Today we read a book about the Grand Canyon. Use that book to answer questions.

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Unit 4BMaking Connections

Across Informational


Today we read a book about the Grand Canyon. Use that book to answer questions.

The author most likely wrote this selection to____________?

a. persuade readers to visit the Grand Canyon

b. provide information about the characteristics of the Grand Canyon

c. compare the Grand Canyon to other national parks

d. tell stories about the parks

After reading each selection,

ask yourself if the selection:

tells a story persuades the reader tells the reader information about a

topic describes a procedure for the reader

What is the meaning of the word _________as it is used in paragraph 3?

Go back to paragraph 3 Use context clues to determine word


Main idea

Use practice paragraph and questions from review on topics of:

monkeys potatoes

Which of the following is a fact from the book Food Webs?

Carnivores eat meat. Carnivores do not eat meat. The tiger is the most beautiful

animal in the food web book. Ladybugs live miserable lives due to

their place in the food chain. The fox is truly amazing to watch.

Author organizes paragraphs

by: describing sequencing (in chronological order) comparing and contrasting listing in order of significance or other

Read and think about how the author organizes the text.

Why did the author include the map with the caption?

Do you know how to tell

the difference between persuasive, expository

(purely facts/informational,



In procedural text,

materials needed/ingredients directions, steps, instructions

(method) diagram /picture (to show how to set

up materials/what finished product will look like)

Examples: recipes, instructions on how to build a tree house, science experiment steps, game directions, setting up a game board

What is the best summary of the section titled “_________?”

Summary should not have details Main point/s only Go back to the section and read


informational magazines

National Geographic Sports Illustrated Good Housekeeping Time

Notice the magazine titles are italicized

In which magazine would a reader find article on Grand Canyon?

a. Sports Illustratedb. Teen Girlc. National Geographicd. U.S. Weekly

Capitalization Review

Capitalize all names of people, places and things that are proper nouns.

Martin Luther King John F. Kennedy (Always capitalize middle initial-it

is the first letter of a person’s middle name)

Booker T. Washington


a short pause

We were all so exhausted, so we decided to go straight home after the dance.

Where would you place a comma in the following sentence?

It was full of chocolate all around and I wondered if it was all going to melt before the party.

Capitalize and italicize

Titles of books and magazines in your writing

Example:I was reading an article in this month’s

Sports Illustrated about a new program Lebron James is starting back in his hometown to help young boys.

Wacky Wednesday Trivia

1. The hippopotamus has the ability to remain underwater for as long as

a. 45 secondsb. 2 minutesc. 5 minutesd. 15 minutes

Wacky Wednesday Trivia

2. All polar bears are:

a. left-handedb. right-handedc. flat-footedd. females

Wacky Wednesday Trivia

3. Flamingoes can only eat :

a. when standing up on one legb. with their eyes closedc. when sleepingd. with their heads upside down

Siamese cat

Wacky Wednesday Trivia

4. The only animal that never sleeps is:

a. roosterb. Siamese catc. bullfrogd.octopus

Wacky Wednesday Trivia

5. An octopus has ____ hearts.a. oneb. twoc. threed. no

Keep reading your AR books!