Надежда Степанова, АРТ ТОКИО // Nadezhda Stepanova, ART TOKYO

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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  1. 1. Stepanova Nadezhda 1
  2. 2. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda STEPANOVA NADEZDA (born in 1966)Member, Union of Russian Designers. Member, International Federation of Artists. Professional painter, designer.Personal Exhibitions: Nadezhdas Paintings.2006Pushkin State Literary Museum The Sunny Basket.2007Museum Panorama of the Battle of BorodinoMoonlit Winter Landscape. 2007/08Museum Panorama of the Battle of Borodino Philosophy of Nadezhda (Hope). 20082 3 All-Russia State Library of Foreign Literature Nadezhda is a regular participant of Saatchi Online virtual gallery. Group Exhibitions:Moscow International Artistic Saloon 2007.2007A personal stand.The 1st International Festival of Arts2007 Traditions and the Present (a personal stand) in Manege Central Exhibition Hall ArtKutuzov Project.2007Museum Panorama of the Battle of BorodinoMILLIONAIRE FAIR . Crocus Expo 2007 2007 MILLIONAIRE FAIR The 2nd International Festival of Arts Traditions and the Present2008 (a personal stand) in Manege Central Exhibition HallART FAIR TOKYO 2009. Tokyo International Forum20092010 - ART FAIR TOKYO 2010. 2010 Tokyo International Forum
  3. 3. Stepanova NadezhdaStepanova NadezhdaA lively decora ve manner, open-ness, artless beauty and innerdepth mark the style of Moscow ar stStepanova Nadezhda, whose work hasbecome a rare synthesis of two schoolsof pain ng: the Russian avant-gardeand tradi onal Japanese ukiyo-e.Her subjects are noted for their unspa-ring simplicity and profound naivet.4 These quali es draw Nadezhdas pain-5ngs to the viewer and capture his orher a en on. In them, one can easilyread all the colors of being translatedinto signs and symbols that bear theimprint of individuality and the ar stsunique signature. In her works, the ar-st gives preference to the surface ofthe canvas, the play of unusual colorsand the melody of rhythm. As a result,the canvases have a rare vivacity andexpressiveness without excess or un-wanted details. This deliberate brevitygives Nadezhdas works a special ringof truth.
  4. 4. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova NadezhdaT he tools Nazdezhda uses to con-vey her idea to the viewer aredeep local colors, precise, perfectlines and posi ve images that makeher pain ngs breathe and ll themwith life. The simplicity and perfec-on of the drawing is complementedby the intricacy of the gures in theoil pain ng. Bold, thick brushstrokesadd volume to Nadezhdas works,and the symbolic images imprinted6 on them suddenly come alive and 7acquire a third dimension.The themes of the images Nade-zhda turns to are extremely varied.Its as if the ar st is trying to weavetogether all the strands of existencein all its diversity. Whether land-scapes, plants, animals or people,the subjects are revealed in themost unexpected color and graphicsolu ons. Each image is a mystery or an allegory, with an essence that may consist of only a few shades of color or brushstrokes.
  5. 5. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda T he works in Dialogs with the Masters series are worth a sepa- rate discussion. These canvases are a fusion of the contempla ve Eastern mind and Russian expressiveness, classic simplicity of forms and a amboyant clash of colors, tradi onal images and avant-garde symbolism. Using brush and canvas, the ar st carries on conversations with Ka- zimir Malevich, Tom Wesselmann,8 9 Alphonse Mucha and Japanese ukiyo-e masters. The works in the Dialogs series, like Nadezhdas other series of pain ngs, are permeated with individuality: they are the ar- sts fresh reading of a meless clas- sic. For all the richness and diversity of their genres, all of Nadezhdas works without excep on are dis nguished by lightness, op mism and psycho- logical comfort. Her pain ngs not only gladden the eye, but also sooth the soul, bringing a natural, na ve warmth to it that is almost forgo en today.
  6. 6. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda10 11
  7. 7. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda12 13
  8. 8. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda14 15
  9. 9. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda16 17
  10. 10. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda18 19
  11. 11. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda20 21
  12. 12. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda22 23
  13. 13. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda24 25
  14. 14. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda26 27
  15. 15. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda28 29
  16. 16. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda30 31
  17. 17. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda32 33
  18. 18. Stepanova Nadezhda Stepanova Nadezhda34 35
  19. 19. Stepanova Nadezhda36