Joshua Goodman Group Program Manager Microsoft Corporation.

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Microsoft .NET Framework:CLR Futures

Joshua GoodmanGroup Program ManagerMicrosoft Corporation

Working better together, faster, with fewer bugs


CLR 4.0: our largest release since 2.0

.NET 1.0 .NET 1.1 .NET 2.0



.NET 4.0

2002 2003 2005 2008 CTP!2005-08

Quick Reminder – What Is The CLR

Base Class Libraries The CLRJIT & NGEN

Garbage Collector

Security Model

Exception Handling

Loader & Binder

Profiling& Debugging APIs

WPF Win Forms

DLRDynamic Language Runtime




Working Better Together In Process Side X Side Native/Managed Interop Dynamic and Functional Languages

Faster 3.5 SP1 improvements Threading Garbage Collection Profiling

With fewer bugs Corrupted State Exceptions Debugging Code Contracts

Working Better Together: Overview

In Process Side X Side How the CLR works better with itself

No PIAs Working better with COM objects

Native wrapping tool Working better with Windows APIs

Support for Dynamic and Functional Languages: Languages working with each other

In Process Side By SideThe CLR, working with itself

Quick overview Why it’s so hard to be highly compatible In Process Side by Side –multiple CLR

versions working together

Why High Compatibility Is So HardA very sad story

.NET Framework 1.1 was highly compatible with 1.0

Thread [] threads = new Thread[8];for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {

Worker worker = new Worker();threads[i] = new

ThreadStart(worker.Work);threads[i].Start();worker.identity =i;

}Code from an Outlook addin our executives used

Why High Compatibility Is So HardA very sad story – continued

.NET 1.1 just slightly faster for starting threads No Executives at Microsoft could use their mail Bug wasn’t our fault – but no one cares

Thread [] threads = new Thread[8];for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {

Worker worker = new Worker();threads[i] = new

ThreadStart(worker.Work);threads[i].Start();worker.identity =i;

}Code from an Outlook addin our executives used

The Layercake Model

Side X Side releases solve app compat issue COM objects and other addins for different layers

of the same cake can easily live together on the same runtime

Highly compatible – but only certain kinds of functionality can be added

.NET 1.0 .NET 1.1 .NET 2.0



.NET 4.0

New In Process Side By Side ModelHave your cake and eat it too

Configuration file and hosting APIs give you fine grained control For both applications and COM, a config file describes which

versions you run on, and which you prefer

.NET 2.0.NET 4.0

2.0 addin

3.0 addin


3.5 addin

4.0 addin

Host Process (e.g. Outlook)


Run both 2.0-based and 4.0-based CLR in the same process Old components

use old CLR New components

use new CLR

New Host API

New Interfaces: ICLRMetaHost; ICLRMetaHostPolicy; ICLRRuntimeInfo; ICLRRuntimeHost3; ICLRStrongName

Legacy Static Global Hosting Functions will be marked as deprecated

Exposing a Native App to ManagedExperience Today Run TLBIMP -> Generates an interop

assembly Fix it: Run ILDASM; Hand modify IL or write

jscript; Run ILASM Designate assembly as a PIA

Deploy it Include with your native app What if you don’t pre-req .NET?

Every addin brings a big (5 MB?) PIA along Move to V2 of your app

Update your jscript Make sure everyone brings the new PIA; create

publisher policy

Exposing a Native App to ManagedExperience With .NET 4.0 Get our TLBIMP shared source from

Codeplex; modify it if you need to Easier than postprocessing with jscript

Biggest improvement is deployment experience At compile time we consume new Interop

Assemblies and pull in the referenced types to local definitions.

Pull in *only* the methods that are used. New [TypeIdentity] attribute, we can maintain

type equivalence in the CLR by respecting the GUID (or other arbitrary string)

Wrapping Tool

New tool reads in windows.h and SAL annotations

Outputs p/invoke wrappers Calling native Windows code has never

been easier.

.NET And Managed LanguagesIntroduction

It’s been a great platform for multiple languages since the beginning 16 languages at launch Some languages hard – dynamic

and functional languages Now releasing IronPython, IronRuby, F#,

and other languages Tuples BigInteger Tail recursion

What Did The CLR Team Have To Do?Not much

If the CLR is really already general purpose, shouldn’t have to do much to accommodate a new language We didn’t! Rare instance in which doing

only a little work is a good thing

Overview Big Integer Tuples Tail Recursion


Request from both F# and Python Fast: Optima Team “Microsoft Solver

Foundation” helped us All languages benefit; libraries can


Support For F# and Python: Tuples

Tuples are a construct used in F# and Python – classes created on the fly How to make a class in F# or Python.

(4, “Hello World”) In BCL to allow interoperation of libraries Subtle issues, e.g. equality,

Example: remember that NaN == NaN is false Hard to get the right behavior in each

language, while still allowing sharing across languages – but we did it!

Bonus: Tuples Now Convenient In C#

Tuples supported natively in F# and Python, but also easy to use now from C#, etc.

All languages benefit from CLR’s cross language philosophy

public Tuple<Int32, Int32> DivAndRemainder(Int32 i, Int32 j) { return new Tuple.Create(i/j, i%j);} // An example of someone accessing items in a tuple. for (Int16 i = 0; i <= 25; i++) { for (Int16 j = 1; j <= 5; j++) { var tuple = DivAndRemainder(i,j); Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\n", i, j, tuple.item1, tuple.item2);}

Support For F# – Tail Recursion

F# is a new functional language designed for .NET (related to OCaml, and ML)

Functional languages discourage assignment Example

let rec Factorial n = match n with

1 -> 1 | _ -> n * Factorial (n - 1)

Under the covers, compiler can convert this into a loop, like this C# code:

int product = 1;for (int i=n; n>=1; n--) {

product = product * n;}

This is called “Tail Recursion Optimization.” Because this is so common in F#, we needed to make sure we caught some cases that were being missed in the 64 bit compiler.

.NET and Managed LanguagesSummary

Original promise of the CLR was as a platform for multiple languages Original .NET included 16 languages Now expanding that original promise, proving

the power of the platform New language classes – dynamic languages

(IronPython, IronRuby) and Functional (F#) Improvements for these languages get

pushed back into the platform, preserve the original promise of cross-language sharing

Working Better TogetherSummary

In Process Side by Side lets the CLR work with itself High compatibility, while exposing new features

No PIAs makes it easier for managed apps to call native, easing interop assembly generation and deployment

Native wrapping tool makes it easier to work with Windows

Support in BCL for BigInteger and Tuples preserves interop across languages


3.5 SP1 Improvements Faster install, faster startup

Threading Improvements Faster parallel code

GC notification and Background Collection Reduce latency

Profiling improvements Help you write faster server code

Vista: 3.0 is installed; 3.5SP1 coming No install needed! XP boxes with 2.0 or above will also get

3.5SP1 via Windows Update What about XP boxes without 2.0?

200K bootstrapper, 25 MB download Great Installer

Customizable, branded experience Downloads, installs, and NGENs in parallel – takes a few minutes 3 clicks to app – 1 for exe; 1 for cert; 1 for EULA

Faster startup

Client ProfileFaster install and Startup

More Good Stuff Run from network share with full trust Faster WPF (more in hardware), More

WinForms controls, Lots of ASP.NET improvements, Visual Studio Improvements for HTML, JavaScript, more

Summary Now more scenarios where you

can use the .NET Framework

Digression:3.5SP1 Other Improvements

Parallel and Threading

Fantastic new features make it very easy to write parallel/multi-threaded applications Take advantage of multi-core

Parallel.For(0, n, i => work(i));

Parallel.ForEach(data, e => work(e));

var results = from item in shows.AsParallel() where item.Description.Contains(keyword) && item.Year > startYear orderby item.StartTime ascending select item;

Parallel and Threading

Parallel features are built on top of our existing thread-pool

Manually created threads and Task Parallel Library (Parallel.For) threads share same library

How many threads to create? If lots of cores; lots of threads; if lots of blocking, even more threads; too many threads leads to contention

Sophisticated new algorithm built in cooperation with parallel framework team leads to better performance – for all threads.

Parallel.For(0, n, i => work(i));

Parallel.ForEach(data, e => work(e));

Quick Garbage Collection Review

Generation 0 and 1 collections are fast – ephemeral segment is small. Generation 2 collection can be relatively slow.

Today, there can be noticeable pauses, on both server and client (“workstation”) when Gen2 is large.

CLR 4.0 addresses both server and workstation, in different ways. Server Solution: Gen 2 notification Workstation Solution: New Background Collection feature

Ephemeral Segment Other Segments

Generation 0, 1 and parts of Generation 2 live here

Most of Generation 2 lives here

Ephemeral Segment Other SegmentsOther SegmentsEphemeral


Server Garbage Collection

Server Garbage Collection Algorithm maximizes overall throughput – fast – but all

managed code has to be paused while it runs.. In CLR 4.0, you can be notified before a Gen 2/ Large Object Heap collection. Useful when you can do load balancing.

Ephemeral Segment Other Segments

Generation 0, 1 and parts of Generation 2 live here

Most of Generation 2 lives here

Sample code

public static void Main(string[] args){ try { // Register for a set of notifications. // Parameters require tuning. First is // for Gen2, second, Large Object Heap GC.RegisterForFullGCNotification(10, 10);

// Start a thread using WaitForFullGCProc Thread thWaitForFullGC = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WaitForFullGCProc)); thWaitForFullGC.Start(); }

catch (InvalidOperationException invalidOp) { Console.WriteLine("GC Notifications are not supported while concurrent GC is enabled.\n” + invalidOp.Message); }}

public static void WaitForFullGCProc(){ { while (true) { // Wait for a notification GCNotificationStatus s = GC.WaitForFullGCApproach(); if (s == GCNotificationStatus.Succeeded) { // This call will direct new traffic // away from machine; wait for old // traffic to finish; then call // GC.Collect() OnFullGCApproachNotify(); }

// Wait for a notification of completion s = GC.WaitForFullGCComplete(); if (s == GCNotificationStatus.Succeeded) { OnFullGCCompleteEndNotify(); } }}

New Background CollectionWorkstation solution

“Workstation” (client) collection in 3.5SP1 and earlier uses “Concurrent Collection.” Can do most, but not all, of a Generation 2 collection

without pausing managed code New allocations go on ephemeral segment But can’t do Gen0 and Gen1 at same time as Gen2.

New in CLR 4.0, we have Background Collection Background Collection can do a Gen0 or Gen1 while doing Gen2 Only unusual circumstances now lead to long latency

Ephemeral Segment Other Segments

Generation 0, 1 and parts of Generation 2 live here

Most of Generation 2 lives here

Latency in Background GC vs. Concurrent GC flavorsRa

w la


y in





Background GC

Concurrent GC

Profiling samples of latency during application execution


Ability to attach and detach performance and memory profilers CPU sampling Real-time heap analysis and

object reference graphs*

No-impact deployment of tools No need to set registry keys


3.5 SP1 Improvements Client profile installs quickly, starts faster

Threading Improvements Faster code, whether using parallel or spawning

your own GC notification and Background Collection

Fewer long pauses Profiling improvements

Help you write faster code, particularly on the server

Fewer BugsOverview

Corrupting state exceptions Harder to make a common mistake

Support for dump debugging Use the tools you already know for dumps

Code Contracts Cutting edge code analysis

public void FileSave(String name){ try {

FileStream fs = new FileStream(name, FileMode.Create); } catch(Exception e) {

MessageBox.Show("File Open Error");throw new Exception(IOException);


Bad and all too common pattern

public void FileSave(String name){ try {

FileStream fs = new FileStream(name, FileMode.Create); } catch(Exception e) {

MessageBox.Show("File Open Error");throw new Exception(IOException);


Bad and all too common pattern

What if Exception is A/V Exception, Illegal Instruction, or other exception indicating process state is corrupt?

Best thing to do is to get out fast, before persistent data is corrupted, or more work is lost.

Corrupted State Exceptions

New concept in CLR 4: Corrupted State Exceptions Cannot be caught by normal catch statements. Examples: A/V Exception, Invalid Memory, Division by

Zero, Stack Overflow But you might want to catch these:

In main: write to log file, exit, perhaps turn off an addin on next run

Very rare cases when you know code throws an exception that isn’t dangerous

[HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptions] attribute (code must be SecurityCritical – not sandboxed)

Process-wide compat switch: legacyCorruptedStateExceptionsPolicy (=true/false)


Dump debugging support via ICorDebug Same API that is used to enable live debugging Support for Windows Error Reporting



Yes, 64-bit mixed-mode supports live and dump debugging as well

Lock inspection APIs What object is holding a lock? Who’s waiting for it?

Code Contracts

You know a lot about your code Some argument to a method is never NULL, other bad

inputs Return value properties

Today, very few ways to tell the computer what you know, have it help look for errors

Assert statements Some third party tools that can

handle some special cases, like “Null”

Cool new bleeding edge stuff


public void BuyMoreStuff(Item[] cart, ref Decimal totalCost, Item i)

{ CodeContract.Requires(totalCost >=0);

CodeContract.Requires(cart != null);

CodeContract.Requires(CodeContract.ForAll(cart, s => s != i));

CodeContract.Ensures(CodeContract.Exists(cart, s => s == i);

CodeContract.Ensures(totalCost >= CodeContract.OldValue(totalCost));

CodeContract.EnsuresOnThrow<IOException>( totalCost == CodeContract.OldValue(totalCost));

// Do some stuff…


Conclusion – Part 1

Working Better Together In Process Side X Side

Lets you safely use new stuff on existing machines Native/Managed Interop

Easier to expose native code to managed Dynamic and Functional Languages

Conclusion – Part 2

Faster 3.5 SP1 improvements

Easier to get installed on client, faster client startup Threading

Multicore machines Garbage Collection

Reduces latency on the client and the server Profiling

Fast apps in the data center

Conclusion – Part 3

With fewer bugs Corrupted State Exceptions Debugging

Dump debugging Code Contracts

Find bugs with static analysis; more powerful run time checks

Learn More

Research: Contract Checking and Automated Test Generation with Pex

Presenter(s): Mike Barnett, Nikolai Tillmann

Managed and Native Code Interoperability: Best Practices Presenter: Jesse Kaplan

Advances in .NET Type System Presenter: Misha Shneerson

Microsoft .NET Framework: Overview and Applications for Babies Presenter: Scott Hanselman

Learn More

Managed and Native Code Interoperability: Best Practices Presenter: Jesse Kaplan Next session! Room 406A

Research: Contract Checking and Automated Test Generation with Pex

Presenter(s): Mike Barnett, Nikolai Tillmann

Advances in .NET Type System Presenter: Misha Shneerson

Microsoft .NET Framework: Overview and Applications for Babies Presenter: Scott Hanselman

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