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Post on 30-Jun-2019

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day nL 10:00 R.m. wIth burial 1Albuquerque at Sunset Mem9ruf'nrk. Thl'l Chapel of Roses Funcm11011\0 of RUidoso wns In charge (Incul a rrlUlgements and will be !U~INlcd by the French~Fttzg~ral

)\furtllnry In AlbUquerque.

The Rov. Ounstrcam w l\­bOI'll eeptcmber 29. 1899 In LltU[·.lm, Tc)(. In 1824 the Board eOfewrs ot the New Mexico OlstrleI\rC'.embly offered R. C. OW1StrearII'" first "oppOrtunity" as paste01 Ihe Roswell Flrsl Church wilerh~ WU8 ordained Mny 23. 1020. ThHI!\ , QlmoSlrcam later servecJlUrchea In Portales and EI Pasanll In 1938 became Dist.rlcL SUpeltnlendent. '

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POtts andreU. trapping hIm beneath thefloor. lower photo shows .flooring removedso worken could get to body of the mini••ler who was pinned under floor brac•• whenbuilding foil.




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.. "'rAKE I'EACE. OF l'![JNQ -ALQ.N'dbn. Youn VAOATJON

To gel tile 1Il0st f\lll qui cif dtl~lni'.nd .'lurivlng a I your Ilcsllrtlltlon, rre~ 'tOlJrmh.ld from :.11 worry eoncerpln$'.,;1O!lI.' ....autqlJ10blle In\\\urance. J'roteel YOl!J'Se~

, t agalnsl costs of collb..IOIl repair. med,lcllt 'eXlle/ISCS. IllW suiIs, . .

Remember, In many l!1~~ ~.'qUire proof ot timmclal rClsPllnslbill.y,The lIe!>t ·ll.1'!d Olllst Inexpensive wa,y ls ~havo cllIoprehenslve illllurll.nce. .

.' "

DAN D. SWEARINGIN. Inc.Ir111urnnee - Renl Esta'e - Phone 251..u55

artel'l1oon Tuled Ill', (l!mslrenm•

died when crushed by thl' hou~e,"'" I •Dr, Oun....,trl·(u\! l!lll! tlN'II'i1lstrlt'!

•sUpl.'rlllt,l.'lldl·nt for his district.which ineluill'd all of N,·w Mcxl,")and EI I'a'o. sllll'!' Hl38 [lul'lOllhi'! term as ',Ulll'f.ntl'ndl'nt, tht'aSSl'ts or Ihl' <,'hUfl h 01 UIl' Naz·nl'l'Ill' In thl' dl ... lnl't ll11'ri'(l',I'd rlllll!~8~,OOO to 1U1Ir(' than $:1 millon.


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•SITE OF TRAGEDY-Photo ofbulfdlng at An.gus Nazareno Camp which fall wilen It wasbolng lacked up Monday morning causingdeath of Rov. R. C. Gunstream, Tho Rev. Gun.sttoam was working undor about center sec·tlnn when Ihe building swayed from Ifs sup·

. 9 i. 4; Ii .....


'1 he dIstrict superlntendcllt ofthe Church 01 the Nazarene In NewMexico alld EI Paso, Dr. R. C.OWlstrenm. 65. Abuquerque. diedr: "P~';;;:~Mondny when l\

1,'1;~'lhouse fl'lI all him~ '~~at the' churchI.. .;;t'1 camp at Ilcllrbyl '. ~... AnlOl8.'iii- ,1 '. ':'r

f~. .. Jl..... A 81>okl'smnn at

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.' '.~ ...., Or. GUl1slrcnm HI' wa_ the' IU'IIU'1111l1 C.,lIlldl·!' lIf. was he III In II the Nlltlll·I'nt· 1'1111111 ,II AIl~""" nLuut

Z shore up I h {! 10 mlll!S 1I0l'Ih tlf Huulm.o,'louse which had SUI'\,lvors 01 !lll' Alhllljlll'rl\1I1'Nashed aU 118 ,mlllt'lter 1I1('ludl' 111(' Wlduw. Iwo

pro It \. l:,dtl.I'U~~ )IUldnt!on during /lO1),'! nlld Iwo dllll/lhll'I, ..week·end rnlns whgn n jnck slip·ped, causlnn the house 10 foil 'on Funeml sl'rvh:,'" 101' thl' ne\'.him. OUn:ltrculIl Wl'I'l' hl'ld til 1111' Nul'.'

A coroner's jUry cl'Jled Monday arenc Tnbl'rIlt\l'le onl AIIUU3 ·I'hurll.. .~ ._.....",.-1" .

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.Wife of Marine, .

Dies After Crash

Sports BulletinLeRoy Oooch, RUidoso. pu~ down

DJII MUllican of Alamogordo Ina cl05e second round b~tt1e In tbochamplonshlp night of' Cree Mea·dows InvitaUon1\1 tournament hereWcdnesday. Other chnmplonshlpfllghL winners were Overall overHowell. Anderson over Mackey and

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'Clarke Insur~-"ce .Agency. . ~. .

NQ, YOV wOv,.nl'4"T~ .

YIIIl would~" sta~ oai lin a 'long, .trip without a !lpa~J,-tirill .so why gowithout comple~ aC'eldent ins~r!lnee

' ..Coverage? •, ,

... ,'" "

,14 Page$ In 2Sections-Section A,N • , , "

~W\~c1 lind :P1lbllshed In fhl! Soal4we••~s T,ellr !Jl~qncl "lllygr,Ud


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•NO. '1 IN OUR 20th YEAR

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Al1vurnd;'ll' ~·':J/'·:""""·', ..~i/,·' ~i..:' . '<" .",,~: ": ',) ",· .. ,~,:~'~::·7:~_·,,,~~~;:~;f~~,':,,:~;~',':;;' ~'.I J 1--,' - <'Y ) '. 1-, ,', > ~ .,,~, ' • • .~. " , I ; . . .,' " .~' - . . . • .,

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.:-By N.osey Waters 1'7'~<I* , " , ' ".", ' ' ,', ' '••• • • •• • • • • • • • • .... • • • • • • • i.:'., .~," ,:-" " ' ;.,', , ;", . The wife of a U. a. Marine died

Tnlk'"~ ,w'Ith Roy Parker. mnn· ."t . i' """'/''''':'-' .lr,!!.. -"-,,"""i"""F' In Ruidoso-Hondo Vnlley Oenernl..... .~". •• 'n, '1,'" ..~, • • ' Hospital early Thursday of II brok·, 'o.ger of SIerra Blnncl!- Ski and Rec·, _ .' .• ', '.... .' .

~ e,, f'''' ,.'.,;" '~'o' ." ,," .• ' • T' en neck nnd skUll fl'acture suffer·realton ~rea,· we learned Ihe 11ft, ·:t .. "..< ,; , .' , . ed In a wreck OR U. S. Hlghwnyline fOf' the new double chnlr 11ft ' ,"'... •. ,. • . , " •.beln .,. ."'"stalled for first. use th.Is ,,1j .., ',. " ... 1; ..:... '" '10 at 2 a.m. Her husband. Darrell

• .., ~.... , ..... ,' ,~ > , • ·'".-,1,,· • ~ , Fentherly. wns driving the paircoming winter sport.'l sensop. has "tifj,~' l,-'?d' '~~'. ":~, tn their MO from their California)lee1l" c~eared. t~t prellmlnnry en- or" ":~11 base back to the womnn's homegmeerlng hns been done. that tmal,engineering shouid get underway In IlIlnols When Ihe tralil'edy occur·shortly nnd that the addlUon. wul red. The' women. Linda' Sue Fenth·do mor~ ,than nny one reo • erly. ]'1, died within II. lew min·

. kl " Iltes 'after the smnll sports cnrlIeve the eongesUon of s erll j struck a Podgopnrked In fron~ ofaround thel 11ft tcrmtnilis near the 'n residence across the street fromLodge on those big skiing dnys.The new double chair 11ft begins Sammer Ornamental Il'on Shop.iicar the top of the Lincoln 11ft, RIgh~ side of the spor18 cnr Wll.'l"nd siders can return to thlltpolnt. caved tn. This Accident occurred In$kllng the meadows as they, snr. RUidoso Downs. Featherly receivedwithout coming back to the LQ(!J{\l only minor laelal cuts.area. Besides trnlls for experlen· :- ' OWner of the pnl"'oted car Is Ray.ced sklers~ there are nlso trails for '.' .. ' ~. . mood Padllln, Investigators sllid Itnovices In the upper arens-nnd ~ .. "'-.. : •. was legally Jlllrked.that shOUld mnke everybody hap. ;, , ... •• "Chapel of Roses ambulance waspyl Parker sllid '15.000 new brOo ,:,; ': ,. •.• ~ . >.1 called to bring the Injllred womanchures arc being printed to adver· " ... . '/' ,~' • ", t~. ,.:. t#l to the hospital. Tlle firm alsq wastlse the ski nrea this fnll. The new '<l ••f" ";' "':' A ...; ,,':'~ " ......:';, :~ ,;, ': ,"," c, t • ~ " ~ },', ",~ :..~. to transport. the body to CnrrlzoEofolder has 13 color pictures. Il1


0f ,;'';:':'" ";.• J~, ,:.. ."" ~I.. ..."", .~ •. ,:... ,:~:""" '. ''; 1'.' ,~, : ..\:.<,~: WtohAerdCJdllstlOwn,aaIllto lbeateShiThPupersddnVyla Thralelthem new scenes but one. A v r.' ,- .. '," ..... "'"... • • ' " • • .. " . '.. ... . ,at Sierra week-end wa.s .......",' " ..... ,". :"'';1>(.-" '" ~. ,... , ij.',~ •. 'J' '" .... ", 't;1 womnn's home was ,in nearby Berk.DlUle Miller of KOSA·TV, Odessa, . Icy, nJ. SCrvlces were pending.who has the High Noon show, and KILLS TWO DEPUTIE5,-Johnny Thomas. play. county reslde111s. Is to booffered Saturday but were to be held In Elmhurl!t,who took movies for three days of Ing Billy Ihe Kid In the folk pageant "Last night and Sunday afternoon and night this m.. Albert Jny ot the locnl mortu·the recreation aren for ,USe on her Escape of Billy the Kid." Is shown on balcony week.end In outdoor alllphitheatro at Old ary said be had learned.TV program. Pnrker says crowds of outdoor stago reproduction of old LIncoln Lincoln. Two museums and roslarod WortleylIave been large on week-ends late- courthouse as he slew two deputies In his Hotel are among attractions In Old LIncoln~IaW~~e~a~~o=~~In~eg~~ break for froedom during lincoln County visitors to pag~ant can Inspect prior to stage

I ...- War In 1880·s. Annual pageant, Itarrlnn show.area n ww summer • • • ..

,inc:~.:f.i~::~:,:~= ANNUAL FOLK ·PAGEANT DEPICTScalibre ammo to (Jot for It..•• Tom .Bryan, I,;peclnl correspondent of the . • Clalboume over Edwards. '.EI PallO Tlm(')l:. WM up IM~ weck. c , . Matched early 1bursday morningend covering tho big Farm Bureau 1be aMual folk pagean~. '''Du! the Kid escaped JaU at Old Lincoln the Kid: Mnrgaret Tnylor all Mrs. In seml·flnals wero Oooch andcommodities meeUng hero, glvtng Last Escapo or BUIy the Kid." will • -killing two guards In thcl vlotlmt McSween: Sto"e dcFrnnce lIS her C1albourne and ~crson and Over·Ruidoso some good pUbUclLy • • • be preccnted 1n the outdoor nmpl. chnpter of the LIncoln coUnt)' War. h\l!Jbnnd, A1eXlUldcr McSween: nil;Purchase of U.' S. Bavingn Donds theatre at Old Lincoln Saturday, Portraying vluious rClJcll In the Jnt'k Tbomrw M :rUn!ltnll: Barney AdditiOnal details On tho tourna·in Juno thiIl YIll'r, to~ed,Jjl,~ In ,evc~ an~ ,:>und~Y..afte~oon~and_pa~unt~U" b~.'r.!a;~w..4f. Lin..........ldaa..aa:, l>epu[y ·eherJlf,~ :.lMnt are cg~n In 'a' mucb'lbtlQ'cll' •

'l:t1i'c&'rr't:f6iiDfy·',h\Ore'qban ~wfce c\'ef1lnll'thtil we..cll:end l.O"tlia'fiHe1F"coin COWltY;'some ol'tl1em descend. Thomll9 Lnssltcr os Deputy Shorttf news report on pag~ one of sectionthe amount. $1003 bought in June one PorUon of the story of a wild ants ot pCoplo who lI\'ed renl llve Bell: Dcek N05ker l\S 13het'UI D of'today's News.of 19M ••• So:ne~ WIIS recall1ntr youngster who llved in this part role!! In tho bloody event 80 yearn nmdy: Tommy Taylor an Old Manthe other day, Ruid.o:,o·s flrot alr~ of l:'!ew :r.!exlco in thcl turbuient- &80. 005.'1; Nelhllway M Frnnk Coo: B'UleldleDO' Pennl-tsstrip located northetLS~ beyond 1880 n. Directed by Dan storm, the prln. Lucio Zllmora as Col. Dudltly nnd '"'H.lgb'Mesa prettY close to'Ft. Stan· Plot of the pagennt 1.!l how B~y c:lpnl ehnracU!fU wlU Include Jolm. Dnn Storm Q9 Buckllho~ Roberts. ....ton's landing strip. war; pioneered r ny Thomas, san PatriC'lo fruit Voloos tor t11e roles wll1 be those Total $20 800'by Dewey Oonn, who later was our state. The aubstance, which aroUiled grower and rancher. who, cnacts of Da\'e Park..q M the nnrrator: ,village mnrohnl tor several terms. the curioslly of state Patrolman Dilly 'the Kid's role: KeMeth No.<;. Bill Shrcct'ngosL M Billy the Kid; D - Jul'He now Is operaling a ranch ncar Andy Bennvldea when he InvesUgat- ker M Terrltot'lll1 Oovernor Lew Jon Amnstal'. for Mc8wel'n: Ed· I urmg yClayton. He t.aUlIhL several RuIdoso cd the wreck. looked like souvenir WnUace; Dllvtd Bocmell as the fn. wl1rd Penfll'ld lor Oov. Wal1nce:._A rocka. Deputy BhcrUf OleM Brad· Sh U' P • 0 h 1 Mrs BUI Shrecen"ost for Mrs Me ButJding permlt.q Issued by thefolks to fly when he opera",-u our ley told U!J. Thinking they might mous er. a. arre~t w 0 II ew· . II .' Village of Ruidooo lor the monthOrIginal charter tctvlce nnd flying have stumbled on a rich find of Sween: Mrs. John Boylan forschool abouL la or 17 yeBrs ago or h............. or opium, tho "rocks" were Juanita Mill!!, and Eric Bruoo for of i,~'!' 1965, totaled $20,890 ac· .mora. • • ".".... SONNY WIUORT WINS Duekahot Roberts. cor........ to records compUCd by

sent. to the state Police headquar. EVEN'(,A1 ~JEYENNE Many of the cMt will be seen In Dert Rice, village buildlng Inspec·* * * tern where Bgt. Jesa 80Sa and LleUt- Sonny WrigM. or~to t.umcd In tor. ButJdlng permIts Jssucd for '""'e Dl11 Pippin lamlly. bnck from T. J. Chavez "f the "~r""UCS • In a speclnl televillion program set.... I d J I..... . u - "" the fMtcm~ time las1- Thursday's d I KS ...e ca en ar year, nnuary to

'texas where they vncnt!oned last brlUlch C&me up wIth the answer. steel' roping competition at the an. for Frl ny a temoon over Ws.. July 31; 1005 havo reached $850.3'15week, report they found several """ey had Cartl~le Laboratories' In TV. Roswell. Director Storm said dl .... A_ d

.... u.:> nual CheyeMe Frontier Days rOo I thl k nccor ng to Ul0 recor.." mlllnta1ne_-"SQl1venlrs at nn old fort site. 1l'orl A1buquerquQ analyse the find, and dee. He had n time of 17.3 seconds. enr y s wee . by the building inspector.

Penn Cotorndo, ncar Mnrathon. n was the lab's report that the Troy Fori of Lovington won $'101 Plonl'('rs of LIncoln COWlty have BUilding permlls during theTeX&.!'. Bm fOWld n copper ndver· curious stuff was peyote. Tl1e News In the flrsl go-t01Ind of Ute cnJr always used their AU1tU!Jt pageant month of JUly were t'lSUcd to thetwin" coin, worth 121{,c q\ the Lone nsked LieuL. Chavez If there wouid ropIng evenl. dnk' to stage nn old·tlmers' get. following: L, P. Onsurd. lot t.Star Saloon. plus .. cavalry inslg· bc- any charges filed regarding ..• • torrether. and a.s ts the custom. 11 ill blOCk 17, Ponderosa Heights. nddl.nJa, the c:rossed llwords. that. some transportation of the peyote, and STEEL FABRICATORS expected that on Sunday there wUl tlon, to residence. $1.200, E. M,soldler-wore on bls hat 01' collar. he reminded US that peyote WIIS the SET SESSJON JIERE be lotq o( vl'lltlng by the longtime peck. lois «"8. block la, Ponde.• • • Dob Fairless. chairman here subject of some controversy some 0_ U f th Lincoln County residents nt Old rosa Heights. tool thed, $600. J, M,ror' the Elks Lodge cerebrnl patsy years ago when Indlans contended _~.... "senta VM 0 Sou west LIncoln. Enyeart. lot 18. block 12. Ponde.program. and Harry Eckert were it was not In violation of the law to Fabricated Steel of Oklahoma City. The Lincoln 'CoWlty Pngennt bas rosa Heights, seL trnller hoUse,in Truth or COnSeqUCDces sunday use It-It. was not covered under a


hL15 thrln all'dare d~e for a meel- recl'lved cOMlderable pUblJClty In $2,400.

to ptck up tickets on a CadIllaC any laws 80vem1ng narcotics. thaL g ere eo aY8, nug. 5 through mngnzlnes. neWspapers nnd on W, E. Harlnesa, lots U, 12 andwhich will be sold to raise funds In fACt 11 was not a. narcotic. The 7 at the Chaparral Motor Hote!. teleVisIon In the Inst severll1 years. 13, RtiJdoso Acres, enclooc porch­for the C. P. mnd the l:1ks span- Injured driver was treated at the R. C. Kemp Is in cbarge of arrange- and II nttracts people In, 11-'1 aud· es.l8OO. Olen DeMIs, lola 3-4. blockSOl.' In .. thls staLe ••• KIngs. carrizozo hospital and when weU menla. lence fromnround the world. l1,CarterParkAddltlon,settraUer', "'/:",;, I!: 'bury Pitcher. owner of Santa Fe enough to tra.vel. was tlown to €' • '.. ". -"" l\Ousc. $3.200. E. A. CUlbertson, . " ,)" " '. /" ...: ' ..

~~~a~do~~!:~~~~~ ::~nI'::aB::Yf~: ~1l'= $771945 FIRST MONEY ~~:~r:b:50~:~.';:f~, ~~ ,,'.. !~l" ~. ~1'~.~Areli. here represented the Sierra ctSc~ on ho.splta.1 refOrds at. cam· I, block ~, pree Meadows Helghln. ," j , "r? "" ~

BianCA Insta11aUon In a meeting' of zo:tO, A nran report.cdly connected GO'ES TO NIPPY BARS addiUon to re.qldence, $2.200. Robert i' ,', ... t 1;' . J ' .. , ,-...~ "personncJ from the eight ski areas with the medical profession in that F. Belln•.lots lIGo17, block E, Rui· 1 "f.. .,r, ..

~i~::~o~~~~~~~:r~ ~;~:teS~=anw~~~='-"INRAINBOW DERBY'" ~=o~~~~l&E.a=~::t~;:~ ,. ~/ "T;I,~', .winter UlLSOn • • • £lubstatlce seem~ to bJ: a natcotic , block 1. White P'lr AddlUon. addl. '~, _.'Jlto.,.,. . ."I;,. . ,

* * *uid060 -that.'1t why the invesilg'atioll was Hugh Huntley's 3-oycar.old fllly The victory WM worth $77,045 to tlon W residence. $1,000. Mr, and , "... .~~ -, • ,IFeature racea~ R DOwns made. 1"orawhUe, .It. wa.s. thoUght Nippy Bars dashed over a sloppy the 1'otadern. CaUl., Btabl~ owner. Mrs. O. J. Day. lot .G, block I, ~ :. " " "., •'.l'h~rsday ,,:ftemoon tbfs week is maybe 1\ fo~une-In dope had'been track fQr a neck vicwry against Nippy Bars retrnl!d $12.20, $8.40 Ponderosa Heights, new residence, I, '; " '., '0' " - ~,., ",

to, be tnMrIOl' or the "Last EsCApe found accld tty.,. Night Latcll In the Inaugural run- and $04,00. $6,840. A. C. Abbott. lot 11, block I " . _ _ '-,.', .. " ,ior BUlY the ItJd"pageant schl!dUled * '* * .. tWig 01 the .1'1'1.1190 RuIdoso Rain· Night Latch, a. 50-1 longllhot from 12, McCarty Addltlol1. carport, >" ' ' .If; 'i' '1,J't"~'", ,-at. Old Lincoln satUrday evening SCe where the 'Capps famtty Will boW Derby for <luarterhorses. Jack Schwnbacher's stable, also at $1,300, . I <": ' " . ',' ...i .~ .,."And sundar Mtel1iOOt1 and even- lie. 'glvlng away another ShcUaiid Veteran Jockey CUrt Pemer boot. Modern, picked up t34.296.1"he pay· •. ' .. , ., t .,~ . -' "",..;":,,1.~ .. .:; ••,.:~,,:,:.•r.: r: .... 'mg, Pancho F'or4 and Johnny pony the night of '1'IJe8day, Aug.ed the filly home tn. 20,5. a credft- oft WM $36 and tt2,cro, Mrll. C. E. 'Delhotal haa beeln in -,. . :_---,.. , , . , .. -.-ThOmas,whoplays BIDy the Kid 10 at the Do~ Drlve·In Theatre. able tIme lor 400 yards considering Go Josle 00, wWcl1 finished tLlrd, 'Kansaa City whore her 'lather has ' .. ' FA••SIFI.... LlC"~N"E BASEBALL TEAM'., D"~ ,~:r~tag:~~~y.' :e:;c::n~ ~:~e:to~eJ~~~:t:o:/= ~e mu~~y trlic~,~dltion. ~~~~~~~n!~·.~? alld returned $5.20. belln JIl, .... 'd, Balloon Launched U1UNGS ~i~iNE <> FOlt SUl"PER HER£u&:<blanket. , • l'talnfaU tn. Rtlld650 of Pete Moore) Jockey ai the race THIRST\' itANCHE$GET MUCH NEEDED MOISTURS'ByHAFB Crew Here Bill . R, Socklnger. charged by A bo)'a' blUleba11 team, the CIiatast~k: was measured liS ·US track. t ", ' A baUoort cafryln'f Inslrumcnm Cllnl'lclJ Cockl!rcll. BUlle GarnO nnd artals, In a RosWl!1l junlQr learuernchM lrom M~d~y thrOUJrh Slln~ .• ,.. *.* * • for testlnghlgh altiLude turbulence Flalr'dcpnrtntcnt. with ntt\klna a 8tJOiisorctl by Chas;arral M.cltor·

:1~~::'::~~::\~~~~~~:: ·~&::~t:t J1: ::~ a",'" ·n'~. a I'' • ~~nJ~~~~I~po~:~::a:~~~::. ::~~f If8~1~:;r:~~~. O~~~~;Cdr~O ~~t~~:e. :::.~t~~d~rthtough SUilllAy "to t.&-ll. 8. Wea~llM. the Vutage.of nui~ 'USed ' '.''lin·· Ing at about 7:30 n.m. by Detiitc:h· ..pIUJl $7.50 coal by JUlltlce o( tho Whfppl(l. -.nd famJly'Neacta.t ~venthet'llute.u"s' tafugattge at. the 23;3",529 g&l1OfJ.S 'Otmetered Wa~ '~.. t J'. ,t.',· ,ment One of AII' Force Cambridge l'~aco H. M. Orabam July 30. ine next Wf:elc, AUIf. 19: TI1ero.t:hamber' ot eotmi'll!t'Ce btilldirtg. tor for, that month. A.t \hat ttme ., _ ' Rescarch LabOratdt'Y from' Hl)UOo· Stoclcll1gcr's COlllPunloli, Tress A. be 16 boyis ahdthelr Cot.oMs inabo'li~ .. mile apart •• , Mrs. Verna. there werl! UOlmeterS'. DurInir .'t·., man AIr Force BIUJO, 'rho balloon KeYJ<~ fined $25 pltm $1.50 cost PI\'rtY.HayneN, ",110 opened the Treasure themonUl Of -.1u1y, lH5~ \'11th: au In.. I, ,_.. n·.' O·'u"n'. y'" - whIch W&!! to cllpand to 1.0 million lor bclnl/ aWitness to Ii lalse stllte- •• : ,CheSt JD the .mJd.f1ftles her6. lis crease Of inetct.!f .~ 1,8!lO. the' we.- . "',... 'CUbic fcot at art altitUde of 80,000 ment, according to COllf.t. rccllrdl'l.

,eX'ptUjdlng lte(btJ.ll,tl)~ plAfiS fer eO'DsUmpUonlor.tbfs J'uty alatA'i ., _ fcet wtU IJ(!nd 1ntorrrtl\tlon to the ••_----" . . ..• - .to~()PeD a DeW's!16pm APache ped to 11.068,1114. Hine satd that ' • coutroltecUol1 at lJoJlomahAFB TI~LF:l·1I0N~. TELEGItAI'Il l

. JiliIcU,Qn;Aft2l. l't,WiU be, to<:ated the <IDly way btl:.COUid ngure~.. ,~ "IhIrst)f :rangelandS 1r1 Ltnco!.ndevastaUon ,ot ,last June 17 mlgbt agam wete datn.ged by slashing for about roUl' or Jlw hi,)Ui'tf; Oapt. li'JRM liAS (mOll!' ilEnE "m the i'e'Sorll!otelr'BuPerBUtlon:Il'lh. dtpp In- ",,,ttl'. Con.sum~ thJ8 County the last:. several ~Yl$. have be t'eilCated. Tlie dUlerence was Ice chtinJcJl. Hal18~ all lArge as ntchara ,7e!lSClt ot tlx! laupch de- Here. Aug, 5, il nl1d '1' repro-- .. .......~WiU oPen. aboUt Nov.i': ;. •. year IJ!l wat aolJle peopl~ mUst be.hared In Ii ~rie! .othe.~ raIDs that .noe ll!l much rrto{SWre came hen eggs. bue 1iO~ u,nlitrterous. til$r tachmen:t said here. llentllUvOl.l (If Am('rlcnn '1'c!('phono RUIGD~..~P-RAHt9'tbOO·S.:!.~\"'." ,'.. .. .,** '* 'dlipendlnt on 'illln. ,'Mer !ol.""'!trl·lliat havebl'ouiJbt l5c>n)e destrtlc. dUl1ng the SatUrolt1eveblng swrm, for i\llIOhg a period or time dUring . Y.' ,.,,' ... , ..... , • .... k Tclcarl\ph co. OU~ of Albut'jucr. 1l1'U: n r-u......

,I. .POund _o(Petp~fV.t4~ .UJi~. -gat1ort :~teid .Of Ui\rl&' rtlekreJi tlon lli ,run ,oft .",aierimd il(icllm- eVen thOUght It wa.s1acpompaltJed the cloUdburst Saturday. /t.ti mUch HQUQlt DEAtEIlS ....• quC!~ AbOu~ dO persoM were expect- . "'01tl'S THAI.. .b1QWfi,~ loUi'id· in .. ~r ·lii.volved waUlI' • •• . . piUlymg h~ -.nd .'WIn4L ..' by i1 severe hAlllltOtnt. lUi foUr and a, hiill,'es of molJso f'l,~N MEETING HERE cel (or II Mltttln:r fit the C!lnpnrrnl Con'., gr'"..a't"ulati·.'0".n'"s...,',In ·.<m~f MCident near,' 'COrona . '*... * 'I'M lMmedlate area. "roUnd Rul· Neon sigh!!', toola and"OUler prop. (utll was mNjutedfr(lm 4:30 p,m,Llquol' deatet's of <::hAVell COWlly Motor U!1tel. .

, at'!t weeks ligt) in which Plltrlclt .:Jt~e·4an old ~m' Uiat you dQSOhas teceJvei{ ~~r l,luui. halt. erty !lutferetltiCrlaUS damage b1 tht! unttl .und0'M41n the' Vlctn1tyot I&ro t4 h(Miltrl~Unrt h\ltc SundAY. . ..........,-·-:-"'..-----1Wi;)Pg ViM In,JUred.. Petote, 'Whi~ rt\lghUieed.~nulit td 110m. or yOur a .(oot ot m9l!w.t& fu: _ IIerfM or- areil fram Plilirter OaWway east>- the- JtJJilitl6rl .Of 0'. tt HI"bway '10 m!)tnll:l~ at ClUlPllrrall4otoi'HOfel. Wh". a crowd! Wo'1'o liilrl)' YciU Ate ,Due:c:ofnestrom ca~t\l.s'... ~ iW'CQU(t aloW'.pa1fDgcustofuera: I'YOU need .delUges ~to~ MVt!ral bCC-.sI~ ward (In 11. S. HlghWay 70 to the' and Sud(((lt'th ".OrIvlt ·anct .c1~1'ni to U"lcltllt IU'1'lUi!tetrlllflfn tor" the cort.. cOlllcJ~'. ltd waikill \III durlftll' me i Mr. .aJ$4J4U, Of:ota,,·~fqtype diU#: 'Which mduCt!SbaU~ ~ m~ .llt1ClX .~ .. mJ,ne. 11 iV~re iiollitnlt;1~ ~. ¢IOUdbUtids. eastern bOh1er 01 the , ot the tntr&nei' of tM race; tr~lt. 'tfp. IcretlC6 Wi8i1ooM.OOd~.. '. . 1I1".b1n .011.. liIlJlet'lliJP"t' 2.1l~ RUidollO; llt',nml8' of a, Btrl. .UOil'Ujandaf~etlnj' tI1b1llatto Mr." We llOth..i'et.~tbd wm be,~, ' ,.A .tt.Ocld. tl1Jft~. 'h1Dt8"bver thll: .RU1d®'~ 1tl.mlny~rllt!t. rwt~ .and U1fl'.&rc,~uf.< ,"" fl. ". ,,, ; ••• ,,,., ....;.,. "t1~unl .~ktedtitfu~ll:\le I..t JUly 30, m.., '1 fb!l•• ll~ llI'<cofJ¢i, .mel Jj Ii.ged Itt tt!tl~ 6b- Blit tl 1PU' ',etc 7Om'.il, .atk1 bold .R¢.dOllO aM·Hoff<f~ vaUtlyil. fcij' f\:'~ &I~I ..rid 'toOftt ba(( been to. w4td, down the two vallOY_ ~Iv, Mr. jUlll, )4Jil,' it. }I.8b!~t11.'Vel;. week~tt4, Come b.!ik ac..ln-wo'U ;M'r', .nd 14~ :J'ra.nt. KelVin .~tv~· 01: Pbebl6. :Kavaf<). mtDe. tcM>.wbal Itt U16 world -am r le'W' hOUrs ~saturday ey~llilt paired .(ltdY' teoenUy after' .U1e ed .. hell.VY rainfall '!'lith Only. .. .been att\'ini$tn, .. l1otU~ cXmvOI'l~ tteic ')'Oll atu IJc.rv\ldl WhJt~ Aida mc:ro. Cai'licau. ~rentll of .. Btl:1Dawm. l%J UHi Mi'tMl11~t Qt. Jheltotni toab1" *j i •.. . when Ji; Wmecl tot AwnilQ WAt- thc! .JUmf n M?Zll,Ult W1lefl tbe7 ·once. (c.liUaat4·~ "ate II SCI", ,,) UC!lifu. .A.blljln6, 'rex",!. 8Wttl. . ~ !»m. ,Aug. 2, \lflo••~o 10 0&.

. , .






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-In the GatewCJY Shopping Center - Dlol257-2501-•



(Forme"yof Chpparro' a.auty'Shop)CompJ.te e.aetty s.rvke - Early and Late Appointments


, .,.. """" "

-~ ""-, •-c •• ', ••• ' .," "'" ",' " __""'''~''';' ........:-,'" ".> ~- ,'" ,<,~ .,"., ~ ',--' ';'" ,:" ';'.' '''0_'.. --'''':, . --, ;,:' "

:STARCH·tt:~~~.~ ;.~.. H .25C... tf ,.

•"."...•..•.. ," 'D . lEAK a..... 1 .. .lOUN.S'·.,'" "8'"'0'.'"'E"" 'S"'l'E""j""'K"'",' """""8'"· ...,. .• .:. '. ' . , ".', .' " , . ,'-' -:.", " lL" • 11 ' . " "." . '.' '._.' ,,~"'''...


CHEESE lo~ghorn ... H •• n. . lB. 49c, "

:FRANI(S Aft /NiOf. "'H' •• LB.,' ,S5~ .~.~()nH6tStampf·onVl~'"

..-~ 'h_'~ . ,""" . ---'.' "i'-~'~:: .;~: -,,' .~.--,.r

·.' ...\!.a~;x.._bd't.Ol"~oth.,';., "Gh*''Ilititii~ ftilr....... ; 'iI ' ............... , l!'· """!'I ... " .. o'IIi~""""""", _,. • ~_I'J~

fRl.-SAf•.SPECIAlS• <

PEA[HES~:~ 4FOR S1KLEENEX 300 <:oont••••••••••••••• 35C


EGGS ~"t:...... DOZ. 35~~CREAM PIES Morton·s••••• 3 FOil $1'. .' .' ., ,

DOG fOOD kLn 3 fOR' 254. -

·BISCUITS 3~s 15¢·['"IK'""E-' F·····L·····0"·U···""1" SoH-awUk 3""fte·:. - '. A .,-' ".: . ': '.;~ '32 ·OL<t '. • • • • • . -,7'

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Our Churches....... ................ . . .

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"The Authentic Life of,. ".!;.,~,>, ~~~.~~\.:,..,




will make a most (qt.,.stJne .,qWl~f,r IQ tab homewith you afte, you ... the _""vo' 'w

~'Last Escape of BUly fb. tid",

Pageanf at Old UnwJn, S:01.II,4.,.,~ .,Sunday aftemocm and nJlJbt

Thil II Ivst one of the many fascinatIng, historkcl'~

on the Southwest, on~ MeJUco and on Uncofn eoc,n.ty In our Southwell Library.

111.,II••, •••III.II.I•••I••••I••I.,••••II•••••II...IItI1I...•

FamoUI Ul)cofn CoUlfty ShetfH 'at Oe""", INk

, .loran





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ENERGY,GIANT BOI........'~CCltt'S, White tir Allorted

TOILET TISSUE, .....-"",".-



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Ptnt•••••• 39¢.,


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FULLY (00 .;ED: HAMSSHANK'PART !8 49¢BUT' PART LB 59' FISH STICKS :r:~:lla;.k 8 0: ' 33c

.. . . _ • Morton', or Frozen Rlt. .." '.'

orops "BREAD DOUGH tk~~~. 49¢." _ r, .\ ,


)':{ '*"* CABBAGE ~::~' LB. 5C


1;( .*P·ICKLE.S. ~~h~~; Sour 25¢

16 Oz•.••••••...•••••

.MAZOLA OIL .48 Ox 89c



2CANS 29¢89c

THURS., FBI., SAT.-AUGU~T, .56t 7 TBEESW;EET.6 OZ, CANS'. !' ••••••••.•••••••••••• "' ••••••••.:................. ORAIiGE J'UICE: - USDA CHOIC~ MATtntE BEEF-: . ·'11 .'.."', . ,",

tHUCK ROAST !8...• 49'1 leANS ."1(U8E STEAK~.~~ ..... 89¢1 i·::~A;~~·;~·~;·:~;;~;~~~:·~• ' . ' " .: Cut Green i3eans~ Leaf -Spinach, :!BAR·B·Q SIEAK !II. 69¢~ .'I Chopped Broccoli. Mixed Vegelebles. ~•• " • " •••••••••••••••• "'. till It .. II" 11.11 •• II!. •• •••• • •.: Green Beans, Cut Com, :"." '

: French Fried Potatoes :.. .• •" ."·, ..: ,,'..... C:

• ••· ~ :• •· "· "· , ..' .-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.

"' •••• -4." •• '

;OLEO:' Blue Bonnett, 'Colore}, '2 4CJt

.' . '.' '. ._(und Gold .' . " 'r ,... ." ", '. Nt. 2~.... ..... .' . ,BESr FOO:OS ; '.

MltDNNAIS:, " If',', ::


" "


. ~,"

•........................" .l .- LIBBY'S -' l.. .· '. .:CORNED BEEF ~Fn~: 49c

;: . '. .' 1Lb.c:.PINK SALMON Can....... 57.· . ' ..ECATSUP 20 Oz 25c


=PINEAPPLE. :=G AP'EFRUIT.46 2 63<::: R . . Ot.. • • CANS :• N ,...........................••..•..•.•••....•~DEL MONTE, CLINGS, 2%s~

PEACHES, ~~.- "",2 CANS ..,--.BORDENtS .


-- .. ,:".,.~"".,. < .,... "~'~? .,,""" ",,"

" .'




, .... ' I • ,." '

, .

. '., ,".' ,>

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t' .. , .

''TO UVE IN GERMANY _. Aiummer resident of ltui~oso,

.Lon Williams, son of Mr. and

.Mrs. L. Rayburn Williams, has• ~en i'lotlfied by American

Field Service ho has boen so'J..dod as q foroign oxchdngostudent to .pend next year InEbstorff, Germany. H., willlive with Hulmet Muller fami.Iy. After leaving New Yorkvia ship Aug, 17, he is to ar·rli/e 10 days lafllr In Rotter·

-dam wh"re hI? will spend twowitek. attending a schoor toa~qualnt him with the language. Lon was J'Inegraduate of Arlington Highschool, Arlington, Tex. Hismothll)' and three slstors orocontemplating staying in Rui•doso for winler whero the,SJlrls, Patti, 16, Debbie, 1,(,and Sfephanlo, 12, will at·ftll1d RuleJoso Junior High andHigh School••

54'1 and Ma. Rlc.vlal1cLOtero CO. Sl&tc Bank to Rum·

baugh. Inc•• loL 3. blk. 8, Sun Val·ley.

:al).ly G. strong, et ux Ruby L ••to AlaJt\Oltordo Fed.. 10L 3. bIle.. 8,8Ui1 Vatley.

BObby 01. Watkins and .".110 De­bl.l1le to Olenn Justlce Mortgage CO.,ItI~1 lot 18, bile. 14. Palmer Gate­

. w..r.ttcl. Mig, IrOm Fern Dunn to PhU­

Up Rfchartlson. pan sees: 32 a'fi'tt 33.• '1"~j R-l3-E.~p and Helen Richardson to'

ctUzt!ns SI&Ie Bank. part sees. 32-JUt 33. '1"-8-8. Ro13-E. part sec.5, T-9-S. R-13-E.

Iksa and Clydta L, Maryfield toPIOneer Home lmprovetr1on~ CO.,(h~) ~ acres In sec. 9. T-9-S.tI() range shown. •

!tiL Mig. Lowell B. Morgan to~ue Welll&U, ct UX, E/l40.G n.of .E R. Jac1cson. tract..' It} W. Parker. to Lincoln countY'M()~alt6 CQrp., un. strIp off westsid,:, ptot2. tract 1 IU1d2...rt. ll~rfPbfl::w~t sIde plot 2, tract 2 or Geo.FU~aurv.

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, '

. ' WAT'S COOKIN'. FROlll SOUl" TO NU~nu~t'lI all old Ollpres4IOIl ha\'lJJlr to

41! wlOa, a live or ab: cou,rae dinner tha. ranred trom "soup to~.ta.. actually. Our meals are Dol lanoy-but, tb~ are compleJo.'t~U'l1 lind ouJ: menllS,llre well balanced, lind olllfr a varIety.'wbolosome lood to select Cr.Qm. Let us ri\'o )'ou our "soup to nuts"I,reatment--we think you'll C.l1Joy dlJJlnr hero.

,'-" '

,....,c" ," ,'" ,; '" 'y, '! ".' )!~,J( if t! ~" r·· ," _''j-': 1-':' --:,' "_"' :>,,', '(" "4 "J."n ',i_" ~,>, '---'--'.""." 't ': ,- f' 'c' .. ~ ',,' ".. ,: I"t ,,' '!~"''< " :,,! "j,: . "'._ " - .. J , '.',',', <_ >:."_o.:-,_'''-_'_'--'-:'-'--''_oo,_:,--E''=-'' ': ,>,:~ _. ·;.,L ,., ". '~_ ,c, n'_;'~'!' :" ',' " __,,~,,



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norIan, ,10'-lOYlairngJdltngl.In.l




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Because If anythIng shOlJld;P , .

. . happen to the "ma.~. of thshouse" the wife would baYsImmediate al;:~ t(l the con­tents of the box. No legaltangles ••• no red tape.

Rentyour Safll DlIPOl1&Boxhllr..

The colorful autumn season of sevllal Inf.....fln; andenloyable ev,nt. In th. fall andwln'ermon'h, In the Playgroundof the Soutbwest.

~ VISIT.RUIDOSODuring Our Annual




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CAPITAL ANP SUlill'Lt7S IUS....."F. D. L 0.. • --:- 1taSCHe.~..,~

&al4... Dewu, PJ:Ie. J'I"," -:-11...

":--; ::-- ; ..... :: .. ; .. : .... :;: : =::=,NEWS WANT ADS WORItWONDERS. . .

,.:-........~_:"""""'~~-""'~ ~-----~ ....":~" _.... .~-- -..-...-...............- .....-.- ....~....._".~""._ohew=>......; ,'.....," ~ir<ir'"'7J

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'.,~ ':.",,-'.

The Navajo' Lodge Proudly Presents






THE· MARI-LEIID COMBO.PlavinaTog·ether 'ForS ~V'~~ ~ ,.. ..1...."., . '. .~s.

, They'll Be QtiHand EvG!"1 Ni~h1 Thrcnighbbo".DayJ '0,

HatUrlngoutstclItdfnCjdana.,g :opel . fuU alld dtU....nt' SCtu~fto.clc:tuL,.enf.rtatn'lNr music: LynurmarVlilOul . 'Jlng'oll plClno. :POUYNIXONU anrnuslctatls. Th. M#.Rt LEITO COMBO.xc•p·HonoUy' llooct -bail,............ One'hCii~ IQrit cItI:o~~andlrig lilitmJ on ·o'thIilJMIt. mTl& ~ls~TtJ;s'afull_very IIIngagemenf....'.' .' . .". .. "Hf; ~~•. wlth''Qn unusuGf an" .

Thil o....p fa· Oft..,oft"'. few all-fe;.. 'ofVoHthYthm/$OitiliilttOho a'.........' Ie .,.. '.. '. 'the Otl.rHOda" Not '. ......i./ .-"'" ...... ftO....... f' ..•..~..-.a '~.h ..n.. . '. ,..com5lV, ,..E..." .avJ\G~ • ratecI'CIS ~ •

"'~. fl\clt" It ...~~on ~t~. . thw' top .f.nta~'· u' fromptt: " .Thtv.haJu" ,m.'" .,varlttlt IriQ~ .rn tk~ cOunfclY~"~~rtr:: .dGrtCt!.Ifflt",~"!{fsfining.~~, ,on .fluhJ ancl'"~u...'voecalflt.~ .' .~tl'llftG.m,;sfC; tftian any, other -sings lrl·....-.rallonguCips. ',. • \..tWP ...thilfd~"oi'·fema"" .' ." 'Tbiyhai ~'ti'l lOt!~'fhj1MW;~~ 7C;~i.~Q:: .' ~:~\1tJt;~~~t• .:.:·fad .. tWO-~ . (Uawm\Ct ...~ed"""'ffl~mentI:·11Hi ',,_ "~VI')', f.:d ,...:..... lm-- .' I-..:~ . '.. '", -" aJt4hov~n'lcicJj.'..v.rallllt~ .". Yac~ ~~ tv··.p~r~.lCa) f;;'L-:L."'thiM01 " L.J:*" .'"..................lin.·~,.C, .~.'''loli~'C( J....~.'.-,:'':~,'Ii......... " . _ ' 't. . ~ ",<

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MI. 257.2721. loX 991

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Ruidoso, N. M..



McCULLOC:H MAC 1·10lbe l1&tJtwtl&ftt of 'em.It Is bat•• IO~ 1Ils.* of fut­cutun" dep.ndlbl., ...)'­hanellll''1l fatU.I(l)' coUll'll Job )'OlI'v. rot lroundtbf linn, cabin C)/' ri&tJt It homt.Colnp!el. with 12-mtlnl bam, •flnltltlp prlm.r, weatherproofItnlUon, biz~ty liS and 01hnb Ind thI new, streamtlnt4,deslillthat won't hint liP Inheavy brush C)/' limbll'lI"Drk.

'r-,f.. _*'&fIt":1. 1fT. It« .... lilt dlI&

Motor Supply Co;

RUIDOSO·TilLE&. ·IBSTRACI· .... - , ..


It. O. WhIte 11d$i.201:lSl.Idderth DrIve

• If

, ..~ . '" .J! _ '


Tabl•• and bench•• art avalfab'. tor campers•



Hot and Cold ShOW.ll

• SanUary Flush Tollets

• Electric Outletl and Water raucet. ~E.chCampSU.• Fire ,PUs and Gillla for Cantpt~ OutdOOI' Cooklng

MODERN CAMP GROUND HAS NO lrARS10 1.\0Ll$1' 'lOU$2,lIt DAY peleAl,,', ..:.••,....IA.VSlm.. AVAl14U

Go North on Stato Road ~7 - turn right at flnl pavIa roadbeyond Mi. Vue Drive-In Theatre to Hull Road-and go norlhon Hull Road about two mUes. Follow signs.

- . Oon't hI'''.' - Th. For.,t Service Now Chara.' tOr CampIng 11\ ftal)t\f.Iop- .eel Camp",.und Artal-and You Don't 0 .. Nllar the 'aelli,'•• That· W. Offet Y.u.. ..THElE'S NO OTHE.R ATTRACTION QUITE UKE OUItS IN THlINTlJU! $OUTHWuf

IT'$ FUN TO CAMP 'out ... $.

Phon. 251..2S~' .' 'llulcbo~N'.wM_ \.


Acr.., 'rom Bldg.

On Sudder1h Drive

f{". ',' ,'.', - "•" '. . f'


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Box 1050 - EI PalO, Texa.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii




SU1VIYI SHOW •••,ba' mocc ptOflle (lltfer PENN7,oIL WtIb 1,71No other lIllllOl' 011 or Wdllj~ Jot. to much '0UnJ'lOt'C: C&I pnfOlJJWl(l: It ('()lIllOlr olbon(OIlll'ltttl, No kl\tl(k No r~nB 11cncpuw.~tf~;::;::~

JUtt Ul\lutktd DtIYe ill wOOe J11lI W! ~"""'''''''-tt,htl'tllow oval OR If PfNNZOILIi E••lLCILllOl dlll'14)td ASK roR IT. p ~SOUND YOUI Z,ot 'DlUOIl wmt Z·71 ~~


""~ .~~

pl&1I Other Famou. W.St'rnName' landl on W..k·End.

'rlt. Re'. of thl. Summer.


i AUG. 13·14


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Plck.Up &D.llvety


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EAT DANCE BNJOY. '.' .. UR'.' .. . ' .,... YOFAVORITE 'DRINK-- OR -,'.


SKYVIEW ·TEXACO.Is Now /u1 Official Brake & Light

Inspection Station•



'6 FULL HOURS OF ENTERTAINMENT-7:30 to 1:30 a.m.-Each NiteI

Walh& lube

Tlr•• & Tub••

Located Across From Mltchell Motel

On Highway 70 - 378.3805~~O"'~.. _ ... """'- a '-_*= _.5 't •


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the Wide Open Spaces. ~. .

J;)eveloped .By. John S1,idd~h

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.IN' U'1tlNCE, , '. ., S ..

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L-P GAS• '" "~ • ,,', .. "JI~ .' ,1

l< ....... " ..... JI.'-c.... ~ ff, l'l • .- ';/...-:'.. ~ <' '" J_

For Appliances, or Butane and Prop~~~ffa1l



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• Competitive Prices... Good Financing.. Go'o'd- 't. erms

* Beautiful View Lois• Highly Restricted* Paved and with UtUities

• Ruidoso's Choicest Area..... In:the Pines

, . .

,• ,. .,',' <:,. •.


lOTS LEFI' IN~ ,)-

~".- . ,


• ""'".. C"_

FOR COMFORTWhen You Want Warmth

FOR EFFICIENCY',4 "-:.1,.,' "~'4 ~ __;-#."~ ,

~ =" ~ • ., "'<OFrom Your AppUance...


,·lttAt EStA.Tt·,·PHCJNB-:"2S1..42S$ .

PhoIlG 251.4025 - Ruidoso For Night Service Ca1l251.2934 or 257.2243~r~~~fVfJ?T~~(6WPJfff~_«4

• ---~-. ~_~_~ . .:o-~':-':"''--'.''-~4'-=~ -,. ee=f1I_".st,. ',= _= ....... e .........' or •

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,J!NCOUNty,".H RODEO, HORSr'$HOW.'.; ,Filled Fo~Tijftft ....·,tr/1,( :/" B·EI.··....,...... B''0""K'.• L'f'f f"'AR fE"'N" -1"0',R . . -~. Of Doc:~or'$ ..i.,,:: ~r.. .J U .J CoiIlCoUeetloJ\",.'.:.'...

: '.' .••'. ", . d....' r . -' ' ".. .'. .. '.. '.. .' ~:~~ ()~\;.r:san~::n:1U.f::~ •

/;lANA HAll, GORDON· BARHAM it!::~~:a:l i!:!lJ.e Lincoln CQunty ~l:l flor$l)' ... ,. ,.. "~ , '. 1st. Sam Jenklns~~, Ji>el :par. hom\' ()n SUdderth J)rlv~' w.. ~i ~ow and Ro<l~ WI\S. ~l'1dsatur. SOUTIIEBN PAOIFIO ham 3rd: Barrel Crawl: Sam reported to· 'have b~ e~te"",r~

~~~.~¥ •.JUly 3l,at the Fah' (l,rQunda TOLIt.~9"''l'O (:ILOSI!:. Jenkins l$t, Buddy Hall 2nd. Har"by Wol~ throup'all llJl1~k~.~.' !l~ Capitan. Winners of t.l1.e· Junior Tt1LARO~ S'tA1'JON . Ian Butts 3rd, JMk Reed '!\t.l1., Jim duor. '; ., ·Q!>Wglrl. J~or COw!:loy. Senior The sta~.CorpOratl.,Q.n. Commls.,l Ooodloo 5th, Dt\J1 Knight 6th.. Jool· i. .... .". . .... o'.I . ~wglr1 and senior C()wboy UUe mOn hilS denielt the request of the Bnrham 7t.l1.. bnrn Creel 5th, Waynette WIUlel1t·• r!'celve<1 a belt buckle and were as ~ut.l1.ern·PMlfio .Railway. to clO$o senior Cowgirl - Barrel Race: '~Ql. '. ;;f

fOllows: Junior CoWgirl, .Cindy Its Tularosa. station, Colmnbus Zana Hall 1st, Becky Barham 2nd, Senior. Cowboy - Barrel . ~o.,:_. . 00041oe: Junior Cow!:loy, BUd~ ,F'erguson,comm1s,<Jlon chairman, Barbara Creel 3rd, Willa Edgar Oordon Barham lst,,~ J{tr~

. lfall: senior Cow~rl, Zana Hall, .mnounced resenUy, ., 4th, olanet Butts 5th, Waynette patrick 2nd, Arturo Pactieco lIrd.'..ui;! .Sentor· Cowboy, .Cordon Bar- ":x'be order has been 15$ue<l de. Withers, 11th; Pole Bending: Zana Frank Butts 4th: Coat Jtoplnlf:

'ham. nymg the req"Eiet,I' he said.· Uall 1st. Wa~'Ilette Withers 2nd, Oordon Barham 1st: calf Rop~~~lves12r_!he....f.Qd.eo..werefurn!Sl\.. ._'l'I!.e..~co.rpclraU'c>Il,_colllmlsslon., Barba ~ CL~:~U-m. '~l:gkY »~rMm Oordon Barham 1st: (l~t":Ml1k~:~ -I

Ie,'U by Pat Dunning Turner, Buster ,Ferg\J.$on explaIned,feli thai public 4th: Coat Tte Down: Becky Bar. Randy Klrkpatrlck 1st,. ao..,.~'1'Jiompson furnished ·the goats, 'Sld convenience and neceSlllty demands ham 1st; Ooot Hllir Pull: Becky Barham 2nd, Arturl;>- Pacheco 3rd"(klodloo was announcer,' Fletcher that tbe station be kept In ~xlst- Bnrham 1st•. Zana Hllll :?nd•.WlUa Frank Butts 4th, Frank SLsne~:

'. :Hall was the arena dIrector and ence on a one-man. 'one-shUt basis. Edgar :lrd, Janet Butts 4th, Bar'- SUI. ;';.~.

Joene Petchesky Judged. The Southern Pacific had llpplled .., .._.. --_ .... - •· Winners of theHO'rse Show Were for permissIon to clo$l) the station. '

Ias followS-Colt foaled In' 1065: and a public hearing WllS conducted ALL '. TYPES OF ROOF REPAJRS•Barbara Creel. 2n4: Yearllng foal. by the comml$lon at Tularosa 011 ' ' , 'Co

.:~d In 196f, Eddie Ooodrum. 1st, Junll 29. At that time the SP pre· ·PUT US TO W·ORK. '.'I

Johnny Davis, 2nd; Mare 10aled In sented Witnesses and matorlal aIm. • .~063: Floyd Ooodloe•. 1st, Cindy ed at proving. there Is no longer, a, . R ailOoodloo. ;Iud. Rebecca SIsneros. need for Ihe station, and t1)at It Remodelin9 - Repairing - enov ng:31'd and ArtutQy Pacheco. 4th: was a mon.e.y.loSlng operation. Adding To and Enlarging},fare foaled In 1962: Johnny Davis. . ..1st. Arturo PacJIeco 2nd' (leldlng Iltb and Arturoy Pacheco 6th. THAT HOME- OR CABINfoaled ln 1962:' OO~don' Barham,' Wnners In Shownlllnship were- GI· LES

,1st, Barbara KnIght, 2nd, mil Hlg~. Pete OnatkowsltJ 1st. Ar.turo Pa·I Itower. 3rd: Oeldffig foaled In 1961 checo 2nd, Dan KnIght ..3rd. and .• or befpre: Johnny DaVis. 1st, Dan BUddy Hall 4th. ,. •

A BIG ONE-Thl;l 41~.foot long rottlesnake was killed Tuellday KnIght. 2nd. Buddy Hall, 3rd, Bar. Rodeo Winne... b 'STRUCTION CO'.morn.lng this week on the Hale Ranch -ast of ""Idoso bara Creel 4th Pete Onatkowskl JlU110r CowgIrl - Barrel Race: C N .

... I\U 11th: Pony':'any' aile or sex: John: Barbaro KnIght lilt. Clndy Oa<;,dloe •. ..4.1 M. £ 'bo ,. Downs by Johnny Hale, shown holding the reptile. The rattler ny DaVlB. 1st and Pete Onatltow~I,' 2nd. PaUly Walleer 3rd; Ooat Hair 0 N. G'IIss, Licensed Contrac"&or

.~.' . ~~... lill ~ of '" was bigger oround than a man's arm. Johnny said he saw tho 2nd ....... :Pull: Becky Sisneros 1st. Barbara· &

""'-. snake climbing an embankment as he drove a plck,up along '. Knlght 2nd and CIndy Ooodloo 3rd' Bonded - Insured"~ . 0- 0 a road on the ranch. I Winners of the Pleasure Rldlng Polo J3endlng: Cindy Ooodloo Isti Id 7 2-38 W I. ~ -:1 E::= . __,_........ Olasses were as followlJ-Contest- Barrel Crawl: Cindy OoodlOOlst Phon. Ru 010 25 • ~ or r t.

, ,. 1111 ~ Manager Bob Walker. anLs 11 years of are or under: Bar- J}arbara Knlgbt 2nd. PaUlY ,Walke~ P. O. Box 426,"Hollywood, N. M.~~ I O~ .CC By-Laws The meetlng wUl be In the band bar.. ~ght. 1st and CIndy Oood, 3rd, Becky Staneros fth. 1Q(W;«WWXV»J\j(JOOCXXXXXX«M)MJm~~ l, r:-w '&ICC'1'f\ . . hall at the high school. tho nqUce Joe.· 2nd. OontestanUl 12-13 years JlU110r COWboy - Barrel Race' • ..... ...... •~

.I;;, ~ J. To Be Talked said. and wlll slart at 7:30 p.m. or ago: Dan KnIght. 1st. Floyd Dan l{nJght 1st Buddy Han 2nd' •••••·····N·EARLy···..;....... n :,..Copies of the proposed new by- 00041oe. 2I}d, Johnny DavUl. 3rd Joel Barham 3rd Jim Ooodloo 4th' . t'

YOUR . . laws for members to read in ad. and Rebecca SlanetQs, 4th: Con- Jack Reed 11th FlOYd Ooodloo 6th: ••, EVERYBODY 'j

In Meetleng vance of the meeUng wero mallfld test&n18 If years of age or older: Polo BendJng: 'BUddY Hall 1st, JacK:- + f "WA'LL AND F last week to aU members al""'" Oord<nl Barluun 1st, Randy Klrk. Reed 2nd. Jim Ooodloe 3rd. Dall i'1J5IS .'. . LOOR with tho uoUce, ...... pat.r1ck 2nd. Barbara Creel 3rd, Knight 4th Floyd 000<1100 5th. ~ . • ••

,. <' new by·laws for tho Pote Onatltowskt fth. Lola Dunlap Coat R1bbdn Roping: Dan KnllCh~ \... PEHNZOIL WrrH

COVERIN' GHEADQUARTERS Ruldooo-llondo Valley Chamber or OpellJnS.l' ceromonies' ~or the ~_iiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii-i~;iiii~ii~iiiiii.iiiiij ...... ~1 POw,lt. Commerce wJll be read nnd dl!s- fourth annual New- Mexico. Art:I H ;. . 'NOItfOl,m

CUS!led, and ndopled In 1\ special nnd .Orafts ~r WlU..tako place I .,'~._.. {.' t Z.7..PROMPT FREE ESTIMATES membcrohlp mcetlnlr eoJJed for Friday. AIlS. 6. In Ollt'Town Plaza! / J A,:phq~e~Z·~~Zl " eli ...SlldderihDrl.YfLttu=~~:~A:~=~=~e~:i~l1l't':~~u:~~'::oa~~~~~~~ .... _. ~__PY~)'1 mailed to mcmbcr4 ~ W~ek by ~UBboUL the;;~ ....•~.•.••.•......_......••- •...

• 'ft -. ~j' ~., ',.' , BEC'rI ~ .

,ft.QI~050 Downs .. .H~d()~o N:~~JI1·""'·'. . '.' . .,/ ..... . . .... :J,1'J;14!'rY, AjJiust;~. ·11155 '.'

.<Ma,y /3mlUl, p1lmSlQ visIt ,,'. . , . ..... ..

g~.;~we:iIti:~"p~~ ~ Jo~~~~:. ~e~p~gUp:' .. i

. ':ii~l~ NO?:'!CE . With Folks'In ~. . ,·.·.~QUce ~Mre~y' ~lven tha.t tile . .'. .'VllIageo,t. Rtl.ldo$O', New Mexico Llen'c'o')'" .. , .·'t' .c~.llsfol:. ;I)tQ$i. on pne U) ~ *.1on " ... '. ,'. n ",oun yplcltllJ), t96S mode) witb a.. OVW Mrs. Ray ..P/:,OVWCl. Q1\pUtm, wo­R.atfn~ot 4li.QO lb!?. or more. The men's .depart.ment I3tlper~tendentb.o<IY'~s tQ. be 8 feet mln1mUm for the :LlncPln CQ'Wty Jfl:\1r can ~~lel1f'tlljO\lelBlde, Oare.side, or steP~ wntacted fo~ tnformaUpn Qn. the ./llde: With f9~r SPefil<1 O(lOr shift. local comJ?CuUon. whlc1}· leadstQ'WlthslllJ)(\ard, rear: a.xle·or trlLCtion tlJl> l06G Na.tlona,1 WWl Nf*e:Uework ..••i;ontrol, Unit Is to bave flve (5) Oontest finals, ltn,ltter/lw!:1o\vant1o t<':<.\slx·plYm')on tl,res-'tOOx15..Bldders enter should 'get l'Ille& 9t the (jOm~ 1·.. :. ',".:'"li!1I0uJd,t>.ld on l\ sllt·cyllnder wIth petlUoll. which ~cll1des slxcate- I:, ,',..:>~ mln/rtlum of 261) cubic Inch dis- gorles. 'rheco\1Ilty fall' (\ates this ! '" "',placemen~. and/or a V·8 wIth a year are Sept. UI-1.1, . ' i". . ... ,.-utiPlmllm of 260 Cllblc !.ncll dis- • • .• .. '.. " '. '" .,. . .

.placement. 'rhe color of the 'unlt Peter and Henl1e~ta JIurd of san :' .. ': ':<j)specl.flelt Is to be white. Bidders Patricio were ~ests of PresIdent ; ,,:,' ;f:: :ate to i~clpde; bids on the following ~olmson While thec1l,lef /:xecutlv ~.c'" ,.' ". :iI!"':' ., ...o,pUoptU ~qUlptnent: heater and de_ WIltS a.t the :LBJ Ranch nellr Aus- i .' '< •.• '

f~osw.r, two rear view mirrors. tin last week. :Hurd 1lj' tollltint I·HQlJywoo,d type for outside mount- Presld~nt o1olmson'$ omclal por- ..... ~ f< ••••

illg, a rear step blUlJper with pro· traIt. TlIe Hurds staYed Itt a neigh- .. ,: " ,. ~ ,vf$lons foJ' Ml,stalllllg a. standltrd borlng ranch. between visIts With .' , '. ' .; . ;traUer bl.tchbnll, and electric wind. 'the first fa.mlly. i . '. " . .sllleld WiperlL.i . • • • : I '

.BlqS wl11' t>a,. opened at approxl· Mrs•. MaJ;al M. 2jamora. Hondo,' . :mately 7:30 !l.m. ThurSC!"Y, Aug. Is attendJng a two-wee~ reaqlng .' • .. •.11S~ 26. l06S lit the regUlar meeUng workshop at Highlands Univerri!t1!..t ;., .oJ the Board. of Trustees. Vl1Iage Itccordlng to Dr. ~uth MatUla, I\So ;; - ... $ ,,'o

qf RUIdoso. at the MlU11clpal JJulld- soolate professor oC' education and '.~g. dIrector or the workShop. Mrs, Za-. . 'I'heVllJage of Ruidoso reserves mora. wllo holda a B. S. degree In .. ".Qle right to reject any and aU blda home economics from N, M. waive aU formaU~es. - UniversIty, Is a 'fourth gralte teach-

BY ORDER O,F TRUSTEES-~ or at Hondo SChool.. VIL:LAOE 01'1 RUIDOSO, _,_.__.__.....__NEW MEXICO 8-6-13 News Wu" Ada Work Wonden

1'" " ;' i' _._ _."" _. ,

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Chevrol~ 1/2..TOD Pitk.Up. Custom All the_ Way

H ......

Chevrolet EI Ctumnb 'Pick.Up ~Loaded, .

CIlevrolet 1/2-108 Pick.Up,.... Ready To GoChevrolet 1/2~T~ Pick-Up-Ready To GoXOU SAVE $372Chevrolet l/'/;-Ton Pick.Up- Long Wheel Base .YOU SAVE $380Chevroletl/2'TonPick-Up-Custom&Load~ :YOU SAVE $538Che\Tfolet FJ~o Pick·Up !YOU SAVE $3$9Chevrolet 'F1' Camino Pick-Up YOU S~VE ~a38

Chevrolet FJ~(J Pkk.UpV.8, -4..Speed YOU SAV~ $412Chevr~let 1/2.TonPick.Up. R~dy ro Go JYOU; SAVE $3:'2ChevrOJetl/a-l'o»'Pkk-Up-ReadY'ToGo YOU SAVE $372Cl!evrQlet li2~T.P~~Up ..-Long Wheel B~~e 1'00.SAYf~80Chevrqlef' .ll~ronPklt~Up', .' Wide BId'·' , YOU' SAVE ·3~C'~Vrolet E{: . '. 0 ·,pick-Up .,.~OU SAVE' ~~8'S 'Jeep 4·WheQI~DriY& PiCk~tJp, V·~Engine .. ~Otl :SAVI'547

. . ~ ..... ' .

,p ,:;' ' .• c

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In the Gal.way

• •

.r:I Salel

Wh.r. Ih. Bargains Ar.

. ';

CONVERTIBLE rop RAMBLERSffrom Iho Am&rlcan-JowesJ plleo- converltbl.' built In til.U.S.-Io 'ho lu)(u/lolIl Ambdliador-yo(l go' rock-b9ttompIle.. on all converllbl. Ramble's! . . .

- .

.WiLi.~ K •.:'~.'-ur.~f' ".. _~

! 'f ! -, ',t ••·•.'· '). ' 'it " ',\ : :C.iliil)p"'.:.tJi11!' l

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•••••• • • • ••

7 "" ." •

• ·B.... zi~ , It.

rop Savings! rop Valuesl Now at~


VINYL Tal' RAMBLERS'50. Ih, Imort '65 lIombl., haldtoPI roofed In blocklootherlllOln,d 'Iinyl, l!llho.tpetlat illmm., deals mead,e"en Ialter for yOll with 1M /leW ClulO e.r.l•• IOI( wll. -_ ..... ,

EVEN FAST TOP RAMBLERSIMOII/ItI "th, /nOri'''" IUllO""lporta·faltha,•• All glamor optlonl,Including tIw 321 <V,m.V.,.Come Itt, (omt SWOP 'N. Go Romb/I.,I

8 7 I ..







RAm, "AD., '~D- , em tho terml~t bUIlding." nrl)'Pfflftfter' conlen1n1l' 'YfA rll:l1lo WHJ~ ~E:CTlPN A..i .. ,.),' ...:r"CJ~Imr' ':, .(Conllpued from Paae I-Bee. AI 0/11<1. later, A Il~h~ hall tell wlf.bIcounty rOAd crcwmena~d thept~er " RtWl~'N~wj~:'.· .;,•.

very few haIJ~l9neff. JI: heavy rain durJn" tho,WlndJltol'rn. two county commI.6ilJ~JWr!,l.d!lWr~ ' :1"'" , . '.',' '.. ,,,' .•.. : . ' '..A small tornado accompanied J\n Inch of moillturll WM mQtl;Sl1r. .mined vcry gQP1); thAt thl,t:bell."\i1;.," .r1daYI4u~t !J, t.l1ll\!'. f.,: .", ..

the storm front which moved In ed there In only It few mlnUW$" '. f!,lJloff Jrom ~ll/). T~IWltorro. hero ., ;" •>: """':", ' ,:', ' ;U• from the nor!b. IllJ affects wereI From the aIrpOrt, .the 'st<lrmll~ J1otqrellW4,MI~ tioM()~ prpJj. Hnllvw~ ..1: ·.M ,liid'lII

. flrst fell, at the muriJc;lpal 'airport front roared. on towardutheJ1&ce- .lemil,' "No MnteIJ' np" .otllhA:rd$ . '~.J .";,,0,,, ,,11.QL~h

where threo planes re~lvcd some I track and Pfl,lmer Gateway. M tM .IlUl(e~qd 1(l!l~C!I a$ thl'lY had·a.pWnt.b ., Mrs· omar ~ChlU1a '!l~"':;;:;J:' r"" " ' '.., struetura.l damllge and !breI! others race I-tr"'~!,c;, _the horllelJ were' pa' aneta MJfflll'O,'~ hesummar~ed. JaJ()la' a~d ~w()"cMidre!11 {r:tIj1~- '~. ,,. .:.. "'I'<~:" ' " 7"":'" ;'C' '" '~,""';",' ""~" .' . • " ., ' :

hAd minor IIcratehel$ nnd breakJIln radlng forille .nInth race, but: It PUver, wN> ·ml\orlal{e$ .~Jf,chQUWelltlpent· ,theweek.ell4'llit11e c, " '.. : ••. ' '," ',". "':> :. ",': ~.,{ 1<:< ,..'·;t/, .....,... :,.,. ....' , : . , "". "'H".'. E' ,. 'E"..

thl'lr fuselages. AbouL fltUlen all'· waH never run, llI"b Wlrldll and the Molel that wal(m tM VerY hear~~ach IlUtnmefhtSme,TIieyv1.s'If«!4· j' , ,,' .,,' : ;. ;' ",.' .;~:, :'.' ":'" .1'" ·t"'.,':l- '. ,'. ". .' ,cralL lJcd dl1wn on Lho parking unprecedented clqudQlmst hall<ltl 01 t1tl.l awrro B~iUrdar, l!Jht ,*11,: Ull' tzi'.C. })elflJley~, ."i";~~te, . ." ; .' .' '. ", " ".',' . ,,'" . ." .ramp were mo\'ed abou~ some of the bal~n~ of tho day'l.l card. The Jnllh!lll of. ra~ Jol1-tt!at. three l.Q•. , Mr, ~nd'Mf.II.~Id; ~iJ1lciml1"l1. . '; . .,' " ;;, ' : '. 'L j " ,,' .'

thl'm Ilflcd fmm the pavement, by IfiT/it Lum received lIQm,' damag". chc~ fcU·,tn, 30 mmute.~of tl1at'anl1 JllmllyfJ'om p<!x~r.~~tt~v.·'.,,, ': ".;:. ~i; ':':.:':,,;.F'·,i," '" ...." . ' . . .thl' high, tWisting w1nd. trom water rolling acrolS~ tho trllc,," time, lie, like manY oU~er ~U~ln~Ic~al daYI> .Mrelililt W~etl:ariil it., , . ' . , ...'. . ,,' . \ .. ; " . '. '..'. . .

liS' Airport work.!'fll. 111cludlnlif MAn· ItrieU, The damllge WIW repalrfld. ~wJ1crll ana 1l0me0Wl111rs.rCportea umcled the races. . ' .. ' .~. ",' . •...... i .... ' 1:f.~;''Oi.i:.l.-d '·"ii~j"", T' 'I 'S~,,· p 'a", ,.. Ui U Sf"~2' aR('r Dill Doone. his lIOn and an· however. and the ne~t day's pro- t~llt a new rOOf JUlJt I.lll'Itall~a,. anel Mr. !lnd l'4r1!. vetiiOn WhIt.Jbi . ",:' . ...... ,~~.I.( .Q!,,;~~, . ~;~~~~..,;;.;, ~~}I,:, ~...~, q1':' S; Aa ' }):'!,,~~.r~ oth"r employee. Dobby WatklM.j gram WM llla8ed llllUtl\!~I.. 'Pte '.!~"Y neon Illfffil' and M~amr Ma from.JUl PaBO lI,re IlpeI'lCUrig'IiW!'ral' . . .' '~~~.t,t.'. J't,~._ Ci,iJit iiijd ;'.rl'u,c~}:),utsi~" Un.d~r the

no and olhl'rH at the port fOUllhL val· I f1A«polc at the track Willi Qcnt At been damaged Just as aeYllrel)' ~!I' days 'In their RuldQ/lO·hQmlJ.. " . '. ~",..•, .,.." ".'1:... '."'".,.':','i',",1.ilo,...,..·.,"f,.r. ~.".}",,;''''.~''';''-. ~"I.~,',"" 'k.\'''',:O: ..M,·.0',.,. of,li....~..'t .' E C""pl ~..WiaU,'"la., lanLly to keep the Hhlpa from break-, tile Up to reflcct thl' power o.f tl)c In the first litoI'm. .' I Mrs. Laura Guthrie ~d Corky , - '!'t"ff'.~ ~, ~lv~}IU .'liIWlf;t\l.......~ ~" "', '" .n.~ g i:)f&AI';J In~ their tled()WJI.s· Htorm. 'typical of remarkn heard I He I!A.ld Iho area of Lln~oln, on OUlbHe from Wheeler,TexM.r~ 1J~t>A'top;ll~l~;f;)uf fi\i$waJiCeaOmllanyS~:x:lj)ell 'l'h~~ela, Wlltkll1Jl WQ.JI Ilfl('d orr Uw ramp from flUlll. aL the t'rack w~ are· U. a. 1JllfJIWIlY 311.0 be~ween LinCOln! enwrtalnlng frl¢lMl!l t.\11& wee)c.ellit .,'tfji·;&"',;i:'b'ti:f;;;<";:.:J .~. ;·.W·Ut, H' £'r"ne' La- .~~ eats Ar~-le once by !he baby twllller and Rcl port. from Ja/llCIi PetLu5, RuIdoso, and Cl.lpltafl. SAW trllofCIe h!\.lUJd for . In, tMlr home 11\ Valley Hel/ihl:lS: ' .",.....~~.~ ~~.n~y , . J,l.\ ~\1f ~ . t , ... , '. sri ~£J,. ...'

fol dOWIl wllh a hard bump NQthinK I' who Raid he never Haw fluch a d(!~ /IlQJ'C tbll'n five hours SaturdAY' Mrs, GuthrIe is a. sister of Lee· . ,. ~,..,>"-tlv. ~.ld.·.. '.,.iN).".. ",·.bl1.".. ",_JUi,·it.~O~_J~. cs: If y~~ H~veBeen WS)iiingn,g bUI hJ~ dIgnity WIUI hurt. however, luge of water In his lIJe. tJIllt It lIftcrnoon and night when soli and Wimberly. . .• • m ••~' i. ~'i; '... ~.>.!d! l. - 1'Id: hl' I/Ulll>trd Whl!.e beIng lml/ICd. "alljlearcd l\!l Ulough water .Wl\lI rockel were w/l.llhed onto the road _". ,'".,.~.~,...~..~<' ~3','. ·~.O~· Rlg;~t 'Y'yu. C~ D;o It Now At A Sni~ln II bout h(' ~ald he IUIW one plane being poured froni buckets." ~- III pUes all deep a3 flevcral feet. A"~TNALIFJ': GROUP' .0.,,"".. -·.,~.'.- •..~,..~{.. '. e.'.''''.10.";.',1.,II...·.A.. :".',<S,',.""., ~_ie,.'tQ~ ,LIst.: d.f. U.i1if,S',' . "~ lilted (:Ie.r off th(, (lEound And then Roy Gooch, employee In the p!'-fl- crew~cn worked late Into Ij~RE FRO)l ~;r1IJIlOCK ARIliA. ' 1'¥l' ~" .. "'.." ~. 'H+1! .

J'!, M'UJe bllck 1m the ramp. The IIhlpll mljL~cl.lIlonll}' roomL'!liJ!l. .!l.!t1!~.Y r !ful.. Illrdl.t tQgncn .lbo. .rl>.U1l4-Bm:k "-J\bou~ .16 PCPPIl;l wJU .*IH1.d; 'IF '11,'.' . _. ... .. ...• '. ',- · ... N.·8.. W','.,' ·M·.·'·'A'•... ". U·.' ." .A'V". EO" !,,! ,.. "hud bcQn park('!1 In -ReaL IInclI. buJ.' lIaw 60 much water fall in st,lch Il and lancJ slldea were numlm:tUll mQeilng of ",,~·~1(~,".l;n.ll\Jf,altca I M WI.' ,0 e _Illu:r. U'll ~torm plUlsl'd by, they shQrL time. there. caUllcd by the cloudburst. Co, sales pcrll~/Yl~1)jere .tbr~!t4A~1J ..__._ ___. n ' • • '. " 0<,,," '.' .' • .. • IiifI ... .. ,.'w"n' II wry. /lCImt' With Uwlr winKS 'fhl) H.lo Huldollo soon WlUl bnnk A rock relAlnJng wall completcd thl(l week·end,! Atlg. 6,.6, ,i:Id 7, .t ; -"N',·· ..~,·.·:·1.. It'."," ' '''''.'',',',.Y'l,.."." .WL.·.,: -:..':: ~ T"::,"). 1.: ·X,.,'" C;,.·.A·",VI:N..1:'.'·S'... rr.O:g.!,'. ,~.._b"nealh thl' 1u.~"la"e (11 tJ1l'tr filII or brown, roily' flood water, Ulls Ilummer for lj. new home In the Chaparrlij MoUll:' Uote.l• .J4I,1l;111/r aD, rDV l\ tJ U Ineighbors but, except for wl\,tlhlng away Ruldo/.lo Downs HeIghts. overlook- arrllngements fOl",iJ}~""IlJJlW" 'Wall

AcrollH thl' rUllwllY w thl' north· /lome of t.he temporary ncce/l.'1 InK U, S, lIlghwllY 70 and the race Oeprgc R. BI~b(lp)~'qt. Ltl~~Jc..' . ~

;~:~I(~Il~~~r~~~~~lI:'~(:r~:::~ ~h~ ~(~:'~~ ~a~l~tl~~e:d::rr;.~ I~~~ ~:~~~~. ot~::::J~~v;C;:~~~~~e~e~:~ ;I~(l promoter"Of :;.~et1lct~rid'it,la. C.·.. h".·e\r(o..I,e.",I..' r:t.~,o.. ~,'"'., ·~.'i..•;.~.., .4.". ii.''.·.ft,l\.r.. '. .YO·'.' U' S'.A.·,.,..V,;!.'.,. i3,.'~5..1had abOUL a dowll planes lied damllrfe like the June dlll~tcr, HallstonelJ wero plied along the, ' \,;,l 4: "a~, 'fi'V",y . "down, a1110. "aid hili an'n waH by. County TrWltee chairman Max road'lI bllrrow dlteh, and on hill· torlcnl attractions h d r«t ~ C'. ," . , '"plUl"l'd by the hlllh twIl'IllllU blow Oliver. 011 hill return from a tour of sides nCllrby and had the appcar~ !hroughout New, Mex1cO au4 thb -,," h""'" la' Ll .': - M"" .. . C . ~O·,'U' SA'V''E' t iii3'A"I could hl'ar thr _It,"n down IrlllllCl'llon Bunclay monllnr,. nlld anoe of snow IICvcrnl hours later. SOuthwest, spplI:e, .~u~ ~ mem- .: '.. e".Q ~,\.;O,",._.' . "oliM OU.,'p·e., '..; · '. ". ··At 7.._ aries ot' "RultlOfiOi O>oper,'~ald. -.

Capit~n Set~'" " 1)1~~~;Ht~~~)iu~~~~n:l·1nChJde: ~~doso BO~~ier, ~nP~:~~~U:~~;~~~~! Chevrolet Co"air~ 2~Door YOU SAVE ~344·ClltllodtrllVl -Jl'"Slo Lee Smith. J;tg Lloyd Bloodworth, _. Gallt,: Eugeno ~. W9Q4 and or•

... 'School Opening ~. D:.~~I;CH~~~a~~II:~~:.a.~~~y Is Rotary Speaker ~~::':.,a:;~~ =,~::~.~. CLe,W.·.·ot~.. l ..,· hnHil,~'Ia 4·Dodr Har.",dtbp····- Loaded \Y,0.'.U SAVE,' ',8..".4~".Ionoll. Carmon Burch. Dolly Power. I.loyd 1lI00dworth WI\." the prln. lips or KlnglJV!l1t>, l'ex,. 'Tom Tar. ~For Aua 23 Annh! lJ Petrce, and bus c:ontrac' alpnl speaker nL the RUldo.'lO.!W, rell, Bellon, 'J;e",;' Null ~ltClr; Old b'iI" D 88 d '"

,.,. ((11'11 Clnudlo Monl.oya, EnclnOfla wry ~W1cheon Tuesday noon at OdPllIIo.: Allen, tiWTIm~,I!1Dton,. . .' 8M 'll • e'" iI,;.)&:o.. Ge.lan·,; . Load'e YOU SAVE ~60Cnpltnn Munl('lpnl "('110011\ Will nnd Tu('"on Min I'xLenolon; 'rrln· Wllttle 8, J, H. Cooper. aMlstunt Tex.: Jim Cl"*' W"C:O,T.ex., aIiCl WV· ,~ ~ iJl \ll ~ ~,... '7

b"KIII Ulcll' JDa"'·flIJ t.<'flll MOllday. (1 11111110 E SlIvo.. Indhm dlvld~. secrplury. reported, Bloodworth, lin Luther Esser, .BQcrne. Te"'1 Co<ipefo" ,.I :::~JlI~3 ;~::: n 1~~~~IU~rl~~~~ln~aya~~ I,'t SjunWD. Lincoln (lOd Alto. cnrly day RuJcJo:loan and long reported. OldslDdbite Dt!lta SS'Sedan--Loaded. YOU.SAVe $992nlJwu'rd Ihln w""k M

J III~'~W:I~~~~a h~';~ll'~~1 uh~'~~IY ~:~;~ Oldsmobile D.ynalilic 88 Sedan-loaded yOU SAVE, ~29day AIlU IU whrll llW Yl'nr'll pro-

Illam will 1)(' 1'l'\'Ir'w('d, ltollchcrn' j Old .b!t f)' 88' d L d d . Sft ., ~~(:~(~;::J~:I:::: 1Jl' l':J'U('d nm! olhcr .,smo .·ue: vnamic Se an- oa e YOU SAVE T704IlIHIUlll Mid Ulr IIPW teoI'm will . ,. - .. ' ?

.. :::m" I;~~f,~t.~":,,,~~:~ ;'~:~IJ:J;r:U~~ OldSitohHe Jetslar 88S~dab - Loaded "YOU'SAVE $861lhlrd 1111I11"" Willi «xtra m,,\(lrla1Jl, ." .

~:!:l~:~~ 1~lla'::~UO~ ~o~Wm~':::U~~ Oldl,mobile Dyna'mic 88 S~dan - Loaded YOU SAVE '905.III'" III alfio w bp offcored from UIO

tlrlll throullh Ihl' rlllhth Kradotl III Ol'd b~. D . S' d L d d '. -V· !tftA2', ('ollUl'cUI1Il wllh Iht, rl'"Ulllr moUl, . SIIl,·.O D.le .vn,!I.nn•A 88 .' .e· an- oa e Y.. OU S.. A .. E. T7U .

;; hl' d"l'lnrrd " IOUI'll, YOlir higher . '" ~u.&UI"" . .maUl c{Jurl\(l In alllO !Jeln" ottered .

11l,~~~~,~~~~~ ~:la~~Pllan nchool Pontiac Cataliua, 4-Door Sedan-- Loaded . YOU sAVE $866SYhtMIl Includell

BU~~mln~~~:uo~ ~::;~I~ar~f:h Pontiac Star ClUef, 4-Do()r Sedan- Loaded, YOU SAYS '970Ilchool principal. Mrll LUdia E. . .

::,~I'~~K,,~(,'ClAry allll lunchroom Pontiac rem~st, 4-P.oor Sedan- Loaded YOU SAVE '590""'('ulty Mrll IIlllUc Lacy. Ft., • 1">'"

'tt ~~~~~n. ~~~ R':r~~lIc. M~~r/lllll~:o~ • , Pontia~ Ca.'talina. Coupe':- Loaded YOU SAVE $849'' .. PfUllllltrn. 2nd IIrmdt'. MrA Opal ' WE1VE TURNED THE PLACE '"

POWI'll. 3rd "rad,,; Mrs RAfnt'llla

• I'ryor. 4thllrado Mrn LoI1l 0 Ald· UPS IDE DOW N,Ich. IlU, uradr: Mrll Myrtlo WtI· .~ ltarnA, llUl IIfOdo, Mra Loul,." P . ..' ' .'I I"orgur.on. 1U, IIradt'. Mrn OfeliaJ Bala.. 1UI arade. Spanll'JI; MrA W.'r••0 .nthu..d and .ltclt.d about the .01.. w.'v. b••n makIng of

• Wlnlfrl"d COUNL~, h a In e ('c" FAMOUS RCA COLOR TV' ."I'lenet'. Mrn Emilia 01.'110 Hall, . ~ •• ' S'.. Erlllllnh. IIbrl&rtlln. Mrn MRurlldla

M I'l'rry. comrnrn'taJ. maUl; MlII. Com. In, talk It ov.r, then Jet u. d.llver a ,.t In tIm. for all the many,. vtn Ronttlro. noelal /StudieD. Eng. n.w color program. that are schedul.d for the n.w ..alOn

llllh, athlllUc.'S, Neal Dtlrll'man. In·• duatrlal artll, phyoleal oducaUon., JUUlor hlllh. narUoy McDonollllh.~ baneS. Enallllh. EUto Schildknecht,r. math. phYlllCll Two now ltlaeher8~ on Usc fll('ully Ullo year aro Lamar

II Cr.\'l'tlJI. 0('11'11('(1. Rnd JOTry Dur·ha_._m_._DCll'n~~_oo..ct~I __"t_u_dl(l::lJ:...:a:nd:!.. -=~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _, , _



III '••,,~

" ~







, " ., ,.'...........,.,,,'

. ,; ,.:,' -',





I.; " ''''', :<. f


Ruidoso, N. M.


',' , ,



J. A. HANLYDox 234 - Phone 257-;1587



, '



With Paving, All UtllUles,..AU lfu;lf.iaea in A

lteasoilabte Prte;e, with<

Good :Relfrldtonl,.' Wonderful Neighbor. and II

CQDV.nt.bJ toclfloti. ,

, ,


Charcoal BroUed Burgers-- Chicken




._'4BUle ".". 010


-' . ' ' ~'

INDIAN HILLSllutdoso's' MOst Wanted

Hom. Sites ••• And OnlyA Very Few Left •••


Out of the Original,50 That Were ~Placed

On Sale In 1959Large, View Lots,Everyone Wants!



, ,,


" .'


lei's Gel together and Pick Out the ldt You Wanf-• ",.. ' I'" ,-_

.tHIS WEEK-END '•••.; !, - I '*

--DQ1. .Eskif" --'.

. ,

(A'R", rlEISPARK..




ECQnomv 'b.,;Jc.d. ,....""hi··, ;r At~4 VIIP, 01'

'i'rlllttl' BU. Lof.~

Oilihe Wllj To and F'Z'om,Whete lb.'Adlon: &-

4'~, •


""one ~51''''~5$

•, .

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" •• <> .. "., ",',"" - • ,.~ ,,~'.--, •

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" .'y..,,.. ,, ,,~." Hi 'Ok·, ., ') ,,'C~~~:I' ,~,

,<', ,-_,:t-'it", ~.£' .....'..,::; ~,- ~ ~._-

ENJOY fEED - Some of guests of Dr. and Mrs. James A. 80011who were hosts in a supper for mombers of RuIdoso Volun·teer ~)re Department lefst week at fire hall are shown prior to !.the meal, catered by Tha Taco Bar. From 'eft, Mr. and Mri. JImJackson, Mrs. Andy Rue and Mrs. Blair Halladay.

'., ".YOUN~·'HEIGH'l'S StJBDIVIStON,,,' ' ·"a ••:tcItinft(Jfa:kToki'tMttA~proxhnat.IY 3~ ACr••,

. $'O,@....1~ DOwn

, II

'~'" ,'., \,. ; "~

"" ~-, '


Sierra Blanen Cab1n(l. Newspaperw- , =Sky1!ne Motel. Ruido.;o Newa. asmokey lJt1lr Motel. lnortcas;c BankJnr- _stewart Apartments. Lincoln Co. Mortgage COrp. =Tee Pee Cl1blns. Optometrlsc.- =Terrace Lodge. Dr. Dale Wynn. aTomahawk Lodge. PhTdc,Jatu 61 S.rI'CoIM- _'l'wenty';Nlne P1ne3. Dr. W. D. Horton. =Vr1litc·s Engle Cllnron Lodge. Printers- =cree MlUIor Ap:1rtmcnt.MoteJ. Ruidoco Printing Co. =Dan Dee Cnblna. Ctl11tsmnn Prlntero. =HIgh COuntry Lodge. RadIo Stations- =Park Motel. K·RRR. =Story Book Cabins. . 'E-·~e; =

Meat Producc.- I Y , =Nosker's Fresh Meals. =

Mm'. FIlntWthtp- '£I tn'· I' =Mannle's Toggery. , ec ca, =

Offlco S.pplleS- =Rtildo:;o NcWS. WimberlyEIecfrlc: =Western otllce Equipment, Phone t5'l-%1U =

r'I'r' _" .-, 'IV' FC" S'_ -' -,-. _s _ ~',' ',-" "n =·..•..••• ••..•• 11.1111 =, 'YOU BE mE JUDGE Ei•,th. ~fnuie y.ou walk tit ),ou can tell oUr barbecue f. tfutold- 5 i',.lashloned, fund that you~1l ehipy. try, out, Hldeory ==

Smok.d 8cirbefve, German Hot Unks, Ham, Spar.ri&' or 'E- =, Homemade ChIli. I'"

.' Olnlng JtOOl!1'.,...C~.()ut - Catering ServIce EW~UU F'R~PLACE WOOD & ICE •

'. ~~., TEXAS· BAR·B·Q .11 ~', ", ,,', ..

, OJ?en 11 ••m~, to 9 p.m. Dan,. '"'" Phone 2514311 ===",', "" ,.oIie~ltlc"W~lotOtet:Mtu ,,= =

&••U...lljUU..........UIU...UI.WlIWIll.liUU~•'f n' II r " ''', '.. h " I 5 " ", , • t I ' ;' J' .' _ •. , , ; I ==

" '" .•==k . I, ~.'••i~,:rIII-,::I=•••• ••••'.,...--..._~-,::==:I::

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. .' " ,

SWAPPJNG ~MA"~ TA~K ~VI~ltfngbefC)r(l a,~.l,I~p~r.~ry~qItCinori.ol:l membl'l's of Ruidoso 'VOll,lJlt~rFiroD!tparfmentQnd their'wivesIn fh$ flro hall last 'Wflek wet", from loft Mrs.

. .11m Cqrponter; Mr.. <;;harlo. MlItra'l, Mr••

, ," ., .. ~.-, " ", .t ,', M,<' 4. " _j

, '. ." ' , \

'~'.'\")" ., , , r~ , i ',j, ,;, , " '

'~ "t •I rc"',', ~ ,

'(. "t-:<.-U'-c '~ "."':" , "r'"\

"'~ ,,--, .,. '- ,.- - --"'"•

•Dennett's Food Liner.

Dorse_HIGh MesB Rnnch.

,1!!'ltr l!!!lL'9 ~. HC!lL f,!'lAtJboBurdett &. Campbell,Clarke Insurance Co.J. H. Cooper In!IurlUlc(l.SwearingIn. Inc.

Iron, Omamental­Sammer Weldin&:.

1.odlel "nel :r.lolcl_Alpine Lodge.Alto Lodge.Apache SummU Lodge.~ve DnU Apanmw13.Blue spruce Motel.

• Card,b LoUgh.Chnp:1rr111 Mowr Hotel.Cowan Cabln9.For~lllon'lea.

HIghland CAbln9.Horccllhoo Courlll.Idle Hour L9dgc.La Junta RlUIch.Laity T Motel.Locke Inn Cablns.MountainaIr Lodge.),iondcrooa Courts.saddlo Hom Cablns.



• •

H: ~ ,

'-, • '_ ',:.... ',"; "t'. ' '

," ,;,' ',I'

, ,~ I •

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....-, '

. ,'~. OF'(~::.MIMBER.S'ri' ,,;,'te" 4t'1I'0t' m. '''U-4~e~~' ~,~ .. ,,' p. , " '" .1;. __!itl'~cf~I1f'-,<' ':--- '. f, '

utdo!lQ'Pt1«laM, Abl?tract.,O\1l)p,.rit$--.' - 'IlUJ\m PI;1aI!, '!ad~ 'rbomp$9n.'!lrt!:;j~g Spect!'ltIes....10k :a\l1,l, 'IItlofJ,jSetdces....,p1I}~'A'Vlat,lpn. 'rilte4"J:leUcopter 'Service.usements- 'in·Q~ne:ma Carpet Oolf.ree ¥l1adows Golf.dar City.,'and; Crafts-rUsa,n Shop.rnerr _

Ichard ;Parsons.,omoblle "~ealers;-uIdosO -Molars.---..,.' '<

errp,' ,Blanca Molors.omotlve Replllr_ 'Yimid-olIrall'C-.__----C_..-+

utqmqUve Supplies.mllri~ Car Pnrls.OWl' Supply Co.ks....Wd050 Powns, Brllnch.


,doso State;Bllnl!'$bops.... ',oderl,l Be&utxSilQP.

, ,In&<Mater~1s­, ,'~I,. Lumber.'~lywqodLumber. ,f'e Qas.... " .

•Ol!-!!. ,,,~rC}ulJd_

ern, Campground.)' ~d C;o!1fect.!oiJ,....o & Mlm's Sweet Shop.s am) Organlzatlons....

OIlS Club of Rbidoso., rete.:- • •,

11 Mcparty ConalrucUon.tractors, Cablhetl$ andr -Covering...}

ew Mexico TIle & Tops.tractors, E~ctrle-.

lnl EWctrlc.Imberl)' Electric.traclqrll, General--

Jm sn6w.arlle'MnrUn.

, n POOllUum.IrAc:"rs. Phtmblnt­pine Co.olbert sewer Co.'eM Plumbing.

Ust_,,r. Jnl11Cs A. Beall.r. Howard Tate. 'arlment Stares-arl'n l'tuTd'oso Dry Ooods.t.runell'o.1;1 "Sundries­lllcway Drug.pnll Supdrles.m It. 'anc:h Supplies­incoln.)pounty Feed.

. rlll..... ~ount'ui:'lowerJnnd.

.: "

Deral lfomes---'bapcldf Ro:;eg.c.- •

o Adllbc. ,~> ,.. ,'~ .. . ",..ublon's.

:l Pinata.underblrd CUrJOll.

·NamJt Shop.Uock Jewelry.

Id Mill.Usan'Sbop.x Cave.vered Wagon CUrIOG.

rerw-"Ilteway Food KarkeL

{odernjOroccrit. •

• •

""'." , , "... -,.' ,., ,

, .. "'1.: i-' " " #~~ •.. ".", '." " -';.

, ' , j."

Of ." < "i"""--~-~~'-~''''''~.


.'"- ."





- In Colot ... 4 t-Plul Ccqtoon-

1t .,.. ,..

TUES. ONLYJames Stewart

_ 6. _ _

Audie Murphy in"NIGHT ()

. .



The Rev. Charles baVles. rectorof St. Andrews Episcopal ChurchIn Roswell, Will conduct servIcesat the Holy Mount. EpiscopalChurch In RUld060. Sunday, AU}"8. at 11:00 a.m., Fred A1exarul •annoWlced this week.

Dan DuryeaRod Cameron in

-"The BountyKiller"-In tolor--Plu~

Rod CameronStep1ten McNally in

"Requiem ForA·Gunfighter" , t

-In Color-- plus cartoon -

* * *SUN.-MON.Charlton Heston t t

Richard Harris in


All the bar~alna weren't loldla.t week-entl - como back foryou,.. Savin,. on oveQ'thht~ In thisbl, lCock reducmt, ZOfc dl.coWltlalo, WhfICl Auto Store.---------.-,~:----:{ t



, ,

. '.

·., .


• •

~ ...

. ~.'n Cololr" i

....Plus Cartoon-­SHETLAND pem"

. to~'~lverfAwa'lTue~ay NIght'*~,* *

. WJD.·THURSe. .. ....• " (NextW"Ic), ..

.j>DGUbl~,BiII -I)Lana Turner

Cliff !lobe~son.-HughQ'Sneu in.

"Love HasMail' Paees" ().Y

, ."-·tncotor'~. ~·,...tJs ....;., .

~.Dan.~ea b1'"n'! (J.

TICHTDOE". '..,.~ p ..4tVte....... 'i .

. ,.

.. ., ....

, .A- ." ••

-.! ' "~- '

• •


" t. , '--, - -.' I



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, .



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, , '.. , ",. • :..: -~"",.,..".h;, .-•• .,.... " SECTION A' 'PAGE EIOm


- • 4_

, 1 If"

L(o) ,(o)K L(o) (o)KWe Have A New



• • _. ,_ , .,. _ " "u <_ _ _ ....GO HOME AND TELL YOUR MAMA ::

•ICE CRE:AM, City Dairy, A1l't, Flavors, ~ Gal_••••••• ; .15c ::..•

First Prize••••• _.••••• _ 2 LBS. 35C a..•TOMATO SOUP, Campbell'. , •••••••••• ,.. 3 CANS29c i..COCA-COLA ~',~: ... ,. 6 PACK 39c


< 53' •CORNED BEEF, Reg. Can ••••••••••.•••••••• , •••• _• c: =WESSON MAYONNAISE ....... _.... ;, ....... Qt. 49c'::".BISCUITS ... ~ :: ... ,..... 5 CANS 45c i

MODERN ~GRO(ERY i• •=.::•


Ea.t Edge of Ruidoso Down. - Phone 378-4255 ..•TIro service - Wheel Ba1aaclnr - Washlnr II Oreumr

Brako and LI,M SUckon - Ico to GoChevroD Motor .~r. and LubriCAnts

Travis Chevron Station'

, w. can do ony and aIL kInd. of weldlngl-When you need an'oceenory for that car, how aboutcheckIng with us. Weappredate your bu.fne.s. '

New. Want Ada Work Wondera Be a neaterbug, not a litterbUg,



-, ~

- ") --""".

BabiesalwtAyS knQW;bestaboot flaVOr!' Creamy-rich .MeadoW-'Cotd HOl"rlQgeniZ~ Milkfastesdelicious.Mom ~no\vsbeslabout nOUrishment! protein-rith ~...Meadow GOtd Homogenized Milk helps the whole ~famlfy slaYhealtliY. hafeand hapJ)YO' treat them10 our·'real milkti<today······ ·an·d' eve·"rv"day,· ...... ... ..... •••... OJ..'.... "''', jt . -". '.' .- '., ,,' '." , , -

. .. - ''It"." ", ".l. ..~.7J.. .

Man...ihat'steal milk!



. . .'. '.••


',. ,•

, .•


STARS VISIT RUIDOSO - Visiting Rutdoso and' Glen Corbett, In the movie 'Shenan- ,Downs race track last week-end woro, from doall' as well as soveral TV program•• Photoloft, Bert Reynolds, aoon In TV's 'Gunsmoke', wa. mado at airport when Corbett and Reyn-Big John Hamlllon, last aeen In 'The Alamo/ olds woro groeted Friday by Hamilton. .

• •


; ~.



Jlon.The Wichita Bank for COOPCrll­

Uves hll.q Bet a new record of netsavlnglJ each June 30 for the PlUltnvc rCIUll. the meeting Wtlll told..A~ the clo.'1o of business on

March 2, 1965. UIO Bnnk establish­ed a record of $117,288,054 or loannoutstanding.

The WIchIta Bnnk serves Knl1!lall,OklahomB nud Colorndo In additionto New Mexico. The Clgures repre·/!en~ lending to cooporntlvc:J tli thefour staw dL'ltrlct. The BIIJ1It Borved503 coopcrnllvcsln 1905.

Spcq.)cers during the nftemooncl!.'lSlon Included ....Dr..' Oernld M.DUrko. As:;l!!lant Prorelll:Or. Depart­men~ of AgrIculture Economlcn andAil'lcul'ural Buslile:;s at New Moxl­co, ",,& Unlvcl'lllty. dlBCU55lng"Equity Among Members of NewMexIco Cotloo Olns" IIJ1d E'!S!'~JtO'Connor. CPA Duslnes.'lAMIYll(of the Wlchlln Dnnk spenkll1lf on"OpinIon Audlw.Whnt IIJld Why?"

Kenneth M. Lyon. president ofthe Federal In\.crmedlate CreditBnnk nod President Wllllat119 eachdlllcUMed the topic. "FlnnnclnrrPrOllucllon Need!l or Farmel'll andRnoehcrs In New Mexico."

ncn SWlunrt. Mooreland, Okln••member of the DIstrict Farm Cre­dit Donrd. oJ)t'nl'd Ule ses:;lon tit10 n.m. Pre.!l.ldlng nl the Bftemoonscs.~loo wan Leo Pau1sc.'n, Board

· melllber from Concordia. Kans.; Sherwood CUlberson, Board memo

bt'r from Lordsburg wns nlsa pres-enL for the t11etltlng. '

'In!! meeting rlOU noon with Ull' Bank l1S ho.'\L. were held In~ the Chaparral· Ho\.cl In ltUldbso

Down". Orrtclals of the bn.nk statedthM similar slo<'kholder meetingswould be held In K1U1SllS. Okla. i

,.homo IIJ1d Colorado In the eamlng :weeks.



d tt' .r '._

•. .



, ,

_ , 1$ p' wm. " I


StockholdersI Of Co-op Bank

Get ReportsJnmelJ n. WIlUnms, prCllldent of'

the Wichita Bank for COQperatlvelJ.reporUna w the Bank's New , IItockholders, snld M,onday In ameeting here thA~ the lending In~

IItl1uUon had a net savings of $l,­642 842 lor the ,Clscal year endingJune 30, 100S.

President Williams nnd his staff,told the agrlculturnl leaders of the .member farmer' cOQpornUve ,tbat.. _the June 30 loan bnlances totaled$114 071.009 and were classl!led asfollows: Commodity IQanl>-$12.1mfllllJn; Oper",Ung loan.'>-$53.8 mil­lion and Facility 10all$-$411,1 mil-

~~~:~~;:=;'~'!iiiii., ...

.. .- -.'., ..-.-. '. - -, .'

•..........olIIII oiIIll.w.."..'7~""'" • I .


. ,

•e I•

otor) .--.

Choice of 2 Meal. - Coffee or Tea Included


Playing Every NightTHE STARL'GHTERS


Now Playing' For Dancingand Listening At The V11lal


MarvIn Whltn.ld, Mgr. - Phone 37..5561RuIdoso - Hlway 10

We're serving our popular

LUNCHEONS ....$1.35

01 • -". _

, ' ~ r'



Tony.YoungDan Du.ryea in



Troy Donahue' 'Joey Heatherton

Barry Sullivan in

I "MY 8LOODIRUNSCOLD'1I . .I - Plu. Cartoon ..;.

. - In color ­-Plus Cartoon-

* * 1(
















3.. 2



Glover's Picnic. I

HAMSLB" ... 39'


Pork Liver, lb. 29cBEEF RIBS3 LBS. 99c


Swiss Steak, 69c

Salt Pork lb. 49c'




" ',,, " ,~.) , ,


* *TV DINNERS Morlon's 39c

LEMONADE 1~':~lo. ~~~ 2 fOR 45c I.{(

Von Comp'.


I lb. Box. . . . . .. , . . . . . . .EJ,.GIN


FAB DOloroonlRog, S••UI


DOG FOOD,2(ANS ." ..........JELLO Rog. SilO



TOMATO JUICE ~OU;.I·.' 2 For 25c

BISCUITS .... "....... 3CANS 25c


\' "~ "

(I~.~ ,

--''f,iV'"!'" -,,,,' ." "". ~:,,' \-,

,thlfrcfirwb6U .hathecrlrath,thl























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- ..


I.e Prll'tlp.M .11161 .&1147 ,052 .5&&3 .4164 .36U .31

• .1lI.71

, j ,

. ..


, ~ .. ~ .

Llghtlng Ftxturea

IN STOCKWimberly Electric

Plloae U'l-lUI '

(he WeRtIIer

no returning lettermen. " N"wWnrepor~d.

Ll$ted below' Is the COffilllete 1965Warrior grid, scbedll1c.1

, ,Ruldollo Warrlonr Football Schedule

~l1t.. Aug. 28, Dexter (SCrim.'mage)-Here-(Booster Club. Qar.becue, 7:30 p.m.>

Sept, 3-VarrlZozo, 'I1lere, II p.m.sept. lO--SOCorro, Here, 8 p.m.sePt. 1'1-,1al, .Her~, '1:30 p.m.sePt. 2f-"Tularosa, There. 8 p.m_Oct. ..1-Ft, Sumner. Here. '1:30

p.m,Oct. S-'Hatch, 'I'here. '1:30 p.m.Oct. 15, CanuUlIo,. TelC., There,

8 p,m. 'Sat., Oct. 23-'Lordsburg, Here.

'1:30 p.m.Oct. :l9--Capltan. Here. '1:30 p.m.Nov. 5-r°T. or C.• 'I1lere, 8 p.m.#' Conference Oames.


TALK IT OVER' With Clayt4lnIk'nnelt. lJe'U trade with ,..u nnfurniture, appllancel, TV'a, \V~l

hnve you. BI,; atack of .,.. bomefurnlshln... at aacrUtoe prlcetl, Seothr,nl Oambles.

III~8 71211, _ as30 ..q 7P31 .; 71

I 512 713 . 7'

Preclp. Since Jan. 1•






(W. Don't Want All Th. lSualn...... W. Just Want Y.un)IIIway '10 - lIoll)"Woo4 - Phone 111-1_

"No -It's not a (Igorell.IIghttr - it's a real, connon to

discourage smoking"

, ,

, '


......................................... ~ ..... ~ 1" •• ~ ..


,A lD-game slate complete with

four conference cla,shes Is Oil' tapfor the 1965 ~dltlon or the RUidosoIDgh SChool Warriors with the firstgame of the seasoll to be sept. 3. .with CarrlzoZ(). <I

All but one of the games will beplayed on Friday nlght, only &\tur.dl'Y contellt. will be pll'yed againstLordsburg here Oct. 23.

LllSt year the Warriors lock sec­ond pll'ce In the conlerence and willdo battle l'galn with Tularosa,

. Hatch;""Lordsburg and '!'ruth orConsequences In the conferencetilts. Tularosl"s Wlldcl'ts won thedistrict In 1964. . '

Coach Ke... Newton said thisweek tllat approlllnll~tely 35

'boys are expected to- turn outfor practice whl('h berlnsWednesday. AuII'. 18 with twolIesslollll a day set for the flrllttwo weekll.A IiCrlmmage game Is /let ten·

tlvely tor Saturday. Aug, 28 withthe Dexter Demolllt' In conJunction,with a season klck-off barbecue bytill! Warrior Booster Club.•

Newton allio stated thlll wenk thl\the e.xpects to have to roly heavilytills /leMOn on juniors and aopho•mores. Most of thl.' boys will haveIItlie or no l.'Ixperlllncc III vll.rslty,compctltlo.... he dcc;lared.

"All position." are open due tothe 10s.'1 of Inst year's I!('nlorll lllld


Pairings "MadeIn TennisPll.lrlngs ho\'e bern made for the

.fIrst round of mll.(l'h pllly In thesUlllmer lennls tUniC. It was an,nounc('d this WCl.'k b)' Mnx Loya.lIll !laid llll~'onc Inlrrl.'sted In pM­t1clpll.tlng In tht' prollralll m!ly callMrs, Edward Doyer Il.t 257-:l8UI,Tcnnl!! III bl.'hllf 'Played evl.'ry lind "hurlldll.Y e\'CIlIIlIf. from'1 to 8 p Ill. at lilt' Wlfh 8chool ten.nb courlll ..

'l'hose whll hnve been palr('d forthe flrllt round of mntetl play In.clude; Dl.'bble RumbaUGh VII, LauraJones; Ted Conley VII. Jane VanDcver; Corky COllley VB. DobbinChltiholm. MIke Locke vs, Jcrlllc.tReed; Mitchell' Locke vs. Jame.'lLoya. DoUK Chl!lbolm VD. MaxIeLoYIl.; Olto Cllrruth Vll, Kenneth

~ -- Knnpp. Mlkc Slev('ll!lOu VII. Dob• Cllrruth; SUSll.lI Conl!')' VII. Delana

PhllllJ):l. Alex ChL~holm VII. ShariParrolUl,

Mnx Loya auld thn.t all playersare nskl'<l to plell.'le phone In there:lUlts to Mrs Boyer.

'.\ _ ,~.;s<

n" '.'

.~ ""-'1"'"


. ,



• . ':.11-o.


.. ,

. .,•

. "

~ I ~


.. '

-. '._, _'_~'., ,", ~c" .,e,.•'.'. ""



H\JG,HHUNTlEY SCORES AGAINI- Tho "Fu- neck back was Night Latch w./t-h Go Josie Go'turity Stable" of Hugh Huntley did It agaIn garnering the show in the world's richestat Ruidoso Down~ Sunday when he and three·year-old quarter horse race. In the pasttrainer Newt.on Keck sent out the good filly six runnings of the Ali-American Futurity, theNippy Ban to capture the Inaugural running hard hilling Huntley stable has been victor.of tht'l' rich $177,980 Ruidoso Rainbow Derby, lous with Gatobar In the 1959 Inaugural,With Curtis Perner In the saddle. the victory Pokey Bar In 1961, and the sensational filly,was worth $77,945 to Huntley when Nippy Goella, In 1963,/ as well as picking up theBars covered the 400 yards over a slightly . $111,200 Kansas Futurity earl~er Ihis seasonmushy track In a creditable 20,5 seconds, A , at Ruidoso Downs. (Trans Photo Lab)

. _. -,_.----


. ,

,. ,




. ,

THURSDAY (This Weeek) - KenS Radio Purse, Quarter'. .. Horse and Thor~ughbred ~laitfier for 3-year-olds and up;

870..yds. (9th); BIlly the Kld Purse, Thoroughbred claimerf~r 3-year-olds at 6 furlo?gs «9th); San Angelo ~umd~d:;,­TImes Thoroughbred c1aunerpurse for 3-yeat-olds at 61A!furlofigs (11th),

FRIDA.Y __ Se'len trials at 400 yards for Rainbow Futurityfot . . RACE RESULTS2-year..old quarterhorses (4th thru 10th); Chill Wills purse . ON THE AIRfqr 3-year-old thoro~ghbreds at. 5~ furlongs (11th> an,p . Tune In ihe following ill&Uons far~SRC (Socorro) radio purse for 3-year-olds -and up at 6%' . complete resUlts dltect from the

. furlongs <l2th). " " Ruidoso VOwns '-ress BOx:, Ruidoso .. It·RRR (1340) Ap. 'I MS'1'

SA't'tJ'RDAY ..... First division of Jim Carter,Oil Co. Handicap'" ---< Albu•• Kon (710) _~".Ap. 'I MS'1'

fOr t~~;pughbr~ 3..year-olds and up at,. 7:!hiutlo,ngs;' ~weU. KOFL (1430> Ap.,'1~(l1th);'M'ortis Willson Purse; Lbn~ star Beet PurseanC .• ~ Socorro "XSRC? (1290) Ap. 'I J.I81lthe nLP..W JEIPaso) purs~. ',. > ,~r~sla _.~ (POO) ,,:".-!'P. '1 KS'l'

,- ~l UIFtD

SUNDAY~ clil00,ootf'Ruidoso Thoroug'hbted Ruturity'·lor~::'-crUcea w !tOBl'J U460}AP• ., MaT

leI·'P. ::J. ,AJ&mo~• Jaw (12307 .....J.p. '7 JMrt'. yeat-o ··.s~t6 iurloilgs'a:nd second uivision' ofJiniC~eJt,:, , '.. Carlsbrd" B:AVE (1#40) Ap. '1 MaT. Handicap.,.. . '.wI· EJ PaM .. mEY (euO)"...Ap. '1 MB1'

•. ," " MtdJand .!t<m8 wao) -A.ft•• d5T...~~._.~*.~ ••........~•....••.. i ••r •••j~•••~ ••••••••••••ji.. • ¥

. • XN'pDSOR ...:..Etlf!'bM,l,et,UiUft Co~ . h.f,:'t ::_tillo "Jt~J)Y (1010) Ap, ~ CS'r

·T·,·.·.·H"E·.' F'"AI'·.UI;o"·.'US'· 'C'U.I'll ~ W"llI'e .....::(." !.,"" AliI'~td~ltW:tm(12eO)AP, ....m.. n ...... . ~ 4 7.~,· :tUb1:xKI'k-lt.PYc)I'tfO)>A. ,••.j(E".wm.& a.',Iii'·l:t~n':D.Wttk:W :.. ",~ ~i;".~:; ;t; ~. • .~t4Id'bt ~.J.."'r) .

- "t',' ,: " ".,. ~""",,,,,,'ot::""'~';-;.".:lIo""';- ,,"' ..".... ;)i< -. ,..;,.~" ,;-tc<·1,:"'~.i""'··~Ji~:tl:·i.·"...,"Iff '.,' .. " ,:p.".. ,I,~".-.,~,-.•. _,,-,.~-, .-,_..•. -"-","'.' .", "._,"'," ...., l',' ,-'.. , ......,~.w- _ - ~ •.'~.,,, , _ " ."j' • '. '" ~ ,, __ • _.~


i ...... ,. ,.~. " .. , . .. "" ' , ", ' . • , ,.., ," '." , ...';t".,,, ''''' ""'~''''''''_'''1>':''' .,.......,... ' -•.f:' "

, ;, ..; '. • "'i' •• ~

'1l.IIUALIFIER'SL·ISIED· Tig~':,P~c!tide,J "··,:r ' .' .' Under ,LightsfoR.!.I00,000RUIDOSO' Set A~t.:i8,'T·' H''0"1'0''B'R'·E··D·'-F'U':'·U·'R'·IT·Y··· WI~l'P~~~, .,~~ifcet ~t:f~e ~i~~, . ',' , .' .' . ',' , Irrll,ltron WIU'!3 Wl'drJes4aY: evlmlng,.. ' .. ',' . ,.' •. " '.. ,...,. I . . .. ,. ..., Aug.18.C~qJ:!.,~IV1n~mero saYIJ

In a dfaw Mon~!IoY momlng,1.wo coast' rldfug star Merlin Volzke equlPmelltfor' ~11165 ~t1on' pf, UlirdplallEl< fWliher& jomed the 10 l'board. 11) S1.\Dl1aY'~ last race. ~ CIl'.ss ~~nd.4#r1il will ~e 1ss~

bQna..f.lde quallflerli l!llted to go Voll'.ke and Dora, MreWfore ll1.0re on 149nday '.an4 '~lldaY,AtJa'., 1~herl' . Sundo;y In the $lOO,~sU- of a sprinter. finished, a game lItle. and 17··J.,ett~m; tQ-an prospects aremated Rujd(lsO Thoroughbred Fu- ,ond to Cindy's Moon. ~ \lemaUeq In',,,' feW,days lUUloun.,.tunty.- First post time. el'ch day thls Clng plaliS fori~ll pr~lleason l'C.·

The winners and nmners-up to week-ld wUl'be 1:30 p.m. ~vitlllS.. ,qualify Wllre Walter aJrd Velma 66 .'...alnbo~ Futurlty Trials W1ult 1\ In B~re for thlsyel\r,s..Cluer'/j Rl'nl'gong, Art Holiday'S 'Ano er . cl1!lpter In Ruidoso' Tiger team fa. ~ mpc>~ quest!ql1, IUld .Po It. Shadow, John T. Norton's Downs! jewelcase of riCA stakes there m,l'Ybe /lOme B.nIlwe~Sf(ll-.Mr. Jo J(I,' John Hands' Vantee. will be written here Friday When 10lYIng a few practlce sessIOns.J. ;E. Craig'S Oood secret, J. or. 66 juvenile quarter horses ml'tch but at present, there a~ no pre-

. Pillard's Doct(lr's Pet. Hoss In- 'strides In sevenall-Importlmt 40(). ~ICtlons C(l"!1ng (lut (It ~ capltlm'man's Bally Bird. Carl Mercerls yard Trials that Will determine the l'mp. . .Echo's Pride Ralph Lowe's Wild stl'rtlng lineup for the "100 000 $Chedule fQr QUll fILll.~ as. fol-, .., lows'Violet l'nll. Ru~rr's and 'rrwnan Ruidoso Rainbow Futurity. 1s6s Capitan Football Scl1eduleSpencer's Indlail",lght, Only the 12 fastesrlndlvldually. I' . . •

Of the flve third-place finishers, timed survivors, regardless of Sqpt, 4-:- C1ou~roft, there, 1.30the luck of the draw favored Geor· where they finish, will l'dVlUlee to P.: t 16;o.Estanc~ - hom '1 :30'glne Redman's Clem's Alibi and a the grand flnl'le of the second run· m p . ., e,second J. T, Dillard campaigner. nlng of the intriguing Rainbow se- P'se'pt l'1-"Cl'rrlzozo There, '1:30Nepanta. ,- rles. Last year's futurity was won' ,

'I1le official field of 12 for the six· by Clarence Scharbauer'sDouble p,:; t 2.......V ugbn,. hom .. '1:30"Itlrlong Futurity follows: . , QUeen, but the, latter WI).S. not as pm p . Il e,

x-RANAGONG. Owned by Wal· tortunate In the 3-year-old RilInbow •0 •ti"T t1.lm,bQ 'l'SOtel' and Velm~ C1uer, Cottonwood, Derby' windup ot the series. won 0 \ s::.1~ lr-"ex;· ~r' ~~oAriz. last Sunday by Hugh Huntley's c . e e, e,.

, z--DQ rr SHADOW, Owned by Nippy Bars. P·~~t. l5-'Corona, There, '1:30Art Holiday. Hominy, Okla. . Tl1Is time, tho It\lldlng contenders p.m. .

x-MR. JO JO. Owned by John and possible post-time favorites In Oct. 23 (Bat.)-"Dexter, home.T. Norton, Denver, Colo. Sunday'S 'rrlals-to be run as the 7:30 p.m.

z-VANTEE, Owned by John fourth through lOth races-would Oct. 29-Ruldoao,' 'I1lere, '1:30Hand. Friona, Tex. appear to be the seJ1,Sl'tlonal Rapid p.m.

x-OOOD SECRET. Owned by J. Volley. winner of her only lItetlme I District Games.E. Craig, Okll\homll. CIty. Okla. slart here three weekB l'go. scoot-

l'''";"DOCTOR'S PET, O\YIIed by Ing under the wire In 20.6 seconds '~ILY'S,12.rac~ oard ~, at. the sameJ, 1. Dillard. Big Spring. Tcx. for 400 yuds 1n'the sllkB of Fred time. enable fans to cheer ~me ot

x-·BALI.Y BmD. Owned by Hoss Beckham l'nd L. V. Casey ot Ana. thp tlnest handlcapped runners InInman. Lamar. Colo. . helm" Callt.: Hugh Huntley'S Ruby the Southwest. when the second dl.

z-ECIW'S PRIDE. Owned by Charge, winner of tho '1.12,000 visIon gcell poIltward sunday In.Carl Mercer, ClUloga Park, Callt. Kl'nsas Futurity In mld·June. Ray SUPPOllt of the tl()O 000 Ruld060

x-·WILD VIGbE'!'. Owned by seeley's Moore 00, Spencer Chll· Thoroughbred Futurity.Ralph Lowe.. Midland, ..Tex. ders' ~ur Fo~ty QueCll, Z. Wayne Heading the Saturday. opening

z-INDIA FLIOHT. Owned by Grltfln s SUlco s, Rocket and Jesso salvo \vlll be the' much.traveledRuth Orr and Trumnn Spencer, and R. E. Cl'tes SavlUU1Ab ~~ . Oramercy Park. whose eyes andR~ldoso I?0wns, N. M. Rapid Volley, with Ken Chapman runnlng legs tell hlm al\ tracks

. CLEM S ALIDI, Owned by 0001'- uP. heads the 6th dlVtslon going as look aUke. 'I1le exce.pUor1, In thisgino Redman, Colorado City. Tex. the 7th race, .wlth Bulco's Rocket case. Is !bat Grameroy Park now

'NEPAN'rA, Owned by J. T. 011· and l'>foore Go likely tav(lriles In will be going fOr .. new owner,Inrd, Big Spring. 'rex.. the 1st division. (4th race), Four having been sold.Mon\l.ay by Buck

ALSO ELIOIBLE - Disturbing Forty Queen the one to WhlP In the Fallwcll to Pick case, Sacramen.MU!llc, Low Tension.. Agaklng. 2nd division (5th race), Savannah to, Calif., atl.ol'Zl4Y, ,ror an undls­Patsy Shlnrone, Velvet Bars, Slick Jr'.. due ta Improve Its lut start closed sumPhlllpe. (In event of scratches. In the 4th dlVislon (7th race>. and George Chamber. 'Wl1l coaUnue41so:cllglbles will draw In order Ruby Charge a rather soUd con· training O,ramerey P..rlt; who' isn'tlIsled.) II ". tender In the' 5th dlVlsJon (8th much of a Jlfob)em In thls respect. '" . ;~

Trial winners J!lar!ted with x '. race). TIle other Trials woUld ap. The hoJ'ae who apjl&renUy loves to :"' '; ,runners·up marked with "z": Wrd pear to be ratller widcopen. travel; hU been ~ 'fo'lnDer I1nce ;' , •f.~~~ draw 'wlnners marked with W!th a bit more at stake In Fri· June of llLlt a.ummor ..t Solano, I '~." ~ JIh'~'"" '

• day s Tr~1s are four .supplemental Ca11r.: Del Mar, CallI.: ~ Vegas, '-. , "-' " 'l,JW. 'Three Features Thursday entranlS-'Four Forty Queen. Baby Nev.: preacOtt. ~rli., f.!IJ1 Turf '::- '._' .'. • _ ::..._., '

ThursdaY'a weck-end opening Ol'lJi nnd Jcak'lj Best at- ''1,000, and Puadlse InP~, wbcri he won,leature ID named In bonor of the Talent llar lit a preVious $2.050.' . fhC -$10;001)' Atl,&ql1& noWnll Handl. AT GOLFERS' SUPPER-Bill'Mullican, Alamogordo. medalist

San Angelo StancfardJI'lmes. Three of FrIday's top tborotJ.a'h. cap. .1as~\ldnter. . . . at the Cree Meadow Golf Tournament Monday Is shown en-Two other slar supporting rea· bred leatures Will honor tM eve~ tlramerq•••~.....ud!DI' like loying dInner served i,)y R\lldoso L1onl' Club after tho Mon.

turuWIll.bc~·nln"gN~..l'&tl'81o.:popular $tt.r or moUOn plCtUrd lUld Maw WlUs m"lfti'>~ glilng oay qualifying rounds, From leftl Leon Anderson. Hobbs;yard mixed spee<lfest rec~ ~~v~Ob: .QhlUW~. BmUIn' when be finllbed f6urlh lut Bun- Mulllcan; Ralph Polly, RuIdoso; Mrs. Walror Smith, Aloma.Radio KCR8 of Roswell. and the Nick or KBRC1tadlO·.f8OeOrro). 4 day ,.rter acOrlnlL& bandy victory gordo; Bill McCarty. Ruidoso. standIng. ;:;;CI~=;('~h~Y-.-lotl~III;~;I~~·=I-tl\-IP-h-H-a-m-.lOth race. a. slx.furlong Thorough. Headlna the ChlU' Wills. purse; prevlously, WlUjXck.up.h1gh weight lIton. Odl'MIl. o\'C'r DIl'k Worley,bred dll!lh rel'aJllng tho feaID ot ror whlch !h6 V&leran. ,screen mar or 1~1 pounds abd the Wl!tIled. Call. UPSET W~S IMMINENT CIO\ll'l; Byron MrCIl'lIan. Gll~n.BUly The KId. Will d(l the winner's circle booors, remil' rldet' M~rllii'Volzke.

In the Standard·Tlmes hendllner, will be £'Uch sw~rt 3-year-c1ld SPrll!1. A!ltLll wo~'tbeJ'~"conslderlng . it." ,vIIII.', O\'l'r A C IInrr'". Kilgore:a sml'rt fleld of six swift-tooted ers M DuglUl's Bow, R4!aqy Tcm. the first b&1£ drew & numJler of the IN 'MID EEK NCrlON' 0 M RI'l'\'C9. MonnhB/i.'. over3·yel'r-old9. h?adcd b,y Chaparral cr, MJSlI Wingo ~d Wanna BUllet. 'tOughest compe1!lors,. llUcb as • #4' Tin)' Ward('lI. Andr(,w!l; Poll Balch.Racing Stable s Cindy s Moon. Will ClOlllng out Friday's card 'WIU be Ralph Ferrer's ihcl Roy Hatch's &11 Anltl'Io, oVl'r 0 C CUCIt. La.fl'co Starter "Sonny".Crpekctt. such well·matched sprinters as ,Start Talkin, Ralph Ulwe's Open IN GOLf TOURNAMENT ml'lln; Cotton OWI'n!t. RUldo::o. over

CIndy'S Moon. to lie assigned a nton RoUlette, Wapello Molly Flow, John R. PU1t.rd's Mona Kl'nt M)'I.'f9. Midland. Weldonrlder, gets In wllh 111 pounds at Harf, Doodle Oalllnd Red Jess In IJcpth. John Adatna' 'and Goorge Cliff-hanging suspense was a part week's News. will report Wlnlll.'rll Boyd. ldnlou. Tl.'x • over Onry Car.the shorter sprint dlstance. Sun- the 6v., furlongs SmJlln' Nick. Fenton's Beau Jtaker. DIU Rings- of the mid·week fun forthls year's of all !lights. Results of the flJlatol th('l. Floydndu. Trx,day, she won the last r4ce without Carter 'Cap Spilt 11( Two by's Noble Music and GUtner Mol'. invitational Croo M('adows Golf will not become avaflable until 'J1llrd Filltbt P S f1palll. -KII.hardly draWing a deep breath for They say money Isn't overythlng rls' lucklMS Lucky 1>Ot1toloc. Toumnment. At mid· aftcrnoon they arc unreeled 'I1lursday dler. ({Ofe. ovrr Hnlph Hunt; Button 811.Jockey RJchard Lldberg. -It's the only ~. • The latler, In foui'starf.5...t the Wednesday. l' Ruidoso golfer, Le- noon. vel1l. Morlon Tl'x. ovrr Coy IJcne-

Tbls Ume, Lldberg sWItches his .. Sut such ID..l)o~ the cue at Rut· meetlng, hasm~ bylltUe moro Roy Gooch, IUld the tourney's med- MelUlwhllo, other action In the field. Plnlllvlew; 0 D. Huclc4beo,affecUOl1!l to Bob CUff's and PaUl doso Downs. TbrQugb the genera- than a nostril on tYro OCCasions- allst, CharJeg Mullican, were bat- tournament Is reported below: Andrewll. o\'l.'r C C. Shepherd,RObb1l1!l' Deo's Pride, a galloping slLy of tbc m&JIlg4!ment, sunday'S to Start Talkln and Jl()m For Sure, tllng eye 'to eye In lhc second round AIl'mogordo golfer Bill MUllican Onl(,lIvllle: ItAlph. Pl'lty, Jr" Rul.$21.80 upset WInner lMt out over scheduled $5.000-add.ed Jlm Carter the latter now dHt.Int'd to go In In the champfonshlp Olght. At the was the leader In Monday's Quail. d01;O. over DIl: Davl9. Midland;such gOOd' ones as Bell Call and OU Company Handlcap has been Sunday'S IIeCOI1d dlvWon. close of the flrst nine. Gooch was Jaek l.'1hom. C!OVl'l. ov('r Jll.ekSoclal CUss In a 1:14 3/5 a1x·furlong spilt Into two 'dIvisions by Racing Chlll Wills Will be .on band to 2·up on the Alamogordo visItor Z~:te:un~:~t~aff6~1f1o~:~~~ Crandall. RUldo!:O. Tony Nicholas, i ......lliiiii.i..i.I·'miiiill.UI.......IIII1111II!!score. secretary Wesley 'Meyers and the greet fans and winners. plus three An upset was beJng predlctcd free· ment nt RUidoso. EI Paso. O\'rr Tom Brockington. DOC SEl QUI·'I _Other f('ared contenders In the pot sweetened, to the extent or 50 other features-tho Jlorr1s WllIson ly 'lllnt'!lSWr. TCll ; A C W('bb, Llttll'- =line-up will Include Templed Lady percent, or $'t;l\()().added In all. $3,. purse, Lone 81&r lSCiet purse, &JId At pressUme tor the News' sports MUlllcan shot a two under par f't'ld. oVl.'r Earl Abt'll. Rolola. •. ....=..with Jockey Lou Meaux up, Sweepy '15<).plus gOing to tJte winner or each ltELP-TV (El Pas) purse section on Wednesday the back' 70. leading IlCcooc1 place Leon An- Tex; Don Payton. EI Paso. bye.Joe "-1th Jot WUson, Extra Award dlVislon. v I . '. . • • nine was uncompJeted. A page one derson ot Hobbs by two- strokes. Fourth Flight __ Phil Hawktna. ..with hot-riding Johnny Cox, and The fltst d1\'lsloti Wl11 be run ILS BMkkeefSr..."..,.AIWIN bulletin gives final resUlts of the Other J,op Qualifiers Were LeRoy Pnn.'lllndlc. o\ll.'r Dille Crockett, . ENTIRE . =..par.., perhaps \V1tJt· veter' the headline. a~acllon on satur- News. champlonshlp second round.<;. Next Gooch. RUidoso; Jess Cl~lborne. Kcrmlt; Monte SUmlforth. Plain- .

. ~·;~:i·:i:i"iXiiiiiXiiiii;ijiiiiiiiiiiDii:i~iiiiiiiiii;';~~iiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiii·iiiiiiiiiiiii'ii'~iiiiiiiiiiii'iii''~·iiiiiiiiiiiiimj- ~~:~. i:~:: e':~ :~ ~':;:'l'll. "DJewM" o"p'er Tyt AUB('In. SBI" Spring: $25 000 00 STOCK §

II Crlif, MeadOWS clUb officials Mid· resco t. g pring. over ... " WEEK END'··SAN"n-HOLIDAYS Walter 8mllh. AIBmouordo; A..ron ... ' .. u . recent rains slowed the 6,557.yard Cllrtht'l. PlOydlldll. Ov('r Felix Tum- ,. =CO;::~~~~~':::dtlC~t:sM5-Yllrd. er. RUidoso; J, P ~Hl\wthorn. Mor· M~ust" Be S'oI-d To Th~. ..=;18th green In two drives and Rnnle ton. ovrr B. C. McClellan. Waco: 'f,a 2v.,·foot eagle putt to win his first I.rRoy Mtnnlx. RuIdoso. OVer Ed· ..match on Tuesday In the Cree die Siddens, RUidoso; Tom Winton, Bare WaU·s Now'I =Meadows rnvltaUonal MIlich Play Ponca CIW, Okla.• over P. L, Pol· '. =golf tournament. • Inrd. Hale Center. Tex.; Shorty .. . • =J&C1c Trammell ot LUbbock. Tet:, Tommy Yuteet. RUJdooo. ,...

! 1 up In the first round of the '12- Fifth Flight - J<lhn EIlID. Sanhole tourna,ment over the pa.l" '12 Angelo. over Leo Momn: Truck ..6,!i57.yard Cree Mel'dows course. '~USk, RuidOSO, oVer Bill SChwar- Buy $5.00 Worth for $~.OO =

There \Vere 128 amateurs In the ,.enbacb. Big Spring; Danny Leo- 'D_u..t R' f I at ~' =eight f1jgh~ with 18 In the cham. nard, Roswell. over R. R. Ram/ley, Tires, .QGUenei.. e r ger ori, ~~r, =ploti$hlp ' Andrews. Tex.; Perry Da.vls, Odell<' - Wuher. Stovn TV Sel. toy. Don. . a-Champlonshlp tJI,ht lit u,. results: /la, over L. E. Ratlltf, ChArley '. ' .'.. I . .. '

BIU MUllican, Alamogordo. det. Findley. Ruidoso, over J. A. 8ber- Ho~~oldGoods, Shoes, Clothing, AIr Coolm, !JacK Trammell, Lubbock Tex. 1 rbd. Idl'lou, Tex.: MIlt Cranfield, Rod.s. Be R._.ee1.•,Sporting Goods.··,.Fan,··.','..Car Parta, _; _up. ' , Odessa. Over Lawrenoc Brocldnlt- . . .

Leney Oooch, Ruidoso, det. ton, LanCl\!lter: Clyde SoUlhWlJ'th. Tooltl, Pa1l1t, Seat Coven, FU1'Wfure. •BUlch Mbtr~, AUBtlh, Tex.• 1 up. Sweetwaler, Over Bill Neal,Rul, B.IcyclH, Camping E.qUlpmtnt..• GUDI. ==I Jw Claiborne, Ll'mclla, Tex., doso: J. It. Pollard, Moun.t Plea.. .del. FlUft Myerll, Morton, Tex:., ~ant. Tex.. over Keliua 'rumer, Mufflers. AmmunUloDi TaU Pipes a1 up, Turfier;- Odessa. .. ' ..

Charloth EdwardS. Lancaster, Sixth FlIghl--L. B. VaUghn, .LIl· 2'0%DISC' U'"N·T !. 'rex. del. DavId Brown Andrews mOlllL, over DIck Weatherly: JOM.· =Tex: 2 and 1. ' , EchOlll.Atldr(!ws, over RoM al'1l"Ii· .' 0···· ... =~Ii AnderllOl1, Hobbs, det. .Jay 1l!C, Breckenridge: PaUl Creek,

Whlte, Lamesit., 3 and 2.. . Kermit, ovei'H•. A. ltobbs, .~.. FREE·" B·AR··· B'.Q'.. GRI',··LL·Graham Mackey, Mldtand, Tex.,drilwu: Ted. HuesUs. OVer cart . .' . ••.....

def. Ralph Petty. RuldollO, 1 Up. Hamm,. Andrewll;Jltn :P'e~gUIIOrtlil' WU1.. H.........I. 0 .. El'-&.ole' ·S·.'p'....BIU (Werall San Marcos Tox. over Howard Beddlnifleld, B .un UU\l ex. __.u I.l

del. Ken Newton, :RuIdoso" ,/. atld d: ~Uer, -RUldO$O•• OVer B()b '.. Ed· Nothing· To Buy' __ JUst ..Reglat.. .' er. Waller Howeu' C1ovll'l, det. JOM wardll, L&JIclIJl«lr, L.B, William.: .KUykendall, Odessa, Tex., 1 up'.· Andrews"oVerBUIKnox:, PetOS, Drawmg ToSt ~.ld 12 NoonX~. 14

Pit-at Flight -- Noison Ray/ord. Tom COOp(l1' OVer Van Baker. ~.Houstott;ovet' Fred Harrlnttton, gletoli, TolC', c... . . . .

Wlchftli FaUs: BtuCe Colton, PecO$, '.. SCventh :P'llgb~oon SIJrIt'IU. nut.ovet 0a!'YBed~leld: TOnt1'Uck- .dOfl(), . bye: RWlty RUfus. RU!d08O:et,OdeMa., OVer L, Brown, An- bYe: Tom, 1l:J11ll•. Ruld06O" bye, ~ A AB DidrewlI, Tc!lc.}E&r1 Orate. :P'abcM. JderrH

yKJUm.~!~~Uld08Ob' bY!~ BU~ """.A.r,.,Sal.e ·t· . i.t1.," , ......'...,,'OUU'"t. . .g',1'ex-., ()v~l' 11O&blo Robln.'iOlt. ~ yalrtl1l. ......oueWII. ya: ~at\'... U -& &0'-

we1J~ . JiJri .OWe~,~eU,"over Andl'ea.'r.Breckenrl~ge,. bye,. Alien

YaffiJ1lteI'4i' bdesaa:ltlnOOrtlZ, Wood',E1P~.byo., UUWiCarthol,. WHITE AUIO IIBIE~~;' ~~ ~~~4g~~tFlOYd~,~~; ..~;~e.~",'T''''_'''W_' . .... . ' .',. ':' .. ,:. ". ......... " '" ~.... -'''ft,' 'if '1' , BtPRJOERA1'ORS COUCHUS· , .'..uver ....r...... "w ,...... ..,...... . .. . .• . . . •Olen ~.f,ltUotlelcfi nit" i)vetSOf car~tj h1J,.r.,lllfaro- L''0'.'U'" .S····". ~.'.~ ;~ '.'''''&berlBaWtt• .AtIMbJ.a-.ct.JPUaiied lit aU JdnthUl*f ~"""~..·secoM1r'1lrb£.o..a~J.£. M~fWe·~.""t4t ,.r....olJiriU·.... ... ,o. Al't&., YIn Hon.,.ood p~ G7~8$31 •I Klllor,.,over.tJ11l' ~u.t $&it. AnIle.. lklU.,.able·lOW Prk!~1 Gamlllell.. ·,.,:•.".t.;'i·'t"/io:.......:."I".•.t•.I.••· .•' •..•...•.•6•...•...•.....:.•..1·.•'•.•.•'.•f, :,.".:.!~,..;;J.~'ft,", '._ ':; ',f,.". 4' " :'.:" , .Jo;: St.r'.~ Cjrus. rJilI.., ov.l' Cecl1 &heO.feW_.,._ . •• • • .n .....1 .

. r '~, - ., ',' -\ ' -, - - - " 'lJ ' ' '". '" -,',.'.. ".- . ,. - .. " - .",



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Sucfdel1h Drive

Lar." ... ftmaU Ca1tlMFjrelltacH aa4 Klto1lleM

OM Milo West .t Pad OUice!tellben ... Keberla Lai'M'll

1'. O. !Sox .,: -aakS..., N. If..' l"iIIu moollU5


Free Delivery'Bob, Mart_ Clnd Erma will

. . b. happy to ..rv. yeu for- your party n••d...,....,..-

; .. (


- 80)( t90-

20 Modem

CabIns with


.- ,

G·"" "\A";';;'.. ,.J-_ I'·W·""4' 'y'"...... " . '.

, ' , . " ,




Thlngi to D6 - Wher~ to Shop.

In The Playgro~J of ilia S~uthwe.t






"T1I. Fln••t Food In RuIdoso'.Mo.t CharmIng Spot"

*Charcoa'lroU,cr 5taab

In tho Ke~r...tlon and Ike"l" Areaof ICldd••o. New MIlJllco

0" mUe abeYe 1'01' OUlcoTfteph.nll !5',,""

*VI.I, Our RaInbow RHm

•U........ , CI


..It•. 25'-2315 - Draw"r "Ruldolo, Now Mulce

flub" Paulino Gr"u"rloa

-Amorita. Piaa-

......._#.,.# -..~~..# ~..,~, ~~••,~, ., . . '.



Carriz~ Lodge

Office•• Apartmenta11Iv.r,ld, hdrcHJm,

Ught Hou.-bep'ng loom.H••ted PHI

Complete Family UnItt10. 6· RuIdoso· 257·2615




tl -tl tlC&D.1etI .IIt NinUyIklml from an enr, 8.14...•• Fine., M.~l

the W.rl' ..('

,_._ llr. It M.... ..... Anderaen. Itoat.·.m,,,,,,,,, Beta .F•••lala· I'k•. U'''eTl - lfeem I'....e.

• tl tl 11) P. O. Bolt 4ftMall Orde.... aUlD080, N.

,..... 01411. - M.N Ptau............................~

Women me u.1I

11Ico)' lib .ar '.tJIIU.I, a. 8ml&tlalile.. neat anti homelike lUbln. ~m. 'no, Uke die .

way \\'CI have tl"ter..l~en' t.i' aU lltel, 'amllt.'r_ ...

chlWftla ... • ...w...... ..., wtU\ .WlmmlllC ., "

,..1, bewl",. TV. ~'(!. A ala)' .tlt.,...,nelle wlll malle , ••r ".('aU,,, 1M,. .aJar.ablol



48 UnU. For Your VacaUonlng PlJtalure

"nallma,' or Ilolllilalll,"Ovcorleokln.c (loU (':aurae

Phon. 257-"058

CARL DeBOlD, Manager


Room. with TV adt~..r,", (~...

WaU .. WaU C&rpot!QPrawn M - rhllae U'-4t!JRUIDOSO. NEW MEXICO


""'hrr. Y••r l'ltla.llre .. O.rnlDlnNll"

....:RN II at'!t.'U-:LL IlAws.Ct"UNI

r. 0 ne••"rho,", Ul-utl

VI",plarn - TV',One IlllM'k Wei' 0' naak

IU,hI DeWllIe",a ..Ruille... New Medee

Kitchons - FireplacesI to 4 Bedrooms

Box 1«Phdn, 257.2165

Dan Dee Cabins

P. O. Drawor H

.ApartmentsFor Rent

Iy Day - We.k or MonthJ'ur Tholl! Who Wa,,' tile llel'

We Give S. 8. H. Grean Stampi




itfucoln County:Photo Album~~ No. 24r8

thth FOLK TALE-Above are lomf)

of the COlt, all of them. Lincolna, County relldont~, who have01 partlln the famous folk PO­III geant, "The Lalt Elcapo QfIII Billy the Kid" presen.ed in, anIn out.door Iheatre 01 Old lin­or coin annually. Datel for thede .how thll year are Saturdaybl and Sunday, with presenta­ht ',ani on .he two nightl andal Sunday afternoon. Dan Storm111 "diroctor of .how which tolll!!ie of an incident In the Lincolnh. County War of the 1BBO' ~WI 1-,(


~, • "I' .. ,r-', '-';~ .~ '''-1 ".~.l " ...,~;t-"., :i v'·r~-

:'.. ~'\

r"··;:::::·;~m"'Hed--'-'~AHn'*'p;H,n"'(l""hH.n'''''''IIl'''.--'''''P'''oN, "'rn-lJl"'e_H'$~ IS EAR

~~ Uppor Canyon at Land of Enchantm•••




locat.d One Ilocl, Ea.t of Old Mill

I>l!"' ~""*,,#~."###f#"'~~~~~""''''til01rf







,.......,." '"',''' " ·;·"·',·;'''>:;,,~·"·,,':w'(},v;...·,,,y·,




, prhado

. pa, "1

'"II • '001 - Indoon and Healed• • Contln.ntal Break'a.t~ Serv,d To Your Suit.d • Compltte Hotel ServluaI" • TV and 'hone, In SuIt••bn01Ch


\1','.J' .,h~!



, '.. I• •, ',

,, .,• •





· ,J; -~, .•

"I: (' ,




. '


PRO. U'J.Q&ILooaW b Oa&ewa,

.... Sa411erQa Dr.P. O.!Sex 111



Plumbing & Heatlng2465 Sudd.rth Drlv•

Perman.nt Resident Plumber





Licensed and BondedPrompt Dependabr. Service

-PHONE 257-4352-


principal and accrued Interl!,1l~ til­debtedness owing Plaintiffs, as 01the date of tile sale, In tile a:moiu1~of $81.652.'131 r i

TWrd, the balance of U1e pro­ceeds. If any. to be paid Into theReglsta;y of ilie Court unll.l tb8Court sball determine the priod­tics liS between attorney's' fees, .dvalorem taxes, Insurance premolums and ossessments claimed -bJtbe Plnlntlffs, IUId tile liens as'­serted by the OefendlLllt 'Unitelj1'SIR tes of America. '

NOTICE IS FURTHER OIVEI(thllt ilie· successful btdder wlU bereqUired to deposit ilie amount bitSIn cash or cerUfiedcheck wltbo-thOClerk of Ole Court at the Urne Oftbe snle. except that ilie PlaitlUtt!lIIhnll be entlUed to bid tn full Qrpartlnl sRtlsfaction of Its costs and - -- .tbe Indcblednes.'1 owlllil and creditOle same iliereon. WIUI all sums ofmoney so deposited to be beld in(be Registry of ilie Court. pcndlnlr .I\pprovlIl of ilie sale by ilie CourtI\nd dlsposttlon In Rccordance withthe Judgnllont and Order of tbtCourt.

'1'bo nUorney for Plaintiffs' faJolm W. Thompson. P. O. Box 7'f1~

ll.UIt!OIlO, New MexIco.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hay;

hrreunw !let Illy hlUld ililll 8t1l ciaJof July. 1llG5. '¥

/Ill Jete VOlI3 ,Special MllIIler

7-16-23-30: t;1






CoDimercial- Residential"'brt~ 19$4 - !thone' 257-2011.

O"e .Iock W... of Navalo Lodp..AgentFol" T.lco Neon Sign., Inc.

'Ughtlno Ftxfu,..- Lcimps - Ucanaed Contractot.





DoU1':"W~rk ... I>Uch...... Ctptlc'taub BuDJI'li,b-II' •

.Saztd - C.....l-'Top· 'Sou ft. .......0''*




P. o. BOX ria. HOLLYWOOD. N. HEX. - J. B. ctoIii




".0... ~,·.It......,N. ·Mo·. Ph•• 217..'11'.. . ". . . . - . ,... I '. . .

.......,i.i_ •·..' i' · ·.'.·•• ill ,'.- '.""".''ii'... " ".. <. ,". '," " ,.'._ _, > :1;., . . .. . . .•~~ .-



Rapidayton Pump Sales &Service,-' ..

1 ~ ' " '"

.iis._j~._i- 'I'_!.~.'..I- _I'_~_••_••_ '•• inn 7?'''';'''



Mr. M. 0., 2.80. ·tlon$ to advertise and sell tile fol.lowln~ described real and personalproperty situate In Lincoln CO\!Ilty,New Mexico. Io'Wlt:

Lots 18. 19, 20 and' 21- Rnd ilie East5-ft. of Lot 22-Blook K. Tbe EVIor Lot 30 and WIt" of Lot 31-Blocki<. 'rbe Nortll 5().ft. of E"'~ of Lot31 and ilie SOUtll 50.ft. of E v.. ofLot 31. except West 3·feet tIlereof­Block K. Lots 32. 33, 34. and UIOSeparts of Lots 14 and 15 lying souilior a line 65 feet souili of 'and paral•lei to ilie norOl bO\!Ildary Une ofsl\ld Lots 14 IUId Iii-mock K. ALLIN Rumoso SPRINOS. RUidoso.Lincoln County. New Mexico, assbown by map Olercof filed In theoffice of the Cowlty Clerk of Lin.coin County. January 26. 1925; to.geilier wltb Illl Improvements Ulere­on.

TOOETHER WITH IlI1 of tilefurniture, fixtures, equipment.stook Ilnd liquor IIccnse t bl'lng Dill·penllcr's License No. 13'12 grnntedby tile State of New Mexico, Dlvl·ilIon of Slate Liquor Control. Du.rellu of Revenue) ulled In connec·tlon with tile busll'lellll operated onilie above descrIbed property.

THERliJFORE, tile undersignedwill, on tile 30th dRY of August,1965, Ilt 10:00' o'clock a.m., at tileNorLll door of tile 1.lncoln CountyCourUlolWe at Carrizozo, New purllullnt to tile Order of theOlstrlct Court beretoforc entered.oUer for sRle at publle vendue tilereal I\nd personlll property abovedescribed, and will ilil'n lind Olere1lCII snld renl and pl'rnonnl propertyto tbe hlgbf.'l.It and bl'st blddf.'r forcaflll,teltCcpt thnt the PlalnUUIl mnybid In full or partlnl llaU-'lfactionof tile Indebtednoll!l owil\g to tIletllas hereinafter net forUI. •

NOTICE 18 llEREDY OIVENiliRl Pllllnllffs 11 a v e Judgmentailllnllt tile Defeitdl\nlll. Wnlter J.Lnngwcll Rnd Rctta LRngwcll. hillwife, and Joc Evan.'!. doing buslnc1l9nil JOC'I! Turf Club, In the totlllntllount of S!l4.l1l008 which RmountIncludes prlnl."lpal and Rccrued In­terest to tile dRte or lillie, ntwmey'sfccll. payment for nd valorem tax.e9. InsuranCe premlwn9 Rnd all.'Ie!l.'1.Ihenl.ll, plu.'l tile Plnlnllrt'o conlll andtile co.'1W of foreciOllure nale.

NOTICE IS FURTllER OIVliJNtIlat tIlll procecdll of Ililid sale willbe deposited In the Relrl.lltry of thoCourt; tIlllt such proceeds wlll be~d 09 folloWIl:

FIrst, to plly nll Court eosin In­cluding 'COOL'! of forccl03ure ualoand Speclnl MRster'!! fccs;

second, In IlnUsfllclion of tile

RuIdoso, N.w MexIcoP. 0, lox 966



Comm.rdal - Hom...... AdditIonsRepaln - RemoJ.llng.

INSURANCEFor All Types and Cov.rog..


Phone 257·2.,0 or bstd.nce 257-2713Now Located JnGateway C.nter

In the Mlldr.d Wantlez Real E.tat. Offl~.

Adding Machines, .calculators806 New York Av.nue

- Alamogordo, N, MIX.


Agonis UNDERWOOD Typewriters


All TV_1tepalr.MadeAf 'Your Hom.Profe..r6ha' servl~. On Itcidlitj

$t.r~1 CO-lor of.'aclt and . ..~, ' '. . - ..




Efficient Ouality-EngineeredDesign and Building

fD BOYER, Contractor - p, o. Sox 45 - Pho.257-2819

UcenHd ContraCtor'hot). 257-2241



NOTICE Ia HEREny OIVENthnt In Caullc No. '1674 on tile Civil

FIrat Rncc,-5 I u furlongs: ell\lm· Docket of ilie Olstrlct Court bf LIn­Ing; Cbnmplon. SW1, 42.-00, 13.00, coin CO\!Ilty. New Mexico. wbereln'1.20: Aem" Oln. 6.00, 4 :10; Cedar V. J. Coleman nnd Dudley Cole·ClUlydil,"3.40. '1'-·1:11 25. mlln wero PlnlnUUIl, IUId Wnlter J.

Second Rnce-.400-ytl'l.; Ornde A Langwell and Retta LRnllWoII, hillPlu.'l: Bold Pelln. 6.80. 4.80, 4.80: Wife; Joe Evans, 0. slnBle man,Lock Dnrn, 0.80, 4.60; Cblckl\wy, doing burllnc!l.'l as Joe's Turf Club:'1.40. '1'- :22.9. . Employment Security Commlll!llon

DRily Double - $250.40. of ilio State of New Mexico; RndThird Rncc-44().yl1u; Grnde A lIle United States of America; and

MJnus: Wl1lna Bracket, 26.40, 9.40, Joc Uawkln9. doing buslneM l\II7.20: Ted's MlIllake. 4.00, 2.80; RuldollO Onn Comany, wero Do·aam'n Jo, 5.80. T·~:21.2. Ifrndnnlll. tile undernlgned WlW on

FOurth R4ce-l MI.; Mnldcna; JUllt' 30. 1965, appointed s~clalBarlanx, '7.80, 3.60. 2.80; Polly'S MRnter by ilie Court, -wlili dlrcc·

iI ',. . .. - ". "." ....•... -,' - ,I. ,_t, •... - '.' $. -· •• Iirjl<=--~ t-V.·--'H6'(,




" .

. .....'

Good ~lumb~g


lI'i Your eode, Mr. andMIt. Publlc,-..GIcId

You Hav. Itt~XTOlES IVKOHan and

AMWCAN STANOAflD..... psea"" ...taa_ satWact.ln







Distributor in Uncoln County tor West.rn Oxygenand American CryogenIcs, Inc. of Odeno, Texas

DIstributors for: Oxygen, Acetylene, Welding Supplle.,C02 Gase., fIre Extinguishers, Puritan Oxygen and

Medical EquIpment .

See CHARLES A. MORRISONAmerican Car Paris, Inc.

Draw.r 397, Hollywood, N. M. - Phone 378-6360




. i Reside~ia1 -: C~mmercial - Remodeling


Electric HeatingBe Insulation

Wimberly ElectricPhODO Z:S'-2111

, .,

@.... "I, . "e- . ...

~ ~- it\.J" " .

. OJ' ...

Atl- kiNDSBullt.Up - Shlngf.s - TU. - Sha".s

DEAN JANZEN, BOlmEIt CONTRACTORpho. 257..2544 - RuIdoso. N, M..... Box 1025

. . . - - , , . ". .'.




Tho Comer. •• IA '11m1l Cone SuroBraJcr:s an4AJt sare- Ity FeaCllrellof '1'0111'Car Ate At ThcltBe a tI T a keNoChances Golllr: Toand From SChoolWith LltUc Pan­el1Jcra, and ne ~ver

Alett For Those OnFoot.

SkylandAuto Service

Ph•• m-ut1Bear 'Wbee1AUpme.t

Gener.1 Kepalrll


Phone 257-4349


Home and Commercial Mortgag. loan.Home Improvement Lo.ans .


Property Manag.ment

Complete Insurance Coverog.Archttact a"d General Contractor

Qualified Appr~l...r

• •

ALPINE AVIATIONornc.... HlIbJclpalAlrporiT~~eMar --

.. CHARTERFUGIi1'S ANYWHERE.bIlhJaJlce FJlahta O#i'eat li:t1dPl* - lIoelIIo .....~ lDStr1aCt11Ja - .4J.rcrafi ....

. .AVIS RENT-A-CAIt- .Airenrl Si1fle' -

.. 'w

R. O. Whit, BuildingI



ResldenUal or Commercial•

'hon" 257-2541 or 257-2042


i'1 .... tn..


* COMMEB.dIAL$(' INDUsTllIAi..'* -~m£NTIAL··eoNSTltltCTI .......". . ... ' . OA't


.... .

.'''•••_'_'_In I_.'_..i __._i_6 _._._*



:1 -:~ RACE:RESUlrS ...:••,~ SArURDAY .Dally Poup!a ~ $~9.00..: _ . .... .... Thlr~ R£\ce--350-yds.; AA-l.\<IIn~;

. Fi t Ra .. Mmiral's To\Wr, 32,60, 14;20, 8.80;; rs ce-.-.51>l furlongs: maio Sfri\W Sbadl!oy, 6.60, 5.20; Pantano· dens: 1010.1 All!?I, 5.60, MO. 3.00; P' 660 T ., Su D Id a.., . -:l8.3.· '. per. IW ,_.6.00,' 4,00; Leagl;lr, Fourtb na.ce-.-.'1 furlongs; claim.'

, 8.20. '1'-1:11. . itIg; all' Pan Oil, U.OO, 5.60, 3,60:·· ~CO!1d Race-.-.6 furlongs; claim. CO\!Ilt Samaritan, 6.40, 4.00; ~al.

~;b .Sir Passor, 5040, ,3.60, 2.60: boa Bob,' 3.60. '1'-1:29 Mi. . Th Q aIifie 'dCd" . - .'~:OO.e~~~8 ~/~' 3.4();. Maymont,. In::lf~e::~ite~. ~,~;g:'~O,Cl:.~; . ~se .u .e'· ontractors an_ Firms Offer· .Many.Fine Services and P~oducrs.

. Dally Douille - $13.20. . Lovly Bay, 15.4<1, 3.2Q;-SOn DUkl;l, .-Thlr~ Ral:l~Won Flsb, 10.80,3.20. '1'-:.1 :30. . . - • --------------:":'=:-::::::::::=:::::!.~:::.":::~:±~.................'::------------_-----,,;.,,.-- "!!"_----~..::.l.G.80, 4;20; L.lttle Red Demon. 6.60, Quiniela "- $61.20, ,.. , ... ~ .~. ......-.._."""7.• ·7~''r''~· ..........'""..."...·_'--·~- "--1 Jewel 4 40 3 80'

4.20; TIdy CWck. '1.00.'1'-:21.0.. SIXtll Rll.ce-400-yds.: maidens; I:. . '~;/·7'~··/.' " .. '.' "". .. '. .' ·.···~T..:..1:49:· '.' ,

N~ur~~~a;.20~~~:f;,· ;7.:O~·~~~~i sFaarllaRYOdaerrC.la5.·4·08,.640.'20~,·4ThOi e3"0801e;MManlsS,J..' . " " ",,; '.; ,c".:" J: .. ,:.... , ....." .. j Fifth RncC"-B'1().yds.; claIming:Cha Oark Pleasure, 33.00, 1'1.00, '1.00:"ge, 6.4(), 6.g~ Dapper Dlvi. 3.60. '1'-:21.1. r- • . 'c' • • Roman Red, 6.00, 3.20; 00 Morse

Wend, 3',80. '1'-:23.0. Seventh Race-.-.6Y.t furlongs; al.t' 00, 3.80. '1'-:49.0.Fif~ RaCe-.-.6 furlongs; allow· !owance: Count Brogan, 9.60, 4.60, f • ~ Quniell\ -'- $109.40,

&lCl;l, QuaUtyBeUe. '1.60. 3.40. 3.00; 3.00; Flying J..Imlt, 4.40, 2.60; 'Oong. SIXOl Race--350:yds.: Gradc AAA:P Hero, 2.80, 3.00: Forked along. 2.60. '1'-1:23 1/5. Minus: Hankins' nar, 16.40, 6.60,eam, '1.80.'1'.-1 :16 1/5. Elgbtll Race _ 8'1()'yds.; all\lw. 2.80; . '1-nubbley Bars, 4.00, 2.60;

Quintela -$10.60. . once; Missile atreak. 5.60, 2.80, 6-HI DiVidend, 2.40. '1'-:18.2. .Sixtll Rac~oo-yds.; allowance: 2.40; Spooky Kld,3.. 00, 2.40; Pere Seventb Race-.-.5 I

'\l furlongs: FU-. ,_ Art Model, 8.20, S.8~. 4.00:. Heza SOng. 2.80. '1:-:-:47.3. turlty Trlllls; Ranllgong,.12.00, 4.2Q,

• ~ket, 3.60, 3.20; Etta 00. 6.40. Nlntb Race-.-.'!i'~ furlongs' allow. '3;20: Do It SIladow. 4.00, 3.20: Nc·-:21.0. . ance: 'BlIlCk Drag,MO, 3.20, 2.20; llil-;"= panta, 5.00..T-I:ll 2/5.aevenili Race-.-.35().yd~.; AA·Plus: Quick - Mist. 3.20, 2.20; Atlgrada, ~ liJlg'hili Raec-51~ furlongs; Fu·

i:Prldeck, 12'4()' 6.00, 4.20; Sunny 2.40. '1'-1:09 1/5. turlty Trials; Mr. J. To. '1.20, 3.00,ed nu, 11.60, 6.60; Annie J\!Ile, Big Q _ $26.20. 3.60; Vontee, 3.60. 3.20; Agnklng,

6.20. '1'-:18.3. 10tb Race-.-.'1 furlongs: allow. '1'-1: 11 1/5.· Eighth 'Race-.-.1 & 1/16 MI ; claim· ance: Miss Sand D\!Iles, 22.00. '1.00, Nlntb RRCe-.-.5\!l furlongs; Fit·'~g: Center Meter. 46.20. 27.80. 3.80; Start Talkin, 3.60, 2.20: Beau turlty Trlllls: Good secret, '1.00,lO.60: Blue Max, 11.60, 6.00; Sir Baker. 4.06. '1'-1 :28 2/5. . A·80, 3.20: Doctor's Pet, 18.80. UO;

ewestle S~I, 5.60. T-1:511 3/5. IUb RRce-400-yds.; "Rainbow -Low Tension, 2.60. '1'-1:11 2/5.<Balance of program clUlcclled Derby":' Nippy 12.20, 6.40, nlg Q - ,1,332.80. 0

due to ralnslorm,) 4.00; Night Lotph, 36.00, 12.60; 00 10tb Race-5'it furlongs; FuturityHandle, $142.6'15 _ Att., 5.100. Jo~le 00, 5.2Q. '1'-':20.5. Trll\ls; BRlly n1rd, 12.20, 5.20, 3.00:

SUNDAY12th Race-l ml & 1116;clalm~Ecbo's Pride, 4.60. 2.40: Disturbing

, . Ing; Cyndy's Moon. '1.40, 4.80, 3.60; Music, 2.40. '1'-1:10 1/5.Fir t Ra -0 Dora. 5.60. 4.60; R. n. Jones, 3.40, 11th Rl\ce-5 1

\l furlongs; Futurlty~ IS ce furlongs: claiming: '1'-1 :54,. 1/5. Trlnls; Wild Violet. 14.00. 6.60,

.ree OliO 2nd, 10.80, 4.40, 3.40; Trj. QUinieia _ $20.20. • 3.80; IndlnFlight, 6.60. 4.20; Clem's

~~!~~d5:~:; f:~:n::' :::~ Handle, $227,2'19 - Att., 4,'114. HERE'S MUD IN YOUR EYEI-The penalty for Ruidoso Downs. T e trac:k lurne nto 0 sea Al;~b 3R~C~:'71f~~0~~: claiming;(I TI RI Jl rHURSDAY finishing fourth was 'mud In your eye' for of mud following a steady rain ·the nIght be. Reno Moon, 14.40. '1.00, 6.00: MIIi.~· ens; mes ght, '1.4v, 4.60. 3.80; I . ha d k 1'1 Th d R d d J k f Ldb Oriel', 20.60, 15.60: Classy's Drenm,:Bassctlo 580 440 nl k P t 660 r • noc:", ng un er o~ an ,oc ey ,·, I erg oppearl to be saying, 'NextIn l' 19 ~ 5' , . : ac 0... Richard ·L1dberg In Thursday s final race at time, I'm going' (Trans Photo Lab) IIUiO. T-~1 :31 4/5....-: ../. First Race-5~~ furlongs: claim- " " Qulnleln-$1l2.GO.

,. Ing; Land Pili, 3.20. 2.ijO, 2.40: Hancock Zen, 5.80. 4.20: Lookatme Roll, 9.60 .'1'-1:15. Handle, $15'1,210 - AU., 3,531,Tuxle, 2.80. 2.40: Dipper Face, 6.80. 00, 9.00_ '1'-:21.4. QulnlelR - $92.00.'1'-1:13. Fourth Rnce-'1'-i: furlongs; claim· I-Iandle, $101,908 - Att.. 2,261..Second Rnee-·6 furlongs: claim· Ing; Tuff Enough. 8.60. 4.40, 3.60; FRIDAY .

Ing; Royal I3lWb. 25.00. 11_60, 5.80; Cowl\rdJy Lion, 5.60, 4.040; LadyArterIal, 5.60, 3.60; Oreat Roemer. Cabelle, 3.CO. '1'-1 :39 1/6.4.80. '1'-1 :18 3'5. Fifth Race-350-yds.; Grado A

Dally Double - $&3.CO. Plu.~; neggar MuffoU, 11.20, 4.80,Tblrd RnCe-400-yd9.; Orade A 2.80: Robbie Ctlino, '1.00, 3.80; ahu

Minurr; Oray Sam, 6.40. 5.00, 3.40: Deck. 2.60. '1'-: 18.'1.Qulnlela - $10.80.SIxtil Race-'1 l u furlongs; claim.

Ing: nreak SOmeone, 15.80, 0.40,3.GO: HoustOn nlaze, 6.60, 3.20: SlarWayne. 2.80. '1'-1 :36 315.

Sevenili Race - 5')" furlongs:claImIng: Not A Dream, 5.20, 3.80,3.60: cola Dlanco. 5.60, 4.20; LltUe13cep, 4.GO. '1'-1: 11 3/5.

Elgbth Raee-400-ydll.: Grado AI.Plus; LIl Rnmblln Ror.e, 24.60,12.20. 5.40: CallI Rocket, &.80, 3.40:Mr. Clab Win. 0.80. '1'-:20.9.·. NInUI Raee-8'l().ydll.: qwmlnglConquIslo. 16.20, 8.00, 4.60; A, A•FRlr, '1.80, 6.4CJ; RU!Jty sam, 3.40.T~:40.3

Big Q ~ $154.80 & $333.20•10lh Rnc~()(I.yds.; claiming:

Cooklc's Oay WilY, 64.60, 16.60,660: SuIeo's Rocket. 3.20, 2.60:lIubba Bar. 3.20. '1'-:20.6.

lltll R4ce--6 furlongs; claiming;IColonel Quill, 20.00, 1,20, 3 80:

,Lul."ky Pontowc. 3.80, 2.110: Mark. .~======-:-:.;-:.;:-:.:.===-:--====:.=======:=;K .. 3 60 '1'-1: 15. •12lh Race--6 furlongs: clalm.lng:

Teddy's Tower, 11.40, 0,20, 4.00;Sir Pnn 011. 9.80, 8.20: Rowdy'a


,, , ,

J,• I



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Q.' .

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Ken Newton--


'. JeSli Nobles'"'

,•. '/' ;. ",.

, ,~ .. C" '" .. .. ';: .~"

,"Mem.,~t·tA''''5. ~ ~ ~- . . ....?~.ll;., ... >

COMMERClt\LS '"' .. ;. ".: '~... . ~.. .. . " .

, COmtnllrclal pqlel\t1alln Ruldoso D9wns and ~n'~hwit 'JO.Site 110:1200 ft., and cxceUently located. AlSo has •.:sa; i·bathhoUSe tor Interim use. • . , . '


XArs~ Commerc~1 Bulldlng wit,h l1vtn; qlll,l.'U!rlJj ~ Rl1JdoooDoW~. 0004 con4Ulop, ~ excellent ~rnis. .

e~ MOTEL lor 8&lCr. Ready to go lor ~ci8unmier r&cO'season. Prlme locaUon, excellent repair and room for llinltedexp~lon. F!na:tIclng avallablil and' prtce,d rlg~k

GOINO BUSIN~ FOR BALl!l--~cludes fixtures, Inve~tort,

exceUent 10caUon, and ltore building with ~vJna' q~rt41rs., , .

Real nice service StaUon In excellent locaUon. 'C:toll1B' verygood business In Hollywood. N. M., HIghway '10. Arm real' m*bedroom house with carport and own well In Palo Verlle fl1o~..-Will sell together or ~parateI1. •


'. ",' r' . '< '; • ,. , ~," ,. -" ,_. __ , ~ ,.

, . . ~

., .,.

. '

..:wearl,ngln,·~~, PertOo., ~iell !h~~er ,,' '

IlMoEStL'Ynn~y8. --


SUNSET VILLANUBSING HOME15t5;S, Sunlit, 623·7097

RosweU, New Mext~ ~

'Rof." $~OO pill" rnol\th and'up. Ocdl¥ and w.,.klt- roles(CltJ be, atranged for ml:lllber

,of your fqmily while yov areOllt o,f town_



.,.to "'....... •

. i· . '(.


an', ''" '.

,.- ' " , .

~ .

• ,< , '


a,4ll Acres two miles "or\.l111t Alto on HlJllW';V 3'1. I,nclud~

nlco 1 bcdrpClm h~mo an~, llCP.I\ra~ 1 belb"oom .partnlent, !;lothtUQllehed. Shop b\lIl~Il, cqmplllto lJal'a,,~ Jl\4 9fchat" equlpment,anll all' frUIt trees.

3 bedroom. It!! baUl. Moho 1lOn'l~ wUh ~~3 Ilq. n. ot Uvlnr.area. Large basement, flreplacel .'lott, fruit tree. and .Itu'tedIn Nogal. IdCQI (or roUrem~nt. Only fH,OOO total.


,. ,I


, .

wteation home1__--;:;-:::;::;11, """" '


ell..I..~ ,'



.• ."l, "~.'. ".. , ,-, ", "': ...•,

" '.. ", - ..'".. . ~, "'<\'"

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"Your Frlendly »rokef"REAL ESTATE

- Member N. L. 8, -. Tom JlI/Iper, AlI!lOclate Droker-Roa. 1'hO. aT-2UO

Telephone ~7-U70 - NOTARY PUBLIO - Mochcm..D.l:U'o




6-Room Home • PonderolaNew Carpet - Furnl,h.d

SAVE $2,500 Original Price$10.950 -low Down ond Monthly

Dan Grlffilh at la Pinata· Adobtt Plaza

~ .



meroly a Brado AJ..= runner-\WOmonUUI auo. and bllJ Won como­thing, 1111.0 .7,OOO-pIUIJ thlll year,comparcd 10 OOc:lU.a'll (abU10'U11lIfClUmCl rccord In whIch abo taQQlllJ the all·Ume mlllWY'wlnI'\1nCchl\mplon quuler hort.c wlU, cam­IUl!ll or 1230.()()O.IIIIL'J. AUlhorlUllilalr.o point oul thaI. tn qunrwr bonorncttm. tlpccd I!:n't qulto lllJ Import­,-----------...:..'-------------r nnt an Ulll d(l!'.Il or horac:! you out­lUii. l\tld In UII!l CllSO, OOclta hall

Jlc!fIllllUt and eoUllcunlJ monoy from NEW TYPE hIgh Quality CALL FOR DIDSCltIIn operaled dlll~llMlr. In Ulln area. No lIolUna. To quaUfy you Tho Ruldo.'lO MunlCll*l Ikhoolllmust have car. roferrmcea, ,GOO 10 'lGOO clUlh. Beven to twelve llrC! a:lldnu ror bldll on a freellnllbOUr" wC!llkly can nct excollenL mcmUlly Income More rull Umo. uhlL for 11 wnlkln eomblnaUon flo

rreeler nilCS OOOler 10 be fumlnhccl1'\)r poroonal Intervlow "Tlte P. 0 DOX tM73. OAI.LAB. TEXAn tho Ilchool within l\ .perlOl\ of eo11m. In;ludo phono number dayn (rom receipt or bid,

'-- 1- ......1 8pccUlcaUon..'J and lnformaUon":-:":-:'-:-::"_:-_...:.. ....: ..... ......._.....:~:.., o.tO n"allnble in the oUlce of tho

,. , superIntendent, Monda)' througbFriday. AU bllllJ wtll bel openedpUblicly and read I\loudAUB'UL 12;1165 at '1:00 p,m. durlnl( tho $Choolbesml mccUntt Or that date. DidenvelopeR tb()uld be marked "mlt­Frealntt Unit" . ..

'l1w nc."rd or'rEducaUorI tt!1lClt'Ve1ltho rllJtlt 10 lICCCP~ or rt!Jeel, any Ornil bldll; 10 walvo wchnlC.u~ JQd10 accept tho bid dct!med, to bel lit"-----------------------......1 tho 1u!j\t Interest ot tbcs JWI~....- .... ""...." "" ,=""".. ,,;;;-.,."'"MunlCJpIIJ SChoOlJ.

ItJ' RalPh F_ PeUy, i'resldenl10J na,..cJoe Park!J:,Beerelary

'I-H: U. " .










I,.: tcII,cJI1

.' -- ,

Veo Our Rt'.stllo t.ab. Ow-ncfn MU!ll (;(11\OOOd PrIce on .mlll! UfOUl! Ilummer tell""l J'{IUlliCtLO"nnEN810E ~ Cour~ and a tRtler patk, Very ct\(llcc.BAnR1!lTT llTOIlt!l lltld c.bll1l1 -'%nc1udctnh'cr 1tOl\tf,go.!evll,..1 ClOltal~ (or calli. ...'l!l(l 01\ up.


~ ........ ""-' ",. _~ ,=''0+'''''' "';=--.

DOWN AT TIlE DOWN8- clll\mpion Doell.. IU\,Il been A bit(VetnUnlid Item 1'1110 1-8«'. ft) IbOllltttlt In allllWorloll pUbllnblld

.'1.&00 ~)', ana rourU~ with propOQlo for i. O(l(ltta.,Joo 6bcrr'YCrofaulf., a noar-m1a.IIcr In hls IML In"wh raco.

I lIlan Mret. "iouna Btu T01l1vcr. Mnl nUL vOl<lr~ Quarter hOrwnen• of lillie vtteran Clay ToI1lVClr. 111 aro wOIldorl.n; wmt brand or ellt·\ Joe'p trawr. Il.rotW:I up·tllatcrll COtudder«lg tlUChJ • • • a match could be cunoldna. ThoyI IIl1frh JlunU.y, owt\or of world point OUL UlllL JOt! ~rry wallJrII,•,•»),It4,.


!a1 0It

, '



, .


, ~"


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. ,. .. ' ;


,~ , .,


henry t. wicker - REALTORP. O. Box 201. PortAles, N. M.1'1I0•• 356.11Ml, DAY OR NIOHT

•FOR RENT-Furnished cabIns bytho week. Dills paid. Call 2li7~.

• .7·ltc.~ , • q

BEAvraux. a-beOrOOm, comp1ew- IIy furnll!bed ''The Vacatiopei'·.·behInd Oatowny Food Matket.Larry SpruUl Co.. 200 Eaat Austin.KermIt. Tex. Gotto.



.~-Co·Opcraung Brokers andSalesmen Welcome

-.or • ,

..... - -, ,-

. ,


Locke < Realty Co.. " i •

, .

:; . .,

, .

',' ,. I ,'-- . .:4r. ' . . "

Ruioso . eWSaSSL ie . .5,• '.' • '.,. ~ , • , ol\ "', •...1"·- ;" . • "'" ",".' • " , . <·1

Market :pIaet) .9f Canyon & V.uJ.eY~l3USINESS DIBECTOBY-Wbefe 'To Find Xi InalliclotlC> .....j. ALL. CI.'illt!ec\ adlt-muilL1le. P~cl i'" ,"'. ,.'... .' . '. ... .. -.' '. • .. . .... .' ,aJi:C'nON :J3 " , .' . ,•..p,l!.Q~ mJn!n .•dyal\¢e. ,,!\bth. 'llIIllC.~UOD of " .' HOME· Q.1:' 'SOUND INVEST·MENT· R··d N" . , .t.lI~~rBe::q. "l!f":f\It'ar'Q~~~,n,!,,:~:' /.,':. ... '. '. " '..: . .J110S0. eWI!! .a3Vllr~!B!n" 1lI 60,1>;" W9rd ;filb • lAM AN.•NDEPENDENT REAL ESTATE BROKER Frlcll\f,A\1ISWlt 6, l~5~t:~:"W~u~' 4 7:~r !:Jt !~1C iijo~~~ V~ry 'n1C~ two J;)~~rQQm,furn- ,-SQ~n-, " .e" ' ., , '" .. '"' .,

t~ell,~l:~~W: W:k,.Thl~.~~f~nb~I~~ l/jh~d cabIn WIth bJg deedell lo~, 'be4room furnished hoWle" " .. i .•

!lIlt} lIl1lP\lltllll.led by the n\l\llbltl' tiC near:Post Qftlco.Tot~l price, wlU) {lreplllCc, :l. Cllr port',:l .~~th~i~~ ~asil'fIl~3 :8. rg~Aa~~~~ S!J,liPll. terms. . .. '. deeded,on 1'1\ved /ltr~e~,01.<>••.obltclt .or· .lnoney <>nlltl' 01' bit ne~ny nice home, (nmlshed, c,) pl\vlng pnld, YCl\r l\~ounll loca.y<>u Jlvll In ,Jluldo80 br!n&' tllll\ll 1I tor rent "on well Insulntcd Pricetile oltlce berQ'" TUOJlllay .,tOfl:lOOD . '. • . . li4' . '.'811Qb' week., .' Have several motel$ lUld lodges 0 $9,000, very good terllls•. Best.. , for sale.· • bUy In town.

Nice. two bedroom. furnIshed 0 OnUlc . rIver. lnrge fQur bcd-bouse wltll tlrepl!\!;ll, bllt pl\lin, ~ roonl;'1'usUc cabin with nice sl~e .'l)ea\ltIM. yle\Vnnd I}degdett lot. g llving room, Total price,' $8,iOO.Total pr!ce $6GOO. OOQd term!; § Four bcd.roolll, 1~ bnth, fire- ~­

WID tako plck·up, for part down ~ plnce, Prl~ 10 !!Cll. $1500pa.Yment.' ~ down. balance $150 per month"

',J:'hree bedroom llome, S5QOO ril 'Oood 2 bedroom llouso locatedcash. " ~ on nlco large level lot on t!)eA 'rllal bUy in 'Country Club river and paved street, 2 bath!l,

Estates a\ a really lew prIce. ' fireplace. good year around lOo'l'o\trist Court With .. unlts. caUon, With terms.P~lced, very reallonablo. Wl1I -SOLD-consl~er par~ trade or will take Court wtth nice !lome, Will Coll-t"nch-litd _ .... dlffercnco, .. /lll\cr trade. Small equity. Make.. . ",-iI ,... orrer.

PAUL H~ DOUGLASS REAL' ESTATEBus. Phone 257·2523 - ResIdence Phone 257·2(90 ..

In PoatoUlce 1llock - Box, m - JImmy PouslallS, ,Sales




,. ,



.- ,1·,,· . -... ." .',.,~ ' ' ' "",,-"""','---_ .:,.,'-..-....:.....-- ---. - -~_ '- --....,...---.. -- ---, - ..- - -

Po/'!lt!ca1!y nllw 3 bedroom, 1% bath!l.catW~d. fh,"tiplace•lraral{e, Has ~oOd flnallc~. Can be purchased ~u~1shedor 1,JU.

fumlShed. Call wllay to lle~th111 house.We have tWQ/lmaU b\l.!lWellseS tor /lale. Botb doing a good year

'round bUlllnellS. SeUlUjr for ~el\lt1l re~ns.

3 Bedroom hOUlle. on large Jot. good yellr roumllocaUon. haret­wQOd flQOrs an!! Dreplace. Owner has l(el1ucedprlco f(lr qutcl( /lalo.

New 3 bedroom home. BuU~1n electrlo /ltove. nreplace andhardwood floors.

FOlt nE~ - ;1 l3edJ:OOm ;Furnished Apartment.

, .

•"4t~··:" .

f ..... I





,". i_

Boh PearsonOffice In 'he Adobe Plaza

Phone 251-2105• .4

''''- .~" .. -- ". 'f." ',.r"" _'


WHY IS RIVgR P;ROPE:Rrry SO SCARCE?Once you have gone 10' 81eep lullf1l by tim l:Ound Of the

"Nol!ly" rIver )'Ou'll btl hookl'd. Let tile kld!l play for nn hour andIlll'Y will want 10 nlny fore\'(\t. 1111' r!n1r appt'ul!l 10 all 111f(!!1 andthat I!l the rento/l 1I0mC'1I 011 tin bank."l IUO 1I1ndly C\'cr offered forI:l1le. Our scle<:tlon of rh'cr cnbl!l!) hill! 'I10\'ct bct'n beIter than 1\I!l now.

One river retrent nl.'::.Urd In Ule plnen of UIl'l beautiful uppereMyon offera 164 of rl\'t'r rOOltlltc plu."l n ('ozy c4btn that 1l1~P8

10. Ul\VC brel\kll\!lt In lrenl of lhe rIVer nlOlle rJrt!plllcc nud thenlltep Into your 0\\11 Yllrd nnd cnlch )'Our Irout dInner. All th1!J en­Joyment for only $22,600 On down the rio l'l n 2 bcdroom holidayhomo with n perch looklllit OUI nt the tumbling wnter. sreat fortetllful rrlnxntlol1 nnet only 810.000. nnd bolh with -(crlW.

II you've ever consldl!t(\d 11 tWor place, now III Ule tlnu!. ~yneVcr Inst long. Ol\'c U!l 11 cnll.

SMALL BUSINESS FOR SALEYOU will enjoy worltlnu In tbm-opernUon. ('sJX!C1nlly In tho in­

come tllln Ilumnlt'r of o\'l.'r $100 pt'r dl1Y. Come by and we cantAlk torms on thl!l ellcdlcnt btelln(!5!l.

LJSOAL FORMS-Many kinds of Ie­'fat forms. RuJdoso News. 3()'tfnc.

,LOOKSM1TH BERVIOIl - Da1 orWlfbt, V·Namlt Bllop; old~bulldllllf. pbooo Z7-»OO da,.: Z7­~, nlibt. l1·tto.

•aVlS eve opmen 'S til~ ,... ~



...PINEClIFF - nEAUl'IFOL VIEW LOTS IN CHOice LQJ;ATION - WEltE PRICED -$1,975.00 TO $2.975.00.",:, ~NOW $1,150.00 TO $2,21S.00. ALSO 10% ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT FOR: CAsH, " - ..


.8 . COONTIYClOt) l:SfAn~ .... We hay. a lew chol(e lots In thIs most populo.. Ruidoso SubdivIsion. They are 0.. pr.Judrlght aridptlted to ~1I1 .'. . -, '. .1: t.)

c3. SOON We WILl. Bt: OFFERING toWN & COONTRYNOlnH - Somt of ,h. lovell••' tots In any mountaIn' area, on... .t.

·~ quontr: ~~:~I~E·:~~G~;:!~;~I::~;:I:~~A~:~~;~;~~~~;~::~;~·:~O~$6.400.tO$8.~O, ~~ , ,THESE HAVe A~L BeEN FlttSHlY It~NOVATED ANbOfFER A SAVINGS OF At LEAsT 10% OF CURIlEN't MAft-tt)

....... , ., KET,vALUES.. '. '., ," . l:foOSES US11:D It-H:dUNfRV tWa 'eS'fArES. THESE ARe lOVELY HoMES

. '. ANII~IUtED\'u leu,.. '. '. . "". . .'. . . ." .t1.;~. '. '. DAVISO'EVElOPM'ENTS.ARE, ENTERING tHEIR'TENTHYI:Aft OP·I.ANb· bl:VELOPMENTIN RUIDOsOANb o·.,~. ~. ~ .' •,¢~E~~~~!ftt~Ji~1~1~'g:Et~~;;~~~fJ@l~j~~sJle11~~lt"~AGE CbST$. MAY WE URGE YOUt:I .. .,'"'~~'It~o.. DRAWERS ""-, 'HON~#S7."00&· ~"t:, "(jfflCSACROS$ FROM RUlbo$QPO$T OFFICe ',. 2, ~ , .

PONO~OSAHEIGHTS ....:... COUNTRYCLml·ESTA'1'ES ....:.... plNECLlFF ....:...;TQWN & com-.,,/t.UJI •• y;uttrf,"t'$~",:,' .. ·"',·' ._ .. :"r '",' ','S.'.-.' _.''. ".J me .'n tj t' 5 X""II-""j"""Lllc,mp'.lfii,'Il."""'··,'(·;, "-'.. ' ' .. 1"," ·'·,I'.d" .

f" ,


ed cabin. a150 two bedroom traU­er hoU!Ul, extra clean. bl1lll paId.Can Texas Bar-B-Q. ~H310.


SUMMER CABINI 3 bdtnls•• 2 baths. located on3 tOIn. Ptlced at $.6,000.00., TRADESI rowe sevetal parUe!l Uul\ would trad!

rOt properties In olMt loWli!l fOt RuJdo!Io property.A STEALI OUe Mrm•• year 'round cabin, lOcated

~~ on two Jots. $4.000,00.rrmr ~ BARGAINI 'l'0'1C145' lot, 28'x30" metat buUd1ng.Bultd1ng can be moved. Wilt seU togethet or separate. Total priceonly .2,700.00.

FOR RENTI One 3-bdrm. unfurnIshed. one 3-bdtm. r~ed. one 2-bdtm. furnIshed. one '2<bdrm. fUttIlsbed or tln.f\lrtl1!bed!'refer to rent. year 't'O}md.

INVESTMENT BUYI Commercla1 propeftt. 180' troDtare., . .

good year 'round lopaUon. Priced at less 1haI1~ per-ftoat tootl

FOn SALE - 30 Acre fruit anct -----..--..n--m--:·~..·_~Tm---Ilt~k farm. 90 bearing tree!l. 60 FOn' ,n.c,.L'fJ.young trCC!l. a acres irrigated pas- 1 DedrobmHouscture garden. Two modem how:.cll. 2 Bedroom ASlarimentIrrigation wat41rrlahlD. 000d wen. Both fumlnhed or untumlsbedAttracUve lerma. can 6114244. RUl- On annua.:t leaaodOllO. or wrIte Box '7. Dent. N. M. L(jUIS SMITH

woor wUl f1n&nce.· 'l-2tp. RuJdo!oDowna, N. K.

and whlto cabinet TV. new pIcturetube. complclcly overhaUled, $1195.WUl take trade. Clayton :Bcf1llCltt.

Trader. 1-ltc.; !

It . . '•" .

•. - .': "

", ," "', ,. 'I _ • "~, , , ,

...' ;"

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, ';

" .. " - -- "" -':, ''I¢'~ ',__ ":-_",',,, ... " '" ".'-, '", .

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,09 -



'\10 FOR, 1.







:po- f".


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" ;, , .. • i __ ,_ '" ~I -,: • ' ','

.' , 'SHOP' AT:,' ...:",(),UIl MARI(~1


• •






. FROM USDA CHOICE BEEF.-- ',.', ~- - .. '.' ........·'·11·,


00,'- '"',- ..

, ,





.,~~ "

., \ ..


U. '5. D. A. CHOr,...,.....

Swanson, 'Boned -

CHICKEN ORTURKEY ~~z~'" ..""",. 39C

... - ,_ '_-"_' ,,-,=.,= ,---' , _""'__ -"'-""c--""

Garden Club

ORANGE OR GRAPEDRINK ~Gol....... : 3 FOR $1Cracker Barrel' ,

CRACKERS i:~. .... ... 23c

,I' .Cotton Maid Both For

STARCH 39c Spray 59c, 59c Roflll ••.•••.•

SWifT'S ~:sVIENNA " ''SAUSAGE...... 21¢


BAR-B·QSAUCE ..........'.. 29¢




., ,




LB. 5

~ $R






% GAL. ,PEANUT BUTTER ....19¢c '


6.02. CAN SHORT~NING ...... 63¢~ TALL CANS •

C . DOG FOOD 10. fOR 19t,- . -



,:O .•

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... •



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