0024 Bandit Towing v3 final v2 non branded · 0024 Bandit Towing v3 final v2 non branded Created...

Post on 23-Jul-2020

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ContractLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

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Bandit tow trucks prowl the streets to illegally hook up your car and head off. Most towing firms are honest. But watch for bandits.

Take charge … unhook towing cons.

Crash-scene con Tow truck suddenly shows up. Driver wants to haul your damaged car to a “great” body shop. Careful — may be a setup for shoddy, unsafe repairs.

Impound feesImpound lot bills you inflated fees to release your car. Hundreds of dollars, or more. No pay … no car.

Parking prowlerParking meter expires, or you’re in a no-parking zone. Towing firms stalk for vehicles — even when meter not expired.

Stress follows you everywhere.

You’re out hundreds or thousands — bogus towing, impound and repair costs. Scam costs also may not

be insured.

Avoid lurkersAvoid towing firms that

suddenly show for a crash.

Use trusted body shopCall your insurer or auto club. Find a reliable body

shop — before towing.

Protect insurance infoSay no if the towing driver asks for your insurance or

other sensitive personal info.

Ignore blank formsTowing contract has blanks? Don’t sign.

Be loud — complainCall your insurer and police

if you suspect a scam.

