Healthy Sexuality. Baseball? Pizza? Sex?

Post on 17-Jan-2018

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Let’s be anonymously honest… My sexual preference is: A. Heterosexual B. Homosexual C. Bisexual D. Transgender


Healthy Sexuality

Baseball? Pizza? Sex?

Let’s be anonymously honest…

My sexual preference is:A. Heterosexual

B. Homosexual

C. Bisexual

D. Transgender

In my lifetime, I have had sexual intercourse with:

A. No one

B. Only one person

C. 2-5 people

D. 6-10 people

E. 10+

The most common type of protection that I use during intercourse is:

A. Male CondomB. Female CondomC. OtherD. NoneE. I am not sexually active

Why no protection?

A. Caught up in the moment

B. Don’t like the feel

C. Don’t have them

D. Awkward

E. Intoxicated

If I use a lubricant, I use:

A. K-Y Jelly B. Baby OilC. VaselineD. NothingE. I am not sexually active

I have participated in oral sex at some point in my life:

A. Yes

B. No

C. I have never been sexually active

The most common type of protection that I use during oral sex is:

A. CondomB. Dental DamC. OtherD. NoneE. I am not sexually active

When I have been sexually engaged alcohol or marijuana or some other drug was part of the scene.

A. Yes

B. No

C. Never been sexually active

I have sought the following in regard to sexually transmitted diseases:

A. I have been tested and treated

B. I have been sexually active but not tested

C. I am not sexually active

Health Services STD/STI Testing: HIV – blood draw – free Syphilis – blood draw – free Gonorrhea/Chlamydia – urine test - $20 Herpes – blood draw - $12 Morning After Pill - $25 Pregnancy Test - $5


Guess What?

1 in 2 sexually active young people will get an STD by the age of 25. Most won’t know it!

T – R


Quick Facts: Parasite that spreads during sexual contact affecting both


Symptoms may show up 5- 28 days after contact

70% of those infected are asymptomatic

Male symptoms: mild white discharge or pain/burning with urination

Female symptoms: yellow- green discharge with strong odor, vaginal itching, or pain during sex or urination

Treatable with prescription drugs

C- L- AM- Y -


Quick Facts Bacterial STD that affects both genders

Most common STD at UWG & most reported in the U.S.

Female symptoms: abnormal vaginal discharge, burning sensation while urinating; can scar female organs

Male symptoms: Discharge in penis, burning sensation while urinating, and pain and swelling in one or both testicles

Treatable with antibiotics

75% of females and 50% of males are asymptomatic

G- O- N


Quick Facts Bacterial STD that affects both genders

The CDC estimates that 820, 000 people in the U.S contract this infection

One of the most commonly reported STD’s at UWG

Often asymptomatic at first but both males and females usually will develop a discharge of pus, severe pain, and burning while urinating and may be confused with urinary tract infection

Untreated Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can lead to infertility causing Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (scarring of tissue)

H- P- VW-R

HPV (Human Papilloma Virvus)

Quick Facts Most common sexually transmitted infection at UWG and in the


No cure; over 4,900 women die each year from HPV associated cancer

HPV causes 70% of cervical cancers worldwide

Many are asymptomatic, but some will develop genital warts

Vaccines are available at UWG Health Services

More than 50% of sexually active people will get HPV at some point during their lives

H- E- P

Quick Facts STD caused by two viruses

Type 1- oral

Type 2- Genital; can be transferred via oral sex

1 out 6 people have genital herpes

Untreated herpes can cause genital sores

There is no cure for herpes, but there are medicines that will help with the outbreaks

About 1 in 6 people are infected with herpes in the U. S.



Quick Facts STD that can cause long-term complications or death if not


It spreads by direct contact with a syphilis sore during anal, vaginal, or oral sex

Treatable with antibiotics, but cannot undo any damage that the infection has already done

Occurs in 3 stages:1. Painless sores2. Rash, fever, fatigue3. Permanent damage to heart, brain or organs



Quick Facts Transmitted through blood or body fluids

It can take 6 weeks to 6 months before symptoms begin to appear

May be asymptomatic; but may have yellowing of the eyes & skin, nausea, vomiting & dark urine

No cure

Vaccine for prevention


HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus)

Once you contract HIV, you have it for life.

1 in 5 people living with HIV in the U.S. doesn’t know they are positive

Signs and symptoms include: Fever Sore throat Rash Loss of weight

No cure

There are HIV medicines that help longevity.

My Future Decisions:When it comes to my future sexual health decisions, my top priority will be to:

A. Practice safe sex using condoms every time.

B. Get tested and get treated when changing partners.

C. Avoid mixing alcohol consumption with sex.

D. All of the above.

E. Continue to practice abstinence.

The TruthSTDs affect people of ALL races, ages, and

sexual orientations!Be smart! Be strong! Be safe! Be tested! Be treated!ABSTINENCE is the only sure protection

and can be reclaimed regardless of your past!