! Powerpoint stories on film

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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Mrs Stephanie Loomis 2011


Rwanda, James Nachtwey, 1994

T Baur

Afghan Girl, Steve MCurry

Candy Cigarette, Sally Mann

Maria A. C.

Unknown artist

Huge Wave, Kerby Brown

Sichuan Earthquake,

Dying Soldier, Rondon Lovera, 1962

Man Walks on Moon, Neil Armstrong

Execution of a Viet Cong

The Lynching of Young Blacks, 1930

The Last Jew of Vinnitsa, 1941

Lunchtime Atop a Skyscraper, Charles C Ebbets, 1933

Tiananmen Square, 1989

The First Photograph, Nicephore Niepce, 1826