03 - Yellow Belt, Level 2-+Yellow+Belt,+Le… · What Every Yellow Belt, Level 2 (7 th Gup) Must...

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What Every Yellow Belt,

Level 2 (7th

Gup) Must

Know in order to test for

Green Belt, Level 1 (6th


Yellow Belt, Level 2 (7th Gup) Curriculum

All information in this document is subject to change without notice

and is intended for personal use. No part of this document may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form without the express written

permission of:

Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc.

January 2011 Edition

2 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

Students must bring their Journals to class in order to receive stripes.

I Tip: Powerful Word: ______________________________

� Have a SIDEKICKS Curriculum Journal � Clean and Correctly Worn Uniform

� Correctly Self-Tied Rank Belt � Do-San Pattern by Instructor Count

� Knife Hand Strike, Spear Finger Thrust � Back Fist Strike

� Hook Kick & Crescent Kick � Spinning Crescent Kick

� Square Block, Outer Forearm Block � Twin Outer Forearm Block (Wedging Block)

� Demonstrate Retention of Previous Patterns � Self-Defense Modules #1 & 2

� Sparring Strategy Set #1 (double) � Demonstrate and Describe Four Stances

� Current Powerful Word Definition & Project � Respectful Attitude

� Juniors: Recite Children’s Home Rules #1-6 � Attend Minimum 6 classes

Date: ___ /___ / ___ By: ______________________

II Tip: Powerful Word: ______________________________

� Do-San Pattern by Self-Count � Definition of Do-San

� Spear Finger Thrust, Back Fist Strike � Spinning Side kick, Spinning Heel Kick

� Square Block, Outer Forearm Block � Twin Outer Forearm Block (Wedging block)

� Self-Defense Modules #3 & 4 � Sparring Strategy Set #1 (double)

� Respectful Attitude � Give Short Definitions of the Tenets of Taekwon-Do

� Current Powerful Word Definition & Project � Juniors: Recite Children’s Home Rules #1-8

� Attend Minimum 6 classes

Date: ___ /___ / ___ By: ______________________

II Tip: Powerful Word: ______________________________

� Do-San Pattern for Testing Performance � Spinning Side, Crescent, Heel & Hook Kicks

� Self-Defense Modules #1-4 � Attend Minimum 6 classes

� Front Stance, Back Stance, Middle Stance � High, Low, & Side Blocks

� Middle & High Punches, Knife Hand, Back Fist � Square Block, Outer Forearm Block, Wedging Block

� Double Knife Hand Guarding Block � Double Outer Forearm Guarding Blocks

� Current Powerful Word Definition & Project � Juniors: Recite Children’s Home Rules #1-10

� Recite all Previous Verbal Definitions � Respectful Attitude

� Attend Minimum 6 classes

Date: ___ /___ / ___ By: ______________________

All Skills must equal or exceed Belt Level in order to pass Exam

3 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

Congratulations on Your New Rank!

As a new Yellow Belt, Level 2, you have taken the next step on the ladder to success! Yellow Belt, Level 2 is an extension

of Yellow Belt, Level 1; therefore doesn’t carry a traditional meaning. As you begin to learn new material, remember to

practice old material as well as new. Everything you are learning will form the foundation for your advanced training in


In Taekwon-Do, character development (attitude), fortitude, tenacity, and technique are graded as well as individual

physical capacity. The traditional promotional scale is divided into nineteen ranks – 10 grades (Gups) and nine degrees

(Dans). The former begins with 10th grade (Gup) the lowest and ends at first grade. Degrees begin with the first degree

(Dan) and end with the ultimate, ninth degree. The traditional rank scale is represented by five color belts with tips to

black belt. Our Taekwon-Do Family uses the expanded system of ten color belts to black belt, with a different belt

replacing the traditional belts with tips.

Grade (Gup) Traditional Belt System Our Family’s Belt System

10th White White

9th Yellow Yellow Belt, Level 1 (Yellow Belt w/White Stripe)

8th Yellow/Green Tip Yellow Belt, Level 2 (Solid Yellow Belt)

7th Green Green Belt, Level 1 (Green Belt w/White Stripe)

6th Green/ Blue Tip Green Belt, Level 2 (Solid Green Belt)

5th Blue Blue Belt, Level 1 (Blue Belt w/White Stripe)

4nd Blue/Red Tip Blue Belt, Level 2 (Solid Blue Belt)

3rd Red Red Belt, Level 1 (Red Belt w/White Stripe)

2nd Red/Black Tip Red Belt, Level 2 (Solid Red Belt)

1st Probationary Black Belt Level:

1st Degree Black Belt Recommended (I) Black Belt w/white stripe

1st Degree Black Belt Recommended (II) Black Belt w/yellow stripe

1st Degree Black Belt Recommended (III) Black Belt w/green stripe

1st Degree Black Belt Recommended (IV) Black Belt w/blue stripe

Degree (Dan) Our Family’s Belt System

1st Degree Black Belt Black Belt w/ 1 Gold Bar

2nd Degree Black Belt Recommended Black belt w/ 2 White Bars

2nd Degree Black Belt Decided Black Belt w/ 2 Gold Bars

3rd - 6th Degree Black Belt Black belt w/ 3, 4, 5, or 6 Gold Bars

7th – 9th Degree Black Belt Black Belt w/ 7, 8, or 9 Red Bars

4 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

Study Guide

Spin Kicks: Spin Sidekick

Spin Hook Kick

Spin Crescent Kick

Spin Heel Kick


Front Stance Back Stance Middle Stance

Wide - One Shoulder No Width, Feet aligned Two Shoulders Long - Two Shoulders One & One-Half Shoulders No Length Weight - 60% Front 70% Back 50% on each

Children Home Rules

1. Children must show respect to their parents and family members at all times.

2. Children shall greet their parents when they enter the house and tell them good-bye when they leave.

3. Children will be truthful at all times.

4. Children will maintain a good relationship with their brothers and sisters.

5. Children will help with household chores.

6. Children will keep their own room neat and clean.

7. Children will keep their body, hair and teeth clean at all times.

8. Children will not interrupt adult conversations.

9. Children will study their schoolwork at school and at home.

10. Children must show respect for teachers and peers at all times.

Children who do not obey their parents CHEERFULLY may be reduced in rank.

Definition of Do-San:

Do-San is named for the patriot Ahn Ch’ang Ho (1876-1938) who devoted his entire life

to furthering the education of Korea and its independence movement. There are 24

movements in this form.

Definitions: Courtesy: To be polite and respectful of others

Integrity: To be trustworthy and honest

Perseverance: To continue trying until successful

Self-Control: Maintain control over your actions

Indomitable Spirit: Never give up or be overcome

Victory: Success against opposition or difficulty

5 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

KiHap (Yell)

In Taekwondo we kihap, which is a type of yell or shout. Kihap is the Korean translation of the Karate’s kiai. This shout

does two things. First, the expelling of air through the mouth in a strong, vibrant manner gives focus to the movement

or technique by making it stronger. This happens because the abdominal muscles contract and discharge extra power.

The kihap also has the effect of psychologically disarming a potential assailant; the tremendous energy generated by the

kihap can shake the assailant’s intention to do harm, for it temporarily disorients him. It can also reach deeply into the

person and make contact in a fundamental way beyond words or visible intentions; the hihap can bring the person back

to his or her senses, back from the depths of fear and hurt to the clear and untainted moment. This can be a very

shocking thing, especially when it occurs suddenly. It is like being doused with cold water when you are asleep. It brings

you out of your dream world into the blazing daylight of reality. This sudden awakening from one’s nightmare into the

moment is the intention of the Art of Taekwondo.

Also, the Kihap (Kiai) simply means energy and union, as Aiki(do). Unifying energy means to bring an end to conflict.

When conflict is absent, then naturally there is harmony, there is a state of unified energy. The lack of harmony or

discord conversely means a state of fragmented energy, a divided state. When one is intending to act out of fear, hurt

and anger, then one is out of harmony with things as they are, for these qualities are born of the mind when there is a

state of conflict. Being free of the disorder of fearful thinking, one is undivided, not isolated from living. When one

kihaps, then one is not only focusing energy for more power or psychologically to disarm an assailant; the kihap has a

much more far-reaching effect – it affects the whole balance of nature. So when you kihap, what are you doing? Where

does this energy generate from in you? If it is out of fear, which just adds more conflict, it is not a kihap but a scream or

shriek. A kihap is a mightier shout, an expression of the union of energy within and without. One’s actions are always in

accordance with nature’s harmony, even in defending oneself. There is no conflict. There is only the appropriate

response to the moment and the great undivided force of energy meeting that response.

Taken from “One Encounter One Chance” by Terrence Webster-Doyle

6 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

Ahn Chang-Ho: The Man Behind Do-San

As one of the beginning patterns, Do-San returns to the basics while leading students forward to new techniques and combinations.

An Chang-Ho, the man for whom Do-San is named, believed strongly in starting with the basics in order to improve and advance.

An Chang-Ho was an intellectual, 22 year old, political refugee who emigrated to the United States in the late 1800’s in order to

learn more about western culture. He ended up profoundly affecting his own and becoming one of the most respected leaders of the

Korean nationalistic, independence movement.

For An, his journey as a leader began in 1899 in San Francisco when he encountered two Korean peddlers fighting in the street and

attracting a crowd. After stopping the fight, An discovered the men were fighting over territory, who had the right to sell ginseng and

where. Appalled at the impression he was afraid they were giving the Americans, An began investigating the living conditions in their

San Francisco neighborhood. He found dirty houses that smelled; bare, dirt yards devoid of beauty; and loud, disruptive behavior.

Many of the people living next to the Koreans were trying to sell their homes.

Wanting to do something to restore pride and unity, An decided to start with the basics: cleaning houses. He postponed his studies

and supported by funds provided by his friends, An offered his cleaning services for free and began washing windows and cleaning

houses. While some people refused his assistance; others accepted his offers and even more joined him in the clean-up effort. Within

a few months, the neighborhood became an area in which people were proud to live. Less fights occurred and the reputation of the

Koreans rose in the eyes of the American public.

Having a job that supports one’s family is important for one’s self-esteem. An’s next step was to form an employment agency. He

helped almost every Korean in San Francisco find a job.

Leaving his wife and two sons in San Francisco, An returned to Korea in 1907 at the height of Japan’s and Hirobumi Ito’s (the

Japanese governor-general of Korea) behind the scenes, political scheming to take-over Korea. An helped form schools and secret

societies which furthered the spirit of Korean nationalism.

In 1910, just before Korea was annexed by Japan, An escaped back to the United States. Because of his deteriorating health, he

couldn’t hold a construction job to support his family, but found a job as a janitor in a hotel. His work was exemplary and resulted in

more jobs for Koreans at the hotel after he quit to lead the nationalistic movement of the Korean immigrant community.

In 1919, after the March First uprising in Korea, An went to Shanghai as part of the Korean provisional government. He served as

acting prime minister until Syngman Rhee came to take over.

In 1922, after watching the many ways the Japanese systematically annihilated the Korean culture: the outlawing of Korean schools,

topknots, and use of the Korean language; as well as the destruction of any records referring to Korea’s history, An actively became

involved in saving materials that mentioned Korea’s history. He believed Koreans should be educated about their culture, their

history; that all of the records shouldn’t be destroyed.

In 1935, the Japanese arrested An in Shanghai and jailed him for anti-Japanese activities. Because of An’s poor health, the Japanese

released him before the end of his four-year sentence. An died in 1938.

An, the man behind the pattern Do-San, knew the importance of basics, of building a firm foundation, of getting involved. He

improved the lives of many and won the love and respect of his fellow countrymen in the process.

7 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

Do-San Pattern

Pattern – DO-SAN

Junior Definition: Promoted education in Korea

Traditional Definition:

Is the pseudonym of the patriot Ahn Chang-Ho (1876-1938). The 24 movements represent his

entire life, which he devoted to furthering the education of Korea and its independence




1. Move the left foot to B, forming a left front stance toward B while executing a middle side block to B with the

left outer forearm.

2. Execute a middle punch to B with the right fist while maintaining a left front stance toward B.

3. Move the left foot on line AB, and then turn clockwise (double step) to form a right front stance toward A while

executing a middle side block to A with the right outer forearm.

4. Execute a middle punch to A with the left fist while maintaining a right front stance toward A.

5. Move the left foot to D, forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with knife


6. Move the right foot to D, forming a right front stance toward D while executing a middle thrust to D with the

right straight fingertip (spearhand), Kihop.

7. Twist the right knife-hand together with the body counter-clockwise until its thumb faces downward and then

move the left foot to D, turning counter-clockwise to form a left front stance toward D while executing a high

side strike to D with the left back fist.

8. Move the right foot to D, forming a right front stance toward D while executing a high side strike to D with the

right back fist.

9. Move the left foot to E turning counter clockwise to form a left front stance toward E while executing a middle

side block to E with the left outer forearm.

10. Execute a middle punch to E with the right fist while maintaining a left front stance toward E.

11. Move the left foot on line EF, and then turn clockwise to form a right front stance toward F while executing a

middle side block to F with the right outer forearm.

12. Execute a middle punch to F with the left fist while maintaining a right front stance toward F.

13. Move the left foot to CE, forming a left front stance toward CE, at the same time executing a middle wedging

block to CE with the outer forearm.

14. Execute a middle front snap kick to CE with the right foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 13.

15. Lower the right foot to CE, forming a right front stance toward CE while executing a middle punch to CE with the

right fist.

16. Execute a middle punch to CE with the left fist while maintaining a right front stance toward CE. Perform 15 and

16 in a fast motion.

17. Move the right foot to CF, forming a right front stance toward CF while executing a middle wedging block to CF

with the outer forearm.

8 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

18. Execute a middle front snap kick to CF with the left foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 17.

19. Lower the left foot to CF, forming a left front stance toward CF while executing a middle punch to CF with the

left fist.

20. Execute a middle punch to CF with the right fist while maintaining a left front stance toward CF. Perform 19 and

20 in a fast motion.

21. Move the left foot to C, forming a left front stance toward C, at the same time executing a high block with the

left forearm.

22. Move the right foot to C, forming a right front stance toward C while executing a high block with the right


23. Move the left foot to B, turning counter clockwise to form a horse stance toward D while executing a middle

side strike to B with the left knife hand.

24. Bring the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot to A, forming a horse stance toward D while

executing a middle side strike to A with the right knife hand.

END Bring the right foot back to a ready posture.








9 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

10 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

11 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

Powerful Words Personal Development

The Powerful Words Character Development Program provides one of the foundational tools by which the instructors

and students at Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers learn and implement positive personal development and character

strategies into their everyday lives. Developed by our Personal Development Specialist, Dr. Robyn Silverman, the

Powerful Words program is implemented into the daily classes through classroom discussions, online blog posts and

emails, and take-home prompts for further discussion and thought. The program is taught at all age levels with the

needs of each group and learning styles in mind. Quite simply, Sidekicks is committed to being the number one personal

development center in every community we serve and Powerful Words is one of the key factors in our success.

Powerful Word:_________________________________________ Month/Year: ____________________________

Definition: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


My Reflections/Takeaways: _________________________________________________________________________________________________



Powerful Word:_________________________________________ Month/Year: ____________________________

Definition: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


My Reflections/Takeaways: _________________________________________________________________________________________________



Powerful Word:_________________________________________ Month/Year: ____________________________

Definition: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


My Reflections/Takeaways: _________________________________________________________________________________________________



Learn more about the current month’s Powerful Word, as well as personal development strategies, parenting

tips, self-defense tips, fitness tips, and more at www.Sidekicks-Online.com

12 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum


Congratulations! You have worked hard and have received an invitation to test.

Testing is an important part of our teaching program. You must be sure that you are prepared by learning all

your patterns, definitions, drills and self-protection. This manual is designed to help prepare you for testing as


In addition, at Green Belt and above, you will be expected to demonstrate what you have learned regarding

free-sparring. At Blue Belt and above, you will be expected to participate in a power demonstration by

breaking wood. Be sure you have discussed your breaking techniques with your instructor prior to the testing.

Wood is provided at the testing.

Come a little early to allow time to warm up prior to the testing and ask any last minute questions that you

may have. Remember, this is a formal occasion and requires that you wear your traditional white uniform!

You know that you are eligible for testing when you receive a testing invitation letter. You will need to register

in advance of the testing date. To register turn in the completed invitation along with your testing fee to the


In addition, all student tuition must be current.

Testing is a very special occasion and a great time to demonstrate to your family and friends how much you

have achieved! Be sure to bring them with you to the testing.

Good Luck!

13 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

Weekly Job List

Develop Good Habits that Last a Lifetime

This list belongs to : _____________ Week of: __/__/__

Personal Care Mon. Tu. Wed. Th. Fri. Sat. Sun.

Clean room � � � � � � �

Make my bed � � � � � � �

Hang up my clothes � � � � � � �

Put away all personal belonging � � � � � � �

___________________ � � � � � � �

___________________ � � � � � � �

Self Care

Brush my teeth (a.m./p.m)& put away toothpaste � � � � � � �

Take my bath � � � � � � �

Put all dirty clothes in the laundry � � � � � � �

Lay out my school clothes � � � � � � �

Clear my mind (meditation) for 10 min. � � � � � � �

Review my day. � � � � � � �

Did I like how I used my day? How did I feel?

___________________ � � � � � � �


Complete homework � � � � � � �

Did I work hard & take pride in my lessons? � � � � � � �

Remember: Lunch money, notes from teachers, books, etc. � � � � � � �

Did I treat my classmates & teachers with respect? � � � � � � �

One kind act everyday � � � � � � �

___________________ � � � � � � �


Pick up all personal belongings around the house � � � � � � �

Clean up after meals & snacks (take out the trash) � � � � � � �

Did I treat my family with love and respect? � � � � � � �

Said please, thank you & excuse me � � � � � � �

___________________ � � � � � � �

Martial Arts

Stretch for 5 minutes before going to bed � � � � � � �

Practice for 10 minutes � � � � � � �

Review Student Creed � � � � � � �

___________________ � � � � � � �

• Note: blank spaces are left for you to fill in your special jobs.

• Inspected by: ____________________________________ (Parent or guardian)

Parents: Use this tool to help develop self-discipline. Make copies as needed

14 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

Jr. Yellow Belt, Level 2 Parent Evaluation Form

This Form to Be Filled Out By a Parent or Guardian Only

Dear Parent:

Please take a few moments and fill out the following questions. The purpose of this information is to find out

more about your child’s home and school habits. We strongly believe that the combination of good habits at our center,

your home and your child’s school are important parts of developing habits that can benefit your child’s future.

Student’s name: _________________________ Parent’s name: __________________________

Start date: __ / __ / __ Today’s date: __ / __ / __ Exam date: __ / __ / __

Excellent Mostly Needs Work

Does your child show respect to you and other family members? � � �

Does your child greet you when you enter the house? � � �

Does your child say good-bye when you leave? � � �

Is your child truthful? � � �

Does your child maintain a good relationship with his/her siblings? � � �

Does your child keep his/her room neat and clean? � � �

Is your child careful not interrupt adult conversations? � � �

Does your child study both at school and at home? � � �

Does your child show respect for his/her school teachers and peers? � � �

Does your child clean up after meals and snacks? � � �

Does your child do what he/she is told the first time you ask? � � �

Please list 3 areas that your child has improved on since starting our program :

(1) ___________________ (2) ___________________ (3) ___________________

Please list 3 areas that your child needs to improve on:

(1) ___________________ (2) _______________________ (3) _______________

The following is a list of special services that we offer.

Please check the appropriate ones so we can send you more information about them:

�Private lessons �Black Belt Club �Self defense seminars for women

�Video tape instruction series �Adult classes �Family classes �Birthday parties

�Please send me free gift certificates so I can share them with my friends and family

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form.

Please be sure to sign and return this form one week prior to your child’s Belt exam.

Exam fee: $50 �Check #______ �Cash �Credit card

Please make check payable to :SIDEKICKS

I approve this student to take the Belt exam. Signature: ___________________________

15 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

Jr. Yellow Belt, Level 2 Teacher Evaluation Form

This form is to be filled out by a school teacher only.


__________________________ to the rank of__________________________ on ____________________.

Dear Teacher:

As part of our training program at Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, we do our best, as you do, to instill

in our young students the qualities that will help them throughout their lives. These qualities include:

Focus, Respect, Self-Discipline, Self-Control, and Good Manners

After several weeks of hard work and dedication the student above is testing for a new license level. When

our students enroll, we insist they strive hard to perform well in their schoolwork. In that regard, please grade

this student’s performance in the following areas.

Grades/Scholarship Excellent Good Fair Poor

Concentration/Effort: Excellent Good Fair Poor

Manners/Conduct: Excellent Good Fair Poor

Signed ______________________________________________________ Date ___________________

School Name _________________________________________________________________________

Should this student’s work fall below your expectations we will postpone the test until a later date.

Should you like to attend the testing and meet fellow educators, we would be happy to invite you to the test. If

you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (813) 661-2224. We are also available for school talks on

concentration and focus. If you would like more information please include your phone number and e-mail

address ___________________________________________________________

Sincerely Yours,

Manny Cabrera, Chief Instructor

16 Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers, Inc. | Yellow Belt, Level 2 Curriculum

Color Belt Exam Form



DATE OF BIRTH:__________________ HT:________ WT:_________ SEX:_________________

SIDEKICKS LOCATION:_______________________________________________________________________

I recognize that belts and certificates (if applicable) are awarded only when specific standards of performance are met.

In the event that I may not perform to the satisfaction of the testing official(s), promotion may be delayed until further

progress has been demonstrated. If I do not achieve the desired degree, I may retest for that degree on the next

promotion test date. I recognize that promotion standards are uniform and that each belt degree reflects a specific level

of competence. In order to keep the quality of our program high, I agree not to teach Taekwon-Do to anyone without

written permission of the President of SIDEKICKS.

I understand that the promotion fee for myself is $50.00 (includes belt, certificate, examination fee) and I have made full

payment of it. By signing below I agree to abide by the above and all the rules and regulations of SIDEKICKS.


Signature of Applicant Date


Signature of Parent or Guardian (If Under 18 Years Old)


ACCEPTED BY:__________________________________

VERBAL:___________________________ FORM:______________________________

BASICS:____________________________ SPAR:_______________________________

PARE'T / TEACHER FORMS:____________________

CURRENT RANK: _______________ RECOMMENDED RANK:________________

Judges’s Signature: _________________________________ Rank: ____________________________