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abaxial. away from the axis. the lower surface of the leaf. dorsal.

abaxial. on the side or face away from an axis or branch

acadiensis. of nova Scotia, Canada

acanthos. horn

accepted name. name accepted by an author when he proposed or adopts it as the correct name for a taxon.

acer. pungent

acerose. needle-shaped; sharp.

acicular. long, narrow and cylindrical. needle-shaped.

acicularis. needle-shaped

acre. pungent.

acris. pungent

acris. sharp-pointed

acrocaulous. with terminal branches.

acropetal. developing upward, toward apex. the development of organs in succession towards an apex, the oldest at the base, the youngest at the tip.

acroscopic. facing apically.

actimorphic. flowers with radial symmetry and parts arranged at one level, with definite numbers of parts and size.

actino. rayed. star-like.

aculeate. prickly; with coarse teeth or sharp spine-like emergences

acuminate apex. apex drawn out into a long slender tail.

acuminate. having a gradually diminishing point. tapering gradually to a point

acute apex. pointed in the form of an acute angle

acute. margins straight to convex forming a terminal angle. tapering sharply to a point

ad. toward, against

adaptive character. characters that respond to the changing environmental situation enabling the organism to survive by an alternation of structure and/or function.

adaxial. next to the axis. facing the stem. ventral. the side, usually the uppermost, of a lateral adjacent to the axis. on the side or face next to an axis or branch

adherent. with unlike parts of organs joined, but only superficially and without actual histological continuity. closely attached

adjoined. joined together, weakly or tightly.

admissible name. name having such a form that it can enter into botanical nomenclature and be validly published.

adnate. attached the whole length. with unlike parts or organs integrally fused to one another with histological continuity.

adpressed. lying flat for the whole length of the organ

advance characters. characters possessed by present day taxon not possessed by its ancestors.

adventitious. arising in an irregular manner or from an abnormal position

aegagropilous. free and more or less spherical

aegyptiacus. of Egypt.

aeneus. brassy green. bronze

aerial. above the ground or water. in the air.

aestivalis. pertaining to summer.

aestivus. pertaining to summer.

aetnaeus. pertaining to Mt. Etna.

affinis. related

africanus. of Africa.

agrestis. pertaining to fields or cultivated land.

ala. wing.

alabamensis. of Alabama.

alate. winged.

alatus. winged

albescens. turning white.

albicans. whitish.

albidus. whitish.

albolutescens. whitish-yellow

albus, alba, album. white

aleppicus. of aleppo, n. Syria.

allegheniensis. of the Alleghenies.

alpinus, alpestris, of the Alps.

alsodes. of woods.

altamaha. the altamaha river.

alternate. one leaf or other structure per node; placed singly, with change of side; not opposite; branches arise at different levels successively on opposite sides of the stem

alternative name. names, two or more, published at the same time by the same author for the same taxon.

alticaulis. tall-stemmed.

altissimus. very tall; high

altrorubens. dark red

altroviolaceus. dark violet

altrovirens. dark green.

altus, alt, alti. tall.

altus. tall; high

alveolar. pitted or with cavities

amabilis. lovely.

ambi. around, round about.

americanus. of America.

amoenus. lovely; pleasing

amorphic. flowers without symmetry; usually with an indefinite number of stamens and carpels, and usually subtended by bracts or discoloured upper leaves

amphi. around, on both sides of; double, of two kinds.

amphibius. living in water and on land.

ampliate. enlarged; dilated.

amurensis. of the Amur river.

analogous characters. characters similar but not having a common ancestral origin.

analytic character. characters used in identification, characterisation and delimitation of taxa.

anastomose. communicating by cross-connexions; to join by cross connections

anatomical evidence. characters associated primarily with tissues and cell development.

anceps. two-headed or edged.

ancipate. two edged

ancipital. two-edged.

ancipitous. two-edged.

andro. male

androgynous. having stamens and ovaries in distinct parts of the same inflorescence; having male and female organs in, or in the same branch of the thallus.

anemo. pertaining to wind.

anglicus, of England.

angustate. narrow

angustatus. narrow; slender.

angusti. narrow

aniso. uneven, unequal.

annular. ring-like

annulate. ring-like

annuus. annual

anomalus. abnormal

ante. before, in front of.

anthera. anther.

anthos. flower.

anticlinal. at right angles to the surface

antrorse. bent or directed upward.


apical cell. terminal initial cell of a filament or thallus

apical margin. margin of plant entirely comprising apical cells

apiculate. narrowing suddenly to a broad point at the apex; with a short and sharp point ; ending in a short, short point.

apiculus. a short point at the end of spore; a short point formed by the elongation of a vein.

apo. from; away from, down.

apodus. without a foot; sessile

apogeny. sterility.

apomixis (ap.). apomict.

appressed. adpressed; pressed closely

aquaticus, growing in water.

aquilonius. northern

arabicus. of Arabia.

arachnoid. cobwebby.

archae. old; primitive

arche. old; primitive

arcuate. curved like a crescent, can be downward or upward; bent like the arc of a circle; bent like a bow; curved like the arc of a circle

arenarius. growing on sand.

arenicola. dweller in sandy places.

argenteus. silvery.

argentinus. of Argentina.

argyreus. silvery.

argyro. silvery.

arillus. fleshy growth.

aristatus. awned.

aromaticus. aromatic or spicy

articulate. forming joints

articulation. when a thallus consists of a chain of cells, each cell is called an articulation

artificial name. name used for a group consisting of specimens that are judged to be too incomplete for taxonomic disposition but are brought together for convenience by the available characteristics, and treated for nomenclatural purposes as a taxon of a particular kind; e.g. an artificial genus. used principally for fossils, and as an opposite to natural.

artificial system.. a strictly utilitarian system based on habit, colour, form or other characters of a similar type

arvensis. pertaining to fields, especially plowed fields.

asiaticus. Asian.

asperous. having a rough surface.

assimilatory. containing chromatophores and presumably the site of photosynthesis

assurgent. curving upwards; said of some horizontal filaments which turn upwards

assurgent. directed upward or forward; curving upwards; said of some horizontal filaments which turn upwards

astipitate. not having a stipe

astro. stellate, star-like

atlanticus, of the Atlantic.

atri. black

atro. black.

atropurpureus. dark purple.

atrorubens. dark red.

atroviolaceus. dark violet.

attenuate. slender, thin, tapering

auctorum not (auct. non) not of author(s).

aurantiacus. yellowish-orange.

aureus. golden yellow.

australiensis. of australia.

australis. southern, from the southern hemisphere.

austriacus, of austria.

austrinus. southern.

austro-carolinianus, of s. carolina.

austromontanus. of the southern mountains.

autonym. an automatically created tautonym for infrageneric or infraspecific taxa.

autumnalis. pertaining to fall or autumn.

available name. name or epithet that applies to a particular taxon and can be used for it.

axial filament. the central filament of a thallus or its branch; longitudinally down the centre of the thallus

axil. the angle between an axis and a branch; angle between axis and an organ

axillaris. growing in an axil

axis. the main stem-like part of a thallus; the central portion of the thallus

azureus. sky-blue.

babylonicus. of babylon.

baccate. juicy and very succulent.

baccatus. berry-like

bad characters. characters not easily recognizable, or have a wide range of expression and are seemingly not genetically fixed.

barba. beard.

barbadensis. of barbados.

barbatus. bearded

basal or radical. at the bottom or base of a structure.

basicaulous. with basal branches.

basionym. name-bringing or epithet-bringing synonym; the original name of a taxon now used in a new combination; a specific or infraspecific epithet that has priority and is retained when transferred to a new or different taxon. eg. cypripedium pubescens willd.==> cypripedium calceolus var.pubescens (willd.).; liquidambar peregrina l. ===> comptonia peregrina (l.) coulter.

basipetal. developing downward toward base.

basipetal. growth in the direction of the base; the development of organs in succession towards the base, the youngest at the base, the oldest at the tip

basiscopic. facing basally

bavaricus. of bavaria.

beard. a tuft, line or zone of trichomes.

bermudensis. of bermuda.

biduous. lasting two days.

biennis. biennial

biferous. appearing twice yearly.

bifid. cut or divided into two lobes or parts.

bifid. divided into 2, usually by a v-shaped notch

bifurcate. divided into two branches or forks

binate. twinned.

biological characters. characters related to some vital function or behaviour.

biosystematics. the field of study dealing with variation and evolution, primarily experimental and analytical, and mostly treating the species and infraspecific taxa.

bipalmately compound. with two orders of leaflets, each palmately compound.

bipinnate. when both primary and secondary divisions are pinnate; twice divided pinnately

bipinnately compound. with two orders of leaflets, each pinnately compound.

biseriate. consisting, wholly or in part, of two rows of cells in longitudinal series

biserrate margin. doubly serrate.

bisexual. both sexes in same flower.

biternate. with two orders of leaflets, each ternately compound.

blade. flat, expanded portion of leaf.

bonariensis. of buenos aires.

borealis. northern.

botry. bunch

botuliform. sausage-shaped.

brachy. short.

branchlet. small branches or ultimate branches; the next division of a branch; a small secondary branch

brasiliensis. of brazil

brevi. short.

brevibarbis. with short beard.

brevicaudatus. short tail-like appendage.

brevipilis. short-haired.

brevis, breve. short.

bristle. a stiff, strong trichome, as in the perianth of some members of the Cyperaceae.

bristly. beset with bristles.

brunnescens. becoming deep brown.

bullate. puckered or blistered.

bullate. with a bulging or puckering of the surface; blistered; with the surface appearing swollen and blistered

burmanicus. of burma.

byssoid. composed of fine threads

cacullus. hood

caducous. dropping off very early, usually applied to floral parts.

caducous. soon falling off

caducus. falling off or dropping early.

caerulescens. becoming deep blue.

caeruleus. deep blue; sky-blue.

caesius. lavender; bluish-grey

caespitose. turfed

caespitosus. growing in tufts or patches.

calcar. spur.

calcarate. spurred.

calcaratus. bearing spurs.

calcareus. chalk-white

calceolus. a small shoe.

californicus. of california.

callo. beautiful.

callositas. callosity.

calyptra. the thickened membrane of the end cell

campanulatus. bell-shaped.

campestris. growing in fields.

canadensis. of Canada.

canariensis. of the canary islands.

candicans. becoming pure white

candicans. whitish.

candidus. shining white.

canescens. becoming greyish or hoary.

canescent or incanous. covered with dense, fine greyish-white trichomes.

canescent. covered with dense, fine grayish-white trichomes.

canio. pertaining to dogs.

cantabrigiensis. of Cambridge.

capensis. of the cape of good hope.

capillaceus. slender; hair-like

capillary. slender, hair-like

capillate. hair-shaped.

capitate. pin-headed; enlarged at the tip

capitatus. growing in heads

cardia. pertaining to a heart.

cardinalis. cardinal-red.

caribaeus. west Indies.

carina. keel

carneus. flesh-coloured.

carnose or sarcous. fleshy.

carpo. pertaining to fruit; fruit.

carpophyll. a carpel

carthagensis. of carthage.

cartilaginous. of firm and elastic texture; hard, tough and elastic

caryo. nut-like.

castaneus. chestnut colored.

catawbiensis. from Catawba.

catenate. in the form of a chain

catta. below.

caudate apex. apex drawn out into a long slender tail.

caudatus. tailed.

cauline or ramous leaves. leaves more or less evenly distributed on stem or branch.

caulis. stem

caulous. with branches more or less evenly spaced along trunk.

centri. one hundred

centrifugal. developing from the inside outward. from top downward.

centripetal. developing from the outside inward. from bottom upward.

ceraceous. waxy.

cerato. horn-like.

cercicorn. antler-like

cernuous. drooping

cernuus. nodding or drooping.

cespitose stem. short, much-branched, plant forming a cushion.

chalaza. a lump.

channelled. shaped like a shallow u in t.s.

chartaceous. papery, opaque and thin.

chemical evidence. characters related to compounds or broad classes of compounds found in organisms.

chilensis. of chile.

chinensis, sinensis, cathayanus. of china.

chlamydo. waring a cloak.

chloro. green.

chryso. golden.

ciliate margin. fringed with hairs.

ciliatus. fringed with hairs.

cinereus. ash gray

cinnamomeus. light reddish brown.

circumalate. winged circumferentially.

circumferential. at or near the circumference. surrounding a rounded structure.

cirrhose apex. apex ends in a tendril.

cisatlanticus. on this side of the Atlantic.

cladode (phylloclad) stem. a flattened main stem resembling a leaf.

clambering stem. sprawling across objects, without climbing structures.

clandestinus. hidden or concealed.

classification. the assignment of plants to groups within a system or hierarchy of ranks or categories distinguished by structure, origins, and other characteristics.

clavate. club-shaped

clavellatus. shaped like small club

cleft. cut ¼-1/2 of distance of middle of structure.

co. together

coalesced. with like or unlike parts or organs incompletely separated. partially fused in a more or less irregular fashion.

coaxial. parallel with axis, or having a common axis

coccineus. scarlet; deep red

coccoid. unicellular and rounded

cochleate. snail-shaped.

coelo. pertaining to a hollow.

coherent. with like parts or organs joined, but only superficially and without actual histological continuity.

coleos. sheath

collicola. dweller in the hills.

collinus. dwelling or growing in the hills.

collum. neck

columna. pillar

com. together

combinatio nova (comb. nov.) combination new

combined name. name of a taxon below rank of genus consisting of the name of a genus combined with one or more epithets.

common name. vernacular name

comose. with a tuft of trichomes, usually apical.

comosus. bearded; tufted.

complanate. flattened.

complanate. lying in one plane; flattened

compound. with leaf divided into two or more leaflets.

compressed. flattened. flattened from side to side. somewhat flattened

con. together.

conceptacle. chamber within thallus opening to the exterior through a pore or pores and containing reproductive organs

concolor. uniform in color.

conduplicate. folded with a longitudinal groove.

confluent. becoming united to form one

confused name. name that is unclear or indistinct.

connate. with like parts or organs integrally fused to one another with histological continuity.

connivent. coming together but not fused; convergent apically without fusion.

conspecific. belonging to the same species

contiguous. touching but not adnate, connate, adherent, or coherent.

continuous characters. characters showing uniform intergradation or a cline.

contorted. twisted around a central axis; twisted.

coralloid. much-branched; looking like coral

cordate. heart-shaped

coriacellate. slightly leathery in structure.

coriaceous. thick and leathery.

corneous. horny.

corniculate. horned.

corniculte. horned. shaped like a horn

corniform. horned. shaped like a horn

cornu. horn.

cornute. horned. shaped like a horn.

cornutus. horned; having horns.

corolla. little crown.

coronate. crowned. having a corona.

coronate. with a crown.

coroniform. crown-shaped.

correct name. name that must under the rules be adopted for a taxon with a particular rank, position and circumscription.

correctus (corr.). correct

corsicus. of corsica.

cortex. bark. cortex. the outer layers of a thallus, often of small cells. a term loosely used for the outer regions of a thallus, with or without an enclosing epidermis

cortical cell. a cell of the outer layer (cortex) of the alga, situated immediately below the epidermis

corticated. having a cortex

cortication. the building up, on the surface of a thallus, of a layer of small cells either by corticating filaments which creep over it or by cells cut off from the surface cells

corymb. a flat-topped cluster. a flat-topped or convex indeterminate cluster of flowers.

corymbose. arranged in corymbs; a flat-topped branch system

costa. midrib.

costate. with a rib

costatus. ribbed.

cotyliform. cup-shaped.

cotylus. cup.

crassi. thick, short.

crenate margin. the teeth round.

crenate. with a notched edge, with obtuse or flattened teeth; scalloped or toothed with rounded notches

crenulate. finely crenate

crested. with elevated ridge or ridges. raphal.

crispate. curled; margins divided and twisted in more than one plane.

cristate. crested.

croceus. saffron yellow.

cruentus. blood red. blood-stained.

crust. a thin, closely adherent outwardly radiating thallus, pseudoparenchymatous in structure with laterally adjoined basal and erect filaments

crustaceous. hard and expanded, often brittle. hard, thin and brittle.

crustaceus. crust-like.

crypto. hidden

cteno. pertaining to a comb.

cucullate. hooded

cumulicola. dweller on a heap or mound.

cuneate. wedge-shaped

cuneatus. wedged.

cuspidate apex. apex ends in a long rigid sharp (spiny) point.

cyaneus. dark, deep blue.

cyano. dark blue.

cyath. cup-like.

cyclo. circular.

cylindric. long-tubular.

cymbiform. boat-shaped.

cyptic characters. characters hidden, microscopic.

cytological evidence. characters associated primarily with chromosome structure and number, cellular organelles, and ultrastructure.

dasy. shaggy; hairy

dasystachys. wolly-spiked.

de. downwards, away from.

dealbatus. covered with white powder. whitened.

debilis. weak.

deca. ten.

decem. ten

deciduous. falling off naturally. the seasonal shedding of leaf. falling off. persistent for one growing season.

deciduus. falling off; shedding.

declinate. directed or curved downward

decompound. a general term for leaflets in two or more orders bi, tri etc. pinnately, palmately, or ternately compound. said of a compound leaf, when the leaflets are made up of distinct part.

decumbent stem. reclining or lying on the ground with the tips ascending; decumbent. lying flat, but with summit ascending

decurrens. running down. elongate, extending downward. of a leaf, having the base extending down the stem as two wings. extending along stem downward from leaf base.

decussate. said of leaves, when they are opposite, but each pair is at right angle to the one above and below it. opposite leaves at right angle to preceding pair. in pairs alternating at right angles

deflexed. bent sharply outwards and downwards.

deliquescent. softening and wasting away.

deltoid. shaped like an equilateral triangle

demersus. growing under water.

dendroid. tree-like

densus. thick. dense.

dentate margin. the teeth directed outwards at right angles to the margin of the leaf.

dentate. toothed

dentatus. toothed

denticulate. minutely toothed

depauperate. small and usually poorly developed.

depauperatus. reduced.

description. a characterisation; a statement of attributes of a particular taxon, individual plant or its parts.

descriptive characters. characters used to give the features or attributes of a taxon.

desiccatus. Dried up

determinate growth. Growth of plant parts, the size of which is limited by cessation of meristematic activity during the year

determinate. of limited growth. determinate. central flower develops first, arresting development of primary axis.

dextrorse. rising helically from right to left, a characteristic of twining stems.

di, dis. apart from, asunder.

dia. through.

diagnostic characters. characters used to distinguish one taxon from another.

diaphanous. translucent.

dicha. in two

dichasium. a determinate, dichotomous inflorescence with the pedicels of equal length.

dichasium. cymose inflorescence in which each axis produces a pair of lateral axes.

dicho. in two

dichotomous (irregularly). forking but into two unequal parts. dichotomous. branched by repeated forking; equally forked

dichoto-pinnate. basic branching is dichotomous but then each branch is pinnately divided

didymus. twins; in pairs.

diffluent. readily becoming liquid

difformis. irregular; unevenly formed.

diffuse. spread over a wide surface.

digitalis. pertaining to a finger.

digitate. divided into fingers

dilatatus. broadened; widened.

dilated. widened; expanded.

dimidiate. divided into unequal halves.

dioecious. with staminate and carpellate flowers on separate plants.

dioicus. dioecious; unisexual

diplo. double

dipterous. two-winged.

discoid. flat and circular

discolor. not uniform in color.

discontinuous characters. characters not showing uniform intergradation or a cline, but separated by breaks in the continuum.

dissected. irregularly cut into numerous segments.

disseptimentum. a partition.

distal. away from the point of origin or attachment. distal. towards the outermost extremity. away from the holdfast. the part of a structure farthest away from the point of attachment

distichous. disposed in two vertical ranks; arranged in two opposite rows. in two vertical rows. arranged in two rows. arranged in two rows or ranks on opposite sides of an axis. leaves 2-ranked, in one plane.

distromatic. composed of a layer, at least in parts, two cells in thickness. arranged in two rows

divaricate. extremely divergent. spreading at a wide angle; widely forked or separated

divergent. spreading at a moderate angle; said of branching

divided. cut 3/4 to almost entire distance to middle of structure.

dolabriform. axe-shaped.

dorsal. pertaining to the upper surface of a dorsal ventral thallus

dorsiventral. said of thalli with the dorsal and ventral surface unlike. with distinct upper and lower surfaces

dumosus. shrubby; bushy.

eburneus. ivory-white.

eccentric. off-center style.

echinate. covered with spines.

echinatus. spiny.

echinellus. minutely spiny.

ecological evidence. characters related to habit preference or environmental modifications of structure.

ecophene. an ecological growth form

ecorticate. without cortication. without a cortex

ecosystematics. the field of study dealing with floristic and plant communities, primarily observational and descriptive, and mostly treating the species, genus, and family taxa.

ecto. outside; out of, from

effectively published name. name that was published in printed matter generally available to botanists.

elatior. taller.

elatus. tall.

elegans. elegant.

elliptical or oval. shape of an ellipse.

elodes. of marshes.

emarginate apex. when the apex is provided with a deep notch. indented at the apex

embryological evidence. characters associated with embryo types and their development.

emendatus (emend.). emendation; to correct or improve

endogenous. originating from below the surface of a thallus

endomorphic evidence. characters internal, usually structurally microscopic.

ennea. nine

enneaphyllus. nine leaves.

entire margin. even and smooth

entire. without divisions, lobes, proliferation or indentations. without indentations or incisions on margins. smooth.

eos. early, primitive.

ephemeral. germinating, growing, flowering and fruiting in a short period.

epi. upon.

epigeous. above the ground or water. in the air.

epihydrus. upon the water.

epipetric. upon rock.

eramous stem. with unbranched stems. erect. upright.

ericoides. heath-like.

erio. wooly

erose. irregularly, shallowly toothed and/or lobed margins; smooth.

erythro. reddish.

et alii (aliorum) (et al.). and others

europaeus. of europe.

evanescent. passing away, disappearing early.

evection. the development of lateral branches to form pseudo dichotomies by differential growth of the wall of the parent axis

evolution. the continuous genetic adaptation of organisms to their environment; directional change in gene frequency, over time, within a population or series of populations in response to selective factors of the environment. change over time within a population.

ex. from, out of

exalbidus. whitish.

exaltatus. very tall.

excentric. one-sided. off-center.

exiguus. little.

exogenous. originating from the surface of a thallus

exomorphic evidence. characters external, usually structurally macroscopic.

extra. outside

falcate or seculate. sickle-shaped.

falcate. scimitar-shaped

falcate. sickle-shaped.

farinaceous. mealy.

farinosus. mealy.

fascicle. a bundle or cluster; adjective fasciculate. a dense cluster or bundle of branches or branchlets

fascicle. a dense cluster or bundle of branches or branchlets

fasciculate. leaves or other structures in a cluster from a common point

fasciculate. tufted; forming a dense cluster or bundle

fasciculatus. growing in bunches; fascicled.

fastigate. having many branches parallel to the main stem, and usually upright.

fastigiate stem. strictly erect and parallel.

fastigiate. with parallel, clustered and erect branches; with branches more or less erect in line with the main axis; of a branching system, conical or pyramidal in outline, with either the base or apex uppermost. having the branches erect, parallel and adpressed. fastigiate. having many branches parallel to the main stem, and usually upright.

faux. throat.

fenestrate. irregularly perforate

ferrugineus. rusty. light reddish brown

fibrous. having loose, woody fibers.

fili. thread-like.

filiculmis. with thread-like stem

filiform. thread-like, narrowly cylindrical

fimbri. fimbriate.

fimbria. fringe.

fimbriate margin. fringed with fine segments.

fimbriate. fringed.

fimbriate. margins fringed.

fimbriate. with a fringed edge or margin. fringed

fimbriolate. minutely fimbriate.

fistulose. hollow, as a culm without pith.

fistulosus. hollow; cylindrical; tubular.

fixed characters. characters seemingly invariable.

flabellate. fan-shaped

flabellatus. like a small fan.

flabelliform. fan-shaped.

flaccid. lax and weak. limp, flabby hanging lose or drooping

flavescens. becoming yellow.

flavi. yellowish.

flavidulus. slightly yellow.

flavidus. somewhat yellow.

flavovirens. yellowish-green

flavus. pale yellow.

flexilis. capable of being bent.

flexous. bent alternately in opposite directions. zigzag

flexuosus. bent alternately in opposite directions.

flexuous. bent alternately in opposite directions

flexuous. coarsely undulate with folds at right angles to long axis.

flora. an inventory of plants within an area or region.

florentinus. of florence.

floribundus. full of flowers.

floridanus. of florida.

floridus. flowering.

flos. flower.

fluitans. floating.

fluviatilis, growing in streams.

fluviatilis. of rivers.

foetidus. ill-smelling; strong-smelling

foliaceous. leaf-like

foliolum. leaflet.

foliose. with a broad, flat blade

foliosus. full of leaves.

folium, phyllon. leaf.

fontinalis. of springs.

forcipate. incurved like the jaws of pincers

forma (f.). form

fortuitous characters. characters not related to some vital function or behaviour.

foveolate. pitted.

frondosus. full of leaves.

frosted. . with a heavy wax coat.

fruticose stem. shrubby.

fruticosus. shrubby; bushy.

fucosan. a substance which accumulates in cells, considered to be a by-product of metabolism which has tannin-like properties

fudus. base

fulcate. forked.

fulcra. the appendages of the leaves as prickles, tendrils, stipulate.

fulgidus. shining. bright-colored.

fulvus. tawny; dull yellow

fungosus. spongy

funiculus. cord; rope.

furcate. forked

furcatus. forked.

fuscatus. dusky.

fusci. dark or dark brown.

fusiform. spindle-shaped, tapering at the extremities

galacto. milky.

gallicus. of france.

gamo. fused; united

geminate or binate. paired; in pairs.

generalis. pertaining to all.

generic characters. diagnostic characters used in delimiting a genus.

generitype. the type species of a genus.

genetic evidence. characters primarily associated with transmitted traits and breeding behaviour.

geniculate stem. abruptly bent at a node, zigzag.

geniculate. abruptly bent vertically, usually near the base.

geniculate. bent abruptly.

geniculatus. abruptly bent, like knee joint

germanicus. of Germany.

gibbous. inflated on one side near the base.

giganteus. gigantic.

giganteus. very large; gigantic.

glaber. smooth, without hairs.

glabrate or glabrescent. becoming glabrous.

glabrous. smooth, without hairs. devoid of trichomes.

glandular. covered with minute, blackish to translucent glands.

glaucescens. becoming sea-green. grayish-blue.

glaucescent. sparingly or slightly glaucous.

glaucous. covered with a bloom or smooth, waxy coating.

glaucus. gray-green, with a bloom.

globose. round. spherical or globular

globular. spherical

glosso. tongue-like.

glutinous. having a shiny, sticky surface.

goni. angled, angular

good characters. characters easily recognizable, have a narrow range of expression and are seemingly genetically fixed.

gracilis. slender.

graecus. of greece.

grandi. large.

grandis. large.

granular. finely mealy, covered with small granules.

greasy. slick, oily, slippery to touch.

gregarius. herded or flocked together.

griseus. pearl-gray

gymno. naked; bare.

gyne. female.

gyno. female

hair (pseudohairs). hairs which possess plastids, terminate filaments tips only and lack a distinct basal meristem and sheath

hair (true hair). hairs which are colourless with a distinct basal meristem and basal collar or sheath

hair. a general term for usually unbranched, hyaline deciduous filaments.

haplo. single.

hapteron. a specialized multicellular attachment structure, usually cylindrical and branched. present in the laminariales

helicoid cyme or bostryx. a determinate inflorescence in which the branches develop on one side only, appearing simple.

helveticus. of switzerland.

helvolus. pale brownish-yellow

hemi. half; partial.

hepaticus. liver-colored. dark reddish-brown.

hepta seven

herbaceous. soft and succulent.

hetero. various, different.

heteroblasty. the formation at two morphological different germinating patterns from spores liberated from a sing sporangium

heteroblasty. with juvenile foliage distinctly different from adult foliage in size or shape.

heteroplastic. having both chloroplasts and colourless amyloplasts

heterotrichous. with two parts to the thallus. a prostrate basal portion and an erect one

hexa. six

hiemalis. belonging to winter.

hilum. scar, trifle.

hirsuta. hairy

hirsute. covered with long, rather stiff trichomes.

hirsutum. hairy.

hirsutus. hairy

hirti. hairy with long hairs.

hispanicus. of spain.

hispid. covered with very long, stiff trichomes.

holo. entire.

holotype. the one specimen or other element used by an author or designated by him as the nomenclatural type

holotype. the one specimen or other element used by the author or designated by him as the nomenclatural type, as long as a holotype is extant, it automatically fixes the application of the name concerned.

homologous characters. characters having a common ancestral origin.

homonym. any of two or more identical names based on different types, only one of which can be legitimate. eg. spergula strictasw. (1799) transferred to arenaria cannot become arenaria

strictabecause of a different species, arenaria stricta michx. (1803). iftransferred, s. "stricta" would be a homonym of a. "stricta" michx.(1803).

homoplastic. having only one type of plastid, the chloroplast

homotypic synonym. different name based on same type, second name synonym of previous name.

humilis. dwarf.

hyacinthinus. purplish-blue

hyaline. thin and translucent or transparent.

hyper. beyond, above

hypero. beyond, above.

hypo. beneath.

hypogeus. underground.

hyponym. a name not based on a type species; name rejected for lack of identified type.

hystrix. bristly (literally a porcupine)

identification (determination). the act of recognizing or establishing the taxon to which a specimen belongs; the establishment of an identity similar to another previously known element; applying a name to a specimen.

illegitimate name. name that is validly published but contrary to one or more articles of the code.

imbricate. overlapping, like the tiles on a roof. leaves or other structures overlapping.

imbricatus. overlapping, like shingles.

immersed. embedded within

inarticulate. not jointed, continuous

incanous. covered with dense, fine grayish-white trichomes.

incanus. hoary. whitish-gray

incarnatus. flesh-colored.

incised. margins sharply and deeply cut, usually jaggedly.

incrassate. thickened.

incurved. curved inward or upward.

indeterminate. evergrowing. continual growth of plant parts, not limited by a cessation of meristematic activity.

indeterminate. lateral flowers develop first with primary axis continuing to elongate or develop.

indicus. of indica.

indurate. hardened.

inflated. swollen or thickened, as in Eichhornia. distended with air or gases

inflatus. bladdery; swollen.

inflexed. bent abruptly inward or upward.

infra. below.

infundibular. funnel-shaped.

initial. the earliest stage of a cell, tissue or structure

inodorus. without scent or odor.

inter. between. among.

intercalary. inserted at a point along a thallus. not terminal or basal. occurring in any position in a thallus or filament other than the apex or base

intercellular. lying between cells

intermediua. intermediate.

intra. within

intricate. intertwined, entangled

intro. inside

inundatus. growing in places apt to be flooded.

invalid name. name which is not valid.

invariant characters. characters that do not vary within population samples.

invisus. hateful; detested.

involucre. a structure protecting reproductive organs

iridescent. frond surface reflecting light as a blue or green sheen

iridescent. showing rainbow-like colours

irregularly dichotomous. forking but into two unequal parts

iso. equal

isodiametric. cells of equal diameter; as broad as long

isodynamous. with equally developed structures.

isostichous. with equal rows.

isosyntype. a duplicate of a syntype, not cited in a protologue. all duplicates cited by the author are syntypes.

isotype. a duplicate (part of a single gathering made by a collector at one time) of the holotype; it is always a specimen.

jugosus. mountainous.

klon (cl.) clone

labium. lip.

lacerate. irregularly cut, appearing torn.

laciniate. cut into closely parallel ribbonlike or straplike projections.

laciniate. irregularly cut or split

lacustris. of lakes or ponds.

laevi. smooth.

laevigatus. smooth, as if polished.

lamellate. made of thin plates

lamina. blade

lanceolate. long and pointed. lance-shaped. flat, broad in the middle and narrow at each end

lanci. lance-shaped.

lani. woolly.

lanosus. wooly.

lasio. woolly.

lati. wide, broad.

laxi. loose; unstrung.

laxus. loose; lax

leaflet. a distinct and separate segment of a leaf.

lectotype. a specimen or other element selected from the original material to serve as a nomenclatural type when no holotype was designated at the time of publication or as long as it is missing.

leio. smooth.

lenticulate. like a biconvex lens

lepido. scally

lepto. slender.

leuco. white.

ligneous. woody.

lignum. wood.

ligulate or ray. strap-shaped.

ligulate. strap-shaped

limbus. limb.

linear. log, narrow and flat eg. grass.

linear. long and narrow; narrow, several times longer than wide. long and narrow with parallel sides

linearis. narrow; linear.

lino. made of flax

lithophilus. rock-loving; growing on rocks.

littoralis. of the seashore

lividus. lead-colored.

lobe. a portion of a deeply cut frond

locorum. sacred thickets.

loculus. chamber; room.

logically correlated character. character or property which is a logical consequence of another.

longi. long.

lorate. with elongate vertical waves in the margins or sides atright angles to the longitudinal axis.

lubricous. slippery

luridus. dull yellow. brownish-yellow

luteolus. pale yellow.

lutescens. becoming pale yellow.

luteus. deep yellow.

lyrate. lyre-shaped. pinnatifid with large terminal lobe and smaller lower lobes.

lyratus. lyre-shaped.

macro characters. characters gross, macroscopic, usually external.

macro. large; giant.

maculatus. spotted or blotched.

magnus. large.

mammilliform. applied to papillate protuberances

marginal. pertaining to the border or edge.

marianus. of maryland.

maritimus. of or belonging to the sea.

meaningful characters. characters or attributes which are significant or valuable in characterization, identification or classification.

meaningless characters. characters or attributes which are not significant or valuable in characterization, identification or classification.

median. upon or along the longitudinal axis.

medulla. pith. medulla. the inner cells of a thallus, usually colourless. a term loosely used for the internal region of a thallus, it may be parenchymatous, pseudoparenchymatous or distinctly filamentous. the central tissue

mega. very large; great

megalo. very large; great.

melano; black, very dark.

membranaceous. thin and semi-transparent. like a membrane

membranous. thin and semi-translucent. membrane-like.

meri. part or.

meridionalis. southern.

meristos. divided.

meta. next to, after. changed.

micro characters. characters small, microscopic, usually internal.

micron, micrometre. a unit of measurement = 0.001 mm

midrib. a thickened region extending longitudinally down the middle of a flattened branch. the thickened longitudinal axis of a flattened thallus. the central conducting and supporting structure of the blade of a simple leaf.

midvein. the central conducting and supporting structure of the blade of a leaflet.

minus. small

minutus. very small

misapplied name. name applied to a taxon that does not include the type of the name.

mollis. soft; pubescent.

moniliform. like beads on a string

monochasium. a cymose inflorescence with one main axis.

monochasium. cymose inflorescence in which each central axis bears on lateral axis.

monoecious. with staminate and carpellate flowers on same plant.

monosiphonous. a filament composed of a single row of cells

monostromatic. composed of a single layer of cells

monotypic. consisting of a single entity, as, for examples, a genus containing one species only

montanus. of the mountains.

monticola. dweller in the mountains.

morphological evidence. characters associated with gross structure.

mucilage. a watery sticky substance

mucronate apex. rounded apex abruptly ends in a short point.

mucronate. possessing a short, straight point

multiaxial. of a thallus containing several axial filaments

multiseriate. composed of more than one row of cells

multistate characters. characters that can be expressed by moret han "all or none" or present or absent states.

muricate. having a surface roughened by short, sharp points. covered with short, hard protuberance.

muricatus. rough with short, hard points.

muriculate. having a surface roughened by short, sharp points. minutely muricate

muriculate. minutely muricate

mutatis characeribus (mut. char.) change of character.

muticous. without a vein extension, awn or hair.

muticous/muticate. pointless; blunt.

myrio. countless

naming. the designating of a specimen or a group of specimens by one or two words. name is the general term for the designation of a taxonomic group.

nano. dwarf.

nanus. dwarf.

natans. floating on the surface of the water.

ne. not. free from

nemorosus. of woodlands and groves.

neo evidence. characters related to the new or recent.

neo. new

neogaeus. of the new world.

neotype. a specimen or other element selected to serve as nomenclatural type as long as all of the material on which the name of the taxon was based is missing.

nephro. kidney-shaped.

niger. black; glossy black.

nigra. black

nitens. shining; polished.

niveus. snow-white; purest white.

nodosus. knotted; knobby.

nomen (nom.) name

nomen ambiguum. ambiguous name; name used in different senses so that it has become a long-persistent source of error"

nomen conservandum (nom. cons.) conserved name

nomen conservandum. conserved name. a validly published name that, by decision of an international botanical congress, shall be used in spite of the fact that to do so is contrary to the rules.

nomen novum (nom. nov.) new name

nomen novum. new name; name that is usually a substitute or replacement for an earlier name.

nomen nudum. naked name; name published without description or diagnosis, or reference to either.

nomen rejiciendum (nom. rejic.) rejected name.

nomenclatural synonym. different name based on same type, second name synonym of previous name.

nomenclatural type. that element with which the name is permanently associated. it is not necessarily the most typical or representative element of a taxon.

nomenclature. a set or system of names for taxa, with the binomial for the specific name as basic

non. not

non-adaptive character. characters that do not change in response to a changing environmental situation.

non-correlated characters. characters or property which is not the logical consequence of another.

non-weighted characters. characters given same value regardless of importance.

normalis. at right angles; normal

nothomorphos (nm.). nothomorph

novae-angliae. of new england.

novem-. nine.

nudatus. exposed; laid bare.

nudi. naked.

ob. inversely ; against.

oblique. having an asymmetrical base.

oblong. broadly linear

oblong. wide and long, with the two margins running straight up eg. banana leaf.

obtuse apex. rounded.

obtuse. blunt or at a wide angle

obtuse. blunt or at a wide angle. with a blunt or rounded end

obtuse. margins straight to convex, forming a terminal angle more than 90 o

occidentalis. western

ochro. yellowish

ochroleucus. yellowish-white.

octo. eight.

odonto. tooth-shaped.

odoratus. fragrant.

oikos. house

ontogenetic characters. characters associated with the development of the individual.

ophio. snake-like.

opposite. two leaves or other structures per node, on opposite sides of stem or central axis.

orae. coastal; of the coast.

orbicular. circular in outline.

orbicular. circular, round

orbiculate. circular in outline

ordiri. to begin.

orientalis. eastern

ortho. straight; erect.

orthographia mutata (orth. mut.) orthography change. altered spelling

osseous. bony.

ovate. egg-shaped.

ovate. having the outline of the longitudinal section of a hen's egg

ovi. egg-shaped.

ovoid. egg-shaped, solid

oxy. sharp.

pachy. thick

palatum. palate.

paleo evidence. characters related to the old or fossil.

paleo. old

paleomorphic. flowers without symmetry; usually with an indefinite number of stamens and carpels, and usually subtended by bracts or discoloured upper leaves

pallid. light-coloured.

palmate. divided like the hand, into finger-like lobe

palmately compound. with leaflets from one point at end of petiole.

palmate-pinnate. with first order leaflets palmately arranged, second order pinnately arranged.

palmatifid. cut palmately.

palmatisect. sectioned or divided palmately into distinct segments.

paludosus. growing in boggy places.

palustris. of marshes or swamps.

palynological evidence. characters associated with pollen grains and their development.

pan. all

panicle. a branched raceme, with each branch bearing a raceme of flowers. more generally, any branched inflorescence which is in anyway complexes.

panicle. a loose cluster

panicle. branched inflorescence with pedicelled flowers.

pannose. with a felty texture.

panto. all

papillary. nipple-like

papillate. covered with wart-like protuberance or papillae

papillose. covered with minute tubercles.

papyraceous. papery in texture.

para. near, beside.

paranema. paraphyses or sterile hairs

paraphyses. paranema

paraphyses. short filaments or branches associated with sporangia

paratype. a specimen cited with the original description other than the holotype or isotype.

parenchyma. an undifferentiated tissue of thin walled cells

pariental. attached to a wall

parted. cut 1/2-3/4 of distance to middle of structure.

parvi. small

parviflorus. small-flowered.

parvulus. very small.

patens/patent. spreading.

patent. said of leaves or branches which spread out widely from the stem.

patent. spreading at a wide angle

pauci. few

pauxillus. small

pectinate. having closely parallel toothlike projections. comblike.

pectinate. pinnatifid with narrow segments set close like the teeth of a comb. arranged unilaterally like the teeth of a comb

pedate, bipalmate. palmately cleft or divided with lateral lobes cleft or divided.

pedate. like the claw of a bird.

pedicel. the flower stalk. individual flower stalk. a stalk of a reproductive organ

pedicellate. stalked; borne on a pedicel. said of a flower or a fruit having a stalk. having a stalk.

pedicellus. pedicel

peduncle. main stalk for entire inflorescence.

pellucid. clear, transparent.

peltate. attached to stalk inside the margin; shaped like a shield

pendulous. hanging loosely or freely.

pendulus. hanging down; nodding.

penta. five

per. through.

percurrent. extending through the entire length. said of a vein which runs through the whole length of a leaf but does not project beyond the tip.

perennis. perennial.

perfoliate. with the base of the lamina surrounding the stipe

perfoliate. with the base of the lamina surrounding the stipe

peri. around.

periclinal. parallel to the surface

peripheral. on the outer surface or edge.

perpusillus. very small

petiolate. with a petiole.

petiole. leaf stalk.

petiolulate. with a petiolule.

petiolule. leaflet stalk.

phaeo. dark.

phaneritic characters. characters obvious, macroscopic.

phanero. easily seen; visible.

phoras. bearing

photo. light.

phragma. septum.

phyllo. pertaining to a leaf.

phyllodial. flattened and blade-like.

phyllon. leaf.

phyllopodic. with blade-bearing leaves at base of plant.

phylogenetic characters. characters associated with the development of the taxon over long periods of time.

phylogenetic system. a system supposedly based on racial history relationships. one resumably based on common evolutionary descent.

phylogeny. the evolutionary history of a group of related organisms.

phylosystematics.. the field of study dealing with phylogeny and classification, primarily theoretical and synthetic, mostly treating

physical evidence. characters related to inanimate properties of organisms.

physiological evidence. characters related to function.

phytography. phase of taxonomy dealing with descriptive terminology of the plant and its parts with the objective of providing accuracy and completeness for the characterization of taxa.

picro. bitter

piliferous. bearing hairs

pilose. hairy. with soft, shaggy trichomes.

pinna. one of a series of opposite or alternate distichous branchlets. one of the primary divisions of a pinnately divided frond

pinnate. flattened in one plane, with pinnae or side branches. arranged on either side of an elongate axis like the vanes of a feather. divided like a feather with lateral branches on each side of an axis

pinnated. furnished with distichous branchlets, arranged like the plumes of a feather

pinnately compound. with leaflets arranged oppositely or alternately along a common axis, the rachis.

pinnatifid. cut pinnately.

pinnatifid. deeply incised in a semi-pinnate manner

pinnatisect. sectioned or divided pinnately into distinct segments.

pinnule. a secondary pinna; a secondary branch arising from a pinna

plantula. seedling.

plastic characters. characters seemingly variable.

platy. broad.

pleio. few

pleiochasium. compound dichasium in which each cymule has three lateral branches.

plicate. with a series of longitudinal folds; plaited.

plicatulus. folded into small longitudinal pleats.

plumose. feather-like.

plumose. feathery

plumula. little feather.

plurilocular. having a number of compartments

podion. little foot

podo. of a foot.

polarity. a distinct difference between opposite ends

polonicus. of poland.

polysiphonous. with several rows of elongate cells

polystichous. arranged in numerous rows. leaves or other structures in many rows.

polystromatic. formed of several or many layers of cells

porophilum. lover of soft rock

porphyreus. purple.

porphyro. purple.

porrect. pointed outward, usually said of teeth

prae. before; very. in front of.

praealtus. very tall; high

praecox. developing very early; precocious.

prasinus. grass-green; bright green.

pratensis. growing in meadows.

primitive characters. characters possessed by present day taxon and its ancestors.

primus. first.

pro hybrida (pro hybr.). as a hybrid.

pro parte (p.p.) in part

pro specie (pro sp.) as a species.

pro synonyma (pro syn). as a synonym.

pro. for. instead of.

procerus. very tall.

procumbent stem. prostrate or reclining. trailing or lying flat, not rooting at the node. humistrate.

procumbent. lying flat

projected. pointed outward, usually said of teeth.

proliferation. development of new parts of a thallus by vegetative growth

proliferous. bearing progeny as offshoots. bearing other similar structures on itself

prostratus. lying flat; thrown to the ground.

provisional name. name not accepted by an author at time of publication, but proposed in anticipation of the future acceptance of the group concerned, or the future acceptance of the taxon in some particular circumscription, position or rank.

proximal. near the point of origin or attachments.

pruinose. . with a heavy wax coat.

pseudo. false.

pseudodichotomous. branching which appears to be dichotomous but branches not equal

pseudoparenchyma. mass of closely packed filaments giving the appearance of parenchyma

ptero. winged.

pterocauly stem. winged stems.

ptilon. feather

pubens. downy.

pubescent. covered with dense or scattered trichomes.

pulverulent. covered with fine, powdery wax granules.

pulvinate. cushion-shaped, pillow-shaped.

pumilus. dwarf

punctate. characterized by a dot-like appearance

punctatus. marked with dots, depressions or glands.

puniceus. crimson; purple-red.

purpurascens. becoming purple. purplish.

purpureus. purple.

pusillus. very small. insignificant.

pyrenoid. small, round or irregularly shaped, highly refractive body in a chromatophore. proteinaceous but enveloped in starch, staining darkly in iodine

pyriform. pear-shaped

pyro. firey.

pyrrho. fire-red; ruby-red.

quadrifid. cut or divided into four lobes or parts.

qualitative characters. characters relating to kinds of forms, structures, behaviours or functions.

quantitative characters. characters assessed by number and size.

quaternate. arranged in fours

quinque-. five.

quinquefolius. five-leaved.

raceme. a definite inflorescence, with the main axis bearing stalked flowers which are borne in acropetal succession.

raceme. unbranched, indeterminate inflorescence with pedicelled flowers.

racemose. having racemes, here used to mean having stalked cytocarps along a branchlet; a bunch of grapes?

rachis. the axis of a pinnately compound leaf, to which the leaflets are attached. main axis of an inflorescence.

radiatus. spreading from common center.

radicula. little root.

radix. rhiza, root.

ramellate. bearing small branches

ramentaceous. having many thin scales.

rametoid. branch-like

rami. pertaining to branches.

ramose stem. branched.

ramose. much-branched.

ramosus. branched.

ramulus. a small branch. normally refers to the smallest branches of a plant, especially when these are of uniform size, form or distribution; a minute branch, usually, applied to the ultimate divisions of a branching frond

ramulus. a very small branch of a stem of leaf.

ramus. branch.

re. back.

receptacles. portion of a thallus in which conceptacles are concentrated

reclinate. bent down upon the axis, no angle of divergence.

recurved. bent back. curved outward or downward.

recurvus. curved backwards or backwards.

reductus. reduced.

reflexed. bent or turned back. turned downward.

refracted. abruptly backwardly bent

regularis. typical; according to rules.

reliable characters. characters that are consistent, distinct, recognizable and usable by taxonomists.

reniform. kidney-shaped

repand margin. shallowly wavy or undulating

repens. creeping; prostrate and rooting.

repent stem. creeping or lying flat and rooting at the nodes.

reproductive evidence. characters associated with flower, fruit or seed.

reptans. creeping. prostrate and rooting.

resinous. having a yellowish, sticky exudate.

retained name. name or epithet which is continued to be used as a correct name or as the epithet of a correct name.

reticulate. net-like, perforated

reticulatus. netted.

retroflexed. turned downwards

retrorse. bent or directed downward.

retuse apex. when the obtuse or truncate apex is furnished with a shallow notch.

revolute. rolled back from the margin or apex

revolute. rolled backwards and usually downwards

rhaphe. seam.

rhipidium. a zig-zag determinate inflorescence with branches developed on opposite sides of the rachis alternately.

rhizine. a thick walled filamentous structure in the cortex of certain algae

rhizo. pertaining to roots.

rhizoid. root like outgrowth from a cell. a unicellular or multicellular filament formed for attachment, usually arising from the base of a plant

rhizoidal. root like. a rhizoidal filament is of irregular diameter, sinuous, often downwardly directed and frequently colourless

rhodo. rose-colored.

rhyncho. having a snout or beak.

rhytido. wrinkled; rumpled

rigidus. stiff

riparius. pertaining to river banks.

rivularis. growing by streams.

robust. large.

robustus. stout.

roseus. rose-colored; rosy.

rostratus, having a beak, beaked.

rosulatus. in form of a rosette.

rotund. circular in outline

rotund. more or less rounded or circular

rotundifolium. round-leaved.

rounded. margins and apex forming a smooth arc.

rubellus. reddish.

rubens. reddish.

rubiginosus. brown-red

ruderalis. growing among rubbish.

rufidulus. somewhat red.

rufus. reddish.

rugose. wrinkled or ridged, covered with coarse reticulate line.

rugosus. wrinkled.

runcinate margin. serrated with the teeth pointed backwards.

rupestris. growing among rock.

saccate. inflated, or sac-like form; bladder-like

saccate. pounch-like.

sacculate. regularly inflated

saccus. pouch.

saccus. sac.

sagittate. arrow-shaped.

salient. pointed outward, usually said of teeth

saltuense. of or pertaining to forests or woodland pastures.

salverform. trumpet-shaped. with slender tube and limb nearly at right angles to tube.

sapro. rotten, decayed.

sarco. fleshy.

sarcocauly stem. fleshy stems.

sativus. cultivated

saxatilis. growing among rocks.

saxicola. dweller among rocks.

saxicola. growing among rocks.

scaber. rough; harsh

scaberulent. approaching scabrous.

scabridulous. minutely scabrous.

scabrous. having a harsh surface.

scale. small, scarious to coriaceous flattened bodies within the perianth, as in the cyperaceae and asteraceae.

scandens. climbing

scandens. climbing.

scaposus. having a scape.

scarious. thin and dry, appearing shrivelled.

schisto. split; cleft.

schizo. deeply divided

scientific name. name composed of a generic name and a specific epithet, a binomial for the species; or a single correct name for a higher taxon.

sclero. hard.

sclerous. hard.

scorpioid cyme. a zig-zag determinate inflorescence with branches developed on opposite sides of the rachis alternately

scutellate. saucer-shaped.

scyphi. scypho. cup-like.

sebiferous. with a heavy wax coat.

sebiferus. wax or tallow-bearing

secund or unilateral. flowers or other structures on one side of axis. borne in a row on one side only of a branch. directed to one side , arranged along one side only, one-sided arrangement.

segetalis. growing in grain fields.

semen, sperma. seed

semper. always.

sensibilis. capable of irritability or sensitivity.

sensu amplo (s. ampl.) in a broad sense.

sensu lato (s. lat.) in a wide sense.

sensu stricto (s. str.). in a strict or narrow sense.

septate. divided by internal partitions into locules or cells.

septem. seven.

septentrionalis. northern.

seriate. in series

seriate. regularly arranged in one or more series

sericeus. silky.

serotinus. late to leaf, flower, or appear

serrate margin. cut like the teeth of a saw and the teeth directed upwards.

serrated. cut into sawlike teeth.

serrated. toothed like the edge of a saw

serrulate margin. minutely serrate.

sesqui. one and a half.

seta. bristle.

setaceous. bristle-like

setose, setaceous. having setae or bristle-like trichomes.

setosus. bristly.

sex-. six.

sexangularis. six-angled.

shining, nitid, or laevigate. lustrous, polished.

silicle. a short siliqua, not much longer than wide

silicola. dweller on siliceous or flinty soils.

siliculose. resembling a silicle

siliqua. an elongate pod-like structure

simple cyme. a determinate, dichotomous inflorescence with the pedicels of equal length.

simple. with leaf not divided into leaflets.

simplex. simple

sinensis. of china.

sinistorse. rising helically from left to right, a characteristic of twining stems.

sinuate margin. deeply undulating, with a deep, wavy margin

sinuous. with a wavy outline or margin to the thallus

solitary. one-flowered, not an inflorescence.

solstitialis. of summer.

spathulate . oblong or obovate apically with a long attenuate base, shaped like a druggist's spatula. spoon-shaped

spatulate. oblong or obovate apically with a long attenuate base, shaped like a druggist's spatula. spoon-shaped

specific characters. diagnostic characters used in delimiting a species.

speciosus. good-looking, beautiful

spectabilis. showy; worth seeing.

sphacela. a blunt apical cell with dark-coloured contents

spheno. wedge-shaped.

spinous margin. provided with spines.

squama, lepis. scale.

squamose. having coarse scales.

squarrose. usually sharply curved downward or outward in the apical region, as the bracts of some species of aster.

squarrosus. rough, with outward projecting tips.

stachyo. spiked.

stans. erect.

stato. fixed; standing.

status novus (stat. nov.) status new.

stellate. star-shaped

stellate. star-shaped

steno. narrow.

sterilis. sterile; barren

stichidium. a modified branch bearing tetrasporangia

stichidium. special branch of the thallus bearing reproductive organs

sticto. spotted

stipellate. with stipels.

stipes. stem

stipitate. having a stipe

stipitatus. with a little stalk or stipe.

stipula. stalk.

stipulate. with stipules.

stolon. a runner arising above the base of the frond

stoloniferous stem. with runners or propagative shoots rooting at the tip producing new plants. bearing stolons. sarmentose.

stoloniferous. with stolons, long and slender horizontal branches

stramineus. straw-colored

stramineus. straw-colored.

striate. marked with bands, furrows or ridges

strobilus. a cone-like structure

subacrocaulous. with branches at or near tip of main stem.

subcortex. a layer beneath the cortex but outside the medulla

subcylindrical. not quite cylindrical

subdichotomous. branching intermediate between alternate and dichotomous

suberous. corky.

subglobose. almost round or spherical.

subglobular. not quite spherical

subpinnately. tending towards pinnate branching

subtend. to extend under

subtending leaf. that leaf whose axil gives rise to a bud or peduncle.

subtending. having a bud, or developed from a bud, or a sporangium,in its axis.

subterranean or hypogeous. below the surface of the ground.

subulate. awl-shaped

suffrutescent. woody basally, herbaceous apically.

sulcate. with longitudinal grooves.

sulcatus. furrowed

super. above, over.

superfluous name. name applied to a taxon for which another name or epithet was already available.

supine stem. prostrate, with parts oriented upward.

supra. above, over.

sur. somewhat; above.

surficial or epigeous. upon or spread over the surface of the ground.

sylvaticus, silvaticus. of the woods.

sylvestris, silvestris. growing in the wood.

sympodial. type of growth where the frond extends by development of a lateral branch

syn. together, joined.

synonym. a superseded or unused name. a rejected name due to a misapplication or difference in taxonomic judgement. a) nomenclatural or homotypic synonym. different name based on same type, second name synonym of previous name. b) taxonomic or heterotypic synonym. different name based on different type but taxonomic judgement indicated identity equal to previously described taxon; a metanym.

synthetic character. characters of constant nature and wide occurrence used in constitutive and organizational characterizationof larger taxa.

syntype. any one of two or more specimens cited by the author when no holotype was designated, or any one of two or more specimens simultaneously designated as types.

sys. together, joined.

systematics. a science usually considered as dealing with a comprehensive study of diverse organisms with regard to their natural relationships.

tautonym. illegitimate binomial which generic name and specific epithet are the same. eg. sophia sophia (l.).

taxon (taxa). any taxonomic group, as a species, genus, family or higher rank.

taxonomic or heterotypic synonym. different name based on different type but taxonomic judgement indicated identity equal to previously described taxon. a metanym.

taxonomy. a science usually considered as dealing with principles and procedures of classification.

tenellus. slender; tender; soft.

tenui. slender; thin.

tepallum. tepal

tephro. ash gray.

teres. cylindrical, circular in cross section.

terete. round in section. circular in transverse section. terete. cylindrical

tergeminate. with three orders of leaflets, each bifoliolate, or with geminate leaflets ternately compound.

terminal. at apex or end of stem.

terminal. at the top, tip, or end of a structure.

ternate. in threes

ternately compound. with leaflets in three's

terni. in threes.

terrestris. growing in dry ground.

tetrastichous. leaves or other structures in three rows.

thorn. a sharp pointed branch.

tinctorius. used for dyeing.

tomentose. closely covered with short hairs

topotype. a specimen of a named taxon collected, usually later, from the original type locality or from the area from which the species was described.

torose. cylindrical with contractions at intervals.

tortuous. having the surface variously twisted. winding irregularly

tortuous. irregularly twisted.

tortus. twisted

torulose. with small swellings. cylindric, with swellings at intervals

trabeculae. filaments traversing a cavity. slender strands or bars lending rigidity to a thallus

trachy. rough.

trans. across, beyond.

tricho. hairy

trichoblast. uniseriate hair-like structures which are usually shed as the plant matures

trichothallic. a method of growth, with a meristematic region in an intercalary position, usually near the base of a filament

trifid. slit into three. cut or divided into three lobes or parts.

trigonous. three-angled.

triquetrous. having 3 angles and 3 concave surfaces. three-angled with the sides usually concave.

triseriate. consisting, wholly or in part, of three rows of cells in longitudinal series

trivial name. vernacular name.

trivialis. common; ordinary; trivial

truncate apex. apex ends abruptly as if cut off in a straight line.

truncate. terminating abruptly as if broken off

truncatus. shortened. cut off at end.

tubercle. a small excrescence. small swelling

tuberculate or verrucose. with a warty surface.

tuberculate. beset with knobbly projections or irregularly warty outgrowths.

tuberculate. with hard, swollen, persistent base or tubercle.

tuberosus. tuberous.

tubular. cylindrical

tubular. cylindrical and hollow

tubus. tube

tumescent. somewhat tumid.

tumid. swollen. inflated.

turbinate. shaped like a spinning-top

turbinate. top-shaped. obconic

turgid. tumid or swollen.

two-state characters. characters "all or none", present or absent.

tylo. with knots or projections.

typonym. a name based on an indicated type specimen, not on a diagnosis or description.

typus conservandus (typ. cons.). type conserved.

umbilicate. depressed in the centre.

umbonate. round with a projection in centre.

umbonate. with a distinct projection usually from the side.

umbraculate. umbrella-shaped.

umbrosus. growing in the shade.

uncinatus. hooked.

unctuous. slick, oily, slippery to touch.

undulate. having a wavy surface

undulate. margins shallowly and smoothly indented, wavy in a vertical plane.

undulate. with a series of vertical curves at right angles to the central axis.

unguis. claw

uniaxial. of a thallus containing a single axial filament

unilateral. on one side only

unpublished name. name not published, nomenclaturally equivalent to a name that has not been validly published. used in reference to herbarium or manuscript name that have not been effectively or validly published.

unreliable characters. characters that are inconsistent, indistinct, unrecognizable and not usable by taxonomists.

urceolate. shaped like a pitcher with a protruding mouth

urceolate. urn-shaped.

uro. tailed.

utricle. a flask-shaped cell

vaginate. sheathed

validly published name. name published in accordance with arts. 32ª45 in the code in which the basic provisions are (a) effective publication (b) publication in the form specified for the name of each category of taxa c) publication with a description or diagnosis, or a reference to a previously published description or diagnosis, of the taxon to which the name applies d) accompanied by a latin description or diagnosis or by a reference to a previously and effectively published latin description or diagnosis of the taxon and e) with an indication of the nomenclatural type.

variant characters. characters that do vary within population samples.

vaxillum. standard.

vegetative evidence. characters associated with root, leaf, stem or bud.

velutinus. like velvet.

velutinus. velvety.

ventral. pertaining to the lower surface of a dorsiventral thallus

ventricose. inflated on one side near the middle.

ventricosus. swollen, especially on one side.

vernacular name. name used by natives for a plant. a common name.

vernalis. pertaining to spring.

vernus. pertaining to spring.

verrucose or tuberculate. with a warty surface.

verrucose. warty

versicolor. variously colored.

verticillate. bearing successive whorls of branches along an axis

verticillus. whorl.

vexillum. banner

vinealis. growing in vineyards.

violaceus. violet.

violascens. becoming violet.

virens. green

virescens. becoming green

virgate stem. wand-lie; long, slender, and straight.

virgate. long and straight like a wand (rod)

viridescens. becoming green.

viridi. green

viridis. green.

vitellinus. egg-yolk yellow.

viti. pertaining to a vine.

volubilis. twining.

vulgaris. common.

weighted characters. characters given a greater value due to presumed importance.

whorl. a radiating ring of branches, sporangia etc. given off at the same level

whorled, radiate, or verticillate. three or more leaves or other structures per node.

winged. with flattened blade-like margins.

woody. hard lignified.

xantho. yellow.

xero. dry.

xylo. woody.

zantho. yellow.

zeylanicus/ ceylanicus/ taprobanicus. of ceylon.

zygo. joined; married