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Happy Birthday

Summer 2018 | ISSUE 24



Fifty-three years ago, in 1965, Dr Wendel du Buy and his partner John Dorrington, started Tygerberg Animal Hospital in Kort St, Bellville. This September the great Dr Wendel turned eighty years young.

From all the staff and customers at TAH, we wish Dr Wendel a very happy birthday. We will always be grateful for the amazing foundation that you have laid in order for all of us to do what we love.

TAH offers a wide selection of premium products. Our biggest sellers are Bravecto, Nexgaurd, Frontline, Broadline, Revolution and Seresto collars.

Bravecto and Nexgaurd are both chewy tablets that are given orally. These products are for use in dogs only. The tablets are very tasty, so dogs gobble them up quickly, making the process very easy. These products are beneficial as it’s not applied onto the skin, so there is no residue that can be given off on clothes, furniture and it’s safe for your two-legged kids to immediately

interact with their best friend. Your dog can also swim and be bathed immediately after consumption.

Bravecto is effective for up to 3 months against ticks and fleas, whereas Nexgaurd is effective for 1 month only. If you prefer to give something that does not need be ingested, there is Frontline and Revolution.

These products are liquid ampoules that are made to be placed directly onto your pet’s skin between their shoulder blades, or on the back of their neck. The liquid is spread by means of the oil layer in your pet’s skin, and is effective for 1 month. The application to the skin means that you cannot bathe, or let them swim, 3 days pre or post application.

Frontline is effective against ticks and fleas, whereas Revolution also protects against intestinal worms (excluding tapeworm) and ear mites.

Broadline is a new product for cats. It works very well if your cat does not like oral tablets. Broadline is a top spot product which comes in an easy to use applicator. It needs to be applied directly to the skin behind the neck or between the shoulder blades. This is a broad-spectrum product that is effective against ticks, fleas, some mange mites, ear mites and worms, including tape worm.

Seresto Collars offer protection against ticks and fleas and is suitable to use on both cats and dogs. They wear the collar underneath their own collar and it offers protection against ticks and fleas for up to 8 months. This is a good solution for those of you who might be a bit forgetful.

If you are experiencing a flea infestation in your direct environment, the best solution is to make use of Ultrum Duration. This environmental spray can be used on your furniture, carpets and your pet’s bedding. If you find any fleas on your dog, you can be certain that there are eggs in the environment. The treatment given to your pets do not break the flea life cycle and your pet will be reinfested when the eggs hatch. This aerosol spray acts for up to 6 months, killing fleas and preventing eggs from hatching.

to our founder!

Spring, leading into summer, is a wonderful time of the year, but it can also be a cause of great discomfort for your pets. Ticks and fleas are rampant this time of year so we thought we give you a breakdown of all the tick and flea products we have available.




RABIESTHE BOTTOM LINERabies is a fatal viral disease that can affect both man and animals. The World Health Organisation estimates that Rabies results in the deaths of as many as 50 000 people worldwide annually, with most of these fatalities in India.

However, Rabies also occurs throughout South Africa and is responsible for up to 30 human deaths a year in this country. Although the disease is more prevalent in Eastern half of South Africa, most notably in Kwazulu-Natal, it does occur sporadically in the Western Cape. Local cases are usually identified in

wild animals, most notably the mongoose and bat-eared fox. However, there have been a number of recent cases identified amongst feral cats in the Malmesbury district.

Rabies is usually transmitted through the bite of an infected animal. The saliva contains the virus, which is then transmitted during the bite. Rabies can also be transmitted if the saliva of an infected animal comes into contact with an open wound or the mucosal surfaces (such as the inside of the mouth) of the victim.

The virus then moves along the nerves to the brain and the salivary glands. This incubation period is usually a few weeks but may be as long as 4 months depending on the location and severity of the bite. Once the virus reaches the brain, the disease becomes symptomatic and is then almost always fatal, with death occurring less than 10 days after the onset of clinical signs.

Clinical symptoms of the disease manifest as behavioural changes. Rabies is often divided into two syndromes, which are differentiated as follows:

Excitive (furious) form- aggression, restless, excitability, light sensitivity, erratic behaviour.

Paralytic (dumb) form- paralysis, uncoordinated movements, disorientation, salivation, inability to swallow, dropped jaw, excessive vocalization, excessive tameness in wild animals or affection in pets

Sometimes these forms can overlap or develop at different stages of the disease. It is therefore important to remember that the sudden onset of unusual behaviour by an animal, particularly if it has not been vaccinated, should always alert one to the possibility of Rabies. There are also other diseases which can cause similar symptoms, such as Distemper in the dog. At the moment, we have a severe Distemper epidemic in the Cape. However, if your pet is fully vaccinated,

it should be protected against both Distemper and Rabies.

While any animal (including buck, horses, cattle, pigs and sheep) can be infected with rabies, it is most often transmitted by animals capable of passing on the disease through a bite wound, such as the dog, cat, fox or mongoose. Of all the positively identified rabies cases in South Africa, 37% were dogs and 27% were mongooses.

To positively identify a case of rabies, the brain of the affected animal has to be tested. If a wild or stray animal that has bitten someone is suspected of having rabies, it is generally, therefore, euthanazed to confirm the diagnosis as early as possible. The patient can be saved if the disease is treated quickly with vaccinations and/or rabies antibodies before the virus reaches the brain. If a pet shows behavioural changes and is suspected of having Rabies, it may be quarantined for observation for 10-14 days to see if the disease develops.

Luckily there is a highly effective and inexpensive vaccine that will protect your pet against Rabies and ensure that in the unlikely event that it may come into contact with a rabid animal, your family will be safe too. Legislation requires that all dogs and cats in South Africa be vaccinated twice in their first year of life and then once every three years thereafter.

In summary, although Rabies is a rare disease in the Western Cape, it does occur here. Always keep your pets’ vaccines up to date, be cautious when dealing with stray or wild animals that appear to be acting abnormally and have yourself vaccinated as a precaution if you are bitten.

A fatal viral disease that can affect both man and animals, causing up to 30 human deaths a year in SA.

Should your pet be bitten by a wild animal, or should you encounter a stray or wild animal which bites you and it appears to be behaving in an abnormal manner, you should take the following steps:

• If the animal is dead or if you are able to SAFELY secure it in a container for transport without further injury to yourself, please bring it to one of our branches as soon as possible. We will examine it and if necessary take steps to have it tested by the State Veterinarian at no charge to yourself.

• Human anti-rabies vaccines are readily available at doctor’s rooms or pharmacy clinics. If you work frequently with stray pets or animals without a known vaccine history, for example, an animal welfare volunteer, then you should preferably be vaccinated against Rabies as a preventative measure. Otherwise, if you are bitten by an animal with no vaccination history, it is safer to be vaccinated yourself as soon as possible after the bite.

Call us on 021 91 911 91







Pets are family, and at TAH we recommend preventative care to ensure optimum health of your four-legged family member. We compiled this handy check list to see how your pet’s care compares.

Petcare checklist


TAH recommends that your pet has an annual health check and vaccinations against preventable, yet life-threatening diseases, administered by a qualified veterinarian. • Remember your pet ages much quicker than

you do, and an annual health check is vital to diagnose any diseases or illnesses before the manifestation of any clinical symptoms.

• Annual vaccinations for adult dogs and cats.

• Rabies vaccinations every third-year adult dogs and cats.

• 4 vaccinations for puppies by the age of 16 weeks, and 3 vaccinations for kittens by the age of 16 weeks

TAH recommends great nutrition as a cornerstone of health. • As your pet ages, their nutritional requirements

change. Please be sure to have a chat with one of our veterinarians about the best option available for your pet’s needs.

• Is your pet on the best food relative to your lifestyle, their age, breed, weight and or any medical condition?

TAH recommends that your pet is dewormed every 3 months. • Not only can worms cause serious diseases in your pets,

but can infect humans as well, especially children!

• Puppies and kittens need to be dewormed with every vaccination they receive.

TAH recommends year-round tick and flea treatment. Either monthly or every third month if you use Bravecto.• Ticks and fleas are not just present during spring

and summer time. To prevent any parasite related conditions, we recommend that you do not break the cycle of treatment.

TAH recommends that all pets need to be microchipped. • It has been said that 1 in every 3 pets go missing

in their lifetime, and without proper identification, the chances of safe return home are very slim.

• A microchip (the size of a grain of rice) is implanted between the shoulder blades of your pet, and offer the most secure way of identification.

• A microchip is not a GPS. Your pet and your details will be linked to the microchip’s unique microchip number. We scan the microchip and look up the number on the national database so that we can see the details of the registered owner. All vets and welfare societies have the scanner to read the number. It lasts lifelong and is compatible worldwide.

TAH recommends that pets over the age of 3 years to have an annual dental exam to determine if a scale and polish, or any extractions, are needed. • Bad breath is not normal! We realise that daily brushing

is not necessarily viable, but good dental care is critical.

• Gingivitis (infection of the gums) can lead to the infection of critical organs like the heart, liver, and kidneys.

• We can remove all tar-tar build-up and leave your pets’ teeth sparkling white again… and of course, no more bad breath with early morning kisses!

TAH recommends that all pets need to be neutered. • There are many reasons this is really beneficial to

your pet. These include the prevention of diseases associated with the reproductive organs, e.g. cancers of the mammary and uterus and or infection of the uterus (pyometra), testes and or prostate.

• Pets who are sterilised also live a more content life, opposed to not being sterilised and not having the opportunity to mate. This can cause frustration and increase the likelihood of your pet running away in an attempt to find a mate.

• We already have too many animals without homes, so you won’t be adding to the increasing number of pets without homes.

TAH recommends pet insurance for all pets. • The costs of any unforeseen emergencies can be

very high, and we don’t want you worrying over the cost of care in a case of an emergency.




World Rabies Day was on 28 September 2018. TAH visited the Klipheuwel informal settlement to vaccinate the community’s pets against rabies and other life-threatening diseases such as Parvo and Distemper. We joined hands with Fisantekraal Animal Welfare for this initiative.

dr LIzAHN VON zEuNEr Where are you from?Originally from Pretoria, but I have been living in Somerset West since 2014.

What pets do you have?3 dogs and a bunny. They are named Angie (large breed cross), Luke (Yorkshire Terrier), Romi (Small Breed Cross) and Pieter the bunny.

Do you have any special interests with regards to veterinary practice? I have a special interest in soft tissue surgery and I am also very passionate about animal welfare and primary animal health.

Other than being a vet, how do you spend your free time? I enjoy being outdoors and mountain biking with my husband. I also enjoy travelling and visiting new places. I love my family and love spending time with them.

dr AsHLEIgH LOrd When did you qualify?2015.

Where are you from?I grew up on a farm near Cradock in the Eastern Cape.

What pets do you have?A weimeraner called Duke, and a cat called Autumn.

Do you have any special interests with regards to veterinary practice?At this stage I really enjoy mixed practice, but am focusing on dairy.

Other than being a vet, how do you spend your free time?I love being outdoors, hiking and running, and spending time with friends and family.OUR NEW VETS



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