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~~ HPSEB CE (Comm)SERC-Normative IDC2Q13- 65 ~S _ b ~ b~ Dated I~ 1 oS- 2C11 1) TheChief Engineer(Qp) SouthNorthCentral ZOnt~

NPSEBL Shimla OharamshalaMandi 2) The Chief Engineer(ES) HPSE6L Hamirpl)r middot 3) The Chief Engineer(PampM)CE(SOampP) HPSEBL Sh mla-4

Sub~ Petition under regulation 14 of the HPERC(Jecovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity )Regulations2012 for approval of Schedule of Service Connection charges corltaining normative rates of infrastructure development charges to be recovered under Sub-Regulation(2) of Regulation 5 of the said Regulations


Honble Commission vide order dated 304 2013 has fiJlalized the normative rates of the Infrastructure Development Charges to be recovered from the applic mts under Sub-Regulation (2) of Regulation 5 of the HPERC Regulations 4192012 for FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14

The complete order is available on HPERC website wwhpercorg anq is also being

uploadecl on HPSEL website wwwhpsebcom and may be download(~d for implementation However

the operative part of the order detailed under paras (para 27 28 and 29) is enclosed for ready reference It is to be ensured that the order shall be implemented ir letter and the recovery may be done in the manner as per order please

Yours f~fhfullY

DN as above Chief Qgi~eer (Comm ) HPSE 3 Ltd Vidyut Bhawan Shimll 171 004

Copy aw enclosures to the following for information a ldnecessary action please

1) The Secretary Himachal PrJdesh ElectriCity R ~gulatoryCommission KeonttJaI ltgLnmercial Complex Khalini Shimla-2 for inform Ition please

UYrhe by CE(fT)SE(IT) HPSEBL Shimla -4 to uploc d the complete order on HPSEBL official website EIi~J ~

3) The Chief Accounts Officer HPSEBL FampA Wing himla with the request to notify the account procedure as per provisions of the rtgulations aw the relevant heads of accounts

4) All Dy CE SE(Op) Circles under HPSE6L 5) The OyCESE(ES) HPSEBL Totu Shimla Hamirpur 6) All Add SESrEE Electrical Divisions and E ectrical System Divisions under

HPSEBL 7) All the AEEAE under operation wing 8) Guard File

Chef drneer (Camm) HPSE 3 Ltd Vidyut Bhawan Shim I ~ 171004

I J (ltI -~ fvr vf~ J 7ytl

DA as above

Extract (If the order tated 304201 Jy Honle Commission




After giving due consideration to the proposal SlJbmitteltl py distriblllorl licensee in their pet-ition comments and sllggestions received from the slak~holders befor and after the hearings on the atJove issu~ on 1032013 various provisions of the HPERC( Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) ReglJlations 2012 and within the scope of sedion 46 of the Electricity Act read with section 42(1) 43 and 61 (b) and (c) the Commission dec jes to finalize the normative rates of the Infrastructure Oeelopment Charges to be recovere( from the applicants lJnder sub regulation (2) of Regulation 0 of the said Regulations of 2012 fgtr FY 2012-13 and FY 2013shy14 and orders that such charges be recovered as per rates terrd$ amp conditions contained in following paras 27 to 29

In case of applicants to whom supply is to be given under singh part tariff (ie without any cjemand charges) as per the tariff order of the Commission the distriblltionlicensee shall

recover the Infrastructure Development Charges uncJer sub-regJlat on (2) of Regulation 5 of the HPERC(Recovery Of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) Regul3tion 2012 (3t the following normative rates and associated terms andconditionsshy

(A) Normative rat~s of InfrastrlJcture Oevelopment Charges for applicants IInder sinJle part tariff----middot ----------------------J-- ---- ---- - -- -- --- ------ - -1

(i) For cJomestic supply to BPL ---~

Nilr families uptO 5 kW of connected

l------ --Ioad - - -- - _ _- - - - --_------_--___- ---_------ - -- -- - ---- shy(ii) For others (not covered in (i) above)

- - -- - - - _- --- -_ -_ -- -- -- --bull_-_ - -__ --~bull------------- ------ - - -~-r -

(a)f()r the first 5 ~fII ____Rs 59~~P~I ~-y ~_~E~-tt~~~eofL __ (b) For the next 5 kW of RS100- perk (or part thereof) by which

~r~~~t~~~Qt~- - -onnecied ~~~~middotwo--ea~~~r~ shyla-nce c - - W~sect~gR- -~~r- - -- shy

_~__ L~ad _~_~~~1~_~W__ __ __ eb~~~~~~~lnnecte~_o~~__ _ _ _

(8) The rates as per para 2f (A) above shall O~ applicable for the demand notices to be issued under HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for SUppiy of Electricity) Regulations 2012 on or after 151 June 2013 and sha ll continue to bt applicable for the demand notices to be issued till 31032014 Of t ill any other sJbseqlJent qate as may be prescribed by the Commission DLlring the intervening period ie from 1

51 MaY2013 to

31 51 May 2013 the demand notices sh11 continue to be issued on the basis of the provisional arrangements notified by the Commission vide its notifications dated 29052012 and 0701 2013 All the demand riotices issue j under the said Regulations

151of 2012 during the period prior to June 2013 on he basis of the proviSional arrangements so notified by the Commission shall be considered as final and no qdjustmentlrecoyery shall be made on this account for the demand notices issued during the said period

(e) Illustrations

(i) For a connected load of 11 2 KW (which has to be considered as 12 KW as it includes a part of full rWV) the applicant shall have to pay infrastructure development charges of Rs1250- (ie first 5kW R 501- per kW next 5 kW Rs100- per kW and balance 2 kW RS2501- per kVV)

(ii) In case of additional connected load covered unOr sub clause (i) of clause (b) of sub regulalion of (1) of Regulation 7 of the said Regl ilations of 2012 the rates(s) applicable under relevant higher slab(s) shall be applicable To illustrate if the connected load is increased from 7 KIN to 12 KW such harges shall be levied for 3 rWV Rs 100- per KW and for the remaining 2 KW 2~ 0- per KW (iii) In case a BPL family having electric conneciion seeks enhancement of connected load to more th(3n 5 kW tile above charges shall be recoverable at the relevant slab rate after allowing admissible free limit I1p to 5 kV( of connected load For example if a BPL family seeks enhancement of connectej load from 3 kW to 9 kW art amot)nt of RsAOO- (i e Rs 1001- per kW for 4 kW) shall bE charged

In case of applicants to whom supply is to Qe given under two part tariff (ie with demand chages and energy charges) as per the tariff order of the Commi~ sion the distribution licensee shal recover the Infrastructure Developmenl Charges under sLlb~ egulation (2) of Regulation 5

middot of the HPERC (Recover) of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) Regulation 2012 at the following rates and associated terms and conditionsshy

(A) Normative rates Ilf Infrastructure Development Charges for applicants undel two part tariff

(i) Forthe first 30 kVA Rs3001-per kVA (or part thereof) of the contract demand

(ii)middotmiddotmiddot middotshy For- themiddot nemiddotxi-20 middotmiddot kVAmiddotof- the Rs500- --per kVA (or part thereof) by contract demand which the contract demand exceeds

30kVA (iii) For-ihe- exT-50--kVA -middotof--tti~-Rsmiddot1j)601- perk VA (or part thereof) by

contract d mand which the contract demand exceeds _______-150kVA

I(iv) For the balance contract RS20001- per kVA (or part thereof) by

demand if any which the contract demand exceeds 100 L___ --shy kVA

(B) These rates underara 28 (A) above shall be applicable for the demand notices issued or to be issued uncer the HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) Regulation 2012 til 31 03 2014 or till any other subsequent date as may be prescribed by the Commission The amount of normative Infrastructure Development Charges already demanded or recovered under the said Regulations of 2012 from the applicant consumers by HPS8 Ltd as per the notifications dated 291h May 2012 and oih

January 2013 shalllJe revised or adjusted as the case may be as per the provisions of the said Regulations )f 2012

(C) Illustrations

(i) For a contrad demand of 1194 kVA (which has to be considered as 120 kVA as it includes a pilrt of full kVA) the applicant shall have to pay infrastructure development chargE s of RS109 0001- (i e firpt 30kVA Rs3001- per kVA next 20 kVA RS5001- per kVA next 50 kVA RS 10001- per kVA and balance 20 kVA RS2000- per kVA)

(ii) In case of adjitional contract demand covered under sub clause (i) of clause (b) of sub regulation )f (1) of Regulation 7 of the saic Regulations of 2012 the rates(s) applicable under rele lant higher slab(s) shall be appl icable To illustrate if the contract demand is increased from 110 kVA to 140 kVA such charges shall be levied for 30 kVA Rs 2000- pe kVA However if the contract demand is increased from 60 kVA to 110 kVA such chages shall be levied for 40 kVA RS1000- per kVA and balance 10 kVA Rs2000- per kVA

(iii) In case an applicnt getting supply under single part tariff seeks enhancement of his connected load to 3 level at which he may be required to be charged under two part tariff and is also covered in sub clause (i) of clause (b) of sub regulation of (1) of Regulation 7 of the sa id Regulations of 2012 his existing contract demand in kVA (ie before enhancement 01 his connected load) for this limited purpose shall be worked out by applying power fact r of 09 on his existing sanctioned connected load For example If a consumer having 3anctioned connected load of 18 kW seeks enhancement of connected load with cc ntract demand of 25 kVA and is covered under the said sub clause of the said Regllationsof 2012 he shall be charged for 5 kVA RS 300- per kVA

29 The normative rates of InfrJstructure Development Charges as per paras 27 and 28 above are being fixed to account for tr)e charges recoverable under sub regulation (2) of Regulation 5 of the HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) Regulation 2012 and do not include an other expenses or charges etc recoverable as per the various other provisions of the SE id Regulations of 2012 which shall have to be recovered separately as per the relevalt provisions of the said Reguletions of 2012

Extract (If the order tated 304201 Jy Honle Commission




After giving due consideration to the proposal SlJbmitteltl py distriblllorl licensee in their pet-ition comments and sllggestions received from the slak~holders befor and after the hearings on the atJove issu~ on 1032013 various provisions of the HPERC( Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) ReglJlations 2012 and within the scope of sedion 46 of the Electricity Act read with section 42(1) 43 and 61 (b) and (c) the Commission dec jes to finalize the normative rates of the Infrastructure Oeelopment Charges to be recovere( from the applicants lJnder sub regulation (2) of Regulation 0 of the said Regulations of 2012 fgtr FY 2012-13 and FY 2013shy14 and orders that such charges be recovered as per rates terrd$ amp conditions contained in following paras 27 to 29

In case of applicants to whom supply is to be given under singh part tariff (ie without any cjemand charges) as per the tariff order of the Commission the distriblltionlicensee shall

recover the Infrastructure Development Charges uncJer sub-regJlat on (2) of Regulation 5 of the HPERC(Recovery Of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) Regul3tion 2012 (3t the following normative rates and associated terms andconditionsshy

(A) Normative rat~s of InfrastrlJcture Oevelopment Charges for applicants IInder sinJle part tariff----middot ----------------------J-- ---- ---- - -- -- --- ------ - -1

(i) For cJomestic supply to BPL ---~

Nilr families uptO 5 kW of connected

l------ --Ioad - - -- - _ _- - - - --_------_--___- ---_------ - -- -- - ---- shy(ii) For others (not covered in (i) above)

- - -- - - - _- --- -_ -_ -- -- -- --bull_-_ - -__ --~bull------------- ------ - - -~-r -

(a)f()r the first 5 ~fII ____Rs 59~~P~I ~-y ~_~E~-tt~~~eofL __ (b) For the next 5 kW of RS100- perk (or part thereof) by which

~r~~~t~~~Qt~- - -onnecied ~~~~middotwo--ea~~~r~ shyla-nce c - - W~sect~gR- -~~r- - -- shy

_~__ L~ad _~_~~~1~_~W__ __ __ eb~~~~~~~lnnecte~_o~~__ _ _ _

(8) The rates as per para 2f (A) above shall O~ applicable for the demand notices to be issued under HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for SUppiy of Electricity) Regulations 2012 on or after 151 June 2013 and sha ll continue to bt applicable for the demand notices to be issued till 31032014 Of t ill any other sJbseqlJent qate as may be prescribed by the Commission DLlring the intervening period ie from 1

51 MaY2013 to

31 51 May 2013 the demand notices sh11 continue to be issued on the basis of the provisional arrangements notified by the Commission vide its notifications dated 29052012 and 0701 2013 All the demand riotices issue j under the said Regulations

151of 2012 during the period prior to June 2013 on he basis of the proviSional arrangements so notified by the Commission shall be considered as final and no qdjustmentlrecoyery shall be made on this account for the demand notices issued during the said period

(e) Illustrations

(i) For a connected load of 11 2 KW (which has to be considered as 12 KW as it includes a part of full rWV) the applicant shall have to pay infrastructure development charges of Rs1250- (ie first 5kW R 501- per kW next 5 kW Rs100- per kW and balance 2 kW RS2501- per kVV)

(ii) In case of additional connected load covered unOr sub clause (i) of clause (b) of sub regulalion of (1) of Regulation 7 of the said Regl ilations of 2012 the rates(s) applicable under relevant higher slab(s) shall be applicable To illustrate if the connected load is increased from 7 KIN to 12 KW such harges shall be levied for 3 rWV Rs 100- per KW and for the remaining 2 KW 2~ 0- per KW (iii) In case a BPL family having electric conneciion seeks enhancement of connected load to more th(3n 5 kW tile above charges shall be recoverable at the relevant slab rate after allowing admissible free limit I1p to 5 kV( of connected load For example if a BPL family seeks enhancement of connectej load from 3 kW to 9 kW art amot)nt of RsAOO- (i e Rs 1001- per kW for 4 kW) shall bE charged

In case of applicants to whom supply is to Qe given under two part tariff (ie with demand chages and energy charges) as per the tariff order of the Commi~ sion the distribution licensee shal recover the Infrastructure Developmenl Charges under sLlb~ egulation (2) of Regulation 5

middot of the HPERC (Recover) of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) Regulation 2012 at the following rates and associated terms and conditionsshy

(A) Normative rates Ilf Infrastructure Development Charges for applicants undel two part tariff

(i) Forthe first 30 kVA Rs3001-per kVA (or part thereof) of the contract demand

(ii)middotmiddotmiddot middotshy For- themiddot nemiddotxi-20 middotmiddot kVAmiddotof- the Rs500- --per kVA (or part thereof) by contract demand which the contract demand exceeds

30kVA (iii) For-ihe- exT-50--kVA -middotof--tti~-Rsmiddot1j)601- perk VA (or part thereof) by

contract d mand which the contract demand exceeds _______-150kVA

I(iv) For the balance contract RS20001- per kVA (or part thereof) by

demand if any which the contract demand exceeds 100 L___ --shy kVA

(B) These rates underara 28 (A) above shall be applicable for the demand notices issued or to be issued uncer the HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) Regulation 2012 til 31 03 2014 or till any other subsequent date as may be prescribed by the Commission The amount of normative Infrastructure Development Charges already demanded or recovered under the said Regulations of 2012 from the applicant consumers by HPS8 Ltd as per the notifications dated 291h May 2012 and oih

January 2013 shalllJe revised or adjusted as the case may be as per the provisions of the said Regulations )f 2012

(C) Illustrations

(i) For a contrad demand of 1194 kVA (which has to be considered as 120 kVA as it includes a pilrt of full kVA) the applicant shall have to pay infrastructure development chargE s of RS109 0001- (i e firpt 30kVA Rs3001- per kVA next 20 kVA RS5001- per kVA next 50 kVA RS 10001- per kVA and balance 20 kVA RS2000- per kVA)

(ii) In case of adjitional contract demand covered under sub clause (i) of clause (b) of sub regulation )f (1) of Regulation 7 of the saic Regulations of 2012 the rates(s) applicable under rele lant higher slab(s) shall be appl icable To illustrate if the contract demand is increased from 110 kVA to 140 kVA such charges shall be levied for 30 kVA Rs 2000- pe kVA However if the contract demand is increased from 60 kVA to 110 kVA such chages shall be levied for 40 kVA RS1000- per kVA and balance 10 kVA Rs2000- per kVA

(iii) In case an applicnt getting supply under single part tariff seeks enhancement of his connected load to 3 level at which he may be required to be charged under two part tariff and is also covered in sub clause (i) of clause (b) of sub regulation of (1) of Regulation 7 of the sa id Regulations of 2012 his existing contract demand in kVA (ie before enhancement 01 his connected load) for this limited purpose shall be worked out by applying power fact r of 09 on his existing sanctioned connected load For example If a consumer having 3anctioned connected load of 18 kW seeks enhancement of connected load with cc ntract demand of 25 kVA and is covered under the said sub clause of the said Regllationsof 2012 he shall be charged for 5 kVA RS 300- per kVA

29 The normative rates of InfrJstructure Development Charges as per paras 27 and 28 above are being fixed to account for tr)e charges recoverable under sub regulation (2) of Regulation 5 of the HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) Regulation 2012 and do not include an other expenses or charges etc recoverable as per the various other provisions of the SE id Regulations of 2012 which shall have to be recovered separately as per the relevalt provisions of the said Reguletions of 2012

middot of the HPERC (Recover) of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) Regulation 2012 at the following rates and associated terms and conditionsshy

(A) Normative rates Ilf Infrastructure Development Charges for applicants undel two part tariff

(i) Forthe first 30 kVA Rs3001-per kVA (or part thereof) of the contract demand

(ii)middotmiddotmiddot middotshy For- themiddot nemiddotxi-20 middotmiddot kVAmiddotof- the Rs500- --per kVA (or part thereof) by contract demand which the contract demand exceeds

30kVA (iii) For-ihe- exT-50--kVA -middotof--tti~-Rsmiddot1j)601- perk VA (or part thereof) by

contract d mand which the contract demand exceeds _______-150kVA

I(iv) For the balance contract RS20001- per kVA (or part thereof) by

demand if any which the contract demand exceeds 100 L___ --shy kVA

(B) These rates underara 28 (A) above shall be applicable for the demand notices issued or to be issued uncer the HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) Regulation 2012 til 31 03 2014 or till any other subsequent date as may be prescribed by the Commission The amount of normative Infrastructure Development Charges already demanded or recovered under the said Regulations of 2012 from the applicant consumers by HPS8 Ltd as per the notifications dated 291h May 2012 and oih

January 2013 shalllJe revised or adjusted as the case may be as per the provisions of the said Regulations )f 2012

(C) Illustrations

(i) For a contrad demand of 1194 kVA (which has to be considered as 120 kVA as it includes a pilrt of full kVA) the applicant shall have to pay infrastructure development chargE s of RS109 0001- (i e firpt 30kVA Rs3001- per kVA next 20 kVA RS5001- per kVA next 50 kVA RS 10001- per kVA and balance 20 kVA RS2000- per kVA)

(ii) In case of adjitional contract demand covered under sub clause (i) of clause (b) of sub regulation )f (1) of Regulation 7 of the saic Regulations of 2012 the rates(s) applicable under rele lant higher slab(s) shall be appl icable To illustrate if the contract demand is increased from 110 kVA to 140 kVA such charges shall be levied for 30 kVA Rs 2000- pe kVA However if the contract demand is increased from 60 kVA to 110 kVA such chages shall be levied for 40 kVA RS1000- per kVA and balance 10 kVA Rs2000- per kVA

(iii) In case an applicnt getting supply under single part tariff seeks enhancement of his connected load to 3 level at which he may be required to be charged under two part tariff and is also covered in sub clause (i) of clause (b) of sub regulation of (1) of Regulation 7 of the sa id Regulations of 2012 his existing contract demand in kVA (ie before enhancement 01 his connected load) for this limited purpose shall be worked out by applying power fact r of 09 on his existing sanctioned connected load For example If a consumer having 3anctioned connected load of 18 kW seeks enhancement of connected load with cc ntract demand of 25 kVA and is covered under the said sub clause of the said Regllationsof 2012 he shall be charged for 5 kVA RS 300- per kVA

29 The normative rates of InfrJstructure Development Charges as per paras 27 and 28 above are being fixed to account for tr)e charges recoverable under sub regulation (2) of Regulation 5 of the HPERC (Recovery of Expenditure for Supply of Electricity) Regulation 2012 and do not include an other expenses or charges etc recoverable as per the various other provisions of the SE id Regulations of 2012 which shall have to be recovered separately as per the relevalt provisions of the said Reguletions of 2012