Post on 29-Mar-2018

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HENRY CLAY,r.f rtmucKT


= 1f_J-* Two Thousand Poi r<D» of Br«»r:-r Tvpa» late in n«-*

on thi- paper are for tale. It will be »"'.<- i" '.H--M.-. to soilra-rcha-er». No or.ler* -»-. ill lx» aU»ii<-«-_ toanlf-- >c .om.«_i.«-«-

by tlie cauri. The Type u» from the foundry >jf G^tz* B. .«».

__j,d j* in good vnier. Price jo cent* per round, cash._.i .-

ßr-J^* For an .Istocia/ion Jlrticlr,w First Pa.»-.{{T7- For a>i Original Poem vn Capital punitkment and

an interesting account of a Brother cf the Pc*. Keats, fromThe Dial, see Last P-i,".

liicentiouanc». anil Crime.If we have not joined in the general eon demn-

«ation of the verdict of acquittal in the case of

young Mercer, on his trial for the «nurder of He-bcrton, it has not been because we did not per-ccivc at once the radical of thatverdict and the alarming nature of the conse¬

quences which it involves. In effect.for we

cannot believe a man on the Jury supposed there

was any other Insanity in the case of .Mercer

than in any other where a _____ is driven to the

perpetration of a rash, violent and criminal act bythe magnitude of hi« supposed wrongs or the

phrenzy of his revengeful passions.this verdictis a proclamation to all who arc stung by a sense

of insult or injury to redress their own grievancesby bloodsbcd.and homicide, and look confidentlyfor impunity from the laws. It is a license for

the private indulgence of those prompting» to

punitive or retributive justice, a« it is called,which tlie Law.appealing to the lower instinctsinstead of the higher sentiments of our nature.

has bo long cherished, but in the gratification of

which it has hitherto claimed a monopoly, or al¬

lowed to individuals such gratification onlythrough ite o*.vn tardy movements. Nov.-, how.

ever, this restriction is removed, and every hot,

impatient spirit is virtually invited to redress hisown wrongs, real or fancied, and to unite in his

own person the summarily exercised .unctions of

inquest, accusation, trial, judgement, and execu¬

tion.And yet, while we hold in abhorrence the ele¬

mental ideas of justice on which this portentousfabric is reared, and insist that neither Society nor

the individual has any moral right to inflict punish¬ment.above all, that of death save as a mea¬

sure of self-defence against imminent, deadlyperil, wc cunnot unite heurtily in the general cen¬

sure of the Woodbury Jury. They were men.

husbands, fathers, brothers.what husband, fa-

tlier, or brother shall judge them harshly T They«saw the wrong done by Mercer ; but they saw also

the deadlier wrong done by Hebcrton.wrongwluch unfaithful Legislation, the offspring ofa corrupt Public Opinion, enabled him to commit

with entire legal impunity. Here was the root ofthe evil. Hall the homicides committed iu the

Country spring directly from ihe blight of Liber¬

tinism, which is corrupting and d< ¡»olating the

Country. Had there existed proper .md just lawsfor the punishment of the libertine, Hebcrton had

still been alive, and the _oui of Merrer unstained

by the guilt oï lú» de-truction. So m u hundredcases of homicide, occuring day after day. Weare accustomed truly to regard the prevalence of

Murder as a fearful thing : "What execration, then,should wc not visit on the heads of those Legisla-tors who wilfully *«ersist in shielding the destroyerof female virtue from legal punishment, and thus

open wide the floodgatesnot merely of Licentious¬ness hut of Murder ? Let a long t-ugçish but atlast awakening public cons_T__i__ iu_i_u» answer*.


Glorious Whig Victory In \lb-__-y !

We are greatly indebted to Messrs. Fomcroy &Co., and especially to Capí. Fitch of the steam-

boftt » Mutual Safety ' from Bridgeport, lor theSecond Edition of Tuesday evening Journal,forwarded by our Albany Correspondent. &Preceive from it the very gratifying int--''tgeiiccthat the Whigs have carried the Crjfftbl Ciljj bya majority of nearly*J*üUS»' a* -he last

Spring Election the I -«-'O-Foco Mayor was elect¬

ed by six hund~'( majority ! Friend MüMPHRBY,tfit- V-3-Ig candidate, has now a majority of 2631They hare, also, a decided majority in tlie Com¬

mon Council. Tito news of this victory.achiev¬ed in the faco of a fierce and unscrupulous oppo.sition.only less profligate than that whichdefeated the Whigs in thi» glorious and

refreshing. The following arc the majorities in thedifferent Wards as nearly as they could beknown :.

Wards. Whig Maj. Wards. Loco.Foco M<n.IV.179 1.13(1'

V. 50 H. 71Vi. 77 III. GOIX.186 VII. U

X.14.3 VIII.10UTotal Whig, 635 Loco-Foco, 372Whig Majority,.263.

.T New.Ued. oru>, Mass., elected her offtcersOM Monday by nearly 400 Whig majority. Lastfall, 50.

¡LT Columbia County has elected 8 Whig and12 Loco-Foco Supervisor.a Whig gain of 2..-Hudson gave 82 Whig majority on Supemsore.HT (»REENK Country has elected 5 Whigs t0

6 Loco-Foco Supervisors---- Whig gain of _?.

tt_T Mr. Peabody, Editor of the Boston Bulle,tin, was severely whipped ou Monday by one Win.P. Winchester, who took offence at some squibwhich had appeared in the paper. Mr. P. as.

fated him that he was not aware the article con¬

tained any thing offensive, that he did not writeit, and that he would remedy the matter as tar as

was in his power. His brutal assailant, who isabout four times as large..» Mr. Peabody, seemedonly tlie more enraged by this, and struck hin so-

vcrely in the face. He has been arrested.

O* The New-Orleans Tropic suvs that altertlie escape of «..raves, the Treasurer of ____s.__.pp_,his wife requested an interview with Got. Tucker ;

and on his calling, delivered to him a packs**.containing $96,000 in gold and Treasury Notes,together vrith a. bundle of State Bonds which hadnot been opened. The Secretary of the Treasuryhad issued an order Motioning the public againstthe Bonds.


Whig Victory..It is stated that, in Munrc-eCounty, Tenu., at the last election, the Loco-Fo¬cos had four majority. Since that time, fiver-eifsons^ who voted the Loco ticket have beenelected to the State Peniten tiaiy, and one is aboutto be hung for murder. The county mav now be**et down, as a Whig countv.

OCT The Commercial says that John Tyler hasremoved $___wi \y. Downer from the Post Officeat Norwich, c_nn., and appointed E. C. Chap¬man, a thorough Van Buren man, in his stead.

.P" The Bo*ton Papers state that the «Se«.tarvof the Navy has just given orders for the cou-structton ofa sJc-op-of-wa. al^ Charleston. Mass.Navy Yard immediately-

Tlie Klee.ion.More complete returns _how that the Loco-

*'oco majority in this City w__s at first cxagge-ated, but it is still monstrous. We have to thankiur opponents, however, for their forbearance inlot making it 20,000, when they might so eapilyíave so fixed it. Voting once more round wouldíavc done it. Here arc the result- :

FIRST WARD.Whig. Loco.

Hauor.Smith.m-_. l'A Moni«. -

ilderrran -»Clayton.9-_ Ni-«ill. 813âssisCt AU. .Gr.i-a.%'A .Chailick.023

D^rotf.53 Mickl«*. ''.>

Bah«.__ B-y-nl.71'Cobb.U.K.( hi. Loco-Foco toi«.)

SECOND WARD._____.710 Morn.» .1"-

r Wa-o-ihall.f-,3 Asnera.í_0'Ncabít.TO Mc_a*-_*i.î'3.B.c'-hou*-».673 Bloom«-..-64



VhyoiJiiirrman,1st is!ant.Collector.

Mayr..11¿> rtr.cnAssistant.CofXector...-setjorj.

Cotistahl: «


Mayor...AiderT.anAssistant..Astessos s




Morris..WhiteWir-rbir,-F_r«»tCol'.Fowler...Norton. ««--

GroetfC-ÎUJ. 675


Smuti.uso"Dunntüi..\V>1.D"-r. irn.*_*-_tcll.J.2-. BarriA-.1J30.A. H-l .1.79.«Allison.IK..Mill.IK«

.FOURTH WARD.Smith.we* '»ion-is. US,W Hill.-13 "R. M.rnn :.-.-.

..A. H«H.«3 -D. T.WiIlum- t_7.J.C. F-iilkn»-:.. «01 »E.B.FeBo*«--. _33.

ATeraee Loco majorit.- inr.FIFTH WAR!'

Wmc. Loco.Smith.13C3 Morrii.127».Adams.1235 »Tillou. 1300.Ward. 1271 »Patter-on 1201?Ch-pman ¡-."i »Wood .1230

T.-ii i-vek. ... lion Ackrrmin. ir>.*«, .Runkl". 1207

beam. 1272 Trot y 1267

A .ruas«' Loco majority 2t.SIXTH WARD

*»mit»i.77ft Morn».Croliu».733 * E-imott.. 1171

S!.-.!--Atwell 7S3 "Henry .H7.


Atstuors -.



Mauer Smith.1671 Morn»..20»Merman ..Hwt.IW .*>«-*-».- .2"t-Attittont_Mrtcwell.VffiCollects_(.riflith.I«1Adatas.laX

F«',.' .l-rtS. !.»"..1717Fid .l*">-i

LIGHTH WARD.Rmitli 2152 >!"'V"M¿ermañ...GeAaey... -21(tí .Vaiidero

-7,.«-i*_r»r Sweet.2103 -Brow.,Colle:!-¦ ..Mofe .»«gDougla.1 un_J .«-¦.»,.. Bl-ii-elt .212.'' '' «. ,.._.

i olinerry .. 1053 »Smith .&&* uniron l"'"

NINTH WARD.">. Smith.1162 Menu.AUermttn. Muir 1319 ; J» ... ?"¦.¦;,

.-.,-, ,f.r»f Voorbi«-.. US« -J.B..Smithjtssxstan* -)o___tl_.,ri -,,; ..,]....,TENTH WARD.

Smith ...... ":fi Morn-,...Bradford. .110. »Pnrdv ..

Taylor.IHR "Ward. .-.

ELEVENTH WARD.ir_y_r. Smith.638 Moms .20022|__t*-_-- Biabop I0W :»1''f""'Smith.«S3 *D'mI.-.Î-63

TWELFTH WARD.Smith.507 Mom. ;.Carman. 535 .BrçToorl --671AUerton.-20 .Jack-on. 672

THIRTEENTfl WARD.Smith 819 Mom-.I;»5lA. W.-White...960 »Bocr«.- --*2fîE-quiiol. '81FOURTEENTH WARD

Mmvo. Smith.'«.' Morn,.l,*'f'. î.'a/r M.I en ."ScoU'i.'-'H


MayorAldermanAmi slant


MnilmAltverman.Assistant ..

Mayor....1 titán.

-Doii-h-rtv ... I'«».E-CUik..2«15.Way.-050.»Timp-OD ...... .20J-». Jr.tKi L'<:',!'-Marah.-056


.Gbodrich .221.




Atfist'lAld He»iry Durell... 950Assessors.. ** All.'u.oi'.

.Taylor. _-*iCollectai -R.»:«'ivrl|.0J7


.7112ii i


Dayley. 9'2Simmii.. '1

."..ail/"'Aida taoni ".'¦.

FIFTEENTH WARD.Smith ..... .HOI Morris.7ft«-

*Brady.1385 CoddintrtOD 731- Wortendyke «;'. Tliorn«.~xBlack. jj«

Common Cotuicll.Tlte following arc tiic membon of the two

iioaidis kiiown lo have l___.ii elected.the Whigsbeing italics :

Assistants.Oliver Charliek\Geargt F yetbittIWilliam DadgefD-vid T. WilliamsRobert Patti.n.,Thomas S. Hairy».'liarles H. Do-f£i_rt_jCliarh*. T. I'i.imu ,..

Isùc B. SmithJDanielWardI« -_ -. J. UlllU'fDavid S. JacksonWilliam Q. TtoggiSamnel NicholsJames D- OliverWilliam C S'«ni!i

t«Iam«'& Pettiftre-

rVard*.I. .


IV. .

V, .


Aldermen.Edwin B. Clayton

.*Caleb S. Wood',-.ill

. Smith Dunning

."Robert .Martin. Francis it. TillouJohn r-uiirvm:

.fJama-« Na»h

. Das id VandoirvoorlIX. . ,i>YilliamD. Watermvi


'K.îijili F. i>nh-A;'l--ain rrVni'iaH-nry Brevoort

.»H-zrki.h W. Bonncll

.\JohuJ}. Scoles

.jlt'i'Vium I'. Brady. Pilniu '! (jr. Rasvson.?Frederick R. La»a»

« Aldermen last year. I Assistants do.Total.. L. Focos.Aldermen 12.Assistante 11

9WhigsLoco-Foco majorityVotr for Mayor, Aju-il, 'I«.

Wan!-. Smith. S9 Morrii1.146II.710III.1189IV. 889V.1303VI. 788VII.1GT7VIII.-l.V-IX.L462X.1170XI. G3SXII. MlXIII. 819XIV. 9t.<SXV.1401XVI.xvu.

for < ; >.emor, N"o» "i-Bradiah. Bouck. 9-4


... 747.1264

... büß


... 884



... 10.39.l_23_î

... 778

... -.19..1007

... 971






Total. .15,819 21,657 19,975 22,01Morris's ninj. 5,838. Bouck _maj. _!,'_17.

Bokee, (Win.). 8U


I-iooklyn,The Election in Brooklyn on Tuesday seems

to have l>ccn to «-omic extent decided on other thanparty grounds. It resulted in the election of a

loco-Foco Mayor and a WhigCommon Council.Tlie majorities fur Mayor aie as followsWard.«. Spi '.'if. (Loco.)First.Second.173.Third. *>

Fourth.Fifth.450.Sixth. 28.Seventh. 69.Eighth. 60.Ninth. 8Total..7780.....469Loco Foco majority. .311.Tlie following arc the Aldermen elect :

V.'u.K. Wh,.».t., ,..I.Peter Morton.(.. <». Van Wagcnen..II ...F. K. West. ..'"../R.V. \V. Thome11! ..Peter C. Comcl!.W. A. («rc-ne.

IV.Scth Low .

F F. Brigham .v.Thoe. J. GeraldThoe. S. Dciiik»:^ 1.C. A. .JacksonSaznL Smith

VII .John A. Cro-a».S-jniuel BoutonVIII.M¡menus Berger

Wm. BurbonkIX.Hcnr\* Boerum.

Melville Keisey.Whip», 10 Locos. 8.

In the 7th. the election is disputed.17' Mr- Gi__n_>o.\- xkxt _-_ec*t___s is to he dc-

livered this c\*_-_ing at NiWo Saloon. All whoarc in any degree inte___ted in the curious andimportant subject of Egyptian ____ia4uity should.ittend lectures : as so fa\ .rabie an oppor¬tunity of becoining familiar with the iuston* ofthis people does not often occur.

(_J«- We tik»- j>lfííuie ia c-dluc; :¡vf attfauoa of oar

rcadt-rs :.« the noiice ia another coluian of Mr. B.-adbur»."»Juvenile? Mi..ical Fettiral lor Wedoeaday evfain**. Tho_»- ho i__<-__-rd. th«» pa?rtonn_ace> of hi» voaüi; Siaçcrs a ttat

»¿o in tîic TabafniacJe, »»ill _t».-.i no urpoç ro art-rod thisFe-tiT_J. Mr. B. is a popalar te.cher pf M_»ic. «ad «re

dc_fc- not but hi. anaottacemtiit »»ill dxa«* a (*__..?»_«_; hotue.

Growth of the "We*t.Co__icrce of theL-s-ke««.

Col. J. J. Aeert. of the U. »S. Bursau of Topegraphical Engineers al Washington, ha.» been fasome üme engaged in collecting and chssclymjthe Statistics ofthe Commerce of the Great Like«with a view to the cxriibition of the growth an

progress of the Great West- A friend just fror

Washington -rive? us the following striking factiwhich he obtained from Col. A. and which ma

be fully rehed on :

The Export? and Import.-; of the rc*rioa bordeiin*-* on and trading through the Great Lakes wer

to the value uns. In ;-

Exports..$_,3-24.3'> 832,342^81Imports. 14,137.026 33,4*33,^141Thu? it will be seen that, while the trade c

other part» of the Union has been greatly d.mir¡shed from its -palmy state* in l**3-*5. die Tradof the Great Laki s has nearly tpusdntfilcd in fiv

vc-r*»: In 1836, the Imports of the West wcr

six lime* the value of its Exports: in 1841, titlatter practically balance the former. Suchthe unprecedented growth and extension.of th

Mighty West.The returns for 181- are not yet ¡»effect.

Brut ni Asr.auît.We anderstand that as the steamboat Muttu

Safety, from Bridgeport, came to the wharf lai

nicht, one of the hands employed on board starte

ashore with a trunk of -">ne of the passengers.-Some of the insolent, rutnaniv cab-men, witwhom our wharves al .vay s abound, think-.n^ Unhe was.interfc.ring with their business assaults

him. and the other hands of the boat coming I

his assistance and the whole gang of cab-men ru-«!

ing to the spot the fight became general- In ih

melee one of the boat hands named Gcor-r. .ua<

kenzie was most severely beaten and now he«» o

board the boat in a very dangerous condition.-Sevcral of the cab-men were arrested. The nu

sanee out of which this afFai* has grown is one <

lornr standing, and has for months demanded t¡¡

prompt and effective interference of the city ai


Arnold's Lectures o> History..Mr. Wirehester publishes this morning an edition oí ProArnold's Lectures on Modern History, whichuis been received with no general and unqualifieapprobation throughout Great Britain. The at

thor died within a year after his appointment a

Professor of History in the I'mvcrsity of Oxfor.t-o tiuit this single croarse of lectures is the solremaining evidence of the promise with which hilaboró in that highly responsible office were con

rnenccd. They are distinguished, however, *.

being among the ablest and most philosophic nr:ductions which that department of tfteraturc hi

produced during tli" present age; andjomed withis History of Rome and other publication»«» lifemark the author a.» among the bes! historian <

any country. He united lo profound lcarninand patient industry, an i ntirc freedom from pre¬judice, a «-¿iliii trust in < «od «md the progress t

the Race, a sound judgement and a liberal spiritwhich arc the essential requisite a for a sueccs»

ful historian. All the leading reviewR of CrtesBritain have spoken of nil work in terms of th

highest commendation, and the Editor of the pri¬sent edition, Mr. J. G. Cogswell, in a brief pr».lace Bays that few men of the age have given premise oí such future greatness, and none of sue

future usefulness as Dr. Arnold. The work ipublished in an octavo edition of 48 pages, andsold at eighteen pence.

T»«w fíii»!.- ro a ö-toi»v.----*Ti»e Wood-toe;N. B.) Telegraph gives the following accoun

j of the arrest o( Âr. »Savage, which has cause

euch a commotion in .Maine :" It appears that Mr. Craven, who is one of th

Deputy Sheriffs for this County, Was-authorizciby a writ to arrest ¡Mr. Daniel Savage : that liproceeded to the residence of the said Savage, oian island in tiie St John ri\rr. about eight mileabove í'¡*-h river : that after Savage was arrcstethe claimed the privilege br an American citizenwhen Craven told him that if he were an Am1 rican citizen, and resided on the American side o

the liue, h*" would not trouble him ; but it wa¡

necessary ho should be satisfied thai such wasthicase, and offered him every facility to procunsuch information as was compatible with hi:('raven'*» duty; that if any of the authoritiesof the Americans, cither civil or militan*, wouhsatisfy him that he Savage was an America1and resided within the limits of the State o

.Maine, he *-hould be released at once. This wainot done, and Mr. Craven with his prisoner procet ded down to the Little Madawaska, where hiremained all night.''He w.ts arrested the next day and examined

and bound over, according to our previous ac


From Yucatan*..The schooner Margaret Ambrings to New Orleans dates from Campcachy t>

March -ÎL'lh. The soldiers and citizens of ( un»

pcachywercin liigh spirit.;. Their gunboats wen

seen twenty miles al sea on the 26th ult. The¡Mexicans still held the heights, and bombardedCampcachy daily without much injury. TinMexican fleet was at anchor offPoint Dcsconceda.They had landed ;t reinforcement of 3,000 men on

the 18th .March, who marched toward Merida..(.n tlie I9th 2,500 men left Campcachy to givethem battle. On the 27th of March the Cam-pcachians meant to attack Lerma by latid andwater.

Murder..We learn by an extra from tlie Delà-ware Republican office, that on Saturday lastJacob Cannon, Esq. in Sussex county, Delaware,was shot by Owen O'Day of that neighborhood.He survived only until Monday at 3 o'clock..The provocation, was the alleged improper collec¬tion of a small debt of about $18. Mr. Cannonwas tmongst the most wealthy of thecitizens ofthat Si ite, and di cid< dly the most wealthy inSussex county, and has always bornean excellentcharacter. The murderer has not been taken.

Tüe People's I...»._..The boats of this n«jtcdline are now in thvir usual order for tlie accom.

modation oi the traveling public on the NorthRiver. The steamers Rocuestkr, Socth Amer¬ica and North America arc too favorably knownto require any description of their clc-r-nt andextensive Cabin, Saloon and State Room accom¬

modations, speed, &<».. unequaled here or else¬where. It ni_y be worthy of note bv the travelerthat m the past season the »South America made228, the Rochester ."4 and the North America200 p usages between »Vew.Vork and aggregate distance of 97,800 miles.withoutloss of time or accidents of _ny kind.IT* The X. O. Republican savs that W. H.

Shelton. late President of die Br_ndon Bank, re¬

cently committed suicide by drowning himself inPearl-river. He was somewhat implicated in theatF-irs of Graves, the d^tdti-tg Treasurer ofMississippi.

ft?»» Tii-» ntaaeea ,;f Stuima -mocutio» let. *_ inon T»tr_d»y to rial .v.«! -.-¿-mine ih- ie»»_t| -__cti cf ¦_ .._

frr-a vaoog which thi> A«_-.»ci_ti.»-. pn.pov-, to idee: a D'¬il.a lor tu han r-wi-W«. ___ bdunral pm-,ut»_


The*will «xob_lj nCBZB _r»d n-port tbov. t_c dot-, of rMxt neesi

Xcto=Tc-_ April Ml

in the Sfe-ATE, Mr. Strong teporteà a b:ii infavor of the petition of titc Mayor of >"ew-_ orkand others to amend the assessn-ent laws ol this

City- Mr. B.__-T__rr prö__t_ed a written rcport-ipanied by a b.iil to provide for the employ-

ment of Conrzci.- m Mining, cutting Stones, «.---It was referred to a -Meet Committee to reportcomplete. Mr. Scott, bill to provide for thepavment of the State Debt was reported by Mr.Porter, but a motion to order it to a third read-

in., was lost. A reflation brought in by Mr.DixoN for lrpairin.: and Imgtbening the Lock at

Black Rock -... The bill to amend

the Militi. Laws then came up, and Mr. Portes.*ssection -_____s__i__g imprisonment for military fincswas ___¿t_£*__d. tl was supported by Mr. Porteron the ground that such line was in the nature ofa debt : -ind all imprisonment for debt liad beenabolished. Mr. F< i _____ ».-ported it on account

of the dneqt__J operation of the law. Mr. Root

orip>ed it, and ch irged ils friends with an unpat¬riotic préférer S mding Annies to the Mi¬litia. He si; ; they often indulged m d_ri_son ofin;.- constítutional forcer -lie denounced this se¬

verely, and Mr- Pcrtl*r made a sharp reply. Theamendment prevailed, end the Senate adjou-ned.

lr* li».<- As EJIBLY, a bill reporte«! by Mr.Wheeler to establish ____brin fees for c'.erks m

cases of naturalization wa« ¡5__-_ed. Mr. Hlb-pard report*-«! in favor of reducing the tolls on

Salt, i. "-.I and Lead, to mercase the revenais ni'the State, an«! the bill ».va? referred to »'nm.nitt.eeof the Whole. Mr. Lee reported tU~ fc-U relativeto the Rôtir Inspection ..i this City, with amend¬ment*- r___,ihg th«' fees ¡Mr inspection on .1!! ex¬

cept barrels, and restoring to the bill the sectionsauthorism«. th«» appointment of three additionalInspector.:, without the power tn appoint depu¬ties. Tli- bill ..'. ¦- debated ..t t_i.g__, and underthe previous qui Sti ¡i .v.l.- ordered to a third read¬ing.70 to _0. Daring the debate on tins bill a

very violent [it.-'TuI quand aroîc hv-wten Mr.Lut: and Mr. Mc_\Ic_A_r. Mr. Lee accused the

- of having pledged to Mr. SwacJ-hamcr hissupport for Flour inspector, and then forfeitingIn» pledge. Mr. M__»Icrra- pronounced thecharge false, and wa pr.ling ih a .train ofvery violent abuse, >' ¡¦¦¦m he was peremptorily or¬

dered by the Spe tk< r t" sil down. He said, how-a.'v r. that Mr. S !¡ "1 repeatedly besought him to

give him hi- support, but that lie had uniformlyrefused.

Mr. Mc-.I_-.f_A. reported alai", m. the petitionto repeal the Militia I a__w and substitute an Enrol¬ment Mr. Erwin moved to recommit, with in-t.-.'-tion? to rcpörl 1 provi_*ioñ prohibiting anyperson between the age oí Id and 1.3 from earrv-

ing arm- ci military equipments in the City ofrîew-York for military, parades, under a penaltyof 15 years imprisonment in the Stati Prison,This, with the report, was laid.n the table. Mr.-Viieeler reported complete thi bill to provide forthe payment ol( ontraetörs, by issuing $300,000of the S-00.00 authorized to bo raised by -hcactofl**!--. Mr. Strong moved to appropriate thi$84,000 iioiu tlie i'iiiali«: Land Fund to this pur-por>. : Los.. The bill ._»-then laid _«*,d». to bereported. The bill repealing the Nrtr-YorkCriminal Court hi,!, was referred to a Select Com.mitte? to l^pnrt c*c«mp_**te, Thr bill to amend theact cow-cn.injj Costs and I'tes in Courts of Law,on its find passage, was rejected 41 to ->t T!:rHouse then adjourned.

Tii .DAT, April II.In the Senate, Mr. Denniston reported against

the pétitions from Root, Montgomery County, fora law to authorize the eramil ____.___»___.___ to

bring into use the riil-r-red calla, in said coun-

ly. Mr. __3o_D_n made a niinority i_>port. Mr.Srn-î-r made a written rejMiri against the bill to

incorporate the Hudson Hirer Railroad Compa.m/. The report \vas referred to the Committeeof the Whole. The bill i<> pay Contractors thencame up and was debated till the adjournment.

In the Assemdm', the hill appropriating Ñ.'ittOílfor the continuation of Mr. Brodhcad- researchesin Holland was taken up. Letters from GeorgeFolsomand George Bancroft, speaking in terms«.i' 1i¡it¡i praise of tlie labor- of Mr. Brddhcad,were read and the bill passed without dissent.The sail bill v. ta then discussed until the Houseadjourned.The Mend. Mission..Rev. William Raymond

and wife, who wcnl to Sierra Leone with the At",ricans of the Amistad, have returned, we per.cciv \ in the schooner Ida, which arrived at thisport a few days since. They have come here,we understand, on a Visit for the purpose of re.

crtliting finir health and explaining to the friends. 'i the mission its situation and encouraging pros¬pects, with a view to return to their field of laborafter the rainy: season is over. Mr. Raymond,accompanied by Rev. Thornaa Raston, an Eng¬lish iu;-»-':<") irv. visited Kong Thomas Tucker at

Kaw-Mcndi, who residas about a hundred millsouth of Siena Leone, som«. twenty-five or thirtymiles inland on the hanks of tlie river Jong, tom akc :: négociation for land, __c.s preparatory tothe removal of Mr. Raymond from V'-rk. SierraLeone, with the Mendia.*-, and the permanentestablishment of the mi-don. They were kindlvreceived, and the King with his son readily con¬

sented to leasing land near the village where heresides for the purpose mentioned. He waivesrequiring that the present, as has been usual,should be in rum, powder, «S-e.. and will receiveit hi other articles or in coin. The present,amounting to about one hundred and fifty dollars,he should, he said, distribute among the t\\rChiefs under his authority. The annual rent ofthe laii«l required for the missionary station willbe "¡i.' hundred and fifty dollars.

Ins__.kection of Negroes m Havana,.A slipfrom tii«» Charleston Mercury, dated April -th.contains a letter of the Is*, from Havan -, of whichthe following is an extra« r

"An insurrection of the negroes employed onthe Cardenas R&ilroad .«-.»ou pía.-«- .1 few d¿v.i u^o.They marched into three sugar estates, and aftersetting tir«» to the bouse.*, increased their number-to over 1000; but they were speedily put downbv the whites m the neighborhood, "aided by a

company of regular troops. The last a-rco-lntssay that no more difficulty was apprehended. .Soactive were the whites, that when the militaryarrivd they found ncer forty of the negroeskillrd. and the rest surrounded by tlie white»- andnot darin;, to adraste«O* The Temperance Societies give a -plendid

Soiree at the Tabernacle on Friday cv__in-*..Prof. G____»a_-____ will deliver an Addre«_. andMr. R__s*_ LL will smg some of his most popularSongs. There will 6f course be a full attendance.D" A man in disguise, on the 8th. entered the

house of Mr. Ichabod Norton, in Edgarton, .Mass.,and with threats of death, hr-uniished an upliftedaie, torced the inmates to surrend, r all their mo¬ney.about §1000.

3-T A man named Ivory Dana at Canton, nearBoston, committed suicide a few dav3 since bvhanginj. himself.

BY THiS MORNINGS »MAIL-'.'crrripcndt-nc»» »if th«? Tribune.

Fim-.tPELFMi«. A;'rtl t_*-*-P. M.The bn-t:-»-- st th«; B<j»ir- of Broker» to-lav tti» to i lînîseti

.ntr-*:. ***.*>>'..._ bond-, «r»- -nil ht»»»;,-. Fenn>?I»«"»n*-' Ktr»-*wer«- otfe --' i- --1 but bo ...k-T- IheifiQ-^nDS*-*. the -lie**52WY K-::*"-«>- bonis .tr 5o ; S!'»«X» Truant.-.- bones ¦«: :>7 lu

sha:-« Sehn .'kill Na*.i_i:io_ at Ä ; I1-do. niilad»>l--hi_ it .1 ;',: do, M u» -sios Bulk at _*. ; t do rhth'I-iphia in. TrentonR iilr9-d «t 55-Th-- r-ttni;--lt* Bmk hi* Wn r»-ceiti'_. a lire- amoral

ofswek to-day ¡ncWrat, 1 va tola, to a speedy r-.-.un*t;>ru»n.I feat _ot .

TV «ht;- lv»'*--' Faltoo has j~t cct*im-n.;~l «h»chan:inj:hfTteo. A -.'ran.:»» proce»».!»-* th:».Q-^ .,.* .->. »i i »if-».-- of the COirf*? '".'I C'-ri-.-ott« di.pllV OÍ

.b- rhil.TÍ-!;-hi» Fi»-m»-n on thr ÍT:h nit. i» th- n««n-{»».vit*.T.:,-...,.. makers, -,»iiti*rr». and oth«*r m~ch_nic.i! bt_

; the »m' w] ch amtot fall short of StÑWO «* S**.,*»! I

.»»,..- . .-'.. '..-. MÍ-» of the .-líf-r-T« tint » »-i::ip-

f .....--. ,« ,».-.....: ti-;«'-i t". .!.-.- <---i.-.- tii-ir «him«.Th-*- i» * ;-.:.:¦:! v. .***«¦ Each.S«*. »:¦". which I fiada«..;!».¦ may oft-un - *¦ *.. mi* i-.-i. *--.**. « swot-d, tob»: p»*e-

.-v.-: to i:-..:.-: >T*wk*?_-*iV, as « t_tîtn mi J .¦.¦-.<:>. i

behalfof tbe ."höailelphia merchuntî-. rvh-.t- t.» rht-c-ir--_ .:i«iit .«:Ti.--.- m th- S--»m»».-- .-I-*-.*

», ..-.- i; ,_j , ..,.»h.» l.'l-rl«-.|*t;i. Bir::«rit|>: f.-ttrt. thrxtt.»n»'.- publish .1 li»t Oj all th.«"-? »»h.» ba-i -i» tiled »h'-'tt.It .

the Act, A*«' tr,.«» hace neglected te /vk their

\ .,.¦..¦ irk ia rnornins l"r N-«-

V--kTh- l.-_i-i'.t'ir--. * .' Monday for the

i »*...*. rnnt'-r. but th»» (i'v-rti.-i; ii'-f nt»-

..- the pri-Bus to the lot« I¦-i ..! »..!j'»itriu'd mitil Thtii-.-1'v.

Th»» « ommitteeto whom** ¦. -'r-i *.-¦ tabbing ..

Mr.McGotnut ieport-H veste lay moniins nnfavorable to

McGovt i- r»-»-"ni'ii.Ii tg hit expulsion ftoni th- H >»>»-. Ai ¡.-i!,-:t debate «proa*; u**i win-'h « is pending when the Il»u»'

: nrned.A -. i.ii:vc :-l ft ttJ» f-1-i-i.i 11-' . -. ..'in--. It til* " Muminv

T., ." the - ».- of the Olympic Circtis, dead. ("une. m-

rationAnoth«! diisrtceltd hsh* occurred bet«v-wii K>me of -ur lire

¦-.;,.- .--il...¦....¦ i ¦ ii .in

From Montevideo..From a file of Montevideopapers by the Lawrence (*o*>elant!. «re obtain a

lew more particulars of the state öf affirirs in the« --!. nta! Republic.The <_n.....:*_n'cr* <~-'; '!;-c 2d w February, by de-


fuli executive power t't Rivera, the Pre.:-'if. [twasupon this «hit the new ministry

.'. formi d. V.i.-'j'i- .*. was made MinisterofGov¬ernment ¡ind Foreign ASairs; Munoz, Minister ofFin -nee ; Pacheco v < -h-. -. ¡Minister of "*\'ar andMarine. The President himself was to take thecommand of the army in the field, and GeneralPaz would remain in command «>f the forces ofthe capítol, with the ülteöfCbmmaridaht-General.

»\bout 5000 of tile cavalry ofthè iiatich d fore» s

were between the city and the enemy, who were,.is has been before stated, within fifteen leagui - olthe capital. It was said .t!s<>. that 3000 more ofthe ¡VIontevidcan army were upon the enemy'sflank.The ßUi_osA vreai! fcr- sin< ulonia, had com-

pelle-' .'.'I tlie inhabitants, foreigners included, to

wear the fed« ral colors, and stripped them of Bucharticles of their dress as were of tlie obnoxiouscolors, blue and jj-rccn.At ar; curly hour on the morning of the "2d, the

brig San Martin, of 18 çuns, belonging to theBuenos Ayrcs squadron, was discovered on therocks at the entrance of the Montevideo harbor.Although assistance was rendered by the foreignships of war at anchor, al! efforts to pet her oft'proved fruitless; and she .»ras snbsbqhchtlv aban¬doned. Five bo i!1- tr-ip tK .¦. >*v then boardedher. ai:d succeeded in carrying away two carton.ades and a few ston.», notwithstanding tlicv were

fired upon by the sehr. 9th July. The bri^ wouldprobably become a total loss. [Host. Adv.

COL'KT I AI.F.NI!.M»-Ti(.rii-r.».T.StrrF!Ur»r» i 91» i'3, SÍ, -Í.5, 59,

I 86, 91. è, 5, 6, T, 10, 13, 16.Common Pleas.-*»Nos. 91, »14,51, &2, 63, 64,

65, 67, 69, 70. .

C 1 T Y l N r i. LÎG r. NO E.- Wedmcsdat, April 12.

lT. S. Circuit Court..Before Judge Hetts.**»orrù vs. Th'- Water C »inmi-ui.r-..Action for ¡a*

Tri i_.-m.-nt of pott-nt t..i iii-ti-liiiif A»r bofin-; watT j>i-»»*->, (al-' lu>U<l ïo j»»if-nla», ). Additioi-iit* ¦.vi_»»ii*v «,v*_ j;'.( ;-n!..-«i inthi« ra-if- It vtill be r»c»>t»»**n-«* Utis f»»n»n<r»on.

FoLicc Orricr:..Scsrieio.*» OF v.v t.VTE.VT toStkal..A ntau ttani-»«i Spiiik, \vh«« sai'l ht* cam»» l'rviin Can-aila via tln-.Ni»»» Ba~«*fi b«>at. tvliicli -ti« iiot tm»». wrnl t.the Aiior lion««»»-».- .. i- an»* 'ma o'clonk tltii morning;riuiçtb**lj II. t«>. .t'I'ttir» ¦.' Èj -.«Jwanl I lift the officer oftl.. ii...... lad -I--.-II nil il tobe »li.util hi* room, "which he- -»i «I »4.4» No. '¡T. 11- -»» there, when he l"'-i«'i«J it occupi»-ll.\ Capt. Hallet, uf Bo-»ton, the rightful po-uesüor, of.Arhotn Sjimk claiinii] the room, jayintritwai In.. Thi« thei ¡¡it mi ii -nii-il, .t;«J resotutrl») laaintaliied ¡i.iloio »thenSi.i:ik pretenilctl to I""»» ,-: lit« rpotii- but being it i'.'. lud I \

« lift w.ts i:iiit"(l !.. th« office, tsli.-i.- tin un. ,.in¡ lie had.i»-.i!ii- nain.- ind pa"l adva u:.-. \«Ui,.|i ¡ ¡li'i kne»* t-i !>.¦Til».-. Sii-j»-».»f».i-_ r!i^ UI.-.-1 ..I* .i-i int-.iT tu »teal; CI ift hadhiifl i.»!--ii to tlie \»;tt.-Ii hottie; -¦-» It.-..». he -¦'!-'. he ïlred it "*»o165 Mi'.ti-ili street, bul unhappily for him the tenant ofN--. lii.i Kli/.-t'i.-tli itretrt w-i. pment. »-»¡¡" disavowed allkuowledge it' Mr Spinb Th« mon Ing he wai committedr.i prison foi in attempt toateál froiñ the utor II.AiiKi.u o\ » PicfockBT..A noted pickpocket, who

.rave die name of K i--\ ml Simp-ion, «.».» arre-tted but ui,»rlitl'-r A-i uttHimit ti> pi.-k the pocket of Joh»i Teller, at tin-meeting in Tamman*) Hill. Si»me time lince, tin » in »:¦ \» is

convicted i-i th" Court of Session« of rlii» citv, under thenam of Edward Hammond for picking a gentleman's p"i*k«-tof « 1 tru»- amount, Imt escaped by means of i bill ..( excep¬tions. ^Inr.- recently he »»<t« caught in Plilliili-lplii», for

. pickings pocket, but contrived toefcape eiieuce alio. II»»waa colnmitted ¦.¦. priion here to »:..»4»»»r hit attempt;

MONEY MARKET.Sales nt the siotk Exchange, .*» prll VZ.

St>,000 N Y Stif.-i,\. ',- 1021 08 'I" i!.rtwickBk.. I.»ii.lim ¦!.'NY S*t-.,*, V». li do Ohio L «VT Co W13 ¦¦.-) »1«» do.. ,....92 R do Cautou Co.lit5,niH) do «lo 7\, Vi toil 32 «I» do. 19.'.'"'1 tlo do 5 "-. 'CO 93 120 do It It. IT*

:. Ohio .','- !.".-." C7J 100 do .Î.».-.r;»id^ 171"t'-'i ili dö....ÜG0iUGl* jlOO do 'I«..|7J

I .'...i do do.. .U67iil0 li-.N.J. K It. 871,000 it-> -I" 57123 do Mohawk R It... 2Bt

.i" il".>.7( .. Jo «i.».»30 -I- 'jn;00 K *-.«..- . .".»,* 'i. do «!u.. » 60 d» 231

'..-.. !*.-. ... .m. 91 M do Util *» >'.!.. II. llj» .!" N .'.tl B'-. 50

-ii n mi n \rr>.Ihi .., i-i-I,,,.- Mr-chinics Bk. ... 671

PiiiUi« .st»n k Í_xcÍÍHiif*;«5, ApHl îî.Sl,t*00 Ü. S. '-i I I >. 00 do do »[ml. «,7i.n-0 do .(.. 1-30 ds IC3i 1,000 do do Im-.v »,7(.WH) OliioO'., I860.. «T- ..nui K .'.'. .r.',èl.iiMi tlo do..'. G7J .,i««i do do. K,l

d«i i¡.... ...n»» 67 _.U00 III. 6*s, *70.>-,tI.IHIO »I do nv« : * 000 .1" do. -'t'.'.¦ii do do..¦:. ii-!.tMcVit Bk.. ¦»,1,000 '1-- do ....nw 671 23 dot inton Co. »>-o.l» |-»j1,000 -I" do ....!i-!.-7» 4. .lo Harlem R. .060 ii, 171

.¡0 do «lo. \'i150 do do b3fl .!, 17J30 -Jo I. I II

»-" do do .ii« GTÍB.Ô00 do do. 671

00 «!'> «I". 67<I ooo Jo do... »nt» .,.'

»ECOrfD BOAED.00 Ohio 6'-*, *60 07i| l.otio Kv. Si\}

!.'H>1 .!«> «hi.. ¡ii-t 67 8,600 U.S.5,J, ->2. X<in nn!'!'»'. 137-1 »M! í;

Conin*i«»rcinl nitd .*I»»i«-y Mittter-t.U , »-M.»!.,», P. M.

Tb-ir- Wut a nvxi-rat- butine-a ' rb-- B»»-tr«l ''.-<! it.

at ttT'n 'iri'>-. Si ". T'- improve«! i |»-r c«rnr_ ; j'», i; Ohioii'. decli "--I i.

Tii- Sen B-»ard It-Id theii first in » »daj in the R.->-tundaofthe Exchange, ft - .. f '¡:fl tliat tbe reverb_ratic_-,-.,. -r- i« rii».' tii- "p»-M-i -n proceeded ttitli difficulty

it as ; .-»lit concluded -'n,- this nlace of meetingnuij-. be aband.I. The merchants .v i not regret thisvery much, .'-. dhry think the pixtiti lain« -1" the RtXuada i

¦.¦-. .t-.ii th»t after paying $lâ pet aanumforthe use

fit they »honld Ii».»«- toe whoU n-- of it-We nudersta.d that the liabilities of th-Osweço B?.^k

are now only alitrle over SSO.OOt)» Th- Bork« «b»w a

I-..« i*. inît-J fie** than $20,000, so that it.» ability t-> re-

tusne will drpend «».tirely u\rr.i :h- goodjtats and converti¬bility, of ir» assets. M'-»: t';'i-»-. it is believed, will bere tized iftht Bank r-»«nn-. or if the Directoo are »»-rtnit.

close its '.rC-ur». Tli-Btik is now enjoinitd, but itba» done cotliing -.i ce the «n«p-rt-»ion >*lii«:!i it c-ulñ notI» **¦ done uu_r an iojuiiction. If tb»» Cbancellot »houldi.-:iil that it i» n-wi.c--_-4.y to »j»-»-.! it a R-r»i».-r, the Bi-ikmar h« agai i itartrd; but it n not yet k *.»v*. : »»li-tt will L»..-hi» dedsioTf.

Nothing Cather ha» b»«-n 'li»»:'»T»»red it -.lation to thev»...- ib -.»^ ...f Shipma-i. the abscondi ig «-..r.i--.'. I» i« now_-i-r-.Il_v ».i;i[,.«-d that he i--«.l írti Ired himself by«»rj-a'id ether gambling, _:i«J that he in*dr his etca]»e tn-jr»» toavçtd th<» c.-tts'-'pi-iic»»-. of this tba» to ab»o:id wich th-

; i hi, p-;..-..-.i-ii- Ai intimate frimd of bis had r--

centl; drawn a pris»-. <-,d Ja«»..b h-td drcampl lYw.i tle»'-"ii' pi-*-«' »f z'""i luck had befallen him. Si-ic- thi» it i.w.-ll I_owq he nas ip-nt ccmiiderabte sutn» in thtt m«.»»tdes-p-TmXr of all spectxl.ton-, and il u f.-_r»».i _l»o at otherbraacheaof gambling. His fiieuds now ar- r-;uh to b-Ii--.- hirn min» »»b-ii ii- t»-«t «w-ty.^:,v t'tiin- rattt-r tha,-,thi: h-hi» ditaprH'iiit-.l [heir firm" coiinoViicr ia hu ¡« We.believe aoo. has gooeia pursuit of him. O..-ot two ûers «hich have cum»-' to our kaowled-n c-.-utuïvio-jic i» if hr *r_l n-jt lort all pii_eip__i of h-jn-iTtv. DunneWednttdaj die ¿ay he h-fr Philad-lphia. Be ord-V-d all th-brokers* packages tobe »eat to a f.i-_d', offi«-»», uuttexd <jfo.Il-cti.-»^ riu-tn btt-_--lf. a* wu hi« practic. H-th-u aer-lected (orob-tJily purpos-ly) to go for tle-m. ar.d trx.k bl»»-at in th- cars. At the l_*t motn-nt a m--.i-'nsr*r from hisI ; trud r.tBc- brouçh: then» to him. This look. _ if hr didnot intend Co grasp all he could get iato his t>os»ession, and.béa rua away. If this hid been the cas., _ would have


held on :c Br^b»; *-d -_ea_-__T_ aosrv. wî_i_, S. l-_d____dr-i over. Another c.r_-_ai___erl_ _-__:.A__n»»d.his «m tb-.t day lm**»»*--«-«-*- -»-m *.*-.»*-_ ù_a-_ to* taie ___?fa-ir 4 cons-àrr-bli" __BC__t CO thi« City. çjt. « »ecep_fá__!j»-Il i? n the ___.».*.. This _m «i cl^e^Cu**--.w J_ç^**a»other, dun cr four -.-"«.-rat tirr»«-*. t<> ilo, Vot «*t _; «J_[.hli^r. ro r»*-rir. it. We «re m_IIy .. hor«-. thv. j^»il! tnr-.i _p o.r of _t*t»*--_ days, less cn«_ia_ {^ t.|^/Í*and nuf.irtiin_.ta-. *

At _ucti<»-i. -I (_>.* Mei_____U-* -«.cr-lsj-r lh» folKi-rN- _j_of »:.»<._,» wep- made : ^*

loa thjjr-t G-_-«__. F__ li»U'-_ic-. «it a S.

$C do North A*-*»rri_ui Fire Insurance. *{_»__iTh.- N-- York G_» tight C-tmpaas h-»»- declar*, , JJjJ

d__t. cl" four -ml half***, cent. r.y.t-1»» on ihr ]_ v.."

The Mcc!i«_'.ic«' B»*ik of Trenton three j**«w

J*_»- Th«» person hnvitiç; charge of this <i"{_.t'nT-, ¡^b*T_ connu-, to th«» hon»- t'.'r «.ver al day» p__t, &-{ .¦*_*___ at hi» pott, -»a »» ill <-*:«.<-.-i><r to ktx-p the recori cf .v_mark-*« « fall .«-i«! co.rvi-t ¿s i*. has heretofore b«-ei>.W. .'.'p« th- Revie- oí '.h- Muken fr._» »h.. Pmc. t__.

rvnt. which brinca l-rtî «i'iOt-tHttlS ¦__ ciwuign nr. to »i,umoraine» To«_aj th«te has h»-»- s moderate, v acttv* v».itess. Wr h-.\r "of oiil> «mill »il_» of G«--«*M-. .'i... u?>-'> ."»?¡. _]_Hc_gh »m.- hoM-i- a»k «"..» ¿0. «.curhr-iafina at <t I».». .« i T.». with »ai-» 700 bbl*. H »ir. s-....'Ltd Ri.-h'iio, il Cc-atry at4 75. A r-art.] _f_0O_blOrli i..» fait etnamoa brand soM tu «.».«> ». <. ot_t ^V\ s..' «old at «M 75. Rye Flour lu« ».>!_ al .. &. » ., «¦;Win «t A lir.- sal. i'Wli».ir «n mi«î- coam».«»

the caro» of t-hillU-, i-«*-»*rri_vu «.«m-? tirria Mac»., ib.«11,000 bush, »dich ha» Ih-v-.i taken for roillinç ¿t j ¡Kick.boiing port u '.'.': ¦¦ cash.We also hear of tales 1500 bush. I .-, -, xl j¿ cnt¡

measure ; 1500 >1 > «t W .»'.».., 1500 >! N.-r'h Rtv,r ,; v|.¦-ni». ». i;ht. _-orth RÎvrt 0*_« II «¦..___-, _. crqt»-i!- » 1300 -'i»'.i.l» V»..; i'- .". a»t_tSto_o_i

.-. A Ir*1- Hin __»b-*a r.«.-»-i««il. Sal»300bal-, it 5. cents i «d won N o th EUv« tt the same tat._.-.--,:. Î5Q0 l-'.U. Crnd- Whale Oil oa pnvav «_.,_,m.) .HK> .!.> Soath S-a d at 30 c it«. A -.It- of .wNorth ('. 'i¦."» Tiir»-»'iti>i.' -t *?- 50, _. ti mmo. ¡t«.!« ».p,.... ,t 33 c-nts. Sales 100 bbU N"e»--Otle__tt Wbulc.« «

.1 c'nt«. A »ii'iH parcel »bout 3000lb«. m tl»-.dered Talloa »»«-I taken it 7-«*eut_ «!.<.... : .|¡»..,..., ,,

ciiod demand for hotn« »«.. S-al« 1_»,000 to 30,000lbs g?. > ?» md. cm», f.'r tin« «:.»*.- seed. TUaothi «.:»

<il-«. A cai«_*o »5000 bushels St Kitts S-ltsoUoii ??,«.irttl mspirtd. lVorbi«_»_i _. Ten l-ru-, r.»|»»ci»Hv MmPerk, ..!" »loch lb'.ir 3000 hhl>. I«««.' been s_W a« .? i« %ii'i.-lii.'l'iï l_-îO bbU. '" ¦>.' '! ll»«'rrd II"-t Juna». Thr-»4.ket closed it'1 25, that -etnç offend for mor»*, $,¡-, .¿i

bbls. OH Prime Pork M *^'*.¦.*'',. aid Î00 N'« P-i_*,-_lOld Mess is held it8 50. L » «i ¡a-rather b.ti r. _.. ..

tie» wli - '.,,Vl' - .; ö. ra- 175 bb-» at t1 .-

Krom the Shippins Lût ofj-csterday.lie view of the -.ew-York .ilnrkct,

is tin. iiiKti: rw» ratccEDixaWt dmkjdat. Aaril "

A SUES.The wles of Pots -re U 1>M- braad ..' \»».7 _.

53 I.'; 55 !ri Tlmre ire no«» (è- or n . in fi->» h_»__.but .un'"-- art -li ..''.. txp -*...' dw H id»_n at tlrr lu: >..

... be¡ _ i| u Al_¡;iiiy. PearU in- aomiii-:1... i..« here beiui» held a_oei> the n«-» i ofbn«-_rs.Km."*. Ironi '.* '. .'" *» a 11 ' F>* !.-" '¡H-. ¡'. i:\,PKKSWAX-.V'"!''ti -: " lbs rather i

Y.II..W «t -» cent» cash.< I > \ T.. r ".r.-i.M :¦.-.-.. |_rill_Il' uij i, l!» rr jn_t i<

fn|l ;.,i.,-. 100 to -i--* N*"-'-' '-'I h.-- be-mi-, on pri» ite tenru and iX-ch-ldrbn*! »ecoadqtulitj L1.pool Orre', from i ml, equal w ?.' K''. ' mot,

i OFF____.Tli« markel reinaioj «lull . »ii- uottc« nlr. .if..m bas:.« Brazil, at 61 a Bi o-iiU;-__ Lipujm :i»..f;_3ruin. :: .i rt ; IW-rreen Java, Si i Si 100 Maracaibo, Xt :|, \mo».; ind 150 St. DominKO, »IceiiU.cs hCOPPE-t.New «<li»'-'!ii.i'{ !» » it £2 cut», S 1:1011th«.

Purchaser of Old see »» tit-i. f"r a li-*8- »-lei unoiit-c«. litmcti I'll irsd «\. EOth in»COTTON.TltfiH In« l»»-'i m iciii.' alemind. clued-1*

. sportation. «ml price», with 1 very ,lr"1 mirU-t, h.ur m..irroved »ithiu a ».»'k about on» -»'.h of a ça-nt. ¡^,

1!>. Tlir- ..«Irs -mhrici' -. H'-' bale» Upland uni Kl ' cents ; WU Mobile i a 71 , and 20- Ne» 6rl___Uj '1 a I .'i%:' !¦»!-¦The urn »I» have Nth frotaNr» Orleans. .«"-I -air».Georci» .

-OilSmith Carolina ....... MlNorth Carolina.

Tot-] ........'.ill hak

T ital [rnpiirti illtcs !.-. Ids!.:73_ Ml-,.Bxpúrt. from l«t to "itli April .1171 biles

î:\_a»rt fron» the i>.tt«"l States.Siiu*e 1-1 Strnfembq. It-t.l.i-V.'..Same time last year.... .W.-l?S.'.i-n.r..'i-.!! Rr.fii ¦.


DOMESTIC GOODS.There » rath« more ii»i'iity.butt¡" improvement ¡11 price*.Export from 1st toiili April,

Cotton (.»"".I. .tt- t-aclo-jt».DRUGS AND DYES.Sales hav_been m ««le of \,f*> II».

Atn. in Bird Pepi«en at 17. cents, cash ;-J ton« S .hA.h.from ill- i.-»-. I (."it ccpt-J S3.3U pet 100'lb* 6 ino.. Uciwi

Dye, tOdöuriUie K.J. Rhii'ianlt 70 ubis No. I Castor OilLic Dye, m .in pifor '»l'int. ami ¿1 bale. Hondiltas 5-__ai>flrllU m trr-i. b_

!.."(!. I Hulla , , ^ .nYF.WO(jlls»-'-W.» Itn'.v ol r-J »a!«»« of m«.ití(mlr. táli.uiv rarlatUm in fh«' ni-irVt »in-«' uilr.reiaut of .attirai-.}- las'F_AT_J__R8--W- notice a »al>- of í,*6_ lb_ very iul'etiof

i Liv»' «.t»«»»».- at 131 cents, cash.FISH..Tin* demand, ^ml Mndy _-iierill\fitlli

¡ eqoaJ tu it.the -nlç.« include ¡,-On iiuintaK Drv Cod »t Ü 1*1 ;«0 l-blf, fíékled Balmam C-íhH »tore, about $12 25 : linj \*i*.No. I Halifax Mackerel, S3 ii . and IM No. 3, S-. leivinsn.Dn r..| ,,r M,,t;ka'r«'l in tir»t hand-.HIUIT.There haü_ been sale. of500_-_a_*B-_eh___i___s,

lair export, at Si 7n. loug price ; 'jW «1«>. in tots, $l _é a SIM.IMQ ilium. Tnrkey Fie«,'. a *>} c«-iit.«. _n b-H«, Silber.».».}ItrOO iulVt,un Potto Itiro t.'otyoa Nut». 59 per M. ; is.'. 1...1I,Dafi^«, part poor, 2 a^i» cent^.all ca>h ; aud 203 !>«» Bran1Niil«, .¡, It-» i>er cent, for cd.ii. Pea Nüta ai_ $.»_»:« atav» intwl. .

FLOUR AND MEAL.Price, of Canal Flour are l^et»,llltfllor. llrx a-llf.« l-«t FlI'l.U laUl'llilU ibOUt I.W bMs. _l_f»

j «*erat *>,i 37J. ih.« market . I..«m.. _r-._ilil*.. with a.ifl.W».-alemaitd fur imni-dist« u»»* ¡ t 1 y<) Michin-ui. î.') 2_; »»«I if*Oliio to arrive frtUn tTlbaiiy '»i-liin n fe«* «1 »v». _.î ..*. wbbU. tin hoop N'-*v V.nk < ifv brnuuht Si R71 a$}j_0OFan.Mills, $_ ¿'. ; 200 common brand. Ohio, via New Ottpans, Î*I." . anal about 1000 fan.i do. 5v'i 371. Southern,eicept_»e«_t0town, continues scarce, ami prices of most de«criptuui_ lut»fiirthei improved I2i cm« ; rhr sales include lèverai lnitiilr«.I.I.I-., ai *l»;2Í . 'lOO.Io. Howard »treet. 1'iomthruliari rt ;>i ; 1 300doiSi751 000 D-andcwine, -i JOafJ'. '. i«-i AJetamlria <! SO a -1 ..-> -, and wo Wchmond t-' f.i 821 .1 'I T.i N"-¦ tli Rirrr R*e Klour «.»II» at S? 75 ¡adJrr-r-v, in lot«, «»:t a S3 12». bo hin!.. Brandi wine pörn Sl*vtold,Saturday, snppo-e«! at SI*.50; 20do. ye«t-rd.iv, ..¿"à.delivi.;.¦.! .111.1 .1 loo hill«, of the same, 5- 75, all '^h , com-

tnou J. r-.«'\. 1.1 bill«, commands B-t_0, '«n'l snperioi S- i_l, cub.Bx'iorti from Kt to jth April.

\\'li-ir Kloiir .. ... I li¡_ \ibU.(«I.AI.N.Th«'iii.ir_.t continues bareof westeiri \V:^i¡

which is in quick request, saj .11 about$1 per bushel, rtstksseason approaches vih.-n abundant neeiptsof Rye, O it», tors,Sec. may li- cxiiected frpin ilio interior, («urchapiei Hr»> *n_-<

«-aiiiioii»lv la ihpplj iminedutH wiint» only,audwoerallf*,declinin*; prices; nnotatiôns fï-t '':*¦ 'i"»- b^imt ara»i»»-

cessarily somewhat nominal, but are manned a.« near t< ¦.."_I«» to tin- rat.« current ¦»' the dote of business jrwterdaf, Xibushel« .J«'r»a'V Rye sold, to arrive, at 621 cents: ¡00'lo. on ta1*»paît, 70. both 'Saturday; and 1000 veaterday, heia., t¿, cub.VAX) bushel.« North Itiv-r B ul«»\ . il. Iiv»i»b|«. at Albuiv, i"MitII cents -soírte p-Vrine li-f i» lH.1 at I3, Th" «ales «if Oi'iare u.imo lui.aii.'i, Nnrtli.-rn, to ».rrlw from Albany j'arutî", an«! die residue very riear that i«rii-«-; 1.00 «joutnem, v s

K', lioiial... very »ii|«--ri«»r. 33. all Saturday last; ,!ib.«a'iiuMilr.North Ri.ver.on the «i»'t solq in lot, at '-«t a 30 cents; sadirr»ey, _. a -»i; tlie best offer ,it the «-If«-.«- for «orna- S<-u'h«-rii »ll'1*»was 22 cents. Th>- rec«'i':i« of t-otni and tho." a-xi*c(od »vith-111 a day or t-<>. ai»- lar«*«', bur %».. believe m a.'îy !i n**at«jfi. «i"OaTerinK has bet.11 »old, priiici|«ally for au _.a»tern ni«_-_«,

closing at »aitn»-. décline in i>rir.*s: ihe tiaii«acli'iii< embrace It«**)bushels _»«_sw-Orlearu at .'«l cents; i>oo NortJia-r:i,|iartto~rnif..2 a 55; raTi't-i» Soiitliera; il* * ¦>¦>, weight; '«i-hi 8oq._e4~t-.a5t,measure; and of Jersey, 3100 at ú 1 _-, -.»«»iKbt; .»ml -lO- of.51 .i.'»7. measure. M barrels small Norih-m \Vliit-- Ewtn-o__t_«. JO;and 10 do. Marrowfat, «¦¦» ¡.»t bbl.

Eijiort, from 1st to -th April.(.'orn.IM b'ii'i-1'-

I1ÀY.L'oom ratf.»_ from 50 to75 cents i-'i ewt. ->i-»'<-North Rnvr sold Sa-txtrda*/ a. .3 caitt«, Vi-i»"? f«'i iba wat »ins^ in tlrat hands.HEMP.We notice rales of 80 bales fair dew-njtted A-w

call at S105 ; totisclt-aii ltna.ia. ¦? !i'_, r, m«>.., and 'ft b-l'il"'-1..11 oil private t>-nn«.. ,, IIHDES.W« iwticeaaie. of IIOoMmitevi_e-,(ölI*iJJ*,{

«».lit.. > tno* merchant ible . :_V) _..avl Bu-no» -.».''«.».(-',th.'Hi. a, rlia-y run ; lOM.Maracaib«», ?,l. lwthtim«-».lWKl^i_J««dFlorida lti2_Jdrydo 0 r..,h m«»rrliinuble. awl Iwl«*-*rican, on terms not made public. , ,LEAD.We_mowofnos_eofMr_müriJaceW«i*eT«'-«m our I .»t. íiioo puta have arrived thi. w*-. ,

MOLASSES.Tlie market continue» beaty, with a Hai'tío ofhdfa cent. TI« ,1!.» iu,;lu.le 3T.7 hhd<. and tt* |Jfi'i."! I nt)» it friction r.\-r 13 cf-. ; _r,.i-)n plions aiid-flW'New ._~r_a._».a2l: R»hhds. Porto Rieo, __i ***i_*_?,_tanzas, W; m Ntterft-u _7j and of N-w Orl-an«. i:toHnJ-*» *.

tes. an.I TW bbls. ?f)i. all 1 u,.,.. / aj »r.** of___ hh'l»- _a_'«> J.», |i|.f truv.-.l. m« previously«NA VAL STORES.Spiriti T-urpetitiiie 1» i<> I?« _f2

atourquotatioM, Wr have heard of notranjictioo»¦du*'port-qee i.i any other article.OILS.Wliala- i« ,.|-!lty and dull, 1...mi.ially at »«a*-??

»ut sauen since our last. American Linaeed i« firmer ; .JJJJCotintrv to b.' had below W, emit, cub, has b-.n piircl.*^jay I a 2000 niions PliiU'1-lphi- at n a si cents. A f"* <»*Olive brotisht SO r-nts., ca.«h : an«l 20 ca«--. f'it esiwrt.».'n"r.V.',.'.'.rI i'f" '* ;~baali^t, ar»» airout out of lint han«-!. _. j

PROV*i»5|«-)N«._Tlir. markr-a for all «kicilptio-- »"£firm, an«! with 1 eontinded «r*rii|.,ri»«.Umand and w-."-_receipuof B-.-I'in.) Pork..price»have further m-terull.*.«** ».d, say 25 30, ^a.U ¡_ ,«:i---, 75centsoer-_-.« '.''¦j*'taininsát the close an m.wHr.J *emi-»ncy ; the ira~4*:t«*^'li...i_li iiiitii-r. have not b-rii ter, btrgc, l"'i":,'."*',T0, aai indi»i-i»i;i.,u on th- ['art «if .i.>l«]e.t to >»'U otner»*small parcel« ;.the sale, of »!«.., Beef have r___ed fioei**fa: Prime. $175a$5:new Ohio M.,, Pork. _-i_5wÇ-**i |lucluHln-f 1000 bbl-, yt-sterday, deliverable on 'he oír**-**?the Canal, at «.*) T.v-.',o«*/ iir-ft _r 59- Prime, 871_I»C5old Mess. »7 75 a S. .... and 800 bbl,. old Prim-. S'a 37i Jλ»«1110 W--* Lard has '»... <.m.. .. arce, ai-.'l prices have teeptttoga.aeent from their neatest d-ffat-esai«-«.100 bbL. N".-_fat ',' cents , «-.'-i d.,. No. I. A a ,: : »m«! TOO I«-*., ii «»ici-1* .'

The ial_ b_s_L. embrace 270 ttrrees Pîekled Fl«m. at .-'^no ehárge for tierce, -'JO bbl«. i!o. ii ; -0«. bbl«. l'icbled W*%d'r,, _ ; «i,«i 20 hh._. B-»-f R->iin.l«. 5. Fre-h Butter 11!J**iiov» erri»-. frrvly down the Hudson, an«l «-»Hi moaler-ajf' .

16 .1 I. ceats.-J>o_t *<iri ptckatretKOOa old Wettern «Jiwys»*« !

j ber-i mija_i_»ed for ex|.,r at II: 112..».l_e stock of B--**' raho that of Lh»e__., j. icaln_a»«J i«ry low.

Export, from 1st to -th April. /.,B-ef. .ftîîb-S.

Pork..'.'.I.!'* bo-'Lard.''M'jkrt!^ai I

RICE.Tie* market i. without anirrution , some 2Wf*^hare be»- »old since our last, atpieviou» rai>».SALT.We knoiv of no receipt.» or wiles since o-ir UH- hSKED.S. Fr-- Clover ,, taken pretty readily f«>f b**!-«^ 8

at 71 a 71, and in a »mal! wa_r__»t a çeut» : »onv; of tn« a*** a

brtm-ht 3_. 10 tierce. North Riv»r r«>u-*h Flax s_M «*_KTirn.:'.!iy .» ta.r., i. J0u as w_a«j-.] at 3K» , 100 bbli. _»*.*.* |ioi____d_; I»-«». _l-»_l 1Exrx.rT, from |,t Jan. to .th April.Clover Se-.J. ?-l t*«SSPICES.We no'ic" «!«". ofM lb No. ! NaM^'lS '.

cent, ; T-l b-»_:» Pepj_»r, S ; i-i «"-*-»» C-___a, for ejport. &. **T *

price, .11 ft ,_... ; _.jrj 20 b-e. Clove., |(.r « iport. 21»05 j,

«ho.t price. By auction.-<W 'nau datni^-d Ca?iia »O»-***" 3Cent«, r* r-r)__ ^ j

SPIRITS-Brandy «'?*-. off .lowly, a- want/, by Vat g5»ay Li half tip-. Peff-»oiMri at SI "0; »nd A. oessptetOUV'SHolland Otti 1» d-H : 1" «.ip-»* Me__-*- Swan beood&gZDomestic Spiri-» SeuerilP,- a.-e »eiy firm, aud W"ni-kj* »»'¿j ]»írio-al al>a;uroie cent : dm«I« c_k_ have »old free*-" ^¿ :

ce.L-.4.» held at 21 ; 1 tS bill*. New-Oil-vi», part t»^ ***

proof 20 a-' : *"d 100 «5t-«_e Prison, 21, cash..-¦>, ««_ ." : ... -r» -;-..-- llia>«u .1, t. ... rl-r»

SUfc»ARS.Th- mariât j«. i^. VPr>. ,]u«i% .p^o-Jr-aral» t-*» cío-», wha-.i, -lthou_. there were Humero*-« P*»-_Jiti-' the ..!__ w_-_ ....11_:__ 1_L ,.» rsX tm

at 3i cents, cash.SUMAC.A sale of 100 bag« best Pal-nao ha» beea *n***

Çli. í mal«;.TALLOW-Prim-; _leo«J_ed 'r__. been s«dd for botat ***

a fair extent, at 7. cents, cash.