2016sipot.promexico.gob.mx/28_Fraccion_XXVIII/DEESE/2016/ID_2016061.pdf · Client hereby agrees 1o...

Post on 23-Sep-2018

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· Ncvember 18, 2D15

M ex leo · Yolanda Pa/rlcfa Taracena Sanz In charge of the Unit of Support and lnstitutiona/ Relallons In compliance wiih the document DG/2015/135·

Dated on June ifl, 2016 .' .

Avenida Camino a Santa Teresa 1679-

Col. Jardines D_el Pedregal, Alvaro Obregon

MexlCQ DF 1.900, Mexlco

Thls SXSW 29.16. Premler Mark~Ung Opportunily Contrae! (the "Agreem~nt") ls made and ente red In lo as of the above date, {!he

"Effeclive Date"), by and b~tween Pro· Mexico ("Gllent) and SXSW, LLC {"SXSWj,

. . For good and'valuable ~onslderation, 1he receipt and .s~fffciency of which is her.eby aolmowledged, lhe parties agre~ f3S loJiows;

1. Offfclal Partlcipatlon. T~ls ~r~emen; sets forth ~e term.s of Client'~ offlcial partici~a1ion .In lhe SXS~ 2016. Conferences .ahd

Festivals (the "Event" or "SXSW ?016") that includes t~e SXSW Interactiva Conferenq'e, & Festival ("SXSW lnteracllve"). ·

2. BenefJts for Cllent ' · . .

·a Subject to the terms or lhis Agreement and the exhlbl(s rt;lferenced hereunder, Client· will receive. the following · actlva!lon

·opportunl!ies (together, the "Actlvalfons"): ·

. 1. · Exhlblt A: SXSW Trade Show Stand

· il. ·r en (10) SXSW 2016 fnte~ badge_ reglst~allons

· b . Total AinotJnt Due: $21,.525.00 . . .

3. ParUclpatlon Fee; Payment. .

a. Cllent shall pay SXSW a partlelpation fee In the amount of $21,525.00 no iater than Janoary 15.2016. · · ,•

c. Paj'ment (U.s; currency only) must be recelved by SXSW no late(lhan 30 .days after. full execution of .thls Agreemenf. . All

~heclts mus~ be payabfe to SXSW, P .0. Box 685289, Austin, TX 78768. Any amounls not received by th~ 30 days will be subject lo an

3dministralive charge of 10% of !he f!JIIIist rate, oi- the maxlin_um amount permilted by Jaw, whichever ís less. Cllent agrees lhát fallure

:o -make tlmely payment wl¡l not relieve Clfent of lts llabillty tor p~yment ln.rull.

J. Clíent's Logo/Artw.ork¡ Submisslon Deadllne. . . •

a. SXSW wll.l lnclude Client'~ logo/artwork In SXSW's materials as set forth in this Agreement Cllent shall emaii ·Cilent's logo as a

tector EPS file to plewls@SXSW.com no later than January 15. 2016. unless stated otherwise hereunder: Client agrees that fallure to·

neel·submisslon deadllne may result In. th<3 ómlsslon of Cllent's logo In SXSW's mafeñals but will not relieve Cllenf of any financia!

Jbllgatioo$ hereunder. · . · · · . . . · ·

b, ~llent hereby granls !o SXSW a non-exclusive, .Irrevocable llcens~J to. u~e ·the na me· of Client and any .lagos· a~d/or arlwork

1rovided by Cllent In all forms of advertlsing media, includlng ~ut not limitad to print, broa~cast, and online media, In connectlon with the

ulllllment of SXSW's oblfgallons hereunder and the promotlon and publlclty of Client's otflclal par:tlcipation In SXSW 2016 •.

i. Terms and Condillons. Client hereby agrees 1o the Térm~ and Conditions attached as l:xhlbll á , which is incorporated herein by this

¡¡ference, · · · • • •


·• f;ntlre Agreement. This Agree.ment and all exhitilts, schedules, attach~ents a~d documenls. refer~~ced her~lri cóntaln the .entire

greement ofthe parties with respect te the subJect matfer.of thls Agreement.


B .... ~·· .. . y; _____ ...:._...,.._~___:__._ ______ _

Printed Name: Peter Lewis :

Tille: Dep~ty Head of Sales & ExhibiÜons

Date: November 30th, 2015

·~~:~ . rP ) ~ _,. *'


SXSW's written permission and adhf?re- to guidelines in arder to use/distri!Jute helium balloons or other "llghter~than-alr" inffatables ln.the ACC. Víolatloi; of this provislon is subjéct toa flne assessed by SXSW. · . . . . . .

11. Stand Occupancy/Opt;!ratlof1. Stand must be desfgned and operated In a m~nñer that respects the rights of other exhlbltors' visito·rs. C!ient's pE¡JrsonneJ must confine their actívitles to thEi Cllent's Stand. _limeis of the esse·nce for actual . occupancy· of the space reservad by Client: lf Client do es not occupy the Stand. by 1 O:OOam on· the ftrst clay of tha Trade Show, SXSW may occupy or ·cause said space to be occuplec;l as SXSW deems is In the Trade Show's best interast wittiout re!easlng Cllent from any llabillty heret,Jnder. All Stands mu;;¡t remain staffed and fully ln.act until thé Trade Show clases on the final day., F.allun3 to fully staff an9/or prematurely dismantle Cfiant's· exhlbit wili result In a $1,500 fine and fo'rfelture of the rlght to exhiblt at Mure SXSW trade shows. . . . . .

12. P~Jicy on Selllng. Ovar the cou'nter sales (l.e., ·cash, check andior credit 'card-~) at the ~tand are pelmilted only with express written permis~lon from SXSW,.and Client shall be responsible for paying sales fax as requirep by th~ State of Texas. · ·

1 ~· Publlcation DI~trlbutlon. Clienj m ay dlstribute lts own prlnted/produced prom~ti'onal maieri~ls from lts ~tand ~nd, unless.permission is granted by SXSW, not outsida itS Stand. Publicatlon blns, Jf available, are'restricted to approved p'ublications an~ t~e ·otricial SXSW publlcation, SXSWORLD®. Other ushow dailies" m ay not use. the blris: · . . . .- . . 14. Recelpt and Re.moval of Frelght. No exhlblt or portiori t~ereof may be ~emoved from the exhibit hall prior to clase on the _last c:jay of.the Trade Show. After that time Ciient mu~~ r~move its Stand contents and frelght !n the altotted load:.Out time. lf the Ctient'falls to dq so, SXSW res~rves the righrto instruct the show decorator to disinanUe and ship .or stor'e the sama at Clie~t's expense. Pie ase r_efer _td the Exhibitpr Kit for ad~itlonai I_Qformation. ·

16. Foad· and Beve~age Servlce. Tha ACC D~partment Catering Seryices has the. exclusive rlghts to all food and beverages at the ACC. Foo'd al)d beverága cqnsumed, preparador distrlbuted, inclui:iing· food or beverage items used for promotional purposes, must be .purchased through thé ACC Deparlment Catering Services. · . . 16.- f!=l~ctrlcal, Cleanil']g, ·Catering Servlce~,· etc. For lnsurance, safe'y ~nd security . purposes, electdcal, cieaning, · catering, ·dr.ayage ~d ~ther speclal services needed by Client sh~l b~ provided oniy when Ci.lent orde.rs é;lnd. agrees to pay for thes~ sarvices from the exclusive suppliers authorized ta·provide such servlces Usted in.the Exhibilor Kit. . . . . 17: Wlretess Networks~ Cllent may not'creat~ personaÍ wlreles::¡ networks. For all connectiviiy. needs, Client must either purchase a wired netw0rk connectioil~ or yse the availabla wir.eless netw.or~. · . \ . 18. Load-In ; Load-Out. sxsw will C9mmunlcate the exact load-In and lt;Jad·~Ut process for !he Trade Sho~ at ·a' later date. · · ·

19.· Responslbllity for-Property. In no case wili S)!..SW be. responslb{e for th~ft. loss or daqiage lo Client's prodl!ct(s), property or St?nd; ·. Cflent ·agraes to be wholly responsible for protecllng lts property on and off preml~es .. Client ls encouraged to secure exhiblts ,and products and should lnsura property (from the time lt lea ves lts warehouse until lt retutns) at Client's expense. . · · · · · . . . 20. Sound Regulatlons. ·-· ~nforcement of sound regul~tions Will be a top priority at ttie Trade Show:· .In arder to previda an approprlate envlro!'lment' in whlch to conduct .business, noise levels· will be closely monitored. At no time may the soun~ leve! 'excee~ ·as decibels. Cllents found to be ln violat!on of lhe ·85-decibel sound levei will raceive one wrjtten warning. A second violation of the 85-declbei voiU{Ile iBVE!I is subject to di~co'nnection ot·power, termination ot Stand· space and loss of SXSW credentlals without refu~d. qients are encouraged to use haadphones for playback of.rec.orded .. music. Live performar;¡ces .are limitad to a maxim·um of_ 15 minutes on an hourly basis. _S'XSW representativas witl regula'rly evaluate the appropriateness·of volume levels to ensure 1t does not lnterfere with other exhlbltors, attendees or the general characte~ of the Trade Show. Complaint~ of sou~~ i'egulation via.lations may be made di . · y' 'le·cs XSW · representativas ln lhe vlclníty. . . . . . li -~

. 9t\! 21 . Vlolatlons o~ ~egulatl_ons. SXSW may také enforcemer)t actio~ at lts dlscretlon up to and ·i!1~1udlng -~~lr:'9 Cilent's Stand for violation by. Cllen~ of SXSW rules and regulations or Client's breach of the terms of this Agreemenf. .lf SXSW

· ..

SXSV\1.2016.PREMIER MARKETING -OPPORTUNITY CONTRACT itlrY which directly,. or indire9t1y 1hrough one or rn?re intermediarias, controls a·r ls controlle~ by, or ls _unéler common ntról wilh, Client. ·· . . · ·

Vehlcle Marketing. During SXSW 2016, Gllent shall not engage In outdoor mQbile marketing campalgns. fncludÚlg, but : Umtted to, mobile blllboards and produ~ distribulfons, withln the dow~town Auslin aiea. . · . SXSW Sponsors. . Client acknowledges and agr~es that Majar and Super Sponsors of SXsW may provlde goods flor hospitality for any SXSW-produced 2016 ·party, lounge, evemt, or activ~tion, subject to availability. Cüent further_ nowle.dges aFld agr~ies that Majar an¡;l Super Sponso~ of SXSW may host jntegrated marketing activatlons at any ~W~pro~uced 201 6 party, lounge, event, or actlyatfon. · · Regulatory Requirements. Client acknowledges :that'the local and ·state govemmenlal entities -have rules aod llations that may impact Cllent's áctivllles and promotions !=lurlng SXSW 2016. Cllent shc:tll comply with all. such rules regulatlons appllcable to its promotlonal and marketing activities, lncluding without llmltation, City ot Austin noise l ances, limitations on video and· llght projections, _signage rules; building coda .regulatlons, capaclty rules, age ictions, and Texas Alcoholio ee·verage Commission requlrements. · 1 •

o • j

=l.eservatibn of Rig~ts. sxsw retalns fln~lf approval rellilling ~o any an.d all as'p_ects ot SX'(3W 2016 and ·ma5' exercise· r(ghts at !~13 sole_discrelion. •

. . lo llri:Jltatlon on Purchases: Notwlthstanding anything.to the contrary, ncilhing In thls Agreement shali prevent, ·, hln.der or restrtct In any w_ay the tights of SXSW and ariy thlrd party, lncluding but riot fimlted tQ SXSW's :;¡ssionafres and retallers ("SXSW Retailers'1, from purchas!~g any prand, bratids of products, orserv!ces, orto. re SXSW or SXSW R~tailers to purcha7e ~ny subscriptlons of prodyéts from Client. . :nent-Defa~lt. SXSW reserves .the .'rlgh~ to termlnate thls Agre~inenr .lf (i} Client falls to· make timely payment of nts due henmoder; or (ii) Cllent breaches any other. term ·of this Agreement. . Prior to or atter.·SXSW 2016; the notice . :ure period shall .be five (5) busfness.dáys; during sxsw· 2016, the notiea and cure period shall be 24 .hours. lf 1 exerclses ils right to terminate, Client remains liable to SXSW fGr all charges under this Agreern'eot and for all costs ection, lncluding ~~~ coúrt costs and rea~onable a~orneys' fees, whetli.er qr not a ¡;uit ls· fl!éd. . · · · ~presentations-~nd Wa'rtanties. Each party represents and warrari~ that (i) it has-the fuil power and authorlty lo lnto thls Agreement and to carry o4t 'the provlsions thereoJ; (il) th~ person execullng th!s Agreement on belialf of larty is authorized to do so; and (iii} the. execution~ delivery and performance of ~his Agreement by su eh parly does ¡Jate any agreement, to whfch it ls a party, nor violate any law or re~ulation o_f any cour~. governmental b9dy or 'stralíve or other agency havfng jurisdl9tlon ovar it. · · · . . . · represents and warrants tó SXSW that Cllent n~s full and láwful authorlty to use alllmages and text included In all :tls submltted to SXSW, Jncluding, _w!lhout limitalion, al! trademarks and tra9e names, ·servlce marks, brands and tnd ~.nY copyrighted materials .. · Cl!ent further represents án~ warrants that !he cohterít ~f "tne materials submitted to . does ñot vlolate ttie legal rl_ghts.ot any third party, a~d that the_publicatl6n of the materials will not ·give risa _to'any ·aim ·ar liahility pf any type, iocludlng, wlthout limitatio~; copY.right or tr~demark vlolatlon_s; defamat!on, invaslon 'of , breach of contract, deo¡;!ptiv.e. ádvE;Jrtlslng or any other groúnds. The approvai, ácceptanc¡;¡ or publlshlng of any ed materials by SXSW dqes not waive or lmp~lr the foregofng representaticins and warrantles. SXSW makas ño 1ntations or warranties wlth r'espect to demographic natare anillar volume of aUendees.- · :u~nce. Client shall procure and maintain, a~ its own expense,'during the.te~, the follo~ing insuranc]e coverage: Jrehensive Commercial General Liability lnsurance with a c'bmbined. slngle llmit of not less than $1 níilli~n per 1ce and $2 miiHon in the aggregate, including products and completad operations, advertislng liabllity, ·personal o911y lnjury, and property darri~ge liapl!lfy;.(ii) IJYorkers' Compensation insurance in accordance wlth the applicable 'le stat¡;¡ In which the services are to be performed witry a llmit not_less than $1 mlllion par occurrence; and (!li) 1 liabllity insu.rance with limits no _·lfilSS than $3. ·mlllion per o.ccurrence and .In. the -aggregate. Clieot shall e~ use LLC and lts me¡nagers, oftlcers, employees, . and '!olunteers to· be n~med as additional !rsureds Uc:'lder each ~e ppllcy required under ti'lis· Agreement. Cllent shall provide SXSW with ~ certificate~fflnsu~~- ce no later tttan y 15, 2016. Failure to r~q~est _proof ot insurance shall not relieve Cl~enl opts obllgalio ~~ ectlon 14. · o • •

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