05.Blend Expression, Transformation & Animation

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Windows Phone 8 progamming


Nguyen Tuan | Microsoft Certified Trainer

Introduction to Blend Expression

Transformation using Blend Expression

Animation using Blend Expression

In-Box ControlsButton

Checkbox Radio Button



Combo Box

Context Menu Flyout

List BoxFlip View

App Bar

Panning Indicator

Grid View

List View Semantic Zoom

Text Box

Progress Ring Progress Bar

Clear ButtonSpell Checking

Password Reveal Button

Rating Radio Button

Scroll Bar

Toggle Switch Tooltip

<Layout Controls />

Canvas Simplest, placement relative to two edges Not scalable Supports the following attached properties

Canvas.Top, Canvas.Left, Canvas.Zindex

StackPanel Horizontal or vertical stacking

Grid Uses rows and columns Flexible Positioning (similar to tables in HTML) Supports the following attached properties

Grid.Column, Grid.Row, Grid.Columnspan, Grid.Rowspan

More Border, ScrollViewer, Viewbox, VariableSizedWrapGrid

Is a Drawing Surface

Children have fixed positions relative to top-left-corner<Canvas Width="250" Height="200" Background="Gray">

<Rectangle Canvas.Top="25" Canvas.Left="25"Width="200" Height="150" Fill="Yellow" />


The Canvas

The Rectangle

Top & Left properties only make sense inside aCanvas<Canvas Width="250" Height="200" Background="Gray">

<Rectangle Canvas.Top="25" Canvas.Left="25"Width="200" Height="150" Fill="Yellow" />



<Rectangle Canvas.Top="25" Canvas.Left="25"/>

Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle();rectangle.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, 25);rectangle.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, 25);

=Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle();Canvas.SetTop(rectangle, 25);Canvas.SetLeft(rectangle, 25);

XAML - Syntax XAML is Case-Sensitive

Attribute Syntax

Property Element Syntax (<TypeName.Property>)

<Button Background="Blue"Foreground="Red"Content="This is a button"/>




This is a button</Button.Content>





The StackPanel will place its children in either acolumn (default) or row. This is controlled by theOrientation property.

<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"><Button Content="Button" /><Button Content="Button" />


<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center"VerticalAlignment="Center">

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,0,0,12"><TextBlock Text="Username" FontSize="48" Width="240"

TextAlignment="Right" Margin="0,0,20,0"/><TextBox FontSize="48" Width="300"/>

</StackPanel><StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,0,0,12">

<TextBlock Text="Password" Margin="0,0,20,0" FontSize="48"Width="240" TextAlignment="Right"/>

<PasswordBox Margin="0" FontSize="48" Width="300"/></StackPanel><Button Content="Login" HorizontalAlignment="Left"

Margin="257,0,0,0" FontSize="48"/></StackPanel>

The Grid is a powerful layout container.

It acts as a placeholder for visual elements

You specify the rows and columns, and those define the cells.

The placement of an element in the Grid is specified using attached properties that areset on the children of the Grid:

Supports different types of row and column sizes in one Grid: Pixel size: Fixed value in pixels Auto size: The Đell has the size of it ͛s ĐoŶteŶts Star size: whatever space is left over from fixed- and auto-sized columns is allocated to

all of the columns with star-sizing

<Image Grid.Column="3" Source="demo.png" Stretch="None"/>

<Basic Controls />


Multi Line

Border & Colors

<TextBox Text="Hello World" TabIndex="4" />

<TextBox Text="Hello World" Height="200"AcceptsReturn="True" />

<TextBox Text="Hello World"BorderThickness="3"BorderBrush="Black"SelectionHighlightColor="Blue"Background="LightGray" />

No Clear Button(“Blen default”)<TextBox Text="Hello World"

TextWrapping="Wrap" />

InputScope<TextBox InputScope="Search" />

Supports BMP, JPG, TIF and PNG

Source property

External, start with ‘http’:

AppBar CommandBar

Properties Foreground Background IsSticky IsOpen PrimaryCommands SecondaryCommands

Events Opened Closed

Properties Foreground





Events Opened


AppBarButtons• FontIcon• The icon is based on a

glyph from the specified font family.

• BitmapIcon• The icon is based on a

bitmap image file with the specified Uri.

• PathIcon• The icon is based on

Path data.

• SymbolIcon• The icon is based on a

predefined list of glyphs from the Segoe UI Symbol font.

• Images & Paths (Vectors)

• http://modernuiicons.com

• http://thenounproject.com

• http://www.thexamlproject.com

• http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/metrostudio

• Symbols

• http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/jj841126.aspx

• http://www.geekchamp.com/icon-explorer/introduction

• http://www.fontello.com/

• http://fontastic.me

<Resources />

Reusable objects such as data, styles and templates.

Assigned a unique key (x:Key) so you can referenceto it.

Every element has a Resources property. Nesting Support

All static resources are loaded on page load Resource is loaded even if not used


Menu Window - Resources Shows all resources of all open XAML documents Link to Resource Dictionary Edit Resource Rename Resource Move Resource Delete Resource Apply Resource by Drag & Drop


Store resources in external files

Declare once, use many times

Makes XAML shorter and easier to read

Can be stored in external assemblies


<Animations &

Storyboards />




View targeted code

XAML supports key frames

A key frame defines an objects target value on amoment in an animation.

A key frame has an interpolation method.

A Key Frame target can be a: Double (X, Y, Height, Width, Opacity, Angle, etc.) Color (Fill, Stroke, etc.) Object (Visibility, Text, etc)


Creating a storyboard in Expression Blend


The Storyboard object has interactive methods toBegin, Pause, Resume, and Stop an animation.

<Behaviors />

<Styling and

Templating />

XAML = UI flexibility

Customize the look of an application without

Changing it’s behavior. Styling = Small Visual Changes on an Element (Font, Background Color, etc.)

Templating = Replacing Element’s entire visual Tree.

<Page.Resources><Style x:Key="HollandButtonStyle" TargetType="Button">

<Setter Property="Background" Value="#FFFF9E00"/><Setter Property="FontSize" Value="24"/><Setter Property="FontStyle" Value="Italic"/>

• </ >

• </ >

• < >

• < Content="Button"• Style="{


• </ >

If You omit the Style’s key an specify only the TargetType, then the Style is automatically applied to allelements of that target type within the same scope (it isimplicitly applied).

This is typically called a typed style as opposed to anamed style.

<Style TargetType="TextBox"><Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Arial Black"/><Setter Property="FontSize" Value="16"/>


<Page.Resources><Style x:Key="HollandButtonStyle" TargetType="Button">

<Setter Property="Background" Value="#FFFF9E00"/><Setter Property="FontSize" Value="24"/><Setter Property="FontStyle" Value="Italic"/>

</Style><Style x:Key="GermanButtonStyle"

TargetType="Button"BasedOn="{StaticResource HollandButtonStyle}">

<Setter Property="Background" Value="White"/><Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Black"/>


<Grid ><Button Content="Button"

Style="{StaticResource GermanButtonStyle}"/><Button Content="Button"

Style="{StaticResource HollandButtonStyle}"/></Grid>

Data Binding

Data binding is the process that establishes a connection, orbinding, between the UI and the business object which allows datato flow between the two

Enable clean view/model separation and binding Change UI presentation without code-behind modifications

Every binding has a source and a target Source is the business object or another UI element Target is the UI element

Binding Expressions can be one way or two way and supportsvalidation & converters

Element binding is performed in the same manner asData Binding with one addition: the ElementNameproperty. ElementName defines the name of thebinding source element.

<Grid><TextBlock Text="{Binding Value, ElementName=mySlider}"

FontSize="32"/><Slider x:Name="mySlider" Maximum="10" Value="6" />
