02. Role of Visitor Attraction in Tourism

Post on 10-Apr-2015

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Role of Visitor Attractions

Role of visitor attractions

Learning Objectives : Appreciate the historical development of

attractions from their earliest beginnings to the present day

Understand the close relationships between attractions and growth of tourism

Link between attractions and sectors of tourism

Impact of attractions

Historical development

A big challenge to trace historical

development and classifying sites as visitors’ attractions E.g.: were the pyramids of Egypt an

attraction in Roman times? Or did they only really become a true attraction when they were made accessible to thousands of tourists every year through the rise of tour operators and improved transport services?

Historical development

Two reasons are needed to classify:

1) How to justify in classifying sites as attractions? For example, number of visitors

2) Reason for visiting a place e.g. pleasure and entertainment, religion etc.

Historical development

Reasons for growth in visitors to attractions are as follows: Increased disposable income More leisure time Developments in technology Greater mobility through modes of transportation Education The media providing images and information Increased marketing The rise of the package holiday

Earliest beginnings

• No one knows which were the first sites considered as attractions

• Greeks and Romans were the firsts, who traveled for pleasure

Earliest beginnings

Places of interest then include pyramids of Egypt and baths at Bath

Medieval Period

• Rise of tourism based on religion

• First example of mass tourism

• Led to worshipping at religious shrines e.g. Mecca in Saudi Arabia

The Renaissance

• In contrast to the tourism of the medieval period, which was relatively large scale, the non-religious tourism of the Renaissance era was an elitist activity enjoyed by few people

• People visiting a variety of attractions including many where the main appeal was aesthetic

Seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

• Growth of tourism based on specific attractions also led to health tourism

• Major attractions then led to:• Spas based on mineral waters• Sea-bathing

Seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

• The ‘Grand Tour’ was an established itinerary that focused on historic and cultural sites, mainly in France and Italy. Often undertaken by young aristocracy and was seen as part of their education

Nineteenth century

• Improvements in modes of transportation• Appreciate more on resort accommodation,

great museums, galleries and parks

Nineteenth century

• Elite discovered 2 new types of attraction: climate of Southern Europe in winter and the mountains of the Alps

Into the twentieth century

• Event-based attractions e.g. World Expos, Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games, Arts Festival, etc.

Recent decades

Since the end of WWII the number and range of attractions has multiplied dramatically

The growth in tourism since 1950 and the recognition of its economic benefits has led to the growth of purpose-built attractions.

In many ways, the 1980s were a watershed in the development of attractions

At the same time, there was a worldwide growth in heritage attractions.

Recent decades

The 1980s and early 1990s was also the period in which governments around the developed world began to use attractions as tools of government urban regeneration and regional development policies.

By the end of the 1980s in the USA, Northern Europe and Japan, attractions had matured

However, it is in this era that we saw the first massive latent attraction in South East Asia

Attractions and other sectors of tourism

Close correlation between attractions and

tourism both as an activity and an


1) Destinations: Popular destinations lead to more

hotels, restaurants and shops to cater to the needs of the visitors

Attractions and other sectors of tourism

World’s largest and most successful destinations Magic Mountain, Disney’s World, Eiffel Tower, Empire State Building…

Attractions and other sectors of tourism

While some destinations remain based on a single attraction, most develop new attractions to satisfy visitor demand and lengthen their stay

All products go through Product Life Cycle (PLC) and improve its pattern of support services accordingly

Attractions and other sectors of tourism

Combination of attractions and supporting services including accommodations, catering and retailing e.g. Disneyland, Anaheim, California with motels, hotels, different food outlets located within its vicinity etc.

Attractions and other sectors of tourism

2) Transport: Attractions enjoy a close relationship

with transport systems: Physical accessible Existence of major attractions leads to

the development of new public transport services

Attractions and other sectors of tourism

Within destinations to make travel between attractions as easy as possible e.g. Anaheim Disneyland

Attractions and other sectors of tourism

Modes of transport can often be an attraction e.g. Eastern & Orient Express, Concorde

Attractions and other sectors of tourism

On-site transport to move visitors e.g. Anaheim Disneyland’s trams, monorails at Sentosa etc.

Attractions and other sectors of tourism

3) Tour operation: Tour operators putting together a traveling

package: Package attractions and services that will

appeal to their customers Day trip or excursions e.g. Halong Bay, Cat

Ba Island Growth of holidays in the off-peak season Special interest groups e.g. golf, diving,

gardening, visiting universities etc.

Attractions and other sectors of tourism

Quality of attractions is important to attract to return in due course

Instrumental in the growth of tourism and have strong links between attractions and other sectors of tourism

Impact of attractions1a) Positive Economic impact

Major attractions brings valuable foreign currency and contributes to improving the balance of payments situation of the country as a whole

Attractions in general provide central government with income through the taxes paid by employees and the sales taxes paid by the visitors

Impact of attractions

Attractions provide jobs, directly and indirectly.

Visitor expenditure has a multiplier effect within the local and regional economy

Many attractions in the UK are owned by local authorities and voluntary bodies.

Impact of attractions

1b) Negative economic impact

Conservation and management of attractions is very costly

Jobs are often poorly paid Government owned attractions, may not

be justifiable because of low returns

Impact of attractions

2) Environmental impact

Natural environment e.g. vegetation erosion

Wildlife killed by accident or by design and habitants are damaged

Geographical features suffer from graffiti and erosion

Impact of attractions

Cathedrals and stately homes unable to accommodate the number of visitors therefore lead to wear and tear, erosion, accidental damage and litter

Unattractive and inappropriate buildings and unsightly car parks

Impact of attractions

3) Sociocultural impact

Revolves around how the visitors affect the attraction and its traditional, existing uses and users

Detrimental effect on the quality of experience for the worshippers

Impact of attractions

Impact of attraction and its users on the local community or even the national culture

New attractions only allowed visitors and not locals may cause resentments

New attractions introducing alien features and values to a country can be seen as a threat to national culture.

Attractions and urban regeneration

In recent years, governments and local authorities all over the world have recognized the potential of tourism as an economic development tool.

While governments have focused on the potential economic benefits, they have not always appreciated the economic, environmental and sociocultural problems that tourism can cause.


This chapter has attempted to look at the role of attractions in the field of tourism as a whole.

It has explored the historical development and the role of attractions in the growth of tourism, and has looked at the relationship between attractions and other sectors of the tourism industry.

Finally, the chapter has briefly examined the impact of attractions and has looked at their use as a tool for economic and social development

Discussion points

1. Discuss the impacts of the opening of a new theme park

2. Discuss the factors that led to the growth of heritage attractions in the 1980s and 1990s

3. Critically evaluate the extent to which attraction projects can stimulate regional development and urban regeneration

4. Discuss the way in which single attractions can act as a catalyst for the development of new destinations