- Learn math by. Computer games A world constructed of mathematics and logic.

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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- Learn math by

Computer games

A world constructed of

mathematics and logic

Life in a coordinate system 1)The scene of the game is a

coordinate system and 2) everything that goes on in

the game world is modelled with logic and mahtematical formulas-


Seymor Papert started MIT artificial

intelligence laboratory in the 60 ’s. Logo, programming languge for young

children, were developed. Programmable toys Lego mindstorm

Research shows positive effects

1) Understanding mathematical concepts more deeply

2) Solving more difficult


3) Increased problem solving skills

Response from the University Very encouraging ”This is exactly what we want the students to know….”

Per Jönsson Professor in Physics Malmö university

1) the basics of programming

2) solid ground for futher matimatical studies


Highly interesting for the students

Reasearch shows good results Learning programming early

gives huge advantages at university

Why on earth is not everybody doing this?

200-300 years old (2000)

Game programming interesting complement

Key aspects of Game development

1) Constructing pictures of game

characters and the background scenes Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop2) Writing the code that makes your

characters come alive C# C++ JavaScript

Slope Gradient Deltax Deltay

Scenes where game characters climb stairs

1) Build the stairs

2) Write the code

function stairstep(){x=x+0.03;y=y+0.02;}

Inequality is a forbidden areaif( -0.20 < y <-0.18) the character are allowed to walk

Linear expressions if ( posy< -1.5*posx + 1.74){ posx = posx + 0.005f; }

Fractions, percentage and symmetry

Quadratic expressions

Canon ball Path over the

bridge The path of a hot

air balloon


Phytagoras theorem

The game character Goblin

Symmetry and proportions

Math used in building a website Online calendar Personal organizer Photo gallery Web TV Blog Chat

Animated buttons

Menu bar coordinate geometry

Layout percentage calculation

Incorporating smaller boxes


A promising complement to traditional education

Unique possibilities to play with and explore mathematical concepts

Applications for all mathematical concepts students are to learn at collegeabyrintspel

Interest / Motivation

Increases problem solving skills

Increase the understanding of algebraic concepts as function and variable

University approval and encouragement

Our results /indicates vet inte vad vi ska göra av detta? A conventional math book does not give any respons All ”input” initiative / impulses must come from the

student. While working towards a computer in programming the

student get instant respons of everything. an understanding is built together with the computer- If

the ballon goes down instead of up the student might get an idea of what is wrong and what it takes to get it right.

This sure makes our job easier there is never a question of why do we have to learn this or why do we have to express everything in algebraic formulas? That is the only language the computer undrstands. The student is forced to express their ideas in the formul langage understood by the computer.