Introduction Historical sources – ‘Indika’ by Megasthenes and ‘Arthashastra’ by Chanakya...

Post on 21-Dec-2015

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Seleucus – Chandragupta Treaty –

Seleucus gave Eastern Afganistan, Baluchistan and areas west to Indus. Also gave his daughter’s hand in marriage to Chandragupta. He sent Megasthenes to Chandragupta as ambassador and in return got 500 war elephants.

Chandragupta built the first great empire in Indian history.

Empire – Hindu Kush (north – west to Bengal in the east); from the Himalayas in the north to the Narmada in the south. Kalinga was independent.

Chandragupta Maurya

dhamma = dharma (religious duty) Inspired by human values, code of

conduct based on the teachings of Buddha

entire life - spread his dhamma Principles of his dhamma – 1. people – peace, harmony 2. ahimsa, non – violence, non –

injury to living creatures 3. love, tolerance and respect

towards other religions 4. children – obey elders, elders –

sense of understanding 5. truthful, charitable, kind to all

even servants and slaves

Ashoka’s Dhamma

followed it strictly himself – set an example for others

visited places related to Buddha’s life like Bodh Gaya and Sarnath

funded construction of Buddhist monasteries sent Buddhist scholars to spread Buddhism sent son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra

to Sri Lanka special officers ‘Dhammamahamatras’ engraved in Prakrit on rocks, pillars and caves

– people can read and follow them organized third Buddhist Council at Pataliputra

discuss ways to propogate Buddhism

Propagation of Dhamma

important historical

source comprise of royal

commands or proclamations

inscribed on rocks, polished stone pillars and caves

composed in Prakrit and written in Brahmi script

north – west – written in Greek, Kharoshthi and Aramaic

Ashokan Edicts

Ashoka – one of the greatest kings in

Indian history Believed that king is like a father to his

subjects Prosperity, happiness and welfare of

subjects – given importance ‘mahamatras’ – administrative officers Good roads, shady trees on both sides Wells, rest houses for weary travellers Health centres – men, animals Officials – tour among subjects to solve

people’s problems First monarch to give up violence –

universal brotherhood , tolerance

Ideals of Kingship

King – supreme power Council of Ministers – ‘Mantri Parishad’ Departments – treasury, industry, revenue,

security Official supervises each department. Division of empire – provinces – controlled by

princes of the royal family – ‘kumaras’ – ‘viceroys’ or representatives of the King

Provinces further divided into districts. Districts divided into many nagaras (towns) and gramas (villages)

Every level ruled by an official.

Mauryan Administration

Capital city of Mauryan empire Administration – role model for administration of cities Six Committees of five members each Each Committee in charge of a particular department

like industries, regulation of births, deaths, care of foreigners, trade and commerce.

These 30 members – supervised health, sanitation, education related problems.

Elaborate spy system Well equipped army, infantry, cavalry, elephants,

chariots, navy Department to look after production of weapons. Army always alert and ready.


Magnificent walled city Many gates, watch – towers Well connected King’s palace – large, made of stone


Age of cultural brilliance Numerous stupas, monolithic pillars (edicts of

Ashoka), caves and sculpted figures – highly polished Eg – Sarnath pillar

Influenced by Buddhism Ashoka got 84,000 stupas built. Stupas – strong, semicircular, dome – like

structures, made of stones, bricks Relics of Buddha – his hair, tooth – kept at the base

of stupa Eg – stupa at Sanchi Built prayer halls, monastries (viharas)

Mauryan Art

Lion capital Four lions sitting back to back on a circular base

– carved from a single piece of stone Base decorated – sculptures of four animals –

separated by four wheels (dharma chakras) 1950 – Lion capital adopted as national emblem

of India – currency notes Wheel – motion, progress – national flag of India

Pillar at Sarnath

Peace, stability – growth of economy Main occupation – agriculture – farmers encouraged

to cultivate on a large scale – irrigation facilities provided to them

Land revenue from farmers – chief source of income for King

Mining, forestry, carpentry, pottery, masonry, trade and commercial activities

Inland and overseas trade – Sri Lanka, Egypt, Greece Taxes collected from mines, forests, other

professionals. Taxes used for paying salaries to officers, maintain

army, build roads, hospitals.

Mauryan Economy

232BCE – Ashoka’s death Ashoka’s successors – weak, inefficient Vast empire – difficult to control No strong central authority – Viceroys became

independent Expenses increased – maintain army, elaborate

administrative system Last ruler Brihadratha killed by Pushyamitra

Sunga (founder of Sunga Dynasty)

Decline of Mauryan Empire

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