
Post on 22-Mar-2018

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Dividend notice.-MADISON »nd In¬dianapolis RAILROAD compANY.Tb« h«Jf-

.arry Coupr»« on the Bond* of ttfe Crnnpenv heretofore due

aSMi ant«M. will he pawl <-n (.resertatmn »'¦ mm Harking Ofllra


President of ifce Madison and IndianapolU Railroad.


ANCE COMPA.M OK NEW-YORK, Jan. I, Ik,'*.Capital Stock.BlOn.nno 00Beeervr of January, IBM. «,541 '2.5

tilenr ftcea busin*** of IBM. 108,8*«Mjuntas* ef Premium* r»reiTe4 duringu,* jru.Blaajfl '0

Aatoent uf Interest and Discount. 31.'21 75Aaaeti-t (-1 Dividend Ant.uiliei,Ac. 7,1*5 (5

-»ir)1,"30 BJfaavKe« da* sundries, for Dividend of Dil. Agc.u'RalaacM. Ac. 10.3RX M

» «^*7ü ilnut s:»r:tr\i

fleams by I) ail.. 0"2.C8 00Rapens* s, Tai«*, Salaries, Con.. <.

»M - A.'. 25AK 21Ra lntu'ai.. r a. d t» r ..»*< d I . l..-i> .. .. 9.CIH 03Piv4deid.ii CaftteJ. ?*" II»

e'H>i maeearee.

B«id« aid Morteaae* aa Fiep,aalt hi iboCifie* < I N'» \ ..'a a-.; HrV, t.jworth duu! !e the am.Mint 1-anrd.fIfW,!UV> <*1

Premiuti. L< at.* at 7 4/ rent interest- l je,,i*ni »

Agent*' du eeali fi r I reaaieaaa in courseef ri.llertiot. ar.d trti.ruieaiun. 30,120 42

Peak m Bank and on band. 5.330 i*Ott Bond« and Stock*. 4.850 00Pi fi ned P ftniuu.*. at' rued In'eref,ajal Etrnitnr*. 11.V.2Ä9

-¦.St»5.r» .51The Pirer'ors bare, alter *r pr. yrlsflug a Provisional Fund of

two bui.lrr.j aatd seventy-on* I In..:.and our hundred and ninetyahrre dollars sod eighty ten n rent*, (0271 ,l!tJ 47,) uxrr andabate the Capital Steak of one hm-dred thousand dollara, de-elertd a Dividend of of SIX PER CENT on the Scripfor prof.l* Baaaatwd January I, '8.51. payable to the bolder*fber* ot on rl.e adjaataeattt ot tlie premiur.ia for 'lie current yearTie MANHATTAN < O.MPAN'i baa now become tue largest

Johit Stork an.! Mutual Company in the I'nit- .1 Stale*, and af-tord* to tlioae <le*ir. n« of Life Iiiaurenre the rnoi' le.iable **-

carat. All peatpelateend o'her d'icninentarv inforu.atiou fur-awheel rv«'i* on appliretion hy toaii or otherwise.C. Y. V\ ratr-Li:, Sec'y. N. D. MORGAN.PresidenL

FFICEofthoGROCERS' KIKE INSURANCE^ COMPANY. No 81 Wall at. cor. Pearl St., New York,

Btsren l.|C'«.-A SEMI-ANNL'AL DIVIDEND of EIGHTPER I ENT ha* thit dav been declared, payable to the Stock¬holder* at thi* . Si.. on damand.

THOMAS f.KEMNLEAK. I II Ol rill MltNKtoT* MlllM. .MMkV. I

No. i»7 Oroeawfah *t., New-York, Marchs, ISM {

Notice.tim antiual merlin,; of thf* Stoftk-h"ldera of the Minne.eta Min in» ( ompajiy will be held at

ibia efBea oa WEDNESDAY NEXT ti,» [2th haat, at 11o'clock SAM I.. J. W. BAflRY, Secretary.

CHÜfMMS. HQl'TTii'I INDIAN V BAlL-ROAD COMPANY..All bol j. i.of Bond* Issued by thi*

Inn.I any, and ell persona ha\int iiitbnuation a* to the owner¬

ship of any nf au. h Bond*, an particularly requested in behalfid aaid t ninpany lo communi. ate to the undersigi ed through'he Pott (III,, e the amount of I ho laiue, «talina the date of theieeue and fbe i.nn.lier* ol the Bond*.

FOSTER k THOMSON. Wettet, New-York.

Ol ricr. or rut: Mttumuc Eiae lxti atarc Co.,)No. SS V/ell-et, J

At tho Ann«».I EW-rtiim of directobs ofBhbl « omjtiny. h. Id on tbe ]»th inet-, the following fenlle-

men were elee'ed Director* tor the ena-iing year:IVai A. 1 hoinaox., Jat. A. Suydam,


M. Van Bcbaick, l.»a. N. ptoeiClinton (jilbert, Edw d H. R. Lyuian,Jocob Harren, J. tin J. Phelpe,'Jama* Siiydhm, William Barton

>«. rawiae,h. k.

I'.i j rW I elwrlght, Samuel Colgate

Jaaaaa Baaaae, Henrj Saiiabury,1'urranl 1'uti i.m, John AlaOne,E. ii. Herrn k, John Randall,i u. Owen. p. H. Vanderveott,W m. B. Dotiglag, W. R. Verinilye,Win. ii .-'mill., A. M. L. Scott,le hn M. De*ieo, Jau.e* Owen,fieorge Men ill, M. L. Seuiionr,Jiaepb Btaart, Stephen Vhilhm.

Andai a aekeeajeaaS aaeetkaf ef/the Board. WILLIAM a.THOMSON, eeo,., waa BliBnlmnatlj elected Preaidenl fur theanaun.gyear. JOHN BAKER. Secretary.Tti* l< iiipat.T, with a Cash Capital of ?2>«',niai. and a large

.orpin*. Mean rraaatft} kid M'-n handi*« on the utnal term*.

AT a Meeting, thia dor. of the Bonril of Direct¬or* of ti.e pacific mail steam.>hip comjpamy,

Mr Wm 11 Davi.lge wt* ele. ted Pre.i lent, m place of Mr.V> m II, AayeawaU realgnedi Mr i W. itaymnrid *u electedVice President, and Mr II (Tiuan; all ol the. I mtiiieiit* to lake elleel on 'be tills iii.r. It v order.

wm. i). DAVIDOE.

On i' r or mr. MtcMteaa BetrTBlBBJi aao Nokthiib* laDiASa Rau.anab Cottrgav, No. 18 Williaru *t.

Nik-Yoaa. Feb. 1, 18511.

NOTICE to Bf iNDHflEDEKS-Nntireia herebygiven that on and after the I at day of March netl.and iiiitillfar-

tber notice, this Company will isaue ii* new ( ONSOEIDATEDBJMKIMG U ND ItoN'DS OF 18:.. ii eicbinge for any oftbe heretofore murxl by the Michigan Southern Railroadf/on.peny, and the K'nithrm Ii.iiinua Railroad Cinupaiiv; tucbexchange will be made at per, with aa much dupatch a* thepiepaiation and signing of the Bond* will admit of, and in theerilei in wbith npi'lirations lor stich exchanges are made.The interest on tbe old Bond* will be peaa up to Ska l*t day of

Ifta). Inn. w hi. b date mtereat ruus on the new Bond*By order of the Board. j. M. HOPKINS, Secretary.

Bauk DifAKTVEVT. ALBART, j i'.v 11. 18V5.

VOTK E I- UEBEBY GIVEN, purKtiant toA* the Statute In *ueh e*se made and pruvi.led. that nil thecdnatatkaa notes baaaad to S. L BANKS, an individual Banker,(PIUENIX BANK OF BAINitKIDWE ) must he. preacntedettbe Offiee of the Sil] erinlendenl of ike Banking Department ol

the State of New-York tor payment within two yeura from thednte hereof, or the funds deposited for the redemption ot litecirculating nntea issued to the said Banker will be given up.yyis iew2yF M SCHOONMAKSR, SepeekaaaaAeat


an BREXEL A Co.. PHILADELPHIA, pn)able at the pria-alpal cities of the I'nited Stetes.

Collections made at San Francisco, and In the Interior of theState, and proceeds promptly renntt. d. Collect).ms may b*sent direct to D B.B Cm through DKEXEL k Co., I'oila*deliEia. or P SATHER, No. 164 Waaaea at.. New-York.Exchange on Ssu Francisco for sale, in sums to suit, by

Dhi XKL A Co., Philadelphia, and P. SATHER, New-York.

ON BALE..CITY OF CLEVELAND J {.'cent Bonds (W'»ter LeaakCITY OF DETROIT 7 4» rent Bonds (Water Liau).CITY OF CINCINNATI « 1» cent B. uds.CITY OF I HICAOO Sf>eeaS Boods.Cin OF MILWAUKEE 7 1> cut Boi Is.CITY OF SACRAMENTO In 1» cent Bond*


BESINES> NOTEsTl-OANS, Ac.SAMUELBOW NE, No. 54 Wall «I.. second story. (Prime s Bauld

Big,) will make ADVANCES oa and PEKl HASE BusinessPa|*r Wholesale Drag Note« preferred.

ROCKRS" RANK^nLLS of Boeton boughtat 90 cent*, by j. F. BELL Co., No. 81 Wall at.G

fltacl)incn}, £'c.

BARLOW* GROOVED TOOTU-SAW-IVtented April 10. 18.55, noticed under the head of New In¬

ventions In The Taint %r of February 7. Received preuiiutnetr. An.en. an laaMttate *-.d State Fair at F.lmira ForCity,Cauxi} and Slate Right* apply to the proprietors,

CONGER COLLINS k Co.. No. >ti Broadway.

IIA1ERSON STEAM ENGINE WORKS..STEAM ENGINES on hand and buUt U. order. The iro-

prnveet FIEL SA\ ING BOILER; 33 per reut saved oo luel byUsing this Boiler Water W heels. Horse Powers, Mill GearingBad Sbattii.g ', Sugar, Bice and Saw Mills, Coffee Mills andRoast, rs, Circuiar and Scroll Saw Frames, Tobacco Cutters,and tbe like Drawings and St>e< ificath.u* for Mills and Fac-soriee, with the accompanying Machinery, done on the mosta m ataV principles, an.l tbe Machinery famished at the shortestnotice SIMONTON A HEWSON, Peterson. N. t

Copartncrorjirj Notices.

DISK! 'i UTION PARTNERSHIP..JOSIAHJ. LI col aarfcaa aeaehaaai the entire interest of

t HARLES L STRONG in ibeSrui of LE COUNT A STRONO,aaid firm i* thi* d*> .llssohed.

j j LE I Ol nt is fully authorised lo settle all business ofsaid firm. j j. LE COI NTSan Francisco. Ftb ?. lB5fi. t HARLES L STRONG.j. j. LE 1 OCX T w ill Continus tbe Hook. Stationery. News-

r*)er and Periodiral>-ss upon bis individual accoaut,the old e'end of LE count A STKONo.Moiitgomerv-tt.. j j LE count

THE COPARTNERSHIP between the Sub-artibere, ander the brm of YELVERiON A FELLOW'S,

» ire* ibia day. by it* own limitation.BERRY YELVEItTON, Si«ci.l Partner.ROBERT TEI.\ BRTON, >OEOKOE A. FELLOWS. > General Fartnera.CMBBLEBW. S.NlkFEN.)

Krw Y. ik. February Ut, 18A6.

THE t'NPEB«IONEn will y..nfinue tbe WHOLESALEOROCF.RY ai d t OMMlSKION* at the-Sit-re fbrmer.ymr- opted by YeUerion AJPellow*. No. 88 and MO Pearl *L,an er the firm cd ^ I L\ BETON, WALKEK a SN1FFEN


New York. Frbn.ary 1st. llUa.

Paper (Darcrionsro.Paper warehouse..j. t. derrick-» SON k I ..No. 30 Beekmaast.. oder lor sale ou tbe.«West ttinii;W riting Pspers. English French and Aoirrictn.New. Pasee, all ekaaa, w..*;.'« and qualities.BesA Paper all site*, weight* and qualitleaTissue Paper, fai.< v colors and whit*, of tea beat quality.Mai to g Paper, white and r, lored diSeretit widthl.Haltere' fm/t' thin and of the beet quality.Cloth raper Jbx4o and 40x48.English Ilardw are Paper, a laser aaa rtaient. just arrive!.S>-e»'bu.g Piper of the beel qualit v." railing Paper Straw. Rag and Mar Ilia

Jje P»t»r ofijferent sizes.I ar Koofiag Payer, suitable tor roofs, in rolls.

Ii LECKEN }{n >(.K COAL..A small aupplj ofrT, thtt eelebrated COAL t. now being received, and will beg*? I*' »»n delWeted or #14 if taken from yard,asaaaej left at No 2 Well-st. |THOMF80N,S »dB^e.l ur at the

^JT corn., <M T't n. aid rib er. Call and see it bum tt."."F-ac*. w E. L. SN1C.V, Coal Dealer.

Üktchco, Jroelrr). A?t.

JEWELRY and DIAMONDS VERY LOW..." Tb« tabwriber, for the l««t eighteen years in bonnea» inWallet ,1a telling «II d*<crrpunn* of fine Oold. Diamond, «od«11 other k od* of Jewelry, »t wholesale and retail, at mach le«jthea tbe aseit) price*Ladies* beautiful fluid, f'ameo. Mosaic, Carbuncle and

Pearl set Ea- r.n««, Pi*a and Bracelet* in each,boxe*.*» 09 to 4i 100 00

Ladies' Pins, Oold, Cameo. Mosaic, pearl and Carbur.-cle.t>2 50 to #30 00 each.

Ladies' Ear rmga. Oold. Cameo. Moa«ic. Pearl, Carbun¬cle er.#2 50 to #25 «0 a pair.

<>,*i (>'i»rd f Uina, Cbatelajie Chain*, fob Chain* and VestChain*.#1 Onto #p.S f«1 e«ch

Pure (iold W ed.l ng Riii».*>2 «0 to #9 00 each.Ladete' Oeid Bra.elr'a.«,7 00 to g30 OO e« a

Plain and Cl.asedOol.l Bine*.TSeeMBta *>', 00 each.Oentlemen'a Seal Rings .$ , '<> t,, »>2n 00 each.fiarne». Opal.Pearl and o'hei mm a Rin*«.+ 1 V> to *2»; 00 eachPine (iold Thimble*.+ 2 50 to *Ü CO each.Oold (icard K<-. fmk Key and Seals... fl yi to a> 00 ea. bOoid Pens ami l'cmil*_'..*> J 00 to # 15 00 each.

Odd Pencil*.*1 oo to 1*7 (-0 evrl.Lailie*' rorte-mornaie*.#1 VI to #15 no each.(iold Crosse s nnd Nr. klacea.#2 no to #17 oo each.(.old end Stone Sleeve Bntfm.s and St mi*. #2 M to ?IS 00 « sat,Ol Id S] ec tacles and Eye-Olesret.#1 75 to #10 MDieaaaatd Kar Rn r» Pm^flBfor-Kiaaja A Crosses. *>'<) to #y*)Oold Am let*, h'carl Pins and S.lver Tbimblea.37 cu. to RM 00

OKOROE C ALLEN, ImtorterOf Welche» and Jewelry, wholesale and retail, No. 11 Wall¬

st., second floor, near Broadway, np atairt.

professional Xoticcs.

EPPKIACIOUS C LIRE tot (H iR N 3, BON [OK 8CALL! 'SITIES, NAILS growing lute the Seek, and every

disorder of tbe feet, by anew and peculiar method, without cut-tin* or without ca'innr the aiirhtest pain.Be a LEV] of No. N Big R.,e ae Rivoll. Pari», and No. «Conduit-it, Regent-«., London, S urgr-on Chiropodist to theEaipeioaof Prance and the r»y»i K»miiy of England, bayingbeen ey ecially invited to New-York to attend tome di*tiugT>i*h<»dfemihVa, intend* remaining here, and maybe cm*ulte.d daily,Sunday* excepted, at bia office, from 10 to I o'clock, at No. 91I ltta-et., between 5th arid 6th-»v».

COPIES OK TESTIMONIALS.Prom bis Iri.per.el Majiaty Napoleon III.. Emperor of FranceJe r, rt;fie area M. LE\1 enl.-ve It a corpa avec one eatre-ne

habUite. LOCIS NAPOLEON BONAPAItTE.Krom Li« Orao- the j res» n liuke irt Cleveland.

I certify that Mr LEVI baa entirely g rir-d my orn».(i.K v ELAND, No. M St. Teaaaa aanaaa London.

Fron, ti e Meal Bl v. 1 Is I h ace the Lor 1 Archbish-.p of Ar-narh.I certifv rbst Mr. LEV] evtr*,ted the corns whicli wer» ia

my feet, without giving me «nv pain,JfiHN 8 ARMAGH.Aug I, IRA No. H f*harle*-«r., St. lames s^'inre, London.

From t>.e bfosg Noble, rhe M»r.|.iiaof Rensdowne.Mr. N. LE\ I extracted a 'orn tor me with perfect fv l:ty andforces* LANSDOWNE

No STi Berklev-sqn»re, London.Fun. Kol er*. Ferimrnr-, eaq.M. D., Phvsieian in Ordinary to

her M»je*ty of (lre«t Britain.Mr. LEVI has most skillfully extracted two cnrrn frura my

feet. with, ut ;.>ing u.e tiit »ligi.t« at pain.Robert PERODBOE, hLD,

No. 0 Queen st,. May F».lr. Londnti. March 3, HU8.Fr. m II. J. Paltee, e-q.

I'tianlirlted l.y Mr. Leo. 1 bee leave tu tegtify to his arjcee**-ful »kill in liavh'.g perf. ctlv removed a large bunion of leak] aland-ii g. without causing any pain. Ii. J FELTl'S,

PLiladelj i. e. July 17, IVO. No. 4 Boatoii row.In addition to the e!>ove anthenlo a'e.l tea: bej .niaja, many more in bra ,«.-res«ion Isrrmng whi* b are several fromladies of the highest m k) ran be Baal l.v lav orn./him with a

rail »t hi* office. No. HI .1 u at., between 5<li and hth-avs., New-York.N. B .No profe««iotj»! rrr nrction with any pernn.


J CASH CAPITAL. «.2Vi.nno._OaVe No S2 Wall-«t., op-i-o'ite the Merrbanta'Ex< hange. ThleCr«*XvpeBy c .iitiune* toLt.aure Merrl.»n.!i«e, Building«, HouOehold Furnirnro, Vessel*BB joit, their ( »rit.*«. Ae., Ac, agniist loaa or damage by fire,on Ike n.ort tavorabie terms. s

DiartToa«:Hugh Laiiig. Jrneph W»lker, Ctr. W'. Lawrence,Charles R. Swords, Siuart ( Mersb, John Comptoti,I) Hi nr\ Iis gilt, Leo. S. S>i»re», A. It. Eno,Joseph w. Cerliee, Waa. K. strong, Qaa OrhiaraH. Jr.,Hi ins» Sn ull, (>eo. A. Towr.sei.d, It. Alonjo Cu'hmaa,Alfred W illi». Ahe E. L(ir<r, Kara Lndlow. jr.,EDV Towaeead, eiias Braaeoa, John 1'enio.a,Joseph Lewrence, B. T. KkcoU, John Wateon,Samuel W diets, Jo.eph I>. Tnvlor, No»h S. Hunt,J H. Kens, m, Robert M. Br'uie, L'. J. Smith,

Syltester I.. H. Ward, John S. Bovd.III ..II LAINU.'Prcaidiant

Javrs. B. Ames. tr.. eecretnry.John Dabbv, Surveyor.PB£N1Z FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY..

X Ofliie» No. C4 W«ll-«t.. N. Y.,at.dNo. *4-'> Ful'ori st Brooklyn.


Pun amu a Simw. Secretary.


Olli, e No. 171 Caaal st. »nd No. 66 Wall at( aeli C apital thttßtt, with » Surplus. »ii lareetei in securi¬

ties (it the v ery treat chirarler. RICHARD VARICK.W. P I'aiii.Kiili.l., Se. rerary. Presilent.


I y Art of Legislature of I'runeylvania. Office Nu. B0 W'alnut-Bt.1 l'biiadelihi«.


aeeaTa.Ponds »r.l Mor'*»re«fat.,l Real Estate.BITfrM 00I on,,, and Mnrtragee held a.- collateral.. $25,000 (MlI ills R. ieivsl le. 13^('8 51Due from AienU. 3..T77 76

' li iere*! Due. MM MBaaaMea. BM skiLoans on Call »ecured. 6.VK» 00( «*h on baud. 1,91'' 52

Tot»i.Btaa\«n 78UABtkVITIBa,

Bills Payable. »>4.«"9 12Leaea incurred »nd in process of (djeatment. 7.tili 11

Total. «M2.->I4 J.1This Cnmpenv is rmw prei«red tn issue Polieie* on Marine,

Itland, and Eire Risks, at the loweet rates ot Pre con

»«'.:...¦ Beaarlty. H*a been in operation since August 1,ir-55.


WM. P. BOONE, President.PlBCtVAfc M. PoTI«., Secr, r»rT.At . late meetir i oi the Board i.f Director* it waa decided to

»dd " due Hundred »nd Twenty Thousand Eight HundredDollars" (#12(1,811 ) tu the ( apit«l of the above ( ouiiwnv, andisn.e the Stock therefor, making tbe total paid up Capital oftbe Comi«iiy Three Hundred Tl.oiuand Dollar« («i'^O.OOOi.The arrangement* for thi* mcretee of *>120Jii«i haaalready

been completed in the City of Philadelphia, and the auur wnlbe paid into the ( umpariy in the course ot a few d»y».

. Lite MERCHANTS AND mm h kNH > kfUTUAL IN"SI RANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ( or|Mi«tename changed on applicalion to tbe Court of Quarter Seasiot.s.In consequence of tl.e existence of another Company in Phila¬delphia ofa similar name. Outstanding Policies are not affectedbv the change.


EARTHENWARE and CHINA..100 erau*T. k R. Boote'* W hite Oranite, and 50 hhd» S. Bridge-

wood A Son's China, lor sale in tbe original packages, byHl BOI 88, DALE A OODDARD,

Agents for the Manufacturer*, No. N Pearl st.

Mavoa'a Omer. Man h 4. IRVi.

PROFOSAL8 for REMOVING the DIRT. ICE,he from BROADWAY .Sealed proposals will be receired

.t this Office, until SATtTRDAT NEXT, the 9th in*t at 12o', 1. rk for removing the Dirt, Ice. Snow, Ac from Broadway,between tbe Astor House and I'uiou aqoar, .the work to bedour belwren the h< ursut 6 p. m and 6 a m , under the direc¬tion of the Superintendent of Streets, and to be entirely com¬

pleted »nd said i ort .on of Broadway t ut in « thoroughly cleanc<: dition by Monday morning, the 17th inst.. at I o'clock.Dnring the hours ilaivr S|*eitie,! for the performance of

woik. all vehule* will be eulirely excluded from the stree- in

order to »fford the :ontr»ctor greater f»cility for the »ccomplisb-ment of hi* contract. All ttien from below i anal-st, must bed n |» d into the Bsttery enlargement and the balance in thePark fronting on Chamber« st.The contract will be awarded to the lowest bidder, who will

be required to give satisfactory Bonds, to be »pprored by theMavoramt Controller, fur it»'(«ithfnl |»>rlormence. Tbe pro¬posal* must he in.:..r*ed Propoaal* for Bro«dw»y,"»i d aent to lh* Mat or* Ott, e, dnected W the Mayor ana Com-missionrr of Streets ai.d Lami a

KERN VN'DO Woo!) M .> r.

1 BROPOSALeS..Sa-altd Propoaala will b« re-A critad at tbe office ot the Clerk ot the Board ot Kducatm...ui til tbe 19th dsy of March. at 3 o'clov k p. m. forI I ILDINO WINOS, patting ea an ADDITIONAL SPORTaad making ALTERATIONS to WARD SCHOOL-HOI SEN, 12. situated in Mxlison, near Sc«nael-*t., in aacoraancewi'b plaii* and .prrificalion* wh >.h may be seen at the oaVe oftl.e Clerk of the Board oi Education, coruer of Orand andEim-st*.

be estimates nrnseb* m*d, ;n «c, ordanre wirh the by-law*of ti e Board of Education. The School Officer* reserve theriabt to rejec' ai t er all of the estimate* if deemed tor the in¬

tet» *i of tne public.(-.formation will be g:ven on appllcerion to the Clerk of the

Board i I > Aaeath a or to either of the uudcrngned I'smti t'«e.

IWorderot tbe Board of School Officer* ot iJieSaveLth W «rd.New \utt, March 5. KU«.


Oim r o> tiik (foyt.aaua* or thi Alm» Hoisa, iMarch f,lW (

1>R0I*0SALS.To MASONS and CARPKN-A TEKS Sealed Pn.pcwai* will be received by the Ujyern-eaa ot the AJaaa Bmmtm. at their office, Rotund*. Park, until 12o'clock m ot the 11th u.»t^ for the Mason*' and Carpenter*'W rk nrcee««ry for rhe erection i f t DEAD-ROUSE at Belle-

t«l Tbe Plena and BaerdBtxtRaBB* lor the same »n ber above rftire ou and after TO-MORROW 1 tykThe Oovernora reeer re the right of rejecting »oy or ail

propx»»al*. should the Interest of the Department require it.

Rin k'1.1 RIZZ1 &. Or.. moncmentaeSCCLPTl RE WORKS, S»)th *t.. near the corner af S-i-

¦ v. «nd the rew er:tr»nce to Oreeowood Cemetery. SoarbBrinklyn. Monumen'*. Tomb*. Headstones end Mantles mItalian and American Marble on band «nd made to order withneatx«-«* and dispatch. Price* reasonable.

IX) PHOTOGRAPH] R8, AMBROTYPISTSand DAOI 1 Rk Ko Y Pit TS W h«v« tor «ai* Nitrate

Silver, pure, Sulphutic Ether, t'ysnide Potaa*., fueed: Collo-li-re. Cyanide Put***., granular; Bromine, Chloride Oold, Quick¬silver, Chloride Otddand Sodium, Acid*.chemically pure, Hypo.Sulph. Soda Keannamed l.tdine. and pur* Americaa and fortinUiiiKii S( lilAPKELIN BhOTHER« s,Co .1:0 W. am-*t

Beeattta «t the

BRA BIL WOO D..230 quintal. BRAZILWOOD, (id bond and duty paid,) for sale by*I'OFF"RD, TlLESTONa, Co No S Broadway.


Rk.m* >val..The otti. e of the empire TO-BAt'i O WORKS i» removed to N .. 90 Front sr.. R**F-

1 ork. wl ere we ere prepared to fun.ish "rdey* for the celebratedkfieii of FINK < IT CHKWl.Mi ToRAI Co, heretotore17 «r nfe.f re«J by W H W a-., n ai d Ne--» 1 R-- le A!«"Foreign aid Dotneetic Cigar*. NICE A COB. eaecaaevrf toNire a

I'LE A- HALL, Boot ami Sh.- Dealers, haveREMOVED to No. I Bar !.>..?. Boat -be Vt r Eta ..*.R

sLOTE A JANES, Sfati.iners. Prmten amiHient Brök Maj ofir-ir»:. *iave -.moved 'o No. *J FuiUaw-Ir.eer W Bibra» It J epaajahw their ;»te store.

(Drean Steamers, Srt.

FOB NEW«GRANADA, via KINGSTON, Ja¬maica..Ti.e S'eamsha* OS PREY will sail no the *.tb of

Anvil. For Paaaaaa apply to WM F. ROLLO a. Ce ,R BW i,lian>tt. FnrF.-ngii'.atply to MoSUUKKA t> C'o.,Nu. .*.*I n sdway.

F~OR CAE IEC >RNIA..O R KAT REDtT'TIoNof PARES..Rl 4V-TORR AND CALIFORNIA STEAM-* LINE, ander the rLractioa of C. Veaderbilt, fcrthe Arreatery Tratnit Company if Nicaras'it. proprietors. 50I'w of heggaga tree, all over 10 cents per lb. Days of sailinghanged to 9*.h and 24tb ot each Health, 'hrotub in adranne of

the Mails.Ate miles shorter than any other roafa. The sple:..d.d laakla aaajlrn at'am.hip STAR' oF THE W'EST.SJMtta.t taarden. ( apt. Miner, will leave P er Be 1. North River.. r ao'rink p. r... for Puma Arenas. eS SATURDAY. Marek I,tonneefing with the ateainaulp PACIFIC, 2.w,0 tana burden.over the Niearagna Transit mate, bevina t at 12 miles of .andtrer.»rortat.<r. by first-class The propnetors can r iw

assare'be pnl lie that that polilh el trovblee in NVerag-ie haveceased not i) e sichtest interruption in t/ie fraaeit be*ween 'beI'reans need be apprehended. For it formator pas-ate ap-.ply to JAM LS M. CROSS,

at the nnlv office of the L'r.». No. 5 Bowling trees.Stamped Lettera taken at <5J rents each.

FOR GIBRALTAR, MALTA and TRIESTE..The t; let did Steamship LMON. Cap'. R.cbard Adams,

. ill leave for the above peirts or. SATURDAY, March 15. at 12o'llock. norti, precisely. A n n»t desirable opportunity is now< fter... for Hi'i.i wishing to vi«lt Spain, Italy and Austria. Trieslop is ui the Bteat I crfe. t r'er, and». i.g.T* will avoid theU.ITcutties of a hither latitude at 'his seasonAt Malta, she w ill tonnet I with steame.s running to Cor.-

at -1. r, ale, Alexandria la Egypt. Ac.Price of passage to Gihrsftar. RISS' to Malta or Trieste.

BISA A star aanaxl 11tea pases an will be taken. F'or pas-i..C apt.y to SPOFFOHI). TILESTON a Co.

Re M Broadway.


leantiful and fast-giirt Steamship JAMES ADOEB, S. C|Tarner conmafid^r. wn! leave Pier No. EN R.. nu SATUR¬DAY. March I, at lo'ch. k p. in. precisely. For Fr.ight apply( n hoard, where all hills of fading will be signed and tor Pastire at the office of SPOFFORD, TILESTON at Co.. No. 29Broadway Cabin Passage, e-25. TheStaaatar SOUTHERNER,T EwaaIllllllliaildai.Will neaped and ieave on WEDNES¬DAY. Mir- b 12. The Brattte Sreamer CAROLINA makesr< ratal trips to the leitetet landings on the St. John's River,1 lor.da. connecting with the Steamers Irom New York, andleaving C harlestob every TI do'eloek p.m. Tarougb11cAeta to Taalaatittlla, .*. 11; to Piiatka, BSE


BTEAMPAI hEi COMPANY.ETNA.Cant. Millar EMEU.Cant. Small.JIKA.Cs|d. Wirkmaii. LEBANON.(apt. Cook.

CAMBRIA, (paddle-wheel ).Cept. Brownlesa.TTie Compai.t't Screw Steama'.ip F.TN V. .;,lsa tuns. W.

MOJrr <¦ nu ander, will tail Beta New-York for Havre directon FRIDAY. March 7.Bet csbiu sc.. nin.< .'ation and staterooms f..r fi st class pas-

aenger* are equal to those of any steamer afloat.Eaeaaea Money. Fir»i CaMa.?D*.

Priori., . aid BteWaiaTl F*a .ncluded; Winet and L. ,'i rt

e«'ra. to he araeWed on hoard.For freight, paasage,or anv otherteaarsaattea,aeelyta

L i ! SARD. No. 4 B..wlnu green.

DO R II A V R E .DIRECT..The ETNAjY. W. Miller. eeaaaaaaaVar, wül sail trim the Ceean*Oeefc,Jer«ey City. OB FRIDAY BS tt. thr 7th msl at 9 ..Mm k a. m ,

I. r the above port. Passengers sro re.|Uea'ed 'o be on board byCjo'cliKk. E. CUNARD, No. » Howling green.


Marcht.laM.NOTICE to PASSENOEBU and IMPORT-i Its.The BteaaaaAte CITY OF BALTIMORE, -'.t'.i tana.MI In rse j . wer. ( at.f. Robert LeMab. is intended lo resume

tke tsafltl (t« from I It BEFOOL fat PHILADELPHIA d irmgthe Mean of April, or so soon as shersti be got from the Frenefi(J, rerXUBMWt, with whom her i eiiml ol service is now expiringAs Baaa as the precise date of Mill' g Bail he rived, it will ap-

|ear in tie Advertisements. JOHNO DALE. Agent.

rpHE NEW-YORK Bad LIVERPOOL LTNITED± STATES MAIL STEAMERS..The ships composing tuitlue are the followingt

ATLAN'l II I apt. West. PACIFIC. Cept El lridge.BALTIC. Capt. Ceaaataek. ADRIATIC« ships having lieen by contrnct egjiressly for theGoveniU;ent service, every care has been tak. ii in tneir con¬

struction, as also in their engir,, s. to insure strength and ap»ed.and their accommodations for passenters are aueoualed for ele¬gance and comfort. Price of r assage Ironi Ni w "i ora to Liver¬pool, in tirat elass cabin, BU*J in s-con.l do., e7i; etclusivense of eitra site ttafe roouil, *32'; from Liverp.aill.iNew-York, 3" and It guineas. An experienced Surgeon attached to

each ship. No berth ssceied until paid tor.PROPOSED DATES OF SAILING.

raO.M MH VoKK. rSOM LIVKKPOOL.SATURDAY...Jaa. 5. IR.51 SATURDAY.n»-c. .>9.1t5tSAH ItD.rO ... Jan. IS, MM SATURDAY.Jan. U, ltitjSATURDAY....Feb. 2, 1«M WEDNESDAY..Jaa. 2J. 1855SATURDAY_Feb. lit, in..,,WEDNESDAY..Pee. 1,1AMSATURDAY....Mar. I, IAM WEDNESDAY..Feb. 2». la'siSATURDAY....Mar. IS, ISM WEDNESDAY..Mar. ..ISMSATURDAY....Mar. V-9, lCV WEDNESDAY..Mar. Hl.l8.riSATURDAY....April 12 IAS) WEDNESDAY..April 2.IHV5SATURDAY....April 2«, laisi WEDNESDAY. .April 10,18-.;

WEDNESDAY.. April J0,185!w EDNESDA1 ...Msy 14,185«

For Frelgl t or Pussagf api lv toEDW D K ( OLLIN8, No. M WaB-et., N. Y.BBOWN, BB1PLBY * i a..UriraaaLSTEPHEN BERNARD A Co.,

No. .1 Au.ten Friars, Loodon.B G. WATNWRIGHT A Co., Patte,

The owners of these shi|a will not he act onutable for gold,slh er, bullion, t|ieOe. jewelry, preciout stones or metals, uu-

lessbilliot Isilingare signed therefor, and the value thereoftherein eipressed.

Shippers will please take no-ice that the ships of this line canBot carry any goods contraband et war.


raotaj to nvraeoot..Chief Cabin Ptasage.e..f150Second Cabin Passage. 75

f bom aosros to Liraareoc.Chief CaMu Pssssge.f l"1Second Cahtn Ptsaage. 00

TLe shif* from Boston tall it HalifNX.1 i KSIA.Capt. Jndkma. CANADA, Capt. Lang.ARABIA. Cart. J. Stone, AMERICA. apt, Hi 'man.

ASIA. ( apt. E. G. Lett. NIAOABA, Capt Ryne.AFRICA. I apt. Shannon. EUROPA, Car.t. J. Leiten.

These vessels carry a clear white light at mast bead green oa

starboard I. w red on port jo*.CANADA, Lsng.lesves Beat I WVd-.esday, Feb. 27, 11«.ASIA, Lolt.leaves N.York Wedueauay, M k 5, 1154.AMI RH A Eyrie... leave*- It «ton Wednesday, M'h 12, 1A»5.AFRICA, W'i, kman..leaves N.York Wednealay. M'h IS. D"5rt.AR tBIA. Stone.leaves Boston We-tncsday, M'h 20. 1&5AFI KSIA, Jndkün... .lesves N Y it Ue.-..slav. Ap'l 2,1A58.CANADA. Lang.leaves Boston Wednrsdsy. Ap'l 9,185«.ASIA.Lett. lessee N Y tt Wednesday, Ap'l 1*5. 185t*.AMI RICA.Wi. kaaeajeai . Bnsiou Wednesday, Ap'l 23, I8M.Berths not secured until paid for.An experienced surgeon oi rxMird.The owners of these ships will not he ec-n.v tahie for God,

II \-r Bullion, Specie, Jewelry. Pree...tis Stones or Metals.'in-le's bills of laduig are t.gned theretor, arid lue value thereoftie rein expressed!For Ireight or Pastage apply to

E. CL'NARD. No. 4 Bowling-green.

IJATRloTIC LINE.New Lint- of NEW-YORKand LTVEBPOOL PACKETS.-This Ine wül be eom-

Pissxl of the Hallowing new aud splenaid snipe, tu:ALHOUN.5.1«* tuns burden.Capt. D H. Truman.

H. I LAY.I..500 tout burd't.... .('apt. David Caulkin*.M'EBSTEB.:.i«sit'ii.s burden....( spt~ J. J. Lawren. e.

ORIfcNT.2 01*.tern burden.. ('*>. Owo. S. Hill.He atxiTe veeseii bave been rrcentiy built, aud are the larg-

set and most substat.asl in the Brede.They sre commane'ed by men of siperience and abihry. The

aceem mo.jiiiou are very tuperior. and every exertion will bemade to promote the comfort of passengers and the convenienceoi sh.pring For Fre got or Ps.-age ap^ly to

SPOFFORD. TILi STMN A o S'.v !9 Broadway.Agents in Ui rpooi-T. ORlMsHAW A Co.. No. 19 Gore

gteamboats anö RailroaöB.

HIDSON RIVER RAILROAD..SPECIALNOT II E.-From and after March 4. 1454. the SUNDAY

MAIL 'I RAIN wiii ba discontinued-M. L. SYKES.;r SuperiaUclent.

F'ALl. RIVeITlINE..On and after MONDAY.March M. the Steamers of the Fail River Line will leave

N. w-Yort. from P...- No. i Vrth Ruer, at 5 u clock p. m.WM. BORDEN, Agent.

FIM1E REGl'LAK MAIL LINE.'lia STONING^A TON. PROV IUENCE. NEW'-BEDFORD and TAUS-TXlN..CHANOI of HOUR.On ai^l sfter Monday. Marchh Eist, the s'eaaiers nf tbt* line will leave Pier No. 2 NorthRiver D*ny. except auauay.) at 5 p. as.

I^OR BOSTON and PROVIDENCE via NEW-PORT and FALL RIM.K.-The tp.*ndid Bud raperior

steamer BAY STaTE. Capt. T G Jew- t l«av*e New Yorkeve-v n ESDAY THURSDAY and SA1CRDAY. at 4o'ci«:kI in and EMPIRE STATE, ("apt B Btayton. lesves NewYork every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 4oMock p. m from Pier No. 3, N. R. near the Battery; bothH I l.: s st Newport each way.Hereafter lo rr ats will be r-tt.-neJ at tecur.. J :v a^y t;; ..-

cant until the same shall bave been paai | r.

Frright to Buetcn is torwarded tiro -gh with gres: dispatch,ly an Exprea* Freight Train

W M. BOEDEN .Agent. Noa 70 sj.d 71 Weal *t-

FLUSHING RAI LK( IAD..The atramb**AISLAND OTT leaves Fulton F»rry wharf, norta side, M

jg. I and 10 a. ai. 1.4 ano in. m. daily, moating aad exenaae-frig passengers with Ba I A.K^ at H ^.tir . Point, (oppose.* 23*tt.. whieb leave Fl-ishu.g at 'be same hours. Persons can go 'aFlushing by any of these trams, and return by the text or aaryaacceeding train. Through tn 50 muiBtaa. Fare 15 centa

GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE..Tbe Thr-etgii Ticket aid Freight One* of the


And their Railroad and Steamboat Counactioaa ta Chicago,Milwaukee Galena. Bi^-.uig'eu. S'_ LaeSa,, aud a.1 pOSBtaW est a d South west.Via SUSPENSION BRIDGE B FFaLO -a OSWEüO,-s a'.

No. m BROADWAY N>Y.Ctnercf Coun-atdtst, DARIUS CLARE, Agett. .


and TAfNTON Inland rvate without delay. change of cer*

or be*'*** earning tho Featern M*iLTbo S'eamer ( » ANDERBll.T ("*pta,n TV. H Fr»*«-'.

¦r>i COMMODOBE. Tor. J * Pendlet«*, id BOBwith lh« StcniLgtnu s:.d Prot .dene*. and Boato-i end Pro»deLC* Railmed* leei-rg New-Ycrk 1*1 y Sun.lavs eg-«-**!troto Pier No. J North River, first » kerf eoove Battery pia/-.-,at 4 b' It*a T- d- m at t: 10 p. a.,or oi»n» arnv«J(the a-ail tum which lee- eg Boston »t % » p. m.

The COMMODORE lr>jtu New-York Monday- Wednesdayerd Friday. Firm Stor.tngton Tuesday Thursday aad Set-ardoT

T5.V C VANDERBILT froru N»w York T-t**>i«v, Thursdaytod Saturday. Prora M11.11.fton Monday. Wednesday end1 nd«v.rue. mn paaaaal fr.irr. Btoaicztra per Railroad -o P* n

d. 11». L. t. d Nrtr-Bedldrd :a 'he Express M ulTrair. reg, Ire 'fid pieces -.-v *al 'ner» in advance of rbe*e byi-rrr r'.'itrv a:.u in ainj'tr tuue Icr a.1 tua eariv m-r ning .me*

cor-BertiLg North and East Passenger* that pc'fer it remainen k»-*rd the dean er.eir \a night's rev. imlisturbed. breakUmt R aWafrad aad i-av--«t.,::u.«-«.o in the 7 JO a. m. tiai-i forprovidence.A Batifce Mas er «.ivo.u,*l.«* the S' asd Trai l

throath each »ay.For t aaaare, berth*. iut»'-fvx'mr or frrifh' a;-i ly at Pier No.

2 N< r*h River or at the office No. 10 Battery-pie/*.

CAMTjEN mU AjfBOY RAILROAD LINES(or PIin.Al'LI.PHIA-TVili until forther .»a) M

Tier Nr. 1 N. R. at If o'.lock, a oi. Faro »2 25. Tha 6 a.

in. and J p. an. are di/co-tuiteed. Emigrant Line* at 1ai.d 4 oM'<k p. tn.. a* usual IRA BLISS. Agent.

H"lT)7r»N RIVER RAILROAD..oTäiul afterMONDA'.. lata. 21. 18»i, Iha Tr*.:.* art.; .-*ve i hatnbari-

ii. Station «» Express Ttata,7a ¦*.,eeaaeetiag; withNorthern and W**t0fB Train. Throi.xh Way Tram. 12 m. ExirenTrt'ri "

p. uj. For P..ut!ikeep*ie 9 a in. a. d 1 30 p m.

Far PBohahSI. fl:B* a. aa. Per Skae-Sinf, 4 p. at. The Sing-«.:: f ai d Peektkül frail.* *to; at 'h> W'av Stattete*. Pe*«et.ger,.rakrn at t han hen. Canal. Christopher and Hat ft*. NoTRAIN ON SIN DAY.

_M. L. SYKES. Ja.. Suprrintendfnt


a. i , .:.'« W est end South ant, can obtai I:.: ;:i,ancl *11 it formation concert in* rrnre*. fare, ice., eitber by theNEW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD, a* NEW-YORK( ENTRAL RAILROAD, by *n«li< a'iou at the Cawaaaj'l*Jftie. No. lirJ Broadway, corner l>«v-*L,

JOHN P. Polti I'll.i-t*l t.e t M S. R R


cf*"ned to Maurh Chm k.TVinrer ar-anrement* corumenriu%Nct. 19. iü'.V Leave New-York f.,r Mau.-l, ( hunk and inter-n ed.ate j la-en rruoi pi,-r No. 2 N. nh River at 7:A> a. ui.; to.-

} uton. at 7:.1<1 a in. ar.d 3:11 p. m.; lot S m^rvi le. a' 7:4) andIPtdia. m.. S:15 »r d 4t 10 p. rn. The ar>ive trum cnnn»ct a:El:feteth with 'rain*on the N'ew-Jereer Railroad, leinna New-York from foot of Courflnr.d'... ar 7:<nandll a.m.. i ai»l 4

p.m. JOHN O. STERNS Superiine-.dfil.I ÖNG IBLANO RA1LR(>.\i>.(rStWaji ex-JV*1 taptadl Loaaa Brooklyn f.r Oraajaaart. io a. aa,| forYard s: k. Io *. ni., and Sa'nrday R 15 p. m ; for FarniBfdelaat .1 S\0'K' t. I" a. tn. and J.l'.p. m for Hem-stral. N ». BB>,12m."arid 1:41 ami 5 p. m for Jamaica, IB a. Bs., IS ¦*. BJ 4^,I ar 11 0 p. m. Leave (ireeniKirt for Bneiklvn, 10 a ui., Yap-kiJlk.lll*ff ai laMlBaaJI. " IO a. m Lakeland, 12:'W p.r.i Ml i dr.vt. 8:18 a. m: 'Fanuirifdale. 7:W am. and I p.n S'.iert, ci.a m. and I p Be.:HaaBtattaad, (l .la. aa. auda:5»i p. m. i Jamaica. '<:¥'. 7.40 and h*R «. ui. and RM and4: 40 p- tn._'_ _


Paa'encer Sration* t Corner Rmadwav and Canal New-York.... J Con er Jith af_ and athtW.

Tb»'*»v I.ravr RaW-TavaaV.Pot New-Haven: I. I i m.,IEa.)llSaB.;3, (Ell 3:2". and 4 p.m. F r Brid.-nrn 7.«s. BL.fEjtJ 12 m.. 1 (Ei.). 3:2n, 4 p.m. For Milford, Stratford.Fairfrl.!. Soutt.| ort and Wes'poit: 7 a. m.: 12 in. ; J:2». 4 p. m.

For Norwalk: 7 a. m.; 12 m.; 3 (Er .) 3:20. 4, 5:1". p. aj I .jiarlen and Oreenv. ich 7 a. m I2mi 1: 20,4 kt5p.aa. EorSr»mli rd: 7, 8 a. m. (Ea.)| 12 nn. I ilii I. ItS),4,Atl9 p. in.

Fir Port theater aid intermediate Station«: 7 a. m. 12m.;3 .1'. 4, 5:1 '>. 6 p. in.

Cmaatrrna Taarxa.Por Baatoai a a. m. (Ea.ltSa.aa.(Ex.I k or Hart lord and Spritnrfi-id: 8 a. ML (Ex.) 111 tB,,lp. in Ex i For ( iranaaikal Rtrof BakVoad tu Mo 're«!: ga. n Ex Pat Caaal BaflfaadI 12 m. to ITawtaWd. ForN<w-Londor. Railroad: ü a. m.; I p m. Pot H uv.'n ic Railroad I 8 a. to. For Nanaatnck Itailro.d: Bam.; I p. m (Ex.)Par [taakary and Norwalk Railroa.1: 7 a m.. 4 p. tn.

Tau«.» loa New-Vobk.From N'-w-Haraai itRt. 7. 9:15a ¦.{StSaiEa I, 4:1">, 3:i" p. m. (Ex.) From Itridgep-irtti |S 7 II. 1" <" a. m. (:*> [Ez.),S:3a 10:II p Ba. (Ex.) FntnN. rwelk : 6. 6:'>2. 8:22, 11:07 a m.; 3: 50 < Ex. |. «:iW, 10:11 p. m.

Oil From Pott Cbe*'-r: 5: :. rt: II. 7: 17 1:011, II: 13 a. aa>|t :50 p. n, JAMES H. HOYT, .Saperiiteridnnt.

pVJEW-YORK and ERIE RAILROAD..OnXa «id aftat Monday. Daa.SI,laAi,aadraatll fur der n.r-

i,.e. Paaaaa*JM lre.ii« will lr»»e Pier foot of Diane al. ea lol-low «, vit:Bl'PPALO EXPRESS, a: 7 a m. for BnlTaio lir-. t, without

chant"' ct b«f»«:c orcara. At Hornelifville ii:« tra u c .. m-c-a

witb a way rraii. for Dunkirk an 1 all ttation* on the WesternDivision. .

MAIL, at «:!" a. r-'. for Pur kirk and Buffalo arid iBlfraaadltte station.. Pa>*eu*er* l.y tins train re nein over night at

Owero, ¦: <! prta ee.l rbe next inominir,REWRtTROH EXPRESS, at 4 p. oi. for Newburrh direct,

witkout rkanra of cere.BOCK LAND pas.-KNOER. at 4 p. m. via Sutleru'f, for

rteruiont and titermediate stat.ons.WAY PASSF.NOER, at I p. m. for Otisv.lle and intermedi¬

ate mrioaaNH.IIT EXPRESS at }a, m. for D nkirk in 1 BrsRala,K.MH.RANT. at 5 p. m. f r Dunkirk and Butlalo and inter-

mediate «lationeNo Train »ill leave on SCNPAY.These Eil resa Treina conne. t at Elniira with the El alr* and

Niagara Fall- Rail.owl for Niaaara Fall«, at Buffalo and Dun-ktik witli the Lake Shore Ra.lroad for Cleveland, Cincinnati,Toledo, Detroit, I hi. aao. A n

I). C. Mcl ALI.CM. Oer era) Superiiiteiid-i.r.

V EW \\ 11 IE-GAUGE ROUTE thm NEW-ll YORK r,. ROCHESTER.Tha ROCHESTER andOENE8ER \ ALLEY RAILROAD w now open, and, in cmnectien with the llcttelo.Cori.iu«and New-York,and New-Yorkar.d Erie Radioed*, forms a direct route from Nc* York toRocbear er.T he directness of thia reute, toretber wilh the gapaiB***OOfJr

for' afforded l.y the wide car*, renders it by far lie- 0*0*4 desira¬ble between the above named cities.

Ti. kerscan be pro, un d a' rbe New York and Erin Railroad7 uke> foot ot Duane st.. and No. 1'<1 Broadway also inJeraey City. .

Baggage i Kecked through.Fr.- g! ta wni I» 'rai ai«irte,l rv-tw. en New-York and RocVes-

trr w irh dispatch. Any Information desired kg regard thereinrsn be obtained by calling on the Oeneral Preight Agent of Win

New-York and Erie Railroad. Erie Building., or I S. TAPPAN,TlMBOB FrreAsB! Agent, No. Ii« Broa.lway.No train* on the Buffalo, Corning and New York Railroad on

Sunday. J. A. REDFIELD.aSuperititeti.ieot.TaxTEW-aTERßEY RAILROAD.For PHILA-Ii DRLPH1A, and th- SOUTH and WEST, via JERSEY( (TY I nited Starrs Mail ai.d Exprea* Lines: Leave New-York 8 and Ham. ai.d 4 and 6 p. m. Through in Ciur bou-s.*>: TS in 4 and *'J in J and II a. in. and 'j p. m. The NewJersey Accommodation Line leave* at 12 in. at *2. (toppingat all way statior e Thiwafh Ticket* fold for Cincinnati at

# 17) ar.d rbe West, and lor Ba!'.more, Washington. Norfolk,he, and through baggage ch.:ck* to k\ a*hing'u:i in I a m. aud6 p m.

I)ENN.SYLVANIA RAILROAD..The OREATCENTRAL ROI TE co iie. ii g the A'lan'ic ritte* with

\\ rern:. North-western and Sourh-western States, by a eoe- Railway direct. Ttie Road alao connects at Pittsburghwith daily line of Steamers to all port* in the W'e.teru River*,and at ( lev, iaad and Sanduaky with steamer* to all port* on

the North-weateni Lakea Biebing 'he most direct, cheapest andreliable route bv wbe h hREK.ilT can be turwarded to andfrom the (.rest'W est.IATT I BET \: I 1 N PHILADELPHIA and PITTSl»."ROH.Hau ( Lata .Reete, Shoes. Dry Ooods, (InJ^ __. lnn «

boxe«., Pur«. Peether., Re....I9.* **9Stroan ( Lass .Book* and Srarionery. Drv >

(.«¦O.U. in bales,) Hardware. Loelhot -T'. i^-r 100 lbaVoal, 4c.S

Thibd Clssv Aavil* Bagg g, Bacon and I 1(W)Pork. Un bulk.) Hemp,1,.P*r "W ¦

Fot BTH ( Lass..t offee, F"i«b, Bacon and j ._lnflPerk (pecked L.rd and Lerd od.t**" *** m m

In shipping Oood* Iruin any point east of Philadelphia, be per»ticalar to mark the package Via Pennsylvania Raifr-iad." All(>i^da consigned to the Ageutf of'hi* Road at Philadelphia orPitt,burgh, will be forwarded without detention.FaatoMT Ai.EXTa.Harne, Wormley A Co., Memphis.Teno.;

R. F Saas t ( . St. Loui*. J. S. Mitchell A Sou. E*'*ta*vii!e,last: Dun.asnil. Bell k Murdo-k. ar.d Carter Jr Jewett. Lou.*-fBJe. Ky. B. C. Mel lrum. Madison, Ind. «Iprigiuat, V Brown,art Irwin k Co Cincinnati N W Oraham A Co.. Zenesvilie,Ohio Leech A Co., No. 5« Kilby-st.. Boston Leech A. Co., No.2 a»tor H..-.-e New-York. No. i WUlUm sr end No 8 Bat'e-n i is. r New York E. J. Sneeder. Pkiivlelphia; Magraw kKoens. Baltimore; Geo. C. Pnarsxkaraa, Pittsburgh.For further particular* or bills of lading, applv to

LEECH A Co.. Agent* Penn. Raiiroad Co.,No. 1 Astor House. New-York.

B H HOl'STON. Oeneral Freight Agent. Ph.iadeiptna.H J. Lo.MBAERT Superinundent. AltooDe. Pa.


I ELPlllA end PITTSBL ROIL.The MORNINO MAILTRAIN lea-.-s Phiia-ielt he for Pittsburgh er 74 a m., andiesi-s I i't-hi-fh tor Philadelphia at 7 a. m. The FAnT LINKie»v«s Phila.lei;Liafor Pirtsirurgh st 12: JO p. <t, and PitUbarshfor Ibdadei-bia at S:40 p m. THE NK4HT EXPRESSTRAIN leaves Philadelphia fur Pittsburgh at 11 p. m., andC ¦.. n-rr f.^r Philadelphia at 9 20 p. m.The abeee line* connect at P.iuborgh with the raiiroeda to

and from St. Leun. Mo. Alton. Oaleu*. and Chicago IUiom«,Fr.nifort Lexingtou, and Louisville. Ky.; Terre Haute. Madi-*on. La Fayttte, and Indianapoll*. Ind.; Cincinnati, Dayton,Sjrfc.ße.d'. h»i!ef traine Sen.iiaky, Toledo. Cleveland. Co-lambu*. Zaneetille,Masednn. and Wooster, Ohio; also with theSti ft* Packet boats from and to New-Orleans. St Louis, Louia-riile and Cincinnati.

For further particulars see hand bill* in the hotel* of this city.Pas.- ng-ra wvj fin 1 tbia tue shortest. uio*t ezpeditiou* and com¬forts!.e n ute between t:.e East and West.

The- c«» ticket« can be had ai er her of the above-menUonedplace» 'he U ... , 0f

J H. BL'TTS, Agec. New Jertev Railr. ad CfA, foot ofCourtlaadt-.t. New-York.

J. L ELLIOTT. Agent. Pet t^ylvania Railr^.1 CoNo. 2 Astor House. Broadway. New-Y-;rk.

THOMAS MOORE, Agent cor. 11th and Market at*.New Jork. J»t.. l&5a. PbHadatiphia.


CtLOVE ANODYNE TOOTHACHE DROPS..J The excruueting torments of Toothache can be «peedily

relieved by rbe ose of this rrmeh w.tkout injury ** the gam*or treib it acting solely soon the nerve. Eminent denn«'«have a high opinion of it and constantly recommend it to theirr«':en'«. Pre,*r»-d and for aale bv A. B A D. SjAJaDf, Drag-gists. No lCo Faltoo-at. Said also by dngg-sts (eneraiiy.T\H. C. M^LANE^^HlijTp^^^ LIVER PILLSJjL' and Improved \ ern ;'ug» aad 1.4 »i.'jrate.lW bite ( irtaesiaa Liaimeat. BARNS A PARK. 304 B'dway.


For sale at No. 9 Bible House, 2d and Hoi*ton-*t*. Bowery,corner ef 4th .r., l?tkv«r_ aad 4'b a..; Broealway and 2d ..

91 and 0*5 ktk-av Canal and K*nwn s'j. , E. Lyon. No. *UOrand-*».For a.1 dises.^ of the blood, can be cejns-u.ted gra'.i..:vu*iy at

No. '»«. «?h-av. near Vttb sf. afiaijeel defel S e g-

wi'tont the (igieturc ot L. H. BONE.

TRUSSES, Ladies aad CentimenASt'PPORTERB. hti.r« ti.t l;.,«Mt.£.\ m the t-rr Liebest per-

ferieu. *i .1 »i ..i « ..». si H IT <; M AN 4 Co. '.,Aputbrcanee and Muuattrerirs. No. l.M Oread at,, now .'eolrsBukrL

N. B Complete satiafar tioo raaraafeed. Ortbop*IV Trietru-B.rL'0 vi fiery desenp on ma..* to order. Cosuilry ordewp.-. u f fly stteeded to.

V i RGMW" KLECTR« CHEMICAL BATHS? -I'nt VERONES. the d.aeyre*Ter of the arnaajo* fe* e»

traettng Metal* from the Human Body, is et Na 714 Broadway.These Bits not only extract uteteifie medicines mm toe jomen tytrem, bet ere peculiarly etVecioe* in setiovUM 0>»e*icfrr:.* fn iu Rhf urit'»n; 0 Iff -vir Feite W'rd iw

et r Cons i f the Liu.t*. Spraim. Spins! AaVetxme. I'teno*Obstru. tsar* end Etupuom BB the Skin Tbo Frofeoesr himself

bie aie!.i~led ettri ':. M Battenbx Spaa lei eoeenteeBlTbeotv ti; » uj MwVntt at No. 71" Bru*dw*j.



f\B. r. .!. LOBWEBTHAL*" WATER CURBM f -Bergen limbos, Hudson Conn'*. >''¦»'J-t-j.-Trl.rsignd. i rnttrly Ptywriau *n the HyeieMsthJ* Institut' ¦ at

!!', v t., be* now opened this osuhusbineut, 11 *e ott-

catru cl one . t the tieat spart« on New-York Bar. pr- »*ieJw itn * rrn-artat.e abundance of soft wafer, and c .'ein* a roan-

plate GyaU as. urn. »h it aleu com: .red »:: ei.'cf.el peri ei

Bydierethlo tpjaratn*."lbe establishment can bo iea.hed from New York id BBBj

that Ltlf an hoar, by ei'hcr tic BoAekew or Jersey City Fen c*.

f. m »be c* ttaaea iuu by and near the aouee. Direct letter*t,' No. t Hanover at., Ne» York.

E. J. I.OEWENTH 4f.. M r»

Crgal IVotuce.

IN IT I >1 AM K of an i-rdeir i.l'thi'Siirro«afe.ifthe Coantv cf New-York, notice ia hereby given to all per-

i* bavin dann» CEORoE U. SMITH, '.are of theC.'v 11 New York, merchant, de.earej. to present the tome,with teat her* thereof, to the «uba. ril era at the ttore ni Young,¦okrolta A Co.. No J7 Kerry at.. In the Ciry of New York, ou or

betöre the liiii aay of March nett..Dated New York. Sept. U,DA5. EDK1 NU M YOUNG, j


iieleweViF w ii.i.iam palev |aMeeaeae»

IN PURSUANCE of »" Orierof t!ie Stirrop;.*.i*at* tboCoanttj at* Naw-Yoifctaot4ao la herebv tlioo to all

etwee*barhaactahai against DENNIS MI'LLlSs tat* of the['By ad Nee fi rk, deceased, to ; recent tbo -erne with voucher*.. aftO tl * stb*cril.cri, at the of Ann Malliu*. No.h v. i. i st in t. e City of New York, on or before the tenth

det Bepteasbef aoSX.Dated New tork. the sixth dav ofMarti > DAWIBL 0*CONOE. Bate alar,

i. i.: lawtaaF* ANN mi LtlBB, Basaatrta.

IN BBIVIIBDCB ol mi ordiT of tht> Sirronati" i>tKOTH Ii djkar. (iven to all

toneaa I nvaiig claim* **ain»f Li >OE BAKER. late of the Cityot Nrv-YuiB, drceaard, to preaeut the seme wfih voucher*'beteefto tfe aubseriher. a' tkeobaooof Haekkaa fcio .No.

kit r.!.. tu' I! i bei ar. ;u the City of New-1 rrk, on or betörer: - ..tb .iiv cf Auauat nexr. .Ila'. d. N. w York, the 7th day ofhei,aar) (aM WILLIAM C. b VKHK.faMlearfk F* A'. ia:*'tator.

IN PUR6UAN< P. of nn ordi-r of .Be Surrogateot the Coui:ly ol New-York, imfice ia herebv «iven to all por-

rearhOTtrr,r'a'trt nafatstHkVNBYtl EAULl'V. laaaeftket ityof New York, ileeeaaed, to preaeut t!:e tame, with voucbarsti erei t, to ti e «ub»crite rt. at the otltee ol W'etinore a llowne.Be.(I WaU-atu kl the City af New \o.-k. on or before thelw*iit.efh dsv Ol Julv next .Dated NOW-York, the twellih dayot January, l'soS. OBOBOE HENDERSON,

IELI/.A KAKLEY.,jsl4 liwOmE ol lle..ry S. Karli-y, decessrd.

IN the BiRttor of tike BALE of Ute REAL KS-TATE ef HERMAN KATTENHORN, de-ea.-d.t

poraaaei f h.» di-hts. EaeoetaaV Bale»* fa pura ia- e« m an

ret i f the Sutmtetf ol the Ceaji r ot New jferk,doted Octo¬ber II.IMA,andpareoaul leatatsto, we. IOHN A. ALLER'«and JOHN F EINt II, Eiocubori ei the last will am aaatamewl ,.t UK KM AN KATTENHORN dot eased, w ill tail *¦ pab-ba aartkotl, by Me»«rs. baket a. W ei as, sue'ioot er«, a: theMercnant*' Eachstife, in the City ol \fm . York, on the tti dayot April next, at l.'o'el.tekj «i O008I, lbe follow In* desrrib ^lla: ds in tie City if New .York, aaatelyi Ail the e^aal aaoa-\ ('e.l one l.slf patt f ail tho«e certain km. tdeces or psn-ela ot

laud rituete, lyate, aad beiux la the rwaifta Ward af Ike Cityof Nrw York, be"ind»d and dea-ribed as followa. vr: One ofsaid Lots ci inmenein* st the point wbere the divisuni line h i-

l*"ti the NrW-YofB and netlafie retlliewia inter»<ts thefoi.tberlv abla ot Ekyjatietk treat, ruunu.» theaee aaeaarlyaleeoIii- »onlunlv eide of Eixb'ieth Street ai\t> I. et li\e lot ii aontberlv in a line parallel to the westerly aide of too

aeeeaaVavei aa M | ill In aadeiajkl leekea to the do i*Miu Imoot the New .York ana Harlaci* Comtaons, t'tence north-westerly¦ Ion* laid aTvdaaaa line ae tenty aix test and <ix meuea lo thejoint or ileea of br-ainuit*.One oiber ol raid Lou. ..ininencii f at a p-dnt iu the »otitherlv

side of ElaRtiotb atreot, aaabtat two aaatdTrad and ikjrea teet anilb ur it.i he«, we»ti iiv from the ».uth-weaterly corner ef aaOOaoVavenue ar d ElxbtheUI-Otro*t,rwaabsf tbenee'weaterly alon* thetoiiffcrrlr lida cf ElawBetk-atrOOt twenty live f-et and liveIi ehe* In thee.tteii) tide of ihe Ixit above deeerilied, thenceti utber.y ill a I'l.e parallel to the wenfarly of Second-avenue lorfy six leet and eight inches to the diriston Una of theNew Yotk and llatlteui Commons, thence aouth'-rly along aiidil waion l:i.e thirty twi feet mid tiine Hube», tin nee northerlyin a lit.- earailef to the waategiy tide at* tha BeeeaaVaraauai¦ixty six bat live katkea to the place of begiimit g.

oi.e other of the saht Lota ataBMaaaaaaai at tue tn.rtli-««*:orlyten eg of the Lot U«t *bo\ e de«i ribed. running thence emtlicrl v

in a In e parallel to the weetei! aide ol the Second avenue aixt v-

»iv leet five inches to the division line of theKeW'Yerk and liarlsno Conin.ona, thence south easterlyBbMUJ said iivWaO line thirty two feet three laoeoa,ilene norlherlv in s line parallel to the westerlysice ot the Second avenne eighty six leel and two M diet to thelasgtketiy side ot Eightieth sir. et, Ih- .e westeily along thesoutherly aide ol Eigntielh BtrOOt tweuty tive bet live inche*to the i lace ot beg nning.Oneofbi-i of said Lola, com ineiicmg'at a point in the southerly

side cl Eightieth street, diatant on. Inn Ired au 1 liti) two feetai six inches weeterl V from the south westerly cori^gr ol Se.i nd arena and UlMiOth street, running thence somberlyins line pai»llel to the westerly si te of the Second avenue

bo bandied and two lee: and two inc-he* fo (ho middle lineI the block between Seienfy ninth and Eightieth street*, thence

along said middle übe the feel and halt an Inch, to the diviaiouIIlia of the New Yoik and Ha-laem Commons; thence norlh-w i steily along saiil uivisioti lino twenty Sve feet eight Inchesle the taetaily HBO ef the- lot last aim..; described j tuenco iu a

line taiallel to the westerly side of Reeead avenue eighty aitleet and two inches to the south rl> ride of Eightieth street; e.i-terly sloi.g the .outherly >..le ot Eighti.-th street» ly-Bta (. et Iiv e inches lo the place of beginning. Another.f M Lois, .. n.i...;. ing at a poiul In the a.utherly side ofEight ath street, di»tant one Inn died and twenty seveu feet anili e inch westerly tiom the soutb-westeily corner of Eightieth

rtreet ei.! Seroud »renne, runuii i theiee southerly in a lineatallel to the wcstefl) 'lue ot Second avenue one baudred andwo feet and two n eues, to tbe center hue of the block betweenBaiajRl allllk and Eighnetb streets; thence westerly along saidcenter line twenty five b et and n .e inches; thence northerly int IteO parallel to the westerly »id»- of Second tveuuo one hun¬dred and two leet and two in. hes to the southerly side of Eigh¬tieth street; easterly along tbe southerly side of KmViethstreet twenty live feel tw: to the place of beginning.Another ot said Lota, commencing at the south easterly cor

lerof the lot last above described, running then easterly alonglha ei trr lu.e ol the block between Seventy ninth Bud Eighti¬eth streets twenty-five feet Iiie Inches; thence southerly In a

line parallel to the westerly sole of Second avenue forty tin refeet 'lin e ii hes to the dioslon line of the New-York and liar-Isen. Commons; thence north westerly along laid division lineIB IBe11 feet sn.l ti D in hes lo 'he enter line of tbe block be¬tween 'Sotenty nrrth end Eul.tieth streets; thence e*»f*.ly. lot g slid center line thirty feel bve and on.- half inches t > tbe{lice of beginning.Another A and Loll, commencing at tbe Borth weder!y comer

ot tbe Secondivenue and Seventy ninth street, running theucenortherly aloig the weaterly side of the Second avenue twenty.Iva teet'ux si d one ball inches; thence westerly in a line parstiel to tbe ortherly side of Seventy ninth streut litt* eight feetsn.l nine inches tc the division line of the New-York and liarlaem Commons: thence south-easterly along said division lineforty-one It et eixht inches to the north-westerly aide of Sev-OBty-Bbxtfc street; thence aaatam ilong the northerly side ofSeienty-ninth street twent_\ five leet ten inches to the plsce ofbeginning.Another ot said Lots, rommenciog at a point in the westerly

side of Seeond atei ne distant twenty five feet six and one

half Irehes northerly from tbe north-wester!y corner of Seven-tv-i,u th street and Seeond-svenue running thence northerlys'e t.g the westerly »ide .1 Seen! »\en-ie 'wei.fy Ijve feet litai.d one halt inches; thence westerly, in a line parallel to thenortherly side of ae»en:y-ninth-street. ninety-one feet eightiLrbes to the divisk'ti line of the New York and Harlem Com¬mons ; thence south eeeterly, si. t.r Hid divulon IbeB, forty onefret right in. bei; thence easterly in . line parallel to the northerly aide of Seventy ninth street, titty eight feet nine inche« tothe i lice of beginning.Another of laid Lots, commencing at a point in the westerly

aide of Second avenue distant Stty one feet and oue Inch uor'herly from the north weaterly enrn- r of the S.-coud avenue andSeyentv ninth-street. northerly along the west-erly »nie of S*cond-*veaiie, twenty-five feet sis and one ballin. I.e.; thence weaterly in a line BBraBel lo tbe northerly side(t Seveuty nlnlb-street. one hun.tred an.t one feet and eightitches; thence southerly, in a hue parallel lo the westerly sideof Second avenoe. seventeen feet eight snd une hall incnee to

the dmsion Baa of the New-York and Hariaem Commons, thenalong said diviauia line twelve teet and six inches thence easterly.iualui* parallel to the northerly aid* of Seventy uluthatreat. nii.ety one fret esjl. inches to the place of begmning.

JUHN A. At.Li.II.- ,

m7UwÄwE JOHN E. FINCK, ( "^u'^rth


n.inberaof the brm ot O L. AOABEO k Co, of Canton, iai i, a aa OEOBQE L. AOABEO and JOHN

E, their real names being unknown..Samcoona for moneyden and on coi.tree'. (Com. not set ( To tha above designated1 .. .;ar'.: YoB are hereby samimoued snd reonirad to answerfke comtiaint in this action, which wul be filed :fl the) office oftU Oik of the Citv and County of New Yorx, at Iba City Halln. the l a>j ..f N. w-Vork. and to terre a copy of your answer tethe aeid complaint on the lubecrioer, it hi* office. No. 44 Wall¦treat, Bl tboCByof .N. w York, witbin tw. .,ty days alter thaservice of this samu.on* on you, exclusive of toe day of sm-baarvk a and if -.-«.. fail to answer the said complaint witbia thetin e aforesaid, 'the pUiutiSs iu this action will lake judgmentnein pee for the earn of Thirteen Hundred and Twenty-two

. tad Twoaty-three < eDte w.-S ir.tsreet from the seveo-

teentb Hay of April. One Thousand Kight Hundred and, besv'e the coot of tbi* action..Dated New i ork, Jaoaogyl*Vh. Itm. f. i m ARB CRY, Elan t.-fs" AttorneyThe r. n plan t n fb« al*ve action »i» filed in tha office of tbe

Clerk af tbe City and County of New-York, ou the 14th day ofFebruary.lUd._fe!5 lawlÜwF


WOOD EDWARD MERRITT tr.d JAMES II KNAPPaia. st LEW is uooDBLRN, HENRY L k RANK LIN andWILLIAM H SCOTT.jr.|SUJiriio:j for a money .iemand ou

contracty. Tn tbe above named defendant, Henry L. Kranklm:Vou are Ber-by iure ti.oned and required to answer the cotnpiaiatiu this action, of which s opy is herewith served arson yon, andto wne a copy ofvour answer to the sasd complaint an the suo-

sciilt^ at his catee. No. 19 William sure'., in tbe City ofNew- Yoik, withue twenty days arter tbe service hereof, exclu¬sive of the day ef such service; and if yoa fad to answer tbesaid cou.t laiut witurn tha time afoeeeaid. the plainurfs an tm*aciicu will take judgment against ton for the sum ot two lb e-

tar.: seven honored end thirty -eight doilara lud fiftaea rants,with .uferest on six hundred sad aix v dollars and three coat*of the lime, frem the second dar of November, one thoisandrigLt haasdred sad Sfty-taree; on the sara of eight hundred aadtarty-live dollar* aad bftv-two rents from the sixth dty ofJanuary, |SN| oa sevsu butxired sod fifty-nine dollars andBintty I ai ecu's from r.e litb day of April, 14>i; and on tbosem of three hundred end Jn-lf' doll an from the third day ofMay. 1414; and on one hundred and seventy.two dollars andthirty *ix rent* fmtn tbe '. Vfh dav of May, IIS4, beside the cosesof tats sctiotv.Da'sd Jaoasrv fj, 11K,

N COM3TOCK. J L Plaintiffs' AforaeyTV oaipiaiat at tbe above enti'led aetioa we* filed la the

ekVe cf tha ( [ark of this Coert ou :aa IVb dav of February,ISSsi. fell', livtsf


for nonay Aemend en contract. BOW mat, mat.) Tm the De|a *Web<re«r anted Taaerokinij i»»a]aai<raliii<(»tilaar-iw-r taasow*.*!m in Lb* eco^e .i«,Uiit»«;hM.Mkc the e#« uf the C:«ek <M the Comae, ef New T*e\, et the Tit*Htll \a the City of N*w York ami to «r». . ropy at year a*

.wer to the tai<l "«'l<t. on Um tuber rIber, at mat adhc*. Ma. HMet, bent*' Exchange, in aejd atty, wlthia twenty day* erWthe **r«ic* of that ammmuma am jam. sxclasav* ef Ik* may uf toe*Mrnti; and if run fail to an« wer the .jd mmpUx-t withe* taathai* afor, said, the pleuiliB «nil taa» tedgroeul tat the taaa .(

ad BW» iiwao wan, aaa thousand

hundred and am ¦ >e. b***d« the aost* of Uia latlaav-DatedF«»ru*ryl* lUa. H. R. PIF.R»,.>N.

fl I Jaw « Taa P Plaaubr* Alteraey.

SI l'KF.ME COl'RT.City and County of Now-Tork.-V. ,. H.. kmaii again*! Aaaa Marie Bora. Ex

i- tria ef tea ¦etWB), a.- >f Sam .ei Bord, Iiiiiim AaaaMarie 11. ti. in her own rielt, Johu Botd end Helen, his wife;Biearo Bold ai..l M.reite hie wife: Semael Boye and Sio,--cl*

leha ( I owrw aad Elieehe'h. hia wife, EdwardH Mary Meer* TBeeaon H. Dwight and Ellen, aaa wife;W illieo, Beery Meere a: u laabella Orahaai, hi* wif«, Stetert it He, hurts and Anna Mane, he wife,- Maneer anal? DM Jane, hi* Agnes Bord John Bayard Boyd, Andrew

U end >itg,i,,«C. blew te F.Iward K Boydead Levy, hieWire; Jamaa Eda ietea aid Anna Maria hia wife ; and Henrietta

H ti. 'or relief.(Cotn rasa aar. V.To the Deseedante F.I'WAKPBOH> -. MlM.K.K and KM/A JANE,i. . a '. «i d A(..\ KfJ BOl P ken are hereby .» remowed aadt .;¦ tei 11 ana« n thr rn0.t leant wa that srfiou, whseh bee beewBled in the .it-. . at th» Caan of ff* Vtj aad Coeaty ef New-Veit, aid to aerrt a eon of aonr anawer to the *eM euoeptara*.

if rebelithoi.el hia ottv-c. No. II Wallet, New-Terk( ItJ wlrbin twenty deys after the service ot tkie raaaaaeae mm

yea, eselaerre of the day of «weh «er-axe; and if roe fall to an¬

te t the aeid U in, lathi within the time atoreeeid the ptsinUtT.»' ... the Court for the rrlivi demanded >a

the ,'onii laint .Dated IWemlW £1.IIVA.j i; FLANaoan PUintitTa Attorwew

The raaelaial ii 'l* actleawea filed u> theeaaeeef tbeClerk of the I h laai i aady tt New York, en the Itth efJeaaary,MtB. faVlawJwB,

CLTER10K COITRT of tho iTTY of NKW-k^ YORK ¦ Oil K T I'l BOll WILLIAM CAB-hnLL .9amu our for n oney demand on t-ontrart. (t een, not

», ft aal V ii at' hereby tammoiaed aadterenewertheeesadafcetka tbia arttoa. wbieh will be

¦ the ("eta of the Superior Cowl of the Citytt New \itt. f nka By Hall ta the cut of New Teafc. and to

aerae a copy ol roar aaeweata the taid complaint on the tAclr caV< No :'! Hr.wdway. in the CKy of New

Yoik, v, r on twenty ilav» af>er the eeraice of thia tinamem on

yea. aetlaefie mt tl.e day of aaeB aafekwi and if roe faU to

anewei the aaM reaa plahai »ithin the tine atoreeeid, tee plakaiiaTin kit aatkea w ill take judgment arainat jo* for the «um of

Ibaffl and alaty rente, with iaaoreet front the(Molwr. one rhoueand -"«ht hundred aud tit?

the, beakde* the eeelef ll » a. M«n Dated November 3, ItUw\ rAUOH k ANDRBW8, HaieBafe Attorneye.

Ti e of ¦dahjl in th'« a, 'ion wae Bawd in the oflVe of the faerkaf the Ha) erior Conrt of the City of New-Y»ik on th* Jlth dayofBeht try,II l*J» taaedwV

CCPKEMK CO l KT W1 I.I.IAM II. JACOBSkO ra.ii at UKOROI P. W IBOAND and other-, a I,HINK. HAVMN lamraeea, To JOHN K IIAMI.IN: Ycuara

Maed i n reared ha anawer th* *upedemental«. o n t i Ina aa'' ion. which wee bled in the nticeof the Clerh, tli, It and Coui tr of New York, at the City Hall in BMtity,m tkjB , a'nh dtv ol December, IBAS, and to **rve a eopypi yoar anewer te the *aid compUu.t ,m the «uhacriker at ha)ott,.- Ke. 7» Near*ii *t. City of New-York, within twenty day*tfti ,-, t tliia «ii* tm yoa, eaclueiee of the day

tai Itta i aad if wee fad te anawer the eani complaintwill b be tiate itinaal*, the plaiutid in thl* acttaw will applyto the Court ior the reliel demanded in the complaint,. Dated

Jai. K h I T( 111 M, PlelutirlS Attorney,let lawnwK

rpHE PEÖP] K..I the STATP. Bf NEW-YOliK,1 by tbeariceof (lot). Free and laaVaWawieall To all p*r«ou*

iia actate of ANNS B. F.DOF.COMBK. late ofIke I v of N*w \ork. deceased, a* rre litor*. lee*'***, aeit efa ii elhaiwlaa. aaaa |i*etla|i You and each ot yoa are kere-

i eitrd « i repaired |. i», i-al.» to be and appear before am*Hi rreaate t rbe ( ounlr at New Yotk. at hia uBVe in the City,i N*a Teafc, aa the lMrfle*fc day of April neat, at *l*e*a

I thai e». ihe-i *ud there to attend tkei'.ii, of tl.e a,, o,int .t proceeding* of W11,1.1 AM

II HAMMEIali a* eaerutor ol th* eel w ill and testament of*nid drreare.l.I:, tealimoi t whereof, w* hare ciueed Ui* «e*l of olBc* of *aid

Surrogate to he hereunto edited. Wime** ALF.XAN-l>m( W IlKADKIlRD taa., Surrogate of our aaid

[l. ».) I, aaty, at tie CRj it New York, th* twenty tWthdayl f Jaaaaiy, In the year of our Lord One thuuMud eighthtw dted bm fifty «ix.

f.« lawlwF A. W. BRADFORD. Surrogate


Correspondence of The N. Y. Tribune.

Philadelphia, Tnemlny, Mafh 4, o-.".?».

I .net Nutunlay, Muri h 1. the Hiinieo|iathiej Cullei»«ol l'i'iiii.aylvHiiia, celeliriitid ita Ninth Annual t'uni-ii i tu epn nt. A flmit iM'e'ount uf tUie inlereetiDgf auleui.

t\ aad of the condition of the (.'tillejre, may not l>etit nf plani in the eoluiliDh of your paper, w/l'ie'h id

uiiiveraally looked u|hiii a» tlu-niont aide ami energjeco!11.1' nt. tt IradjAaad pro^rean in nur country.The Mueieal Fund Hall, w lx n- the etonmtmt Ua k

place, WBI erowdod to itn utmo.t ra|Mwity. Ten-

IrMltb pi the nuiliiiicc were lailn-a, (oinpriAintr tin?bcBBijf und tdlMlffl of riuUdelphia. The KrndiiatinK< BMI OaraBMMd .\oinlily with any aimtlar claeva iii out

A I; 0 ,, f'o!leo;,H; they xeetned to be a band of\ nt I.ful iiiiiiiircir», aajna of whom will do doubt be a

¦ to their country. Tho Majdeatl of the Homeo-patliic Cold iri> in IIiim ify rceeivo a tlionin^h inetrue-tion in all the medical ecicncra, and in the acienue ofHoBM o]iMt|iy in |mrticulHr. Kroiuiny pcraonal eipcri-encc, 1 am prepared to aneert tlmt tin- Pro eaaora, aa a

body, BN not inferior to any taOeHrjal taOwStT iä taaapoantry. Tha raledietory addiert.«, of which I e*ndwon a copy, eraboaUaa Um e, ntntiiajdj which animateIB4 11' nr.I of Tenchi-rn townrtl tlicir pupila, a iitiui, ntnot rraat kindn^a and paternal leirard. I may aa wellHate in I hia place tlmt the nlmtetriciil deparUneiit ii

POOet mill:ii ui'.'v iiianajf' I, both ni n-^unln the I'xpoai-tkOtJ of principle!! ami the op|Mnliiiiitii-< for pie. -tli i«, tiyl'lideeror Ward, thi' nuthor of the uildreee.

All the bent fnniiliee in thin city employ Homeopitfh.cphyeiciaBa, Itiano amall honor to Philadeljitna ' hatt!:> liret Homeopathic College, with a fall Hoard of e

I i'!.--tri. «Iioulil tiave been org;aiiizcd by the liber¬ality of her cttizeua, UDdi-r a charter of Un- H'ateLrgblataUe. Thua it ia that, even in medicine, our

^lohoua country take* the lead of Europe, c. J. m.

TutiuiiL»; Pin»: a a i> FIxpi.osiob.. The. Plan'ert'Hmnirr, of St. -Mnry'a, I^a , of the WTth ult givea the

UlOWiaajaayoaal a| tin- dentructive (Ire and fr uitfule.tploaion at St Maitinavillc, in thia State."On Sunday evening l*mt a die broke out in St.

Martineville, which not only laid wade the principalpottion of the town, but waa attended by a arful loeaof life. The circiiuihtuucee, no fdkT aa we have learnedtl.i m, are I lure: The Arc originated in a (table in thereiirnf Mr. Poittutiette'a, to which the flamea «,un klyr> M. I., d, und e| reading th, inaelvea in the.r destructiveprogrc-e, in a ehort time the entire equare waa a uiana

of iiiinie. Thia aijuare embraced the principal buaineaaI ajaca >>fthe town, come of them tine brick buiidiugs,eotitaiiiiiig a quantity of valuabie merchaiidia«. Inoin- of three atorea were forty kega of gunpowder,whirl) exploded with a tr. rm n-loua report, bleT downthe walle, carried in the roof, and buried in th« minetl irteeu peri-one who were nt, the store at tho tiaie, <n-

dgaatMaBjf to bBVB what they could from the contlagra-tion. All theae petrre.tia are aaid to have been instantlykilled. We have not b«-en able to learn tbe namea ofthe .-uilerera. The gentleman who furniebecj the id-!i iiiiii.on wan an eve-witneaa to thia awful aceae, andlatlaialia Ika prohuLle loee of propertr to be alwut1900,000. We cannot b am that any of thia loee waa

.. > d hy inaurancc. .Since, the above waa writtcawe learn from another aource that twenty-three an- Riiaaed ninoe the exploaion oooonrad, aad Lbajeu| pi.aition ie that they are among the victime, AHi iitlen an who arrived here laet niglt by the ma*l-boatetatea that when he left Nt. Martinirville aeventeenI cd n a had been found among the run*, ami that adiligent reared waa then being made for others whonn l*]ppoaod to be th> ie."

I >¦ iv kbsitt Of ihk STATI of N«w-Y"0RB.~At 0ii . lm%t ot the Ui genta of the Cniveratty on the urthday of February last, the following apportionment ofthe appropriation to Acadetniea for the narehaea otle ¦ ka and apjiaiatua wae made. A certificate of theapportionment he* been delivered to the < .'.nnptrollei\>y whoec warrant ti.e auiocnt to each A'»deo»y w,lbe paid by the Tn aanrer of the State, on diafle o

ordeta drawn on him by the Treaauiera of tha aeveraw'Ai'«; »neb drafta or ordern being acoooaptviuedley a proper certificate from the President or Secretaryof the Academy, under ita corporate eeal, that tho¦eraoa >.gr.ii g aaid drafts ia the Tie teurer uf theAcademy, duiy appointed by the Ti ietea e thereof:W Llreatt.wu Academy.OiVO 0'i' '". ts-^mij. iit 11Kalley Seminary. £30 a.W eat Win Be Id Academy..*. Vm maSfgtkey -eminary. 30 BOW'asbingtc« County Seminary aad Collegiate Instigate. lH ISMace,.on Academy. at MJohnstown Acedeayet. aa BeFredonla Academy._ at ajDutches* County Academy. 3BB IB( «viga Academy. 3M atj. rier.on i ocnty IneaiBte. 9M IBMunro Collegiate Institut«. SM 10'".m B Academy. W *.BrockLeld Acadtu.y. 1» .»

Total.tlBe mder ot ti..- Regen'»Aibmn*. March 1. iL«. S. B. WOOIaWOBTH, Bee'y.ABFOIBTMBBTI f.r the OoVKBNOR.Btf Old uc:t

tkf adttee and content of the titnalt.-Noratii* Poetic -W ayne.Saxoo B. Oaritt ef Lyes.

Ströhen.Oeo. W Ferurenn, jr., ef Corning. Maaree EhjahK. Biytb land D R Anarr.y of Wheeler. New-Yorh-Ches.A Rtsmllo JnhnS Harberger. Jona T. HotYetaa. W C Beate,W illism D. Weddmgton, Falker J. Beck, Edwxa f. Casey.

or J. Latrm*. John H Chamber*. Edward Steaheaeoa, aeeiVA uiata C. R.Auison A bany-FUiwacd Hand. Wajaae Bke-Lken P. Seymcar of Palmyra. HamUten-Deeid W. watt efMadwoc. öewego.De W lit Oerdner ef Balte*. CBewsja C.H. Merrimeaof Auburn. Herkimer-Jeeeph Wageea ef Mo¬hawk. Fulton.Jona Well* ef Juhaetewa. Qaeeaw ElokhM. Robinann and Sidney L. Ortaxa. Banaealaer Fkatlp H.Brenmaa of Tmy.Losa coMMitsioaKga.-Joka wueeo ef liaibaa aad Aiex

aader Campbell of Monroe. Orange Ceuaty.