0&-'1-234-%*5#-*5- 65,$#6-0+7#&-%&*+6/#&6#-$'(5B,/#-'*7,+89 · 2018. 2. 8. · Unsoldered...

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Outline •  Superconductor lap splices electrical resistance overview •  Set-­‐up for resistance vs transverse compressive stress measurements •  Electrical resistance of soldered Bi-­‐2223 and REBCO tape lap splices as a func6on of transverse compressive stress •  Electrical resistance of unsoldered REBCO tape lap splices as a func6on of transverse pressure • Conclusion

C. Scheuerlein, MEM2016, 23 March 2016

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Lap splice resistance overview Superconductor R-­‐77 K (nΩ.cm) R-­‐4.2 K (nΩ.cm) Nb-­‐Ti (US welded) -­‐ 3.4±0.8 Nb-­‐Ti (soldered) -­‐ 25±7.3 Nb3Sn RRP (welded by EMPT and reacted) -­‐ 5.5±2.0 Nb3Sn RRP (reacted and soldered) -­‐ 36±10 Bi-­‐2223 SEI type HT-­‐CA 84.0±13.2 66 REBCO SuperPower SCS4050 (a) SC-­‐SC 148±4.1 150 (b) SC-­‐substrate 2550±466 n.m. (c) substrate-­‐substrate 3760±265 n.m. REBCO AMSC 8700 (a) SC-­‐SC 546±91.8 368 (b) SC-­‐substrate 5800±3400 n.m. (c) substrate-­‐substrate 14700±8600 n.m. MgB2 ex situ Columbus -­‐ 3100 MgB2 in situ Hypertech -­‐ 3300

C. Scheuerlein, MEM2016, 23 March 2016

Set-­‐up for 77 K resistance vs transverse compression experiments

•  Universal test machine (UTM) with a 5 kN load cell from Hegewald & Peschke MPT GmbH.

•  UTM has been equipped with a reverse load frame, such that instrumented samples and current leads can be immersed in liquid nitrogen.

•  For t ransverse compress ion experiments samples are mounted on a flat stainless steel plate that is connected to the bodom of the reverse load frame.


(a) UTM with liquid nitrogen cryostat. (b) Sample holder and pressing tool for resistance vs transverse stress measurements.

(b) (a)

C. Scheuerlein, MEM2016, 23 March 2016

Sample holder and pressing tool •  Tape is posi6oned on the stainless steel sample holder and insulated with Polyimide tape. •  Flat stainless steel pressing tool. •  Maximum stress that can be applied on a 20 mm2 splice in combina6on with a 5 kN load cell is 250 MPa. •  Alignment with pressure sensi6ve tape at RT.

Soldered REBCO tape lap splice with 3.5 mm overlap length mounted on the stainless steel sample holder for 77 K electrical resistance measurements as a func@on of transverse compressive stress.

C. Scheuerlein, MEM2016, 23 March 2016


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Soldered AMSC REBCO lap splice resistance as a funcFon of transverse compressive stress

•  No resistance and Ic change up to 400 MPa. •  Stresses above 400 MPa were achieved using a 1 mm-­‐wide pressing tool. •  A resistance increase from 1.3 to 2.2 μΩ occurs at 460 MPa, without a strong Ic reduc6on. This possibly indicates par6al delamina6on of the REBCO layer inside the tape.









0 20 40 60 80 100 120


ge (µ


Current (A)

0 MPa400 MPa460 MPA

V-­‐I curves of the AMSC tape SC-­‐SC lap splice with 3.5 mm overlap length measured at zero stress and at a transverse compressive stress of 400 MPa and 460 MPa.

C. Scheuerlein, MEM2016, 23 March 2016

Soldered SuperPower REBCO lap splice resistance as a funcFon of transverse compressive stress

•  No resistance and Ic change up to the maximum stress that could be applied on the splices with 20 mm2 overlap area. •  Ic of the substrate-­‐substrate splice is lower than the 77 K Ic of the tape, presumably because of hea6ng at the high resistance splice. 0











0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


ge (µ


Current (A)

0 MPa220 MPa0 MPa260 MPa

SC-­‐SC 0.35 µΩ

V-­‐I curves of the SuperPower tape SC-­‐SC and substrate-­‐substrate lap splices with 5 mm overlap length at zero stress and at a transverse compressive stress of 260 MPa and 220 MPa, respec@vely.

C. Scheuerlein, MEM2016, 23 March 2016

Unsoldered REBCO lap splice resistance at different transverse pressures

•  In order to determine the Cu stabiliser contact resistance at the crossovers of the tapes in Roebel cables, the 77 K resistance of a pressed unsoldered lap splice was measured as a func6on of transverse compressive stress. •  Before moun6ng the tapes on the stainless steel sample holder they were cleaned with Scotch-­‐Brite and ethyl alcohol. •  The tapes were fixated and insulated from the sample holder and pressing tool by means of adhesive polyimide tape.








0 20 40 60 80


ge (µ


Current (A)

V-­‐I curves of the unsolder SuperPower SC-­‐SC lap splice with 3 mm overlap length at different transverse pressures.

C. Scheuerlein, MEM2016, 23 March 2016

Unsoldered SuperPower REBCO SC-­‐SC lap splice resistance vs transverse compressive stress





0 50 100 150 200 250

Resistance (nΩ.cm)

Stress (MPa)

5 mm (2)5 mm (2) unloading3 mm3 mm unloading10 mm10 mm unloading5 mm5 mm unloading

SC-­‐SC soldered R=148 nΩ.cm

SC-­‐substrate soldered R=2550 nΩ.cm

At 12.5 MPa the contact resistances of the four unsoldered SuperPower SC-­‐SC splices differ by about one order of magnitude. At a pressure of 100 MPa the average unsoldered SC-­‐SC plice resistance is R1cm=1490±965 nΩ.cm, which is lower than the resistance of soldered SC-­‐substrate splices.

R1cm of unsoldered SuperPower SC-­‐SC splices. The empty symbols represent the resistance values aNer par@al unloading to 12.5 MPa. The resistance of the soldered SC-­‐SC and SC-­‐substrate splices is shown for comparison.

Unsoldered AMSC REBCO SC-­‐SC lap splice resistance as a funcFon of transverse pressure





0 50 100 150 200 250

Resistance (nΩ.cm)

Stress (MPa)

AMSC unsoldered (1)AMSC unsoldered (1) unloadingAMSC unsoldered (2)AMSC unsoldered (2) unloading

AMSC SC-­‐SC, R=546 nΩ.cm

AMSC SC-­‐substrate, R=5800 nΩ.cm

At 100 MPa the contact resistance between the clean stabiliser surfaces is about 2000 nΩ.cm.

R1cm of unsoldered AMSC SC-­‐SC splices. The empty symbols represent the resistance values aNer par@al unloading to 12.5 MPa.

Lap splice resistance overview Superconductor R-­‐77 K (nΩ.cm) R-­‐4.2 K (nΩ.cm) Nb-­‐Ti (US welded) -­‐ 3.4±0.8 Nb-­‐Ti (soldered) -­‐ 25±7.3 Nb3Sn RRP (welded by EMPT and reacted) -­‐ 5.5±2.0 Nb3Sn RRP (reacted and soldered) -­‐ 36±10 Bi-­‐2223 SEI type HT-­‐CA 84.0±13.2 66 REBCO SuperPower SCS4050 (a) SC-­‐SC 148±4.1 150 (b) SC-­‐substrate 2550±466 n.m. (c) substrate-­‐substrate 3760±265 n.m. (d) SC-­‐SC unsoldered at 100 MPa pressure 1490±965 n.m. REBCO AMSC 8700 (a) SC-­‐SC 546±91.8 368 (b) SC-­‐substrate 5800±3400 n.m. (c) substrate-­‐substrate 14700±8600 n.m. (d) SC-­‐SC unsoldered at 100 MPa pressure 2400 n.m. MgB2 ex situ Columbus -­‐ 3100 MgB2 in situ Hypertech -­‐ 3300

C. Scheuerlein, MEM2016, 23 March 2016

Conclusion • Applying during the resistance measurements transverse compressive stress up to 260 MPa and 400 MPa did not change the resistance and Ic of the SuperPower and AMSC splices, respec6vely. •  The contact resistance between the opposing stabiliser surfaces depends strongly on the transverse pressure. • At 100 MPa the contact resistance between the about 4 mm wide unsoldered clean stabiliser surfaces of the SuperPower and AMSC tapes is in the order of 2000 nΩ.cm.

C. Scheuerlein, MEM2016, 23 March 2016

Back up slides



Electrical resisFvity ρ of the different materials present in the superconducFng wire and tape splices

Material ρ at RT (nΩ.m) ρ at 77 K (nΩ.m) ρ at 4.2 K (nΩ.m) Cu (RRR=100) [] 17.2 2 0.17 Nb (RRR=200) [] 158 Es6mated 16 0.8 Ag (RRR=200) [] 16 2.7 0.08

Ag alloy [] 38 Es6mated 10 Ag-­‐Au5.4wt% [] 58 Es6mated 30

Monel [] 500 Es6mated 250 Es6mated 230 Hastelloy C-­‐276 [] 1050 1030 Es6mated 1000

Ni5at%W [] 320 258 Es6mated 240 Brass (AMSC) [] 45 24 Es6mated 22

Cu alloy (Bi-­‐2223 HT) [] 25 7 Sn60Pb40 [] 140 Es6mated 40 3 Sn96Ag4 [] 120 Es6mated 20 1

C. Scheuerlein, MEM2016, 23 March 2016

Decay constant measurements with test loops with known inductance

y = 1.0006xR² = 0.996










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

R = 98

8 nH

/τ (n


R4-­‐point (nΩ)

C. Scheuerlein, MEM2016, 23 March 2016

