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Page Two Saturday, December 31, 2016 - New Year’s Eve 2:00 pm Wedding: Alexa Zimmerman and Christopher Kropf Anticipated Mass 4:00 pm Pat Cavacini by Ted Sunday, January 1, 2017 9:00 am People of St. Patrick-St. Stanislaus 11:00 am Alan Samulski by Alexis and Joe Monday, January 2, 2017 Ss. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen 7:15 am Ignatius Antosz by Ed & Donna Miller Tuesday, January 3, 2017 - Christmas Weekday; The Most Holy Name of Jesus 7:15 am Special Intentions of Don and Judy Paul Wednesday, January 4, 2017 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 7:00 pm DEVOTIONS TO ST. JUDE Teresa Strzyz by Leonard & Margaret Garlicki Thursday, January 5, 2017 St. John Neumann 7:15 am Monica Robinson (Birthday) by Alex, Josette and Sons 12:10 pm OLDE ST. PATRICK Irene McCorkle by Rachel Goldman Friday, January 6, 2017 - Christmas Weekday; St. André Bessette 7:15 am Ann Balkovec by Ann Klobuchar, Rose Flajnik, and Bob Stampahar Saturday, January 7, 2017 Anticipated Mass 4:00 pm Elizabeth Jablonski (Anniversary) by Daughter Kathy Carlson Sunday, January 8, 2017 The Epiphany of the Lord 9:00 am People of St. Patrick-St. Stanislaus 11:00 am Alex Samulski by Alexis and Joe

OUR MISSION STATEMENT It is the mission of the people of Saint Patrick-Saint Stanislaus Kostka Parish to be ambassadors for Christ. All are welcome in our diverse and historic faith community in the Strip District. We strive to nurture and to grow in the sacramental life and tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. Everything we do is for the greater glory of God.


Please Make St. Patrick-St. Stanislaus Your Favorite Charity

Second Collections for January

January 8 Maintenance January 15 St. Anthony & DePaul January 29 Parish Share

Please keep St. Patrick-St. Stanislaus in your will!

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION “Octave” comes from the Latin word for “eight,” and since eight is one step beyond sev-en, the number of days in a week, it has long been seen as a symbol of perfection, comple-tion, and new beginnings. Early Christians called Sunday the “eighth day,” since it was the day after the Sabbath and a day of resurrected life, the Lord’s Day. By the seventh century, people regarded the eight days after Easter Sunday as one great day, an octave, one glori-ous feast when people were forbidden to fast or kneel. In the seventh century, Pentecost ac-quired an Octave, too. Christmas didn’t claim the honor of a continuous feast, but it did get an Octave Day. January 1 is the oldest Marian feast, the Octave of Christmas. It was originally a feast of the motherhood of Mary, although for centuries until 1969 it was called the Feast of the Circumcision. Our reformed calendar follows the earlier tradition of celebrating Mary as Mother of God. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

2017 MASS SCHEDULE The 2017 Mass Book is open. Please call Josie at the rectory 412-471-4767 to schedule Masses. Also note that we can only allow one weekend (Saturday or Sunday) per family. We will try to accommodate you with important dates if they are available. But please be pa-tient and understanding. The daily Masses of 7:15 AM are the Mass intentions really needed. Please do not call the rectory on Mondays to schedule Masses, as that is usually a very busy day.

Rest in Peace Edward D. Lapinski

May his soul and all the souls of the Faithful departed rest in peace

Page Three

YES...we/I want to become a member of St. Patrick/St. Stanislaus Parish: NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP PHONE NUMBER OCCUPATION DATE OF BIRTH Please drop in offertory basket or mail to rectory

TODAY...we celebrate the great feast of Mary, the Mother of God.

We honor Mary, who is the mother of the person of Jesus Christ who is both human and divine. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

WE WELCOME...Deacon Joe Compomizzi, who will be preaching at all the Masses this week-end. Joe and his wife and son are Pittsburghers, originally from Green Tree. Joe is now teaching in Florida.

NEXT SUNDAY...we will celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord.

FOR THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR...as a project to assist the Little Sisters, Sarah Pritchard, one of our ninth graders, is collecting non-perishable food items to be giv-en to them. Until sometime in February, any non-perishable food items may be placed in the boxes that are against the back pew of the Church. These will regularly be taken to the Lit-tle Sisters on Benton Avenue on the North Side.

(This article is repeated from last Sunday’s bulletin) OBEDIENT As many of you know, I’ve spoken occa-sionally about my desire to retire at the permit-ted age of 70, which I will reach in September, 2018. Normally, that is permitted, although if a priest requests he usually may remain longer in his assignment. You obviously also know that every par-ish, including ours, is in the midst of the “Church Alive” study and the various decisions of the bishop will not be made until 2018 and

implementation of those decisions will take place following those decisions. Recently, Bishop Zubik has informed us that retirement will be delayed until the end of the process. That is to ensure a continuity of pastoral leadership in every parish situation. My ordination class (1973) is the largest in the history of the diocese and a good number of us still serve as pastors of churches. (We are, of course, the most intelligent, creative, charming and friendly of all the classes!). All of this is also a reminder of how im-portant this “Church Alive” process is and how important it is that we keep Bishop Zubik (as well as all the priests of the dio-cese) in our prayers!

THE WINNER...of the Christmas Tree Raffle, which raised over $1,500 for the parish was, Trish Doyle.

LOOKING AHEAD On Sunday, July 16, 2017, we will cele-brate the 125th anniversary of the dedication of Saint Stanislaus Church. Bishop Zubik will join with us that day as the principal celebrant at the 11:00 A.M. Mass. THIS SHOULD MAKE YOU HAPPY! In the near future, we will be replacing the roof and shingles of St. Stanislaus Church. The cost will be $175,000. As a way of assisting in the project, for the foreseeable future, there will be an enve-lope appropriately marked and added to your envelope packet. Once a month, there will be a second collection for this purpose. FYI, we have been postponing this pro-ject, but that is no longer possible. Father Nichols

Consider RememberingYour Parish in Your Will.

For further information, please call the Parish Office.


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