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Elaborate n°6




1. An outline of the civil Communities of the Order Jesus Redeemer and on the nature

of the man Page 1

2. Awareness “ 4

3. Conscience “ 5

4. To improve the world is not impossible “ 5

5. The New Revelations: they make necessary the updating of the ancient Holy

Scriptures of the world “ 6

6. We conform the true Religions 1 as principles or fundamental Truths at least on the

basis of the Decalogue 2 " 8

7. Collaboration among Religions for explaining to own believers that the man lives

eternally “ 12

8. Civil and religious communities of the Christian Civilization " 18

9. Rules for the admission in the Communities of the Christian Civilization “ 21

10. The spirituality in the religious and civil mini-communities of the Christian Civilization “ 21

11. Assignments of Religions and States " 24

12. The Public administration (Civil service) “ 25

13. As it regards the politics “ 26

14. As it regards the single people “ 26

15. The same thing happens in the field of the love “ 27

1. Christian civilization: an outline on the civil Communities of the Ordine Gesù Redentore

(Jesus Redeemer Order) and on the nature of the man:

II consumerism and therefore also the TV, the newspapers and the periodicals with the

publicity garbage and consumer that publish, as well as the competitiveness, the obscenities and

the licentiousness will be banished by the Christian Communities that we will constitute in

alternative to the contemporary Barbarisms.

In our Communities the bad news will be mentioned while the good news will find

appropriate space.

In our Communities the sobriety, the familiarity, the friendship, the respect, the sense of the

modesty and the positive thought will reign, for which will be done special courses 3 . There will be

1 They are true religions those that preach the love for God and for His creatures or at least the brotherhood, the justice and the peace2 Deuteronomio 5, 6-223 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 139-141 : Le porte interiori, Messages dated July 20th , August 3rd , October 29th , November 13th and twenty-second, unless of others Amrita


no space for the competitiveness 4 under no aspect.

In the Christian Communities the job of all won't have purpose of profit, but it will serve for

the mere maintenance of his/her own family and for the collective needs of the Community. In any

case, the fruit of the job of all will be devolved to the community with sense of justice and the sense

of duty; the community will provide to utilize the fruit of the job of all according to the needs of the

single families and those of the communities.

To all the right leisure time will be given, that will be employed both for the spiritual

necessities of each one (prayer - meditation - knowledge of itselves 5 ) and for those of the body

(rest, relaxation and game).

In prize the Lord Jesus will give us His peace.

Ours motto will be: " Seeker of Truth, know yourself."

Every Community will have its television station and its newspaper that will shrink to

broadcast or to stamp something of violent, obscene, lascivious or without shame. The advertising

won't be allowed; the operating costs of the television station and of the newspaper of our

Communities will be met with the fruit of the job of all.

In the Christian civil Communities we have above all need of those people who want to

undertake in the knowledge of itselves and of the Truths of the life, which they are also contained

in the New Divine or Celestial Revelations of the centuries 19th and 20th (to Jakob Lorber, to Maria

Valtorta, to Eileen Caddy, to Dorothy Maclean, to the Clairvoyants of Medjugorje and to the Cerchio

Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77). Such Revelations logically explain the life without making recourse

to mysteries.

The Truths of the Life we have to know them before for then to assimilate them and to live

them, but it is very difficult to know them if the religions don't explain them; therefore it is necessary

that all the Religions accept the aforesaid New Revelations that we will list subsequently.

It is indispensable that the religions become friends among them and keep in mind the

purpose of the Life: the amplification of the Mind and of the Conscience of men 6 , because who

has the Conscience developed he/she loves the his/her neighbour as himself/herself, but it is

indispensable above all that is not ignored, or worse, that the religions be hostile each other. As for

the wars we affirm that they don't make them the true religions but the others especially the satanic

Sects of some religion, first among all the Islamic Sects, where the violent Mohammedans


The man slowly assimilates the truths of the life, because he/she is always hindered by

his/her human self or me, selfish, until he/she doesn't succeed in overcoming it on the strength of

a natural process after the man itself has become aware of his/her limits (deadly sins or vices and

4 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 16th , Amrita5 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad Mario Pincherle, pages 17-19, Macroedizioni ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza) and pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee6 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 60-63 (Coscienza),Mediterranee


defects), because nothing is by chance; as a matter of fact all in God’s hands 7 .

As strange it can seem, the man doesn't know himself/herself; also this is a truth that must

make to reflect the religions because it is indispensable to know our true nature to discover

the Darkness that they are within us 8 . It also takes some courage and honesty to discover who

we are (that is which and how many deadly sins and other defects we have with the introspection

(self knowledge and the self psychoanalysis 9 ), but we will receive great gifts of it, because God

appreciates and helps the seekers of Truth; first truth to be known is that on itselves. "To know

itselves” it means to have a constant awareness (you see) of his/her own being; it means to

constantly apply such awareness in the search of the truth of the proper interior being… .

To know itselves is very important because "to spiritually live means to know itselves : to

stretch with all itselves to the ideal of altruism, of love to the neighbour and of spirituality brought

by the teachers, but that in the right sense… 10 .

The men of the hemisphere North of the world are almost all prodigal sons 11 because they

waste the greatest part of the time of their life to look outside itselves and so they waste the

greatest wealth that they have: the time of their terrestrial life, thinking about not important things,

or devoting them the greatest part of the day.

The time, brothers, is our true wealth, let's not waste it for a long time or too to much for a

long time for the career, the power and the success; we were not born for this; therefore is

sufficient a humble or modest job to make to decently live our family because we were born for

overcoming every selfish motion and particularly to overcome our personal egoist self or "me":

"Selfish concept of itselves created by the individual mind for which, distorting the intimate sense

of individuality coming from the tallest nature of the individual, it makes to feel these separate and

distinguished by the Cosmos 12 , erroneously separated by everything and by everybody.

The man lives on the Earth to widen his/her mind and his/her conscience 13 and therefore

he/she must evolve, whether one likes it or not 14 and that means that the Biblical Salvation is

ensured to all men by means of the law of evolution 15 , of the law of the Karma 16 of the

reincarnation 17 and of the forgiveness of the sins 18 . " To evolve means to be so strong and to love

7 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages datedMarch 30th , November 14th and December 14th , Amrita8 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 17 and 19, Macroedizioni ; Eileen Caddy, Le porteinteriori, Message dated December 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee 9 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza) and page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee10 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee11 Vangelo di Luca 15, 11-3212 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io), Mediterranee13 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee14 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 157 (Legge di causa e di effetto), Mediterranee15 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 Evoluzione), page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee16 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma e legge karmica), Mediterranee17 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee18 Sapienza 11, 23 and Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 182-184 (Resurrezione della carne), Armenia


the life to live without the incentive of the self or me. The man suffers because he/she must

overcome the personal and selfish self or me 19 . To overcome the self or me and the egoism is

not so difficult as it can be thought; the disincarnated Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77

(Circle Florence 77) teach that the only way to overcome our limits is that to become aware of

them… because it is this awareness that, for a natural process, it will free you from those limits

that they are at the basis of every selfish conception, truncating so at the root the cause of every

incomprehension and every pain 20 . In this natural process the man must see the hand of God,

because everything is in His hands 21 .

2. Awareness: " 75a, 121b. In the Cosmos everything is subjective, for those people whose

awareness is centred in the Cosmos, 180b, 202b. The man limits himself/herself to his/her own

awareness; the ancient one << cogito ergo sum>> only now starts to be revalued, or better

reassessed, in consequence of the hypothesis that the existence is not all contained in the aware

thought. And actually the <<being >> it goes beyond the thought, over the faculty of the to think,

270b, 272b. Example of the sight and the hearing 274b.

We tell you: you understand yourselves, you are constantly aware of what pushes you to

act. And you find that it is difficult to put these words into practice. You find that it is difficult to

understand and to overcome your defects your passions. Other times it seems you too much easy

and too much convenient ours to say, and it seems you that it doesn't involve a great sacrifice on

your behalf, for which, you being so easy and simple you neglect to put it under way because you

believe that the road of the spirit that you intend to tread it be thing a great deal more complex

thing. Our words are not neither simple neither complex; they are words that intend to mean

something, that they intend to conduct you to the conviction to set attention to the internal world

that is in your intimate, 52c.

You must not worry you of how the awareness it happens. If you took the habit to write your

thoughts, to make a kind of diary, that you could reread after a certain period of time, you would

realize that you have changed your way to think. Equally the awareness happens, 66c. The man

is aware when he/she is aware of his/her actions, of his/her thoughts, of his/her emotions, of

his/her sensations. While for conscience we intend that to feel that the man pushes to live

beyond himself 159f.

The awareness - man's quality - also bearing up itself on distinct and innumerable

information furnished by the senses even though being the result of signals perceived distinctly

and simultaneously is however a unitary fact, a synthesis which all the single information they are

equally kept in mind and that it goes beyond the range of them, really for its unitaryness, 201f (you

see Incarnation, same page, 233f). The awareness under normal conditions doesn't succeed

19 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 150-151 (Io), Mediterranee20 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee21 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated November 14th and December 14th , Amrita


in covering the reached conscience (you see <<Heroism>> and <<Auto awareness >>), 242f.

The awareness, at least up to the man, it is reduced in comparison to what we are, or to the

possibilities that are had, 243f, 64g. Often the conscience comes to make you do certain things

without almost that you have the awareness of it: then you act straight off, and later, otherwise, you

become aware of what you have done, pushed by your true nature 100g.

For example, when the being is free from internal sufferings, after a great storm, a crisis, for

reaction a calm state takes over; and in this is calm it is easy that spontaneously the awareness

becomes larger, that the being can see in a way auto aware of the phase the to feel of

conscience ampler, 114g. You practice the constant awareness, because it can widen and to

embrace that part of you that today it is unconscious; without stopping, continually continuing in

this examination; and the truth of yourselves will come to the surface, it will be one conquest of

yours. It doesn't concern of looking for extenuating to his/her own way to act, but to try to

understand as really we are. When a passion is dominated, overcome, it cannot dominate

anymore the individual, 121g, 228g, (you see <<Schools of initiation>>) 13h, 64h, 77h, 309h and

following 22 ".

3. Conscience, "Body akasico equal conscience: What receives and it transcribes, making it

become same nature of the individual, the Realities that the same individual, existing discovers

and it acquires. It is never abandoned by the individual during the manifold incarnations, but it is

constituted little by little as the individual evolves 23 ".

4. To improve the world is not impossible: for improving the world it is sufficient " To learn to

think about the others, to share with the others, to do them what you would want was done to

you…24 ”. In a word it is necessary to re-educate the man and with him Satan and the other

rebellious Angels through the men 25 and of the conceived life and realized by God in the Cosmos26 ; the spiritual evolution of the rebellious Angels is gotten above all through God’s laws (law of the

evolution 27 , law of the karma 28 or law of cause and of effect 29 , of the of reincarnation 30 of other

laws 31 as well as the numerous incarnations of men on the Earth with degrees always greater of

mind and of conscience . To improve the world we must not believe that it be necessary to

22 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 55-56 (Consapevolezza), Mediterranee23 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo akasico uguale coscienza) ; you see also the Dictionary del Cerchio, pages 60-63 (Coscienza), Mediterranee24 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 13th , Amrita25 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163, Armenia 26 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee27 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), page 210 Legge di Evoluzione; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 106-111 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163, Armenia

28 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma) , Mediterranee29 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-158 (Legge di causa e di effetto or legge karmica), Mediterranee30 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240), Mediterranee31 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Leggi), Mediterranee


improve the others people; contrarily we must improve ourselves by means of the auto

knowledge: " Everyone he/she makes studious of himself/herself, he/she makes himself/herself

author of a new society starting from his/her life of every day. You are responsible of what happens

in the world in the measure in which nothing you do to improve yourselves 32 “ . Then to improve

the world is a duty of everybody and all we can improve it, simply improving ourselves and

the organizations formed by us, for an instance, the religions. Considered that the evil

spreads in the world for the egoism and the egocentrism of men and the peoples, it is

indispensable that the religions collaborate together with the purpose to protect better the more

weak from the abuses of power of the overbearing persons. Such cooperations are also necessary

to bring more justice and peace on the Earth overcoming the Evil with the Good 33 facing the Evil

together, but with the pacific methods of the Lord Jesus and the Indian Gandhi.

The religions can contribute:

- to bring harmony and peace among tribes, peoples and also religions;

- to defeat the hunger, the thirst, the illnesses, the illiteracy and the dictatorships (also those


- to give back dignity to men, where it misses or it is inadequate for lack of job and of


- to make to grant to peoples the rights and the liberties recognized by the International


That of the collaborations among true religions more than a desire is an essential necessity

for the injustices and the conflicts that exist in the world.

Without the civil and religious liberties it is delayed also the spiritual growth of every

individual because we learn also by our errors 34 ; as a matter of fact, when the liberty of the man is

trampled upon by political or religious dictatorships the man is afraid and therefore he/she is not

free to act, as it has provided the Lord God 35 and as they provide the International Conventions on

the subject of rights and liberties inalienable; where there is no religious liberty, as it happens in

certain Countries of the Islam, the human being doesn't act for fear and therefore he/she cannot

even have spiritual experiences with other religions.

The man is not free if he/she doesn't have possibility to choose the religion that prefers or

if he/she doesn't have the right to refuse them all, also the religions of State.

The collaborations among true religions to face the Evil of the world, "All together, in their

whole ", they are an essential necessity also to protect the rights and the fundamental liberties of

the man in every State of the world on the basis of the International Conventions.

32 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 36-37 (Autoconoscenza), Mediterranee33 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 13th , Amrita34 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita35 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia


5. The New Revelations make the updating of the ancient Sacred Writings of the world

necessary: the new Revelations of the centuries 19th and 20th impose to all the religions to adjourn

and/or to correct theirs ancient Sacred Scriptures, dogmas, doctrines and rites made exception for

the primitive peoples. The religions that won't be adjourned and/or won’t corrected they will lose a

historical occasion, but above all his/her own believers they won't help to widen their knowledges

and the process of peace among men because we are part of a sole family 36 .

All religions have committed some errors, as the Lord Jesus has demonstrated with the

Hebraism 37 and they have demonstrated the disincarnate Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77

(Circle Florence 77) with other religions 38 , which have said, on the subject: " The man refuses the

responsibility of his/her errors, because these don't satisfy the ambition of his/her self or me, and

when he/she commits an error he/she tries to show his/her guiltlessness: How much wasted hard

work! Nobody is guilty, but all we must learn 39 ".

The New Revelations are among them complementary and they are:

1. The Revelation of the 19th century of the Lord Jesus to Jakob Lorber, Austrian;

2. The Revelation of the 20th century of the Lord Jesus to Maria Valtorta, Italian;

3. The Revelation of the 20th century of the Lord God to Eileen Caddy, English;

4. The Revelation of the 20th century of the Angels to Dorothy Maclean, English;

5. The Revelation of the 20th century of Our Lady Mary, Maria of Nazareth, to the

Clairvoyants of Medjugorje, Croatia (the Revelation is still in progress in November

2013 ) ;

6. The Revelation of the 20th century the disincarnated Teachers to the Cerchio Firenze

77 (Circle Florence 77), through the medium Roberto Setti.

We wish all the Heads of the religions not to commit the error to ignore quoted New

Revelations, but to learn from them correcting their Sacred Scriptures, their dogmas, their

doctrines and their rites. It is correct to do it after so much time; in the case of the Islam it must be

said that the Sunna and the Shari'a are soaked with satanic violence 40 ; therefore we suggest to

the Mohammedans to make only reference to the Goodness, to the Justice and the Mercy of the

Lord Allah that emerge from the Koran.

To whom he/she won't take the burden and the honor of the corrections we remember the

proverb "To err is human, but to persevere is diabolic." To correct religions it needs only objectivity,

realism, good will and courage.

We pray so that all the religions are corrected, but we are all careful ones to the wolves

disguised as lambs and above all to the human beasts that abound in the radical Islam.

36 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th , Amrita37 Vangelo di Matteo, chapters 5, 6, 7, 15, 19 and 2338 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 85-96 (Le religioni), Mediterranee39 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 88 (Errore), Mediterranee40 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277, 282 and 315-316, Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages, EMI


The Lord Allah told the prophet Mohammed a precious suggestion for Hebrews, Christians

and Arabs telling him: " Tell: o people of the Book, come to a Word that makes all equal…41 . This

word is Decalogue 42 . We think that this suggestion is valid - above all in this epoch ( beginning

of the third Millennium) - for all the Religions worthy of this name and therefore to all we propose to

adopt it. It is assignment of all to work for the adoption of the Decalogue from all religions.

The religions, " All together, in their whole ", they can improve the world much starting from

their doctrines, from the priests and from the other people that they make part of them. The Lord

God has not perhaps told all the peoples, through the prophet Isaiah, " So the Lord says (note of

ours: to all the peoples). You observe the law and you practise the justice, because next to come it

is my salvation, my justice is about to reveal itself… Foreign people that have adhered to the Lord

to serve Him and for loving the name of the Lord and for being His servants, how many they

beware not profaning the Saturdays and they stay firm in my alliance, I will conduct them on my

holy mountain and I will fill them of joy in my house of prayer. Their holocausts and their sacrifices

will climb appreciated on my altar, because my Temple will call House of prayer of all peoples… 43


To improve the world is easier today, also at the light of the New Revelations above quoted,

that they are in agreement on the great Truths for ever sought by men 44 and that they are among

them complementary. Since a long time it is possible to make to become all the doctrines of the

religions a harmony of Truth of the Life, logically explained, finalized and persuasive for the man

learned of the Third Millennium, the Millennium of the Spirit Saint. The man of this epoch can

understand that Everything is One and that God, the Whole, is Spirit and He is in all things and in

all people 45 . And that the love transforms and transmutes the bitterness and the hate and

therefore the Evil on which can be triumphed through the Good 46 .

To all men and all religions a brotherly greeting and a wish of good renewal.

6. We conform the true religions as principles and fundamental Truths 47 at least on the base

of the Decalogue 48 : considering that the true religions are those that preach the Charity / Love,

the Justice, the Brotherhood, the Peace, the respect of the others on all aspects and the pacific

and cordial living together among peoples and people, we believe that the time has come to

substantially make the religions conform as it regards the great truths of the life, revealed widely

and explained by the Sky and here afterwards quoted:

41 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura III 57, Ulrico Hoepli42 Deuteronomio 5, 6-2243 Isaia, chapter 5644 Cerchio Firenze, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, Mediterranee45 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 45, Mediterranee ; Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th , Amrita46 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 13th , Amrita47 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, Mediterranee48 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 e Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 57, Ulrico Hoepli


in the Quinto Vangelo (Fifth Gospel), of Thomas apostle, Coptic text translated by Mario

Pincherle, MacroEdizioni, found in the 20th century in a jar that was in a cave along the Nile.

It contains the Revelations of Jesus to his spiritual twin (Thomas called Didimo) ;

in the New Revelation done to Jakob Lorber in the nineteenth century. Such Revelation

contains a "…message of salvation and love of Jesus for the men of the industrial era…as they

had received it at its time the apostles, included the secret doctrines ever divulged 49 . The great

Gospel of John, 11 volumes, have been translated in Italian from the original German in the 20 th

century by the " Casa Editrice “La Nuova Rivelazione", 148 Via Vetrego, 30035 Mirano (Venice),

telephone 041. 43.61.54.

The Lord same Jesus has communicated another time to men, through Jakob Lorber,

what once had revealed to the apostle John and that it has not entirely been reported in the

canonical Gospel of John (which contains only a small part of the teachings of Jesus to the young

Apostle 50 . In the Gospels same as a matter of fact it is said that Jesus talked secretly often to the

Apostles. << I want - the Lord Jesus says in these pages - <<to open the eyes to the unbelievers

and to explain the true sense of my Bible 51 >> ;

in the New Revelation done to Maria Valtorta in the twentieth century, the birth of the

Messiah and part of the private life of Maria and Jesus it is revealed, as well as the public life of

the Son of God in ten volumes of around 400 pages every (Published by CEV srl, Viale Piscitelli

n°89-91, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy);

in the New Revelation of the Lord God to Eileen Caddy, Co-founder of the Community of

Findhorn in Scotland, "The simple teachings received during the years brought spiritual truths, a

new point of view and new light on the way to conduct a happier existence, richer of meaning and

brighter. These internal messages have represented the source of inspiration for the creation and

the development of the Findhorn Foundation, an international spiritual community and center of

education holistic in the northern Scotland ….the love, the joy, the peace, the gratitude, the unity.

Flowing the pages of it you will often find again them, together to other themes, since, as affirmed

by the voice of Eileen: <<With infinite sweetness and a lot of love, I don't stop remembering you

the things that count indeed in the life, so that they end up being integral part of your existence,

live, move and has their essence in you 52 ".

the New Revelation also is seen served by the Angels to Dorothy Maclean, Co-founder of

the aforesaid Community of Findhorn:"… <<the psychic contact>> of Dorothy Maclean with the

world of the Angels initially happened when she was found nearby the Community of Findhorn, in

Scotland, and also continued after her return in America. She defines <<Deva - Angels>> these

essences or creative principles that they live and they act in the nature. They are the Angels that

49 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 7 of the Introduzione, Armenia50 Vangelo di Giovanni 21, 2551 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 7, Introduzione, Armenia52 From the foreword of the book of Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori (note of mine: Message of the God within), Amrita


govern the natural order working with joy, ability and wisdom in the light of God. What Dorothy

introduces is a kingdom of life of equivalent and complementary to ours, full of wisdom and of

power, that operates in harmonious collaboration with the human world. Nevertheless, when the

human beings break the natural order, they provoke his/her own suffering creating an imbalance

with all the living forms. The message of the Deva or Angels it is, substantially, to find again our

true creative role, collaborating with the divine plan and recognizing our ties with the invisible, but

incredibly active world in the reality around us 53 ";

the New Revelation is seen also served as the disincarnate Teachers to the Cerchio

Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) of the city of Florence through the medium Roberto Setti because

is very important:

the extraordinary clarity and iron logic of their teaching allow us to understand and to appraise

both the great truths since ever sought by the man, and the errors of the religions. Their teaching is

predominantly ethical and philosophical-esoteric, but it also contains the answers to a lot of

questions asked to the Invisible Teachers by the participants to the sessions of the Cerchio Firenze

77 (Circle Florence 77) 54 ;

in the New Revelation of Mary of Nazareth to Medjugorje, in Croatia, which doesn't consist

in some Apparitions - however extraordinary as that of Lourdes and of Fatima, for an instance -

and of which the History of the man is sprinkled after the advent of the Lord Jesus 55 . In this

Revelation there is a true and simple Teachings, that lasts uninterruptedly from 1981 and it is still in

progress now, in November of 2013, because this time that we live is contemporarily a time of

great sufferings and a time of grace. It concerns of a maternal, simple and essential teaching at

the same time, that is celestial and therefore comprehensible to every man.

Having such Revelations and adopting them (they are also complementary among them), it

can be hoped to reach a "equitable accord" quickly, if there will be determination and good will,

among every true religion and the others on the fundamental themes of the religious faith of the


on the sole God, the All-One-Absolute 56 and on His triplex Manifestation called also

Trinity: the Father, the Son Jesus and the Great Mother Spirit Saint 57 ;

on the Spirit of God 58 ;

on the God of the love 59 which is the interior Teacher 60 ;

53 Fourth of cover of the book of Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura (To go in search of the Beings that give light and order to the creation, Mediterranee)54 You see their books published by Edizioni Mediterranee - Roma55 You see the book of Paola Giovetti, Le Apparizioni della Vergine, San Paolo56 Cerchio Firenze 77, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee57 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 101-105, Macroedizioni ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: Unità and Trinità) ; 58 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 28th and June17th and 21st , Amrita59 Eileen Caddy, la voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee ; Le porte interiori Message dated July 17th, Amrita60 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61, Mediterranee ; Le porte interiori Message dated July 21st, Amrita


on the Presence of the Spirit of God in the life macrocosmic and microcosmic 61 ;

on God's Spirit in the man, the Divine Spark or Drop - Spirit - Self 62 ;

on the Divine Presence in the man, the internal Christ 63 ;

on the Lord Jesus, the incarnation of the "…God that made itself man … 64 " in the man


on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah, God’s Word, son of Mary and of Spirit/will of

God 65 ;

The God One and Trine: the Father, the Son Jesus and the Great Mother Holy Spirit 66

which take care of the Evolution 67 and therefore of the Salvation of the human kind

announced by the Bible in the ancient times and confirmed by God same in the 20th

century at Findhorn in Scotia 68 ;

on the Soul or Conscience of the man, one of the two eternal bodies of him/her, the

Akasico body; "… it is never abandoned by the individual during the manifold

incarnations, but is constituted little by little as the individual evolves 69 " ;

on the Kingdom of God 70 ;

on the Creation 71 ;

on the Angels 72 ;

on Lucifer - Satan, the Devil or the Demon 73 ;

on the mineral life, vegetable and animal 74 ;

on the Evolution that culminates with the life of the man 75 ;

on the human life 76 ;

61 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 216-217 (Vita, Vita macrosmica e Vita microcosmica), Mediterranee 62 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee 63 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, the divine presence, the Christ within, Mediterranee64 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated April 25th, 1988, MIR65 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli66 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 101-105, Macroedizioni ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: unità e trinità), Armenia67 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione and 210 (Legge di Evoluzione ; Dai mondi invisibili, pages 155-182 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee68 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 31 and 103 (Alleluia, Alleluia, tutti sono risorti), Mediterranee69 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo akasico uguale coscienza), pagine 60-63 (Coscienza), Mediterranee70 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pagine 26-62 (Dio e il Suo Regno), Armenia ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated June 1st and July 19th , Amrita71 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 63-92 (La Creazione), Armenia72 Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, Mediterranee73 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163, Armenia74 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 28-29 (Anima), Mediterranee75 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), page 210 (Legge di evoluzione) ; Dai mondi invisibili, pages 155-182 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee76 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 93-151 and 162-163, Armenia


on the evolutionary function of the poverty, of the illness, of the pain 77 and of the death

on the Earth of the sole physical body because the man keeps on uninterruptedly living

in the Life after Death with the others two bodies of his/her ( bodies astral, mental); the

body Akasico or of the Conscience does nor die because it is eternal; actually the

death does not exist 78 because the man eternally lives with the Divine Spark and the


on the perspective eschatological, that is on the last destiny of the man and of the

world. The Earth is the fundamental school of the evolution of the men, the destiny of

which is that to become Saint after having overcome the self or me and the egoism and

expanded its conscience in the other planes or world of the Cosmos for living the

eternal life in the God’s Kingdom, that is in the Communion of everything it exists 79

after manifold incarnations on the Earth and in the three worlds or planes of the Life

after Death 80 . The destiny of the world is the reabsorption within the Spirit of God with

our universe and the Cosmos 81 . The destiny of the world is the reabsorption within the

God’s Spirit with our universe and the Cosmos 82 ;

on the contemporary Life of the man in the four floors of the Cosmos (physical world,

on the Earth, and worlds astral, mental and akasico or of the conscience 83 ) and in that

of the Spirit because the Divine Spark animates continually the man 84 ;

on the process of redemption of men that become perfect n the Cosmos according to

the laws of Evolution, of Cause and of Effect or Karmica law and through the

Reincarnation or Metempsicòsi and of other laws 85 ;

on the Relative Reality and on the Absolute Reality, that they are a sole Reality, since

Everything is One 86 ;

on the necessity of the conversion of every human being 87 and on the necessity of

knowing ourselves 88 .

77 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 133-137, Armenia78 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 188-189 (Morte, (note of mine rather life ); pagina 78-79 (Dopomorte), Mediterranee79 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 52-53 (Comunione), 238-240 (Reincarnazione) and pages 308-310 (Vita), Mediterranee80 Cerchio Firenze 77, pages 64-65 (Cosmo) and pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione); Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione); Le gradi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-185 (Evoluzione dopo il trapasso), Mediterranee81 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, pages 37-46 (Finalità del divenire), Mediterranee82 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, pages 40-41, Mediterranee83 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 276, Mediterranee84 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee85 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), page 209 (Legge di causa e di effetto), page 210 (Legge karmica) ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pagine 238-240 (Reincarnazione) and pages 157-159 (Leggi), Mediterranee 86 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 210-213 (Percezione) ; La Fonte Preziosa, pages 193-199 (Realtà parziale e Realtà totale), Mediterranee87 Vangelo di Matteo 4, 1788 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee


7. Collaboration among Religions for explaining its own believers also that the man lives

eternally: the idea of agreements or collaborations among religions and peoples Jewish,

Christians and Arabs, it was suggested by the Lord God to the prophet Mohammed which He told,

"…. Come to a word that makes everything equal…89 and "….compete… only in good deeds…90 ;

as we have already said the Word that makes everything equal it is the Decalogue 91 , that all

religions would owe acknowledge together with the Commandments of the love 92 . Now, at the

dawn of the third millennium the time has come to share the thematic fundamental you explained

well by the Sky in the 19th and 20th century to understand better as to live the material and

spiritual life. An agreement among true religions on the fundamental themes of the life that we have

above listed it would also facilitate the overcoming of the Evil with the Good 93 to soften the

sufferings of the miserable ones. We believe that the cooperation among religions for the care of

the Souls or the Consciences 94 of their believers will be facilitated by the adoption of the

Decalogue of the Commandments of the love and of the New Revelations that we have above

mentioned. As a matter of fact, if the religions will acknowledge them with the due humility, in the

examination of the state of the Faith of the populations to them entrusted, if they will be enough

objective and farsighted, they will utilize such new Revelations to correct their Sacred Scriptures,

dogmas, doctrines and rites; then they will be possible fertile collaborations in the difference

conformed by said New Revelations at the base of which there are the Decalogue and the

Commandments of the love already mentioned.

To share truths and common religious principles would be very useful the aid of specialized

university teachers in subject of religions.

Truly such new Revelations are fundamental for an exhaustive explanation of the origins of

the life and the other themes above quoted, which don't logically result with the only ancient

Sacred Scriptures explained to the cultured man of this epoch (beginning of the first century of the

Third Millennium). For instance, in the Christianity they are not well explained:

a. the rebellion of Lucifer - Satan 95 ;

b. the life of the man after the death of his/her physical body on the Earth: because since

when the man is born for the first time on the Earth, after the death of his/her physical

body, the man same continue to live in the other three floors of the Cosmos, astral,

mental and akasico 96 ; then the man reincarnates him/her on the Earth (plane or world

physical) to live other cycles of cosmic existences, astral, mental and akasico 97 - until

almost a superman or a saint he/she will have become - because God "… it is the God

89 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura III 57, Ulrico Hoepli90 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli91 Deuteronomio 5, 6-2292 Levitico 19, 17-18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-4093 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 13th , Amrita94 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 28-29 (Anima), Mediterranee95 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163, Armenia96 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee97 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee


of the alive ones and not of the corpses because all we receive from Him the life 98 ".

You see the Elaborate n°10 in this same folder of the religions;

c. the reasons for the poverty, of the illness, of the pain 99 ;

d. The life of the man after the death of the physical body on the Earth: because of the

death of the physical body of the man on the Earth it seems that the man himself/herself

definitely dies, because he/she disappears to the sight of everybody, while in reality the

man has continued to live in the astral world for attending a second school of life and

when he/she will have completed it, then he/she will pass to live in the mental world for

attending a third school of life. As the physical body stays on the Earth and there comes

buried, also the bodies astral and mental they die and they stay in the plane homonym,

but this times without pain they tell us the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77

(Circle Florence 77) while the Body Akasico or Conscience, that it is the second eternal

body of the man it is always united with the Divine Spark 100 - that it is the Spirit of the

man that always animates him/her 101 . In the plane or world Akasico or of the

Conscience the man will live a fourth grade existence attending the fourth school of the

life because the Cosmos with the worlds physical, astral and mental, included the

bodies or vehicles homonyms of the man it is like a gigantic mechanism for producing

Conscience 102 . In this second, third and fourth school the man lives three existences of

purification for the sins that he/she has committed on the Earth 103 . Always the same

man himself/herself will go to live in the Communion of the Saints if he/she has become

saint or he/she will reincarnate him/her on the Earth to live one or more newer cycles of

existence, but always with bodies physical, astral and mental renewed and with

renewed personality always to have new experiences but with new points of view and

new characters 104 . While the physical body - for the life on the Earth- and the bodies

astral and mental for the life in the planes or worlds homonyms they are new and

suitable for the new incarnation, the Conscience it is that that the man has developed in

the preceding existences included the last one. The Conscience or body Akasico " It

is what it receives and it transcribes, making it become same nature of the individual,

the Realities that the same individual, existing, it discovers and it acquires. It is never

abandoned by the individual during the manifold incarnations, but it is constituted little

98 Vangelo di Luca 20, 37-4099 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 133-137, Armenia100 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé, fulcrum of the individual existence not subject to evolution), Mediterranee101 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee102 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 60-63 (Coscienza), Mediterranee103 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-180 (L’evoluzione dopo il trapasso), Mediterranee104 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 53 (Why must exist the death of the physical body, of the astral body, andof the mental body ?), Mediterranee


by little as the individual evolves 105 ". The Teachers disincarnate of the Cerchio Firenze

77 (Circle Florence 77) have so shown that death doesn't exist 106;

e. the individual responsibility of each man for the Evil of the world: “ We are responsible

of what happens in the world in the measure in which nothing we do for improving

ourselves through the auto knowledge 107 ;

f. of the Day of the Final Judgment of Matthew 25, 31-46, Jesus has told Jakob Lorber

that He has never pronounced such discourse for it is "highly tyrannical” ; Jesus told

also to follow only to the Gospel of John 108 (our note: 5, 19-46, 8, 15-18 and 12, 46

-50). The individual judgment of Jesus for each man: to Jakob Lorber Jesus also said

that He judges each man when he/she arrives in the Life after Death (note of ours: in

the astral world) but that He judges him/her on the basis of his/her good deeds that has

done on the Earth 109 because God, in the person of Jesus, He doesn't look at the sins

of the man 110 in sight of the karmic re-education. God Love 111 in the person of Jesus

doesn't look at the sins of the men because: " The sin is ignorance since who sins has

not assimilated yet the teaching that will bring him/her to not commit anymore that

datum mistake, 164a” because the Conscience of the man was not yet enough

developed. The aforesaid Final Judgment of the Gospel of Matthew (25, 31-46) it is also

incompatible with the love and the omnipotence of God.

The religions should cooperate for getting that in all the universities of the world it become

possible to study all religions present in every Nation and the New Revelations of the 19 th and 20th

century above quoted. Naturally in every Nation it should be recognized to the citizens and to the

residents liberty of cult. The religions of State should not exist anymore, for the reasons that we

explain in the Elaborate 1 (Contribution to the knowledge of the origin, of the life and of the destiny

of the man), available in our Catechism among the Deepenings in the folder of the ”Nature, the Life

and the Destiny of the man”, because all religions are necessary and because all the roads lead

God 112 .

Having said that, if the religions will have at heart the improvement of the relationships

between them for respect, if nothing else, of the sole God, then the correct road to be covered is

really that to make more logical and comprehensible their Teaching till now broadly founded upon

dogmas, myths, rites and also on errors of their Sacred Scriptures and ancient Doctrines that

could satisfy the man of the past but not the man of these last two centuries 19th and 20th . For

such reasons it is confided that all the religions acknowledge the New Revelations of the 19th and

105 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 205 (Corpo Akasico uguale Coscienza), Mediterranee106 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 188-189 (Death, on the contrary, Life), Mediterranee107 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza), page 37 (Autopsicanalisi) and page 243 (Responsabilità), Mediterranee108 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-182, Armenia109 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia110 Sapienza 11, 23111 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee112 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 17th , Amrita


20th century and welcomes our invitation to collaborate to serve better the humanity of the North

and of the South of the world, both materially and spiritually.

As always the first service must have done to the more poor men; materially they are for the

majority in the South of the World, while spiritually the poor men form the majority in the North of

the world, because… in the prosperity the man doesn't understand 113 .

The religions will never have to be violent in the defence of the inalienable rights of the

miserable ones, but determined up to the sacrifice in the defence of the rights and the fundamental

liberties of the miserable ones with the pacific methods, taught by the Lord Jesus two thousand

years ago in Palestine and by the Indian Gandhi after the second great world war of the twentieth

century (1939 -1945).

The more weak ones of the Earth are victims of the egoism of the strongest ones and their

defence it still appears more necessary in the modern era for an instance in Africa - continent very

rich - but despoiled by the multinationals of the raw materials and of the gold, diamonds and other

preciousness and by the Heads of the tribes and of the African peoples; therefore we think more

and more undelayable the collaboration among religions to defend the weak ones.

It is necessary that the religions collaborate among them also because it is fundamental

that all adopt the truths of the New Revelations both to correct and to adjourn the Sacred

Scriptures, the dogmas, the doctrines and the rites of the single religions it be, finally, to overcome

the barriers that every religion has erected toward the others.

We know that the dialogue among religions not always has revealed itself constructive,

especially with the Arabism or the Mohammedism but if everybody will be will pledge themselves

without competition, but with humility to serve the Lord God and the man, the things will change; it

needs to make them quickly to change because certain sufferings, in Africa for instance, they are

inhuman, and they weigh on our consciences, since nobody should wash him the hands as Pilates

for a fact that personally concerns him/her as cell of the humanity, if it doesn't make anything to

improve himself/herself through the Auto knowledge 114 .

For an instance, the Islam is a religion where Satan lords it: a good Islam and one bad it

doesn't exist, as the men of the West often think; instead it exists the Islam in its complex with the

God fearing ones and the Sufis from a part and the violent persons from the other with the

violences of the Sunna and the Sharia, the Jihad - that it is a demoniac war 115 as all the other wars

- and the Terrorism.

To become a true religion the so-called Islam should draw to the love of the Koran 116

expunging from the Sunna and from the Sharia all the violences 117 , for instance that

113 Salmo 49, 21114 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza and page 37 (Autopsicanalisi); page 243 (Responsabilità ; Maestro perché?, page 81, Mediterranee115 Maria di Nazareth, La Regina della pace, Message dated September 25th , 2001, Shalom116 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (Onestà), sura XVI 90, Xenia Tascabili117 Jean-Marie Gaudeul,Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, EMI ; Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’Islam, pages 277, 282, 314, excepted others


terrible inflicted to their children brides: as a matter of fact the Islamic religion allows that

the six year-old children can marry an adult man: the result is that the Islamic poor men sell

their children to others rich Islamic for some thousand of dollars (a minimum of four

thousands ). It is not an isolated phenomenon, but of a tragedy for fifteen million little girls every

year, only in sub-Saharan Africa 118 .

The collaborations that we propose can be very useful to improve the relationships among

religions, and those of the believers among them for improving the world, of a lot.

In extreme synthesis it can be said that the religions should first of all collaborate for making

together good deeds. Conventions with institutes of credit can be stipulated for an instance, for

helping the poor men of the South of the world to create itselves family micro-firms or of village to

put them under conditions to provide to itselves at least for the food, the water and the children’s

education, since ignorance is the mother of all the poverties.

If the people that will manage well such good deeds will be select among the meek ones,

they can stop before the states of competitiveness or mistrust, ostracism, enmity or straight of

belligerency that they currently exist among religions.

You could depart therefore, as we have already suggested in precedence from the base

contained in the same Koran for all religions: to Mohammed the Lord God made to say <<Say; or

people of the Book, come to a word that makes all equal (to an equitable agreement) between you

and we... 119 >>. This word, as we have already said, it is Decalogue 120 .

The collaboration among religions that we hope for can have several purposes among

which that of the guardianship or of tribe, ethnic groups or peoples assistance, in difficulty or in

danger; such collaborations can be brought forward easily if there will be good will among religions.

It could be started with the collaboration among two religions only, considered that it could

be difficult to quickly extend it to more than two; this way we would give an example to all the

others. From a brotherly cooperation we will get some benefits, as minimum friendly and we will

get used there to respect the differences. But there is more: if we consider that only the five

percent of the humanity frequents the Churches of religions, it must be ample possibilities of

improvement ; such possibilities will also derive from the correction of the ancient Sacred

Scriptures and relative dogmas, doctrines and rites, if the religions will adopt the New Revelations

sub listed for satisfying the greatest culture of the modern man. In our opinion if the great religions

aspire to increase their own believers, then the road of the modernization of the old Doctrines, it

will be that that will make more logical and believable their teaching. It is that same road that we

have covered; we have done it also because we are convinced that somehow the Lord God

continually talk to men (also during the so-called private Revelations) and that therefore men must

listen to all of His teachings.

118 La Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di Attualità, Ottobre 2009 – N°8, Viale X Giugno, 8 – 36100 Vicenza119 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 57, Ulrico Hoepli120 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22


In the Koran, as a matter of fact, it is written that at the end of every epoch the Lord God

reveals a Book; as a matter of fact, the new Revelations that we have quoted in precedence have

been made:

Toward the half of the nineteenth century from the Lord Jesus to Jakob Lorber;

Toward the half of the twentieth century from the Lord Jesus to Maria Valtorta;

Toward the half of the twentieth century from the Lord God to Eileen Caddy;

Toward the half of the twentieth century from the Angels to Dorothy Maclean;

Toward the end of the twentieth century from Mary of Nazareth to Medjugorje, the

Madonna of the Christians, that God chose as Mother "to make himself man, in the

man Jesus ": such Revelation had beginning in 1981 and it is still in progress in

November 2013;

Toward the half of the twentieth century from the Teachers disincarnate of the

Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77), through the medium Roberto Setti.

Considered the spiritual and material poverties of the world and the diffused conflict, the

religions must act soon and with determination, because the Barbarisms of this world - stamped to

the laws of the have, to possess, to dominate and to enjoy – they “move away” men from God,

that is our true Destiny 121 in which we will find the happiness.

The greeds for the power, the career, the wealth and for the pleasures of the world and the

flesh as well as the wrong sense of separateness from God 122 , caused by the human personal

self or me 123 , they are the cause of all the conflicts of the world, armed or less, in course and

potential, since it is ignored that a relationship of love ties all men to the Creator and the other

creatures 124 .

8. Civil and religious communities of the Christian Civilization: To give a global answer to the

global Evil that has spread in the world a common answer is necessary of the religions. As it

regards us we will favour the promotion of collaborations among religions and we will build, where

it will be possible civil and religious communities of the Christian Civilization, alternatives to the

Barbarisms of the profit and of the injustices, because there is not in the world religion or

philosophy greater of that that it commands to men to love God and the other men as itselves,

because from the Commandments of the love 125 it comes down the whole Good and the

repudiation of the Evil.

The Christian Civilization that we want to build in every State will consist in small

communities and will found itself on the teachings of Jesus, the King of the kings 126 , that is God's

121 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee122 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita123 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io), Mediterranee124 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated September 4th and 12th , Amrita125 Levitico 19, 17-18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40126 Apocalisse 17, 14


Shah according to the definition of an ayatollah or iman Shiite and on the teachings of the other

Divine or Celestial Revelations that we have quoted in precedence. In the Countries where

religious and civil liberties there are, religious and civil Christian Communities will be constituted for

giving to the peoples a greater possibility to choose among the actual Barbarisms of the

consumerism, of the injustice and of the conflicts developed it selves all over the world and the

Christian Civilization of the love, of the justice, of the peace, of the brotherhood and of the

individual job compensated for the simple necessities of the families and not for their family profit127 .

The other true Religions will want to found the Communities of their religious Civilization,

also them alternatives to the actual Barbarisms.

All these Communities of the true religions will become community of light 128, if they will live

as God and the Lord Jesus Cristo command: that is with justice, in peace and fraternally.

In the Communities of the Christian Civilization the men will learn to positively think 129 and

to consider the people of the other races as brothers, with which to have relationships without

competitiveness, perverse fruit of the wrong sense of separateness from God 130 . If such ways of

behaviour will also spread among the other religions, then the tribal, religious and those

nationalistic ties will cause neither dissensions nor conflicts anymore. And Lucifer - Satan will

also be defeated with our collaboration.

The Gospels teach us to realize this pacific future pointing out us the behaviours, that they

can be reassumed in this precept: you do the will of God, because the Father – Mother –God 131 ,

the Absolute One 132 because the creatures and the Cosmoses are part of Him, because God is the

One in the Many and us, the Many, we are in the One 133 .

Such union already exists at spiritual level and it has already been realized by God in the

Eternal Present 134 .

All men belong to the mystical body of Jesus also that said: "I am the true vine. You are the

branches. If one is united to me and me to him, he produces a lot of fruit. Without me you cannot

do anything 135 "; .

Of rule Christian religious mini-communities will be formed from no more than 12 monks or

nuns. They will be inspired to the life of the friars and nuns of the Ordine Francescano Secolare

except for the different rules, usage and customs prescribed by the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù

127 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated September 3rd and 9th , Amrita128 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 23rd , Amrita129 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 139-141, Mediterranee ; Le porte interiori, Messages dated July 20th , August 3rd , October 29th , November 13th and 22nd , Amrita130 Eileen Caddy, le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita131 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee132 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee133 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, pages 207 and page 209-210 (L’Uno e i Molti); La Fonte Preziosa, pagina 267, Mediterranee134 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 31 and 103, Mediterranee135 Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 5


Redentore ( Jesus Redeemer Order) which are prevalent on those of the Ordine Francescano


The Teaching of our religious mini-communities will be founded in addition to the Old

Testament, on the four canonical Gospels, on the Quinto Vangelo (Fifth Gospel) of Thomas 136 and

also on the Divine or Celestial Revelations that we have quoted in precedence. Monks and Nuns

will keep in mind that the Lord Jesus has told Jakob Lorber, that the Final Judgment of which to the

Gospel of Matthew (25, 31-46) it is "highly tyrannical"; then it must be ignored from us; Jesus also

said that only the Gospel of John is exact (note of ours: 5, 19-46; 8, 15-18 and 12, 46 -50). Jesus

also said that the men won't be judged on their sins 137 , on the contrary on their good

actions with an individual judgment when every man from the Earth will arrive in the Life

after Death ( astral plane or world) after every terrestrial incarnation 138 ; in such way the

promised Salvation in the Bible is insured to all men which can widen their conscience at

every incarnation until they will become Saints and as Saints they will live in the

communion of the beings in God 139 ; this is the sublime destiny that the God of the love has

predicted for the man sinner to which, as saint, He will also donate the Absolute

Conscience 140 .

The Monks will sleep in the dormitories as the soldiers and the same they will do the Nuns.

Always of rule the civil mini-communities of the Christian Civilization will be formed with no

more than seventy five people until to a maximum of one hundred people. Such communities will

be founded in natural environments or near to them and in every case they will be the most distant

possible from the towns of the egoism and the consumerism; the basic unity of these Communities

will be the family founded on the marriage of a man with a woman 141 ; each married couple will not

be able to have more of two children; we explain the reason of this limitation for the births in the

document “The new ONU” that you will find in the folder of this Catechism of “What is changing in

the world”.

In such communities won't circulate the money neither corresponding titles; for the

distribution of goods they will be used some purchase voucher issued by the appointed offices of

the Community (for instance for suits, shoes, books, exercise books etc.). Those people who will

need money (for instance for a specialized physician or for the university etc. ) they will ask it to the

appointed office of the Community.

In the places where the number of the people that they will ask for to belong to the religious

mini-communities and the mini civil communities of the Christian Civilization they were respectively

more than twelve and more than seventy five people, other mini-communities both religious and

civil they will be formed.136 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, Macroedizioni137 Sapienza 11, 23138 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 ( Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia139 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 52-53 (Comunione), Mediterranee140 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee141 Genesi 2, 24


In the Christian mini-communities, religious and civil, each one will consider the other one a

brother, belongs or less to his/her race or people and everything it will be shared, as it is used in

the good families.

The door of entrance of the Christian Communities will be open only to the pacific ones, to

the good ones and the humble ones. Members of the Communities can become only after having

overcome some tests of fitness. Instead, the door of exit will be always opened for those people

that got tired him/her to evangelically live, that is simply and soberly.

The statutes of the mini communities of the Christian Civilization must foresee both the

respect of the environment with all of its creatures and the cult of the Angels which they can be

also of great help in the agriculture as it has been shown in the Community of Findhorn in

Scotland. The Angels will help the men to make a living, the daily food, in the deserts also: "… the

desert can bloom as the rose… 142 .

In the civil Christian Communities all the admitted associates they will have equal dignity

and rights; such communities will be managed and directed by non-religious men or women on the

basis to the norms of the statutes of the Community all stamped to the Gospels and to the laws of

the Nations.

9. Rules for the admission in the Communities of the Civilizations Christian: for the

admission in the Communities of the Christian Civilizations we will establish some rules with the

help of psychologists to determine if the single individuals that will ask the admission in our

communities they have the attitude to cohabit in peace with other people simply living for spiritually

growing, privileging the other one in comparison to itself same.

All, are free instead to leave, if they are not satisfied to live with us.

Examples of rules of the Christian Communities:

The first rule is that that every candidate to belong to the Christian Communities must

respect the golden rule that the Lord Jesus has taught us: " Do also to the others what you

want that they do to you 143 ;

The second rule is that to undertake to know ourselves with the introspection or auto

psychoanalysis 144 , since without knowing our intimate nature and therefore our limits (our

seven deadly vices and other defects) the man doesn't know how to overcome his/her self

or me and his/her egoism and therefore he/she is not able to became an unselfish person,

but he/she can become it with God’s help ( that has invented and realized a natural process

for the overcome of the self or me and of the egoism, process that make possible the firsts

to feel of conscience) 145 ;

142 Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, pages 81-82, Mediterranee143 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12144 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee145 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee


The third rule is that that everyone must show, also with aptitude tests, to have the

necessary qualities to pacifically cohabit with the others.

The fourth rule is that to learn to live at the best of our possibilities according to the other

Commandments of the Lord Jesus that emerge from the Gospels.

10. The spirituality in the aforesaid religious and civil mini-communities of the Christian

Civilization: In the intimate life of each one, as general rule, will be privileged the prayer and the

introspection and the meditation for the knowledge of ourselves 146 , because the knowledge of the

true motives for our actions or omissions, that is the truth of ourselves, is fundamental to reach the

liberation of the slavery of the sin 147 child of the egoism. As a rule every meditation, also on the

Mysteries of the Rosary it won't last more than fifteen minutes 148 . The longest meditations or

those out of itselves they are a waste of time 149 and can be dangerous for the intrusion of

satanic Beings for which it is necessary to be beware of them. In the listening of the Divine

one we always have to verify that what is told us be always compatible with the Goodness,

the Justice and the Mercy of God. When we ask us something on the mysteries of the life or on

ourselves the answer it must be looks for inside of us, never outside, because God has told

Findhorn that all the answers are inside our being and that to investigate out the mysteries of the

life outside of us is a loss of time 150 .

"Entering" with the meditation in his/her minuscule and intangible internal world every man

will come into contact - or in tuning - with the Divinity and this will happen when we will have

learned to keep silent and to listen to what happens in such micro world, paying attention

however to possible satanic deceptions.

With the meditations and the introspection for the knowledge of ourselves the self or me

and the egoism are gradually replaced by the firsts to feel of conscience on the strength of a

natural process 151 in which we must see the God’s hand 152 . The comprehension does not arrive

by means of the mind, but of the superior conscience and the heart, the self or me is forgotten and

your life become a gift of love and of service for the neighbour 153. All that of which we need it is

within ourselves if we look for the interior peace 154 . You don’t need teachers or guru 155 because

within ourselves there is God-Love who will make us know the truths of the life 156 that will free us

from the Darknesses of the ignorance.

146 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 63-75 (Come intendere l’insegnamento del conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee147 Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-32148 AA. VV (Various Authors) : Pregate, Pregate, Pregate, page 248, MIR149 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61 (Le risposte interiori), Mediterranee150 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61, Mediterranee151 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee152 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated November 14th and December 14th, Amrita 153 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated January 28th , Amrita154 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated April 8th , Amrita155 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61, Mediterranee ; Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita156 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated November 24th , Amrita


The knowledge of ourselves 157 - that is of as we are really, with the capital vices and the

inherent defects in us - it depends on a constant auto psychoanalysis 158 to discover the true

reason that motivates our actions or omissions. Without such auto knowledge 159 there cannot be

meaningful progress in the spiritual life since the man, if he/she doesn’t not known itself, he/she is

under the illusion to be humble and good and in the illusion he/she does a little or nothing to

improve him/her, that is to overcome its human self or me, its egoism and its vices and defects;

vices and defects belong to the perfection of God 160 , because all we are done at His image and

similarity 161 but vices and defects, our limits, belong to our nature because during the life we must

discover them and overcome them 162 .

Jesus said: - "... How much they entertain the demon in the heart! I could say: all entertain

the deadly sin yet nobody trembles for this... 163 "; " God is good while you, more or less, wicked

you are...164 " ; we point out the equivalence among Demon and deadly sin done by Jesus.

As we ha already said, the knowledge of our limits, making us aware of them it baits a

virtuous process of divine origin that will transmute our egoism in altruism freeing us from our limits165 . That's why it is very important to intimately know ourselves.

Becoming unselfish persons little by little men will put the Commandments of Jesus into

practice they will recognize one another brothers because, as God’s sons, we form a sole family166 and we are united by a loving relationship 167 ; therefore the tribal and nationalistic ties will

disappear and with them the dissensions and the conflicts. Contemporarily the Plan of God will

develop it for the salvation of the men "In Christ, for Christ and with Christ 168 ". And more and more

they will be the men that will progressively be united to God, even though slowly because we are

materialists and unbelievers.

Both in the religious evangelical communities and in those civil spiritual life will be privileged

in comparison to that material. All - except that in particular periods, which, for instance, the

seeding and the harvest time - must have the time to pray, to meditate, to know itselves and to

study the Divine or Celestial Revelations that we have previously quoted.

Each one has his/her part in the Everything, therefore among us it must not be some feeling

of competitiveness 169 ; in the civil and religious communities of the Christian Civilization nobody

will lean on anybody else because there is no need of "… some external support, neither to be

157 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionari del Cerchio, pagine 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee158 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee159 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza), Mediterranee160 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 296 (Tutto è perfetto), Mediterranee161 Genesi 1, 27162 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee163 Maria Valtorta, Il Vangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 4th , page 313, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy164 Maria Valtorta, Il Vangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 3rd , page 283, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy165 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee166 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th , Amrita167 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita168 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee169 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 16th , Amrita


reassured because all of this of which you have need is contained inside of you…". ". Then when

any doubt attacks you, you turn the look inside of you and it seeks the truth and I will reveal it to

you; then you continue in peace and confident for your road 170 " . All we will be available to help

the others, but it is also essential that every one makes his/her personal part of job, of prayer, of

study, of meditation and of auto knowledge with the auto psychoanalysis.

Anybody, not even the Lord God wants to make our part for us 171 , having predisposed the

life on the basis to the principle of liberty and that of improvement 172 .

Every day, illnesses and impediments excepted, all can go to the Saint Mass, except if kept

busy in works of charity, or in common services or unable for other causes, because in the

Christian Communities we will work that so much that is enough to the sustenance of the

Communities and of the families and for the works of charity without accumulating wealth, powers

and honours at personal title.

In every Nation the religious and civil Christian Communities will favour the presence of the

other true religions so that each one can develop its pastoral activity, according to the peculiarities

that it has received from the Lord God the Father-Mother-God of all men 173 because all roads

lead to God. .

The necessity that all the true religions are present in the Nations derives from the

contemporary presence in the planet Earth of an admixture of men (of three different "races" as

for level of conscience) that they contemporarily live in every people 174 , as we explain better in the

Elaborate 1" Contribution to the knowledge of the life and the destiny of the man ", available in our

Catechism among the Deepenings in the folder of the " Nature, the Life and the Destiny of the

man ". Therefore, if in a Nation it will miss a religion, it will limit the spiritual growth of some

citizens. Those people who will limit it they will assume a great responsibility as those people who

will hinder the free choice of the people to also attend one or more Churches other religions.

The cooperation among religions, as I have already said, it is suggested by God in the

Koran: You " come to a word that makes all equal …to an equitable agreement between you and

we… 175 "; according to us the accord must found upon the Decalogue the eternal law of the Sinai176 .

11. Assignments of Religions and States: it needs to be distinguished the assignments of States

from those of the Religions. The works of charity can be separate in material, moral and spiritual;

those material, but also those ethics are of pertinence of States, while those moral and spiritual are

170 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated April 8th , Amrita ; La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 61, Mediterranee171 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th and August 29th , Amrita172 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia173 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee174 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163 (La Terra, scuola di “razze” in evoluzione), Mediterranee175 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 57, Ulrico Hoepli176 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22


of pertinence of the Religions. Nevertheless, the Religions - possibly together, as a sole subject -

they will collaborate with the Institutions of States, to stimulate them to give to the peoples - when

they misses - the man's rights protected by the International Conventions. It is necessary that

States and Religions collaborate so that every resident can profit, according to justice, also of the

available resources, natural or created by the man in the States. However the religions will

never replace the States and they will never assume the temporal powers both directly and


In every case it will be observed the principle that men, Religions and Nations must always

make their part, without pretending that others do it for them. Food, water, health, education and

job, justice and peace, welfare, solidarity and equal dignities without distinctions neither

favouritisms, are of competence of States that they will fairly have to divide the general wealth of

the Country.

States, also with the taxes that impose on the citizens, they will provide the welfare.

In subordination the works of material charity will be also of competence of the Religions, if

States they won't provide it, but the religions must look after for first thing of the ethics and the

spirituality of their believers.

The care of the public administrations is of the Governments of the States. It derives of it

that all religions that want to make agreements with us must abdicate preliminary to the temporal

powers because they pollute the mind and the hearts of the religious people; such temporal

(political, civil, economic and financial) powers are to be due to States, which will elect own

representatives among the civilians according to the rules of every Country.

The division of the powers between religions and States is indispensable for the good

government of the Nations.

The sovereignty in the single Countries must have practiced with justice by King or by

Presidents of the Republics without interferences of the religions. To the peoples they must have

recognized in the Constitution of States, rights and religious liberty, civil and politics so that the

citizens can elect their own representatives in the Parliaments (the Deputies' Chamber, Senate and

similar) "to participate in the exercise of the power for the formation of the laws and for the political

control of the government."

Kings and Presidents of the Republics they cannot have absolute powers in how much,

where they had them, there would not be neither religious neither civil liberties, or they would be

always in danger. In such cases the religions will make themselves diligent parts for the pacific

conquest of such rights, on the example of the Lord Jesus and the Indian Gandhi, after the second

great world war of the twentieth century.

The Lord God or Allah has made to tell from the archangel Gabriel to the prophet

Mohammed that peoples can compete in good deeds 177 ; we think that religions can compete in

good deeds, but we think that they will make better such deeds if they would collaborate together.

177 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli


The good deeds can be divided in two great branches:

that for the pacific conquest of the rights and the liberties of the man according to

the International Conventions;

those for the works of charity.

12. The Public administration: the care and the management of the public administrations it is of

pertinence of the Governments of States, for which the rights and the duties of the citizens and all

of this that it concerns to the orderly carrying out of the civil life it is of their competence, but the

Religions will collaborate with their moral teaching so that public and private life develops them in

peace with justice and solidarity, in the full respect of the rights and the liberties of the citizens; all

equal ones, therefore, in front of the law, also according to the International Conventions.

It derives of it the confirmation that the Religions must not ingest them in the government of

the Country, neither of the Public Administrations, neither in the political relationships, neither in

some other public function regarding the jurisdiction of States.

To the Religions and their representatives, priests or less, it is forbidden to deal of politics or

of public administrations, since power contaminates and hardens the hearts, but all will sustain the

morality in the politics that as service must be understood and never as attainment of selfish ends.

Jesus said: "… As you know, the heads of the peoples command as hard masters; the powerful

people make to feel with the strength the weight of their authority. But among you must not be this

way! Rather, if one of you wants to be great makes himself servant of the others. If one wants to

be the first one, he makes himself servant of the others. Because also the Son of the man has

come not for making himself to serve, but for serving and to give his life as I ransom for the

liberation of the men 178 ".

13. As it regards the politics: The fundamental presuppositions for the civil living together of the

people, they are the mutual respect of the roles, among citizens, religions, public and private

institutions according to the laws of the State, provided that they are compatible with the

International Conventions above mentioned.

Jesus said: "Therefore give to the emperor that that is of the emperor but that that is of

God give it to God! 179". To such principle we will always concern there, inviting her other religions

to do as many to develop better the relationships of collaboration among religions and States and

the obtainment of the rights and the liberties of the men recognized by the International


The works of charity are essential in all the social contexts, but especially in the poor


178 Vangelo di Matteo 20, 24-28179 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 15-22


14. As it regards the single people: the Ordine Gesù Redentore (The Jesus Redeemer Order)

believes that every man or woman be potentially important to cooperate to bring justice and peace

on the earth, but to condition that he/she never renounces in making his/her part 180 ; therefore, to

the people of every religion we say, that if they have been sorry of the state of the world, if they

want to improve it, they must not wait that they do it others. Each one of us must not stay apart

with the excuse that we alone cannot do anything because we don't count anything in the

Barbarisms of the world. Contrarily, every individual, in his infinitesimal, he/she can contribute to

change the world for the better and he/she can do it in whatever moment, because it is simple to

do it, provided that is wanted it really: to change for the better the world in is enough to start

from the dwarfish one and from this instant: to improve ourselves with the auto knowledge 181

through the auto psychoanalysis 182 for knowing ourselves and also to convert ourselves because

the Kingdom of God is nearby 183 , both from the spatial and temporal point of view. If we postpone,

or if we wait to improve ourselves through the auto knowledge we will lose a golden occasion to

improve ourselves and the world. Then we must become people aware of the presence of God

within us 184 and of the being us potential instruments of His Goodness, Justice and Charity.

If the single people are not still able to love, the sense of the duty 185 it must become the

expression of the recognition of his/her own responsibilities towards his/her own relatives and of

the community in which every person lives.

15. The same thing happens in the field of the love: as a matter of fact, if we wait to become

able to love God and the others - also the enemies - we risk to waste our life; therefore, who really

he/she wants to change the world to bring in it justice, charity and peace he/she stars from the

dwarfish one and from the possible one, that is from himself/herself. Only improving himself/herself

by means of the self knowledge as we have told already and evangelically living the man can

improve the world repudiating all the rules of this selfish and consumer society, “simply” applying

the golden rule of the Christ in family, on the job and in the relationships with all the others:

" You do also to the others everything that you want that they do to you; this way it commands the

law of Mosè and so the Prophets have taught 186 ".

An alone man, starting from himself/herself, becoming unselfish, humble, obedient, loyal,

faithful and good person, he/she will improve of a very small fraction his/her environment, but

his/her to act and his/her to think will be contagious and it will influence the other human beings

that they live around him 187. If we will do it in so many, then yes that we will contribute to improve

180 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th , and August 29th , Amrita181 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza), Mediterranee182 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee183 Vangelo di Matteo 4, 17184 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , July 17th a September 4th , Amrita185 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 81 (Dovere), Mediterranee186 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12187 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated January 27th , Amrita


enough the world. To improve a lot the world the improvement of a crowd of men is needed; if we

will start in a lot of to observe the commandments of Jesus - that it came in the world to change

only not Israel, on the contrary all men, one at a time 188 - then yes that we will improve of very the

world. Jesus wants to make us to become really men / women done to image and similarity of God189 , to “bring” us with Itself in the Kingdome of the Skies, making it taste us since this terrestrial

existence, because the Kingdome of the Skies, the Heaven and the Hell - they are not places, but

states of being that we bring inside of us 190 .

Who becomes disciple of Jesus and he/she pledges himself/herself with all of his/her

strengths in the way of evangelically living, day after day, he/she is filled and it imbues him/her of

the Conscience of the Christ and in such way it eliminates the Darkness inside him/her 191 .

The time to become disciples of Jesus is already struck, let's unite us to Him that it has

patiently been waiting us for so much time. As we have said whoever can improve himself/herself,

it is not even necessary that you converted to the Christianity, neither that you came to belong to

the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order). To us it would be enough that you observed

the Decalogue, the golden rule of the Christ above mentioned and you elected the Lord Jesus to

your Teacher of life and Lord. In such way you would share our ideals and you would collaborate

with us to bring goodness, justice, charity and peace on the Earth.

In our Order all will be respected, as equal among equals, because we want the good of

everybody and we are ready to sacrifice us for the others.

To all men and all Religions a brotherly greeting and an auspice of good job together.

188 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (Il “ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee189 Genesi 1, 27190 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated June 1st and December 14th , Amrita ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia191 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 25th , Amrita