Heroin By Sydnie Bertrand and Laken Morris Medical Name Diamorphine.

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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HeroinBy Sydnie Bertrand and Laken MorrisSMedical NameDiamorphine

Street NamesHeroinHell DustThe Big H

Drug ClassificationSchedule I substanceOpiate

Methods of AdministrationInjectionInhalation by snorting or sniffingSmoking

Historical InformationCreated by Bayer in 1898Extracted from poppy flowersNamed from the German word Heroisch meaning heroism.

Short Term EffectsHypoxiaDry MouthFlushed skinNausea/vomitingSlowed cardiac functions Mental confusion

Long Term EffectsNeurological damageAddictionDeterioration of white brain matterComa

Complications/DangersDeath by over doseSpontaneous abortionBlocked blood vesselsLiver or kidney diseasesLoss of O2 to the brainHIV, AIDS, Hep B,Collapsed veins

Potential for AddictionHigh risk for severe addition and drug abuseC I substance

Symptoms of Over DoseApneaDry mouthTongue discoloration Low blood pressureWeak pulse Blue colored lips and nails

Emergency treatment of ODIV fluidsBreathing supportNarcotic antagonistCPR if unresponsive or not breathing

Who is most likely to use this drug?White male and femalesUsually in late 20sLiving outside large urban areasLower to middle income class
