-The blockade was taking a toll on the southern economy. -Opposition to war growing on both sides....

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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-The blockade was taking a toll on the southern economy.

-Opposition to war growing on both sides.

-New Confederate strategy: Destroy northern army, then sue for peace.

-Lincoln moves to keep Europe out of war.

- Lincoln never very popular as president.

-Orders draft, which causes riots.

-Suspends Habeas Corpus, allowing unlawful arrests.

As war continues, Lincoln decides to end slavery because . . .

-Keeps Europe out of war.

-Deprives south of workforce.

-Redefines war as crusade for freedom.

Issues Emancipation Proclamation, ending slavery in the southern states?

Eventually becomes the 13th amendment after the war.

- Lee invades the north again.

-The Union army, under Gen. Meade, meets him as he crosses into Pennsylvania.

- Lee’s men arrive first, and push the Union into the hills on the first day.

- On the 2nd day, the Confederates try to drive the Union from the hills

- On the 3rd day, Lee ordered an all-out attack on the Union center. This doomed attack was known as Pickett’s charge.

- Lee is forced to retreat, and will never invade the north again.

-Pickett’s charge is the farthest north the south will ever advance.