презентация Microsoft office power point 2003

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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Презентация проекта команды ОШ 4 Мой любимый город Харцызск


Відділ освіти Харцизької міської ради Харцизької загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІІ ступенів №4

Автори: Боровкова В.,Пересекін О.,Фадєєв Є.,Чеботарьов М. -учні 9-б класу

Тьютор: Кузнецова Т.О.


Khartsyzsk is my earth!And we live in it and you, and I.We admire its steppes, its forests and fields - It is my dear Motherland.


Voksalnaya street is the first street in Khartsyzsk. You can walk along the beautiful alleys of the street,

visit the monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

We can be proud of our native town. There are many historical places worth sightseeing on its territory. The monuments of the past devoted

to courageous pilots and tank-soldiers attract visitors.

Lenin Square is the cultural centre of the town. The Palace of Culture is the place where different meetings, concerts, shows are held. You can also join various clubs, circles, sections to your ability and taste.

You can walk along Shevchenko boulevard and make new friends

at the fountain.

Arbat is a meeting place. You can rest or do shopping as there are many shops

around it.

One of the most attractive places is Chekhov Park with its beautiful scenery. You can have a good rest there

and entertain on the attractions. Adults and children enjoy it!

...have a nice trip around Khartsyzsk