+ Claire Hughes, Sierra Taylor, Dakota Bias, Mckenzie Connor, Catherine Courson, Leah Roper, Gracie...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Claire Hughes, Sierra Taylor, Dakota Bias, Mckenzie Connor, Catherine Courson, Leah Roper, Gracie Deaton, Breanna Cameron

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+ What is Bulimia?

Consuming unusually amounts of food and then feeling no control over it

Purging (throwing up) after consuming all of the food

Using laxatives to get rid of the food

Extreme exercise

+ Compared to anorexic


People fall in normal range for height and weight

Stomach issues from purging

Oral and teeth problems


They fear of gaining weight

Want to be extremely thin

Unhappy with body size and shape




Preoccupation with food

Binge eating, usually in private

Vomiting after binging

Use of laxatives or diet pills

Denial of hunger

Compulsive exercise

Swollen salivary glands

Broken blood vessels in the eyes

+Binge Eating

Most of us eat a a ton of food every now and then especially at holidays but binge eating is not normal.

They will consume an abnormal amount of food at each setting and do it in hiding.

They usually consume this food every 2 hours.

They feel as they have no control over the amount of food they are consuming.


After eating this amount of food, they feel that they need to get rid of it.

They will make themselves vomit, take laxatives or water pills, or perform an extreme amount of exercise.

Most of these do not work because the laxative and water pills make you lose water weight and by vomiting most likely you have already consumed the calories.

+ Weight loss

Their weight is usually normal and will go up and down from all of the purging. You can’t tell they have anything wrong because they usually are not losing weight.


Who it effects? And why?Adolescent females are usually most common to have bulimia

Depressed individuals

Fear of being overweight

Wanting to fit in

No control


TreatmentSupport groups



Rehabilitation centers