---v--- v---- Leadia,. ln Roud Up - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/hale...

Post on 29-Apr-2018

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QYAu~ I, cOltlfdered ill

".".111 ------ " -Y~J all accO\lllta made' ~or~Ii:i;;:~ all'd 1'l.'8vloUsl¥, lil'e dlle

~pai,d tO~a" (July 10), or wm .11-. ed brmerc}!Jntal

-Mdltlonal " beutend. ne,u. . to }lel'llona tn4., ~~lt until he hu

trade made ,ample P~YW:otl to take care Sept. of his account . . 'e~p .¥9~ blU, .· , drt!t promptly to belp a"OJcl' il\tlatlon.

8~ptI, TIMELY THEME v_ re.llef bill, Jan~~~'ano;: I'NNEW 'MOVnr -.r-=..,., ..

!!!;.~III'lI'fIfl- IIJ:vntlh bill, Jan. '40: 1'unds tor NYA, . "They're giving plenty for ' you-12,Filllllllllc lYlllr. '40: food stamp plan. May '40: give .plenty tor theml"

'. , bill; Aug., '41;, Smith !hIS il!' the urgent apPeal 01 Oarey ~aa Jeveral biU, Dec. '4.1 ; uphold Wilson. Hollywood motion picture is knWDoon the South Jan. '42: extend poWer I producer Who wrote and produced

active 4·B Olub BUppol'terB, ' Mar. '42; and tor war,~the. original .. screenplay of' "Ml'. ~ 'l'hIa week wo made' high l'ecoms tor thorn. ---v--- Ono notnble negative vote deDiIi Jones, coming on Saturday- Guardsman, WaI~r

in their work. . _ . wns against the govel'n. Sunday.Monday, to the Ritz theatre Mr. and Mrs. R. L. - v---- Leadia,"ln re·organizatlon proposal, ' Mar. through United Artists relea.ee. U.ted at Dallas six AUGUST 1 NEW AGRJCULTl!RB "" "Amorican men are famoils for after II month of

must be Cdtll. '~ B.ACQJ'!)R' FOR COnrON CENTER Roud Up '>. That Is a pretty good record Ge. their fiJfhting spirtt," Wilson says klLDa, was senL to said A. O. XIJe- G. It. lIuUock, graduate of relalou -__ ' "but lonelincs!, monotony, and bore: Hampahire. Walter, school superin. high school, wllo i. to receive his B. RePOrts of the nation-wide driVI' The following appeared in Editor dom con destroy that Bplrlt. The U. the local h)gb scliopl,

that a child S; degree for vocational ngrlculture for. ecrop rubber for the war effort Palll Zimmerman's column, "Hello, S, O. guarantee. Uncle Sam's best tile eiasl of 1940. grades 'taught work at Texas 'Icchnologieal college Indicate Texas Is leading the way by ," in last week's Plainview fun and triendshlp during free time wrote hie parents hero

he re81des must Lubbock, this summer, hll8 been em: at least twice as much, per /' from camp. It's the duty of each advanced from apprentice muet bl) Signed toyed as IIgJ'iculture teacher for al any other state in the_ un· . "We were down on the Alfred Eba. American to stand behind thOle Seaman Second CLUB.

Blgh Bchool/Cotton Center, ' succeeding . n. L. ~ale county and Hale center / hng farm . recently and Witnessed ajfJghting ft>r ou~ · treedom. . ·--'-v_ U (Bl)b) Stone, who hjls ·accepted 1\ po_ gOlD!\, right along with the state. pitiful sight. Alfred hod to kill 80 "It was because the U. S. O. 18'one I I d"

II , tau~ht hihflt sltl.O.1l with Roosevelt rum hikb roun~-up b~ prov.lding ft8 shnre tino looking hogs and shoats. There wa~ we can all get liehlnd the men n n •• ' PJI. rent mUlt be re- ecltool : in Lubbock c0!lnty. Supt. . drive, which w. III end tonight ,/ w.o. e a potential $500 wortll of hogs behmd the .. gun8,' that the major tl'an,sportatiClIl and ' Rose A.Bu~ner, who made the an- ' . , , . , there. and all had to ,be killed and Hollywood '8tudios combined their

ftom tho sehool to liouncemcnt,'said' one othertencher'a 20.lay cam))llign hoa produced burled 'except the registered boor to produce 'Mr. GardenIa fa transferi'ed. The post lntlie School there is yet to be of scrap 'rubber here, or 54,- .which had been vaccinated . . ' I think Jones,' The film 18 a gilt to tile 0-. r.IlIIPOI~tion and tu- tilled. A 8uecosaor will be named 11\. pounds, local Bor,'lco statlolls too much' o~ my neighbors to try to nlted ServiCe Ol'gllnlzatlon8 t~m

ter ,tor Mrs. Ben Shipley, daughter and wholesale petroleum dealers reo save any 01' them,' Alfred laid as he one of America's largest industries-,may be of IIIr. and Mra~ M. F; McKnight,. ported )nte yeaterday. They 01'0 aimed dOwn. the bllrrel of his gun. that feel a It's a duty to wntrlbuto

official. In w"o haR resIgned. IIIr •. Shipley is pa.y~lc a pound for the Rcrnl), 'a I He took tile 101.8 as a matter.ot.fact U. S. O. Center, or ' present visiting in 1II0btle, Ala., wltll price guaranteed by tile govCl:tlmcnt /occurence,; and diamiued .the lIlattsr talented J)Craonalties as LBr-Plainview. ller h08band, .tation.ed In an a;lcy encourage salvaging· or th~ vi- from. his mind the remainder of th. e . Lieut. Ronald Reagan,

camp thero. She taught lIigh loh 01 tslly needed product. evenmg We were there. Jl'armlng Is Winnlnlrer, Fay Ba,"ter, and ' EngJliih CIt, CQtton CoiJter. ---V--- . not all ~rofit, and the risks are many Chili Wills gave their tIme as part

of Mr. and ---v--- Letter "'0 ThA E'..IltOI but it IS our guess that Alfred will of their contribution to U. S. O. of this elty, NOTICE.. I I , . IV: U ueemore vaccines In the tuture." .. 'Mr. Gardenia Jonea' ~ a story U. ,S. Coast At tbe request of numeroul July 2nd, 1942, --- of the U. S. O. It pictures how mon-

W. week-end' ownera here who report damage U. S. M. A. C., With foIk. anxious to save rubber ey donated to the organization III Bale Center boYI their garden.,ae well o. 10.. 01 Unit 175, tires, Walter Smock haS hit on tho used to keep the boys In uniform Jd't ~.lc training. chickens, all stray dogs on' thl) streeta coo Fleet PORt Office, Idea ot savinII' local tolks the trouble' Me Kenneth Bam- of HIII~ Center will' be kJUednext 811n FrRncisco, Cnlifolllia o~ going out of town to neighboring '1t~I'!!l:ri}~~~;4iPEi

a.nd Artie lilly. week. Vic: ~blg towns fOI' election returne t1j" I~ -. , The City ot -Hale Center nowo~ .. ;iUlt -bIW ... to. nlg~t .. Of J. uly 25. so he proJlOse .. s 10.

SaID W. Smith, MaYQf , I am (l hardly know enl. mercnanl8-~-fundJt .. to ' 8"""1~-8'00-lIl--lII~-{)jIl ,JlOI1Iltd . --..-v- Anyway It is a, "little"llICllJDe to tlie eompletl! telegraph re-Are It .. waa .i .. n. '1. celand a yoar I porta of the famoua ,Texas ,E.lec. tlen

when the Mar. Bureau which will lend this city reo . - porta everY halt.hour on how ill, '1m-

, tile portant state races are turninr out. , ,In connection, h pro1lO8e8 a collnlY

eJeetionbo.r(the is u.P. a1:to, ,t/) .how folk. ~'1l1taof ou.r own loell

bett;~.J; raetl; .. ,Ult. tb~Atnftlcan baa ..... , . ......... _.


IIQtST NAnoN~ lANK . . of aal.'Cente.l'jn the _tatc of 'fena. 'Ill tho etOIle of btl,lnet" on :Ju.ne lNl publiaboo in l'HPONII(l to caU made -by eomptrollw of the ......... ,1Oa lill, U. S. IlovtlOd. Slotuta.

ASSETS I." LoanJ and du.eoun"1 (lncluding $1,49127 ovel"drafta) .......• 137,828.58 2. United Stl.ttos Government obltll'ion.. driect. and (tUanntftd IL ObUcatlona 01 Statti and political lubd.il'lJlolll .... . .. ... ". ..... . 4. Otllu boDdI, hO'n. &lid d_'~ c.C.C. Co,,,,,, ..,.tlfl", ... .. c-.. ... t.eb 4lndudlq fl.taO.OO . Iock 01 Federal R ...... . bank) _ .... _

.. Cut&. ba1artc .. with O\hu b •. nu, lnd\Jd.i_.1' reler\'tI balance, ud c:utll 'tams in pl"OC'ftl of coJlectJon .... . , '.""_ ~. 208..773.89

- 'to BDk ".m_ owned .... .393.00. tlU"DitUh! and (btur" .... O!t,!lO .... " . ....... .• .... 18.4Ga.00 (But PftDlI ... owned a" lobjec' to no Hena not· UlWMd

b' .... ) 8 • .a.aI Illata oWllftd alh.., than bank pre!fti"1I LOO


TOT4L ASSETS ..... _ .. . .. ..... . MOST EFFICIENT AND' THE . • 518.46Ul PLIilTE SflRVICE POS8JIILlt T ----II Wl.1':IDEkING 1'KAT oua NA'l'I(»)f IJABILRIl!S

If. Do-.! ckpoal .. ot indiyldua", __ Ipa. oM <0 __ ...... - .. ...... - .... _ ..................... _ .. .. .... _._ ....... .$ 867,341.45

14. Tbn. da~l" of IIIcIhid..... poJ'Inonbipo IDd .,..,.,raU . ... .. iI. DotooIIa .f U.ltod S ..... Go.~ IIncJudloIlr,..'-\

. -II) --...... _ ......... _.,--._ .... ___ . ___ ..... _ ...... __ .. . ~ ... DotooIIa of S,",", and poUu.al IIlbdivllf_ ........ _._ ............ . 11. :DiIJM1 ... of banka .. ... _._ ...... _ .... _ .. ,,_ ................................. ....... .. U'. 0tIIv daPoolIlo ~ .. l1ltled .... eullier'. cho<u, ol.e.) "_"_" it. TO'I.'Al. D~POlIJTS ~ ..... _. .. . .. ......... * ~69,l)6l.37

42,0'19.14 12.1I01.Q8


TOTAL LIABILITIES .... .... ..... 1 4G9,1161J17

(,.APIT AI. 4C'COI1NTI '" CiI"tal ..... :

Cot-eollUllOD. IIM., 'otol pol' $26,000.00 . ...... __ ... ___ . . 2U)OO.oo Kkrpi.. -.-........ - ... "._ .. " . .. _ ..... _" .. _ ........ _ ... ,, ___ . .. 12.1iOO.00 11. 'VlICIi'II4eiI prof!ta " . .... _ .......... _ . __ ..... _ .... ,,_. ,,_,,_ .... _. . lI8., ...... u (ud rotlrOm ... , ...... , fo, ""f .... od .. ..,. I .. 3,218.26


Cent~· h/iplem ' Good Equlprn .... Makei' '"

Pegg" 8.; Sons ' Weld I .. · - Lath. Worlt

A. M. "Bill" SIW1Jk . eo.did.t. tor Sherlff of Hole Count»

Hale eel/ter Co·op Gin Si,...,. Servlee &lid Sallilact/oQ. ,. .

MItI"ray Payne !~ T..... !'<trol.um Prod .... _ WI!oI...te Iloal~ .

Fir~t National Banle OldHt nal'lking TniUtutlon In RaJ, Coun~,. ~

Harm/lit 8s A?i(ler~~ ' . ·.I.k. Ou, Store Vour SU_ .... 'F\IIead!1 Strvlce

Vlil'gil Martin InstJr4iJ:eJgCy. For All T_ of Inali _ _ N~"7 Wori<.

Moon .. -'--Hale Cent~ ..... ,.,"'""u ... . fof~A.W.

So, d\ f~' d 11l~ t-tl,(lf1 i"'H'r,1


Paid Political Announcemmts

Thte newlpaper baa been autho..

liill~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::jl'~:~~;~1~~:~I,~ by tllOIG named ~ow to print

names as eandldatee fOf n(ull~ ,2052 to the office indteAted, aub-

Fl.O W E R 5 ,he D ....... 'I. primm •. In

MRS. VIC LAMB _Reprelflntlnl-

Arch Kells Phon. 200 . ' ~ •• t aUto" 7t~:!f'" Two Doon ~

Courtesy ·And.

Appreciation Our Aim

e '