Started August 1,1914 Ended November 11,1918.

Post on 06-Jan-2018

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 Started August 1,1914  Ended November 11,1918


Social Science pages1-15

Leticia Garcia

World War I

Started August 1,1914

Ended November 11,1918

Central Powers German Empire “Hohenzollern

Empire” Austria-Hungary “Habsburg

Empire” Ottoman Empire “Turkey” Bulgaria

Entente “Allies” Russian Empire France British Empire Serbia Belgium Japan Greece

Casualties The total of those killed, seriously

injured, and prisoners of war.

Russia TP: 167,000,000

Total casualties: 9,250,000

France TP: 39,600,000

Total casualties:6,179,000

Great Britain TP: 49,400,000

TC: 3,190,000

USA TP: 92,000,000


Germany TP:67,000,000

TC: 7,406,000

Austria TP:49,900,000

TC: 6,920,000

Turkey TP: 21,300,000


Allies TP:478,527,000

TC: 22,195,000

Central TP:143,700,000


In what War were there more deaths? WWI or WWII?

WWI 15 Million

WWII 55 Million

Still many say WWI, since many causes of WWII are traced back to the first.

BYE BYE Empires! Hello States!

Origins and Causes WWI began in Balkans, the small

kingdom of Serbia. Serbia did not like the way the

Ottoman Empire did things, So they allied with Greece, Bulgaria, and Montenegro to win a series of victories.

Serbia wanted to be its own state.

Once upon a timeIt was a sunny day when the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was strolling the streets of Bosnia…..

When all of a sudden….

Who Shot the Duke?

“Union or Death”, a small secret Bosnian serbian organization, sent three men to assassinate Ferdinand. Gavrilo Princip, Stepped up and shot the duke and his wife.

Ultimatum When Austria was confirmed that it was

the U.O.D who had planned the assassination Austria automatically thought Serbia as a country was to blame.

Austria told Serbia to avoid war with them they had to agree to cease all anti-Austria propaganda.

Basically eliminating sovereignty in Serbia

FIGHT! Serbia said no to the ultimatum

because “Russia got my back!” And then Austria was all like “Oh Yeah

Germany got my back!” Then they were all like “ITS ON!”

On that note, on July 28 Austria declared war on Serbia.