01 disciples and bible

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Lesson 1


“Search the scriptures;

for in them ye think ye

have eternal life: and

they are they which

testify of me” John 5:39


Though it’s important to know the Bible,

that alone isn’t enough.

Some of the biggest-name Bible

scholars have not even been believing


Thus, we need to ask ourselves, How

can we make sure that our study and

reading of the Bible help us to come to a

better knowledge of Jesus and what He

has done for us?

That is, how can we make Bible study

something that transforms our lives?

He knew the Scriptures. He gave authority to the

Scriptures. He used the Scriptures to

preach. He convinced people with

the Scriptures. His disciples followed His


The Bible was made up only of the Old Testament in Jesus’ day. It was known as “the Scriptures”.

This week we’re studying how Jesus used the Scriptures:

“And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27)

Jesus knew the Scriptures deeply.How did He learn the Scriptures?

“In childhood, youth, and manhood,

Jesus studied the Scriptures. As a

little child He was daily at His

mother’s knee taught from the

scrolls of the prophets.

E.G.W. (Education, cp. 20, pg. 185)

In His youth the early morning and the evening

twilight often found Him alone on the mountainside

or among the trees of the forest, spending a quiet

hour in prayer and the study of God’s word. During

His ministry His intimate acquaintance with the

Scriptures testifies to His diligence in their study.

And since He gained knowledge as we may gain it, His

wonderful power, both mental and spiritual, is a

testimony to the value of the Bible as a means of


Thanks to His knowledge of the Bible, Jesus could …

Understand His mission.

“For the first time the child Jesus looked upon the temple

[Lk. 2:41-42]… He beheld the bleeding victim

upon the altar of sacrifice… He witnessed the

impressive rites of the paschal service

[Nm. 28:16]. Day by day He saw their meaning

more clearly… The mystery of His mission

was opening to the Saviour”

(E.G.W., The Desire of Ages, pg. 57)

Overcome temptation.

“But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread

alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”[Dt. 8:3]”

(Matthew 4:4)

“Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘you shall not tempt the Lord your

God.’”[Dt. 6:16]” (Matthew 4:7)

“Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan!

For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you

shall serve.’”[Dt. 6:13]” (Matthew 4:10)

Explain His mission.

“Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The

stone which the builders rejected has

become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? [Sal. 118:22-23]...

And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on

whomever it falls, it will grind him to

powder.””(Matthew 21:42, 44)

Teach what was written about Himself in the


“And beginning at Moses and all the

Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the

things concerning Himself”

(Luke 24:27)

Jesus usually quoted examples and passages from the Bible while discussing with His opponents or preaching. That way He strengthened the authority of the Word of God.

“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17)

• He made mention of David eating the showbread (1S. 21:1-6)

• He made mention of the sabbatical work of the priests in the temple (Nm. 28:9-10)

• He quoted Hosea 6:6 “For I desire mercy and not sacrifice”

When the disciples began to pluck heads of grain on

Sabbath (Mt. 12:1-8)

• He made mention of the commandment about honoring our parents (Ex. 20:12; 21:17)

• He quoted Isaiah 29:13 “These people honor Me with their lips…”

To fight against the traditions of the

Pharisees (Mt. 15:1-20)

• He quoted Psalm 82:6 “I said, “You are gods”

When people wanted to stone Him for calling Himself Son of God

(Jn. 10:32-38)

The only safe path is to follow the example of

Christ: Praising, honoring and obeying the Bible.

The Authority

of Scripture

Whenever Christ debated with the religious authorities, He relied not on

abstract philosophy, not even on personal authority, but on the teachings of

Scripture. When determining right from wrong, Jesus based His argument on

a scriptural bedrock. When opponents challenged Christ’s doctrinal purity,

He directed them to specific passages within Scripture. When considering

practical matters, Jesus referred listeners to divine revelation. Christ

understood that His divinely ordained mission was to accomplish that

which the ancient prophets had predicted.

Contrast Christ’s exalted understanding of Scripture with the

prevailing attitude often exhibited among even professed Christians

today. Entire denominations have come to deem the Bible as

interesting but, basically, unreliable historical manuscripts.

Everything—the six-day Creation, the flood, the Exodus, even the

bodily resurrection of Jesus (much less a literal Second Coming)—

has been called into question, or even relegated to the status of myth.



Second Coming


“You have heard that it was said…” (Matthew 5:21,

27, 31, 33, 38)

We may find a good example of how Jesus used the Bible when preaching in the Sermon on the Mount. That is the most extensive sermon of Jesus

in the Bible.

“But while Jesus did away with the old forms, he re-instated the old truths, placing

them in the frame- work of truth. He matched and joined them together, making a

complete and symmetrical system of truth. This was the work our Saviour did; and

now what shall we do? Shall we not work in harmony with Christ? Shall we be ruled

by hearsay? Shall we let our own imaginings hide from us the light of God? We are to

read attentively, to hear understandingly, and to teach others also the things we have

learned. We must be constantly hungering for the bread of life, constantly seeking

for the living water and the snow of Lebanon, that we may be able to lead the people

to the living, cooling waters of the Fountain of truth”

E.G.W. (Review and Herald, June 4, 1889)

“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:14-15)

Jesus tried to convinced people with the Bible in private conversations or small groups, instead of using miracles (Jn. 13:18-20; Lk. 10:25-28;


“In teaching these disciples, Jesus

showed the importance of the Old

Testament as a witness to His

mission. Many professed Christians

now discard the Old Testament,

claiming that it is no longer of any

use. But such is not Christ’s teaching.

So highly did He value it that at one

time He said, “If they hear not Moses

and the prophets, neither will they

be persuaded, though one rose from

the dead.”” E.G.W. (The Desire of Ages, cp. 83, pg. 799)

Repeatedly, Christ

quotes Scripture in

conjunction with

His calls to

discipleship. This

clearly implies that

Jesus’ authority

and credibility

rested on

Scripture, not

merely on personal

charisma. This is

seen especially in

the ways in which

Jesus used the

Scriptures as He

worked with the

two disciples who

were on the road to


“Beginning at Moses, the very

Alpha of Bible history, Christ

expounded in all the Scriptures

the things concerning Himself.

Had He first made Himself

known to them, their hearts

would have been satisfied. In

the fullness of their joy they

would have hungered for

nothing more. But it was nece-

ssary for them to understand

the witness borne to Him by

the types and prophecies of

the Old Testament. Upon these

their faith must be established.

Christ performed no miracle to convince them, but it was His first work to

explain the Scriptures. They had looked upon His death as the destruction of

all their hopes. Now He showed from the prophets that this was the very

strongest evidence for their faith. “In teaching these disciples, Jesus showed

the importance of the Old Testament as a witness to His mission.”—Ellen G.

White, The Desire of Ages, pp. 796–799.

Encourage the preaching of the Gospel

Romans 10:14-15 Isaiah 52:7

Place Jews and Gentiles on an equal footing

Romans 10:11-13 Isaiah 28:16

Welcome the Gentiles to the Church

Acts 15:1-31 Amos 9:11-12

Call people to conversion

Acts 3:18-26 Deuteronomy 18:18

Choose the successor of Judas

Acts 1:15-26 Psalm 69:25; 109:8

The first disciples made the Bible their life guide and their rule of faith.

For example, they used the Bible to:

“Of Christ’s life and death and intercession, which

prophets had foretold, the apostles were to go forth as

witnesses. Christ in His humiliation, in His purity and

holiness, in His matchless love, was to be their theme.

And in order to preach the gospel in its fullness, they

must present the Saviour not only as revealed in His life

and teachings, but as foretold by the prophets of the Old

Testament and as symbolized by the sacrificial service”

E.G.W. (Christ’s Object Lessons, cp. 11, pg. 127)

As Jesus and the apostles did, we must preach by using the Word of God to show Salvation to others.


Dwell on Luke 24:32, especially the

phrase that their “heart[s] burn[ed]


” What does that mean?

When was the last time your heart

burned within you over the truths

that we have been given?

If it hasn’t in a long time, might it

be because your heart has grown

cold? If so, how can you change?


We invite you to

download and study

each one of the 13

lessons about this




