What is dyslexia? Who has it? What can be done about it? Dyslexia Basics.

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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What is dyslexia?Who has it?

What can be done about it?

Dyslexia Basics

What CharacteristicsAccompany


Myth ? Fact ?

Dyslexia cannot be diagnosed until about third grade.

Children who reverse b’s and d’s are dyslexic.

Students cannot be dyslexic and Gifted/Talented.

More boys than girls are dyslexic.

A test is given to diagnose dyslexia.

Dyslexia is outgrown.


May have trouble rhyming

May have trouble pronouncing words

May be unable to recall the right word

May be slow to add new vocabulary words

May have trouble learning numbers, days of the

week, colors, shapes, and how to spell and write

his/her name

Kindergarten through 3rd grade

Fails to understand that words come apart

Has difficulty learning the letter names and their

corresponding sounds

Has difficulty reading single words in isolation

Has difficulty spelling phonetically

Reads choppily and slowly

Relies on context to recognize a word

4th grade through high school

Has a history of reading and spelling difficulties

Avoids reading aloud

Reads most materials slowly and oral reading is not


Avoids reading for pleasure

May have an inadequate vocabulary

Has difficulty spelling

Who has Dyslexia?

What Causes Dyslexia?

A specific learning disability that is neurological in origin

This language-based disorder affects:reading words accurately and/or fluentlyspellingdecoding nonsense


Can affect reading


Can lead to reduced

reading experience

that slows vocabulary


Trouble turning print into sound

(phonological processing)

is the root cause of dyslexia

Unexpected reading difficulties

in relation to

cognitive abilities

What Does the Law Say About


Helpful Tips for


All children can learn to read!


Dedra Carter, Region 15 Dyslexia Consultant



Virginia Gonzalez, State Dyslexia Consultant

1-800-232-3030, Ext. 1410
