!!! ICBM Intelligent Condition Based Maintenance Thesis

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  • 8/2/2019 !!! ICBM Intelligent Condition Based Maintenance Thesis




    I, _________________________________________________________,

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    Ranganath Kothamasu

    Doctor of Philosophy

    Industrial Engineering

    Intelligent Condition Based Maintenance - A Soft Computing

    Approach to System Diagnosis and Prognosis

    Samuel. H. Huang

    Ali Minai

    Ernest HallSam Anand

  • 8/2/2019 !!! ICBM Intelligent Condition Based Maintenance Thesis


    Intelligent Condition Based Maintenance: A Soft Computing Approach

    to System Diagnosis and Prognosis

    A Dissertation submitted to the

    Dept of Mechanical, Industrial and Nuclear Engineering

    University of Cincinnati

    In Partial fulfillment of the

    Requirements for the degree of

    Doctor of Philosophy



    Ranganath Kothamasu

    Committee Members:

    Dr. Samuel Huang

    Dr. Sam Anand

    Dr. Ernest Hall

    Dr. Ali Minai

  • 8/2/2019 !!! ICBM Intelligent Condition Based Maintenance Thesis



    Maintenance is the set of activities performed on a system to sustain it in operable

    condition while Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) refers to the practice of triggering

    these activities as necessitated by the condition of the target system. CBM thus entails the

    process of diagnosis (of the target system) and timely identification of incipient or

    existing failures popularly known as Failure Detection and Identification (FDI). FDI has

    been given due research focus; however there is a dearth of autonomous yet interactive

    decision making tools that would perform diagnosis andprognosis under the precepts of

    CBM in a guided environment.

    The development of such an architecture along with the tools necessary for

    decision making in the realm of condition based maintenance constitute the focus of this

    research. The architecture and the tools developed in this research encompass the model

    based approach to FDI. These tools are built on Neuro-Fuzzy (NF) paradigms as they

    offer many advantages in the form of accuracy, adaptability and lucidity compared to

    other parametric and non-parametric approaches. Along with the development of a NF

    algorithm, suitable evaluation criteria are also explored and developed to gauge the

    applicability and efficiency of the developed models. Intelligent Condition Based

    Maintenance (ICBM) thus refers to the creation of adaptive and robust FDI models based

    on a model based architecture and their subsequent validation using suitable evaluation

    criteria. The efficiency and robustness of these ICBM tools are demonstrated by applying

    them in several scenarios Simulated as well as real world.


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    I am highly indebted to Dr. Samuel Huang for his guidance throughout my

    dissertation. He has encouraged and helped me in numerous ways to accomplish this

    research effort. I am also grateful to Dr. Sam Anand, Dr. Ernest Hall and Dr. Ali Minai

    for being a part of my dissertation committee. Dr. Sam Anand has always been a source

    of inspiration and I am grateful to him for giving me this opportunity to do doctoral

    research. It was through interactions with Dr. Bruce Shultes that I was able refine my

    knowledge in statistical techniques which has been of great help to my research. Dr.

    Ernest Hall is an excellent mentor and it was through his critique and recommendations

    that I was able to define the scope and content of my dissertation. It was through

    discussions with Dr. Ali Minai that I have gained insights into the workings of intelligent

    systems which are the primary focus of my dissertation. I would like to specifically

    acknowledge my family (parents, my brother and sister in law) who were my primary

    drivers and source of inspiration and fortitude from the inception to conclusion of this

    research effort. Ms. Vinodha Sadasivam stood by me through thick and thin, and has in

    many ways guided this effort to its conclusion. I would also like to thank my colleagues

    Mr. Kanthi Muthiah, Mr. Nuo Xu and Mr. Saurabh Dwivedi for their constant support. A

    special thanks to Dr. Jun Shi, whose efforts into making my dissertation foolproof have

    been a tremendous help.


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    Table of Contents

    ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................................. I

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................................III

    TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................IV

    LIST OF FIGURES.....................................................................................................................................VI

    LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................................................... VII

    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 1

    LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................................ 5

    2.1.SYSTEM MAINTENANCE PARADIGMS................................................................................................... 52.2.SYSTEM MAINTENANCE -TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES .......................................................................... 10

    2.2.1. Reliability Based Maintenance ................................................................................................. 112.2.2. Model Based Approach to FDI ................................................................................................. 122.2.3. Signal Based FDI...................................................................................................................... 142.2.4. Statistical FDI / Maintenance................................................................................................... 16


    DEVELOPMENT....................................................................................................................................... 17

    3.1.ICBMARCHITECTURE DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................... 173.2.ICBMMODELING PARADIGM......................................................................................................... 20


    VALIDATION............................................................................................................................................ 23

    4.1.ADAPTIVE MAMDANI FUZZY MODEL (AMFM)................................................................................. 244.1.1. Architecture Initialization......................................................................................................... 254.1.2. Rule Tuning............................................................................................................................... 28

    4.2.EVALUATION CRITERIA ..................................................................................................................... 314.2.1. Validation of Model Precision .................................................................................................. 314.2.1.1. Function Approximation .................................................................................................................... 334.2.1.2. Classification...................................................................................................................................... 36

    4.2.2. Validation of Model Legibility .................................................................................................. 40

    INTELLIGENT CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE - CASE STUDIES .................................... 46

    5.1.SPINDLE BEARING FAILURE DIAGNOSIS ............................................................................................ 465.1.1. Model Development & Benchmarking ...................................................................................... 47


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    5.1.2. Summary ................................................................................................................................... 535.2.HARD TURNING ................................................................................................................................. 54

    5.2.1. Flank Wear and Force Prediction........................................................................................ 555.2.2. Simulated Failures................................................................................................................ 57 Bearing Wear ..................................................................................................................................... 585.2.2.2. Fixture Misalignment ......................................................................................................................... 59

    5.2.3. Model Development .................................................................................................................. 615.2.4. Model Evaluation...................................................................................................................... 62 Tool replacement model..................................................................................................................... 635.2.4.2. Failure Detection and Diagnosis ........................................................................................................ 65

    5.2.5. Summary ................................................................................................................................... 675.3.ENGINE DIAGNOSIS............................................................................................................................ 67

    5.3.1. Feature Extraction.................................................................................................................... 685.3.2. Data Assimilation...................................................................................................................... 725.3.3. Model Development .................................................................................................................. 72

    CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH....................................................................................... 77

    6.1.CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................................... 776.2.FUTURE RESEARCH............................................................................................................................ 78

    REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 80

    APPENDIX I............................................................................................................................................... 88

    A1.1.FEATURE EXTRACTION ................................................................................................................... 88

    APPENDIX II ............................................................................................................................................. 99

    A2.1.MODEL EXTENSION ........................................................................................................................ 99


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    List of Figures


    FIGURE2.1.TAXONOMY OF MAINTENANCE PHILOSOPHIES (KOTHAMASU ET AL,2004) .................................. 6

    FIGURE2.2.FLOW OF MODEL BASED APPROACHES (SIMANI ET AL,2003)...................................................... 13

    FIGURE3.1.ICBMARCHITECTURE ............................................................................................................... 18

    FIGURE4.1.POLYGONAL APPROXIMATION TO COG...................................................................................... 26

    FIGURE4.2.ADAPTIVE MAMDANI FUZZY MODEL (AMFM).......................................................................... 28

    FIGURE4.3.BOX AND WHISKER PLOT OF MSE VALUES ................................................................................. 36

    FIGURE4.4.BOX AND WHISKER PLOT OF MSE VALUES ................................................................................. 38

    FIGURE4.7.FINAL MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS (A)INPUT1(B)INPUT2 ............................................................. 44

    FIGURE5.1.RESPONSE SURFACES (A)REGRESSION (B)NEURALNETWORK(C)ICBM.................................. 49



    FIGURE5.4.DECISION BOUNDARIES (A)TRADITIONAL MODEL (B)ICBM MODEL ......................................... 52

    FIGURE5.5.BOX PLOT OF PATTERN DISTANCES FROM LINEAR AND ICBM MODELS ...................................... 53

    FIGURE5.6.EFFECT OF BEARING WEAR ON CUTTING FORCE (FZ) ................................................................... 58

    FIGURE5.7.EFFECT OF MISALIGNMENT IN Y-DIRECTION ............................................................................... 60


    FIGUREA1.1.SPIKES IN THE DATA BELONGING TO STATE X.......................................................................... 95

    FIGUREA1.2.SIGNALS WITH VARYING ACTIVE FREQUENCY COMPONENTS .................................................... 97


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    List of Tables

    TABLE2.1.MAINTENANCE TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES ..................................................................................... 10




    TABLE4.4.MSE VALUES OF THE MODELS AT DIFFERENT NOISE LEVELS........................................................ 35

    TABLE4.5.CLASSES IN THE ECOLI DATASET ................................................................................................. 37


    TABLE4.7.CONFIDENCE INTERVALS FOR DIFFERENCE IN ERROR................................................................... 38

    TABLE4.8.ERROR PROPORTIONS WHEN SIMULATED IN NOISY ENVIRONMENT ............................................... 39TABLE4.9.KL DISTANCE MATRIX FORX1 ..................................................................................................... 43

    TABLE4.10.KL DISTANCE MATRIX FORX2................................................................................................... 44

    TABLE5.1.NIST DATA ON SPINDLE BEARINGS .............................................................................................. 47

    TABLE5.2.RANGE OF FEATURES IN THE TRAINING DATASET ......................................................................... 48

    TABLE5.3.RANGE OF RESPONSE OF VARIOUS MODELS.................................................................................. 49

    TABLE5.4.PATTERN DISTANCES FROM EACH MODEL ................................................................................... 52

    TABLE5.5.PRECISION OF MODELS FROM VARIOUS TECHNIQUES ................................................................... 57

    TABLE5.6.SAMPLE FALSE ALARM FROM REGRESSION MODEL ...................................................................... 63

    TABLE5.7.ACTUAL AMFM AND REGRESSION OUTPUTS ............................................................................... 64

    TABLE5.8.AMFM VS. REGRESSION IN PRESENCE OF NOISE (TOOL REPLACEMENT) ...................................... 65



    TABLE 5.11.AMFM VS. REGRESSION, EXTRAPOLATING IN PRESENCE OF NOISE ........................................... 67

    TABLE5.12.FEATURES IN TRAINING DATA SET.............................................................................................. 70

    TABLE5.13.FEATURES IN TESTING DATA SET................................................................................................ 71

    TABLE5.14.RESULTS FROM MODEL USING 4 RULES ...................................................................................... 74

    TABLE5.15.RESULTS FROM THE ENHANCED MODEL ..................................................................................... 76


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    Chapter I


    The oldest and most common maintenance and repair strategy is fix it when it

    breaks. The appeal of this approach is that no analysis or planning is required. The

    problems however are the reduction in availability and high unscheduled downtime

    because of unanticipated breakdowns that affect the overall performance of system.

    Availability in this perspective has a serious impact on organizational agility especially

    those that implement efficiency improvement strategies such as Just In Time (JIT) and

    Material Resource Planning(MRP) (Stamatis, 1995).

    Quality is increasingly seen as a motivation for improved maintenance

    management as the link between quality, process/equipment control and productivity

    improvement becomes increasingly apparent (Ben-Daya & Duffua, 1995). Another

    compelling but less addressed justification of maintenance is safety and environmental

    preservation which assumes a highly significant role with increase in stringency of safety

    and environmental laws. Since operational hazards and accidents lead to enormous legal

    expenses, inattention to these issues is no longer affordable (Rao, 1996).

    Although the above motivational factors have direct economic impacts, efficient

    maintenance on its own has economic objectives (Saranga & Knezevic, 2000). Though

    the return on investment is highly dependent on the specific industry and the equipment

    involved, a survey (Rao, 1996) states that an investment in monitoring of between

    $10,000 and $20,000 dollars results in savings of 500,000 dollars a year. Across many

    industries, 15-40% of manufacturing costs are typically attributable to maintenance


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    activities. In the current competitive marketplace, maintenance management plays an

    increasingly important role in combating competition by reducing equipment downtime

    and associated costs and unscheduled disruptions (Abdulnour et al, 1995).

    These insights instigated the development of various paradigms like Total

    Productive maintenance (Nakajima, 1998) which aims at maximizing equipment

    efficiency and Terotechnology (Husband, 1978) which offers a much broader perspective

    including the supply (to the system), engineering and market modules of a system. These

    paradigms prescribe predictive maintenance over reactive or a simple time-based


    Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) has evolved from these above practices and

    it aims at continuous monitoring/assessment of the target system and development of a

    maintenance strategy based on the assessed condition. CBM offers many advantages over

    a traditional time based strategy that typically is modeled around the popular bath-tub

    curve depicted in figure 1.1. Time based maintenance tends to be too conservative

    resulting in very high maintenance costs. The bath-tub curve fails to acknowledge the

    complex interactions between the different components of a system and is especially not

    suited to discrete manufacturing systems with frequent changes in work content and

    schedule. CBM on the other hand is highly generic and can be used to generate efficient

    maintenance strategies.

    CBM being a proactive process requires the development of a predictive model

    that can trigger the alarm for maintenance. In many instances this model could be loosely

    based on analytical criteria developed on the signals collected from the system. In a much

    more sophisticated form it would necessitate the development of prognostic and


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    diagnostic models that can predict the future state of a system besides diagnosing the

    current state. Such models can be developed using the process data, its history and

    several other factors like future schedule via the modeling techniques belonging to the

    parametric or non-parametric literature. These models have to be precise and robust

    besides possessing some form of autonomous modeling capabilities.

    Figure1.1. Bathtub curve depicting failure rate of equipment (Stamatis, 1995)

    In this research the focus is on developing soft computing techniques with the

    above qualities. The objective also included the development of a humane modeling

    system that can assume the role of a decision making aid in the CBM arena. The

    motivation was that such systems can be subjected to continuous improvement (or plain

    modification) by interacting with the users of such systems. Neuro-Fuzzy models were

    found to posses these qualities and hence the research aim is to develop robust yet lucid

    proactive models under the neuro-fuzzy constructs. The following constitute the specific

    objectives and deliverables of this research.


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    1. Development of a generic architecture or algorithmic approach to Condition

    Based Maintenance systems in a manufacturing setup.

    2. Development of an accurate, robust and adaptive algorithm that can create

    transparent models.

    3. Development of suitable evaluation and validation criteria for these models.

    4. Development of an easy to use software system that incorporates the above

    algorithms and can function as an aid to the decision making process in

    maintenance scenarios.

    5. Demonstration of the utility of this software system (and algorithms) by applying

    it to maintenance scenarios.


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    Chapter II

    Literature Review

    System maintenance in a multitude of forms has received due focus ever since

    mass manufacturing has been adopted. Several principles and several tools ranging from

    expensive hardware to smart software systems have been created in order to establish,

    automate and execute the different tasks involved in this domain. This section reviews the

    various maintenance paradigms and then delves into the different tools and techniques

    used to generate maintenance solutions.

    2.1. System Maintenance Paradigms

    System maintenance over the years has significantly evolved in terms of

    governing philosophy, implementation, technology, analytical techniques and objectives.

    This evolution has an interesting chronological perspective as elaborated by Kinclaid

    (Kinclaid, 1987). A brief taxonomy of the various philosophies is given in figure 2.1.

    Maintenance philosophies can be broadly classified as reactive and proactive.

    Reactive orUnplannedmaintenance is a legacy practice where maintenance is done only

    after the manifestation of the defect, breakdown or stoppage. It is appropriate in facilities

    where the installed machinery is minimal and the plant is not totally dependent on the

    reliability of any individual machine (Jones, 1995). It might also be appropriate when the

    failure rate is minimal and failure does not result in serious cost setbacks or safety

    consequence. Breakdown or Corrective maintenance and Emergency maintenance

    belongs to this category.


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    a) Corrective maintenance is defined as the activity carried out after a failure has

    occurred and is intended to restore an item to a state in which it can perform its

    required function (Knezevic, 1987; Saranga & Knezevic, 2000; Goplan & Kumar,


    b) Emergency maintenance is defined as the maintenance activity that is necessary to

    accomplish immediately to avoid serious consequences. Constraints are applied

    on the frequency of maintenance with the object of cost-wise optimization. These

    constraints are defined in terms of the immediacy of the required action and the

    possible repercussions of non-maintenance.

    Figure2.1. Taxonomy of maintenance philosophies (Kothamasu et al, 2004)

    Proactive or Planned maintenance on the other hand executes the necessary tasks

    prior to any breakdown and it can be further classified as preventive and predictive

    maintenance based on the form of maintenance schedule. In many situations, better

    utilization of resources is seen compared to reactive strategies (Mobley, 1990).


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    Preventive maintenance is the strategy organized to perform maintenance at

    predetermined intervals to reduce the probability of failure or performance degradation. It

    can be classified into constant interval, age based or imperfect maintenance.

    a) Constant interval maintenance: As the name suggests it is done at fixed intervals

    (in addition to any maintenance prompted by failure). Intervals are selected to

    balance high risk of failure with long intervals and high preventive maintenance

    costs with short intervals (Jardine, 1987).

    b) Age based maintenance: In this strategy, preventive maintenance at fixed intervals

    is carried out only after the system has reached a specific age, say t. If the

    system fails prior to t, maintenance action is taken and the next maintenance is

    scheduled to tunits later. By deferring initiation, this strategy reduces the number

    of maintenance intervals compared to constant interval maintenance.

    c) Imperfect maintenance: In the above two schemes, the system is assumed to be

    restored to its original condition after a preventive maintenance. However it may

    be the case that the condition of the system is in between good (original) and bad

    (failure). This is the premise of imperfect maintenance strategies which take into

    consideration the uncertainty of the current state of the equipment while

    scheduling future activities.

    The predetermined interval is estimated from the failure rate distribution that is

    constructed from historical data extracted from the system or provided by the supplier of

    individual components in the system. The estimation of distribution and the interval

    determination are extensively researched in (Rao, 1992).


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    Predictive and preventive maintenance differ in the scheduling of maintenance. In

    the latter it is performed on a fixed schedule whereas in the former it is adaptively

    determined.Predictive maintenance can be classified into Condition Based Maintenance

    andReliability Centered Maintenance.

    a) Condition Based Maintenance (CBM): This is a decision making strategy where

    the decision to perform maintenance is reached by observing the condition of

    the system and/or its components. The condition of a system is quantified by

    parameters that are continuously monitored and are system or application specific.

    For instance, in the case of rotary systems a vibration characteristic or index is an

    appropriate choice. The advantage of this approach is immediately apparent as the

    decision is made on depictive and corroborative data that actually reflects the state

    of the system. It is highly presumptive to assume that the state of a system would

    always follow the same operational curve, which is the underlying assumption in

    preventive maintenance. In an industrial or production environment, the system is

    exposed to random disturbances, which cause deviations in the operational

    characteristics. Hence it is highly justified to monitor the condition of system and

    base the maintenance decision on the state of the system.

    Some of the advantages of CBM are prior warning of impending failure and

    increased precision in failure prediction. It is also aids in diagnostic procedures as

    it is relatively easy to associate the failure to specific components through the

    monitored parameters. It also can be linked to adaptive control thus facilitating

    process optimization. The disadvantage, of course, is the necessity to install and


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    use monitoring equipment and to develop some level of modeling or decision-

    making strategy.

    b) Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM): This approach utilizes reliability

    estimates of the system to formulate a cost-effective schedule for maintenance

    RCM was originally developed in the aircraft industry. For aircraft and other

    safety-related applications, cost-effectiveness is balanced with safety and

    availability with the goal of minimizing costs and downtime but eliminating the

    chance of a failure (Moss, 1985). RCM is a union of two tasks, one of which is to

    analyze and categorize failure modes based on the effects of the failure on the

    system and the other is to assess the impact of maintenance schedules on

    reliability. The failure analysis starts with the identification of all the failure

    modes and proceeds with categorization of these failure modes based on the

    consequences of each failure. The results of this study comprise a Failure Modes

    and Effects Analysis (FMEA).

    Usually the consequences of failure are Operational, Environmental/Safety or

    Economic (Rao, 1996). Once the effects have been identified, the decision logic

    algorithms prioritize the effects. These algorithms tend to be industry specific as

    the constraints and requirements of each industry vary considerably.

    Though RCM-based maintenance intervals were determined similarly to planned

    or scheduled maintenance, condition monitoring techniques are increasingly being used

    to determine the optimum interval (Kumar & Granholm, 1990; Sandtorv 1991). Hence

    though originally a preventive maintenance technique, RCM is graduating into predictive


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    maintenance. A good introduction to RCM is given in (Moubray, 1997; Wireman, 1998;

    Monderres, 1993; Jones, 1995).

    2.2. System Maintenance - Tools and Techniques

    Maintaining the health of a system is a complex task that requires in-depth

    analysis of the target system, principles involved, their applicability and the

    implementation strategies. Table 2.1 below lists methods, analysis and modeling tools,

    and techniques (for data/condition extraction).

    Table2.1. Maintenance tools and techniques

    Methods ToolsMeasurementTechniques

    Reliability basedmaintenance

    Parameter estimation techniques Numerical analysis techniques Markov chains

    Model Based FDI

    State space parameter estimation Artificial neural networks Knowledge based systems Fuzzy inference systems Neuro-Fuzzy systems

    Signal Based FDI

    Fourier analysis Wavelet analysis Wigner-Ville analysis Diagnostic parameter analysis

    Statistical FDI /Maintenance

    Bayesian estimation / reasoningtechniques

    Markov chains Hidden Markov models Proportional Hazards models

    Vibration analysis Thermography Acoustic emission


    Lubricant analysis Process


    However, it has to be noted that most applications are a combination of the listed

    methods and techniques (tools) and the list is far from exhaustive. For instance because

    of their generalized applicability, parameter estimation techniques such as regression,

    maximum likelihoodand expectation maximization can be used in all the listed categories.


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    There is also a close association between reliability based maintenance and statistical

    maintenance techniques. A high level explanation of these methods is given in this


    2.2.1. Reliability Based Maintenance

    A popular approach to the maintenance of complex systems is through estimating

    the reliability of the system. Traditionally, reliability is estimated from the time-to-failure

    distributions of the system. The most striking drawback of such an approach is that

    multiple failure mechanisms often interact with each other in perhaps unknown ways and

    this affects the degradation rate of the system, causing it to deviate considerably from the

    predicted failure distribution. An alternative approach much similar to condition based

    maintenance has been proposed by Knezevic (1987) known as the Relevant Condition

    Parameter (RCP) based approach. This approach is based on identifying RCPs (defined

    for a process) that quantify or reflect a particular failure mechanism. Using these RCPs

    the reliability of a system is defined as the probability that RCP lies within prescribed

    limits as given in (2.1).

    )1.2()RCP)t(RCPRCP(P)t(R limkin

    inRCP is the initial state of the system and is the limiting value where the

    system inevitably fails. When the failure mechanisms are dependent, it is possible to

    model the system using Markov chains as shown in (Saranga & Knezevic, 2000). Once

    the Markov chain is formulated representing the different states of the system, the

    probability of the system being in the upstate A(t) can be calculated as a sequence of

    integrals of the form given in (2.2) (Gopalan & Kumar 1995).



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    These integrals are further solved by using quadrature techniques such as the trapezoidal


    2.2.2. Model Based Approach to FDI

    The model based approach to FDIis based on analytical redundancy or functional

    redundancy, meaning dissimilar signals are compared and evaluated to identify the

    existing faults in the system or its components. This comparison is between the measured

    signal and the estimated values generated by the mathematical model of the system.

    Figure 2.2 gives a general structure of model-based approaches.

    Residual generation is the most important element of a model-based approach and

    the techniques involved in model based diagnosis differ in the generation and definition

    of a residual. For instance in some cases it is the discrepancy of output (from the system)

    estimation and in some cases it is the deviation of the systems parameters from their

    expected values. It is imperative that the generated residual be dependent only on the

    faults in the system and not on its operating state. Several techniques that have been

    proposed in the literature for this residual generation are a modification or improvement

    of the following three principles.

    Observer-Based approaches (Beard, 1971; Ding & Frank, 1990; Patton & Chen,

    1997; Wilsky 1976).

    Parameter estimation technique (Kiramura, 1980; Isermann, 1993).

    Parity space approach (Chow & Wilsky, 1984; Deckert et al 1977).


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    Figure2.2. Flow of model based approaches (Simani et al, 2003)

    Observer-based approaches rely on estimating the outputs from either

    Luenberger observers or Kalman filters (Simani et al, 2003). The approach is centered on

    the idea that the state estimation error is zero in a fault free environment and it is not so

    otherwise. Dedicated Observer, Fault Detection Filters and Output Observers are the

    three important subcategories that fall under this approach.

    Parameter estimation techniques analyze the failure mechanisms based on their

    influence on the system parameters (of the model). Hence this approach is centered on

    generating online estimates of the parameters and analyzing the changes in the estimates.

    In the Equation Error methods which analyze the parameters directly, least square

    estimation is quite often used; in the Output Errormethods which compute the error in

    the output numerical optimization techniques are often used.

    Parity Space Relations check for parity of the measurements from the process,

    generating a residual by comparing the model and the process behavior. This approach


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    has been shown to be in close correlation with the observer-based techniques (Patton &

    Chen, 1994).

    As stated before the model-based FDI approaches are based on identifying

    (constructing) models that mimic the system. These models have to be extremely robust

    to real world nuances such as noise, etc. and to be effective the model based FDI should

    learn to differentiate between these uncertainties and the changes due to failures. Another

    challenge is to identify not just the existing faults but the incipient faults which may not

    (yet) significantly affect the system.

    2.2.3. Signal Based FDI

    Signal-based FDI approaches focus on detecting the changes or variations in a

    signal and subsequently diagnosing (identifying) the change. Change detection in a

    system has been extensively explored in the literature and there are quite a few effective

    techniques that have integrated various ideas from parametric modeling principles (in

    statistics) with signal-based principles such as spectral analysis. A good summary is

    given in (Basseville, 1988). Some of the techniques are formulated around model-based

    approaches, i.e., generation of residuals (deviation from nominal signals) and diagnosis

    of the residuals. Some of the detection algorithms are modeled in the form of hypothesis

    testing involving a change (or jump) in the mean (known or unknown) such as the

    Generalized Likelihood ratio test and the Page-Hinkley stopping rule. Some real time

    algorithms are based on computing distance measures between local and global models

    (differentiated based on their time windows) and some popular measures are the

    Euclidean distance between AR (Auto Regressive) coefficients, Cepstral distance,

    Chernoff distance etc.


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    In recent years non-stationary signals are modeled using wavelets instead of

    Fourier transforms because wavelets are scale and time variant. Two of the important

    uses of wavelets to FDI are data compression and feature extraction (Staszewski, 1998).

    Data Compression as the name suggests refers to encoding the data (like a vibration

    signal) in a compressed form and feature selection on the other hand is identifying

    features within these encoded signals that would help identify the faults in the monitored

    systems. Once wavelet transform is applied to the signal output, the coefficients are

    analyzed for any variation from the normal signal. The identification of coefficients that

    would substantiate a failure is a painstaking procedure though recently some techniques

    such as genetic algorithms are being employed. These wavelets are predominantly used

    for FDI in gears, as vibration analysis is quite effective for these domains (McFadden,

    1994; Staszewski & Tomlinson, 1994).

    Time-frequency analysis using Wigner-Ville Distribution (WVD) has proven to

    be another effective tool for vibration analysis. It has proven to be quite effective in

    situations where neither the time domain nor frequency domains can produce significant

    patterns (Staszewski et al, 1997). The contour plots generated by WVD are visually

    inspected for the failure features that indicate its progression and existence. Often these

    plots are analyzed with the help of classification algorithms ranging from parametric

    (statistical) to soft computing (neural networks, fuzzy inference systems).

    Detection signaltechniques are also used for FDI, where a detection signal is used

    as an input to the system for a specific period of time and the diagnosis is based on the

    behavior of the system during this period. Some interesting theories in the design and

    implementation of detection signals are given in (Nikoukhah et al, 2000; Zhang 1989;


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    Kerestecioglu 1993; Kerestecioglu & Zarrop, 1994; Uosaki et al, 1984; Nikoukhah,


    2.2.4. Statistical FDI / Maintenance

    A vast number of applications also use Bayesian statistics and Bayesian parameter

    estimation for FDI (Berec, 1998; Won & Modarres, 1998; Wu et al, 2001; Leung &

    Ramanougli, 2000; Ray et al, 2001). Another important aspect is to identify the detection

    (inspection) intervals, optimization of cost and replacement decision-making. Markov

    chains seem to be increasingly used for optimizing maintenance strategies and some

    algorithms are given in (Wang & Shueng, 2003; Hassan et al, 2002; Hassan et al, 2000;

    Zhang & Zhao, 1999). Another interesting application is given by Bunks et al (2000)

    using hidden Markov models.

    Proportional Hazards Modeling (PHM) has also been used for reliability

    estimation and estimation of effects on failure rate ever since they were used by Feigl and

    Zelen (1965). Some interesting theories and applications related using PHM are reported

    in (Jardine 1987; Kobaccy et al, 1997; Pena & Hollander, 1995).


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    Chapter III

    Intelligent Condition Based Maintenance (ICBM) -

    Conceptual Development

    It is evident from the current state of the art in system maintenance applications that

    Condition Base Maintenance (CBM) is highly generalized and efficient paradigm to

    generate maintenance solutions. It is possible to create an architecture that can be used to

    generate maintenance solutions using this paradigm. It also possible to achieve a

    seamless integration of model based FDI algorithms with this architecture in order to

    create decision tools that aid users in their maintenance applications. This section deals

    with the creation of this architecture and also integration with model based approach.

    Intelligent Condition Based Maintenance (ICBM) as such is the application of model

    based FDI using this generic architecture.

    3.1. ICBM Architecture Development

    The ICBM architecture specifies a methodical approach to model building for

    maintenance applications. It specifies the various elements of model building from data

    acquisition to model deployment. This architecture is depicted in figure 3.1.

    The following are the various modules incorporated into the architecture.

    1. Data Acquisition

    2. Data Conditioning and Feature Extraction

    3. Model Generation

    4. Model Deployment


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    Figure3.1. ICBM Architecture

    Data Acquisition as the name suggests is the process of acquiring data from the

    target system and its environment. This data includes information extracted from the

    process, sensors monitoring the process and the environment. These are the typical forms

    of data that go into the model building process.

    Data Conditioningis an essential element as raw data is seldom useful in its own

    form especially if it comes from a sensor used in vibration or acoustic emission

    application. Data conditioning comprises of all the pre-processing typical to model

    generation process in any domain.Feature extraction on the other hand can be thought of

    as the extraction of useful information from the conditioned data which reflects the

    condition of the target system. It is not essential for the features to directly correlate to

    the condition and they could even be a quantification of documented or known effects of


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    the failures of interest. Several features can be extracted from the domains of signal

    processing, time series analysis and diagnostic analysis. Some of these features are

    documented in Appendix I.

    Model Generation refers to the actual process of building a predictive model from

    extracted data. This model would take the extracted features as inputs and give out

    relevant outputs based on whether it is a prognostic or diagnostic application. A

    diagnostic model would give information on the existence of any failure along with its

    type. A prognostic model would give information on the expected state of system as

    reflected by the conditionparameters (features) or some other specified output typical of

    the application. For instance it is typical to use indicators such as RMS (Root Mean

    Square) and Kurtosis in bearing wear applications. So in such an application, the

    diagnostic model would detect bearing failures while prognostic model could estimate the

    future RMS or Kurtosis values. The inputs to the model generation procedure can be

    categorized as below.

    Health Condition Indicator (as depicted by features)

    Process Condition Indicator (as depicted by the process data)

    Sampling/Prediction Indicator (as specified in the feature extraction process)

    Model Robustness Indicator, although not an input in the conventional sense, it can

    be used to trigger the necessity to retrain / improve / extend an existing model which

    is very essential in real time application

    As is depicted in the architecture, the domain expertplays a significant role in the

    process of feature extraction and some parts of the model building process. The experts

    knowledge can efficiently used to identify the right set of features as well as generate the


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    necessary knowledge to create the models. This approach is consistent with the objective

    to create a decision aid with certain amount of autonomy.

    Model Deploymentrefers to the process of integrating the created model into the

    monitoring system as well as establishing the proper channels of communication with the

    various business functions like maintenance, production planning & control, quality

    control etc. The two outputs of model generation process namely the modelitself and the

    process knowledge are to be systematically integrated with these business functions.

    Although all the modules pose interesting challenges this research effort is

    concentrated on the model generation process and the various algorithms directly related

    to the model generation process like its validation and evaluation.

    3.2. ICBM Modeling Paradigm

    As mentioned in the previous section, this research concentrates on the model

    generation process and in this section we identify the modeling paradigm. As can be seen

    from the architecture, the ICBM models belong to two classes of learning problems

    function approximation and classification. Diagnosis is essentially a classification

    problem while prognosis is akin to function approximation.

    These two classes of learning problems have been extensively studied for long

    time in both the parametric and non-parametric arena and there are a multitude of

    paradigms that address the issues involved. We start by listing the desirable

    characteristics of an ICBM modeling algorithm.

    Adaptive: The algorithm should be adaptable as it functions in a highly dynamic and

    non-linear environment.


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    Flexible: The algorithm should be as generic as the architecture and should be a

    universal approximator. It should also be flexible enough to incorporate various

    forms of knowledge data, heuristic and analytical as provided by the domain


    Lucid: The algorithm should be able to create models that are highly transparent.

    This is essential as the model has to act as a decision aid and should also generate

    useful and intelligible knowledge about the process. This is also essential as the

    domain expert is tightly integrated with the model building process.

    Robust: The algorithm should be able to create models that are robust to handle the

    demands of a real time algorithm such as noise handling capabilities and


    As mentioned previously several algorithms exist in the literature of the two

    classes of learning problems. However it is necessary to identify the algorithm (or its

    class) that possesses the desirable characteristics outlined above.

    Parametric estimation methods are in general highly robust and theoretically can

    estimate any system to the required accuracy. However they require assumptions on the

    distribution of some modeling elements for instance the data or the error. Several

    methods such as transformation techniques do exist but they are not amenable to

    automation. As stated in the statistical learning theory, it is also not advise-able to

    approach to a solution via solving a harder problem such as density estimation

    (Cherkassky & Mulier, 1998).

    Non-Parametric estimation methods such as neural networks do not require any

    such assumptions and are capable of approximating any domain of problems. They are


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    also equipped with autonomous learning algorithms that can automatically retrain or

    regenerate maintenance solution if necessitated. However, they tend to be quite opaque

    (black box) and it is not often possible to generate any qualitative knowledge about the

    approximated system. This is major hindrance to establishment of any form of knowledge

    transfer between the domain expert and the approximating system.

    Soft computing algorithms also include Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) that can

    be efficiently used as a bridge between the domain expert and the ICBM architecture.

    These systems work on knowledge bases that are in easily comprehensible IFTHEN

    format. However, this particular class of algorithms do not possess any form of

    automated learning, hence require considerable amount of manual tuning in the

    generation of the solution.

    Neuro-Fuzzy algorithms are an assimilation of these two forms of approximating

    algorithms and are able to annul the disadvantages of the respective parts. These

    algorithms are particularly adaptive, lucid and highly flexible. As they are essentially

    fuzzy inference systems embedded into a neural network they are also robust. It is also

    easy for a domain expert to interact with these algorithms. Since the knowledge is both in

    a functional form (network) and generalized form (rule base), it is possible to integrate

    with the other business functions mentioned above.

    Based on the above discussion it is evident that neuro-fuzzy systems possess the

    necessary qualities listed in the beginning of this section. In the following sections we

    develop a neuro-fuzzy algorithm that meets the requirements.


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    Chapter IV

    Intelligent Condition Based Maintenance - Model

    Development and Validation

    As observed in the previous section, neuro-fuzzy systems are ideal candidates to

    fulfill ICBM objectives. Neuro-fuzzy systems have also been used for control system and

    FDI application successfully (Simani et al, 2003). However it has to be noted that these

    applications fulfill or aim only at function approximation and this actually beats the

    purpose of using neuro-fuzzy tools.

    Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) (Jang, 1993) and Hybrid Fuzzy

    Inference System (HyFIS) (Kim & Kasabov, 1999) are the two most popular neuro-fuzzy

    connectionist systems that simulate a Sugeno and aMamdani type FIS respectively. Both

    the algorithms have been validated on various datasets and were shown to possess good

    accuracy. However, they are not without their drawbacks in the ICBM context as

    elucidated below.

    Consider a domain described by a function ( )21,xxfy =

    A mamdani type FIS in this domain would consists of rules of the form given below:

    IF x1 is low AND x2 is medium THEN y is high

    Where low, medium and high are linguistic terms with functional forms like gaussian,

    sigmoid etc also known as membership functions.

    A sugeno type FIS in this domain would consist of rules of the form

    IF x1 is low AND x2 is med THEN ( )211 ,xxfy =


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    where low and medium are linguistic terms with functional context. The difference

    between the two FIS is the form of consequents. In mamdani type FIS the output

    membership function can be defined independent of the premise parameters while in

    sugeno type FIS each output membership function is a function of the inputs.

    ANFIS mimics a sugeno type FIS and from the above it can be seen that it is

    efficient for function approximation problems and is not particular useful in classification

    applications. Hence it is not appropriate for diagnosis applications and the knowledge

    (rules) it extracts would be abstract for a domain expert as they are not entirely in a

    linguistic format.

    HyFIS on the other hand simulates a mamdani type FIS which is universally

    applicable and hence can be used for prognosis as well as diagnosis applications.

    However, it uses a defuzzification (process of generating crisp outputs from fuzzy

    outputs) strategy that restricts the output membership functions to assume a gaussian

    functional form (with centre and variance parameters).Although this does not hamper its

    ability to generate maintenance solutions, it is not possible for a domain expert to interact

    with the model in all situations (for instance, when output membership functions are non


    The aforementioned reasons have provided the motivation to formulate an easily

    comprehensible neuro-fuzzy system. The next section elaborates such a neuro-fuzzy

    system including its architecture and learning process.

    4.1. Adaptive Mamdani Fuzzy Model (AMFM)

    Adaptive Mamdani Fuzzy Model (AMFM) is a neuro-fuzzy algorithm that

    simulates the mamdani type fuzzy inference system. The development of a diagnosis or


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    prognosis model using AMFM consists of two main tasks Architecture Initialization

    andRule Tuning.

    4.1.1. Architecture Initialization

    Typically a neuro-fuzzy system consists of five layers of neurons with each layer

    (subsequent to the input layer) performing the following four operations of a fuzzy

    inference system.





    Most of the neuro-fuzzy systems differ in the final layer which corresponds to the

    defuzzification operation. Centre of Gravity (COG) is the most popular defuzzification

    operation and since its computation is analytically intractable, the connectionist systems

    approximate the COG with an easily computable function. In AMFM, the COG is

    approximated with the COG of the maximum polygonal area contained within the fuzzy

    output area as shown in figure 4.1.


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    Figure4.1. Polygonal approximation to COG

    A typical AMFM structure would be as depicted in figure 4.2. The first layer

    represents the input parameters. LetNbe the number of input parameters, then the first

    layer will haveNnodes. LetMn denote the number of linguistic terms of input parameter

    n, n = 1, 2 N. Then the total number of nodes in the second layer,I, will be . A

    node n in the first layer is connected to onlyM





    n nodes in the second layer that represents

    its corresponding linguistic terms. It merely passes the input value xn to the connected

    second layer nodes. A node i in the second layer has a Gaussian activation








    = iii cx

    i ey

    . The center c and spread can be initialized using the

    mean and standard deviation of the input parameter values within the cluster or interval

    that represents the particular linguistic term.





    The number of third layer nodesJ, equals to the number of rules. Each node, with

    its connections from the preceding nodes, represents a rule. Note that different nodes in


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    this layer might represent the same concept (linguistic term of an output parameter). For

    example, in figure 4.2, say the input parameterx1 has three linguistic terms, small,

    medium, and large, which corresponds to the first three nodes in the second layer. The

    input parameterxn has two linguistic terms, small and large, which corresponds to the last

    two nodes in the second layer. The first two nodes in the third parameter both represent

    the concept outputy1 is small. Then the first and second nodes in the third layer and

    their connections from the second layer nodes represent the rules IFx1 is small andxn is

    small THENy1 is small and IF x1 is medium andxn is large THEN y1 is small. The

    activation function of third layer nodes is the minimum operation. For instance in figure

    4.2, .},min{ )2( 1)2(



    1 = Iyyy

    The fourth layer nodes represent the output linguistic terms. Unlike the third

    layer, each node represents a distinct concept. Therefore, the number of nodes,K, equals

    to the total number of output parameter linguistic terms. Each node is connected to the

    preceding layer nodes that represent the same concept. Its activation function is the

    maximum operation. For example, in figure 4.2, the first node in the fourth layer

    represents the concept outputy1 is small. It is connected to the first two nodes in the

    third layer, which represent the same concept. We have . Each

    fourth layer node also maintains a Gaussian membership function with center c and

    spread (k = 1, 2 K), which are initialized in the same way as those of input

    linguistic terms. Note that this Gaussian function is not an activation function. It is

    transmitted to a fifth layer node for defuzzification.

    },max{ )3(2)3(


    1 yyy =





    The fifth layer represents the output parameters. Let L be the number of output

    parameters, then the fifth layer will haveL nodes. Let Ol denote the number of linguistic


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    terms of output parameter l, l = 1, 2 L. A node l in the fifth layer will have Ol

    incoming connections from forth layer nodes that correspond to its linguistic terms. For

    example, in figure 4.2, the output parametery1 has two linguistic terms, namely, small

    and large, which are represented by the first and the second nodes in the forth layer,

    respectively. Therefore, these two forth layer nodes are connected to the first node is the

    fifth layer, which represents the output parametery1. A node in the fifth layer performs

    defuzzification using a modified centroid of area method. Specifically, instead of

    considering the entire area under the Gaussian curves when calculating the gravity center,

    we consider only the rectangular part of the area.

    Figure4.2. Adaptive Mamdani Fuzzy Model (AMFM)

    4.1.2. Rule Tuning

    The tunable parameters in AMFM are the centers and spreads of the Gaussian

    membership functions. These include those for the input parameters, namely, and

    (i = 1, 2, , I), in the second layer; and those for the output parameters, namely,

    and (k= 1, 2, , K), in the forth layer. The tuning process is based on error









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    backpropagation and gradient descent search. For a particular input vector [x1x2

    ]NxT, let the desired output vector be [d1d2 ]Ld

    T, and the AMFM output vector be [y1

    y2 ]LyT. Then, the error can be calculated as in (4.1)

















    ( ) )1.4(yd2






    The error signal at the fifth layer can be calculated as in (4.2).

    ( ) )2.4(ydy





    Using the chain rule, we can calculate the error signal for and , when the kth

    node in the fourth layer is connected to the lth node in the fifth layer, as in (4.3) and (4.4).






























































    In which )4()4()4( ln2 kkk ycy = ,)4()4(

    kk yy = and )(l denotes the set of

    fourth layer nodes that are connected to lth node in the fifth layer.

    Now, c and can be updated as in (4.5) and (4.6), where, is a positive constant

    (the learning rate).

    )4 )4(



    Ec )4(k)4(






    )6.4(yE )4(






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    To adjust c and , the error signals need to be propagated backward to the second

    layer. The error signal at the forth layer is calculated as in (4.7).
































































    in which )4(ln2 kk y= .

    The error signal at the third layer is calculated as in (4.8)


    yyif, )4(k)3(




    j =

    in which denotes the set of third layer nodes that are connected to kth node in the

    forth layer.


    The error signal at the second layer is calculated as in (4.9).


    yyif, )3(j)2(




    i =

    in which denotes the set of second layer nodes that are connected tojth node in the

    third layer.

    )( j

    Now we can calculate the error signal forc and as in (4.10) and (4.11).)2(i)2(


    ( )( ) )10.4(
























    ( )( ) )11.4(






















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    Hence, and can be updated as in (4.12) and (4.13))2(ic)2(



    Ecc )2(i)2(






    )13.4(xE )2(







    4.2. Evaluation Criteria

    The previous sections detailed the AMFM algorithm that can be used to associate

    the inputs with the outputs. However, just like any other approximation algorithm, it is

    quite essential to validate the developed model. The validation is done at two levels

    precision of the model and the legibility of the model. In the following sections these

    aspects of model validation are explored.

    4.2.1. Validation of Model Precision

    As mentioned previously, model evaluation is done with the goal of selecting the

    best available model for the given dataset. Traditionally criteria like SSE, MSE, MAP,

    R2, R2(adj), PRESS are used to validate a model. The usual approach is to split the

    available data into learningand validation sets [58]. The algorithms are supplied with the

    learning sets to create the model and are later validated with the above-mentioned criteria

    on the validation dataset. The definition of the above parameters is given in table 4.1

    (Kothamasu et al, 2004).

    The quality of the model is in inverse proportion to the magnitude of the first

    three criteria and also to the deviation of the last two criteria from 1. However it has to

    be mentioned that these criteria are not appropriate for model selection in all situations.


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    For instance, R2

    should not be used for comparison of modeling algorithms that do no

    satisfy the criteria that and0ei = 0ey ii = where ei are the corresponding residuals.

    This is especially true in the case of neuro-fuzzy modeling where situations with R2

    greater than 1 are often encountered.

    Table4.1. Definition of the traditional criteria used in model evaluation

    Criteria Definition

    SSE (Sum of Squared Error) =



    2ii )yy(

    MSE (Mean Squared Error) =



    2ii )yy(1n


    MAP (Mean Absolute Percenterror)




    iii |y/)yy(|n


































    Apart from the above mentioned restrictions these criteria do not explicitly take

    into account the underlying dimensionality of the model (except R2(adj)) and the

    complexity of data into account. Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP) is another

    category of model evaluation techniques that are often used to compare a set of possible

    models to the given data. Such tests include McNemars test, a test for difference of error

    proportions, resampled paired t test, k-fold cross validated paired t test and 5x2cv paired t


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    test (Diettrich, 1997). The basic concept of these tests is to check for significant

    difference in error (or its proportions) from the various models developed. Since the usual

    practice is to check for this difference among the error vectors from the same dataset,

    care must be taken to compensate for correlation. Secondly, the multiplicity effect that

    arises out of simultaneous pair wise comparisons between the models should also be

    taken into consideration (because of increased chances of Type I error). Function Approximation

    The Hochberg and Tamhane based on the studentized maximum modulus

    distribution is appropriate for the function approximation problems. Dunn (1961)

    proposed a test based on studentized t distribution that can reveal any significant

    differences between error proportions (well suited for classification problems). An

    excellent summary of both these tests is given in (Feelers & Verkooijen, 1996).

    A third evaluation strategy is to construct a form ofpenalization criteria that

    enhances the empirical risk with a term that disfavors complex models (Domingos,

    1999). There are several penalization forms and AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) as

    defined in (4.14) is one of them (Ishikawa, 1996).

    )14.4(k2)log(nlAIC 2 Where, k is the number of independent estimated parameter, l is the number of output

    units and is the maximum likelihood estimate of the mean square error.2

    In order to check the performance of these criteria an approach similar to the one

    proposed by Lawrence et al (1997) is used. A randomly initialized teacher network is

    used to extract the training and testing data and networks of varying complexities called

    student networks are then trained on the learning dataset and validated with the testing


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    data. In this case study a neural network consisting of 3 hidden neurons is used as the

    teacher network with 2 inputs and one output. The data was split into learning and

    validation sets comprising of 140 and 60 patterns respectively.

    Networks of varying size are trained with the learning data for 500 epochs.

    Various evaluation criteria along with the Hochberg and Tamhane confidence intervals

    (at 95% level) are given in Tables 4.2 and 4.3 respectively.

    Table4.2. Evaluation criteria for the function approximation problem

    Hidden Neurons MSE R2

    R2(adj) AIC

    2 0.006471215 0.417 0.3256 -285.4319

    3 0.000054294 0.7061 0.631 -564.27485 0.000040264 0.8028 0.7017 -566.2111

    10 0.000220444 0.8472 0.5254 -424.2004

    15 0.000046811 0.8769 8.2639 -477.1716

    20 0.004963404 0.8229 1.4976 -157.3482

    From table 4.2 we cannot conclusively select a model because of varying

    indications from the different criteria, although AIC points to the model with 5 hidden

    neurons which is the closest to the original model (3 hidden neurons). From table 4.3 it is

    evident that the Hochberg & Tamhane test concludes that all models are equally good.

    Table4.3. Confidence intervals from pair-wise Hochberg and Tamhane test

    Model 1 2 3 4 5 6

    1 - [-2.77 2.79] [-2.77 2.79] [-2.77 2.78] [-2.77 2.79] [-2.78 2.78]

    2 - - [-2.78 2.78] [-2.78 2.77] [-2.78 2.78] [-2.78 2.77]

    3 - - - [-2.7802.77] [-2.78 2.78] [-2.78 2.77]

    4 - - - - [-2.78 2.78] [-2.78 2.778]

    5 - - - - - [-2.78 2.778]

    Though AIC was close to the original model (3 neurons), it cannot be concluded

    that it did in fact select a model that best fits the data and it is also not valid to assume

    that a 3 or close to 3 hidden neuron network is a good fit for the finite data. (This


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    validates the theory that for finite data that the best fit is not necessarily a model identical

    to the true parametric form (Cherkassky V & Mulier F, 1998) and in this case it is in fact

    of a higher complexity than the true parametric form.)

    To confirm that the 5 hidden neuron model is in fact superior, a generalization test

    was performed where noisy inputs were presented to the networks. The (additive) noisy

    inputs were generated as )dBW,i(wgn)i(I)i(I += where I is the original input value and

    wgn is white gaussian noise with power specified by dBW. It can be seen from table

    4.4 and figure 4.3 that the network with 5 neurons outperforms the rest.

    Table4.4. MSE values of the models at different noise levels

    Hidden Neurons

    Noise (dBW) 2 3 5 10 15 20

    1 0.0112 0.07 0.0456 0.049 0.0611 0.0367

    5 0.0365 0.1191 0.0673 0.095 0.1177 0.0429

    10 0.0871 0.2113 0.099 0.2325 0.2257 0.1023

    15 0.1864 0.2735 0.1332 0.3805 0.3768 0.1684

    20 0.2669 0.4267 0.2189 0.4318 0.8173 0.197

    25 0.2106 0.3823 0.1502 0.4577 0.7028 0.1944

    30 0.3304 0.4181 0.1871 0.4428 0.8066 0.2133

    35 0.3803 0.4053 0.1985 0.4856 0.8117 0.2375

    40 0.4897 0.4747 0.2371 0.6171 0.8084 0.3408

    45 0.613 0.3692 0.184 0.5839 0.8462 0.2364

    50 0.549 0.4485 0.2114 0.5048 0.9228 0.2672

    AvgMSE 0.2873 0.3272 0.1575 0.3892 0.5906 0.1852


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    Figure4.3. Box and whisker plot of MSE values Classification

    A real world problem in the form ofEColi dataset1

    was chosen for analysis of

    AIC and the other criteria in the classification arena. Table 4.5 details the composition of

    this dataset (8 inputs and 8 classes). The data was normalized to facilitate computation of

    AIC and this was done using the technique specified by Mirkin (1996) and shown in 18.








    normalized =

    The AIC values and the confidence intervals on the error proportions are given in

    Tables 4.5 and 4.6 respectively. From table 4.6, it is evident that the AIC values indicate

    an inferior classification capability (positive AIC values) and that the network with 2

    hidden neurons is the best of the lot. From Table 4.7, it can be seen that none of the

    classifiers have identical classification capabilities (no closed interval containing 0) and

    that their performance is in the order 3, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1.

    1 Available by anonymous ftp from ftp://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/machine-learning-databases/


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    Table4.5. Classes in the Ecoli dataset

    Class ID Class Name Number of patterns

    CP Cytoplasm 143

    IM Inner membrane without signal sequence 77

    PP Periplasm 52

    IMU Inner membrane, un-cleavable signal sequence 35

    OM Outer membrane 20

    OML Outer membrane lipoprotein 5

    IML Inner membrane lipoprotein 2

    IMS Inner membrane, cleavable signal sequence 2

    Table4.6. AIC values of networks developed for classifying the EColi dataset

    Hidden Neurons AIC

    2 146.5111

    3 170.166

    5 199.6422

    10 299.781

    15 406.0171

    20 472.2449


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    Table4.7. Confidence Intervals for difference in error

    Model 2 3 4 5 6

    1 [0.003 0.016] [0.19 0.20] [0.12 0.13] [0.16 0.17] [0.17 0.18]

    2 [0.18 0.19] [0.11 0.12] [0.15 0.16] [0.16 0.17]

    3 [-0.07 -0.06] [-0.035 -0.02] [-0.02 -0.01]

    4 [0.03 0.04] [0.04 0.05]

    5 [0.003 0.01]

    The test of generalization accomplished by inducing additive white gaussian noise

    yielded the error proportions shown in Table 4.8. It is evident from the average error

    values and box plot in Figure 4.4 that network 3 is in fact the best and the performance of

    the networks is in the order 3, 4, 6, 5, 2, 1 which is close to what is concluded from the

    above test. This is also in total contradiction to that indicated by AIC.

    Figure4.4. Box and whisker plot of MSE values


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    Table4.8. Error proportions when simulated in noisy environment

    Hidden Neurons

    Noise (dBW) 2 3 5 10 15 20

    1 0.6634 0.6436 0.5545 0.6238 0.5941 0.5446

    5 0.6634 0.703 0.5248 0.6634 0.703 0.7129

    10 0.8218 0.7921 0.6634 0.6634 0.7921 0.7723

    15 0.8515 0.8218 0.6238 0.6832 0.6931 0.802

    20 0.8218 0.802 0.703 0.703 0.7921 0.7822

    25 0.8614 0.8416 0.6931 0.7624 0.7822 0.8119

    30 0.8515 0.8515 0.6931 0.6535 0.802 0.7228

    35 0.8416 0.7525 0.7129 0.6634 0.802 0.7426

    40 0.8515 0.7723 0.6634 0.6832 0.7525 0.7624

    Multiple comparison procedures such as the Hochberg & Tamhane test for

    function approximation and studentized t test for classification can point to significant

    differences in the approximation capabilities of the models. However these tests do not

    take into account the complexity of the models. The Akaike Information Criterion,

    designed to take into account the complexity as well as the precision of the model, was

    seen to perform extremely well in the function approximation arena while it falters in the

    classification domain. Studentized t test yields a better evaluation strategy when

    compared to AIC for the classification problems.


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    4.2.2. Validation of Model Legibility

    A neuro-fuzzy architecture is a highly transparent model (or representation)

    because the rules used for modeling provide qualitative insights of the domain. However

    a neuro-fuzzy system often does not result in a good model (from the view point of

    legibility) because of the unconstrained gradient search algorithm. The rules that result

    from this training often are neither identical nor similar in their ability to mirror the

    domain as the rules prior to the training. Although the training phase results in a gain in

    the precision, it often is at the expense of the legibility of the rules. Two types of model

    deteriorations are explained below (Kothamasu et al, 2004).

    Linguistic deterioration: The initial rules are created based on membership

    functions that can be described using linguistic variables like small, medium

    or large or other appropriate characterization. However it is not possible to

    achieve such a characterization after these rules have been tuned because of the

    deterioration of the linguistic structure (within each dimension) created prior to

    the training or during the discretization phase of rule extraction.

    Structural deterioration: The situation is compounded with the fact that the post

    training rules often do not effectively describe the system. It is not uncommon

    that the rules are often undistinguishable and make sense only from the

    approximation point of view and will not be able to explain the created model

    thus causing a deterioration of the transparency of the system.

    This has grave repercussions in some situations where the model needs to change

    over time because of the dynamic nature of the domain. Since the models are not

    transparent enough it is not possible to direct this necessary change. However, it is


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    possible to continue to update the model using the backpropagation, but this makes the

    NF models equivalent to a neural network and it defeats the original intention and

    objective to utilize them as decision aids.

    As demonstrated in the previous section, AIC based on Kullback-Leibler (KL)

    mean information which measures the distance between two distributions can be

    effectively used for model validation. A similar approach can be used to validate or

    evaluate the structure of rules based on the KL distance between the membership

    functions in each dimension. KL distance is computed as given in (4.16).








    j,i Where dji, represents the KL distance between membership functions and in

    dimension d. A distance matrix hence can be formulated for each dimension dwhich

    represents the qualitative distance of each membership function from the rest as given in



























    Where, is the number of MFs in dimension danddN ( ) ( )2,2



    dji +=

    . This

    matrix is scaled to facilitate merging of the significantly similar membership functions

    based on a threshold . The matrix is scaled as given in (4.18), where is

    the largest element in .






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    The primary advantage of using the KL distance is that it is not restricted by the

    parametric form of the membership functions. The similarity between any two

    membership functions is inversely related to the corresponding value in the distance

    matrix. The advantage of KL distance matrix can be seen in the following case study

    which involves the approximation of a function popularly known as Rosenbrocks banana

    function as defined in (4.19).




    21 The initial and final membership functions as identified by ANFIS are depicted in

    figures 4.5 and 4.6. As can be seen from figures 4.5 and 4.6 there is as clear deterioration

    of the rule and linguistic structure within each input dimension. However from an

    approximation point of view the network is very precise as indicated by the MSE value

    which is 0.00065141 after 1000 iterations.

    The normalized KL distance matrices for the input dimension (X1) are computed

    using the above formulae and are given in tables 4.9 and 4.10 where MF stands for

    membership function. As can be seen from tables 4.9 & 4.10 the distance measures of

    MF1 (from rest) are quite similar indicating a very wide span and hence higher overlap

    with all the membership functions. This is indeed the case as can be seen from figure4.6.

    It can also be seen that there is a gradual degradation of the structure because of

    membership functions with very wide spans and closely spaced centers. This is indicated

    in tables 4.9 & 4.10 where some of the distance measures are low in magnitude.


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    (a) (b)

    Figure4.5. Initial membership functions (a) input 1 (b) input 2

    (a) (b)

    Figure4.6. Final membership functions (a) input 1 (b) input 2

    Table4.9. KL distance matrix for X1

    MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 MF5 MF6

    MF1 0 0.18253 0.23386 0.23386 0.32494 0.32495

    MF2 0.18253 0 0.23104 0.23103 0.40117 0.40118

    MF3 0.23386 0.23104 0 0.70052 0.86876 0.10774

    MF4 0.23386 0.23103 0.70052 0 0.10774 0.86876

    MF5 0.32494 0.40117 0.86876 0.10774 0 1

    MF6 0.32495 0.40118 0.10774 0.86876 1 0


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    Table4.10. KL distance matrix for X2

    MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 MF5 MF6

    MF1 0 0.48375 0.44889 0.44885 0.46912 0.46913

    MF2 0.48375 0 1 0.99996 0.0026265 0.0026214

    MF3 0.44889 1 0 1e-005 0.9768 0.97681

    MF4 0.44885 0.99996 1e-005 0 0.97675 0.97676

    MF5 0.46912 0.0026265 0.9768 0.97675 0 5e-006

    MF6 0.46913 0.0026214 0.97681 0.97676 5e-006 0

    The inference system is refined by eliminating (merging or deleting) the MFs that

    result in structural deterioration as indicated by the distance measures. A threshold value

    of 0.2 was chosen and MFs with lower distance measures are merged accordingly. The

    resultant network was trained for 1000 epochs and the MSE value was found to be

    0.00031699 which is 48% lower. The resultant MFs are given in figure 4.7.

    Figure4.7. Final membership functions (a) Input1 (b) Input2

    The resultant network as can be seen has higher legibility compared to the

    original network and hence the KL measure can be used for validating the networks

    legibility. However, the threshold for merging has to be subjectively decided so that


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