WordPress.com - THE BRAZIL MARKET UPDATE · 2018. 10. 1. · Norwegian authorities are also aware...

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The information in the present report will support our DeepSea Environmental Monitoring Cluster

to create strategy and focus for the upcoming challenges and opportunities

in deep-sea science, technology and business, in Brazil and Norway.

Msc. Mar. Biol. Claudia Erber



The 2018 slogan of Rio Oil & Gas sums up the industry’s recovery scenario, with the recovery of oil prices

and new auctions scheduled for 2018 and 2019. Through the congress, the exhibition and side events, we

discussed together, the perspectives and ways to the future of industry in Brazil and in the world.

About 35.000 visitors participated on this year´s expo and conference. More than 500 exhibitors from 31

countries were present, and the event was 20 percent bigger than the 2016 edition, according to IBP.

The 19th edition of Latin-America´s biggest oil and gas event takes place as international oil prices reach

record high levels.

The event brought together the entire productive chain of the sector and, finally, to reach the common

goal: the growth and highlight of industry in Brazil. The motto chosen for Rio Oil & Gas this year was

“Turning challenges into opportunities”. The debates provided in the technical program cover Upstream,

Downstream, Gas and Energy, Digital Technologies and Industry Management.

In addition to the exhibition, Rio Oil & Gas organized several parallel events scheduled simultaneously.


other meetings during the ROG2018.

The Brazilian Association of Norwegian Shipowners - ABRAN, in partnership with the Royal Consulate General

of Norway, FGV RIO and FGV Energia organized in Rio de Janeiro the III Seminar Brazil X Norway, with

themes on the recovery of the oil sector and gas in Brazil, the new technological trends and the reflexes in the

regulation of the maritime and offshore sector.

Deputy Minister of Petroleum and Energy Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde, Norway's Consul General Sissel

Hodne Steen, ABRAN President Felipe Meira, and the Director of FGV Direito Prof. Sérgio Guerra. The event

also had excellent presentations by the Brazilian Navy, ANTAQ and Petrobras.

Innovation Norway, The Consul General, NORWEP and GCE Subsea organized the breakfast seminar during

Rio Oil & Gas 2018. The theme for this seminar was “Digital Transformation – Shaping the oil, gas and maritime

future”. The hot topic digitalization brought issues as the impact and opportunities of digital transformation in

the oil and gas sector. Petrobras, Equinor, DNV GL, Aker Solutions, Kongsberg and 4Subsea debated and

presented their initiatives and challenges in the search for greater digital integration of their operations and the


REC, Norwegian and Brazilian multidisciplinary professionals participated on the 25th, in the launch of the

environmental database, a joint initiative of the ANP-National Agency for Petroleum, Natural gas and biofuels,

the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and renewable natural resources-IBAMA and members of the

Industry for the management of environmental data collected during oil and gas activities. Norway's Vice

minister for Oil and Energy Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde congratulated the initiative and pointed out that

proper management and public access to this data are extremely valuable to the industry and to society. In august,

a delegation composed of members of the ANP and IBAMA were in Norway exchanging information and best

practices in the management of technical data.

Msc. Mar. Biol. Claudia Erber



22 Norwegian companies were part of the Norwegian pavilion this year, and many of the companies, as Runde

Miljøsenter were present at Rio Oil & Gas for the first time.

A lot of opportunities in Brazil is going forward, it is an exciting, but challenging market especially for a

newcomer, but there are many of valuable input from networking with experienced service providers and


Equinor´s increasing presence in Brazil has undoubtedly made other Norwegian stakeholders look this way,

despite the crisis that hit both Brazil and the norwegian oil and gas sector so severely.

Norwegian authorities are also aware of Brazil´s importance to Norwegian offshore suppliers, and it was Deputy

Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde who formally opened the Norwegian pavilion

at Rio Oil & Gas 2018, as she did in 2016.

Norwegian industry does have a place in the Brazilian market. And it is a win-win situation for all players, The

Innovation Norway Pavilion it was the perfect venue to meet, to talk to other norwegian companies and to

Brazilian authorities.

Mr. Stein Gunnar Bondevik, head of Innovation Norway in Brazil believes that the presence of a Norwegian

industrial giant (Equinor) has sent a very clear message to the market: the need of more Norwegian companies

and suppliers in Brazil.

Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde, Deputy Minister of Petroleum and Energy,

Msc. Mar. Biol. Claudia Erber


Msc. Mar. Biol. Claudia Erber






Program (25/09/2018)


Mrs. Sissel Hodne Steen Consul General Norwegian Consulate General

Mrs. Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde Deputy Minister Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

Prof. Sergio Guerra Director FGV Law School Rio

Mr. Felipe Meira President ABRAN

Mr. Carlos Quintella Director FGV Energia

Thinking Ocean - the importance of developing a coordinated and integrated energy policy and the impact

on the maritime and offshore sector

Mrs. Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde Deputy Minister Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

The Brazilian regulatory framework and the relevance to adapt to market changes and technological shifts

on the maritime and offshore sectors

Prof. Sergio Guerra Prof. Sergio Guerra Director FGV Law School Rio

Panel of Discussion: The challenges and opportunities driven by the recovery of oil & gas activities with

growing technological transformations and concerns related to climate change

Moderator: Prof. Patricia Sampaio – FGV Law School Rio

The role of the Brazilian Maritime Authority and the challenges driven by the recovery of oil & gas activities

in Brazil

Vice-Admiral Roberto Gondim Carneiro da Cunha Director of DPC Brazilian Navy

The role of National Regulatory Agency for Waterways (ANTAQ) and the challenges brought about by the

recovery of oil and gas activities and technological trends

Mr. Mario Povia Director General ANTAQ

The role of the Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) and impact of new technologies and lower carbon

emission requirements on the regulation of the maritime and offshore sector

Mr. Lasse Karlsen Technical Director Norwegian Maritime Authority

Petrobras and perspectives for the future, new technological trends and reflexes in the procurement of

goods and services for the maritime and offshore sector

Mr. Claudio Cesar de Araújo Executive Manager of Good and Service Supply Petrobras

Panel discussion

Vice-Admiral Roberto Gondim Carneiro da Cunha Director of DPC Brazilian Navy

Mr. Mario Povia Director General ANTAQ

Mr. Lasse Karlsen Technical Director Norwegian Maritime Authority

Mr. Claudio Cesar de Araújo Mr. Claudio Cesar de Araújo Executive Manager of Good and Service Supply


Final remarks government relations and new regulations are the main drivers for the recuperation in marine

and maritime sectors.

Msc. Mar. Biol. Claudia Erber


Prof. Patricia Sampaio, Vice-Admiral Roberto Gondim Carneiro da Cunha Vice-Admiral Director of DPC Brazilian Navy, Mario Povia Director General

ANTAQ, Mr. Lasse Karlsen Director Norwegian Maritime Authority, Mr. Claudio Cesar de Araújo Executive Manager of Good and Service Supply

Petrobras, Mr. Felipe Meira President ABRAN

The recently brazilian reform has created new alternatives to the norwegian companies bring back investments

to Brazil to increase the with more predictability of challenges. Technological transformations are adapted to

regulatory procedures by regulatory agencies, confirmed by the national court, and the technical competence of

regulatory agencies shall bring predictability to the country and to the national market.

Increase efficiency with cost reduction will make the oil price more attractive with significant impact to the

entire economy. Prospects for significant growth in ocean economy is expected to 2030. The prediction about

double of oil production in 10 years will motivate the norwegian maritime development in Brazilian waters.

Brazil already started modifies values and regulatory frames about foreign vessel’s flags, following the same

agenda from ANP, and the common regulation shall make it easier for the norwegian maritime sector to

collaborate with the brazilian companies.

OECD report on the global growth of ocean economy in Norway and Brazil describe strong potential area for

bilateral cooperation. The energy efficient, low carbon emission innovation and new subsea technology are very

important to the new maritime industry in both countries. In 2023 is expected the final new green shipping

regulation. Norway is taking the leading and the maritime sector is the key player on history of blue growth for

the green revolution.

Msc. Mar. Biol. Claudia Erber





In collaboration with Innovation Norway, Norwegian Energy Partners, Royal Norwegian Consulate General Rio

de Janeiro, GCE subsea, the Digitalization Seminar included the Vice Minister Mrs. Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde

from the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and the Consul General Mrs. Sissel Hodne Steen from

the Consulate General of Norway Rio de Janeiro to introduce the seminar and brought speakers as senior

managers from Petrobras, Equinor and DNVGL. The panel participants represented companies such as Aker

Solutions, NTNU, Kongsberg Digital, 4Subsea, GCE Subsea and GCE Node.

Programme (26/09/2018)

Welcoming words, Sissel Hodne Steen, Consul General

Keynote, Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde, Deputy Minister Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

Petrobras’ perspective on the influence of increased digital processes in the O&G industry, Augusto Borella,

Digital Transformation Manager Petrobras

Equinor’s perspective on the influence of increased digital processes in the O&G industry, TBC, Equinor

An overview on general trends and opportunities, TBC, DNVGL

Moderated panel discussion on how Norwegian industry players view, plan and deal with current drastic

changes in the industry driven by the digital transformation

Mrs. Gunn Vik Regional Director South America Norwep. Peter Jenkins, CEO 4Subsea, Jan Tore Linstad, Sales Director offshore at Kongsberg

Maritime, Raphael Naghirniac, Innovation, Technology and Business manager at Aker Solutions, Anderson Lima, Head of Digital Innovation at Equinor

and Augusto Borella, Digitalization Manager of Petrobras.

Msc. Mar. Biol. Claudia Erber


Mr. Augusto Borella, Petrobras´Executive Manager of digital transformation was the first speaker to share the

industry´s perspective on the topic. In October, Petrobras will have a dedicated team in place to lead the digital

transformation of the company, and digitalization has been identified as a key point in the business strategy.

According to Anderson Lima, Manager for digitalization and innovation in Equinor, digitalization is a key

enabler to fulfil the Equinor strategy of safe, low carbon and high value operations. Recently, Equinor

inaugurated the first remote operations centre in Bergen, with five platforms connected. The company has six

concrete, ongoing digitalization projects and is also piloting new digital solutions.

DNV GL regional manager Jorge Ortiz explained that the digitalization is a process where we go from software

products and platforms to digital ecosystems, depending on asset type and the challenge it is this journey.

CEO Peter Jenkins called his company 4Subsea said their focus are services on wells and flexible risers, and

4Subsea sees a huge potential as digitalization will help them to move from a reactive to a proactive approach

when it comes to operations, as well as reducing costs.

During the panel debate, the invited speakers included Peter Jenkins of 4Subsea, Raphael Naghirniac,

Innovation, Technology and Business manager at Aker Solutions, Augusto Borella, Digitalization Manager of

Petrobras, Anderson Lima, Head of Digital Innovation at Equinor and Jan Tore Linstad, Sales Director offshore

at Kongsberg Maritime.the panelists discussed how the industry views, plans and deals with current drastic

changes in the industry, driven by the digital transformation.

Mr. Naghirniac shared insights on how Aker Solutions uses digital solutions to improve efficiency and

sustainability, both environmentally and economically.

Kongsberg Maritime, has been using digital solutions for more than 30 years, collecting data and making

intelligent use of the data.

Msc. Mar. Biol. Claudia Erber



The inauguration of the environmental database of the ANP, in Rio Oil & Gas, was attended by the directors of

the Agency, the Environmental Licensing coordinator of Marine and coastal enterprises of IBAMA, Antônio

Borges; The Minister of Norway, Ingvil Gjedde; And the Norwegian consul Sissel Hodne.

The event held on September 25 at Rio Oil & Gas was an initiative developed by the IAGC with the support of

the regulatory agencies.

Cristiano Vilardo, an environmental analyst at IBAMA, highlighted the cooperative work carried out jointly

between regulatory bodies such as IBAMA and ANP, and the industry for the development of environmental

data management solutions related to the oil and gas segment.

The Data base Portal will consolidate all the Environmental Licensing data of the exploration phases in one

place, and will allow universal access to this data, which can be used both for society and for companies. The

cooperation with IBAMA will bring improvements from the point of view of environmental protection and will

contribute more investment to the sector, which has been advancing much from the regulatory standpoint.

The agility in environmental licensing is one of the challenges for the oil and gas industry in Brazil. The new

approach, where ANP and IBAMA cooperate is intended to help to unlock the new investments in the oil and

gas sector in Brazil.

The launch of the Environmental Database represented a milestone for the sector, promoting a constructive

dialogue between public and private institutions.

Norway's Vice minister for Oil and Energy Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde

Msc. Mar. Biol. Claudia Erber



The event is growing bigger for every edition, and this is a place where the Norwegian business meet friends,

clients and business partners. This is also an event where authorities mark their presence.

The industry is recovering and there were big players actively presente at Rio Oil & Gás 18. Representatives of

Brazilian regulatory body ANP and representatives from the Brazilian Navy, from IBP and from top Brazilian

and Norwegian law firms were also present at the event which is known as the best networking event during

Rio Oil & Gas. This year’s dinner attracted 530 guests, and it was the 7th time that top executives and top

management from companies like Equinor, Aker Solutions, DNV GL, BW Offshore and Runde Environmental


Msc. Mar. Biol. Claudia Erber




Brazil market is really important for the sustainable use of ocean, responsible use, protecting solutions to combat

climate change and to assure sustainable solutions for people. Smarter and greener operations, green solutions

are good business for the bilateral cooperation between Brazil and Norway.

Green revolution will produce the best business for next energy century. Digital solutions can make the oil and

gas industry future-fit and more sustainable. Both Norway and Brazil are pioneers on the energy, oil and gas

sector, and digital transformation is a new frontier to conquer together.

The UN GOALS, COP21 and National Action Plans shall enforce the new green shipping revolution in Brazil

and Norway. Brazil and Norway need to generate value for all stakeholders. The digital transformation and green

solutions will affect business models and change the business culture. The challenge is to discover now what

will matter tomorrow to transform our ocean economy into a sustainable future today.

Norway´s Deputy Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Mrs. Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde said:

«Norway is a world leader working with digital solutions, and we have a lot to gain from digitalization, an

important tool in making sustainable use of ocean-based resources. The industry must be part of the effort to

develop new technologies, part of the solution to the global challenges we are facing, and we have to make

solutions available on the global market. Green solutions are simply good business. The energy and maritime

sectors continue to be the engine for green and blue growth, and digitalization is one of the many tools to

accomplish exactly that».

Cross discipline collaboration, data sharing and access, are the challenges going forward for better use of the

global ocean. Green solutions are probably one of the most important way to improve the oil and gas business,

in all phases of the value chain in Brazil and Norway.

The future of our ocean economy is also about culture and about our ability to change using greener solutions.

Digitalization will make the oil and gas industry future fit for a better society. The ocean data as a resource needs

to be managed in a responsible way, with a purpose. In a fast pace era, where all of us are in a state of constant

transformation, the digitalization is an important tool to share and to strength the knowledge and business, for

the industry and for the environment.

Collaborative innovation in the Norwegian and Brazilian Oil & Gas Industry shall create a stronger and greener

new ocean economy.
