06/03/101 HRMS Users Group 1:30 – 3:00 pm 06/03/10 Clark Center Auditorium.

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06/03/10 1

HRMS Users Group

1:30 – 3:00 pm 06/03/10Clark Center Auditorium


06/03/10 2

• Onboarding Updates

– Valerie Beeman (15)

• Payroll Updates

– Kelly Wright (15)

• PeopleSoft Reminders/Updates

– Vicky Tran (15)

• Trovix Recruitment Manager System

– Ingrid Hartmann (10)


Onboarding Updates

Learning & Organizational Effectiveness



Update Topics

• Program Components Update

• Results of Recent Survey to Hiring Managers, Supervisors

• Support for those in a Coordinating Role

— New Hire Site business cards

— Print Guide for Hiring Managers

• Help Needed from You



Program Components Update• Classroom

– New Employee Orientation offered bi-monthly Recently revised to allow more time for benefits presentation Rehires do not need to attend if within 2 years of term date

• Online– Stanford New Hire site– Email subscription list: newhiretips@stanford

• Tools for Hiring Managers– Online guide and new print Quick Start Guide



Results of Recent Survey to Hiring Managers, Supervisors

• Invited 282 supervisors and managers who hired from 08/2009 thru 04/2010– 81 responses (78 within first 24 hours)

• Overall, results indicate frustration with the onboarding process



Survey: Use of New Hire Site

• The majority of responders did not use the Stanford New Hire site as a reference when they last hired, because:

– They hired prior to 11/2009, when the site was launched

or– They didn’t know about the site/online tools



Survey: Areas Requiring Most Effort

• 32% said: – Accurately describing work processes and procedures

• 30% said: – Logistics, such as preparing work space, purchasing

supplies/equipment, helping him/her get familiar with surroundings

• 29% said: – Helping the employee feel a sense of belonging,

inclusion in the work group, team, or department06/03/10


Survey: What Additional Help Needed?

• 49 detailed comments; these items were recurring:– Need the SUNet ID the first day; the wait for it delays EVERYTHING– Need lists with common contacts instead of referring employee to

tons of different websites; a single point of contact in school/department

Info on how to coordinate with IT and Facilities for work space and technology so initial days of work aren’t lost

– Have a “takes a village” approach; hiring manager can’t do everything

– Training requirements for employees unclear; need a list– Need more support from HR– Lack of support or training for hiring manager; need checklists,

templates, protocols06/03/10


Manager’s Guide to Onboarding included in Stanford New Hire Site



Support for Those in a Coordinating Role

• Stanford New Hire Site business cards– Include in offer letter/packet– Directs new employee to loads of information they can see

at any time– Just let us know when you need more cards!

Send email to learningdev@stanford.edu

• New Quick Start Guide for Hiring Managers– Brochures will be provided; give to hiring manager or

supervisor when a job is filledOR – Refer to New Hire Site; PDF will be posted in the Mgr’s

Guide to Onboarding section06/03/10


Help Needed from You

• Communicate about Stanford New Hire Site; new employees and hiring managers use it if they hear about it

• Contact me if you can:– Send me a link to any new employee pages on your school, lab,

VP area, or department sites (already have SLAC and SoM)– Volunteer to have your photo on the site; we need real

Stanford employees on there!




Payroll Updates



Payroll Overview

• New Hire Tax Credits• Auto-Termination Process• Supplemental Web Form• Retroactive Timecard Approvals



New Hire Tax Credits

• The Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act, provides two new tax credits to employers who hire previously unemployed workers

• To allow Stanford to claim the credit, new employees must complete a brief voluntary affidavit, the W-11 Form



New Hire Tax Credits

• Qualifying employees:– Hire date between Feb. 3 – Dec. 31, 2010– Not worked for anyone for more than 40 hours during

the 60 day period prior to beginning employment– Faculty, staff, temporary, casual and postdoc employees

Stanford student employees are not eligible

Rehired employees, including former layoffs, are eligible as long as they meet all of the criteria above.



New Hire Tax Credits

• Qualified employment:– Newly created positions– Existing positions vacated by:

• Voluntary termination• Involuntary, for cause, termination



New Hire Tax Credits

• Please provide new employees with the W-11




Auto-Termination Process

• Auto-termination process modified to be job record specific

• Employee records auto-term if there has been no activity on the specific job and:– Three pay periods have elapsed – CSL, TMP paygroups– Eight pay periods have elapsed – STU paygroup

• Submit contingent terminations as you learn of them using the termination spreadsheet– https://www.stanford.edu/dept/dms/hrdata/Job%20Aids/




Supplemental Pay Web Form

• Remarks field is now required– Remarks used by Payroll to audit transactions

• Include a complete description in the Remarks– Example: Payment for overtime hours not recorded by the

employee during the 5/15/10 pay period. Adjust Paid Time Entry recorded in Axess Timecard. Rmorgan – 5-5541

• Refer to the Prescribed Earn Code Usage document to select the appropriate code– http://fingate.stanford.edu/docs/prescribed_supl_codes_usage.xls



Retroactive Timecard Approvals• Electronic timecard approval is now available for closed pay periods• If the TLS/TLA has not approved the timecard, s/he will see two

new approval buttons

• ‘Approve – Retroactive’ if the timecard is accurate and complete• ‘Approve with Corrections’ if the timecard requires modification

— Adjust Paid Time will automatically launch— Coordinate the correction with the employee and your TLA

• Retroactive approvals appear on the Axess Timecard Approval Report in ReportMart1



Retroactive Timecard Approvals

• Continue to recommend that timecard approvals be completed prior to the approval deadline– Especially critical for non-exempt and hourly-paid employees as

timecard entry errors can result in under- or over-payments and accounting errors

• However, it is required that supervisors review and approve time and/or leave records for their employees

• This enhancement has been introduced to allow for electronic approvals even if the approval is outside of the normal cycle



Retroactive Timecard ApprovalsAchieve a Perfect Approver Score

• Retrieve your employee list in Axess Timecard• Navigating through Previous Time Periods, find records that are

missing your approval

• Auto-termination process modified to be job record specific

• Review the timecards missing your approval• Retroactively approve the timecards

— Consult with the employee, and your department TLA, if corrections are necessary



PeopleSoft Updates and Reminders

HR Information Systems



• PeopleSoft Tool 8.5 Look and Feel• Search Match• Authority Manager-Access Revoked• Mail Code/Work Number


PeopleSoft Overview


PeopleSoft Tool 8.5 Look and Feel

• New Axess header to match the University guidelines

• A user addressed welcome message on the Axess header

• When clicking on the “I agree to the above” statement on the PeopleSoft tab, it will no longer open a new PeopleSoft application window

• When clicking on the “Home” link in the PeopleSoft application, it will take you back to the Axess portal PeopleSoft tab

• When clicking on the “Logoff” link, it will log you out from both Axess & PeopleSoft

• Projected to Go-Live July 4th06/03/10


PeopleSoft Tool 8.5 Look and Feel


Axess portal


PeopleSoft Tool 8.5 Look and Feel


• When entering data into a field, the system will display a list of values that are within range of the value being entered (e.g., Position Number, Pay Group)


Duplicate IDs/ Search Match• Integration of RegAdmin in Search Match

– Since November 2009– PeopleSoft Search Match includes all records previously stored in Registry,

SLAC and Hospital

• BEFORE creating a Hire transaction, PeopleSoft Search Match must always be conducted to determine if the candidate being hired has an existing ID number

– We highly recommend using National ID (SSN ) as the search criteria– If the result from the search indicate that the candidate has an existing ID,

you must use this ID in the University ID field when loading the Hire web form

• SUNet ID sponsorships should not be done until the candidate has been hired in PeopleSoft

– Collaborate with other colleagues who are processing transactions for other affiliate types (e.g., Post Docs, Visitors, etc.)06/03/10


Search Match


• EmpllD in Registry, but not in PeopleSoft— The example below illustrates a contractor who has a SUNet ID , but

does not have a PeopleSoft job


• EmpllD in PeopleSoft, but not in Registry— The example below illustrates an applicant who was issued an ID as a

result of applying for admission, but not in the Registry


Search Match


• Search results return 2 EmpllDs for an employee– The information on the Detail link will identify the EmpllD that has

been inactivated and should not be used– If a person has two EmplIDs (neither of which has been marked as a

bad number), submit a PeopleSoft HRMS HelpSU ticket HR Information Systems will determine the correct number to use

Search Match


• Do not use the Bad Number for the hire

Search Match


Authority Manager –Access Revoked

• What type of PeopleSoft transactions will cause a user’s authority to be revoked?— Job Data transactions with an Action type of ‘Leave of Absence (LOA)’ and/or

‘Release a Job Record’ created with a future effective date When releasing a job record, you must wait until the employee’s actual last day

worked PeopleSoft authority is revoked based on previously identified ‘Action’ types rather

than on an effective date

— Position Management transactions with a Reason type of ‘REO-Reorganization’ and/or ‘OWN-Change of Ownership’, that require a row to feed to the employee’s Job Data record Prior to processing the transaction, review the employee’s current authority The user’s authority will need to be updated accordingly after the Position

Management update has occurred

• What is being done to improve this process?— A committee has been formed to discuss the Authority Manager process



• Mail Code/Work Number Changes— Mail Code/Work Number updates made in StanfordYou will not feed

over to PeopleSoft— PeopleSoft Mail Code/Work Number Updates

Navigation: Job Data Employment Data link

• Multiple Jobs Report– Available in late June– Navigation: HR, Payroll, Benefits Systems Job Information Multiple

Jobs Report

Mail Code/Work Number




Trovix Recruitment Manager SystemVersion 3.0.3

Office of Staff Employment


• “Trovix System” page located on the ose.stanford.edu web site

• Updated FAQs about Entering Disposition Data in the Trovix Recruitment Manager System

• New Question on FAQs

• Questions

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Trovix Overview

• Located at http://ose.stanford.edu/trovix/— Visit the “Trovix System” page to review Job Aids & FAQs

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“Trovix System” page

• OSE Offers Training: Online, Classroom, or One-on-one — Call to set up an appointment

• Contact Ingrid Hartmann, ATS Specialist for Assistance at 650-721-1946

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“Trovix System” page

• Updated the FAQs about Candidate Resume Review & Candidate Interview Results

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Updated FAQs

• Q2. How should my disposition data look after the recruiting process has been completed?a) Candidates who were phone screened or interviewed

for the position should be left in one of the following statuses:— Screen— Interview 1— Interview 2

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New Question on FAQs

b) Candidates who were not considered for the position should have a Status & Reason code— Not A Fit (requires a Reason code)— Not Available (requires a Reason code)

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New Question on FAQs

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