Computer News Tweeter Website & Email

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Computer News Tweeter Website & Email

Power Line adapters When your WiFi routers is not enough 5 different choices are available Uses the electrical wiring in the house for signal path Kit of two – one at the router and at distant house

location Ethernet cable connected at end

Leap 3D hand gestures to control the computer

Doctor Mole App for skin cancer screening

Nook access to Google Play apps 700,000 apps and services Nook tables HD & HD+ 400 million active accounts Move every from MSN, Live & Hotmail

New Apple iOS (software for devices) Flat design more Windows 8 looking Four finger swipe for multitasking menu No need to go back to Home button

Tweeter has become important communication media Social Used by Boston Police, school lock downs,

overseas uprisings & political campaigns You need an account

Assigns Twitter name you pick adding characters Sends a confirm email Insert a picture & header in profile Create a bio

Suggested Following & help get Follower

Only 140 characters in a post Last in on the top Show how long ago the Tweet Include a photo

You can follow individuals or organizations Find Friends – email contacts Offers suggestion based on Bio

#discover use setup those to Follow Website have Twitter logo permitting followers

Create a Tweet on anything you want to say Insert a Photo or Website link Tweet option on a website (site Tweet button) You can delete posted Tweets

You can reply to a Tweet Reply to a Tweet may get a conversation going Helps to build Followers

Retweet shares a Tweet with your Followers You can retweet people you follow and do not follow Receiving a retweet will have a RT at the beginning

Can email a tweet to someone not on Twitter Search to find interest

# (hashtag) can be used to create a keyword Can be anywhere in the Tweet Used to categorize