( The zodiac signs and the zodiac circle – etymology ) acquired from google.com

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( The Zodiac Signs and the Zodiac Circle – Etymology ) Acquired From Google.com


The Zodiac Signs and the Zodiac

Circle  – Etymology

It is already known that in science,

the etymology of terms has its roots

in the Greek names. For example,

the term zodiac derives from the

Greek words zodiakos kyklos, which

means circle of animals. In Greek,

the zodiac signs are called zodia,

due to the word “zodion” which

means little animal. The names of

the zodiac signs are chosen by the

fact that most of the signs are

represented by animals and

mythical creatures of theGreek


The constellations, as they were

described in Greek mythology, were

mostly god-favored (or cursed)

heroes and beasts, who received a

place in the heavens in memorial of

their deeds. They were regarded, as

semi-divine spirits, living, conscious

entities who strode across the


Ptolemy was one of the most

influential Greek astronomers

Even the word horoscope derives

from the Greek language,

specifically the Greek compound

word “oro + scopo”, which means 

“look at the hours”.

Astrologers defined horoscope as

the aspect of the planets and stars

at a given moment, such as the

moment of a person’s birth.

Greek Names of the Zodiac Signs – Historical FactsGreek Astronomers were usually

observing the sky trying to explain

the existence of stars and

constellations. Astronomy and

Astrology were born in the

Mediterranean, as the Egyptians,

the Babylonians and the Greeks

created the zodiac circle, casting

horoscopes based on the

movement and placement of the

Sun, Moon and planets. Greek

poets and astronomers linked the

planets and constellations with the

Greek mythology, naming the

zodiac signs after mythological


The Horoscopes and zodiac signs

of the astrology were organized in

the way we know them today by the

Greek astronomer and astrologer

Ptolemy, who wrote the book

“Tetrabiblos” laying the basis of the

astrological tradition used till today.

The Greeks defined the Houses,

Planets and Zodiac Signs,

rationalizing them based on their


A Greek astronomer, Hipparchus,

discovered the precession of the

equinox allowing Ptolemy to adopt

the tropical coordinate system,

which is used by astrologers today.

The Greek Names of the Zodiac Signs

The Names of the

Zodiac Signs and their symbols with

the order they appear on the Zodiac

Circle Are:

Aries: the Greek name of the

zodiac Aries is Krios (Kree-ós). The

symbol of the sign is the Ram,

referring to the Greek myth of the

Golden Ram that saved Frixus and

Elli from being sacrificed to the

Gods. The myth of the Golden

Fleece also refers to the same

Golden Ram.

Taurus: the Greek name of the

zodiac Taurus is Tavros (Tá-

vros).The name of the sign refers to

the bull, therefore, the symbol of the

sign is the Bull. The Greek Name of

this sign refers to the Greek myth of

Theseus and the Minotaur, the

horrible monster that lived in the

labyrinth of King Minos in Crete.

Gemini: the Greek name of the

zodiac Gemini is Didimoi (Deé-

dee-mee). The symbol of this sign

are the Twin brothers. The name of

Gemini refers to the Greek

mythology and the myth of Castor

and Polydeuces (Pollux in latin).

Castor and Pollux were the sons of

Zeus and Leda, and brothers of

Helen of Troy.

Cancer: the Greek name of the

zodiac Cancer is Karkinos (Kar-

keé-nos). The symbol of the sign is

the crab. There are numerous

theories about this sign and the

reasons why its name was chosen,

but many astrologers associate it

with the myth of Hercules and the

Lerna Hydra, a horrible water snake

with twelve heads

Leo: the Greek name of the zodiac

Leo is Leon (Lé-on). The symbol of

the sign is the Lion, referring to the

myth of Hercules and the Lion of

Erymanthes, one of the first

impossible tasks he had to fulfil.

Virgo: the Greek name of the

zodiac Virgo is Parthenos (Pa-rthé-

nos). The symbol of the sign is the

maiden, since Parthenos in Greek

means Virgin. According to the

myth, the Greek name of the zodiac

sign refers to Persephone,

Goddess’ Demeter daughter, who

was sent to the Hades to marry the

King of the Underworld.

Libra: the Greek name of the

zodiac Libra is Zygos (Zee-gós).

The symbol of the sign is the golden

scale that is associated with justice,

equity and balance. It was given by

the Greeks, who considered Justice

a deity.

Scorpio: the Greek name of the

zodiac Scorpio is Skorpios (Sko-

rpee-ós): The symbol of the sign is

the Scorpio, associated with the

myth of Orion. According to this

Greek myth, Gaia had sent a

scorpio to sting Orion, because he

was boasting that he is too

powerful. Indeed, the constellations

of Scorpio and Orion seem to chase

each other in the planetary moves.

Sagittarius: the Greek name of the

zodiac Sagittarius is Toksotis (To-

ksó-tees). The symbol of the

Sagittarius is the archer. However, if

you look more carefully, you will see

that the archer is the Centaur, the

Greek mythological figure of half

man – half horse.

Capricorn: the Greek name of the

zodiac Capricorn is Aigokeros (E-

gó-ke-ros). Capricorn is symbolized

by the sea god with the head and

half the body of a goat, and the tail

of a fish. According to the

astrologers, this sign owes its name

and symbol to the goat Amaltheia

that took care of the newly born

God Zeus, and  nursed him so

lovingly in order to save him from

his father Cronus.

Aquarius: the Greek name of the

zodiac Aquarius is Ydrohoos (Ee-

dro-hóos). The symbol of Aquarius

is a young man pouring water out of

a jug. It refers to the myth of

Ganymedes, the young lover and

protegee of Zeus, who was serving

the Gods nectar.

Pisces: the Greek name of the

zodiac Pisces is Ihtheis (Ee-

htheés). The Pisces are symbolized

by the two fish in different

directions. The sign is associated

with the myth of Aphrodite and her

son Eros, who dived into the sea

and took the forms of twin fish,

trying to save themselves from the

Typhoon, a monster that wanted to

harm the Gods.