0273-MTT Semi Auto Machines Brochure v5

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  • 7/29/2019 0273-MTT Semi Auto Machines Brochure v5


    Semi AutomAtic moulding mAchineSFor ProToTyPE, Low voLuME And SPEcIALIST ProducTIon

  • 7/29/2019 0273-MTT Semi Auto Machines Brochure v5


    mtt S-Aa m masMTT 100 KSA Semi-Automatic

    Injection Moulding Machine

    Te compact and easy to use MTT 100 KSA is ideal or prototype and

    small batc production rom 50 to 1000 parts. Typical applications include

    insert mouldins and any projects were quick mould canes are

    required. Te macine is also suitable or laboratory testin o plastics

    and moulds, and or institutes and trainin establisments.

    Te macines power lock and dwell timer enables a pre-set ram

    pressure to develop a sinle, timed injection stroke at te pus o a

    button. Alternatively, te manual operation option is a particularly useul

    eature or settin up moulds. Te mould remains readily accessible

    to te operator and modifcations are tereore quick and convenient.

    Te 100 KSA moulds almost any termoplastic material and uses low

    cost bride toolin systems suc as MTTs EP toolin resins, or

    materials suc as aluminium.

    Compact i quality construction 20 tonnes lockin pressure

    Adjustable mould sizes

    Easy access to mould

    Quick material canes and mould set-up

    Adjustable injection pressure

    Injection timer or semi-auto operation

    Intellient temperature control

    Very low runnin and maintenance costs

    Sinle pase, 240v/110v power supply

    Internal litin or ease o operation

    Air supply 8 bar at 350 L/min


    Lockin pressure 20 tonnes

    Lockin clamp movement 5mm

    Injection unit See options below

    Injection pressure 410 bar

    Injection unit stroke 195mm

    heatin capacity 1.8kW @ 220V/110V

    Plasticisin capacity 7K/r

    Electrical supply 2kW @ 220V/110V 50 or 60 cycles

    Maximum tool size h. 150mm x W. 150mm x L. 250mm*

    Macine size h. 1280mm x W. 760mm x D. 400mm

    Macine weit 260K

    * Can be increased by removal o rear access panel

    Injection unit options:

    Injection unit type A B C D (standard) E F

    Pluner diameter (mm) 21 25 30 35 40 45

    Max sot volume (PS) 49 58 83 113 148 187

    Injection pressure bar 952 800 556 408 313 247

    Line pressure bar 8

  • 7/29/2019 0273-MTT Semi Auto Machines Brochure v5


    MTT 50/E Blow Moulding Machine

    MTTs 50/E Blow Mouldin macine delivers an economical solution

    or desiners and manuacturers o bottles, containers or oter ollow

    orms. Typical applications already include prototypes and low volume

    production parts or te packain, cosmetic, ood, parmaceutical,

    toy and automotive industries.

    User riendly and wit its small ootprint, te macines ideal

    environment is witin te R & D or prototypin worksop were quality

    prototype bottles and containers can be made available or trials in

    production materials includin PE, PP, and hDPE. Te MTT 50/E is ideally

    suited to batces o up to 1000 parts.

    Wen te macine is used in conjunction wit moulds made rom MTTs

    EP Toolin Resin, development time can be reduced dramatically

    to as little as one week rom concept to prototype. Containers o up to

    one litre capacity can be produced rom a maximum parison or sot

    weit o 115m.

    Te macine eatures an electric drive on te screw, wic reduces bot

    cycle time and noise levels.

    Quick set up time parts can be produced witin an our

    User riendly control system sort learnin curve

    Sinle pase/pneumatic very low runnin costs

    Small ootprint suitable or laboratory use

    Clean room compatible ideal or medical applications


    Platen size h 350mm x L 250mm

    Platen stroke 150mm total (max daylit 300mm)

    Clamp orce 1 tonne

    Parison control By pressure proramme

    Macine size 2000mm h x 1050mm W x 700mm D

    Macine weit 500K

    Power @220/110V 1 pase 2.5kw (max)

    Air Approx 8 bar (max) x 2Lt/cycle (max)

  • 7/29/2019 0273-MTT Semi Auto Machines Brochure v5


    MTT EP Tooling Resin

    Conventional injection mouldin tools are expensive and time consumin

    to produce. MTT developed its EP Toolin Resin to allow te reduction

    o costs and cycle times, particularly or prototypes and low volume

    production parts. By usin te EP Toolin Resin, an injection mouldin

    tool can be produced in as little as tree days.

    Quick and easy to process, EP Toolin Resin can be used in conjunction

    wit existin pattern makin metods and will produce a tool suitable

    or injection mouldin between 50 and 2000 components. CNC macinin

    and SL produce te most successul master models or use wit EP

    Toolin Resin, as bot enable te creation o accurate models were split

    lines can be ully incorporated as part o te oriinal model.

    An EP Toolin Resin tool oers a i compressive strent and eat

    deection temperature. Srinkae is low at 0.02% and te material is

    easy to macine wit a surace wic can be polised to a near mirror

    fnis. For mould canes and alterations, te EP Toolin Resin tool canbe reworked easily witout losin mould stability and strent. Typical

    applications include:

    Lare and small injection moulds

    Blow moulds

    Wax injection moulds

    Press moulds

    Soe sole injection moulds

    The process

    1. Use any type o rapid prototypin modelincludin wood, plaster, leater, silicone orresin. Fit metal inserts i required.

    2. Mix EP Toolin Resin wit hardener anddeas. Fix castin rame and coolin pipes.Cast te EP Toolin Resin. Deas aain.

    3. Fix upper castin rame. Cast EP ToolinResin. Deas aain.

    4. Remove te castin rame. 5. heat cure te mould in te oven. 6. Completed injection tool.

  • 7/29/2019 0273-MTT Semi Auto Machines Brochure v5


    Blow moulded brake uid reservoir produced or te classic car industry in low volumes usin an EP Toolin Resin

    tool and te MTT 50/E

  • 7/29/2019 0273-MTT Semi Auto Machines Brochure v5


    MTT Tehlgies Lt.

    Witebride Way, Witebride Park,

    Stone, Staordsire ST15 8LQ Enland

    T: +44 (0) 1785 815 651

    F: +44 (0) 1785 812 115

    E: sales@mtt-roup.com


    MTT TEChNOLOgIES INCLUDE:Compact Injection Mouldin Macines ...................................................................................................................... (Brocure No. 2531/1)Semi-Automatic Mouldin Macines/Rapid Toolin Systems .................................................................. (Brocure No. 2531/2)

    Vacuum Castin Systems .................................................................................................................................................... (Brocure No. 2531/3)

    Additive Metals Manuacturin Tecnoloy ............................................................................................................ (Brocure No. 2531/4)

    Metal Part Castin Systems .............................................................................................................................................. (Brocure No. 2531/5)

    Fr r fra pas vs r wbs:


    MTT Tehlgies Lt.

    Witebride Way, Witebride Park,

    Stone, Staordsire ST15 8LQ Enland

    T: +44 (0) 1785 815 651

    F: +44 (0) 1785 812 115

    E: ino@mtt-roup.com

    MTT Tehlgies GmbH

    Roenorster Strae 9c

    D-23556 Lbeck germany

    T: +49 (0) 451 16082-273

    F: +49 (0) 451 16082-250

    E: contact@mtt-roup.com

    MTT pts a seies ae

    aailable thgh lie

    etk f istibts a agets.

    Please tat s at:


    b phe: +44 (0) 1785 815651.

    MTT Fae S.A.

    70, rue Amelot

    F-75011 Paris France

    T: +33 (0) 1 47 00 88 09

    F: +33 (0) 1 47 00 37 95

    E: ino@mtt-roup.com

    MTT Italia Sl.

    Via Lomellina 12/b Rosso

    1-200 90 Buccinasco (MI) Italy

    T: +39 (0) 02 488 52 11

    F: +39 (0) 02 488 43 400

    E: ino@mtt-roup.com


