© David Last Digital Forensics Conference Forensics Expo Europe 2014 30 April 2014 Maximising the...

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© David Last

Digital Forensics ConferenceForensics Expo Europe 2014

30 April 2014

Maximising the Potentialof GPS Evidence

Professor David Last

Picture: earthobservatory.nasa.gov//ewsroom/BlueMarble/

© David Last

Pictures: www.garmin.com,www.bbc.co.uk/news

GPSThe Global Positioning System

© David Last

TomTom Car NavigatorGPS receiver + Computer

Picture: www.tomtom.com

© David Last

List of addresses extracted from TomTom car navigator

© David Last

Plot of addresses extracted from TomTom car navigator

© David Last

Picture: www.paraben.com, www.msb.com, www.forensicnavigation.com, www.blackthorn2.com, www.cellebrite.com

© David Last

Picture: Audi Bedienungsanleitung englisch 1.05 254.562.742.20

© David Last

Quality of evidence from satellite navigators

At its worst …


• List of addresses, but …• No identity, no times or dates• No route, no evidence of visit• No specific vehicle

• Powerful leads• Linked to other evidence

© David Last

Quality of evidence from satellite navigators

At its best …• Name and home address• Addresses in order, favourites• Language and preferences• Telephone numbers and calls

and possibly ….• Multiple timed and dated tracks

© David Last

© David Last

© David Last


© David Last

© David Last

© David Last

© David Last

© David Last

GPS Tracking Evidence comes from:•Law enforcement covert operations•Employers•Commercial tracking companies•Motor insurance companies•Criminals

Pictures: www.vehicletrackingltd.co.uk, www.olmc.eu,blogs.guardian.co.uk

© David Last

How accurate is it, then?

Pictures: www.gral-gju.org/examples.php, dreamtimes

“95% of GPS position measurements willlie within 5 metres of the true position”

© David Last

GPS Tracking System on Vehicle

© David Last

GPS Tracker usingText Messaging

Pictures: www.amazon.co.uk, www.conrad-uk.com

GPS DataLogger

© David Last


© David Last

GPS Tracking Record


© David Last

GPS Tracking Record

Raw data:

Data received:


© David Last

GPS Tracking Record

Raw data:

Data received:


© David Last

GPS Tracking Record

Raw data:

Data received:


© David Last

GPS Tracking Record

Raw data: Latitude 53.21476N Longitude 4.15263WData received: Latitude 53.214 N Longitude 4.152 W


© David Last

GPS Tracking Record

Raw data: Latitude 53.21476N Longitude 4.15263W [World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) datum]

© David Last

© David Last


© David Last

Digital Forensics ConferenceForensics Expo Europe 2014

30 April 2014

Maximising the Potentialof GPS Evidence

Professor David Last

Picture: earthobservatory.nasa.gov//ewsroom/BlueMarble/