer?

Tumors are masses of rapidly dividing, abnormal cells.

Cancer is a group of diseases involving uncontrolled cell growth.

What is meant by a cell cycle?

A cell cycle is a continuous repeating sequence of cell growth and cell division.

Before cell division, what do both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells need to do?

Copy their DNA

What are two structures within the cell that are involved in the movement of chromosomes during cell division?

The spindle pulls the chromosome apart at the centromere during what phase???????

What are feedback signals and what are they used for?

Feedback signals are signals to the cell that can be influenced by environmental or nutrient factors that can either start or delay the cell cycle.

In which phase does the nuclear membrane and nucleolus start to disappear?

In prophase—also this is where you can first see what??????

Starting with G1 in Interphase, list the other phases in the cell cycle in order.


S G2

Mitosis Cytokinesis