07. Bats Fly at Dusk

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IThe dístico of the door indicated: Cool & Lam - Confidential Inquiries. However, the blind person could not read it. The ascensorista indicated the number to it of the apartment and it it was tacteando there with the cane, from the first door until the o I sing of the corridor, counting the following ones, patiently. Its fragile silhouette finished for cutting itself in the envidraçada entrance of the office. It stopped and it opened the door.Elsie Brand raised the eyes of the typewriter, observed the lean man, the dark eyeglasses, the suspended tray of the shoulders for leather straps, the pencils, the neckties and the can to collect the money. He stopped of percutir the keyboard, but the blind person spoke before it had chance to say any thing.- Mrs. Cool?- Busy.- Then I wait.- It does not gain nothing with this.For a moment the man seemed to have been confused, but soon a smile arose to it to the lips.- I come to treat business-oriented… - and after as of hesitation, it added - and I have money.

- In this in case that he is different - Elsie declared. It caught in the telephone, it reconsidered, it withdrew the chair it stops backwards of the typist small table, encircled it and it asked for:- One instant Waits! - The entrance office Crossed and opened the door of access to a cabinet signaled with B. Cool - Particular.Bertha Cool, to the wheel of the cinquenta years and seventy and five kilos of cold realism, seated to its secretary, in its revolving chair, observed Elsie Brand with skeptical cinereous eyes and inquired:- What if passes?- A blind person.- New or old?- Old. Ambulant salesman, with one portable tray, a can and…- It runs with it.- It wants to see it… It comes in business.- Has some money?- It says that yes.- That species of business?- It did not say.The eyes of Bertha had scintillated.- So that devil there is stopped to the wait? It makes to enter it. If it comes to treat business-oriented and it has money, that more we want?- Only it wanted to have certainty - Elsie answered, and, opening the door, she invited: - It wants to enter.

The cane tacteou the way through the office and penetrated in the sanctuary of Bertha. There inside, the man stopped inquiridoramente, turning the head and being to listening intently. Its ears caught the fastest noise that Bertha made. One turned over for it, badly it obtained to locate it, and it said:- Good day, Mrs. Cool.- He feels yourself - Bertha invited. - Elsie, brings me this chair for here, it if to seat. It is well thus. It is everything, Elsie. Mr is felt… Which is its name?- Kosling. Rodney Kosling.- Very well, it is felt. I am Bertha Cool.- Yes, I know. Where it is the young that works obtains, Mrs. Cool? Donald Lam, if my memory serves me right?The face of Bertha became hard.- Devils take it! - it muttered. - How? … Where it is?- In the Navy.- Oh!- He signed up himself - Bertha clarified. - I had subjects between hands and it he raised iron! It signed a contract of “war”, as if it did not have plus who paid the soldier's pay to it. It made that of head in air, of I whistle. It It had classified here as diligent indispensable, in an essential industry, and this loafing injuring was to sign up itself in the Navy!- I have felt the lack of it - Kosling confessed, with simplicity.Bertha franziu sobrolho.- It has to it felt the lack? Not wise person who knew it!

It smiled brandamente.- I believe that I know all “of the custom”.- What wants to say with this?- My habitual stopping, there in low, is the half block, in front of building of Bank of the esquina.- It is truth! Now that I think about this, I remember already seen having there.- Almost that I know each person who passes.- Ah! - it exclamou Bertha. - I am to perceive! E was laughed.- Not, not! - It Hurried itself to correct. - One is not about this. I I am truth blind person. They are the steps of the people who denounce them.- It wants to say that it differentiates the steps of the some people, in the way of the multitude?- Certainly. It does not have nothing that the people make more distinct. The length of the steps, its rhythm, a fast one to drag of tacões,… However, it has dozens of things. Moreover, oiço the voices 0ccasionally, what it helps sufficiently. For example, Mrs. and Mr. Lam almost always goes to speak, when they pass that way, it wants to say, lady is that it speaks. Of morning, it asks to it as they go you endeavour them that it efectuou in the case in that walks to work e, at night, insists with it so that hurries the things and gets resulted for the customers. It little costuma to say.- Nor he needs - Bertha muttered. - One Is rapazinho smart as never I found another one, but is an erratic one! To set it to walk and to sign up themselves in the Navy demonstrates “chalado” that it has there inside of it. Established well, with

one commanded profitable one, still recently associated to the business and it goes for the Navy!- It found that the country needed it.- And I find that necessary of it! - Bertha protested.- I always liked Mr. Lam - the blind person affirmed. - It spoke atinadamente and it had consideration for the people. Appositive that, when started to work I obtain, the things ran to it badly, is not really?- As much hunger Had that the initials of the belt already if recorded to it in the spine. Tomei the service, I gave it to it to it chance of singrar in a decent life, obtained to promote the partner of the firm and, later, it raised anchor and it left to see me to it ships!The voice of Kosling became reminiscente:- Exactly when it walked in the “millstone of low”, it always had a pleasant word for me. When it obtained to arrange a little of money, started to give some currencies to me… but never it made it when it went you with it. When but it gave, did not speak with me, as if it did not want that I knew who it I was. I know the steps to it, as he was to speak, but it thought that he would cause me little embarrassment if I ignored who I helped myself… as if a blind person still kept some pride! When a man starts to ask for, receives money is of who will be that it he wants it to give.Bertha Cool straightened itself in the chair and cut, roughly:- Very well! Since we speak of money, that it desires? ;- I want to find a young.- Who is it? - I am unaware of the name.

- How she is it? … Oh! It forgives me.- It does not have importance. Here it is the one that I know concerning it: it works in a place that if inside points out of a circle of three blocks to break daqui. It is a well remunerated job. It has about twenty and five years, he is esbelta, it weighs about 47 the 49 kilos and must have a meter and sixty of height.- As it can to know this everything? - Bertha frightened itself.- My ears say me.- Its ears say to it where are that it works?- Therefore they say.- Even it bet… Which it is trick? - Bertha asked.- None is not trick. I know whenever hours are because it has a clock that the burrow, there close.- Of that this serves it?- It passes for me, enters the five three minutes, before the nine. When it passes to nine less three, walks hasty; when they lack five minutes, more goes to devagar. The jobs that start to the nine hours most are remunerated. Most of the typists enters in the work to the eight and half one. I can calculate it to itage for the voice; which its height, for the length of passed and the weight, for the sound of its march in the floor. She would be surprised, Mrs. Cool, if knew how much its ears can say to it, if to learn really to serve itself of them.Bertha Cool concentrated a moment and whispered:- Yes, I believe that yes.

- When if he is blind - Kosling explained -, it is had impression of that we were projectados for it are of the World, that we could not be part of the life and in it we lose the interest; but we can keep this interest, if decide to go onward with what we have and to know to use to advantage better what in remains them.Bertha Cool decided to put of part the chance to argue philosophy and came back to the subject of dollar and centimes.- So that it wants that it finds this young woman? It cannot find it alone?- It was wounded in an automobile accident, in a ticket of laborers, when crossing the street. This happened to the six but one room of the last afternoon of friday. It had been to work until afternoon, in the office, as I believe, and followed hasty, when it passed for me. It would not have given more than what two steps are of the stroll, when I heard to chiar of tires, one impacte and the suffering shout that it freed. People heard to run. A man voice inquired if it if magoara and it laughed and said that not, but very she was contundida, certainly. It insisted with it, for that he was to a hospital to verify as is, but refused. Finally the man considered to give a boleia to it. When it entered for the car, complained to be hurt in the head and agreed that perhaps she was better to be examined by a doctor. It did not come back to pass in Saturday, nor in the monday. Today he is terça and also it did not pass. I want that it finds it. - Which he is its interest in it - it inquired Bertha.The smile of the blind person was benign.

- This Can consider a charity impulse answered. - Alive of charity and… perhaps this young needs aid.Bertha looked at it cold.- I it is that I do not make mine life for charity. This goes to cost ten dollar per day and a minimum to it of twenty and five dollar. If not to obtain resulted, to the handle of these twenty and five dollar to be depleted, will be able to give up, or to decide if it wants to go ahead for the ten dollar per day. The twenty and five dollars initial are paid advanced.The blind person opened the shirt and unbuckled the belt.- What is this? - Bertha Cool geted scared itself. - One striptease?But the man did not discompose more and explained:- It is a simple wallet-belt.Bertha observed it intently, while it threaded the thumb in one of the some stock markets that if lined up in the belt. As soon as it extracted of it a folded note mallet, it separated one and it extended it Bertha to it, informing:- It is alone to give I change to me. Not necessary of receipt. It was a note of one hundred dollar.- It does not have smaller? - Bertha stuttered.The blind person answered to it with simple monossílabo:- Not.Bertha Cool opened its stock market of hand, took off of it a key, twirled it in the lock of the drawer of the secretary and, of this, cofrezinho drew one metallic. Later, pulling for another smaller key, that it brought to the neck, suspended for a gold lace, it opened the safe, of where it extracted

seven notes of ten dollar and one of five. Demonstrating certain embarrassment, it asked:- Where and when it desires to receive our reports?- I intend that they are made verbally me, seen not to be able to read them. It is enough to it to stop close to the Bank, in the stroll where I park, and to tell its progressos. It makes it and in voice disfarçadamente low. It has care so that nobody the oiça. It can dissimulate that it is to look at for a necktie.- O.K.! - Bertha assented.The blind person rose itself, caught in the cane, the tray, and explored the way until the a door. It stopped abruptly, one turned over it stops backwards and it warned:- Practically I am removed of the business. If not to make good time, will not go to work.Bertha Cool, abismada, looked Elsie Brand, abating its indignation on the typewriter.- And I had to swallow this! - it protested. - The type rolled up the shirt, unbuttoned the pants and showed a belt-wallet that seemed a tire. He was full of stock markets. It opened one, it drew of a note gravy and separated one “of the ones of one hundred”. I asked to it if I had smaller and answered me that not!Elsie Brand seemed not to find, in the fact, nothing of extraordinary.- A type - she continued Bertha - that one sits down in a stroll, does not have that to pay income, nor employees, nor taxes, nor contributions. It brings in return of it a cinturão, that more seems a life-guard, with a richness, E I it is that I had to make I change to it and I had to go to the safe, where

did not have more than what one hundred dollar and nickels. Still superficially - and the voice of Bertha grew here to one high degree of emotion, - it imagines there you… it was turned the foot of the door to say me that it will not go to work unless the time is good! I never I could be in the bed in these cold mornings or of wet and viscous fog. I have of raising me and to drag me street it are, patinhando in the puddles, with the soggy ankles…- It is truth - Elsie agreed Brand. - I make the same; I only have of more early raising me one hour of the one than Mrs. and, necessity will be had to change a note of one hundred dollars that deliver to me, cannot make it because…- It is well, is well! - Bertha Cool cut, quickly, apercebendo itself of that the colloquy was to turn aside itself for dangerous land and that Elsie could, accidentally, to mention that the Government was to pay to the stenographers higher expirations. - It does not interest the remaining portion. I only came to say to it that I have to absent me for moments. I go to look one rapariga that it suffered an accident from automobile.- Vai to deal with this alone?- So that I would go to pay to one to assist? - Bertha resfolegou. - It does not see that one is about a simple thing? Rapariga was apanhada by an car, in the esquina of the street, when it went to cross it, in the passed friday, to the six but one room. The man who shot it of “pantanas” took it it a hospital. Everything how much I have to make is to go to the Department of Transit, to verify the accident, to take one

autocarro until the o hospital, to ask to the young woman as if it feels e, later, to make to the man my verbal report.- So that it intends this information? - Elsie was interested itself.- Yes, question well - Bertha commented sarcastically. - So that it to it wants? It desires solely to know where queridinha is, for ordering flowers to it, because it brought it ternura and light to its life! It likes to hear the steps to it, saltitando in the stroll, and feels the lack of them. Therefore paid me twenty and five dollar, to disenchant it to it queridinha. Puf!- It does not believe this?- Not! - it ripostou Bertha dry. - I do not believe. I am not of this type. You can believe that everything that is pure and candy charity, but the Bertha does not go in histories of fairies. The Bertha believes, yes, in twenty and five dollar. Therefore it goes to arrange the thing in about hour and stocking. If however to appear somebody and to want any thing, discovers about what is and marks an interview stops after the lunch… if to pressentir that it has money to earn. If he will be somebody to request a contribution, either for what it will be… e “I am in the inks” for what it wants that is… it says to it that I was for it are of the city.Bertha crossed the office and beat violently with the door, but before this she has the satisfaction to hear to matraquear with rapidity the machine of Elsie Brand. However, in the Department of Transit, it had the first disappointment. The accident of means of transportation or running over in that intersecção did not have any referring report and dates.

- This is a list of the devils - Bertha protested. - Then a man shoots with one rapariga for air and vocês does not have nothing, there, concerning this!- Many times the drivers do not communicate the accidents - it explained officer, patiently. - We cannot to guess them. The law determines that the conductors make it. Certainly that, it will be a present policy, does not leave to take note of the school registration of the car and to verify if the driver it communicated or not succeeded it.- It wants to say therefore that, in this intersecção, it did not have no policy?- In this intersecção, the policy leaves service to five hours and forty, but it goes to enter of service two blocks more below, where the transit if accumulates. We have little personal and we make what we can.- He listens there - Bertha insisted. - I pay my taxes and have right to this information. I want that bad they give.- We very liked to assist it, if we could.- Well, where I will be able to get this history?- It can telephone for the hospitals e to inquire if entered some patient for medical examination, between the six and seven hours of last friday. Childbirth of the principle that you can describe the patient.- In a generalized manner. - It does not know the name? - Not.- Well, always he can try - the transit officer suggested, abanando the head doubtful.

Bertha tried it, enjaulada in a public cabin, spending a series of currencies reluctantly. After having expended thirty centimes, the patience starts to be depleted it. It explains and reexplicara what it intended and to only answered it: “a moment”. Later they the same made a linking for another section that it had to inform, in text. To the handle of thirty and five centimes without positive reply, already it was irascible.IIIThe transit tonitruava in the moving intersecção of the esquina. The laborers, returning of the lunch, crossed the street in gusts intermittent human beings. The bell of the traffic light became to hear with systematic regularity establishing the intervals of the transit. 0ccasionally, the sound of claxons, to tow of tires and of start and the acceleration of engines it was joined the noise of the multitude. The day was ensoalhado and hot and I smell it of the escapes was risen, of the tar, in wet vapor clouds.Kosling was found seated in a small bank, in front of the banking building, with the legs folded under the body and with its dispersed gadgets on the suspended tray of the shoulders for the leather straps. To its left, in a box, the pencils are tacked. Of when in when somebody it lay down a currency in the can. Less frequent it had who it stopped and it lay down a sight of eyes for the assortment of neckties. Kosling knew the merchandise for the direction of tacto and its memory allowed it to fix the position of the objectos in the sample.- It has Here, mine lady, a pretty necktie for a new man - it proclaimed, touching in one of them, silk, of an red-alive one,

crossed for a crossed white band of black straps. - And here it is a very pretty thing, in blue-dark… e here another one, of magnificent effect, that would give a beautiful gift. This, was very well with a sport suit…One kept silent, when it heard the heavy passed ones of Bertha, coming close itself throughout the stroll. - Yes, mine lady. I believe that she would be satisfied with one of them. Yes, they are only cinquenta centimes. It is enough to lie down them in the can. Thanks a lot. - As it could not see, it did not look at for Bertha, who stops next to it, but asked: - Then?- Not yet we made any progressos - it lamented.The blind person was been silent, waiting that it continued. Bertha hesitated for a moment and later she decided to give an explanation:- I verified the accidents in the Department of Transit and the hospitals, but without result. Necessary of more indications to go onward.In a monotonous and calm tone, not to call the attention the passer-bys, the blind person declared:- I already had made everything this, before going to look it.- Ah, yes! - it exclamou Bertha. - Then for that reason millstone did not say?- I did not go to pay twenty and five “packages” for simple returns! I did not think that you it was to make the one that any person could have done. I thought to have contracted one detective.

Bertha estremeceu infuriated, with the furious eyes, moving the feet as if the floor escaldasse, and was for the office. When he entered, Elsie Brand looked it and asked:- Had luck?Bertha limited it to abanar the head and threaded in its cabinet, beating with the door. One sat down to think it about the case. Its cogitações take-in writing an announcement to be published in daily periodicals:“One asks for the people to it who had attended an accident in the esquina of the Crestlake with the Broadway, in the passed friday, for return of the six but one room, the favor to be communicated with B. Cool, Building Drexel. Without comprometimento, complications or legal implication. But the information is desired . It rewards of five dollar for the number of school registration of the automobile that a young knocked down.”Bertha leaned itself against the revolving chair, reread the text, consulted the table of prices of announcements and, with a pencil she started to scratch out words.“Witness has caused an accident Crestlake Broadway friday to communicate B. Cool, Building Drexel, 3 dollars reward number school registration”It studied the new text and, with the pencil, it scratched out the words 3 dollars and it substituted them for 2 dollars.- It is how much it is enough! - it murmured. - Of remaining portion, nobody would be remembered of the number of the license, unless it had written down it, and if it made it is because it is about género of type that likes to be witness. Two dollars arrive very well!

IVIn the afternoon of Wednesday, Elsie Brand opened the door of the particular cabinet of Bertha Cool.- He is a gentleman there who did not want to give the name - he announced.- What wants it? - It says that it read the periodical.- Concerning what!? - Of the automobile accident.- And later? - It wants to receive two dollars.The eyes of Bertha had scintillated.- It Orders here.The man who Elsie Brand escorted until the o cabinet of Bertha Cool seemed to have attemped to live in this world with the minimum great expense of effort. It had a cautious position, as if its neck, shoulders, ancas and legs they were afraid not to be able to support the proper reduced weight; until the cigarette that hung to it from the mouth, indolently, it baloiçava while it spoke.- Olá - it greeted. - Is this the small farm where wanted an information concerning an automobile accident? - Exacto! - it answered Bertha smoothly. - Because one does not sit down? In this chair not; before in this, there, that it is more comfortable; it brings it here, for the o foot of the window, that is cooler. How it is called?The man made one careta. It had to walk for return of the thirty and few years, about 1 meter and 75 and little weighed;

one to walk indolent, yellowish tez and the eyes had a brazen brightness. - Nor it thinks about this! - it retorquiu. - It does not judge that somebody goes to arrange me legal implications with laracha: “You she is a witness, as it is to see” Vai to have a date of colloquy before this happens. - That species of colloquy? - Bertha was interested itself, while she inserted a cigarette in its long boquilha of ivory.- Género of “paleio” that starts with the quarrel of how much has in this for me - the man answered.Bertha smiled afavelmente.Perhaps - Well, I can arrange the things its I content, with a good advantage for itself, if you it saw that that I wait that it has seen.- Irmãzinha does not have doubts, that vi everything. Sabe as it is: it has people that they do not want to serve of witnesses and I do not censure them; somebody wraps up them in a paperlegal, them they are forced to go to the court, one five times, and are informed there of that the lawyers continue with the process; to the sixth time, one another process for the way is put and them they wait more two days until its in case that it comes back to baila; then one dates of lawyers shoots to them with a mount of questions and makes of them “cat-shoe”; when the case finishes, the lawyer undresses the gown, it says to them “thanks a lot” and it leaves ten or fifteen dollars to them for the bother that had had as witnesses. The “dude” who testified arranged substance to it for a indemnização of fifteen “of the great ones” and the lawyer pockets half. The

witness is that she makes of anjinho… But mine mother did not have a son parvo. - I am to see that not - Bertha answered elogiativamente. - You it is exactamente the type of person with who taste to make an agreement.- Catita! Prà front with the agreement!- Well, particularly I am interested in discovering any thing concerning the identity of…- One moment - it interrupted man. - It does not start for the way. We go to come back to the start.- But I I am to start for the start!- Oh, not! There this is that it is not. It does not go with this easiness, irmãzinha. The first thing that the youngster wants here to know is how much it touches to it.- And I am to try to explain to youngster about what one is - retorquiu Bertha, with a cativante smile.- In this in case that, it pulls of the check book and arranges a land as it must be.- Perhaps you it has not read well…- Perhaps you it has not written well!With a flow of sudden inspiration, Bertha declared:- I Listen here, I do not represent none of the parts in this accident.The visitor seemed abismado.- Ah, not?- Not! ’- Then, which is its point of view ?- I only want to find the young woman who was contundida.

It made another one careta, but with an expression of cynical understanding.- He is not nothing of this - Bertha protested. - It does not interest me nothing of what it comes to happen after finding. I do not go to direct it for any lawyer. As much if me of whom it processes the culprit as not, nor that it receives or it leaves to receive any indemnização. The only thing that interests me is to know where I will be able to find it.- Reason?- This is another subject.- Ah, yes? - It is the truth.- In this in case that, appositive as you he is not the partner with who I have interest in speaking.- You it obtained to see the school registration of the car that knocked down it?- Already it said to it that I have all the elements. Oiça, irmãzinha, when a luck nugget falls me in the lap, I am soon ready, of pencil and book of notes in fist. It is to see? I have everything here: as that happened, the number of the car… the complete small job. - A canhenho of notes Takes off and opened it in a page all scribbled that it showed, of glance, the Bertha. - This is not the first one has caused an accident the one that attended, and it does not go to be, of certainty, as he was the first one. Of the first time, I lay down the neck of it are e I counted what it happens. The insurance company paid ten “of the great ones” to the lawyer and I was not at least to the court. The lawyer pressed me the “cod” and affirmed me that I age a citizen to the right. Later, it was

scraped with the customer. I was with the squeeze of hand. However, “bacalhauzadas” not they say great thing to me. Since then, I gained judgment. I walk with mine livrinho and not certification be that as it may, before having a small one speaks with the interested party. Not if apoquente with the distrust of that I have not seen the thing. Escarrapachado here is everything, exactly by hand. It is to topar?- I am to topar - it confirmed Bertha, but you lode to the wrong small farm and is to speak with the wrong person. - How it is this?- A man asked for to me that he located this woman. Not even it knows the name. He was, in certain way, prisoner it and it vanished it of the life - Bertha explained, with serious certainty.The visitor took off the cigarette of the mouth, shook the ash in the carpet of Bertha Cool, she inclined the head she stops backwards and she gave an outburst of laughter. A slow flow of indignation started to color the meat neck of Bertha.- Still well that you find favour - muttered sour.- Favour? - the man between outbursts of laughter exclamou. - Espectáculo Is one! Eh, youngsters! Ah! ah! ah! It only wants to order a telegram to donzelinha and he does not know the address! Good joke! You have the number of the school registration of the car that shook it?- It is not to perceive! - it wanted to explain Bertha. - The man who harvested it went to take it it a hospital. My customer wants to know the one that hospital had taken it.The visitor, threaded in the upholstered and comfortable chair next to the window, was congested of in such a way

laughing. It was folded onward, it strained a leg and he was red as a tomatoe.- Ah! ah! ah! You of the handle of me, irmãzinha! You it is a point! … great point! - It took off a handkerchief of the algibeira, cleaned the lacrimejantes nose and eyes. - This is of a type “to marar”. It says me “madama here” if it they appear many of this I upholster? Only I am interested because, when people topa a type that falls so easily in one of these, have always the luck of it to draw any thing!Bertha pushed the chair stops backwards and intervined rispidamente:- Very well! Agora oiça me, you, its young chicken espertalhão. You have marrows or not? He is the dear boy of its breast. He is “crianço” shining of the family. He is “vivaço”! All the others are trouxas! What it is that gave to it? It looks at for itself. With a fact bought fact, of twenty and five dollar, a dollar necktie, a shirt with holes where the tips of the collar seat it, a pair of shoes expenses, until you sole… Smart, they hem? Informed type! Therefore since already I say to it that he is only half smart, only has the half esperteza that it allows to see the light it, but fraquinha, because it always comes a shade that covers it. Then, Mr. Esperteza-with-pants, now leave to say me to it a thing - Bertha was now of foot, inclined onward on the secretary: - Since you he is so smart, it is knowing that my customer is blind, a blind beggar who if it seats to a esquina to vender pencil and neckties. It arrived at the age to become sentimental and this carriçazinha passes and for some moments next to it, of - it one palmadinha in the coasts and acarinha it. It is apoquentado by it not to have

come to work nor in second, nor in the tuesday. He asked for to me that he tried to locate it and because is old a likeable one, the Bertha was in cantiga and accepted the freight for one room of the price that costuma to take to a customer any. I was in the disposal to give it to it itself one arranjinho. If you it had megiven the information that asked for to it, it would manejaria the things thus, if a lawyer paid to them, you could pocket any thing. Now, since you it isa espertalhão of the devils, goes forward and looks alone this lawyer.The visitor stops to laugh. Nor at least it smiles. It looked Bertha Cool with a esgazeada, half overwhelming expression, half surprise.- It Sets to walk - Bertha commanded. - It goes for the devil that carregue, daqui for is, before I put it in the street. - And it started to skirt the secretary.- Eh, there! It waits a moment, “madama”! I…- It are! - Bertha roared.The man gave a jump in the chair, as he uncovered suddenly that he is seated on of a cushion of pins.- A moment, “madama”. Perhaps let us can really make business.- Now, nor that the Devil pushed me. I do not go to make dirty mine hands with a cheap spy, pelintra, ten-kings of people and capacho to clean the feet. Since you he is so ruined smart, it goes to the search of a lawyer who it wants its information. - Well, perhaps…

Bertha Cool pulled out for it as an avalanche. With its grasped hand it caught to it in a bit of farm of the coasts of the coat, twisted it in one rodilha and it started to take it of escantilhão for the door. Elsie Brand saw them, frightened, to cross the office to it, in sped up march, the direcção of the exit. The door beat with violence and the glass fosco was broken. Bertha remained next to it, during one or two seconds, and later Brand turned over for Elsie. - Behind it, Elsie, it touches to walk. We go to give a lesson to this opportunist.- I am not to perceive… - Elsie confessed.Bertha passed stops backwards of Elsie, turned it to it chair for the side and pushed it through the office, until way way of the door, before the young woman having time of arising itself.- It Follows! It discovers who is and for where he goes. If it will have car, takes off the school registration number to it. It moves me these legs!Elsie advanced for the door and Bertha advised:- Apanhe Waits that the elevator. It does not follow in the same. In the street, it goes to it in the peugada one.After de Elsie to leave hasty, Bertha arranged it to it chair for backwards of the secretary, came back toward the cabinet and, there, threading a cigarette in boquilha, she put it she enters teeth and she was shot for top of the revolving chair. It was arquejando of indignation and it murmured:- And that pirate who if was to thread in the Navy! My God, as it is necessary me lack now! Already it had decided this with a leg court of appeals!

VElsie Brand returned to the handle of half hour. - Hunted it? - it inquired Bertha. Elsie abanou the head. A disappointment expression shaded the face of Bertha.- Because not?- Because I I am not Donald Lam - Elsie retorquiu. - I am not detective; I am only one stenographer. Still superficially I had the impression of that it all watched me during the passage.- That devil made it?- It walked throughout the stroll, it stopped in front of the blind person, our customer, and lay down to it in the can, one to one, five currencies of silver… five dollar. The other went saying” obliged, brother” to each one of the currencies that went hearing to clink and said it five times, very serious, with considerable dignity.- He goes there, says the remaining portion - Bertha impacientou itself.- Then, it crossed the street and it started to walk very fast. I strained the legs, trying to follow it. It did not soften, until if it to come across a transit signal that went to close itself for the laborers. When this happened, gave a race and crossed for the other side. I still tried to imitate it, but the policy that was my side held me for an arm. One was come close autocarro and the man jumped there for inside. - And because rays you did not follow autocarro? - it censured Bertha.- He waits there - Elsie interrupted. - The half one of the block Was a parked taxi. I made a date to it of frantic signals,

until the driver saw me and if she approached. I jumped there for inside and we passed for autocarro three times. Whenever we exceeded it, I examined the passengers, without obtaining descobriz it. Therefore, I ordered the driver to stop two blocks to the front of autocarro, paid the account, I jumped for the street and I took autocarro in this stopping. Our man was not there inside.With a deep sigh, Bertha muttered:- Monkeys bite me! ;VIIt was exactamente nine minutes for the nine, when Elsie opened the door of the particular cabinet of Bertha Cool. It evidently looked for to hide its excitement until the door if closed in its coasts. Then, with the modified breath, it announced:- It came back!- Who is that it came back?- The witness who saw the accident.During some seconds, Bertha delivered close considerações to it, before commenting:- The type wants to enter in the thing. She is a dirty blackmailer and I would not have to give to it satisfaction to it to receive it. Elsie Brand waited, without pronouncing word.- It is well - it was decided Bertha. - There Orders to enter it.The man smiles afavelmente, when he penetrated in the cabinet.

- Hard to gnaw, they hem? - the man started. Dark business this where Mrs. it wanted me to put! But it does not have ressentimentos between us, therefore not, Mrs. Cool?Bertha did not open mouth.- I have been to think about the thing - it continued. - Perhaps lady was to say truth. I go to make a proposal to it: rapariga does not know who contundiu it and I am the only one that he is along with the thing; but, in the truth, the information not me it serves you are welcome, here closed in the book of notes, therefore I go to give to it to the name and the dwelling of the young woman, and this will not cost it one cêntimo; it goes to see it and it speaks to it in the idea of that it has a good reason for a indemnização process; twenty and five for one hundred are everything how much I want.- Twenty and five percent of what!? - Bertha inquired.- Of how much pulling out the man who guided the car. Probably it did not have insurance and it falls that nor duck!- I do not have nothing with this, as already he said to it - Bertha retorquiu.- I know Well. He said me this to you and I did not come here to argue, but an informed type valley for two e now I am I that I say to it that, if the young woman is interested in discovering who turned it legs for air, goes to need a good testimonial deposition. I will speak with a lawyer and arranges a process that will run that “nor canja”, ' you of agreement?Bertha Cool pressed the lips until reducing them to a narrow line and abanou the head with firm stubbornness. - He is not “to reign” with me - the visitor laughed,' you the certainty that she agrees! It can not be now, at this moment,

interested in putting itself in a process, but she will be attemped, when the thing will be forward. Well, whenever to want to contactar me, it will be enough to it to put an announcement in the periodical.- How it is called?- Chance… Mr. John Q. Chance.- Since already I say to it… - Bertha Cool started.- Therefore, therefore, already I know - it interrupted it, brandamente. - Rapariga calls Josephine Dell and lives in the apartments of the south part of the Figueiroa Street… e was notto no hospital.- Because not? - Bertha was interested itself. - The man said to want to take it it treatment.-' you the certainty! It went to make this. It wanted that a doctor examined it to have the certainty of that she is not wounded, but, for any reason, he did not make it. The accident occurred in the friday, to the end of the afternoon; in the Saturday of morning, the young woman arose itself e was felt dorida and estonteada; it telephoned for the small farm where it works and had said to it that it was left to be in house; it was all the sunday of bed. However, being thus, it can very arrange one well indemnização of some hundreds of “clowns”… only that it does not know where to go to search them.The man rose itself, lit a cigarette, gave a long smoke and, with the semiclosed eyes, he looked Bertha speculatively.- It is to see where I I want to arrive?

Bertha Cool looked at, of glance, for the door, went to start to say any thing, but she was repented and she remained been silent. The visitor smiled, amused.- Vai to make the old trick to order to see for where I go, badly retrocedes, but it leaves me that it says to it that this does not take it the small farm none that it interest; I will walk for there. I do not take nothing for the information. It is what it can call a gratuitous sample, of the article. When the lady to want to another information that really of the money, is alone to say. Very good afternoon.E left the office. In less than ten seconds, after the visitor having last the door, Bertha was also ready to leave. Elsie Brand covered the secretary where she had the typewriter , when Bertha Cool left the cabinet. He looked at it, attemped to ask to it if he obtains the information that he desired, but gave up and Bertha did not say nothing.The Bluebonnet apartments were a typical building of the South of California, with divisions for person alone or couple, since twenty and seven dollar and way up to forty dollar for month. Of the sides it had the bricks to the sample, but of front it showed a estucada façade, with sobranceiros telhadinhos to the doors and windows, lined withconventional red roofing tile. It had three floors of height and fifteen meters of plaza. Not possuía forecourt of entrance and to the side of the boxes of the post office, next to the door, was seenbells with the names of the renters. Bertha Cool ran the eyes for the list of names, and came across it of Josephine Dell the half one of the line. With its competent and fatty indicating

finger it premiu the bell and it approached the mouth of the exterior telephone. A voice of new woman inquired:- Who is?- A person who wants to speak I obtain concerning its accident.- It is well - the voice acquiesced and, seconds later, the beetle of the lock of the door announced the Bertha who could enter.It did not have elevator and it went up the stairs with the slow deliberation to conserve the breath and the energy, advancing cautiously, as it was negotiated with each step, stopping to each step and giving with the body a rocking, whenever it pulled for itself the railing. It thus obtained to arrive by all means at the air platform and there its closed fingers had beaten authoritarianly to the door. The young that it opened it had to walk per the twenty and five years. She was ruiva, with a arrebitado nose, smiling eyes and a mouth certainly accustomed to distribute smiles.- Olá! - the young woman greeted.- Olá! - Bertha repaid. - You she is Josephine Dell?- Yes.- I can enter?- Between there.Josephine Dell envergava a long penteador on the pyjamas and was in chinelas. The interior of the modest apartment denounced that it must have been, during some time, living only in the bed room. Next to this some periodicals and magazines were seen and the ash tray was found full of

cigarette very devout women whose I smell if it spread all for the apartment.- It wants to sit down - the young invited. - Tomorrow already I have high.- She has been attended? - Bertha was interested itself.- I have been under medical comment - Josephine Dell clarified, laughing, and added: - One never renders unhappy only comes!Bertha Cool tried to amoldar itself comfortably in a chair and inquired:- It happened to it plus some thing, beyond the automobile accident?- Then it does not know? - Not!- I lost the job.- It wants to say that they had fired it for not being able to go to work?- God of the sky! Not! When Mr. Milbers faleceu, my bad luck had started. I believe that it knows what it was transferred, but, already now, it says me who is lady and that it intends, before starting to speak.- Well - Bertha explained, - I do not represent any insurance company and I cannot offer one to it cêntimo, at least.The face of Josephine Dell espelhou disappointment.- It waited that it came of an insurance company!- I thought that it waited this.- It sees Well, when the man reached me with the car, I did not think to have been hurt. I reacted well, I straightened myself, I breathed deep and I decided to leave the things as

they were, but, my God, I did not perceive that it did not find me in conditions to work and said it stops with me: “You are not piegas; you do not have broken bones; but ones nódoas black.”Bertha shook the head, comprehensively.- And later, it knows? , the youngster was so likeable! It left the car soon, it passed me the arm in return of the waist and put me in the automobile before I of this therefore. A hospital started to insist for following me it and I refused, laughing me of the idea, but later I thought that perhaps he was to consider me this for unloading of the conscience and its proper protecção and acceded. We started to chat, and then, I do not know reason, I convinced of that she is not hurt and that would not have any reason for claim for corporal offences. It said to it that it did not intend to ask for a indemnização and it house finished for bringing me it.With a comprehensive gesture of head, Bertha demonstrated that the confidences could continue.- After thinking that everything ran well, I started to feel symptoms peculiar. I consulted a doctor, and it it declared that not it was, of form some, abnormal person the contundidas people to find themselves sofrivelmente well, during one day or two, and passed this period to start to feel the effect painful of the bruise that evolves in symptoms of serious gravity. The doctor until if showed optimista for the fact of I to have the luck of being able to remain here in house.Bertha became to assent with the head.

- Never I spoke in the number of school registration of the car - Josephine continued, with a small outburst of laughter, - nor I took note of the name of the man, for what I do not make the smallest idea of who either. If of the o case not to desire to process it, but, if he is insured against third, certainly that I could receive some money now.- Yes - Bertha agreed, - this is understood, and, if you are interested in discovering who it you are, you have a possibility of…- It was to say what…? - it asked Josephine, when Bertha interrupted the phrase.- Nothing! - Bertha cut.- I assume that it went you to speak to me of its linking with the case, not?Bertha Cool extended a card to it and presented itself:- I am directora of an agency of detectives.- Uma detective! - the young woman , surprised exclamou.- Yes.Josephine laughed at affection.- I always thought that detectives was left-hand side people and you she seems me much human being!- And I am.- Because it is interested in me?- Because somebody me it contracted to find it.- Who?- Appositive that, nor that it thought one hundred years, would be capable of to guess - it defied Bertha, smiling. - One is about a man who is interested in itself. It knew that it had suffered an accident and it desires to know as it goes.

- Because it did not telephone me?- It does not know where it could find it.- It wants to say that it ignores where work?- Exactamente.- Oh! Appositive that he is the blind person!Bertha felt a little irritated with the fact of Josephine to have so easily discovered who age its customer.- How it guessed?- She would not have guessed it, if the lady if had not shown so mysterious. Me It would have remembered another person any. I do not know if it knows that I think very about it and still today I made it, lamenting not to be able to inform it of as I feel myself. - It was laughed, and it continued: - It understands that I cannot write a blind person, whose direcção is the stroll in front of the Bank, it is not really?- Certainly! - Bertha agreed.- Vai to communicate to it how much I appreciated its interest, does not go?Bertha assented, and Josephine insisted:- It says to it that this means much for me and that, probably, it will tomorrow see me or later, if it will not have other complications. It is a “beloved”!- He seems to be to it very become attached - Bertha confirmed. - It is a type really it are of the common one… very observing.- Please, it transmits to it of my part that I am well and that it sending all my affection. It is capable to make it?- Certainly! - Bertha rose itself of chair e, after one soon hesitation, declared: - Perhaps I either capable to make some

thing concerning… well… of one compensation for itself, but I will have to spend some money to discover who reached it. It would not like to put in charge it to me in case that, unless you it does not have another way of conseguiz it.- It wants to say that you it would be capable to find the man who guided the automobile?- I believe that yes, but it goes to cause me some expenditures.- How much?- Still not I know. Perhaps we could to base on a percentage on the amount that will come to pay to it. Calculating for high, perhaps half of how much I it will be able to get of the company, if you not to obtain it for other ways.- It is capable to deal with everything this for me?- An agreement with the insurance company will be had, certainly, but if the case will be for court, then it would be subject to consider…- Oh! I do not want to go for court. The youngster was so amiable! It showed as much consideration for me! I want to believe that it has insurance and that, if made an idea of the state where I am… but, in the truth, it was not nothing of serious. I only lost three or four days of work and, of remaining portion, already it had lost the job.- It worked for a type that died?- Yes, for Mr. Harlow Milbers.- Its office would have to be close to the place where the blind person parks.

- More or less the two blocks of the Bank, in an obsolete studio of that old building that makes esquina. Mr. Milbers had its office up there… - What made it?- A work of research, related with one its particular concern. It had a theory concerning that the military campaigns follow a certain táctica line and that the defense is impotent against the aggression, until this if annuls for proper itself, that is, that no nation will be able to keep a defensive share permanently against a aggression threat, since, when the attack if carries through, it does not have way it withhold it, senão with an opposing aggression. For more efforts that if empreguem, if it only obtains to attenuate the impetus of the aggression, until, eventually, the defense if becomes vulnerable and will be had to attack. For more powerful than either a nation in the start of the hostilities, for more far than it they take its conquests, for more extensive than they are its borders… But you do not have to be interested in nothing of this!- It is one interesting theory! - it commented Bertha.- It was to write a book concerning this and dictated a note series to me… It was a good job. Bertha ut short:- Well, if you to decide themselves and to desire that I make any thing concerning the automobile accident, it communicates me. I think that it will be able to get enters the five hundred a thousand dollar. It had nervous trauma, bruises, etc.

- Oh! I am not interested in nothing for the nervous trauma. One is enough to me fast compensation for the days where I could not work and to pay the account of the doctor.Bertha observed:- When to receive the indemnização from the company, we have to consider that it had a certain number of you endeavour to effect and of involved people in the attainment of the information, for what it will be necessary to pay some expenditures… It thinks about this, queridinha. It has my card there and it will be able, in any height to contactar with me.- It is in the very amiable truth, Mrs. Cool. Saturday and sunday do not count, therefore, only lost three days, when very. Profit thirty dollar per week, therefore the three days do not exceed eighteen dollar and the doctor alone debited me seven. But I want to receive twenty and five dollar from the company.With the hand put in the latch of the door, Bertha advised:- He is not “tansa”… - but at this moment somebody heard to beat to the door shyly, Josephine Dell asked for: - It opens, if it makes favor.Bertha opened the door. One homenzinho amaneirado, to the return of cinquenta and seven, cinquenta and eight years of age, with a grayish-yellowish mustache, of slightly bending shoulders and blue eyes smiled for it.- You it is Miss Dell, is not really? I am Christopher Milbers. I did not touch to its bell of the door of the street, because I deceived myself in the apartment and had opened me it here of the side. It forgives me. It must really have become to leave and to ask to it if it desired to receive me. Only now me

apercebi of incorrecção… It needed of speaking I obtain concerning my cousin. It was a so sudden thing that…- Not I am I - it clarified Bertha, moving away itself for the form side to allow that the man penetrated in the compartment. - I only came to speak with Miss Dell.- Oh! - the visitor exclamou apologically .- The favor Makes to enter - Josephine invited - She forgives not to raise me and to be dressed thus, but I suffered an accident from automobile… nothing of serious, but the doctor advised to me to put into motion it me the least possible. In the truth, almost that I know it, Mr. Christopher Milbers, since I wrote it some letters dictated for its cousin.The man advanced, complimented Josephine and was interested itself with solicitude:- Had then one has caused an accident, Miss Dell?- Thing of little importance. It wants to sit down.- Well, I go walking - Bertha announced, passing to the side of is of the door.- Only a moment - Josephine asked for. - It would like to speak I more obtain a little concerning the possibility of if getting this compensation. It can wait plus a bit?- Already it said to it, my friend, everything how much I know and I advise it it not to be fool, how much what it intends to ask for to the insurance company . If really it wants to go onward with the subject, enters in contact with me. The number of the telephone is in this card.- I will make it very and obliged.VII

Seated to the light of the matinal sun, the coasts supported in the granite blocks of the building of the Bank, the blind person seemed fragile still more of what when Bertha Cool speaks to it, in the occasion of its first report. When coming close itself, Bertha tried confundiz it, modifying the rhythm of its passed ones.- Olá, Mrs. Cool - it greeted, without raising the head.Bertha laughed itself and confessed:- I judged to be able to deceive it, modifying the way to walk.- Nobody obtains to efficiently modify the personal characteristics of the steps. I perceived who age soon, even so walking disfarçadamente. It obtained to discover any thing?- Yes, already I located it.- It is well?- Yes.- It is certain of this? She would not have been very contundida?- Not, now it is perfectly.- Has its dwelling?- Bluebonnet Apartments, in the Figueiroa Street. It walked to work for a man who died.- Who age it?- Milbers Was called and was writer. It walked to the returns with a theory that went to incorporate in a book, when died.- The office was close daqui, as I foresees?- Yes, next to the esquina of the next block, in an old building.- I remember the small farm… when I way… before being blind.

Silence became during brief instants and Kosling seemed to try to remember old reminiscências. Abruptly it declared:- It would go to bet that I know who it was.- Who?- The master of it. It must have been an age man that used cane and that it walked with a fast one to drag of the right foot. Already I have been worried about it. Has thing of one week the last time that heard it to pass. A man who kept what he had for proper itself. During more than one year it passed this way, but never it directed me the word, nor it lay down a crown in the can. It had to be this Milbers. It said me that he died?- Yes.- Of what!?- I do not know. It to only said that it me had deceased, it seems me that suddenly, as I inferred. Kosling shook the head and commented:- In the truth it did not walk with much health. Each time dragged more the right foot and gets worse in last the six weeks. It counted to it as it happened to have worried me about it?- Certainly - Bertha answered. - You it did not ask for secret and I thought that it could say it to it. It thought that I visit it because of the accident of automobile and the possibility to obtain a indemnização of the insurance company and had to explain to it as he occurred to have been charged of descobriz it. I wait not to have committed an error?- It made very well. How we go of money?

- Quit. You it gave twenty and five dollar to me that is the total of my account, seen not to have had extra expenditures. - It is well, thanks a lot. E now that already it knows me, I wait that it comes me to speak, when to pass this way. I have felt the absence of its partner. It has received notice from it?- Not.- It would like that but this, when to know some thing.- It is rested that I will make it. Good bye, good luck.Bertha directed itself for the entrance of the building of its office, went up in the elevator and heard Elsie Brand to matraquear in the typewriter. It opened the door and it greeted:- Olá, Elsie. I finish… - and it of the phrase kept silent half.The man of mortiços eyes and hanging cigarette of the mouth was seated in a desconfortável chair, with the crossed legs and the hands in the algibeiras. When looking Bertha readquiriu brazen expression e, in afável tone, inquired:- What such ran?- The one that if it relates?- Sabe very well that I mention myself. It obtained this agreement to draw the mass to the insurance company?- I was not to deal with this - Bertha retorquiu.- Therefore, therefore! Arrived the agreement, or not?- Badly foquei this subject.- Twenty and five percent, stops here the youngster, is well?Bertha annoyed itself.- It seems that you do not understand what I say, when I say English. We were where it would give twenty and five dollar to

it for the information. I will have of saying Chinese? - It started to laugh and Bertha continued: - And it is knowing that I will have to pay them to it of my proper algibeira, because it did not put in charge to me to deal with the insurance. Of remaining portion, it does not desire to receive a total indemnização, but only with that paying to the account of the doctor and a compensation for the days that were without working. It more than does not want what twenty and five dollar.- Is everything how much it wants?- Exactamente.- It was to combine the “thing” with it?- Some does not stow to combine thing.- Perhaps the insurance company wants to buy my note book.- Because it does not try?- It is very possible.- I am vain of whom it goes it to try.- I am only to see where the fashions stop, but will not modify my deposition. It is therefore that I do not go to have directamente with rapariga to draw “some to it”. Any lawyer would finish for rolling me. However, if it had a confidential combination, the things would run in better way. Then, if some “say-cheap one” asked to me if the complaining one gives any thing, would show to me to me sincere and would answer: “only the one that the witnesses costumam to receive”.Bertha laughed cynically and announced:- Twenty and five dollar is the total that it intends at this moment and will be also mine limit for itself. Thing none is how much shot of this business.

- Twenty and five percent - it insisted.- Already it said that, for while , does not have cake to it of where if can take off any cut. -' you well! Perhaps the things move with the time.- He says me here - Bertha asked for. - How I will be able to enter in contact I obtain?With one careta, was arisen and answered:- It cannot! - and it left the office.Bertha estaked next to the door, badly this if she closed behind it.- It seems that I have to enter in the game of the type! - it muttered. - Rays break it.- It wants to say that it goes to accept it to it proposal? - Elsie inquired Brand.- Eventually… if not to arrange another one better.- Reason? - Elsie insisted, with curiosity. - Because it is gone to mix people of this I upholster, when it does not like it?- Because he has involved money in this - Bertha confessed and threaded itself in its cabinet, diving in the reading of the periodical of the morning.The half one of the porting column went, when the internal telephone buzzed. Bertha raised the auscultador and Elsie Brand asked:- It can excuse some minutes to one such Christopher Milbers? It says that already he was I obtain.- Milbers, Milbers… - Bertha repeated, per seconds, until she answered: - Oh! Yes, already I know who is. What wants it?- It did not say.- It says to it that it enters.

Christopher Milbers still seemed more extinguished in the cabinet of Bertha of what in house of Josephine Dell and she said, in tone of who if excuse:- I wait not to come to bother it.- That it desires? - Bertha inquired.- Miss Dell said me that the lady was detective. I was frightened.- Encarregamo-in of inquiries confidential - Bertha clarified.- The word detective sounds much more romantic of what the investigating term, does not find?Bertha looked it with a cold look.- It does not have romantismo in the businesses. Any is a profession as another one and I never relinquished any business. What intends?- It would like to contract it, Mrs. Cool, but I still do not know which are its honorary ones - Milbers explained.- They depend on the nature of the inquiry and the sum of the involved money - Bertha clarified, now with the look denouncing acute interest.- It is not imported that its time steals it, counting to it it history since the principle?- It says there.- Well… my Harlow cousin was indeed eccentric.- Already I perceived this.- Very individualistic Age and teimava in living the life to its way. It did not want that they commanded it or they dominated and its relations with the relatives were azedaram with this attitude.

Christopher Milbers joined the palms of the hands, opened the fingers, joined the tips and turned them for the chest. It looked at for Bertha, over its contorcionista ability, manifestly anxious why it had enclosed its point of view.- Married? - Bertha asked.- The woman of it died has ten years.- Children?- Not.- He is the only relative?- Yes.- How much to the funeral, who if puted in charge of this?- It is tomorrow. I am here to deal with it. I only received the telegram, communicating death, in the monday. It stows outside of the city and it had certain delays to make me arriving at hands. I appreciated the decision duly to have trusted me the cares of the funeral.Bertha started to impacientar itself.- I do not perceive patavina of funerals. Why reason wanted me to speak?- Yes, already we go there! It was to it to say it that my prime one was an eccentric person.- It was, therefore.- Among others eccentricities did not have confidence in the económica security of the commercial companies.The expression of Bertha denounced astonishment.- Cos devils! This is not no eccentricity! This is common-sense!Christopher Milbers closed the fingers and joined we of phalanxes ones with the others.

- Eccentricity or common-sense, for the case in such a way makes, Mrs. Cool. What it interests is that it always walked with wide money addition in a pocket wallet. Proper I witnessed this fact, beyond what he wrote me a letter informing me of that he waited an emergency situation and, more or less, in the thursday, raised, of its banking account, five a thousand dollar you add for acquisition of certain rare books, in the friday, to the afternoon.- And then?- When I arrived to put in charge to it funeral to me and they had been you deliver the objectos to me that it brought obtains at the moment of the death, I examined it to it wallet and the door-keys and…- The remaining portion Leaves there. How much it had the wallet?- They were Only a note of one hundred dollar, one of twenty, and three of one dollar there: nothing more!- Oh, oh! - Bertha , interested exclamou.- My concern Can imagine !- Of course! It made a claim soon?- There it is that it is… a person does not like to complain, when this can be considered an accusation not yet total proven…- It wants therefore that I certify it of the irregularity, it is not thus?- It is not this well. At this moment already I have the absolute certainty.- Ah, it has? - I have. Miss Dell… that lady knows…

- What had with it?- The certainty of that Has the money was in the ownership of my cousin.- How it knew it to it?- She was secretary of Harlow during more than what one year and is remembered of the occasion where it dictated to it a letter in which it mentioned to go to raise five a thousand dollar to bring them I obtain.- Where it is the letter?- I have it in Vermont… this is, waits that still there it has it, therefore to the times destroys the correspondence…- Considered important the correspondence that changed with its cousin?- To speak frankly, Mrs. Cool… very important.- Reason?- Age my only alive relative. It felt me on very… Sabe as it is, when a family if goes reducing to a narrow circle and alone they remain two people - Milbers explained; becoming to turn the extended fingers, now for Bertha Cool.- And now alone it is one living creature! - Bertha commented acidly.Milbers did not say nothing.- Has how much time did not see? - Bertha continued.- Well… already it has some time… it has about four or five years.- After all, considering the facts, it did not have to be given very well with it!- It preferred the things thus. It liked to write but, how much the personal contact… I believe that it thought to be

more convenient the contact to epistolar, to keep the harmonious familiar relations.- However he is género of adocicada colloquy there that, if is not changed in small, a person does not obtain to understand where if wants to arrive… at least so far - Bertha, impatient criticized.- It happens that in a verbal colloquy - it explained Milbers, choosing carefully the words - they appeared, between us, some divergences. It was stubborn how much the certain radical politics and económicas theories. However, through the correspondence tacto is always possible to approach these substances with greater and to prevent certain subjects of controversy. In one it talks, already it is not easy. - I find that it would save a date of its time and mine, if it was right to subject e if it called shovel to a shovel.- However there it is! - Milbers exclamou, with burning hot enthusiasm. - Mrs., Mrs. Cool, finishes to work the same in error that many other people. A shovel can not mean one shovel. The term shovel is not more than a generic word of common convencionalismo that does not assign any objecto in particular and yes several, stopsdifferent utilities. For example, it has the gardener shovel, who serves to open the land; the shovel of mason, completely different, to apply the mortar; the baker shovel, to introduce the bread in the oven, still more differentiated; the shovel of the helix of an airplane, completely other people's, in its physical form, to the previous ones, all they shovels for diverse ends and, with effect…

- It stops there with this! - Bertha cried out. - It is easy to perceive what its cousin felt its respect! It comes back to the subject!- The shovel?- Not, to the cousin. Where it lived? Hotel, rented house, club, or?- Not, Mrs. Cool, had proper house but, unfortunately, it was not capable to give account of it.- Who directed it?- Uma governanta.The pestanejantes eyes of Bertha invited Milbers to continue its story.- One such Mrs. Nettie Granning, that walk there for the forty and peaks, if forgive I the expression. It has a son, Eva, and a son-in-law, Paul Hanberry.- Paul and Eva lived in the house with them? - Bertha was interested itself.- Exactamente, Mrs. Cool. Paul was the driver who lead my cousin, when, rare, it went to any side of automobile. As I believe. Eva actua, technical, as assistant of the mother, back in house. All they gained plazas wages and, if to ask my opinion to me, I will not be able to hide it that I always considered the fact an inefficient and highly dispendioso arrangement.- That age has Eva?- It would say about twenty and five.- And the husband? - Ten years Perhaps older.- That they say they about of the money that if assumes to have been in the wallet of the deceased?

- However it is there that it is the difficulty - Mr. was afflicted Milbers. - Not yet I mentioned this lack to them.- Because not?- I am very meticulous, how much to that it can seem an accusation, even so recognizes that we will have to argue the incident.- It intends, for happiness, that I inquire the situation? - Bertha, livened up for sudden inspiration inquired.- Exactamente, Mrs. Cool.- I am good in this!- For my side, I see myself led to confess that my weakness in this field is deplorable.Looking at for Milbers, speculatively, Bertha observed:- Yes. I imagine… if this governanta is of a sort that I know!- Exactamente - Milbers confirmed, separating the fingers to become them to join, with rhythmic intervals - It is necessarily of this género!- Now, it has the case of the letter that if it related to the five a thousand dollars. The others five a thousand, as enter in scene? - As already I had occasion to mention, my cousin desired to acquire a lot of rare books, in one venda of emergency, and it did not only make it because day was felt exactly sick person in this. However, its Bank confirms that a check in this deducted it value, beyond that I got later confirmation of that it, in this day, carried obtains habitual five the a thousand, more the destined ones to the acquisition of books, therefore ten a thousand… in the wallet… at the moment of the death.

Bertha pressed the lips, reducing them it a narrow line and inquired semicerrando the eyes:- It now says me, Mr., as goes of finances…?- What has this to see with the subject?- Always me of the one idea of the general picture.After a moment of cautious deliberation, it informed:- I have one fifth, in Vermont, where I produce sugar and boiled must that seeing for the post office. Of - to live me, but I cannot say that it has what this more than.- Its prime one was its customer?- Yes, it costumava to buy me boiled must and it liked sugar of apple, but preferred that it it sent it for the office instead of for house. Of when in when, also samples of new products sent it that went launching in the market and until it I sent one, in last week. It is sad to think that already he is not alive…- Great Samples?- In way none. In the candy business, never if they must send amounts that can make the customer to nauseate themselves, for excess; if it only must give to them with that to sweeten the mouth.- It ordered to it it counts it or it made offers to it?- The merchandise always Debited to it , but it made a discounting to it of thirty percent… e it, when paying, became new discounting of two percent!Bertha raised the hand, sticking the fingers indicating and average, in a V, good detached and concluded sarcastically:- For others words, vocês were joined one to the other, as well as this!

Milbers smiled.- It must have known my cousin! I doubt that the one had any thing that it was joined… I at least believe that nor to the proper shirt.- Now, it says of this governanta to me.The face of Milbers became shady.- She is one of the things that apoquenta me. Doubtlessly it kept it in its dependence, dominating how much she could it. I confess that it inspires certain distrust to me.- Me, not! - Bertha affirmed. - We go there.VIIINettie Cranning, with the red eyes of weighing, pressed the hand of Bertha Cool and invited:- The goodness Has to enter. It forgives to receive me it in this state, but it was a terrible blow for me… for all we. This is my son Eva - it presented, and this my son-in-law, Paul Hanberry.Bertha invaded the entrance room , with efervescente ability, pressed the hand of all and seemed to dominate the situation soon. Nettie Cranning had to walk for the forty, dedicating well-taken care of attention to its person and cultivating a afectado mannerism that did not pass of a fragile varnish, with that thought to be able to be taken by fine lady.Its son Eva was a colored person, remarkably well-similar, of long forms and regular, thin, with delicate sobrancelhas hooped, a short while arrogant mouth and great amendoados black eyes that seemed capable to reveal moved if if them authorized occasion.

Paul Hanberry gave the idea of a masculine nullity, to the flavor of the will of the personality strongest of the two women. Age of average height and weight, obtaining not to create any impression favorable or favorable to who saw it to the first sight. As Bertha it described it in the letter that it sent later the Donald Lam, was “a type for who if it looks at two times, without seeing”.Christopher Milbers badly entered, soon treated to become unobserved, passing to second plain, behind the volume of Bertha Cool, as a pupil if hides behind the mother, when this goes to complain, next to the director of the school, to have to it punished the son.- Very well, mine gentlemen - Bertha started. - This is not what if it can call a visit courtesy. My here present customer, Mr. Milbers, desires to clarify things.- Its customer? - Mrs. found odd Cranning, with cold reserve. - I can ask if you she is lawyer?- I am not - it retorquiu Bertha readily. - I am detective.- Uma detective?- Necessarily.- My God! - Eva admired Hanberry exclamou.The husband decided itself to intervine it, as to demonstrate that he had some courage.- That idea devil is this to put one detective in this subject?- Because ten a thousand dollars had disappeared - Bertha declared. . , - What?- It heard me, did not hear?

- It is for happiness to accuse with terms taken off ten a thousand dollar? - Mrs. intervined Cranning.- I am not to accuse either who will be… - Bertha specified, adding to the handle of brief seconds: - for the time being.- Could have the pleasantness to explain exactamente what it wants to say with this? - Eva Hanberry asked for.- When Harlow Milbers faleceu, brought obtains, in the wallet, a note mallet in the value of ten a thousand dollar.- Who said this? - Paul Hanberry inquired, hostilely.- I Said - Christopher Milbers leaving behind Bertha Cool announced and placing themselves its side -, and happens that I am in position to prove this my affirmation. Mine cousin had the intention to negotiate the purchase of a lot of historical books, in conditions special. In virtue of certain particular circumstances, this transaction would have to be efectuada in current money that it brought obtains, in the wallet. - In this in case that it must have efectuado interim this transaction - it deduced Mrs. Cranning-, since this importance did not meet in the wallet, when died.- Not, not if it efectuou - it cut Milbers. - It always walked with five a thousand…Bertha Cool reduced it it silence with an authoritarian gesture of hand and interrogated Mrs. Cranning: - As it knows that it did not bring this money in the wallet?Mrs. Cranning looked at of glance for its relatives and, confused, she remained been silent. Eva Hanberry, after with them crossing a fast look, protested indignadamente:

- Bless-in the Gods! It went to swear that we are responsible for how much it happens in this house! Compete-in seeing everything to them how much one dead it leaves, it is not really?- We had to look for to know who were its relatives… - Paul Hanberry justified - or not?- It was not of this way that they would discover - Milbers observed.Bertha intervined belligerently:- I did not come here to lose my time to hear arguments. We want the ten a thousand dollars and is everything!- Probably it kept them in its room - Mrs. suggested Cranning. - I am certain of that it did not have in the wallet. At least, they were not there, when I it I examined - it concluded, looking the son-in-law.- I have therefore reason when affirming that I did not find them next to the body, in the mortuária house - Milbers, opposed for verifying underlined that the táctica directa of Bertha Cool places the others in the defensive.- Well, already we have a starting point - Bertha observed. - There We go to see the room where it died. E how much to other rooms? It did not costumava to work in house?- Oh, skies! Certainly that it was satiated to work in the library - informed Mrs. Cranning. - It was there until high hours of the night.- We go then to give a sight of eyes to this library. Which of the divisions is more close?- The library.- Let us start for there.

- The bed room already was revistado - Paul objectou. - It…Mrs. Cranning to fer it to be silent with a gesture of infuriated disapproval, and, in voice low, Eva advised:- The mother Leaves to speak.With considerable dignity, Mrs. Cranning indicated:- They want to follow me - and it was directed the office where if it pointed out the library. To the door, it described a wide circle with the hand, as if its gesture meant that the dependence to the care of the visitors left and that of this its responsibility ilibava . Suddenly, Paul Hanberry consulted the form, wristwatch it to awake the general attention, and informed:- Cos devils! I forgot myself to make a phone call! - after what one left for the backs of the house.Almost immediately the attitude of the two women modified and Mrs. Cranning, in a conciliatorier voice, inquired:- They are absolutely certain of that it had the money I obtain?- Probably, in the wallet - Milbers informed - the banker was positive in the fact of it to have there introduced the five a thousand dollars that deliver to it, in the thursday.Nettie Cranning and the son entreolharam itself. Defensively, Eva remembered:- It never was alone, in the room, with Mr. Milbers.- Not, before to die - Mrs. emphasized Cranning.- Oh, mother! - Eva protested.- It is well… but you were who you brought this subject to baila.- From there to the mother to insinuate an accusation…

Mrs. Cranning turned over for Bertha, with a smile.- Certainly Mrs. Cool understands that everything this was a great shock for us and a great surprise. We are ready to help you in how much it will be to our reach.Bertha answered dry:- Oh, certainly! E goes to be really surprised with how much I am capable to inquire.The library was a spacious room where if they tack full book shelves, some of which bound in carneira that the time becomes gloomy with a chestnut patina. In the center of the dependence a great table met and, on this, some books opened, ones were found dispersed on the others. In the way, block-notes and a pencil. The first page of the block was written in an angular and inclined calligraphy. Mrs. Cranning clarified:- I do not believe that somebody has moved here, excepto Mr. Christopher Milbers who asks for to me that she looked at for all the house. It is everything exactamente in the same way that it left. Of remaining portion, it gives orders so that nobody touched in books or any another one objecto of this office. We left everything such as it was. For times days were transferred, without I could clean the table, seen to be so full of things where if it could not touch.- He is not, of form some, a place where a person was to leave ten a thousand dollar - Bertha observed.The silence of Mrs. Cranning demonstrated to be of the same opinion.- It stows to examine the notes that are in the block - it said Mr. Milbers. - They mention it a campaign of Cesar. They do

not have any connection with the subject of that in we occupy them, but the fact is that I consider them indeed interesting…- And I consider, Mr. Milbers - Bertha cut moving away themselves from it and starting to explore the office -, that we must concentrate our attention in the research of the money or documents, even so is almost vain of whom it will be an unfruitful search.- And how much me it says respect, I consider that the search is mere a preliminary necessary to be based an accusation - commented Milbers.- Against who e with that base? - it inquired Eva Hanberry, with deaf hostility.Milbers twisted the question, hastily:- This is entirely to the discretion of detective.- Detective Is only one private - Mrs. intervined Cranning. - Mrs. Cool does not have authority some. - Case Is my representative in this - it retorquiuMilbers, trying to give to its declaration the biggest possible dignity. Bertha Cool ignored the quarrel. In the track of the money faro of what had more a perdigueiro behind the hunting. It gives the return to the table, passes a sight of eyes to books and to the block of notes, it read what there it was written, of glance, and commented:- Who devil would give a cent for these velharias?After a silence moment, Milbers answered defensively:- My cousin was interested in them. Passed other silence moment . Bertha asked:- It does not have no folder to keep documents, in this table.

Pparently, it did not have. - I find that we had to pass to the room to sleep suggested Milbers.Bertha became to examine sheets of paper covered of written by hand notes and found odd:- What happened to the remaining portion of the work previously written?- It was given, certainly, to the secretary who transcribed them to machine. Later Mr. Milbers it reread the text and it corrected it. Later the work he was only filed. It has dozens of dossiers, duly dated, and… - And these sheets of paper, where went it to search them?- They are here - it showed Mrs. Cranning, pointing one wide drawer. - It always had a series of sharp pencils and paper…Bertha examined the drawer and suddenly she asked:- It says me, Mrs. Cranning, because it distrusted that who was its son-in-law took off the money?- It took off what?- The ten a thousand dollars.- I never thought a thing of these, Mrs. Cool. You it is to be simply insultuosa. I cannot believe that it thinks that Paul… a so dedicated youngster…- It plays in the races?A fast glow of apprehension was espelhou in the look that mother and son had changed between itself and was how much Bertha desires to know.- Hum! It must be this. Probably it is at this moment to telephone for its agent of appositive. I go to say a thing to it. If in the reality it means some thing Mrs., best is to make

with that he says the truth to them. If it took off the “mass”, perhaps it has profit more than what it used and…Paul Hanberry entered in this moment, in time to hear the last words.- Who is that it more than gained the one that it used? - it asked acerbamente.- Nothing, wanted - Eva intervined, with so insane rapidity that denounced an abetter and obvious desire to change the route of the colloquy.The expression of Hanberry got excited.- Oiçam well - it declared infuriated, - they do not think that they can transform me into bode expiatório of this thing. It has much that all know that not step, here, of a supranumerary type. Vocês two has a colloquy ray candy that does not take me. Cos devils, until must have married one with to another one. I assume that never it occurred you, Eva, that when you married me was to wait that your mother…- Paul! - Eva cut quickly.Mrs. Cranning contemporizou, in soft voice:- Me you and Eva do not seem to be the adjusted moment and the place, Paul, for if to deliver the domestic divergences.Eva Hanberry found opportune to deviate the general attention, delivering an intensive search to it in the drawer of the papers and the pencils.- Although everything, it must have kept here it - he suggested, with the rapidity of that he intends to attract the interest of the gifts for a subject, in way to eliminate another one. - Age, after all of accounts, in this room that passed its time almost all. E is very possible that…

- It is not imported - Milbers ut short, losing all its servilidade, - I am I who goes to examine this drawer.Not binding attention to it and opening way with weighed the shoulders, Bertha crossed the room and started to rummage the papers.- It is a folder here! - it announced.- It is not probable that it had rank there the money, in the way of all this papelada - Milbers observed.Bertha opened the folder and the others had been come close. Milbers inquired:- Has there some thing?- Some aparos for penxs, mailing stamps and a closed sobrescrito - it announced Bertha, presenting it. - We go there to see what it contains. This sobrescrito one reveals comprometedor. - It Opened and removed inside of two long sheets of paper.- What is this? - Mrs. was interested Cranning, before the silenced interest of Bertha Cool in the reading of the first one of them.- I have in my hands - Bertha declared, - a dated document of 25 of January of 1942; whose content allows to presume if it deals with the last will of Harlow Milbers. Some of the gifts had knowledge of the existence of this document?- A will! - it exclamou Christopher, advancing for Bertha.- They wait a moment - Paul Hamberry said. - Of that dates said to be dated! … Of twenty and five of January? Why reason… It went to bet that…- You went to bet what, Paul - Eva cut, in an abrupt tone that she meant “silences the mouth”.

- The paper that made me to sign as witness answered Paul. - You do not remember? I spoke to you of this, in the sunday, when Josephine Dell left daqui. It call-in to both, here inside, and ask for-in that we signed any thing, as witnesses.Bertha Cool turned the first page the document, inspeccionou the signatures of the second page and confirmed: - It does not have doubt! They had signed two people, as witnesses: Josephine Dell and Paul Hanberry.- Then it was this! It was its will.- Because they had not said me? - Mrs. protested Cranning, sour.- I said the Eva who it in had asked for that we signed a paper to them and until I thought that he mentions to be about a will, but Eva…- About the truth, never I thought that it was a will - Eva affirmed, turning over for the mother. - To say it to it truth, nor I thought very about the subject. I remember that Paul was to wash the car, when Mr. Milbers beat of the side of inside of the window and it asked for to it that it came here and…- What says this will? - Christopher Milbers, impatient inquired.Bertha, who is to read the document, looked at for Milbers and declared:- You it does not go to like this! - It goes there! - Paul said. - That it deals with?Bertha started to read the will:“They know how many to read the present document that I, Harlow Milbers, of sixty and eight years of age, are of body

and spirit with perfect memory, enfastiado not of the Life (that much I appreciate) but of the people whom they insist on living at the same time that I, I write this my will and I state my last wills, in the following terms: “I have an only alive relative, Christopher Milbers, my penteadinho-of-risk to - half and the hypocritical cousin. I do not have, however, nothing against it, not to be the fact of that it annoys me with its irritating personality, with the craze of speaking of more concerning things without any importance, with exaggerated frequency, and for restraining its proper opinions concerning controversial subjects, only because it keeps the hope to receive the test from my goodness, when I to die. “Very of the disgust with that I foresee my final dissolution is due to imaginary forecast of the vampiresco rejoicing with that my polissilábico and loquacious relative will palrará concerning the sanctity of the family, of the true links of the personal relations and the abysmal tracks of the Step, chatting everything this without leaving to think, one alone moment, in the material advantages that will happen to it of the approval of my will. “Taking all these things in consideration and understanding the necessity to leave some provision to prime loved mine, in compliance with the social conventions and not to disappoint prime loved said mine excessively because, although everything, spent much time to write me long and tedientas letters, I give, I bequeath and I benefit prime mentioned mine, Christopher Milbers, with the addition of ten a thousand dollar ($ W 000).”

Bertha turned the page and, before recommencing to read the following one, she observed the faces of the listeners and said for Milbers:- You he was same to ask for this!- He is one offends! - Milbers protested, with the white lips of indignation. - last words of a man who if always placed proper itself above of any critical or rejoinder, show-in ackward and the cruel one, but, doubtlessly…Bertha Cool finished the phrase, when it kept silent, thoughtful:-… doubtlessly, ten a thousand “packages” they are ten a thousand “packages”!- Uma mísera trinket, for a man with its ways! - Milbers censured. - It is truily insultante!Bertha Cool he continued in the reading of the will:“For my faithful secretary, Josephine Dell, ten a thousand dollar ($ 10 000). For Nettie Cranning, my dedicated governanta; for its son Eva and its son-in-law Paul Hanberry, all the remaining portion of how much I possess. I do not want that Christopher Milbers has something that to intervene with you endeavour them legal to effect next to the court, for what nominatesNettie Cranning only executor of the testamentary disposals. The end to prove what behind I destined (with capricious satisfaction, since this distribution they postmortem it frees me of the hypocritical duties of this world), I firm with my signature and stamp, in this date of twenty and five of January of a thousand nine hundred and forty and two and in the presence of two witnesses who I called to certify and to

legalize my signature and to declare to be this my will, since already certifing that they ignore the content of the same.(signed) Harlow Milbers”- I also go to read this - she continued Bertha Cool. - It is a referring clause to the witnesses, written underneath of the text:“The present document, consisting of a previous page and in that it was executed in the presence of each one of us, to twenty and five of January of a thousand nine hundred and forty and two, for Harlow Milbers, being then and there declared as its will, goes to be for us signed, the order of the bequeather, as witnesses, what we make, being all gifts, in this same date of twenty and five of January of a thousand nine hundred and forty and two.(signed) Josephine Dell, (signed) Paul Hanberry.”The first one to break silence was Paul Hanberry, who exclamou:- How beastly luck! The old one leave-in, we, the property! Because ray, when asked for to me that it signed as witness, I did not make the smallest idea of what it was in the will? I thought that everything to the cousin left.- One remembers the occasion where signed this will as witness? - Bertha inquired.- Clearly that I remember. I forgot only that one was about a will. The thing was transferred here, in the library, in this sunday, to the afternoon. It orders to come Josephine, to dictate notes to it, and I was there I am, in the street, to wash the car, exactly opposite of the window. It arrived the window and beat in glasses, making me signal to it so that she

entered. When I arrived here, the old one was seated in this table, empunhando one penxs, e it said me: “Paul, I go to sign my will and I want that you and Josephine they also sign it, as witnesses, eI equally want that they remember, in the case of somebody to ask to them, that I am not crazier of what of custom… or any thing of this género. Of anyway, the general idea with that I was was this.- That is, in the truth… The nature of this document constitutes a great shock for me! - Christopher Milbers confessed. - I do not obtain, of form some, to imagine Harlow, mine well-loved prime, adoptando an attitude of these! However, it is remained situation of that we were to the search of ten a thousand dollar that seems to have disappeared mysteriously, in circumstances highly suspicion.- A moment! - Nettie Cranning cut suddenly. - He is not the Mr. who competes saying the this.Christopher Milbers smiled with that type of superior smile and disdainful of who she goes to jam another mortal by means of proud mental agility and observed:- I did not make any specific accusation, Mrs. Cranning. The fact to seem to take offense you at my commentaries, indicates clearly that, at least, in its proper conscience…It was interrupted by the touch of bell of the exterior door.- Vai to see who it is - it said Mrs. Cranning it stops the son, who soon was to open.Christopher Milbers complained of, when remembering the terms of the will.- Nor I want to believe! He was inelegant! It was unjust!

- It is forgotten of this! - it exortou Mrs. Cranning. - You it was still with ten a thousand dollar and if it thinks that she is one would ninharia, it is because it is donkey!Paul laughed itself aprovativamente but, very serious, Bertha declared:- They continue to lack ten a thousand “packages”.Voices in the forecourt had sounded and Eva Hanberry entered with Josephine Dell.- Olá to all - it greeted this last one, exultante. - They imagine that I finish to obtain a job delicious! I go to work with one man that he is employee ofgovernment. It has to fly for all the country and I go to travel with it. It is a species of inquiry on the work. We go for a small farm, demoramo-in there one or two the months and, later, we fly for another small farm. Does not find this the thing more wonderful than it could happen me?- It waits until having heard all notice - Mrs. said Cranning. - Nor it calculates! Vai to receive some money of Mr. Appositive Milbers and that did not wait it.- What!- It is thus exactly! - it confirmed Paul radiating. One remembers of that it had a will that the master asked for to it that signed as witness?- Oh! Is mentioned to it that time in that you it was to wash the car and that I called it the window, to come here inside?- Necessarily.- It is truth. It was a will…! I have a light idea of that it said this exactly.

- People Can cry out it well high to all. You it was contemplated ten a thousand dollar.- With how much? - it exclamou Josephine incredulously.- Ten a thousand dollar - Paul confirmed.Bertha Cool put the document to it underneath of the nose and inquired:- It is its signature, is not really?- It is yes, reason?- And this is the will that you it signed as witness?- Yes.Milbers intervined:- We will argue this more late but, however, let us continue to inquire where the ten a thousand dollars stop that my cousin had obtains at the moment of the death. I want to know what it happened to them.- A moment - Paul cut, with a matreiro brightness in the look. - You it wants to know where it is this “mass”, but it does not have nothing that to make racket to this respect. It is to speak as if it had some right these ten a thousand dollar.- Certainly that I have! I am prime of it.- Pro devil with the cousin! According to will, you has right the ten a thousand dollar, however is we who we will go to deal with this. It is not of its account what it happened to this “mass” and not if forgets that was Mrs. Cranning who Mr. Milbers nominated executor of the will. I assure to it that we now do not go to turn the house legsfor air to the search of these ten a thousand “clowns” who you walk to insinuate there that we stole. We will make an inventory of how much one meets here, ordenadamente, and, if

to find the “mass”, we found it and ready! If not to give with it, the loss is ours e not its!Christopher Milbers looked to them, atónito, the faces, one by one, and its reflectia expression increasing disappointment.- You and its detective already had made everything here how much they had to make - she continued Paul Hanberry. - It is therefore height “to abandon” the store!- Paul! - Mrs. cut Cranning, censuradoramente. - It does not need being usual. In any way, in what it says respect to me, Mr. Milbers already heard to read the will and understood clearly: I am it executor.- This will is illegal - Milbers, desperate protested. - It was produced under strange influence. Laughing to the outbursts of laughter, Paul Hanberry defied motejador:- It tries to prove it, will be capable.- It is a fake! - Milbers accused.- Care Has with what it affirms, Mr. Milbers - it warned Mrs. Cranning.Josephine Dell intervined:- Moan, Mr. Milbers. I ignore what it contains the will, but how much to the document, I can assure to it that he is absolutely genuine. I remember Mr. Milbers in having called them, January; it was a sunday and Paul Hanberry was to wash the car, of the side of is of the library. It is remembered of this day, Paul? I clearly heard the noise of the hose… of the water spurt beating the metallic plate, exactly for underneath of the window, the side of is of this room. Mr. Milbers directed it the drawer of the papers and took off two leves. It said me

that he desired that I signed I register, as witness, and that one another person was necessary. I asked who to it it preferred and it answered me that as much if gave to it. Then I spoke to it of itself, that it was in the street to wash the car, and it ordered to beat me in the glass of the window and signal made it so that it came to have connosco.- He was this same - Paul confirmed. - And when I entered, the old one declared that it wanted to make a will and it desired that I signed I eat witness. I did not bind much attention to the thing because… well, it knows, as it is… never I thought that cheta” for me had any there “.The eyes of Josephine fulgiram with sudden reminiscência and declared:- I remember until you it does not wash the hands with that it is to move in the automobile and alone dries them and that, when signing, a fast mark of fat in the paper left.Christopher Milbers grasped in the document and affirmed:- Therefore it is not any mark of fat here!Mrs. Cranning observed for top of the shoulder of it and became a silence of desolate tension.- Of any form - Eva Hanberry intervined, - a fat mark does not constitute nor annuls a will and can give the case of Josephine to be been deceptive.- Not! - it opposed Josephine firmly. - It does not interest me who can be wronged, but I have to say the truth. He was in paper one nódoa of fat, not of black oil, but of what it is in cleanness suedes and dips in grease the hands of the people, exactly after having dried them in a cloth. One was nódoa almost colorless…

- They could not have clean this nódoa, later? - Mrs. objectou Cranning.- Not - Josephine answered. - Proper I I took off a handkerchief of paper of my stock market and cleaned nódoa, badly the vi, but I did not obtain to make it to disappear completely.- In this case - Mrs. suggested Cranning-, puts the paper against the light. It is the only way to verify if it had or not one nódoa of fat and if it was absorbed to the end of all this time.Bertha Cool caught in the document, moved away the second page, placed it against the light and distinguished teeny nódoa from fat.- However it is there! - Josephine Dell, alliviated pointed. - Already I feel myself better, therefore it had the certainty of that nódoa existed.- Well! I go to say a thing now to them - Bertha announced. - I go to order to come a photographer and to make copies exactas of everything how much it is here, in the front of all the gifts. It is a legal evidence, and I believe that nobody is opposed, since Mr. Milbers has right to this precaution. - Personally - Mrs. declared Cranning, with a dignity suddenly acquired, but looking for to make the hearing to believe that already it is born with it and that was not strengthenn for seeming one “lady”, bad grado its reluctant conscience - I think that it is an admirable suggestion, absolutely compatible.- He wants to say, “recommendable” - Eva corrected.

Mrs. Cranning turned over for the son, as if its dignity she had been lightly arranhada for an impertinence, and confirmed with superior tolerance:- I said “compatible”, my beloved.Bertha Cool he is to pull for the head and argued:- I do not know if it knows, Mrs. Cranning, that the witnesses of a legacy cannot exactly be contemplated by this legacy.Nettie Cranning was straightened brusquely, as if of this a jump, and announced:- We now do not go to have narrow ideas on the subject. Eva, Paul and I will take account of everything how much he exists here and we will divide the things in the way that Harlow Milbers determined in its will. We do not go to lose time with a date of legal techniques. We loved Harlow Milbers and we will make how much will be to our reach so that its last wills are fulfilled, is not thus, Eva?- Yes, mother.IXBertha Cool, directing itself for its cabinet, made a pause to relieve with Elsie Brand: ;- “We put water”- It wants to count to me what it was transferred? - the chair from the secretary livened up to Elsie, moving away.- Not! - Bertha decided. - I do not want to speak of this nobody. I am one “tansa”! It stows put in a case that was an authentic set of dishes of silver and left it without a lead spoon at least! All people “abichou” any thing, excepto the Bertha! As it is necessary me lack, here, that pirate! Trunfo

of that one would have known to take off one baralho and to draw fiches for the Bertha.- Lode a postcard of it, in the post office of the afternoon - Elsie announced. - It is in San Francisco, where it waits to remain two or three days.- What? Donald Lam is in San Francisco?- Yes.- I go to put me in an airplane and speech with it.- It would not serve to it you are welcome. The postcard says that it cannot see nobody, but that it receives post office.Bertha Cool advanced the chin in a gesture that denounced to have taken and irrevocable decision sudden.- I go to write to this camarãozinho intelligent. I wait that it knows what if it will be able to make in this case. Vai to pull for the marrows and have-of helping me. It catches in its block, Elsie, therefore I go to write to this bastardozinho espertalhão, tintim for tintim, how much it was transferred.Passing to its particular cabinet, Bertha sat down in the revolving chair and warned Elsie Brand:- It looks at that this letter will go for airplane, registada, with special delivery. It puts urgent, in the sobrescrito, particular staff and.The pencil of Elsie Brand started to agitate itself on the paper.- Well, we go to start in this way - Bertha indicated: - Wanted Donald… its was so good terms notice and has felt in such a way its lack! Bertha has attemped to go onward with the business and optimum fact that can you to find some thing,

when the war will have finished... It waits a moment, Elsie. I find that I do not have to say this.Elsie raised the eyes of the paper to consult the expression of Bertha.- In! - this commented. - This goes to give a certain “official” superiority to it on me.- But it does not want that it comes back toward the firm?- As I can guess if it comes back, devils take it! - Bertha muttered irritatedly. - The end of the war still can take much time. It scratches out this and it writes before thus: Adored Donald… Since the abandoned Bertha left, she has that to arrange itself in way to help to decide it to it a problem… Not, Elsie, cannot thus be. This sounds as if I could not pass without it. Cut, cut this.During some second Bertha it was remained quiet and thoughtful. Later, abruptly it was decided: - It writes there now: Wanted Donald… Bertha was ocupadíssima all today, but always she arranged some time to write a long letter to it, therefore she knows how much affection needs the youngsters who are in the Armed Forces. They are felt isolated of the people who love them and like that these write to them… Here, Elsie, makes a paragraph. Already it is enough of lamechice and we go forward…It does not have very to count it to it to be that I have not continued active and also I do not want to bother it with problems, seen you, certainly, already to have some with that to sepreocupar there. But I go to relate a case to it in that the firm if occupies currently and is indeed interesting.

Bertha stopped a time more, to think e long, later, recommenced with a smile of satisfaction in the lips:- However it is the convenient form here, Elsie. I have chance to count the problem to it that afflicts me, without placing me in a subordinate position of gratitude stops with it and it, for another side, will not leave to make me the suggestions of that I lack, until appositive!- But, it assumes that it does not have time to make them? - Elsie admitted.- Well, in this in case that, I will put the black color in the white concerning what I want and it will not leave to show an exit to me. Certainly that I do not go to in this way say it, but yes to inform it of what is transferred and to remember to it that could send me telegrams with the suggestions that if to offer to it on the subject of that I will continue to clarify itfor correspondence. - The letter is gone to be long - Elsie observed, would be better that, instead of I to estenografar it, bad Mrs. dictated directamente for the machine, this if she intends that she still follows in the post office of this night.- It has to go exactly! - Bertha , enervada decided. - In last case, control this injured letter for telegram… Not! Vai to leave very expensive! We go for the machine, Elsie, and here it has a photocopy of the document that I want to join. It makes three extra copies for our archive. xThe high man and well dress that spoke calmly, in a shaped tone of diplomee college student, came close to the secretary of Elsie Brand. The folder that it brought in the right hand it

was of an elegant model, of black fund and shining metal, and to another hand that settles on it I sing of the secretary seemed soft, treated well, of and carefully polishing manicuradas nails.- Mrs. Cool? - it inquired with soft inflection.- Not yet it arrived.The visitor looked at for the wristwatch, does not stop knowing the hours, but to give to understand its queerness for Bertha to arrive so late at the office.- They are nine and one room - it commented.- To the times he does not come before the ten and half one - Elsie informed.- Frankly?Elsie did not answer and the man declared:- I belong to the Company Intermutual de Indemnizações. I believe that Mrs. Cool was the person who published in the periodical an announcement in the direction to get a testimonial information on an automobile accident .Elsie looked it in the eyes and answered:- I cannot inform it about of this.- It wants to say that it does not know? - it inquired, raising sobrancelhas.- I want to say that I cannot. I am here for writing to the machine. Mrs. Cool has its position the activity of the firm and is it who of the information. I…The door confided, of push, and Bertha entered in the office, blinking with the blinding light of the light bulb that illuminated the work of Elsie.- It had already notice of Donald? - it asked.

However its eyes adaptaram it the light of the environment and had noticed the visitor. This advanced for Bertha and greeted:- Mrs. Bertha Cool, if I presume well?- He presumes well - Bertha confirmed. It examined the look languid of the man and, with disentangled efficiency, it invited:- Well, it says there that more it presumes.- It was only to use a mere coloquial expression - it was justified it. - I come of the Company Intermutual de Indemnizações.- How it is called?- Mr. P. L. Fosdick - it enunciated, rolling the name in the language, as something was recited very pleasant. With the manicurada hand it took off of the algibeira of the coat a wallet, of where it extracted a card-of-visit almost automatically. In a slow gesture, it extended it Bertha to it Cool. This caught to it, examined it, passed the thumb on the letters in relief that had provided a pleasant analysis to it of financial level and asked:- What desires?- As I believe, Mrs. Cool, has been to investigate an accident case and looking a witness, it is not really? My Company has, as it is natural, its proper point of view, with respect to this fact.- That fact?- It judges to be able to deduce that the lady is preparing a process of indemnização order.

- And later? - Bertha asked, belligerently, with its quadrangular personality contrasting with the soft and paternal esplendor of the one of the visitor. - What of has made a mistake in this? I have the right to prepare the processes that to understand, not?- Yes, certainly, Mrs. Cool. Please, it does not understand me badly. Any misunderstanding will not be necessary.One became evident that Bertha if refused to invite the man to enter in its particular cabinet. One remained it in the front, perscrutando it with critical eyes. The door of the corridor confided and was closed and Elsie looked Bertha significantly. Bertha if did not capsize soon and the man, in a tone that he intended to be impressivo, clarified:- Any judicial share Can not be necessary. It can be possible that Company Intermutual de Indemnizações that insurance the involved conductor in the accident, has accepted the responsibility of the insured, admitting its culpability and establishing an adequate agreement.Elsie Brand made new signal with the eyes and, as Bertha if she did not capsize for the entrance, said:- Mrs. Cool is, at this moment, busy. Because it does not come a little later?Of this time its tone of voice alerted Bertha Cool whom it looked at over the shoulder and it saw, of glance, the macilento type that answers to its announcement, offering itself for witness, but refusing to identify itself, and that now it listened to very the course of the conversations interested.

- He comes to my cabinet - Bertha invited, directing itself it the representative of the Company. Turning itself toward the witness it declared:- Moan not to be able to take care of it today.- I wait in any way - this decided, with a brejeiro smile and sitting down comfortably in a chair of the office.- But I will not have nothing to say to it. - It does not make badly, I I wait. - Definitively I am disinterested.-' you well, Mrs. Cool! ' you well! - it acquiesced complacentemente. It caught in a magazine that was on the small table of the entrance of the office, opened it it calhar and instantaneously seemed very interested in the reading.Fosdick opened the door of the cabinet of Bertha, with a gallant mesura this to pass, and, after to close it, was of foot, next to the chair close to the window, waiting that it sat down. Bertha shot for revolving its poiso. As it was not invited to imitate it, Fosdick, already irritated for finding itself of foot, started to display, in a forçadamente amiable tone.- Certainly it understands, Mrs. Cool, that when it said “to be possible” did not want to mean with that the Company Intermutual de Indemnizações it admits, since already, culpability of its insured. We are only initiating a conversation preliminary with sight to a future commitment of claim desistance. I assume that it is along with that has decisions of the Supreme Court that annul and invalidate a deposition based on certain circumstances of aliciamento of witnesses.

Bertha did not emit a word. Fosdick continued, now more melifluamente, while it opened the folder and of it it removed a printed matter gravy:- We try to be right, Mrs. Cool. Much people think that an insurance company is an organization without heart and soul, whose only target inhabits in spoon high prémios, with the right hand, and to pay so reasonable compensations how much possible, with the left hand. Pparently, the person who Mrs. Cool represents, must have crossed the street without having taken the precautions necessary. It is until very probable that it has made it without observing the red light that interditava the ticket of the laborers. In court, natural it will be that the defense alleges recklessness and, being thus, almost certain is that it keeps this theory, with success. However, it is politics of the Company Intermutual de Indemnizações to look for to grant the benefit of the doubt to any victim of an accident in an accident whose presumable causer was one its insured, and also to prevent demands judicial, even so in court, if to this compelled, either forced to defend its interests, without giving quarter to the adversary party. In these circumstances and without considering the evident fact of that the accident did not have the lesser gravity and was, so to speak, purely nominal, the insurance company offers to it, generously, a compensation of a thousand dollar, in money. Fosdick became to put the papers in the folder, closed it, arranged it of the arm underneath and remained in front of Bertha, in the attitude of that it finished to carry through a beautiful gesture and waits that they applaud.

- A thousand dollars nothing mean for a person who suffered what she suffered the victim of an accident - Bertha alleged.- A thousand dollars are one much generous it offers of commitment. - It was directed for the door, it opened it, it stopped still in the entrance and it added: - This was not alone our first proposal, but also the last one. The Company Intermutual de Indemnizações will not only add one cêntimo that it is to offers presented.Not obtaining to restrain for more time the irritation, Bertha it blew up, rising themselves and directing themselves also for the door of the cabinet:- Very well! There they make the ray of offers that to want, but excuse to use this erudite fraseado.Door in the coasts closed it to it and came back toward the revolving chair. Badly one sits down remembered the other visitor. Became to arise itself it, opened the door of the cabinet and sawof the office to close in this moment exactly. Noticing that the chair where the witness if seats if found empty now, it asked:- Where he is “molengas”?- It soon left to follow the representative of the insurances and reached it in the corridor.The face of Bertha shaded it enclosing the meaning of this escaped, is of its control.- Rays they leave this “dehydrated soul”. Already it is the second time that betrays and cuts me the returns, but I go to stop the legs to it. I go already to look Josephine Dell and to

moor it it an agreement, of form that this type cannot more put the nose in the subject. Bertha grasped in the hat, threaded it in the head firmly, of gray-silver-plated hair, and exactly went to open the exit door, when a fardado boletineiro if prepared to enter with a thick sobrescrito.- Telegram for Bertha Coll - the youngster announced. - To be paid in the delivery place.- Who sends? - Bertha inquired.The messenger of the telegraphs read in its book of registers:- Donald Lam, of Is Francisco. Bertha pulled out to it of the hands, changed to a look livened up with Elsie Brand to it and said for the youngster:- It paid to it - and it added, for Elsie: - It gives chunks to it of the drawer of the writing-desk.There it came back toward the cabinet, it opened the tarjeta-stamp, still wet, of the sobrescrito, removed of inside the message printed and started to read:“LETTER ALSO RECEIVED PHOTOCOPY WILL I CALL ATTENTION FOR CLEAR CHANGE LITERARY STYLE CERTAIN FIRST TEXT PAGE INDICATING EXPRESSION CULTURED PERSON FROM INDIVIDUALISTIC FEELING. SECOND PAGE CONTAINS SOME SUBSTANCE DOUBTFUL COPIED OF ANY ANOTHER DOCUMENT, BUT USED LANGUAGE IN RELATION BENEFITS FOR DELL, CRANNING AND HANBERRYS DENOUNCES EXPRESSION ILLITERATE PERSON TRYING TO MAKE USE OF THE PROPERTY AND TO NOMINATE EXECUTOR. THIS

SENTIMENTAL OILY TEXT CONTRASTS WITH IT DRIES INDIFFERENCE EGOÍSTICA FIRST HAS BROKEN DOCUMENT. TO INVESTIGATE CONNOISSEUR ANALYST DIFFERENT INK IN THE TWO PARTS OF THE WILL. MANY COMPLIMENTS AND HAPPINESSES.DONALD LAM” Bertha was astonishhed, contemplating the telegram, and murmured:- Monkeys bite me! As this bastardozinho has marrows!The door confided and Elsie asked:- Has reply?- Yes - Bertha with indignation said. - The Lam Writes already and asks to it that nonsense was this to spend money in “many compliments and happinesses” e, still superficially, to order the telegram to the collection in the addressee.XIBertha Cool premiu the thumb on the button of the bell marked with the name of Josephine Dell, it leaned the ear to the auscultador and approached the chin of the telefónico nipple, ready to answer, badly heard a voice. Passed some seconds it repeated the campainhada one. As it did not get any result, its expression became shady. When it verified that nobody answered to the third pressure of the button, decided to touch for what it indicated Portière. Moments later, a woman pesadona, whose meat did not make look like greater consistency of what a gelatin pudding on a flat plate, opened the door and smiled for Bertha.

- We have some vacant, very pretty - it soon started to pour of spurt, in a monotonous and disagreeably acute voice. - Very pretty one Has one, displayed to the sidesouth, e one another apartment turned for the spring. Both are full of sun and…- I do not want no apartment - Bertha cut. - I came to the search of Josephine Dell.The cordialidade of the face of the portière disappeared suddenly, as a mask had left.- It is a bell with the name of it there - it pointed irritatedly. - It does not know to read? Touch for there.- Already I made. It is not in house.- Thus one is, I cannot make nothing - it answered, with boredom, capsizing the coasts.- It waits there! - Bertha asked for. - Necessary of some information concerning it. - What desires to know? - It is really very important that I enter in contact with it, very important.- I cannot make nothing for this. - Not it will be able to inform me where it if it finds now, or for where I will be able to communicate with it… or as to leave to it one message? Not it it gave any direcção?- Nothing. Another one lived with one rapariga, in the same apartment, Myrna Jackson, and if somebody knows where to another one for it is this Miss Jackson.- In this in case that, where I can find Myrna Jackson?- It is not up there?

- Nobody answers to the bell.- Then it is because also it is not. What wants that I make to it? Good day!When the woman balofa closed it the door in the face, Bertha started to write a message one of its card-of-visit on the back of:Miss Dell, enters immediately in contact with me.It is very important. It has money for itself.It put the card in the box of the post office and went to come back stops backwards, when a taxi described a curve and stopped together to the stroll. The man without name that if he offers for witness of the accident left the car and turned over coasts for Bertha, while he consulted the taximeter, he paid and he received I change it. Bertha advanced, on purpose, right it and the driver, seeing to come close itself it and thinking to be about a customer for new race, left behind the projection, gave the return to the taxi and came to open it to it door.Bertha was the three steps of the passenger, when this if capsized and gave of face with it. With evident satisfaction, Bertha directed it:- Already it waited that you it came to make this exactly. It does not go to it to serve you are welcome. I arrived first.The face of the man espelhava consternation.- For where we go? - the driver impacientou itself.Bertha entered in the taxi e indicated it to it direcção of the office. Later, running the glass, it said triunfalmente to the molengão.

- With that then it thought that me “passed the leg”, they hem? - How much it is that they had offered to it? - it asked.- It does not have nothing with this!- Mrs. she got this dwelling for mine intermediary, in the condition not to come to represent Miss Dell in the accident - the man protested.- I do not have guilt of that an insurance company decides to look for to me to shoot with the case for my lap.- I do not find this correcto.- Baboseiras! - Bertha exclamou. - You one set to play it with a wood of two peaks.- I have the right to enter in the game.The driver of the taxi turned over for Bertha and asked:- It wants to follow, or I put to count to the minutes?- I am ready to follow - it said Bertha leaning itself in the seat.- High there! - magricelas complained . - This taxi is mine. I was that I came in it.- It is not nothing! - Bertha opposed. - You already it paid its race.- It obtained that it signed an agreement? - the man inquired.Bertha directed one to it careta of entire satisfaction. E then the man was put suddenly in the car, sat down it the side of Bertha and declared:- Very well! In this in case that, I come back it stops backwards. But have-of speaking with it. We go even so.The driver sat down it the projection and Bertha said for the intruder of the side:

- I do not want to have colloquies I obtain.- I find that it must have.- I not.- Mrs. never would be put in this if it was not my aid.- Baboseiras! I made a proposal to it and you he thought that he could gain more, playing for it are. It always walked to esquivar itself as a conger-eel, to gain the two stands. - They had offered a thousand to it, were not?- What it is that makes to think it this?- It was what the representative of the company said me.- With that then, the exit of my office followed it it to take off turnips of púcaro, hem?- I went down, by chance, in the same elevating.- Already it was to wait.- It sees there, Mrs. me cannot make a thing of these!- Because not?- To play itself as it must be, it is capable to pull out a thousand more than. Appositive as a thousand and five hundred would obtain two, inside of ten days.- A thousand are enough and are enough to me to my customer - Bertha answered. - Seeing the things well, a thousand “clowns” for one apalpadela of keeps-lamas is not for disdaining.- But it could receive much more from what this. I saw everything how much he transferred himself.- What lacks serious committed it?- This is with me and Mrs. does not take me thus. It has right one greater indemnização. It was much contusa.- Who said this to it?

- The partner of the room.- Patience. The agreement is made and you already it does not have it swims with that to apoquentar itself.- I find that I have the right to earn some thing Mrs. would not be very harmed if me of this one slices of one hundred dollar of the cake.- Cut it you, one will be capable.- Still I can try.- Well, I go to say to it that I will make - Bertha clarified. - I will exactamente make exactamente same the proposal to it that I made to it in the principle. I give twenty to it and five dollar and you forget the business all and are added of the landscape.- . K.! - it also decided contemporizando and leaning themselves against the seat. - It is what thievery is called, but always is an agreement.Bertha Cool entered with it in the office and said for Elsie Brand:- Elsie, makes a receipt this man to sign: twenty and five dollar, absolute total, exempts of any claims and future resultant pretensions of contingencies of later development of the case. It follows the form that consists of the receipt that Donald Lam wrote that man to sign in the case whom we locked up, has some months behind.Elsie Brand put a paper in the machine, adjusted chemistry to the one of copy and asked: - Where name I direct?- I know there - Bertha said turning itself toward the man. - How it is called?

- Jerry Bollman.- He feels yourself - Bertha invited. - I go to search the twenty and five dollar to it.It entered in its particular cabinet, opened the drawer of the secretary, took off the safe for it are, it opened it, it removed twenty and five dollar, but it waited that Elsie stopped of matraquear in the machine. Then it was arisen, it come back toward the entrance office, caught in the receipt that Elsie extended and read it to it; pô it in the front of Jerry Bollman and it said: - There it has. It signs here.It read the receipt and exclamou:- My God! It is as if it signed venda of my soul to the Devil!- More than what this - Bertha observed, trocista. - The Devil did not give twenty and five “packages to it”. - She is vain of whom espertalhona is one injured, it is not? - it, with one careta malicious criticized, catching in the penxs that Bertha extended to it. It signed the receipt, with floreado, delivered it to it with the left hand and extended the right to receive the twenty and five dollar from the hand of it.Bertha extended to the receipt the Elsie and commanded:- It files.- it worked it stops itself, even it declared insolvent! - Bollman commented looking at for Bertha.- The majority of the witnesses declares what they know, without any interest, only because they are decent people - Bertha retorquiu.

- I know this - Bollman said sour, but it has much that I cured myself. Now I go myself even so and to buy a cigarette mallet . The twenty and five dollars had given to me for the expenditures that I was forced to make and for this tobacco mallet! Perhaps one day let us can become to make business. - Perhaps! - Bertha answered, seeing to leave it, slightly distrustful with the sarcastic smile of the man. Later, turning over for Elsie, it relieved: - Thanks to God, the type did not want to give squeezes of hands! Now, it binds for the residence of Harlow Milbers and asks for Mrs. Nettie Cranning. It says that Bertha Cool wants to say to it to it the telephone and pass to it me it linking for the cabinet, when to apanhar.It was for the cabinet, one sat down, it threaded a cigarette in boquilha of worked ivory e, when the beetle of the internal telephone sounded, it raised the auscultador and it greeted:- Olá, Mrs. Cranning!- Olá, Mrs. Cool.Immediately Bertha seemed to radiate cordialidade:- As she is you, Mrs. Cranning? Very I am bothered by coming to annoy it, but it liked to enter immediately in contact with Miss Dell. I thought that it was there. I wait not to have deviated of its tasks…- In way none - Mrs. answered Cranning with identical cordialidade. - It happens that it was here until has thing of half hour. A man telephoned asking for to it to it stops if to find with it. I did not obtain to perceive who it was, but I know that if it dealt with any thing of very urgent, concerning an automobile accident .

- A man?- Yes. Bertha Cool franziu sobrolho and insisted:- It really did not hear to mention the name to it? - Not… but it waits… it waits a moment… It hears there, Eva, which age the name of the person who wanted to speak with Josephine? How it was this? . K., debtor. Mrs. Cool is interested in to know - turning over it stops nipple, Mrs. Cranning it informed: - It seems that Miss Dell it wrote down the name in one paper… However here it is the name, Mrs. Cool. It was one such Mr. Jerry Bollman. Josephine was to meet with it to any side.- Thanks a lot - the telephone was thankful to Bertha, disconnect and running for the door. The half one of the cabinet understood the futilidade of the race and softened.- What happened? - Elsie was interested itself.- Devils take it, the treasonous pig of magrizela- “molengas”! The type is so patife that the gold medal must have profit of would patifaria! - Bertha barafustou.- What made it?- What it made? - Bertha answered chispando frozen flames of the look. - This swindler invested twenty and five centimes in a taxi, to absorb me twenty and five “clowns”. Malandro wise person where I had IDO. Of course she followed me. As the vi to leave the taxi and to go up to around the nest of rapariga, I thought that it walked a step, behindof me, when the estupor walked but it was two platforms to front.

- I am not to perceive - Elsie confessed.- At this moment, the type is to get the signature of Josephine Dell and to cut for itself a slice of five hundred dollar. I thought that it had ludibriado it, giving to understand that it left of house of Josephine Dell and that it already had signed an agreement with me. But grandessíssimo son… already it had to know that it was not in the apartment. It saw me to go for there, it dissimulated to leave itself to burlar for me and absorbed me it “mass”. Grandessíssimo burlão!XIThe sensitive ears of the blind person had detected the steps of Bertha, in the way them other noises. It did not turn the head in the direcção it, but it arose a smile to it to the lipse greeted:- Olá! It was desiring that it passed this way. It looks at what I have to show to it.It opened a bag and it took off for it are a box-of-music, wooden, that it handled with well-taken care of extremity. It opened cover and, with notable clarity and doçura of tone, box-of-music started to touch “Campânulas of the Escócia”. The face of the old one showed tender commotion. - I had said to it, certain time, that liked this old box-of-music, old-fashioned, and that it has, in times, one that touched the “Campânulas of the Escócia”. Appositive as it it cost money sufficiently. Now it is not easy to meet these things in good conditions. It does not lack an only rope and I feel as the wood is fine. It does not find an enchantment?- Was Josephine Dell who it ordered it? - Bertha Cool asked.

- Certainly. Who harm was a carrier brought, explaining to have received instructions to deliver to me of the part of a person friend to it, but I discovered who age the person soon friend. E was not everything. Also it ordered flowers to me.- Flowers? - Bertha Cool found odd.- Yes.Bertha went to say any thing, but she kept silent.- I recognize - he continued the blind person - that it is to find odd that somebody orders flowers to a person who cannot see them, but, in any way, always I can enjoy the aroma. I think that it desired to order me one notazinha and served itself of the flowers, for I introduced-there in the branch, and she did not write nothing in the box, because this is one objecto dispendioso e it did not want that I apoquentasse myself with what he spent for my cause.- Where it is the note? - Bertha asked.- I have it here - it took off a card of algibeira e extended it Bertha to it who read:“Wanted Friend,Thanks a lot for also having thought about me and for having done expenditures with Mrs. Cool to find me. Sending to it these flowers as teeny souvenir of mine I appraise and friendship.”The note was signed by Josephine Dell.Suddenly, Bertha Cool took a decision and asked for to the blind person.- It desired that it gave a favor to me. - What it is?- That it left me to be with this card.

- Sabe, always is a souvenir. I cannot read it, but it liked…- Lathe to give it to it.- In this in case that it is well, but it returns it at your earliest convenience to me. It can order it for “cantinho” where alive, in the Fairmead Avenue, 1672, if are not imported.- Certainly - Bertha promised afavelmente. It is rested that I will not forget myself.It put the card in the stock market, was said farewell and it hurried to go to show it it to it a caligráfico connoisseur who knew.- She notices well what I say to it - it started acauteladamente. - I do not want that they eat me for “tansa” and I do not intend that you it starts to make a date of photographs and a report with a date of opinions there. Desire only that it looks at for this photocopy of a will; one of the witnesses who signed it is called Josephine Dell. Here it is one another signature with the same name, in this card. I only want to discover if some of these signatures was counterfeited. Already now, it repairs in first and the second pages of the will. It they do not seem written in a different language one of the other?The calligraphy connoisseur caught in photocopies, as if the weight took them and later it examined them carefully. Later, it commented:- Humm! Typewritten! It seems it fear the been one in the same typewriter. In the signature one notices a desusado espacejamento and a particular method to trace the “D”. The same it happens in the card. If it is a fake, was very perfect.

It would like to see the original of the will to be able to pronounce me with bigger security, because, with a photocopy…- I cannot arrange the original - Bertha lamented. - It has that to work from this.- It is well. It goes for its office that later I say any thing to it. It will be only one opinion and, will be had that to swear, in court…- She will not be necessary. Only desire an opinion that is between us.- Then it is well.- It comes to my office, inside of one hour.- It is early of more.- In any way, telephone me - Bertha asked for.It was for the office and one hour later took care of the telephone.- Both the signatures had been made by the same fist - the connoisseur informed.Bertha was thoughtful. - It is there? - silence asked to the connoisseur finding odd.- Yes.- It did not hear it and I thought that it had off.- I am to think. If this will is . K., I am in “alhada”!- It is . K.! - the connoisseur confirmed.Bertha disconnect and called Elsie Brand.- It is prepared to write a letter for Donald Lam. I go to tell the smallest details to it of what me it is to happen. This has any “trafulhice” in all “geringonça”. They are to rain notes of a thousand and I, instead of being the spoon them in a hamper

of baker, already I arranged one deficit of twenty and five “packages”. It had Finished Bertha to dictate letter it stops Lam, when Christopher Milbers entered in the office.- Olá! - it greeted Bertha. - It wants to enter there for inside. - And turning over for Elsie, it indicated: - Vai registado for airplane, with special delivery.Christopher Milbers incased itself in the chair of the customers, joined the tips of the fingers and directed it Bertha:- I came to make accounts.- It wants to say that they had finished the complications? It made an agreement with them?Milbers hooped sobrancelhas.- Agreement? Concerning what!?- Of the will.- I do not see that agreement can be made how much what already me it was legacy.- Well, because it does not wait that the thing goes until the o end? - Bertha asked.- But - Milbers observed - this would not go to afectar its honorary ones? I contracted it to find the ten a thousand dollars and, instead of them, we found a will. It is what if it can call an exit for the side. - I am to see - Bertha declared cold.- I believe that it spent you half-day thing of expedient - it calculated Milbers, premindo the way hands that the fingers had been hooped stops backwards. - However, I do not want to

leave of being generous. As it does not have to want to divide one day to the way, I am in the disposal to pay one day entire.- One hundred dollar - Bertha said.- How one hundred dollar? This is ultrahas supper!- Reason?- Because the tariffs of any another firm of similar activity are much more reasonable, of remaining portion controlled for tables legal… I never thought about an amount of these… I always considered that its account would not exceed ten dollar and until had prepared a small surprise for itself.Milbers took off of the algibeira a last check the Bertha Cool in the value of twenty and five dollar. On the back of the check is typewritten:“This check was offered and acceptance for total liquidation of given works, establishing itself that no species of future claim on the part of recepiente to the payer will be valid, from the date of endorsement of the present check.”- Made for a lawyer? - Bertha was interested itself.- Well - Milbers confessed. - I had of course to consult a lawyer to protect my interests in relation to the facts.Bertha wise person when he was apanhada. It caught in the check, it examined it one second time and it said:- It is well, I go to deposit it.Milbers set of foot, extended the hand and was said farewell:- I had much pleasure in knowing it, Mrs. Cool.Bertha pressed the rechonchudos fingers and said to it sarcastically to it:- Better luck, for the next time.


Bertha Cool had the hand espalmada on of the telegram, as he was suspicious himself that this ran away to it, when touched the beetle to contactar with Elsie Brand.- It writes me one letter, Elsie: “Wanted Donald.You have been as much time in the Navy that until already has the full beans head . Bertha consulted optimum connoisseur in graphology of the city so that she compared the signatures. They are genuine. It must not have to it occurred that the peculiar change of styles if verifies in the second page that it is, exactamente, the one that contains the signatures.Therefore, it cannot have nothing wrong in this page, not to be that the three signatures had been counterfeited.” Already wrote this, Elsie?- Yes, Mrs. Cool.- Well, now I go to give to it to another one barrela: “Pparently, its sojourn in the Navy left the marrows at the rate of to it interests. It does not interest nothing the Bertha who the second page of the will has been counterfeited, or not, and it does not have the smallest hypothesis to have been it. I admit that Paul Hanberry me seems any thing that the cat made in the carpet and caixote of the garbage would not trust it at least mine, but Josephine Dell is catita. When you it will be in the ocean and it will not have nothing of important where to think, not to be in bombers, torpedoes, submarines and mines, will perceive that the one that the customer of Bertha receives is in first page. Therefore the Bertha is in the inks for what she happens in second. If you persist in the intention to debit me

the cost of telegrams, the the least he orders in them any thing of constructive. The Bertha roundly feels its lack, but the way as you imperfection in the points most important of this in case that she has effect the same that we would get if we dissolved our society. Debtor, in the same way, for having attemped to help. Bertha goes to put in charge alone case to it.You now it is concentrated in the enemy. Happinesses.”Bertha crumpled up the telegram and shot it for the hamper of the papers. Later, it looked at for the crumpled up ball, it took off it again for it are, it smoothed the paper and it said for Elsie.- It files there this. It was the first time that that one maroto it failed e if to be with a test of this, in writing, will not make badly to nobody. - After that, it added in a relief: - . K.! It is Saturday and we had one week of the devils! We go to close the store until monday.XVVALLEJO, CALIFORNIA 1942 AGOSTO 30(TELEGRAMA-CARTA, PAYABLE TARIFF NOCTURNA ADDRESSEE)BERTHA COOL, CONFIDENTIAL INQUIRIES BUILDING DREXEL - LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIAA POINT ESCAPED TO IT: THE RULE IS RECIPROCAL: CHANGE OF STYLES ALONE INDICATES THAT THE TWO PAGES HAD NOT BEEN WRITTEN SAME PERSON. IF SECOND PAGE WILL IS GENUINE THEN SOMEBODY SUBSTITUTED FIRST PAGE FRAUDULENTLY PROBABLY

LEGACY BENEFITING ITS CUSTOMER WAS MODIFIED. TWO POSSIBILITIES TO CONSIDER.A PROPER MILBERS CONTEMPLATED ONE DOLLAR ONLY COUNTERFEITED FIRST PAGE TRANSFORMING INTO TEN A THOUSAND DOLLAR. SECOND CONTEMPLATED ALTERNATIVE MILBERS VERY SUPERIOR ADDITION TEN A THOUSAND DOLLAR IN THIS FIRST PAGE. IN THIS CASE ALTERATION MADE FOR SOME OF THE OTHER HEIRS.IF SECOND PAGE IS GENUINE THEN FIRST PAGE WAS COUNTERFEITED BY PERSON WITH EASY DOM OF LITERARY EXPRESSION. ITS DESCRIPTION CHRISTOPHER MILBERS FILLS SUSPICION. IT INVESTIGATED CAUSE OF THE DEATH HARLOW MILBERS? IT INTERROGATES PEOPLE DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS. VOTES BETTER SUCCESS SOLUTION CASE.DONALD LAMXVI Walton. Doolittle, lawyer and solicitor of justice, examined the photocopy that Bertha delivers to it.- As I judge to have to understand, Mrs. Cool, intends you to know which the legal consequence of a fake partial?- This exactly!Doolittle caught in the first page of the will.- Let us assume that this first page is genuine - it started, - and that the second page, I contend the signatures and the attestation of the final clause, was counterfeited.- He does not have hypothesis of this - Bertha said.

- I understand, but I am to consider the problem according to natural order. Now, it notices that a will can be revoked by any one of some reasons. One of these reasons inhabits in the destruction of the will, on the part of the bequeather. But it has in mind, Mrs. Cool, that if any another person, not authorized, it destroyed the will, this not he is invalidated. We go therefore to start for admitting that the first page of this will is genuine and that the second page consists of onefake. By other words, the first page was extracted of a genuine will, whose final part was destroyed, being to it together one second page, fraudulent and counterfeited.- The doctor remembers the type to me that wanted to the same coçar the elbow with the thumb of side - Bertha commented. - Satiated of walking to the wheel, to say me what I already said to it with but a date of words.- I only want to be certain of that it understands you the situation - explained Doolittle.- I understood. It can walk for ahead.- In these circumstances - Doolittle continued -, the will was destroyed, but this destruction does not imply revocation. Therefore, the entire content of the will it could come to be proven for a verbal, independent certification, if if it obtained to find this certification. Now, if first page of will is genuine, this constitutes best evidence of that its content also is genuine, independently of what it consists in the second page.- It wants to say that Christopher Milbers receives ten “from the great ones”, is not thus?- Exactamente.

- Very well! We go what it interests. Let us assume that the first page was counterfeited, that it is most probable. - In these circumstances, the same rule of the law is applicable. The destruction of one has left of the will does not imply a partial revocation. The content of the first page of the will could be proven for an independent certification, that the one that we call, legally, verbal certification.- Being thus, if in the first will page they were one hundred a thousand dollar instead of ten a thousand dollar, Christopher Milbers would have right to receive them? - Bertha inquired.- Yes, if it could to prove that the sum of the legacy in the genuine will was this.- Let us assume that we can prove that the first page of the will was counterfeited, but in them it is impossible to prove how much it was in the first original and genuine page? - Bertha considered.- In these circumstances, according to my personal opinion, all the will would have of being annulled, since the court would not make use of half determining the percentage of the property of the bequeather to distribute for the remains contemplated for the final clause.- And if the will will be annulled, that it happens?- In these circumstances, admitting that any do not exist tests testimonial of content of the original and genuine will, the effect would be the same that Mr. would be verified if Harlow Milbers had deceased without will.- From this way, Christopher Milbers would receive all property, excepto the ten a thousand dollars legacies the Miss Josephine Dell, is not really?

- It is itself the only alive relative e, therefore, the only heir before the law, yes.- And Nettie Cranning, Eva Hanberry and Paul Hanberry they did not see nor “cheta”?- Therefore not.- Not even proving that the page, where them is legacy all the remaining portion, is absolutely genuine?- Not it is this the question, Mrs. Cool. For the second page of the will, to them a specific amount, but , to each one of them, one is bequeathed terço of quantitative residuary, a this is not, of what it after remained the satisfaction of the previous legacies. One of them, known ours, contemplating Miss Dell, is of ten a thousand dollar, but the other is unknown, in virtue of the fake of the first page; that one that would contemplate Mr. Christopher Milbers. In this way, assuming that what after remained of the property the contemplation of those two legacies, if it pointed out in the order of three million dollar, to each one of the contemplated remains would fit a million; if the residuary clause if related to a remaining portion of three dollar, would receive one dollar, each one of them. However as the court it does not have ways to inquire how much it remained of the property, after the distribution of the first legacies (because one of them is unknown, for destroyed the content of the first page), cannot attribute the respective constant terços of the residuary clause.- It is this what it is in the law? - Bertha Cool inquired, moving away the chair and setting of foot.

- My opinion Is this, or better, my interpretation of the law is this - Doolittle satisfied. - It is a very interesting point that would supply substance a magnificent one quarrel, in process. - Well - Bertha said -, it is natural that she has left some thing this everything. If to leave, I will make the possible one so that the doctor is with the cause, in the defense of my customer.Doolittle sketched a frozen smile and said:- My customers Are as much who make me this promise, Mrs. Cool, that I found preferable to consider the subject under one another angle: my honorary ones of consultation are twenty and five dollar; however, if, as it suggested, it will have any pursuing that implies my intervention, these twenty e five dollars will be credited for discounting in the honorary ones add.Bertha Cool opened the stock market e it muttered:- It seems that all people receives money, in this in case that, less I!XVIIBlock of Fairmead Avenue, where if it pointed out the dwelling that the blind person indicates the Bertha Cool as being its “cantinho”, still was only partially constructed,with vacant lands and many unfinished houses e, therefore, not yet numbered, and the occultation of light imposed for the regimen of war compelled the driver of the taxi to tactear the way, stopping repeated times to consult a script that it took off of the algibeira.

- The 1672 must very be close daqui - Bertha with the head said is of the window. - Algures of the other side of the street, a little stops beyond the way it block. It leaves meto leave here. I can find the house better the foot, of what to give to returns and more returns.- It looks at that it is more convenient to look it for this way - advised the driver.- E more dispendioso - it unlocked Bertha. - It leaves to leave me.The driver leaned the car to the stroll, in workmanships; it released the projection e it came to open the door, Bertha to leave, advising:- It sees where it puts the feet, “madama”.Bertha took off of the stock market a small electric lantern whose luminous torch if projectava through a red-dark filter.- If it does not worry, but if it does not go even so. It waits for me! - Bertha said, lighting the lantern and walking to long of the block, searching the numbers, until she gave with the 1672; he was typical “bungalow”, constructed before the recent local and sufficiently retreating urbanization in relation to the avenue. The way that lead to bangaló is cemented and all its length saw a carril of iron, of the right side of the floor, whose interior surface is polishing for the repeated attrition of the cane of the blind person, until the a carries of the house. Bertha went up the two steps wooden that gave access to the entrance and premiu the button of the bell. It heard the timbre to re-echo inside of house, with a invulgarmente powerful noise, as he had been placed outside of the door. Then it only repaired that the door was partially

opened, blocked for rubber chocks, keeping an opening of about three centimeters. For this the bell sounds with so strong intensity.- Olá! He is somebody in house? - the voice asked to Bertha, raising for opening of door. Nobody it answered. It was decided to enter it and looking an interruptor in the wall, it manipulated it. Nothing it happened and the compartment remained in total blackness. Then its torch of red light for the tecto one projectou e it discovered an oil lamp of arms, with glass globes. It found another interruptor electric who would have to light that one, but everything continued immersed in absolute blackout. Bertha, feeling itself confused, became to light the small portable lantern and suddenly she understood that a blind person does not have necessity of electric light. It repeated the calling: - I am Bertha Cool. He is not nobody in house?At this moment, any of the room inside heard a movement and a shade informs slid quickly for the tecto one and was vanished in treva. Bertha jumped stops backwards the o feeling something to agitate itself next to the face and, then, quiet, one objecto poisou it in the neck. With a violent sacão and a fast gesture of the arm, Bertha shook the stranger objecto. With a resultant anger of the terror, it freed an enormous plague. Abruptly, thing it freed it. For a moment, the unreal light of itslight bulb of stacks illuminated a bat of open wings; a bat whose shade projectada in the wall of the room reached monstrous dimensions, remembering an animal horrendo, threatening.

- Monkeys me they bite! - it roared Bertha, esbracejando furious against the bat that, run awaying itself without difficulty, if he diluted in the shade.Some seconds had elapsed, before the pulse of Bertha readquirisse normality and it an examination could be delivered to it of retires it. Satisfied for verifying that the room was empty, turned over for the entrance and advanced guided for the focus of its lantern. It was then that it noticed a black spot, prolongated, as that draining for the sobrado one. To the first sight nódoa of the sobrado one seemed to it one, but with a frightening that sped up it the heart, it understood to be about a species of liquid, forming a puddle, later zigzagging, to form another puddle. Following the course of the left-hand side spot, Bertha discovered the corpse. He was lying of borco, with the face leaned against the soil, extended close to the window it room. Pparently the man would have been reached the shot, when if it finds to entrance of the door, turned for the interior of the compartment. Immediately Bertha compenetrou itself of the possibility of the assassin if to find hidden in any another room, waiting not to be discovered, but to be prepared to open way the shot if to such was forced, to leave. The room was found completely to the dark ones, only cut for the narrow arm of light proceeding from the lantern of Bertha. This intently observed the adjacent area to the torch, luminous in a golden red of semiblackness, but it was afraid to direct that one for all the hiddings place, was not to happen in the place where the assassin could be occult, ready to go off. With competent determination, Bertha directed itself cautiously

for the door. Its left foot touched in a wire, struck in one objecto hard and heard to move itself it, as that dragged slightly in the soil. With the light of the lantern happening on it, it identified to a tripod on which had installed a rifle whose trigger if arrested the wire. The steps of Bertha had initiated a withdrawal, later an escape. They had echoed fast and heavily in the wooden sobrado one of the entrance, had crossed the door and they had hammered the cemented floor, while the luminous torch of the lantern if agitated, up and down, as Bertha balanced the arms in the sped up race. The driver of the taxi erases the lighthouses. It wise person who it would have to be, algures, there close, and continued running, looking at she stops backwards over the shoulder, and stumbling, in the race throughout the stroll in construction. Suddenly, the lights of the taxi had been lit and the driver, looking it with evident curiosity, asked:- Already it finished what it had to make?Bertha did not want to answer, in this height, with the modified voice. It was threaded in the taxi, it closed the door and it took breath. The man bound the engine, pulled out and described a return in U.- Not, not! - Bertha opposed. - It comes back stops backwards.The driver turned over for it, aiming it intently.- It is there… I have to go to the Policy - Bertha explained.- What happened?- He is a man died in that house.The curiosity that the eyes of the driver had demonstrated was changedded into a cold consent, full of suspicion, and

intently fixed the lantern that Bertha still empunhava. Nervously, this put it in the stock market and commanded:- If it thus does not put to look at for me. Where it is the next squadron?The taxi started to twirl quickly, but Bertha noticed that the driver continued to examine it for the retrovisor mirror, more interested in the emotion that if spread to it in the face, of what in the road. When they had arrived at one would mercearia, the man did not leave it to go alone to the telephone, following it and leaning it the cabin, while it spoke for the Command of the Policy. They had waited there until hearing the sereia of the car that brought to the place the sergeant Sellers.Bertha knew it not only for its wide reputation, but also for previous professional meeting. Sellers did not appreciate particularly detectives private and she always considers the contribution of these with the biggest reserves. One day a colleague defines its skepticism in the following way: “Sellers is itself to look at it for itself, chewing the cigar, with the eyes call-in the liar, but with the ears hear-in chatting, and she will see you as it does not open the mouth not to be to take to give it to it more with the language in teeth.”The sergeant Sellers did not reveal hasty in directing it solely the place of the crime, seeming anxious in listening to the history of Bertha, until the o its lowermost detail.There - Now, we go to hear this for order - it said, passing the extinguished cigar, for one sings of the mouth. - The lady was there for speaking with the blind person?- Yes.

- Knew it?- Yes. - It it had looked for to order an inquiry to it?- Yes.- And it carried through it to it?- Yes.- In this in case that, so that it was to visit it?The question apanhou unprepared Bertha.- This is one another subject. - That subject?- It wanted to change with it some impressions on the case.- But Mrs. already it concludes mission that it trusts to it?- Yes, in certain way.- What wants to say with this? That it was that not it arrived to make?- I made everything how much it wanted, but had a subject for which I needed its aid. A detail that desired that it proved.- I am to see - Sellers commented, with an incredulous smile. - It wanted You that the blind person helped to decide it some of its proper problems, is not this?- It wanted to speak with the man - Bertha said, readquirindo its usual belligerence, - and I do not go to say to it, itself, concerning what! it wanted to speak to it. One was about one subject completely different e I can to put the hands in the fire, as this is truth. The things are now well clear or not?- Claríssimas - Sellers declared, as she finished herself to decide to consider it suspicious Bertha the main one of the

case. - And the blind person is now lying, deceased, there inside?- Yes.- Of bruços, with the face in the soil, it was not what it said?- Yes.- Died the shot?- I believe that yes.- It does not know?- Not. I did not make an examination they postmortem to the body. It was a small rifle there. I did not stop to analyze it. Vi the thing and I set it to walk from there for it are.- It finds that it was crawled to the long one of the carpet, since the point where was reached until the o point where died?- Yes.- That distance covered?- I do not know. Three or four meters. - Of tracks?- Yes. - And it died while it crawled?- He can have died when already he was stopped - irritated Bertha answered.- I know Well, but it was found in the position to crawl itself, with the stomach on the carpet, is not thus?- Yes.- With the face moving itself of a side for the other?- I think that not. It had the face against the soil and I detrás of the head only saw the part to it.

- In this in case that, as it knows that one is about its blind person?- This is good! For the building. The blind person lived there.- It did not turn the body for top?- Not. Nor I touched to it. I did not touch in nothing. I set it to walk soon from there for it are and I ran to call it it itself. - He is well - Sellers said. - We go there. It has a taxi it are there?- Yes.- It is better to come with me. This to know that the blind person is about, when did not see the face to it, still becomes the things most interesting.The sergeant Sellers turned over for the driver of the taxi and asked:- How it is called?- Harry Simms.- What knows you concerning this?- I do not know nothing. I took this lady to the search of the dwelling. It had a paper with the number of the house, but not wise person where it was. Because of the light occultation, nothing was not seen. I have a script and discovered, more or less, where zone of the block the number would have to be. He was dark “to the brave one” and it caught in a small lantern of stacks. She wanted to give the return with the car, but it said me that she preferred to look the house, for its foot. It left the car and it was delayed… I do not know well… there the one five ten minutes. - It did not have the taximeter to count the time?

- Not. She was very cautious concerning this. I said that he would not wait fifteen minutes more than to it, without putting to count. If if it delayed more than what this, would have to pay the extra time to me. We always make this, when we have the certainty of that the customer comes back toward the center of the city. The sergeant Sellers shook the head, concordant, and inquired:- You it was inside of car?- Yes.- What was to make? - Nothing. I left myself to be seated to the wait.- Has telephony?- Yes.- Bound it?- Yes.- Musical Program? - Hum-hum!- It could have heard a shot?- I do not believe that it could ouviz it. At a distance the one that it ordered me to stop, would not be possible to distinguish the sound from a shot, with music to touch.As the interrogation tended to imply Bertha more each time in the case, this protested exasperada: - That ray is for saying there? Some did not have shot.- How it is that it knows?- It It would have heard if they had given it.

The eyes of Sellers were poisaram in it, satisfied, but without the minimum signal of affection. An idea any transmitted private satisfaction to them.- It is everything how much knows? - it still asked to the driver of the taxi.- It is everything.- Calls itself Simms, hem?- Yes, Sir.- It leaves here to give a peep to its license.The driver showed it to it and Sellers wrote down the number of the taxi, declaring:- It does not have reason to make it to come back another time. It can be gone even so. Mrs., Mrs. Cool, goes in my car. - The race is eighty and five centimes - the driver announced.- They are what? - Bertha cried out, opponent. - Only seventy Marked and five centimes, when I left the car.- Open assembly time.- Not wise person who millstone was to count.- There, it I did not count it, but yes, when it telephoned to the Policy and it was to the wait that it appeared.- Therefore not it paid it! - Bertha declared indignadamente. - This idea to count time to me without informing to me…- What waited that I made? It wanted that it was here, without gaining my life, it are of the circulation? Who was you ordered me to stop and…- It gives to it there eighty and five - the sergeant intervined Sellers.- I am injured if it I give them! - Bertha rebelled itself. It took off seventy and five centimes of the stock market,

extended them the driver to it and declared: - It is to catch or to release! With me it is thus!The driver hesitated for a moment, looked at for the sergeant of the Policy and caught in the money. After kept having well in the algibeira, it said:- It looks at, sergeant. It was a good bit inside of house there. When it left, came to run, but exactly thus a great piece was delayed there.- Obliged - Sellers answered and, turning over for Bertha, she invited: - We go there.It sat down it the deep one of the behind bank, with Sellers its side. In the one of the front one another man went, next to the policy driver. Bertha did not know them and Sellers did not make the lesser effort to present them. The car was directed for the neighboring quarter of the coast, all dived in the blackness and the driver erased the lighthouses, only using the minimums. - I believe that it is no longer next crossing - indicouBertha.The car softened the course close to the curve and Bertha announced:- It is there.The men had left the viatura and Bertha asked:- I do not have that to go inside there, therefore not?- Not. For the time being not. It can wait here.- It is well, I wait.It opened the stock market, it took off the case and it inquired:- They go to delay very?

- Not yet it I can say it - Sellers answered, jovialmente. - I will be always to see it, is rested.The men had entered in the house and one of them came back another time to the car to search a machine photographic, a tripod and projector. Some minutes later it returned muttering: - It does not have at least one I smell of chain in that one cursed house.- The man was blind - Bertha explained. - It did not need light.- But necessary I and come to search a battery of the car.- Because it does not use bolbos of “flash”, of automatic detonation?- By chance it brought them with me, but they do not serve me for what I want. I cannot regulate the light as it interests me and generally the images are full of consequences. - Moments later, loading with battery, muttered: - How life ray mine! sergeant Sellers also he came back he stops car, some minutes later.- Well, we go to enter in some details - it considered. - How it is that the man if called?- Rodney Kosling.- Sabe some thing concerning the family of it?- Not, and I doubt that it has it. He always seemed me very solitary, abandoning.- Sabe has how much time lived here?- Not.- Seeing well, not wise person great thing concerning it?- Therefore not.

- What wanted it who made you? How it occurred to enter in contact I obtain?- It intended that I found a person.- Who? - A person to who it take fancies itself.- Woman? - Yes. - Blind? - Not. - New? - Yes.- Found it? - Yes. - And then that it happened? - I made a report to it. - Who age the woman?Bertha raised the shoulders.- He was not relative of it? They would not have any species of close relations?- Not.- It is certain of this?- Absolutely.- Would not be given the case of it to be related with it and one another man to have appeared in the life of it? Would not have the intended blind person to inquire this case?- Not.- It is not to give a great aid, Mrs. Cool.

- Cos devils - blew up Bertha -, I said to it to have joined the corpse, I did not say? It could have me rank to walk and to leave it it itself, in palpos of spider.- I am convinced that it would be this same that would have fact, if was not the presence of the driver. It was this that put it in the wrapped up one. Mrs. wise person, very well, that after discovered the corpse, that type would remember that brings until here and would give it a perfect description of its person.Bertha remained itself in a full silence of dignity.- It never passed to it for the head that this type was a aldrabão? - Sellers asked.- What is for saying there?- I am to speak of the blind person who never was blind in the life of it.- Ah! , this is that it was! I have the certainty - Bertha affirmed.- How it is that it has?- For many things that said me concerning the people… for the deductions that made, from the sounds, of the voices, the steps… A blind person could only have developed its facultieses in this way, and… it looks at for the house. It did not have light.- With that then, also it gave therefore?- Certainly.- It had that to use a lantern, it is not really?- Yes.- But it is not its custom to walk to take a walk for other people's houses, therefore not?

- The door was opened.- One is to say truth, can give to me thanks to God for the blind person to have IDO for house, before Mrs. - What wants to say with this?- Somebody had mounted there a trap and if any person had entered in house, before the deceased, would have struck in the wire and pulled the trigger of a rifle of bore four hundred and ten. The moral of history is that the people do not have to enter in other people's houses, only because finds the doors open.- This means that somebody obtained “to cook” a rich alibi - Bertha considered, apreensiva.- Well, it has you that to go inside there, with me, to make an identification. That age is that it said that had the blind person?- It did not say, but it must have about cinquenta and five, sixty years.- Me he did not seem so old as this e, of remaining portion, its eyes seems me sãos.- Has how much time is died?- Has how much time left the lady daqui? - Sellers inquired, with one careta.- Perhaps it has thirty or forty minutes.Sellers acquiesced with a head movement and agreed:- It beats certain. The type must have been died for return of this same hour.- It wants to say that…- I want to say - Sellers interrupted - that the man was died has less of one hour. If you it was there, as it said, has thing

of forty minutes, this means that the trap eliminated it, approximately, in the height where Mrs. was there. If it does not bother to say be that as it may, Mrs. Cool. It comes there with me inside and it looks at for the corpse.Bertha followed it until the a marries. Pparently, the men of the Policy had finished its work of inquiry and were seated in a wooden bank, in the opposing extremity of the entrance. Bertha apercebeu itself of its localization for colon mobile, the luminous ones, of cigarettes.- It comes this way - it invited sergeant Sellers, lighting one powerful lantern of five stacks that it transformed the blackout into a shining mat.- It is not for there - it corrected, when Bertha if capsized coasts. - It goes there, lies down a peep.The body is placed on a table and seemed inanimate still more of what before, in its rigidly displayed immobility. Sellers made to happen the luminous, first torch on the clothes of the deceased, later on the orifice tinto of blood, for where the bullet penetrates e, finally, in the face. The surprise that Bertha denounced gave to the sergeant the reply that already waited.- It is not Kosling, therefore not? - it was certifyd.- Not.The light bulb of Sellers jumped of the face of the corpse for the not less pale one of Bertha.- Very well - continued Sellers, who is it?Without thinking, Bertha answered exaltada:- Patife, dirty exchange-inks Is one, that gave for the name of Bollman. It had the death that it deserved and you takes

off this cursed from above light of me, or childbirth to it it lantern in the head. XVIII For a brief moment, the sergeant Sellers hesitated and later, it was excused, moving away the luminous focus:- It forgives. With that then, Bollman is called?- Yes.- Has how much time knew it?- More or less it has one week.- Ah, yes? E has how much time knows Kosling?- It has six or seven days.- For other words, the lady knew both, more or less in the same height?- Yes.- Today it is sunday night. Now it makes me the favor to think with care. It knew both in the last sunday?- Yes. - That species of relation has between them?- It does not have none.- But it knew Bollman had to the subject that took Kosling to contract it for an inquiry?- Well, only indirectamente.- And Bollman tried to put the nose in the thing?- Not in this subject, but in one another one thing.- Where?- In that it is related with Kosling and in that it has contributed for its death. - Where it was?

- Not yet I am certain if it it must say it.- I think that it goes to be, Mrs. Cool. What was?- One was about an automobile accident , where I am still to work, and I do not believe that my customers desire that I give information in the present height. Any public declarations would be inconvenient…- But it is not to give them the public to it; it is to give them me to it.- Therefore it is, but it happens that the policies have to make reports and the reports are published in periodicals.- That is a case of homicide, Mrs. Cool.- I know Well, but the subject of that treatment nothing has to see with the crime.- But it said you me that it was “dirty exchange-inks” and that “had the death that deserved”, allowing me to deduce that it was about a blackmailer.- Therefore it said.- What it took to say it this?- The methods that used. - What had they of special?- Everything.- Much well. We go there for it are, to talk a bit in the car - Sellers considered. - Was this the address that gave Rodney to it Kosling?- Yes.- Has some thing that allows it to think that this such Bollman also lived here?- Not.- Does not know where it liveed?

- Certainly that not - it answered Bertha, impatient. - Because it makes me all these unnecessary questions? It did not see already the identity ticket to it? It did not see already the conduction letter to it? It did not see to it already…- Not, not vi e the question is exactamente this. Somebody revistou it and all cleaned it of the algibeiras the documents of identification. Only it they had left the money that, pparently, was not deducted, even so had been taken off of the wallet and threaded in a pocket, hastily. What it disappeared was the wallet. Mrs. exactly does not know nothing concerning this wallet and of these conjured documents?- How it wants that I know?- I do not know. What I know is that assassínio was committed by means of rifle armadilhada, what indicates that the assassin intended to abate its victim, when proper it was moved away from the place of the crime, thus forging an irrefutable alibi, or, for little, placing a date of people in identical circumstances of suspicion. E what also not it has doubt is that somebody, after the man being deceased, was to make a cleanness to it to the documents of that was carrying, because it is not to believe that the victim, before being assassinated by a trap, had had the care to lie down its documentation outside. E happens despite, the death of the man enters and the moment where its body was revistado, could not elapse much time. However it recognizes you that it was little time after the crime here. Therefore, I have to ask

to it if it knows some thing concerning what it was found in the algibeiras of the deceased. - Not, I do not know.- Well, we go there then for the automobile - it became to consider the sergeant Sellers. - They come from there, youngsters. Charlie, you can be this way, to take account of the place, the way it custom: nobody will be able to be come close, before the rapaziada one of the fingerprints having finished its work; later malta of periodicals leaves to put the nose, without moving in nothing, and, to follow, orders to remove the corpse. Very well, Mrs. Cool, comes connosco.During the passage, Bertha Cool answered to the questions of Sellers, wants for monossílabos, wants with one definitive mutismo. One stubbornly opposed to supply any information concerning its relations with Jerry Bollman, nor of the reason that takes it to characterize it as blackmailer. Finally, the sergeant Sellers gave up and declared:- Well, Mrs. Cool, I cannot to force it it to answer to my questions, but a great jury will have to be able to make it.- Not, it does not have. I have the right to keep secrecy, how much the certainties information of confidential nature.- Me it does not seem, in the way as I face this case.- I also I am to work in one case. I direct an agency of detectives. The people trust me certain problems that, if wanted to trust the courts, would soon go to badalar to the squadron of next Policy - Bertha justified.- Thinks yourself you about continuing with its activity, the future, not if she forgets that, on the other hand, the Policy can be of great aid for an agency of detectives private and

that, on the other hand, without this aid, it can happen that the agency does not obtain to make nor plus one chavo.- I said everything absolutely to it how much wise person and that he could help it to clarify it the case. The things of that I kept secrecy are confidential and they do not have nothing to see with the crime.- I it preferred that it had answered to all mine questions e me it left, me, to be the judge of whom he is pertinent and relative to homicide, because it is of assassínio that if treats, Mrs. Cool.- I know, but I prefer to make the things to mine way.The sergeant Sellers was leaned against the seat and contemporizou:- Very well, we go to take Mrs. Cool the house - it said for the driver. - I will telephone squadron to command a general search to it, of the blind person, for the Radio. Certainly that it will be able to make some light, how much what happened.Bertha Cool remained itself in discrete silence until the sergeant Sellers deposited it to the door of the apartment.- Good night - it desired.- Good night - Bertha corresponded, but she walked with ostensive hostility until the entered a of the building. The car of the Policy pulled out.There almost instantaneously Bertha came back stops backwards and ran for would mercearia of the esquina, ordered to stop a taxi, jumped for inside of it and commanded the driver:- It Has led me the Bluebonnet Apartments, in the Figueiroa Street. I do not have time to lose.

When it arrived there fixedly premiu the button of the bell of Josephine Dell and already it started to despair, when the voice of rapariga if made to hear.- Who is?- Mrs. Cool.- Moan not to be able to take care of it. I am to make the luggages.- Necessary of speaking I obtain. - I arranged one new job e I am to make the luggages to take an airplane…- I will speak I obtain, while he makes the luggages - Bertha insisted Cool. - Not it I will take more of that some minutes.- In this in case that, it goes up.The beetle of the automatic lock indicated the Bertha who the door if opens. It went up and it was to find Miss Dell in the way of an enormous confusion of clothes, open drawers e trip luggages. A malão, in the way it room, was already half full and a trip bag, on the bed, overflew. It had interior clothes and some spread dresses for all the part and a box of card revealed atulhada of a miscellany of objectos and utensils for all the ends.Threaded in a pyjamas of blue silk, Josephine found in the way of all that one tralha.- Olá! - it greeted it, badly it saw Bertha. - I have of emalar everything this, before midnight and I do not want to leave thing some, therefore I go to release the apartment. I never thought the work that this of. I go to incase the things in any way, to take one duche e, later, to run for the airport, to

apanhar the airplane of midnight. I do not want to seem coarse, but if to start you to walk for there, it will calculate the upheaval that makes me.- I calculate as if it feels but I will not bother it more than what one minute.It looked at in return, to the search of a vacant chair. Josephine Dell perceived what it wanted, freed a small outburst of laughter nervous e, with a dry one “Forgives”, ran to take off coats of top of the chair next to the window.- I go directa to the subject - Bertha announced. - It would like to receive five hundred dollar, in money?- It liked what!…? But, certainly.- I can arrange them to it.- How?- It is enough to it to sign an agreement with me and…- Oh, this!- What it is that this it has of badly?- It is that Mrs. already is second person who comes me with this - laughed Miss Dell, constrangida.- It wants to say that already it signed an agreement?- Not.- Who was the first person?- One witness who attended the accident. It obtained to hunt me to inform me of that really the guilt is not mine and that I could receive a indemnização from the company. It explained me that, if I signed a contract with it, I would deal with everything, its expenseses, and would give to me cinquenta percent of how much it obtained to get, what it would not be

less than five hundred dollar. I thought that it was, about the truth, offers very generous.Bertha remained been silent.- However, he knows - Josephine Dell continued, I could not accept offers. Simply, it could not. I answered to it that it had been to think about the subject and thatit arrives at the conclusion of that it has in the accident much guilt of my part, perhaps more still of what of the man who guided the automobile. It clarified me that he would not have necessity to enter in details of this nature, therefore what the company wanted was to arrange the subject and that everything how much I would have to make I would be to limit me to cooperate it… e to put the money in the algibeira, so easy as this… - and Josephine gave one estalinho with the fingers.- And it did not want to make it?- I limited myself to laugh it me for it. It said to it that the subject was of question, inasmuch as, if it made, it would feel it me as if it had stolen that money; thatthe man who touches me with the car is very gentile and that I only spend seven dollar with the doctor.- It obtained to know the name of the man who lead the automobile?- Not, not I arrived to know. Nor at least I know the number of school registration of car. I was so contundida and perplexed at that moment that…The bell of the door of the street started to touch and Josephine, with a exasperação look, commented:- It must be somebody to the search of Myrna Jackson.

- She is its friend of apartment? - one was interested Bertha. - I it liked really of to know it.- And also one dates of people.- Where it is that it stops?- God Only knows it! He was not the one that if could say a good partnership, ours. Mr. Milbers was friend of it e suggested me that we could live together, dividing the expenditures the stockings. I very was not inclined to this, but he understands you as the things are, when he is the master to make the suggestions. Well, we tried to live in common, but it is impossible to aturar. I left a note for it, yesterday, informing it of that the income would have of being paid tomorrow, this it is, monday. It said to it that it had to make the luggages to break this night, and it calculates you what this girl answered me?- What? - the bell asked to Bertha , while it continued to touch.- It said me that he had come here, this afternoon, and that he had been changed. It obtained to very operate the change in little time, therefore almost nothing it had that to emalar, and it left for paying an account of five dollar, of the cleanness of the apartment, without entering with the part of it, and I, in the height, nor remembered this. Then Josephine only was to the telephone of would carry and inquired:- Who is? - and soon it answered annoying. - Not. Here the friend of the apartment speaks. I do not know where it is. This afternoon was changed. Exactamente. I also

I go myself even so. Not, not I can see nobody now. Not, not I can speak I obtain. I do not have nothing that to see with the accounts of it. I am to make the luggages, am undressed and I have of apanhar an airplane to the midnight. This does not interest me important quão is for itself, nor who you is. I do not know for where it was, nor it interests me, and I have more than to make of what passing the day to take care of to the door, to speak to the people who walk to its search. Josephine Dell disconnect the telephone of would carry and postou in the way it room, with the fallen arms and a disoriented expression.- I cannot worry me about the relations that it kept much less with artistic agents with what she made with Mr. Milbers, nor with who will pay to it, now, the accounts. It only annoys me that he has made of me a fool, during all the time that lived here. It has two weeks, it disappeared mine daily. Later it became to appear, but in a desabitual small farm, underneath of handkerchiefs, when I already did not think about it. However, it was only person who could have to it moved. I am capable to imagine a certain type of rapariga that one is interested in reading the daily one of one another one, to the hidden ones, but not vi when it made it, nor where it made it.- It asked to it if except it?- Not. I found that the thing already passes and that could not to prove it swims against it. Therefore it decides already to change me for one another apartment, smaller, where it could live alone, moved away of common problems. - Later, moving abruptly of subject, it declared: - It only has a thing

to make: to finish to emalar everything this in any way. I feel myself sick and tired. We go to this.It caught when calhar in clothes and put them in the malão.- It wants that it helps it? - Bertha prontificou itself.- Not - and seconds later, were thankful: - Obliged - but the voice with that it made it meant that optimum that the visitor had to make to help it it was to leave it alone and to set it to walk from there for it are.- What goes to make concerning the will? It will have that to give its certification.- Oh, I capsized here, when she will be necessary. They had said me that it would be probable that had that to go for the tropics, the one that is different of what making a end-of-week excursion; therefore I take the malão, since I will have to live in a housing, but not yet know as I will carry it, since great part of the trips will be aerial and will be caríssimo to carry it from airplane. But he is so wonderful to think that…Bertha Cool, looking Josephine, thoughtful, he interrupted:- A thing Has that it could make for me. - What it is?- It wanted that it said any thing to me concerning the way as Harlow Milbers died.- It was suddenly, even so already it was felt badly, it had two or three days.- It can tell to me plus any thing, concerning the symptoms?- Certainly… reason? That started one hour after having entered in the office. It felt a great migraine and later it was felt nauseated. I suggested that it was lain down to it in a

sofa, to see if it improved. I believe that it slept during some minutes, but later it suffered another nausea that woke up it. It started to complain of a terrible ardor in the mouth and in the throat and, then, I advised it to call it the doctor. It said me that he would make it, but that he preferred already to be in house at this moment. Therefore, I telephoned to the Dr. Clarge and said that Mr. to it Milbers if felt very badly and that it went of taxi for house; I asked for to it, therefore, that it was to see it immediately.- Mr. Folloied Milbers the house? - Yes. - What happened?- It was agoniadíssimo, in the taxi, during all the passage, complaining of the stomach and the intestines. He vomited and the driver started to protest, presumptuous that Mr. Milbers it is to drink, to festejar any thing. When the house arrived, had to help to walk and to lie down it to it it in the bed.- And later, that it happened?- It arrived Dr. Clarge, that it examined during about half hour and it gave a hipodérmica injecção to it. Mr. Milbers felt a little better, even so continued to complain of the ardor in mouth e in the throat. Later he was modorrento. For return of the four hours, the Dr. Clarge returned and gave another hipodérmica to it, advising the presence of a nurse of the hospital, next to the sick person, for the case not to feel improvements during the night. It still gave some instructions and it prescribed

medicines, being to come back to see it, to the nine hours of the morning of the following day.- And later? … What occurred?- About twenty minutes after Dr. Clarge to have left, Mr. Falecia Milbers.- Who was in the room, at this moment? Also it was there?- It was not, because it goes up to from above floor, in order to eat sandwiches and to drink a milk cup, but she is so enervada that I almost did not take nothing. It was Mrs. Cranning who was together of it. About this height still we thought that it would go to recover.- What had made after it dying? They had called the Dr. Clarge?- Yes. It became to examine it and it declared, as it was natural, that nothing it had to make. It called the cangalheiro and say-in the ones to inform Christopher Milbers, for what I sent it a telegram. - And then?- Then, with all that excitement and the amount of things to make, already were very late when I left and I still had to come back to the office, to close the safe and the doors. It felt me and exausta apoquentada and it was then that it happened me to be apanhada by the automobile. It only had, practically, in the stomach, a chávena of coffee that takes to the small-lunch.- What said the doctor the respect of the cause of the death?- Oh! It knows you as they are the doctors! It recited a series of scientific terms and seemed satisfied its

conclusions. Personally, I do not believe that it had given with the certain illness. I remember the words that used: gastroentérica, resultant disturbance of any thing of the liver and one another cause, whose name finished in “ite”.- Nefrite? - it tried to need Bertha.- One wants that it says to it, I do not know to the certainty. He was similar to this, but what the doctor mentioned as primary cause was gastroenterite; remaining portion was one lengalenga that it also did not make sensible for me and did not have to make very sensible for it.- Where it is that Mr. Milbers takes its small-lunch? - Bertha insisted.Josephine Dell looked it, surprised.- Reason? In house of it, as habitually, as I assume. It was for that it had Mrs. there Cranning and Eva and, if millstone to ask, Mrs. Cool - Josephine added, with one smile disapprover, I will say to it that, for the price that paid to them, they would have to treat it in “palminhas”, instead of compelling it to wait it for the meals. However, they are things that do not say respect to me and already everything finished. It only costs me to think that almost everything left what it had to that one people.- Always it it left ten a thousand dollar - Bertha remembered.- One was really in the disposal to leave the inheritance, practically, the people it are of the family, I believe that I had the right of being contemplated. Aturei it very and I deserved the ten a thousand dollars.- How much time worked for it?

- About three years.- How much it earned?- Five hundred dollar per year! - Josephine with some azedume answered. - It seems a generous compensation very, does not seem? If you it could make an idea of what it was to work with it… , What it goes there, there it goes well and… please, Mrs. Cool, is gone now even so and leaves to finish me to make the luggages.Bertha announced:- Jerry Bollman died.- Jerry Bollman? That man that it are witness of the accident and that he considered me an agreement? … - Josephine Dell declared , closing to devagar the trip bag gentily and catching in it, - a thing is certain well. I have to leave with an only pair of shoes! - Suddenly one turned over for Bertha and it inquired admired: - That devil said has bit?- That Jerry Bollman died.Josephine smiled.- I believe that it must be been deceptive, Mrs. Cool. I spoke with it to the afternoon yesterday and still it telephoned me has thing of two hours. Now, it leaves me to see: if I to put these shoes…- Assassinated - it needed Bertha, he has thing of one hour.First Josephine left to fall a shoe; later the other also it slid to it of the hands, for the soil.- Assassinated, it has thing of one hour! How happened this?- I do not know, but it went to speak with its blind friend… This does not say any thing to it?

- Yes, effectively, I said the Mr. Bollman that was afraid that green light it stops laborers had changed, when I crossed the street, and it he affirmed me that a witness that hears the sound of the shock, before the bell knew of traffic light. Never it thinks that blind person could serve of witness. It is a “beloved”, so amiable, so tender! Sabe? , I ordered a small gift to it. It is certain of that Mr. Bollman was assassinated?- Yes. He was died when it went to visit the blind person.- But it is absolutely certain, Mrs. Cool, of that he was assassínio?- Most certain. I was who I discovered the corpse.- Already they know who killed it? … Already they apanharam it?- Not yet. They walk to the search of the blind person.- How dullness! It would not be capable to badly make a fly!- It is what I think.- How it happened to discover the body to it? - I was until speaking there with the blind person.- It likes it, does not like?- Yes.- Also I. I find that it is a wonderful individual. When coming, I want to say of Myrna Jackson to it, because the vi to chat with it, last week. He is really strange I to know so little concerning the life of it, beyond its aspirations the actress. How much to this Bollman, Mrs. does not find…? I know now that it is not well to speak of it, that is died… but it does not find that…?

- The devil has taken me, if I do not find! It does not interest me nothing that has died. Patife was one!- My God! The sky is witness of whom I have of to finish to make the luggages. It forgives, Mrs. Cool, but already said to it what I feel concerning the accident and not it valleyyou are welcome to be here, until the a midnight, therefore I will not move of opinion.Slowly and reluctantly, Bertha set of foot and walked for the door.- Good night and much luck in its new job.- Very obliged, Mrs. Cool. Good night and good luck.- And if you think that I age capable not to pull out carrada of “mass”, of that “panada” that you led, you are one “tansa”! - Bertha, resented muttered when alreadythe half one of the corridor went. XIXA taxi lead Bertha to the residence of the Dr. Howard P. Rindger. It touched to the door and, when the proper doctor it opened it, it said:- I wait that still if it remembers me, doctor. I am…- Oh, yes, Mrs. Cool… of the Inquiries. It has the goodness to enter.- It desired to consult it, doctor, professionally.It looked it with a sly air and asked:- Is felt rija? Pêro seems sã as one.- Oh, I am catita! I intend solely that it gives a professional opinion to me.- It is well, comes this way. I have a small doctor's office here in house, for treatments of emergency. Some of my

patients come at night. Now, it is felt and it says me where I can be to it useful.- Moan to come to importunar it in its house, but is about a truily important subject.- It does not bother me nothing. To the sundays, I am always waked up until afternoon to read. It goes there, it says me what he worries it.- Necessary to discover any thing concerning a poison.- What wants to know?- Some poison Has that makes effect, let us say, one hour or two after the small-lunch, if in it it was ingested, causing nausea and ardor in the throat e resulting in collapse that if keeps until supervening the death?- The one that hours died the victim?- For return of the four of the afternoon.The Dr. Rindger opened the envidraçada door of a bookshelf and inquired:- Cramps in the bellies of the legs?- I do not know to say.- Diarreia?- Yes, probably, but not it it I can to say positively.- Persistent Nausea until the o moment of the death?- Yes, intervalada.- They had made some treatment to it?- Yes: hipodérmicas injecções.- Cólicas stomachal and intestinais?- Yes. One complained very of this.- Acinzentada Tez? Perspiration?

- For that I know of it, it had to have always cinereous skin!- Anxiety? Depression?- I do not know.The Dr. Rindger ran the tip of the fingers throughout a shelf of the bookshelf, stopped on a bound back of a book and extracted an intitled book Forensic medicine. It opened it e, after reading some pages, closed it and pô it of side.- That is a subject alone between us two, or I go to be cited in an official publication?- It is alone between the two. Nobody goes it to cite.- Poisoning for arsenic - the doctor answered.- Are these the symptoms?- It is a typical case. The stomachal ardor of the throat and cólicas and of the superior abdomen are peculiar of this type of poisoning. If to want to have the certainty, verify the diarreia, the cramps in the bellies of the legs, the state of depression and notice the nature of vomitus. In the case of poisoning for arsenic, this will have the rice water appearance.Bertha arose e, with evident hesitation, asked:- How much I must to it?- It is not nothing, since I literarily do not go to be cited, nor called to put down as witness. If the case will be this , will have to pay some thing - it answered smiling, matreiramente.- He forgives to have bothered it to one so delayed hour - Bertha said, pressing to it it hand, but she treated herself, really, of an emergency case and I had to get this information, today exactly.

- Not it has importance. Of any way I not yet would be lying. By the way, as he is its partner, Mrs. Cool… How it is that it calls itself?- Donald Lam.- It is truth, already I remember. He is a young man with much interest. It seems to possess one notable discernment. I was indeed made an impression with its conclusions concerning a case of poisoning for carbon monoxide. I knew personally both involved parts in process and one of them were a prominent individual very in the medical circles.- I remember this - Bertha said.- What is made of it?- It is in the Navy.- This it is splendid! But I assume that it it makes some lack.- Well, I went myself here governing before it working with me - he answered Bertha acidly, and here I will continue to govern me alone.- They keep the foot society?- It will be to the wait of it, until that it comes back. Rays! I wait that nothing it happens to it. One is bastardozinho very intelligent. - Everything will run well - the Dr. vaticinou Rindger. Very good night, Mrs. Cool.- Good night.Bertha Cool returned, worried, for the taxi. - For where now? - the driver asked.

- It stops Meter Hotel - it indicated Bertha while he incased its rechonchuda figure in the seat of the car. - And, for the case of you not to have given therefore, already I am on board. I took some time with the stowage, but already I embarked. It becomes the sea.Arrived at the Meter Hotel, Bertha Cool was directamente to the telefónicas cabins and asked for the reception:- They have one such Christopher housed Milbers here?- Yes “madama”. Room three hundred and dezanove.- It binds for there, if it makes favor. Moments later heard the ensonada voice of Milbers, bocejando: - It is there? Yes! What it is?- I discovered an important thing it stops itself - Bertha announced. - I am there on inside of one minute.- Who is that it speaks?- Bertha Cool - it said and it disconnect.It crossed the forecourt deliberately, it entered in the elevator and it commanded:- Third floor.The ascensorista looked at inquiridoramente for it, in the disposal to ask to it if it was registada in the hotel, but later it was disinterested. With a air of who wise person exactamente what she wanted, Bertha left for the platform, located door 319, made a fast pause and went to beat to its second collision in the door, when Milbers opened it.

- He does not repair - it excused itself. - It was in the bed has already one hour e I am not correctamente dress to receive visits.It dressed a roupão of silk for top of the pyjamas and paved chinelas. Its swelled eyes of sleep and the hair, habitually very strained well, to cover the bald spot, and now esgadelhado and fallen on an ear and neck, gave to it to a aspect caricato.- They are not hours to be with roundups - Bertha started -, nor for colloquy line.- It is allowed me, Mrs. Cool, I will say that I consider its opinion, in this in case that, highly pertinent. - We go what it interests: its cousin left an inheritance in the value of how much?- I am unaware of the quantitative total exacto, Mrs. Cool. This intervenes with my current situation?- Yes.- I would evaluate the richness of Harlow in about a million, or perhaps more.- And itself fit to it a ten crumb a thousand?- Exactamente, as the lady very knows, and allows well me that it says to it that this notice does not justify, for its relevance, that comes me to wake up the half one of the night. Already we had, unhappyly, knowledge of it, in previous meeting.- I am only to evaluate the sum of the bequeathed property, before starting.

- me, that it interests me, at this moment, is not to calculate how much the others are qualified to receive, but the way as if had combined for conseguiz it.- As much I eat I ignore you as they had gotten that will. Personally, I do not believe that its cousin has written such thing, of its exempts will. It seems clearly to have been forced, in any way to write that one second page, of form to satisfy interests of another person, or people. Probably she was constrangido by any species of blackmail.- This hardly agrees to the certification of Miss Josephine Dell and Paul Hanberry. - He depends on the argument that they had used against it - Bertha observed. - The species of blackmail the one that I mention myself would demand mutual complicity. This Myrna Jackson who lived the same in apartment that Josephine Dell, is virtually imposed, for its Harlow cousin, the one that demonstrates to have narrow relations. However, this same Myrna knew governanta. This interrelation awakes me it curiosity. It notices that Myrna is, as I inferred, one rapariga very interesting and is, certainly, mixed in the business, in any way, e how much the Paul Hanberry, I trust it in such a way, as in a cat that I hung for the tail.- Effectively, Mrs. Cool, I agree I obtain, but it declared you that she would go directamente to âmago of the question and, I confess, allows me that it she says it, that we are frankly with roundups.Then, Bertha unlocked:- Its cousin was assassinated.

The face of Milbers espelhou deep amazement. It needed some moments to readquirir the composure. Aclarou the voice, but titubeou:- This is a very strong accusation, Mrs. Cool.- Therefore it is very strong, but it was poisoned. Poison was given to it with small-lunch e all the symptoms indicate arsenic poisoning.- It is incredible! It is certain of this, Mrs. Cool?- Practically.- It has tests?- Cos devils! Not yet, but if in lying down them to the work we will be able to get them.- Oh! - it exclamou Milbers, moving suddenly of tune. I thought that me it was to say already to have one proves.- Not. It said to it that it was practically certain of that it outside poisoned. But although mine suspicion not to be more than what circumstantial, already I have the right to take the Solicitor of District to exhume the corpse of its cousin and to inquire the cause of the death, how much more is not, to prove that not it was the arsenic that killed it.- However, Mrs. Cool - Milbers opposed, person without illusions! It is left of this. It is to walk with the wagon ahead of the oxen. It would like that it appreciated my point of view of that does not have the lesser advantage in giving a step, either it which will be, in the direction to involve the law in a so serious accusation, unless possessed itself, already, one proves definitive, tangible, that I considered absolutely irremovable.

- I am certain of to arrange one test, in little time of what it displayed its point of view to you. I go to interrogate Nettie Cranning e Hanberrys. Vai me to give some work, but I wait, inside of four or five days, to have the hanks all meetings to shoot for the col of the Solicitor of District.- In the reality, achamo-in the ones in a situation it are of common. Which is necessarily its idea, Mrs. Cool? Milbers, worried was interested.Bertha explained, maternally:- They had committed suicide it, cannot inherit. Exactly that one of them had only made and the others had been limited to wait the result, none of them will be able to receive “cheta” from that will. Being you it only alive relative, will find itself in a magnificent position to apanhar the cake. E since we speak in this and we are of knife in the hand, I will say to it that I want a slice of ten percent, after finished all my work of detective and of it to deliver it in a tray.Christopher Milbers joined the tips of the fingers, turned them against the chest and looked Bertha Cool meditating. - Then? - Bertha impacientou itself.- We are before new and very a peculiar situation, Mrs. Cool.- Therefore we are! Why reason thinks that I gave myself to the work to come until here and to make it to raise of the bed?- Certainly that, if my cousin was assassinated, has that to become justice. - Already now if million does not forget it dollar that will receive, if justice will be made.- I am not to forget me this detail, but…

- But what? We go for ahead.- And it finds that it goes to lose, effectively, much time to clarify the subject?- It is not the time that are in game, but the idea and the work. A test of poisoning is not hunted, in air, as a fly in the wall.- In air? But Mrs. already has some comprovativos data, as I inferred.- Some.- E it intends that I it contracts it again, to congregate the remaining portion?- “Broadbeans” for this contract! I want is a firm agreement on the percentage of ten percent of how much my work to provide to it.- I must announce to it - Milbers declared - that I had, this afternoon, a very interesting colloquy with Mrs. Cranning and I confess that if it figured me a different person of whom me seems in our first contact.- And the son? - A formosa and very cativante woman. - I am to see the thing! E that thinks of the son-in-law?Christopher Milbers twisted head e made one careta.- In my opinion, he is a indeed antisocial man, in manifest opposition to the current project of agreement and causing, in certain way, one maladjustment…- I would not need as many words for definiz it - Bertha cut. - Three words Were enough with that to explain to it it to me filiation.

- I want to say that, in the principle, my position was contrary to the one of it, but, at the present moment, my contacts for negotiation are established only with Mrs. Cranning.- . K.. K.! - Bertha, impatient interrupted. - Ao princípio representei-o para tratar de um pequeno caso, mas agora, se provarmos que mataram o seu primo, a coisa torna-se muito diferente.- Thus it seems.- Then, this is the tray with the cake that I am to offer to it.- Unhappyly, Mrs. Cool, this does not modify my position, in relation to the property.- How not? - atónita Bertha inquired.- It happens that all the previous situation if modified. In the end of the afternoon of today, I concluded an agreement with the other involved parts in the case, agreement this that I consider highly acceptable. As it is natural, I am not obliged to tell the terms to it specific where we cultivated it, but, in virtue of circumstances peculiar supervenient and in the certainty of that I can count on its discretion, Mrs. Cool, I go to divulge to it its bases general: Miss Dell will receive what it it was legacy; for another side, to prevent a judicial litigation, that would imply ressentimentos, recriminations, delay and over all losses for both the litigiantes parts, we woke up where quantitative the residual one of the property, either it which will be, after deduced the expenditures of the funeral, legal taxes of transmission and the bequeathed part the Miss Dell, would be divided by us four, equitable. For others words, me were granted the right to receive one room of all the residual property. I can advance to it that this will

represent, for me, any thing as one hundred a thousand dollar. He does not seem so simple to the first sight, but the lawyers already are to deal with the things and…- Already it signed this agreement? - Bertha inquired, still in the hope of a refusal.- Already all we signed this agreement.- This is only mentioned to the plea of the will, but, if I it will be able to prove that Mr. Harrow Milbers was assassinated…- Not, Mrs. Cool. It tries to understand the situation. The agreement contains a clause for which none of the parts can be that as it may make that it comes to harm the rights of any another part, directa or indirectamente, depriving it or reducing its benefit of the will. I cannot, therefore, to violate this disposal… at least, the spirit of the agreement. Moan, Mrs. Cool, to have to affirm not to be able to believe that Mrs. to it Cranning or its son, Eva, are involved in the accusation that finishes you to formulate, even so admit that Paul Hanberry, without the knowledge of them, has used some expedient also to be contemplated in the will. In that it respects to any type of complicity of excessively people, this she is completely it are of question. I admit, Mrs. Cool, that the impulsive people are e, for times, sufficiently aggressive, but this assumption of that Mrs. Cranning, or its son, Eva, have poisoned my cousin… not, Mrs. Cool… it is absolutely inadmissible.- But it assumes that Paul Hanberry poisoned it and they only had had knowledge of the fact, later, and that…- Not, Mrs. Cool. Not yet it understood the situation. If the authorities initiated an inquiry, for its initiative, things

they would be different, but, if any of the parts it took this initiative, in relation to an inquiry of this nature, the established agreement would have been violated, what it would imply one different division of the residual property. If it swims if it proved, how much the criminal cause of the death of my cousin, only I it would be wronged e, I must confess to it, Mrs. Cool, that I consider the agreement, in what it says respect to me, very advantageous.- I am to see that yes! - it retorquiu Bertha, rudemente. - When a group of assassins wants to hinder a person to investigate the poisoning of a relative…Milbers extended to the opened hand, as it would make it a policy, withholding the transit.- A moment! - it intervined. - Please, Mrs. Cool! I am only to relate to me the inconvenience to it to contract it for this inquiry. However, if the authorities to take this initiative, already could not be white of any accusation of breaking of the agreement established with the other parts. Now, to establish I a contract I obtain, for which it would make responsible me to deliver to it, itself, ten a thousand dollar… Not, Mrs. Cool, I cannot conceive this, nor for a moment, and am certain of that my lawyer it would disapprove me to be to argue this subject I obtain.- Everything this is a maquinação dirty! They exert blackmail on a type, until forcing to write a convenient will; later assassinate-in the e, to follow, they make an agreement I obtain, in way to compromise it and to hinder that all the tram is discovered. It is a ray of a canalhice!

- Frankly, not I think that they have exerted blackmail, nor so-little they have assassinated it. To say it to it truth, I am certain of that that will was written by it. Its critical ones were characteristic and, even so I had revealed resented, know that never he would leave me more than what ten a thousand dollar… nor one centime! E the agreement that I signed he is me very advantageous.- They had been they who had come to look it, or were you that she looked them?- They had come to have with me.- It is seen! They steal a man, kill-in the e, later, with one hundred a thousand “packages” hinder any inquiry. Ray in agreement!- But, Mrs. Cool, nothing hinders to display it the subject to the authorities.- Balelas! - it exclamou Bertha, irritated. - The authorities are not launched in an inquiry without more nor less… e how much it is that I profit with this?- Evidently… if the lady is in the ownership of any test…- What I have, is with me. Profit the life to vender “cause knowledge” - it said Bertha, rising itself of the chair.- Has yourself you any base for an accusation, I believe that it is its duty to communicate it it the authorities…- Therefore! For other words, you it wants that I go to take off to it chestnut of the fire, without putting ten a thousand in the fireplace? I go to the Policy and I put it to it itself a million in the lap, in the base of “thanks a lot” a percent!

- I limited myself to display the subject to it, in the base of the duties of a honest citizen, in the knowledge of a crime, or same in its simple suspicion…- I go to leave daqui e to make a phone call, of would mercearia of the esquina, while you if it dresses.- I am not to understand - Milbers said, cold.- The devil is that it is not! - Bertha blew up, rudemente. - Daqui the ten minutes, the Policy will receive a phone call anónimo, indicating that Harlow Milbers was poisoned e suggesting that they verify the death certificate, they interrogate the doctor and they command the exhumation of the corpse, for attainment of the test. You come with me, to certify itself of mine phone call. Then I debit to it five a thousand dollar and you already can come back toward the bed. It perceived?- Mine wanted Mrs. Cool! I see that not it understood…Bertha reached the door, in two passing, left and shot with it, the half one of the speech of Milbers. The taxi that brings it was still to the wait, in the curve, next to the hotel, with the driver of the side of is. This took the hand to the hat and informed, with a smile:- The ship is to the wait!- The ship, the ship! I it is that still I am to see ships, with a at sight million!XXVALLEJO, CALIFORNIA 1942, AGOSTO 31(PAYABLE TELEGRAMA-CARTA NOCTURNO ADDRESSEE)BERTHA COOL, CONFIDENTIAL INQUIRIES BUILDING DREXEL


- This Reads me, Elsie - Bertha said, suspending the dictated one.Elsie read. Then Bertha decided:- Pass this to the machine and signs my name. After that…Circunspecto and elegant of the Company Intermutual de Indemnizações kept silent because, at this moment, the door confided to give entered to the high man.- Good day, Mrs. Cool - it greeted.- You, another one time! - it exclamou Bertha, surprised.- One unhappy alteration of the situation Was verified very, Mrs. Cool. It can give attention to me, for moments?- Between here for inside - Bertha invited, passing to it it the front.- Control the telegram? - Elsie inquired.- The machine Goes passing it it, but I do not send it, before reading it another time.Fosdick, representative of the insurance company, sat down comfortably, placed the folder on the knees, encircled it with the arms, as they were a shield to defend it and repeated:- An uncommon situation finishes of if revealing in the case in course.Bertha did not tugiu nor mugiu.- It knows, porventura, a called man Jerry Bollman? - it continued. - a man who…- What has it to see with this?- It happens that in it promises them to get a complete deposition on the accident, for a total of a thousand dollar of indemnização for the victim of an accident, and that it did not intend any another importance, even so was in position to

obtain a very superior amount, if of this it wanted to convince the injured person. In this base, it affirmed to be able to obtain a declaration legal of abstention, how much to any another diligence in the direction of judicial processing, or requirement of superior indemnização. The victim of an accident would divide with it this importance of a thousand dollar, if thus she understood it. Mr. Bollman seemed to be absolutely certain of being able to present this declaration, as well as obtaining to receive its part, in virtue of an established agreement already with the other part. As it declared, was closely on to the friend of apartment of injured, with who it went to marry very in briefing.- Ah! It said this! - interested Bertha inquired.Fosdick acquiesced.- It indicated to it names?- Not. But it was mentioned to the friend of apartment of the victim of an accident, but its history was very convincing.- And you it was in this? Fosdick franziu sobrolho. Bertha Cool continued:- You he is very new. It finishes to leave Harvard, or any another university of Right, and this gave a superiority complex to it. It judges that it knows everything, but can well take off the idea from there. Fosdick adoptou a air of mártir, wanting to state that “the customer always has reason” and that she did not intend to defend itself of so pertinent critical. Pparently demoralized, it confessed:- I do not have doubt how much to the possibility of Mr. Bollman in having mystified them with its history.

Infortunadamente, however, we read in the periodical of the morning that Mr. Bollman was died in the last night. The fact is, in the truth, lamentable, in what if it relates to the interests of the company… - Not how much who had to deal with it! - It observed Bertha. - But since already I say that this calamity to it he is inconsistente. I do not believe that Bollman was capable to get any agreement of the victim of an accident. It was limited to give to you “rope to it” and to follow the parrot in air, to see if “it abichava” some thing of laçarotes of the tail. E knew that they could not lock up a case of those, for míseros a thousand dollar well to you.- Because not?- Your man went so drunk that he did not apercebeu himself that knocks down pretty rapariga, that causes it a cerebral bruise… e the company wanted to arrange this with a thousand “packages”! - Bertha commented sarcastically, laughing.Fosdick retorquiu:- We are not admitting either the one that will be, but since already we refute this accusation of that our customer would lead intoxicado.- Your man - Bertha with trocista determination continued - she was to fall of drunk, to such point that nor she was capable to fix the name and dwelling of rapariga that it ran over.- Pardon, Mrs. Cool, but the young was so aturdida and histérica that nor assented that it lead it to a hospital or the house and nor gave to the minimum indication how much the name and dwelling to it, when it jumped of the car for it are.

Elsie Brand entered in the cabinet and announced:- The interruption Forgives, but it is there it are the boletineiro and we could use to advantage I try it to send the telegram, immediately. If it wanted you to make the favor to review it…Bertha grasped in the paper that Elsie extended to it, turned it for low, put it in the drawer and decided: - Centimes Gives ten to the youngster of the post offices. I do not go to still order this telegram.- Ten centimes? - Elsie found odd.- Well - Bertha granted, - fifteen give to it then. I am busy and I do not want to be interrupted. We will forward the telegram later. - It was turned toward Fosdick and it continued: - It stops that ray you it serves to walk to returns? Your man was “thick”. So “toldado” that nor it had to guide an automobile, in that state. It not only turned the beauty legs for air, but also it denounced, so clearly, to be incapable to take it was where he was, that it preferred to go the foot, exactly contusa as if it found. Personally, it would say to it that they would have much luck if they obtained to leave the obstacle only with twenty a thousand and five hundred dollar.- Twenty a thousand and five hundred!- Twenty a thousand Say.- But, Mrs. Cool! It lost the head?- I did not lose thing none. I know very well what a jury would decide. Pparently, vocês does not know! Perhaps “ a jury attributed a indemnização of cinquenta a thousand. I do not know… vocês e also does not know.”

- However, however, Mrs. Cool, is left of this! - Fosdick laughed. - Its customer was not seriously traumatizada.- There, not? What it takes to think it this? At this moment, Bertha had the certainty of that Fosdick was worried.- In these circumstances - it objectou it, - I consider necessary that our doctor has chance to observe the victim of an accident.- Each thing in had height - it affirmed Bertha, with security.- What wants to say with this?- It will have that to get a solicitation of the court. - But we do not want to go for the court. - I want to say that, after the case being in the court, they can request this examination medical.- Has therefore the firm intention to go for court?- With certainty that vocês does not think, nor per one minute at least, that they obtain to exempt your man of sarilhos, with a simple box of bonbons and a card of good-parties!- It does not find, Mrs. Cool, that is being little reasonable?- I do not find.- Oiça here - Fosdick considered, conciliatory, - let us assume that we establish an agreement in bases that, effectively, confer the Mrs. a joust compensation. The injuries of its customer are not serious and they cannot to ascend to that one excessive amount that it mentioned, but, for obvious reasons, it would not please the company to become involved itself in an action at law . It assumes that we consider three a thousand dollar, soon e the money, right now?

Bertha inclined stops backwards, in the chair, and freed an outburst of laughter.- Well - granted Fosdick-, says five a thousand?Bertha was afraid that its eyes traíssem what thought.- You do not obtain to aperceber yourself of ridicule of this proposal?- But, Mrs. Cool, will agree that five a thousand dollars constitute one enormous it offers?- It finds?- How much it waits to obtain?- What to fall in the net it is fish.- I believe that the height arrived to make you a proposal - Fosdick announced, setting of foot. - We reach our limit. I… he was only authorized to wake up, today, a delivery of three a thousand dollar, proceeding itself it the delivery from the two a thousand remainders, after the conclusion of the negotiations. My instructions were these. It was of my entire responsibility that I presented the proposal final.- He was very decent of its part - Bertha appreciated.- My card Has - Fosdick announced, with dignity. - It will be able to telephone me, when to understand convenient to accept our proposal.- It does not lose time to the foot of the telephone, to the wait that I bind to it.- And suspicious to underline - Fosdick finished - that it is solely about a commitment proposal; it could not be usable in court; it does not constitute admission of guilt for part of our insured e, to less that one only elapses stated period reasonable, it could be considered prescribed and exceeded.

With elaborated affection, Bertha whispered:- The stated period that prescribes now exactly, if thus understanding. For me it is. K.!Fosdick left the cabinet, so imperturbável how much possible. Bertha Cool gave to it to time the one that arrived at the elevator, after what ran stops next to Elsie, commanding:- A telegram to the Donald Orders :- Another one?- Yes.Elsie caught in the pencil, ready to estenografar. Bertha dictated:“WANTED DONALD. YOU HAVE BEEN VERY PRETTY AND USEFUL ORDERING To BERTHA ITS SMART SUGGESTIONS. MY BETTER GRATEFULNESS. ADORED DONALD EXPLAINS FOR THAT LAIN REASON WOULD HAVE JOSEPHINE ABOUT ACCIDENT?BECAUSE IT WOULD HAVE SACRIFICED BEAUTIFUL AGREEMENT MONETARY ONLY NOT TO COUNT EXACTAMENTE THAT HAPPENED MOMENT HAS CAUSED AN ACCIDENT?PAID BERTHA TELEGRAM. MOUNTS OF LOVE AND GREATERSHAPPINESSES FOR ITSELF.”- It is everything? - Elsie asked. - Everything?- It is everything.- And that one another telegram that was, if my memory serves me right, in the drawer of its secretary? Also it wants that it sends it?

- God is valid me! Not! - Bertha exclamou. - It Takes off for is, tears it in pieces, goal it in the hamper of the papers… E also tears me the rough draft that made of it the pencil. I had to be terribly angry and I am of me, when I dictated a thing of those. The beloved Donald is, really, one diabinho very smart. The smile of Elsie was enigmatic, when it was inquired:- Plus some thing?- More nothing. XXIIVALLEJO, CALIFORNIA 1942, AGOSTO 31(URGENT TELEGRAM PAYABLE ADDRESSEE)BERTHA COOL, INQUIRIES CONFIDENTIAL - BUILDING DREXELLOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA I SUGGEST FRIEND INTERROGATES APARTMENT.COMPLIMENTS.DONALD LAMXXIIIThe portière of the Bluebonnet Apartments opened the door and started to unweave:- Very good afternoon. We have some apartments, of first quality, with… - ladainha interrupted, badly Bertha Cool recognized, and went to close the door, when Bertha hindered it, declaring:- A moment, please. I can arrange way to it to gain money.- It says there - the portière assented, after hesitating.

- I walk to the search of a person and, if to help me to find it, believe that my customer will know to reveal been thankful… with money, it is clearly.- Who? - it was interested woman.- The young that if it moved to the same time that Josephine Dell.- Is mentioned to it Miss Myrna Jackson? - Yes.- What wants to it?Bertha opened the stock market, extracted a card and delivered it the portière to it.- It was witness of an automobile accident and I direct an office of inquiries.- How much?- Ten dollar.- When?- As soon as it finds it.- Small Goblet, for long game!Bertha better offered it with its smile.- Not it of very the work. It only says me what he knows concerning it.-' you well, it enters.The portière lead Bertha to a térreo floor, indicated a chair to it, opened a closet contends a line of cards and seleccionou one, with names and dwellings.- It makes exactamente one month that came to live for here - explained. - The servant who makes the cleanness counted to me that they had written one another name next to the bell of the door of Miss Dell. When this appeared,

asked who age to another one and it answered that she was about a friend who if moves for its apartment. I had to remember to it that the lease contract alone if related to a guest and it soon started to barafustar with me, asking that badly it is that it had if two together people spent more the walls of the room of what one was alone. I found that it I had reason, but am not I who I make the rules of the building; it only fits me to make to fulfill them. It is a Bank that dirige this thing and, of, had said me there that it increased five dollar in the next one payment of the income and that it had to notify the renter with thirty days of antecedence. I have printed matters for this, where I write down the number of the apartment, the cost of the income and the signature of the guest. It was “bera as the rust”, but she paid the five dollars.- It said to it that it was gone even so?- In this height, not. E, later, never more the vi. I only spoke with the other.- During how much time liveed here Miss Dell?- It made five months yesterday.- It arrived to know, therefore, this such Myrna Jackson?- Yes. I saw it two times. The first one when it came here to speak concerning the increase of the income and that I said to it that they were rules of the house and that I did not direct this.- And the second time?- In the last night. Lode to give key to me and explained me to it that Miss Dell went to work with a man who always walked

to travel, for what could not keep the apartment. It has a clause in the sale and leaseback that compels who if dumb to pay to five dollar for expenditures of cleanness and Miss Jackson it declared thatit did not go to pay two dollars and way, when it had only been four weeks here and that to another one it is that was the lodger who lived here has more time. I think that the two had argued, one with the other, because of this and that Miss Dell entered with four dollar and Miss Jackson alone with one. I was with the impression of that that left them of “candeias to avessas”. Miss Jackson delivered a sobrescrito to me with the keys and the five dollars of the cleanness. One seemed me rapariga very pleasant, crossing some difficulties, therefore ambiciona to follow career artistic. I said that if it he wanted to it to be in the apartment, I would pay little five dollar, therefore one alone renter would be.- And it was?- It did not want - the portière answered , laughing. - It imagines that it had the “can” to say me that nothing it had against me, personally, but that I could say to the Bank that dirige this that I would not be here, nor that it was the only apartment of the world. I judge that it made the luggages and it broke this afternoon. Later it came back, at night, to make right the accounts with Miss Dell. To this, never more the vi…- And Miss Jackson left some indication to it of the place for where went?- It has in this ten dollar for me? - it wanted to certify itself portière.- Yes.

- When I to give the dwelling?- Not. When I to find Miss Jackson.- How can have I it certainty of that Mrs. comes back here to say me that she found it?- I do not know - Bertha answered.- Well, I risk. It is in the Maplehurst Building, the Grand Avenue. Miss Jackson is, in truth, one rapariga charming. It said that the rules of the building were unjust, but that I did not have guilt of this. Agora Miss Dell was different. Embirrava with me. If one day to need that I give to information its respect, to rent one another apartment, them that they come here to speak with me, that they go well prepared.- Has some thing against it?- Nothing of special, but, first, it was that question because of the increase of the income and, later, I do not know if it knows that it worked for a much more old man of what it…. of that it… Sabe who age, a type half Coxinho, of cane? - Yes, I believe that yes.- Then, it came one or two here times. I do not have nothing of special against it not being to have “refilado” with me for to fulfill the orders of the Bank. But we were to speak of the Maplehurst… The Miss does not say Jackson that I was who I gave the direcção to it, therefore it asked for to me that she did not say to nobody it stops where if it moved… it was to who was.Impatient, Bertha Cool tried to shorten the colloquy.- As soon as he obtains to locate it, my customer orders a check to it.

- Already it can order me, because the dwelling is this.- My customer functions in another way. Me only paid results, after getting them. - Well, if it does not forget. Who never says the Miss Jackson gave the information to it.- Of this it can be rested.With the brightness of the hunter in the eyes, Bertha Cool took one autocarro for the Maplehurst apartments, in the Grand Avenue. The woman whom she looked at for the apartments was an angular, insipid ruiva, that she examined Bertha leery. It never hears to say of Myrna Jackson, in its life; it had some vacant apartments e, if this young was to live for there, inside of days, could deliver a message to it.Bertha Cool pressentiu that the woman lay to it, but as, of moment, nothing could make, postponed this inquiry for a future plan of campaign. The periodicals of the afternoon announced, in great parangonas: Blind beggar Looked by the Policy.The order of Bertha Cool, a tipógrafo, using an ink that dried quickly, printed a dozen of sobrescritos and leves for correspondence in expensive paper, with the timbre: BANK NOCTURNO SUPERSORTEIO, S. . R. L. Building Drexel, Los Angeles, California. Bertha took printed matters for the office and combined with the ascensorista that delivered it to it, personally, any correspondence that came to that address. Later, no longer its particular cabinet, it called Elsie Brand and it dictated a letter to it that would have to be, later, typewritten in the letterhead paper.Miss face Jackson

In the intention to keep living creature the interest for this Nocturno Bank, organization of cinematographic and teatrais investments, was created a deep one for artistic productions, with a prémio to choose by lot of two in two months. One becomes, however, necessary to take extraordinary precautions, in the verification of that the contemplated people if have, effectively, enrolled in one of our teatrais groupings, during last the three months. If Miss Jackson if finds in these circumstances, will have the honor of being able to offer a chance to it that, doubtlessly, it will provide great satisfaction to it. We underline, however, that being the qualification this integrally gratuitous superdrawing, without any outlay on the part of the competitors, these will not be able to inhale to any another prémio beyond that one attributed an only one contemplated, in the semimonthly extracção.With our better compliments, BANK NOCTURNO SUPERSORTEIO, S. . R. L- Now, Elsie, signs this - Bertha commanded. - It does not have distrust, therefore already I dealt with the subject of the act of receiving of the post office, with the ascensorista.- It is not to use, illegally, the Postal Services, to commit a fraud?- Lérias! When this Myrna to appear for there, I put twenty and five dollar to it in the nails, as compensation.- And it waits that it appears?- It went to swear that yes. As soon as it reads the letter, it goes to think that one is about a prémio of five hundred dollar

and that, if soon not to come to complain them, somebody will run to button itselfwith them. As I believe, it has reasons of financial debit not to desire to reveal very in evidence, for what certainly it will not go to raise the hare next to postal authorities e, when I to hunt in my front, you it will see, Elsie, as if it goes to show a pretty girl, mansinha as one cordeirinho. Elsie Brand typewrote the letter, caught in a penxs of permanent ink and signed, commenting:- Here it is… to its order e responsibility.- Exactamente - Bertha confirmed, with badly dissimulated reluctance. - To my responsibility. XXIV The sergeant Sellers sat down comfortably in the particular cabinet of Bertha Cool and looked it with a cold skepticism that it felt difficulty in facing.- Sabe where stops this blind person, Rodney Kosling? It for asking started.- I do not make idea.- She is its customer?- It was. As already it said to it, I made a work for it.- Satisfactorily?- I wait that yes.- In this in case that, if it intended another work any, would have come back to look it?- I judge that yes.- The circumstance you to be to work for a blind person becomes a peculiar problem. It does not know exactamente is gone or not to become to deal with it.

- What wants to say with this?- Generally, a man who is looked by the Policy and whose name comes in the heading of all periodicals and that, exactly thus, does not appear, would be to wait that he came back to look it to request its aid. However, with a blind person the case is different because, not being able to read periodicals and ignoring what she is transferred, Mrs. does not have, for already, possibility of contactar with it, as its customer, nor it reason to look it.- Probably it is what it is to occur - commented Bertha, with exaggerated unconcern, but repenting itself in the same instant where the words left to it the mouth.Sellers, smiling, gave to understand that that commentary pleases to it.- I think that it has a probability in twenty… - ... of it to know that it had to contactar with me?- Not. Of it to know that not it would have, of form some, to contactar I obtain.- I do not see where wants to arrive.- It tries then to follow my reasoning. We eliminate almost all the blind ambulant salesmen who we investigated and that they walk for the streets with its gadgets or touching viola, the one that of remaining portion, I do not know if it knows, is a great one business. We hunted almost all, excepto a dozen of them that they have assisted the Policy, of time in when, as informative. This people have defined places, in the city, where she is allowed to it to work. When they die, we do not authorize that others substitute them and thus we have

obtained to clean the city, or, at least, we have attemped to make it.- And later?- I do not believe that this blind person obtains to arrange now a small farm where it can be installed with its business.- I do not make the lesser idea. I never thought about this.- They have a small club, a species of cooperative - Sellers continued, tranquilamente. - They use a lease car that goes to search them it house, of morning, to distribute them for the workstations, and it comes back, at night, to collect them, taking them regularly for house of the woman of the driver who supplies a beautiful hot supper to them. In this regular routine, they eat, they pay and the driver becomes repô them in the respective houses.- It must be this. If it had thought about the case, also would have fond of the conclusion of that they must have an organization of this género, in such a way more than cannot guide an car and that them it is difficult to use the public transports and to stop necessarily in place of the custom. But, who deals with to them the houses where lives?- The woman of the driver. Vai the house of each one of them to make the cleanness, a time per week. In the other days proper they go themselves there arranging as they can and Mrs., Mrs. Cool, would be frightened if it knew as if they are enough itself proper.- Who is this driver?- A called type Thinwell, John. Thinwell. It and the woman have excellent references. They are good people and they are

behaved correctamente. They had counted an interesting history very.- Which?- That these blind people they do not work to the sundays. They are congregated in house of the Thinwells, sit down to talk and to hear it music in the radio and for return of the seven hours they have supper, after what the driver becomes to take them it the respective houses. However, in the last sunday, about the half day, Thinwell it received a phone call from Kosling that seemed excited very and spoke quickly informing it of that it would not be in house, in this day, and that would not go to the club. Therefore, Thinwell was not to search it as of custom. However, as it had to pass for there, to collect a neighbor, stopped in the place, for return of the three hours of the afternoon and noticed that effectively everything was desert and that the door is open one centimeters it bat to be able to leave and to enter, as apetecesse to it. - Thinwell did not observe there for inside? - Bertha inquired.- It says that only he arrived himself at the door, because he found any thing strange that attracted it the attention. It turns the bat Kosling to esvoaçar next to frincha of the door and heard to continue it to fly inside there. However, the bats alone fly during the day will have disturbed themselves in its diurne sleep. Therefore question: because it would walk the bat of Kosling to fly, to three of the afternoon?- It are bothered - Bertha concluded, shrinking the shoulders, before the easiness of the question.

- Exactamente - it confirmed Sellers. - And who would have bothered it?- I calculate, but it says there.- It must have been the person who was to mount the trap with the rifle. However, this take-in to another interesting conclusion.- Which?- I think that the trap was mounted by the proper blind person.- What it takes to admit it this?- For the form as it outside placed. The thing was so visible as an elephant, exactly in a small farm where it could be topada by any person who entered. Later, when pointing the rifle, who made it did not act as somebody that it had seen. It extended a wire of the trigger to the tripod and this, throughout the pipe, directamente tothat it was extended perpendicularly, to who came to go to strike in it. Nobody, with sight, would make a thing so badly disfarçada. - Sellers made one fast pause, it put an extinguished cigar in the mouth and continued: - Usually, when somebody it is assassinated, we make an inquiry next to the people with who is related e, in ninety for one hundred of the cases, when the reason of the crime was not robbery, the assassin it is somebody with who the victim had soul contact. However, ninety percent of the relations Kosling was blind. It happens that all its friends if they found, to the three and forty and five, in house of Thinwell and do not remain doubt that the trap is mounted before of the three, seen the bat to walk to fly by this time.

- The blinds and windows were closed? - one was interested Bertha.- Yes. He seems that the blind person has the craze to have everything always closed.- How it knows this? - Thinwell Said me that was some times there.- And Kosling telephones the Thinwell before the three?- Yes.- It It would have made of a public cabin.- Yes.- How devil marked the number?- It is easy. Mrs. does not imagine as the blind people are sensitive. Badly they know the number, are capable to dial it so fast as Mrs. Of remaining portion, not knowing the number, gives the dwelling to the employee of the telephones and it linking makes it to them. - The sergeant Sellers made new pause and perscrutou the look of Bertha cold. Later it continued, calmly: - We have two theories to consider: one of them, according to which this Jerry Bollman wanted to speak with Kosling, or wanted to take off any thing to it of house, and was until there, found the door, left open because of the bat, and started to explore the interior…- And to another theory?- To another one take-in admitting that Kosling if found with Bollman and this it took it to lunch. Later house lead it it, taking it probably for the arm and, fond the house, Bollman the front passed it to it, to open it to it door and “bang”!- It seems me a very reasonable deduction - Bertha assented.

- Also me I incline it stops it, admitting that Bollman intended any information of Kosling, concerning one determined subject. It makes you some idea concerning the nature of this subject?Bertha hesitated and was been silent.- Something that was related with the mission that Kosling trusts to it, Mrs. Cool - Sellers hurried itself to add, as she pressentisse herself that Bertha is almost to bite isca. - Any thing related with a woman.- What género of woman? - Bertha inquired hastily.- There it is that Mrs. leaves me in the darkness. It could be a woman who would be interested in it, in a loving aspect, unless coraçãozinho were about one generous and pure.- He goes for the pure one - Bertha advised. - The other is nonsense.Sellers careta of incredulity made one e Bertha inquired:- And later?- Later we come back to the theory of that Kosling was in the ownership of an information that Bollman desired to get.Elsie Brand half-opened the door of the cabinet, threaded the head e it interrupted:- It wants to take care of a call, Mrs. Cool?- He forgives me for a moment - the Sellers asked for to Bertha, after having apprehended one fast signal in the look of Elsie. It caught in the telephone and it listened.An employee of the services central offices announced:- It is in the line a call of Are Bernardino and intends that she is paid in the reception.

- The reply it is simple - Bertha answered, much shortness e gentile: - here they are not pleased called that they come of it are.It went disconnect when Elsie, who was in the line, intervined:- I had the impression of that it was Mr. Kosling that it desired to speak to it, Mrs. Cool.Bertha looked at quickly for Sellers, being afraid that it had heard the acknowledgment of Elsie and, as the sergeant did not evidence any diffidence or interest, assented:- It binds there. In these circumstances, it is different.It heard a “click immediately” and the peculiar and inconfundível voice of the blind person, certifing itself:- It is Mrs. Cool?- Yes.- Not it allows that they know where I am, nor mentions names to the telephone, is to perceive?- Yes.- I had knowledge of that the Policy walks to my search.- Yes.- He is bad?- I believe that yes.- It is capable to come to have with me, without nobody gives therefore?- Vai to be very difficult.- It is very important.- Where?- Sequoia Hotel, in Is Bernardino.- Name?

- I do not know. I cannot read and I cannot see the register. I must to be registado in my proper name. - This is bad - Bertha said.- But I can give the number to it of the room.- Which?- Four hundred and twenty.- This is enough to me. It waits, until having notice mine.- It is well, I wait here. Bertha disconnect.- He seems to walk atarefada very - Sellers commented.- The devil is that it walks! - Bertha muttered, sorrowly. - When the people telephone me asking for to me that I pay the call, it is signal to that if he deals with a business with that the types of the contributions do not arrive to spend ink.- Generally it is thus - it agreed Sellers, smiling. - Well, the question is the following one: we have reasons to believe that Jerry Bollman it was with Rodney Kosling, yesterday at night. It can help in this subject?- Nothing I can make to this respect. I have the tied hands.- It wants to say that it does not have any information stops in giving them or that one meets disabled, for a question of professional ethics, trair the confidences of a customer?Bertha hesitated for a moment and answered:- I believe that I satisfied all its questions and I gave to all the possible information to it… that it had, at the moment where bad it requested.

The sergeant acquiesced, but it did not sketch the lesser movement to leave. It was left to be seated to look at for it, calmly.- Bollman guided automobile? - Bertha, suddenly interested inquired.- Yes. The car stopped more ahead two blocks of the house of Kosling. Only demons with it in the following morning. It is registado on behalf of it.- It assumes then that Bollman lead Kosling the house. It assumes that its theory is certain and that Bollman received the shot that is destined to reach Kosling. What would have happened to this? For where could go a blind person?- Back in the Department it has who thinks that perhaps Mrs. has hidden it in any side. - They think that I was I? - Bertha exclamou, skeptic.- They think, yes.- “They are chalados”! It says this to them of my part.- It is well, I say. But, here for we, it did not take it for any side, Mrs. Cool?- Not.- And that incursion, of taxi, the house of Kosling, was not gone its second, there, in this exactly day?- In way none!- Kosling was its customer. It would not leave to ask for aid to it if it was in apuros. It will not be to try you to protect it?- It has You much joke!- There, I have?- Well, it does not have, but it is to try to have.

- By chance, when you it was the house of the blind person, would not go to a meeting with both, that is, with Kosling and Bollman? E would not have found the first one frightened by the other to have been reached for a shot of the armadilhada rifle? E would not have advised the blind person to run away, for the backs, and to hide itself in one place that it it indicated?- Oh, skies! Not.Sellers poisou the hands espalmadas in the arms of the armchair, rose itself with rapidity and looking Bertha Cool, of sobrolho pleated, she threatened:- It pass for the head not to walk to hide criminal looked for for the Policy, or exactly only witnesses of a crime. I now go to start to put the things the clean e, if in varredela to find itself, Mrs. Cool, between the broom and the solution of this in case that, it does not wait that I it shows to me very sociable.- I never wait it.- We were understood?- Perfectly.Sellers left and Bertha was behind it. The door folloied it it and alone it closed it, when it saw it to enter in the elevator. Then one turned over it stops backwards and it commanded the Elsie Brand:- Telephone for the garage where I keep my car. Fast, Elsie.Elsie quickly twirled the fingers in the record of the telephone and announced:- Here it has it, Mrs. Cool.Bertha caught in the telephone and informed:

- Daqui says Mrs. Cool. It is an emergency case. They have one there youngster, of service, that can come to deliver the car to me?- Yes, Mrs. Cool, but reason? The half block of the office is alone.- Therefore it is, but I do not want to receive the car here to the door. ,- I am to perceive. - I go to go down the street, until the a Seventh Street, and there I will take one autocarro of the line West. I exactly leave the office in this instant. I want that its employee me apanhe in the street, following slowly, throughout the Seventh Street. It will find me, more or less, between the Grand Avenue and the Figueiroa Street. As soon as to come me, it will stop the time of I to only jump for the behind bank and will continue more for two or three blocks. Then it will pass me the projection and it will come back toward the garage of autocarro. It understood?- Yes, Mrs. Cool.- Género of service Is this that I appreciate - Bertha praised. - I leave already.- The car will leave daqui, inside of three minutes.- Light five. I want to certify me of that the field is free and does not have failures in meeting.Bertha disconnect, grasped in the hat, threaded it in the head and commanded the Elsie Brand:- The office to the five hours in point Closes. If somebody to ask to it where I find me, it answers to it that it does not know, that assumes that I was to speak with a witness.

It did not wait that Elsie said any thing and ran for the ascensor. Hastily, it soled the street until the a stopping of autocarro of the line West, entered in the first one that it passed and it was dismounted enters the Grand Avenue and the Figueiroa Street. Pparently nobody looked at for it, senão of glance, and it did not see cars suspicious nor passer-bys interested in its movements. It waited two minutes making sure itself of that she was not followed nor watched, until its car saw the youngster of the garage leading, slowly, in the way it traffic. It made a signal to it, it threaded for the back door, badly it it opens it, of inside, and it indicated to it:- It follows in front.The start of the car to fer to loose balance itself it in I lean it. It was straightened and soon to follow it informed:- I want that it comes back to the right, in the Figueiroa. It comes back to the left, in the Wilshire, follows in front during four or five blocks, it comes back again to the left and it stops the half one of the block.While the employee fulfilled its instructions, Bertha took off a mirror of the stock market and started to arrange the face. Through the glass of the rear it watched, by means of the mirror, all the cars that followed it, until if assuring of that nobody was worried about it. When the youngster capsized the left, in the Wilshire, Bertha ordered it to stop, left the car and said:- Very well! Now volume counts of it. You go until the a Seventh Street and apanha one autocarro. It has a same stopping to the esquina.

Bertha extended ten centimes to it but, seeing the expression with that it looked it, joined twenty to them and five more. - Obliged, Mrs. Cool.The reply of Bertha it seemed a suffocated roar. It sat down the projection, pulled skirts for top, until feeling the knees free, adjusted the retrovisor mirror and waited, intently, five minutes. Then, it described a return in U and it returned to the Wilshire; it capsized the right, for the Figueiroa, later the left a, drew one eight, in return of two blocks and, finally, it was directed the Union Station. It arranged the automobile, it entered in the station, it looked at perscrutadoramente in return, and it came back stops backwards. Retaking the car, it went down the Macy Street. Already the way of Is Bernardino, Bertha Cool was morally certain of whom nobody follows it. It arrived the Pomona, at the moment where the store started to close, and made one brief stopping, to only buy a cheap luggage, but avantajada, a dress of skirt and coat that a high and lean woman would serve, light a long fabric coat and reasonable price and a hat of wide borders, old-fashioned. It joined this new luggage to that it brought in the door-luggage and it left. When it arrived Are Bernardino, had the care to certify itself of that she was not followed, before arranging the car in front of the hotel. It touched the horn to call the attention the baggage compartment, it delivered the luggages to it, in the balcony of the reception, was registou as being B. Cool, of Los Angeles. It asked for one interior, more economic room, and had given the 214 to it. It studied its localization and it objectou not to like it, for what it finished for choosing the 381. It explained then that it would have to

make a phone call to confirm if would have to be or not in the city, for what desired, however, kept to it in would carry the used luggage already, until knowing if it would make it to go up or if it would come to search it. It declared to desire to pay, in any way, one day in advance. It delivered money, with visible sacrifice, kept, carefully, the receipt and assented that the packet boat carried the new luggage. The youngster played its role magnificently, opening the windows, lighting the lights, running curtains and verifying if he had clean towels in the toalheiros. Bertha left itself to be next to the bed, observing the activities of the diligent packet boat and, when this finished espectáculo, acercando itself of it with a smile of evident intention, she did not have another remedy senão to extract of the stock market a currency of ten centimes and espetá-lá in the hand of the youngster. As the smile of this if kept so extended as the hand, Bertha, after a hesitation moment, joined five centimes more to it. Understanding that of that customer it would not take more nothing, the packet boat inquired:- It desires plus some thing?- Nothing. I go to take a bath and to rest a piece. Please it gives back in low message of that I do not want to be bothered of form some, not even to receive phone calls. Hanging of the exterior side of the door the signboard “Not to bother”, it erased the lights, it left for the corridor, it closed the door to the key and, loading with the luggage recently acquired, it looked the stairs and it went up them until the o room to walk, immediate, where it looked room 420.

Also an identical signboard was hung there “ Not to bother”. Bertha beat lightly.- Who is? - it heard voice of Kosling to ask.- Mrs. Cool.It heard tactear of the cane, the sliding sound the security latchs and came across it a older and abated Kosling, cut in the opening of the door.- It wants to enter.Bertha penetrated in retires it, where pairava smells it of occupation human being. The blind person closed the door and it he exclamou: - My God! It is stifled here inside! You have all the closed windows and curtains.- I know Well. It had fear of that somebody saw me.Bertha directed itself for the windows, ran the curtains, raised the estores and opened the glasswares. - Nobody can see it. This room is interior.- He forgives - the man in a patient voice said. - It is the inconvenience of being blind. We never can know if it will not have one another window, in front of ours, exactly being one interior room. - Tem reason - it agreed Bertha. - How it obtained to know what it was transferred?- It was to hear music, in the radio, when they had started to give the reporter. It was then that it knew what occurs. - And what it made?- I telephoned to it.- And it was all this time here, until deciding to telephone me?- Yes.

- Reason?- Because Bollman to thus advised me.- Bollman! - Bertha admired itself. - Very, it counts everything well to me what it happened.- I do not have nothing to count. You it is that it must inform me of what is transferred.- First everything Says me how much it knows.- Well, I have a driver, that is, I am not alone but we are several to use its services… - I know of this - Bertha cut. - It starts for telling as it was that it contactou with Bollman.- The first time that she came to have with me, not wise person who it was. He lay down five dollar in can, one after another one and…- Also I know of this. It counts the remaining portion.- As it is natural, I was to remember to me of it for the sound of its steps and for the peculiar odor of its tobacco, sufficiently ackward.- It is well, remembered it. E later, when they had become to meet?- Yesterday.- When?- For return of the noon. - What happened? - Lode my house, for return of the noon and said me: “You do not know who I you are, but desire to make some questions to it. If to answer correctamente, can make a good business.” It thought that I wise person who it was not and I did not want to give to it to understand it that recognizes it as being the

person who lies down the five dollars to me in the can. If somebody does not desire to be identified, always makes the will to it. Therefore I limited myself to smile it and I asked to it:- Very well, that it desires?Then it spoke to me of itself and inquired if I had contracted it to make an inquiry. Of course I did not widen myself very and I revealed vacant in the answers. Not taste of saying in my private subjects the strange people and I only knew it for having lying the money of that only time. I answered to it that it was wanted to know of what was treated, would be enough to it to set in contact I obtain.- And later?- It said me that the young that orders a gift to me desired to speak with me but that, unhappyly, could not be dislocated until me, for what much would appreciate if I could go until where it met. It said me that we could lunch together and that later, it would take me to meeting of it e, finally, would lead me the house.- Ahead, ahead.- Perhaps Mrs. does not imagine as the routine life is annoying that we lead. It is a special type of solitude. We live in a great city, we hear the multitude to pass for us and know some people for its steps and voices, almost as if we could see them, but, to change some words, are not to talk. When in they say them, are limited to change connosco some expressions to it of affection. The times until we preferred that they did not speak.

Bertha assented with a head gesture , but remembering that Kosling could not see it, she murmured:- I understand. It continues to tell the facts to me, so in detail how much it will be able.- As it is natural, I used to advantage this chance to break the routine and to enjoy a little of company human being. Bertha, moving brusquely of subject, commented:- You it brought a date of “mass” when it came to my office. This activity the one that if dedicates is lucrative? Kosling smiled.- It happens that the beggary it allows to accumulate some profits. We have not written contabilística and we are free of any species of commercial incubencies, nor pay taxes. To the end of some time we can reach our independence.- In this in case that, why reason continues to go to sit down in its banquinho, to beg, if already it does not have true necessity of this?- Simply for a company necessity, to be able to feel being me part of the things that encircle me. I started to ask for when it did not have another alternative. Possuía any education or special instruction and could not conquer friends between the people whom it would like to coexist.- Kosling Forgives, but it costs to believe me to it that all its money comes from beggary. It had plus some thing?- Well, yes. But this is a long history.- It Makes shorter.- A man Had that he revealed sufficiently generous with me, alleging that I gave luck to it. Certain day gave some shares to me of a company of oil of Texas. It was limited to

thread one certifyd of these shares in my can. I could not read. I accepted its word as true and pu them of part. To speak sincerely, to the end of some time, I forgot them, until one day, another man came to have with me declaring that it walks to my search, but that I do not answer to its letters. To shorten, it seems that they had found oil, rivers of it, in lands the one that my certificate of shares if related. The man made me offers and I not vendi. I preferred to keep them. This started to give certain interests to me, every year, and as I cannot sign checks nor to manipulate a banking account, I always bring the money with me. Taste of sentiz it here. When if it is not physically normal, the fact to feel a avultada money addition connosco of - in the biggest security. A note coil of the great ones fortifies the moral.- I am to see, but let us speak of Bollman. - We were to lunch much early. We talked a little and it informed me of that rapariga that it desired to speak with me it was it are of the city. It had combinedto take me to see it it, for return of the two hours. I did not have any reason to distrust of it, sat down in the car and left myself to lead.- They had spoken concerning what!?- Things several, philosophy, politics… a little of everything.- And of the automobile accident?- The case Was mentioned.- Concerning the work that I make for itself?- In a general way. In this height it already gains my confidence.

- And how much to the gifts that you received from the Josephine?- Also I spoke to it in them.- And later?- It brought me for here. Nor at least wise person where city found me. It said me that he needed to make some phone calls and he asked for to me that waited in the car. Thus I made. It came back, revealing very disappointed and explaining that only at night, sufficiently late, or in the following day, it could find me with Miss Dell. Any thing happens and it it lamented immense what it was to occur with me. We would still have supper time and Bollman brought me for this room. We eat any thing and it it was said farewell, justifying to have some things to make, for what it would come to search me of morning. I have a clock for which I can know the hours. I take off it to it lens and I verify the position of the hands with the fingers. It is the only way that allows me to evaluate the time, when I am isolated. E I have to take certain attention not to confuse, for example, the eleven hours of the morning with the ones of the night. I slept until the nine; then I woke up, I arose myself and I waited; later I took a bath, I dressed me and I became to wait. This room was me strange, for what I had to explore it. I fixed the place of all the objectos and had a thing that it annoyed me. I did not obtain to know if the lights of the tecto one were lighted or extinguished. It did not remember me if Bollman lights them, when we had entered, still with light of the day to evaluate for the hour. However a man abominates to be to give espectáculo e, as wise person if did not have one fronteiro room to mine, for whose

window they could observe me, closed the blinds e I ran the curtains. When I found that already it was late, I caught in the telephone and I asked for that they bound me to the room of Bollman. They had answered me that he was not nobody registado in the hotel with that name. This annoyed me. Some had not eaten thing, but I hesitated in ordering the small-lunch, that, of remaining portion, is meal that never volume. I bound the radio, I set to hear music and I believe that adormeci to it. When I woke up I was worried about the absence of Bollman. Suddenly the musical program gave place to the reporter and was then that it knew of what happens to it. How much me, wise person who not to make. - And it decided to telephone me?- Only after passed about two hours. It felt me completely lost, abandoned.- It never left this room?- Not, nor I ordered to come food. I limited myself to place it there it are to be bothered signboard and I did not verify that the letters, slightly in relief, were turned for the exterior. The Radio announced that the Policy walked to my search and…- Now we go to this subject. Why reason you do not want that the Policy finds it?- I do not import myself that they discover me, but only after Mrs., Mrs. Cool, to have inquired what it really happened. According to story of the Radio, the trap ispostada in my house, the intention to kill me, me.- It seems that it was mounted by a blind person.- How it knows this?

- For the way as it was seted. The sergeant Sellers informed me about of conclusions of Policy. They are almost certain of that the author of the device was a blind person that killed Bollman.- I cannot believe that this is possible. None of my associates would be capable of a thing of these.- And how much to one another person any?- Not. My associates know my house as well as the others that go to the club and that they are not blind. One of them does not have the two legs and an arm. Blind people we are alone seven. - This leaves six of is. They really are made familiar with its house?- Yes, all have been and know “Freddie there”.- Who devil is “Freddie”?- It is my domesticated bat.- Ah! Already I perceive. They fear has it much time?- Time Has sufficiently already. It is for cause of “Freddie” that I leave the half-opened door.- The sergeant Sellers thinks that the trap was mounted by a blind person. This leave-in the ones before six suspected, is not thus?- I assume that yes.- Because its house would have Bollman IDO?- I cannot make the lesser idea. It must have IDO there, badly left me here, in the hotel.- Exactamente! - it approved Bertha, interested. This explains that it planeara everything with antecedence.- With that antecedence?

- I do not know, but certainly before having brought it for here. Arquitectara already the thing in Los Angeles.- Reason?- I only foresee a reason. It was any thing that you said to it, in Los Angeles, that took it to consider important to go its house. Therefore it brought it for far. They remain only two objectos that cause me queerness.- Which are?- The flowers and box-of-music.- Oh! I wait that nothing it has happened to box-of-music.- It must not have happened nothing to it. It says me a thing, Kosling: spoke the Bollman concerning its domesticated bat?- I do not remember.- The “Freddie” always lives there in house?- Yes. Me It is very become attached. When I enter, comes to esvoaçar next to my face and poisa me in the neck. Taste very of bats, since I cannot have a dog or a cat.- Because not?- Because they cannot be enough itself to it proper and I cannot deal with them. They give work very, if really we like animals. We must not have them always closed and we have the problem of its feeding. Later, if if it deals with a dog we are obliged to give some exercise to it and, with the danger it transit, we cannot free it, what in the force to walk sufficiently. With one cat has the problem of leaving to leave and… it knows as it is… with a bat it does not have any difficulties. They are self-sufficient. It has one bosquezinho, in the backs, and “Freddie” lived there. Later it started to enter me of house inside and to hunt me the flyers that

poisavam in the walls, I believe I. Little and little it was become accustomed my presence and was come close to me without distrust. One day I obtained to acariciar it e, good… it was domesticated, being to live inside there, that more it is sheltered from what the trees. I leave it freely to it open door of form that can go auto-to supply and to live itself to its way. Return always…Bertha moved of subject, abruptly, and inquired:- You said the Bollman that I obtain to locate Josephine Dell its order?- Yes. - And it said to it that already it had the dwelling of it? - I believe that yes. - And it is certain of that also it said to it to have received box-of-music and the branch from flowers?- Yes.- And it finds that this caused it a special interest… a certain excitement in the voice?- I do not know. It swims I noticed to it in the voice and, as it knows, it could not see it to it expression of the face. - But certainly that it had any thing that it worried it. It brought it for here and it was its house to search any thing, or to make any thing. It was then that it stumbled in the trap that somebody it mounts against itself. - This is what I do not obtain to understand.Bertha looked at for the tecto one and muttered:- Rays break this situation of the devils!- The one that if it relates?

- All the this exasperante business. You must be in the ownership of the information that lacks to me.- Which is it?- I do not know e the devil is you also not to know. It is any thing that does not occur to it now, but must have mentioned the Bollman…- On that subject, more or less?- Perhaps on the automobile accident .- I judge already to have it counted everything to this respect.- However it is there. You it judges that it counted everything to me what the Bollman said, but the truth is that it was any thing for counting, any thing that valley one dates of moneyfor one it dates of people.- And now, that we go to make? Pormo-in the ones in contact with the Policy and to count to them history to it of the principle to the end? - And to leave the Policy to escarrapachar everything in periodicals? Nor for a few seconds! - alarmed Bertha opposed.- Because not?- Because I am in the track of a business that goes me to relieve cinquenta percent of, at least, five a thousand dollar… E if you think that I go to shoot for the window it are two a thousand and five hundred dollar, you are maluquinho of all.- What I do not see is that relation has this with me?- I know Well that it does not see! Boat” of the thing is the part “! Vai to be seated here with me, to speak… To only chat, trying to reconstitute all colloquy that it had with Bollman… However it starts there.

- But, Mrs. Cool, I have of to eat any thing… I want to go me daqui even so for it are and I cannot…- Which cannot! It can, yes Sir! - animosa Bertha cut. - My room Comes until the o. I arranged a woman suit with whom it will be able to be disfarçar. Vai to leave daqui as if was my mother. It suffered a fast attack and it will walk slowly, supported in my arm. It will not need the cane that will go in the luggage.- It finds that I will be capable to leave me well?- We go to try.- It would not be better that all knew… that is, that I could prove that stows here…- To prove as?- In the case of the Policy to accuse to me to have dead Bollman, it could demonstrate that it stows in this hotel, while they had assassinated it.Bertha joined the lips, a deaf person emitted whistles of disapproval and exclamou:- Monkeys bite me! Nor to think! …- Because not?- This its alibi it does not have tip for where if it catches to it.- Because not? It would be me absolutely impossible to have left daqui to guide an car, to go the Los Angeles, to kill Bollman and to return to the hotel.- Not, but the trap that “cleaned” Bollman is ece of fish with antecedence there and, remaining portion, it would not need to guide an car. Any another person could have lead it.

- But if who was Bollman brought me until here and if it left alone, who more it could lead me it Los Angeles?- It is in that I have been to think and until me chill, when I imagine who sergeant Sellers will accuse to have been its abetter.- Who?- I! - it unmasked Bertha, with the desperation in the eyes. - I gave mine name in the register of the hotel.XXVBertha Cool moved away itself from the chair for where she makes to go up Kosling and she recommended:- Now it makes for keeping the balance. - E Became to come close itself, after a fast evaluation, asked for: - Now it puts here its hand. This not, to another one. This exactly, is held, for moments, to the candelabrum. Agora aguente thus one only instant. It obtains to remain itself, a bit, in this position?Gentily it removed the hands of ancas of the blind person. This tranquilizou it:- It is rested that I do not fall.Bertha became to observe the effect of its workmanship, reconsidered how much to the effort that Kosling was obliged to make to support itself in that position and decided:- I cannot force it to continue it with the extended arm in this way. It waits one second. I go to search any thing where to support itself.It dragged a chair of high coasts, stops next to that served of pedestal the blind person and said to it: - Its hand Gives here. It is held espaldar of this “calmeirona”. It is firm? Now it leaves to lower me this case.

It took off some pins of a folded paper, it held them it enters the lips for the heads and started to place them in redor of the skirt that Kosling proved. When it finished the return, gave some steps to the rear to appreciate the improvised case, rente to the feet.- He seems me perfect. Now it goes down from there.It helped it to step on it of new the carpet, almost threaded the coat to it of “tailleur”, closed until above, passed a handkerchief to it in return of the neck to cover the shirt and seated it in the edge of the bed.- It does not find that it would be more convenient, for me, to contactar with the Policy? - Kosling insisted, apreensivo. - When I heard that notice in the Radio, I was really without knowing that to make, but now, the more I think about the case, I feel that it would be perhaps preferable…Denouncing certain exasperação in the voice, Bertha retorquiu:- Oiça me with attention, a time for all: you are in the ownership of an information that valley exactamente five a thousand dollar and of these five a thousand dollar, I go to pull out two a thousand and five hundred for me. Any thing that the Bollman said gave to it “leaves it”. It was its house and fell in the trap that somebody prepared to kill it it itself. I am injured by discovering that ray is that Bollman heard to say to it, to set in field and to go to the meeting of a death that it was not destined. On the other hand, if the Policy lies down the nails to it, puts it in a bag of where it very goes to it to be difficult to leave. E cos devils, for me, twenty and five a

thousand “packages” are twenty and five a thousand “packages”. It perceived?- But I do not make the lesser idea of that information was this!- Also I not - Bertha admitted, - but you it is a mine of oiro ambulant e, rays break me, if I do not go to walk glue itself, as siameses brothers, until obtaining to put the thing the clean one. It is to perceive?- I am to perceive, yes, but…- Then, it is everything how much you have to perceive. Now we go to leave daqui, while the tide is high and we do not run risk to run aground. You she is my mother; it had a fast attack and we go to give a small stroll. It is supported in me, caladinho e exactly that somebody the word directs it, its only contribution in the colloquy goes to limit it a candy smile. It fixes? We go to this.Bertha still gave retouchings in the set, threaded the arm of Kosling in its and recommended:- I want that it follows my side, tranquilamente. It does not give the illusion that I am to guide it. It is supported only in my arm, as a weak person of the legs. It understood?- I believe that yes. In this way? - Kosling tried.- Not. It seems that a skewer engoliu . One inclines bocadinho on my shoulder. However it is there! Very well! Now we go.Bertha guided Kosling through the door and closed it it the key.- As my room it is in the floor of low - it informed -, we will have to go down one launches of stairs. It is capable to make it?

- Certainly.- Therefore, therefore, but well-taken care of with the skirt. I went down the case and is only insurance with pins. Although it almost drags in the soil, it is necessary that it gives short steps very, therefore I do not want that they see the shoes to it. Attention to the steps.They had reached without newness the third floor. There Bertha composed the hat that threads in the head of Kosling, took it throughout the corridor and, when, by chance, the ascensor stopped in this floor, before that it had touched the bell, advised with affection:- Well-taken care of, mother, does not stumble… - and turning over for ascensorista, it requested: - It goes down to devagar, please. The youngster laughed itself:- Oh, “madama”, this thing alone has a speed, as lesma.They had arrived at the forecourt and the recepcionista solicitamente greeted the “mother” of Bertha, who, for instinct, smiled. The ascensorista that accumulated the packet boat functions opened the door of the hotel, while the doorman that if found in the exterior opened the door of the car. Bertha, carefully, helped the “mother” to sit down, aconchegando it to it skirt, of form to occult the shoes to it; it gave to the amiable servers the benefit of a smile, sat down it the projection and it pulled out.- For where we go! - Kosling asked.- It stops Riverside - Bertha elucidated. - To install - emos in a hotel, in two attached rooms.

It started to become gloomy. Bertha lit the lighthouses and softened the march. Fond the Riverside, had been directed for one of the oldest hotels, where Bertha chose two rooms with house of common bath, registando itself as Mrs. L. M. Gushing and son. With extremoso affection, it threaded the “mother” in one of the rooms, covered of other people's sights and the saved one.- Now - Bertha announced, touches to speak.To the handle of one hour, when Kosling found that already it had said to everything and a injured hunger, Bertha ordered a lunch, for two, to be served in the room. One hour later, left, looked a public cabin and bound for the hotel of Is Bernardino.- Daqui says Mrs. Cool - it informed. - What I was afraid that I happened, happened. My mother suffered new attack. I will not be able, so early, to come back there. Please they keep my luggage in the collection, until I can go to search my things. Already I paid the account, advanced, and can verify that I did not make phone calls, nor extra expenditures.The recepcionista assured the Bertha who deeply lamented the nature of the reason that hindered it to return to the hotel and made its better votes so that the mother if reestablished fast completely and, affirming that it would not have that to be worried about the security of the luggage left in deposit. Bertha was thankful to it, came back toward the hotel and, during more two hours bombed Kosling with questions, trying to extort the informative detail to it, in a monotonous repetition without result. Finally the blind person disclosed exausto and irritated.

- Already wise person said everything to it how much. I do not have more nothing to tell to it and go to sleep. It never desired to have seen in my life and never to have me interested in that one rapariga. In the truth…At this moment its voice became amargurada and Kosling kept silent as if if it repented anticipatedly of what it went to pronounce.- In the truth, what? - Bertha jumped inquiridoramente.- Nothing.- It says there what it was to think.- Oh! It swims, excepto that I was disappointed with it.- With Josephine Dell?- Yes.- Reason?- For the simple reason of that never more it stopped next to me, not even to say “olá to me”.- He was to work in another place - Bertha justified. - While Harlow Milbers lived, it worked in the old building of the esquina and had to pass for itself, to gone and the coming of the office, but after the master dying, I believe that started to work in house of it, to arrange some subjects…- I continue not to perceive because it did not come to see me.- But it ordered one to it pretty gift, is not really? Up to two if to make the accounts well.- Exactamente! This box-of-music… It wise person how much this meant for me! Plus a reason to allow me that I was thankful to it personally.- Because it did not write to it?

- My calligraphy is not good and I cannot write to machine. I have difficulty in to write with a pencil and…- Then, because it did not telephone to it?- And I made it. This is that it is the question. But it did not want to lose time with me.- High there! - Bertha , excited interrupted. - There it is a thing that you had not said me. It did not want to lose time I obtain?- Yes. I telephoned to it e not it was. It took care of a woman to who I explained who age. It answered me that Miss Dell was busy at that moment, but that I could leave any message to it. It said to it that it desired to thank the gifts to it that send me and that it would be next to the telephone of where made the call, until Miss Dell to be able to communicate with me. I gave the number to it.- And later?- Well, I waited, I waited, more of one hour! E it did not telephone.- For where it was that it telephoned? For house of it?- Not, for residence of this such Milbers, for who had worked.- How devil discovered this number of telephone?- She was it who millstone gave.- When it stopped to speak to it, in street, one of the times?- Yes.- They had not had much chance to establish one soul friendship - it commented Bertha meditating.

- We spoke sufficiently, one with the other, even so only we changed brief words of each time. It was one of my better moments of joy, senão only that I had, during the day and… it wise person it. Therefore, when vi that it did not telephone me I became to bind for there, one another time. The person who took care of to me wanted to know who I age and declared me that it was busy at this moment. I remember of to have dear to make spirit and I answered to be a man who never had seen it in the life and that he never did not wait to see it. Then call-in to the telephone and it it took care of. I said to it: “Olá, Miss Dell. I am its blind friend e I come to thank to it box-of-music to it that sent me.” One revealed admired and it asked: “That box-of-music? ” I explained to it that it related to me to the box-of-music that it sends to its friend beggar and blind person. It answered me that to only he orders flowers me and that too much were atarefada, to lose time to the telephone, and disconnect. I was apreensivo to think if the accident of automobile the memory would not have afectado it and later I admitted that, for any reason, it simulated not to remember the things, to give to understand another person who was next to it that she is amnesic. Perhaps one was about a witness of the accident, to establish perhaps an agreement, or it already knew…- A moment - Bertha interrupted. - It is certain of that who was it sent it this box-of-music?- Absolutely! She was the only person to who I spoke in the subject and I related how much género of instrumentozinho appreciated this. I convinced of that probably she is afectada

with the shock of what proper if apercebia it and was then that I decided to go to its meeting.- As it sounded the voice of it to telephone? - Bertha was interested itself. - Age its speaks habitual?- Not. The voice seemed me lasts and entrecortada. Me it did not seem mentally that it was well. E its memory…- Counted to this the Bowman? - Bertha cut.- What?- This history of the phone call and box-of-music and the fact of Josephine to have lost the memory.- It leaves to see me… Yes, I believe that I counted.Bertha revealed very excited.- However you it received box-of-music later of it to have suffered the accident, is not really?- Yes, one or two days later.- And as it is that the gift arrived to it at the hands?- The carrying one Brought me.- And it said to it of that store came?- Of a antiquário where it are bought; I do not remember myself of the name. The youngster said me that he receives instructions to deliver bundle to me and that it are a girl who leaves a deposit so that it made the message…- Counted to this the Bollman? To who more spoke in this?- I counted the Thinwell, the driver who costuma to carry me.- Monkeys me they bite! - it exclamou Bertha, setting of foot, in a jump.- What happened? - Kosling inquired, feeling to it the brusque movement.

- A person Is necessary to be dull and not to see what she puts yourself inside for the eyes!- Who?- I! - Bertha confessed, indignadamente.- I am not to perceive.- The box brought a label, any indication of the house where is bought?- How it wants that it knows? I only have conscience of the nature of the things through tacto. He is stranger who asks to me if I more said somebody in this subject. Bollman made me it same question.- And you it said to it that the Thinwell counts to the fact?- Yes. I have a medical friend and Thinwell suggested that I had to look Miss Dell, personally, with this doctor so that it examined it, but that it would have first to assure me if it are effectively Miss Dell who offers me box-of-music. Thinwell it found that it must have been another one person who harm sends, but I do not see who I could be, and I more did not say nobody in the subject.- It did not have a card with a note to follow the box?- Not. The note came with the flowers. The box was delivers such and which I eat I counted to it.Bertha started to walk for the door, stopped excited, she came back she stops backwards, and she bocejou deliberately.- Well, after all of accounts you must be tired. What says to go to rest a little?- What was that it discovered in what I said that he left it so excited? - Kosling, distrustful asked.

- Nothing. For a moment, I thought that it had any thing, but… - it was interrupted it stops to become to bocejar audiblely, - it did not pass of a false alarm. It does not know how much is that it paid for the box?- Not, but I calculate that it has left to it very expensive. It is a very pretty part and it has a painting species the oil in the cover.- Somebody described to it what it was painted?- Not, but I felt it with my fingers.Bertha freed one another yawn prodigious. - Well, I go for the bed. It wants to be to sleep until afternoon?- Yes, if it could be. - Never I arise myself before nine, nine and half one - Bertha declared. - Then, until tomorrow.Kosling to the attached room lead, helped it to undress it wears it feminine, guided it through retires it and of the bath house, so that it made familiar to the place and disposal of the objectos and took off the cane of the luggage, placing it next to the bed of the blind person so that it could have it by hand. Finally, it was said farewell:- Good night and sleeps well. I also go “to ferrar” in sleep.It came back toward its room, it closed the door to the key, slid softly on the carpet, it left for the corridor and it entered in the ascensor. Minutes later, it guided the car throughout the road for Los Angeles. Only when Pomona passed for if it apercebeu, suddenly, of that it was to make exactamente what Jerry Bollman makes twenty and four hours

e before, probably, with the same intention. E, at this moment, Bollman lay in a sepulture.XXVIThe light occultation was in vigor next to the coast. When reaching the high one of a outeiro, Bertha erased the lighthouses and crawled it the light of the minimums, during about one quilómetro, the thirty to the hour. The car next to the curve of the block stopped where Kosling lived, extinguished the lights, disconnect the engine and listened. Nothing one heard, not to be the last noises of the night and singing of the crickets, the distant one coaxar of the frogs and other mysterious sounds of the Nature that never hear in the populous cities. It took off the lantern of the stock market and, with the aid of pale moonlight, it found the way until the a marries. It tried the lock and it verified that one did not confide. With certain difficulty it centered the light in the hole of the lock and noticed that it did not have key of the side of inside. The Policy must have placed an eyebolt, or simply closed the door and taken the key. Then, it was decided. It took off of the stock market a gravy of key-masters, who in its power constituía a dangerous trespass, and started to serve itself of it. When Bertha desired intensely a thing, nothing had that she made it to withdraw. To the third attempt it found the key that made available the door to it. It pushed it, it waited some instants of the side of it are, perscrutando the interior, and was made sure of that nothing it insinuated a threat. Then, it heard a sound. The torch of light of the lantern did not discover something of abnormal person, even so,

instinctively, it deviated it for the left side in intention to verify if still it was the left-hand side spot in the carpet there. It was. Arrepiada, deviated the lantern and suddenly a thing pressentiu that advanced in its direcção. It tried to detect it with the light, but the teeny fingers if had soon fixed to it in the throat. Bertha jumped stops backwards, shook the arms, in front of the face and took the hand to the neck, where already she did not find thing some. Its irrepressible shout still more frightened it. It had then conscience of that it had to recoup serenity. It heard to esvoaçar in its return and with the lantern it projectou, for a few seconds, the shade of the bat in the wall. - “Freddie”! - it exclamou. - Cursed bat.It covered all I retire it with the colored light and was certifyd of that it did not have any deadly device. Exactly thus it did not obtain to become free itself of the idea of that an invisible danger could exist . One became it now evident what it would have happened in the fatídica night: Bollman entering in the house, hasty, to take possetion themselves of box-of-music and to leave there, before somebody was apercebesse of its incursion; later, striking in the wire of the trap that sends it the fatal bullet. Bertha looked for to control itself and to prevent this precipitation error. The house well was mobilada, even so modestly. Kosling possuía six comfortable chairs of arms, upholstered, certainly to receive its friends. They were made use in return of a round table. In the wall a closet of glass doors was seen, without any book there inside e, on the table, had also not reviewed. In a shelf, next to the window, one objecto

attracted the attention alive to it. It advanced for it and soon its eager fingers had held it. With an almost microscopical concentration, Bertha analyzed box-of-music in its smaller detail. The painting of the cover is varnished, but under the varnish layer lowermost small pieces were distinguished from ink that already had fallen with the time. The wood was of very fine quality, the perfectly finished work and perceived that it are one objecto that somebody conserves affectionately, as if it are a treasure of family. In certain way, until it was to lament that it had come to stop to the ownership ofa blind beggar.With the light of the lantern to few centimeters of the box, Bertha explored it to it exterior surface, where she did not obtain to find any mark or label. Disappointed, it opened the cover and, almost instantaneously, the box started to touch the melody of the “Campânulas of the Escócia”, fulling the room with its smoothness. Exactly for underneath of the cover it found what it looked for. It are glue a teeny oval label with the indicative there: “Britten G. Stellman, Antiguidades Rare”.It became to poisar the box in its place and the cover, when closing itself, extinguished musical notes. Then Bertha turned itself, directed itself for the door, but she reconsidered, she became e behind, carefully, erased the fingerprints.Later it turned the luminous focus for the door and noticed that the blackout that involved it gave to it impression to it to that some invisible beings if approached to it, looking for

to grasp it. It became to hear to esvoaçar and it understood that the bat had to feel the company lack human being, but Bertha decided that it was not Kosling and that it had to set to walk from there for is, how much before. It ran for the door, but, there, it thought that the bat would desire to leave for the night. It kept it open for moments and it waited until starting to doubt if the animal would not prefer to be there inside. It started, then, to emit fast noises with the lips, as that to call good looking or a bird and, not getting resulted, it was exasperou:- It walks here, “Freddie”, mine palerma! Vai there for it are. I go to leave and to close the door and if you are here inside, you risk yourself to die it of headquarters. “Bich-bich”, “Freddie”!Perhaps for having it understood, or simply for hearing voice human being, the bat became to esvoaçar in return of the head of Bertha.- Vai you even so - enervada Bertha commanded, enxótando it with the hand. - You make me nerves and if you become to poisar me in the neck, I…- Exactamente, killed it - it heard voice of the sergeant Sellers to conclude. - It was not this what it would make, Mrs. Cool? It now starts to interest me, finally.Bertha jumped stops backwards as if she had been pricked for a pin, she turned over e, to the first attempt, did not obtain to discover the place where the sergeant if found hidden. Later latada saw leaned it to a small one, to sings it of the exterior entrance, with the elbows supported in the carril of iron and the chin threaded in the shell of the hands. In the

small farm where if she found, Sellers seemed lower half meter of that Bertha, as a fox watching a canary.Looking at it from above, Bertha arvorou a triumph smile, facing the confident smile of the sergeant. - She goes there - it defied. - “Desembuche”.- Assault it is one crime much serious - Sellers observed.- This is not no assault - Bertha ripostou.- Ah, not? Perhaps it has you in its power one would to the best of my knowledge and belief carry special or a new decree of the Supreme Court who modifies the old law, but, to penetrate with false key in a private property, as she made you…- It happens that it has a fast legal particle that it seems to ignore - it interrupted Bertha. - It stops that either considered assault, the entrance becomes necessary thatwith false key it had for objectivo the cometimento of any robery, great or small, or another type of disloyalty.Sellers thought a moment and freed an outburst of laughter.- Côa breca! I believe that it has reason.- I know that I have reason. It does not stow associated with optimum brain of Right of this country, during some years, for nothing. - This brings to from above an interesting question: which age its intention when penetrating in this house?Bertha thought with rapidity and explained:- It had to put the bat it are here.- Ah, yes, the bat! I admit that this deluded me.Mrs. she gave to it a name… “Freddie”, if not me deceit?

- Exactamente.- Each more interesting time! E came here to put it in the street?- Yes.- Reason?- Wise person who it would finish for dying to the headquarters, if nobody put it in freedom.The sergeant Sellers gave the return the small one latada of sings it, went up the stairs of access to the entrance and stopped the same in floor where if it found Bertha.- I do not intend to make me funny, Mrs. Cool. I limit myself to try it to be policy. I ask for to it that if it remembers of that I do not make it questions for a mere reason of trifler curiosity, but in my capacity of representative of the authority.- I know of this. It displayed the thing with a date of unnecessary words, but I perceived. If it has thing with that embirre is one “chui” polissilábico!Sellers laughed and Bertha commented:- Since that they had started to put colleges student in the Forces of the Policy, they had started to ruin it.- Then, Mrs. Cool. He was not so bad as this.- It was worse.- Well, not we go, of moment, to argue in abstracto the police Forces. I am interested in bats e, in particular, a call “Freddie”.- That it wants that says to it about of “Freddie”. Already I explained to it what it brought me here.

- It wanted to free “Freddie”. Therefore wise person who it was there inside.- I thought that it had to be.- Reason?- Kosling always left the open door so that it could enter and leave. I remembered of that the intelligent ones of the Policy had been here and concluded here that they would not leave to make the asneira to close the door, with it inside.- I am absolutely certain of that we do not close there inside. It remains me therefore to conclude that he entered after itself, Mrs. Cool. - Perhaps. - And that it it put great a scare. It cried out you and…- Sir also one would apanharia grandessíssimo scare, if a thing came of the deepenings of the night if it to grasp to throat.- And the bat made a thing to it of these?- It made.- It is very interesting. Sabe, Mrs. Cool, that is the first case that I know, where a bat is directamente involved. I believe that it is the first time where I hear to speak of a man who possesss a domesticated bat.- It is not to find odd. He is still very new.- Thanks a lot.- And as he explains - asked Bertha, - to find itself seated there to the wait that I freed the animal?- This - Sellers explained -, she was one of those strange coincidences… I have walked each time more worried about the necessity to correct our theory on what it happened in

that night. I almost incline for another one, that admits the possibility, if not it certainty, of that its friend Jerry Bollman “would have pressed” with Rodney Kosling, until it to espremer an information, so interesting that he took it to think about the urgency to come until searching any thing here that belonged to the blind person. Intime to come here with it, took it for any side and came back alone, to steal what it wanted. Obviously, it did not take nothing… e, if not some took thing, this means that still here it is. What it does not have doubt is that it stumbled at a mortal trap that abated it, as soon as it entered; a rifle armadilhada for a blind person, stops to kill another blind person.- It continues - it stirred up Bertha, sarcastically. - If it does not worry about me, therefore I have “mounts” of time.- Then - Sellers continued, - I started to think if crédulo would not have been too much. It was this afternoon in its office, when it received you a phone call interurban…- What has of notable in this? - Bertha interrupted. - It never happened to it to receive phone calls from it are of the city?- However it is there that it is - continued Sellers, with a brightness of triumph in to look at. - What it was notable was to have you refused the call, before knowing who he spoke, and having ordered it to pay, when they had said who to it made it. E more notable still if came across me the circumstance that soon to follow I apprehended. After having off the telephone, Mrs. Cool, we continued to speak of Rodney Kosling, during a good piece. However, it says you me that not wise person where it found itself, before to receive

that call, but it did not say me that ignored its paradeiro, later to have off. It even used of a peculiar form, in the construction of the phrase, when it affirmed me that “it answers to all my questions, with total veracity, at the moment where it it makes them”. It was not thus?The face of Bertha was remained inexpressivo and it it did not confirm nor it denied.- Therefore well, Mrs. Cool - it continued sergeant Sellers, - I admit that I did not even think about the fact after supper. Then it only came me to the idea an interesting possibility. It is said of ticket that it did not desire to ridicularizar me, before mine subordinate, ordering one of them for here without any result and, on the other hand, would not like to charge another person of an inquiry that lead to a good track, when the inspiration is mine. E looks at, Mrs. Cool, that if dealt with an interesting possibility: it assumes that Bollman came here to search any thing and that, however, came you to visit Kosling; it also assumes that it discovered what Bollman looked for and that who was you was with the such objecto. It will agree that it is a indeed interesting hypothesis!- I did not take nothing daqui - Bertha affirmed fixedly. - I did not take off nothing, of this house.- As it will understand, this is an affirmation that we will have forcibly to verify - affirmed Sellers. - Even so it displeases me immense to make it, I see myself in the obligation to ask for to it, Mrs. Cool, that goes up for my car and it folloies me to the squadron, where one matrona… a woman-policy, will play the functions of apalpadeira e it will revistará. If,

effectively, if to verify that Mrs. did not take off thing some, well… in this feição case all dumb one radically. But if, for the the opposite, if to prove that it took you any thing of this house, certainly it will understand that if it became culprit of assault crime. E, in the condition of a person apanhada in crime detected in the act of assault, Mrs. Cool, I will not be able to leave to command its detention. He will be withheld until in it gives a deposition to them, necessary , very clearly, very very complete, about of that that you it walks to try there to make.- Mr. cannot make me a thing of these! - Bertha, infuriated protested. - It cannot…- Word that I can - it answered Sellers, afavelmente. - And I go to make it. If Mrs. not it brought nothing I obtain when leaving this house, I assume that I cannot keep of foot an assault accusation, unless it obtains to prove that it entered in an other people's property with intention to commit one another one species of disloyalty. I wait that it has given a sight of eyes for law, before having come until here, or not?- By chance I did not give.- This is another one faceta of its behavior that we will have to verify. For the time being, I still do not know what I go to prove against itself. But I limit myself it withhold it and I think that Mrs. Cool, as student of Right, will know that any attitude or gesture its, tending to intervene or to resist the detention, of itself only constitutes crime.Bertha Cool thought about what Sellers finished to display to it, looked it in the eyes, recognized the inflexibilidade of its intentions, for detrás of the smiling mask, and yielded:

- . K., it earned!- We go to leave its arranged car where it is - Sellers decided. - I do not want that Mrs. if speaks brazenly of any objecto, in the passage between this place e the squadron and, as I heard the tilintante melody of the “Campânulas of the Escócia”, I deduced that it examines you box-of-music and the cover opens it. Objecto becomes evident that that it would have deducted from box-of-music, would be of dimensions very reduced e, therefore, very easy to conjure. Therefore, it will not take me the evil, Mrs. Cool, if I to come back there inside obtain, in order to bring petty cash-of-music for the squadron. - Soon, it apanhou me! It goes for ahead and it is given! - Bertha muttered.- Not me way muff none. It does not have any rejoicing in what legally I am forced to fulfill. One is about a simple formality. E now, as it will have to walk there for inside, to my front, I ask for to it that it makes it of hands in air, of form that I can watch them. This its lantern does not give for nothing! I am certain of that it goes to find mine much more efficient. As a projector cutting the darknesses, the luminous torch of the lantern of five stacks of Sellers shiningly illuminated the way, until the a carries of small bangaló.XXVIIMatrona escorted Bertha until the a carries of the cabinet of the sergeant Sellers and beat with we of the fingers. There of inside, filtering itself through the wood of the door, tingling heard melodioso of the “Campânulas of the Escócia”.- Between - Sellers authorizeed.

Matrona opened e, moving away itself to leave to pass Bertha, indicated:- This way, queridinha.Bertha made a pause to the entrance, she turned over, and she aimed mulheraça: both entroncadas, with arcaboiço of bulldog, had been looked at each other hostilely. Later Bertha it ripostou:- It is well, queridinha!- Found some thing? - Sellers inquired.- Nothing - the apalpadeira answered .The sergeant Sellers franziu sobrolho.- Well, Mrs. Cool. It now does not come to say that it was until there, only for the taste of the experience.- They are forgotten of “Freddie” - it remembered Bertha, continuing poisonously: - Has a cigarette? That one its friend “the tobacco mallet fanou me”.- Oh, forgives. I forgot myself to return cigarettes to it - the woman-policy lamented. - Pu them on of that one…- It does not have importance, queridinha. It is with them, my compliments.Matrona glimpsed a look of Sellers and revealed embarrassed.- It must have spoken me in them, up there, Mrs. Cool.- Not wise person who me would be necessary to make it - she retorquiu Bertha. - I thought that it was a privilege of its service, as well as is habit the policies to take off apples, when passing for trays of the frutarias.- Not necessary of more it swims, Mrs. Bell - Sellers said.

Matrona launched the Bertha a sudden look and left calmly.- He feels yourself - Sellers indicated, directing itself it Bertha.- A cigarette Wanted, is not really? Here it has one.It opened a mallet, still for encetar, and made to be outstanding a cigarette that extended the Bertha. Later it extracted of bolsinho of handkerchief, a wet cigar, cut to it filled with paste tip to it, it put it in the mouth, with effort evident not to light it of moment.-… any thing about of box-of-music - it started.- That thing?- It caught to it, it opened it, it closed it and it released it. It did not take off nothing of inside there. Appositive as it put any thing there. Sellers caught in a magnificent lens that was on of the secretary, held in the petty cash with enormous care and studied it minutely, looking to a test of that it are “planted” later any indication. As it did not see nothing of suspicious, it studied the exterior painting and it declared:- I believe that it is this - it announced, pointing with respect to the picture of a young that illustrated the cover.- What?- The picture. It will not be of a heiress of whom it walks to the search?Bertha, feeling itself remarkably better after the verbal victory that reaches on matrona, was leaned against the chair and freed an outburst of laughter.- Where it is the favour? - Sellers asked, calmly.

- I am to think about this beauty of the century dezanove. A enfarinhada face, with boquinha of strawberry, over a “voluminous nose”, strangled for a corset that would break to the first joke. E thinks you that I made that passage all, since…- It says, it says - it stirred up Sellers, when Bertha if he was silent brusquely. - It was now to interest me. All the passage since where?Bertha contracted the lips with determination.- Almost that millstone was to say - commented Sellers.Bertha had the conscience of the danger that runs.- All passage since Riverside - it completed, slowly exhaling the tobacco of the cigarette and alerting themselves closely for if not risking the new slip.Sellers looked at thoughtful for the clock that had on the secretary and murmured:- Two hours less ten. It is very late, but this can be considered an emergency case. It examined the label glue to the interior of box-of-music, consulted a telefónica list and it caught in the telephone. - An exterior line Gives to me - a number asked for and dialed.Some moments later, said softly:- Immense Moan to have to telephone it to it this hour. Daqui says to the sergeant Sellers of Command-Generality of the Policy e the reason of my phone call is the following one: I am to follow one important track, in one case of homicide. I am to speak with Britton G. Stellman? It needed that it informed me if if it remembers of a box-of-music, of old style, with a scale of metal and a cylinder… e with a landscape in an one of

the sides and picture of rapariga in the other; it touches the “Campânulas of the Escócia”… Ah, I am to see! One remembers? Very well. How it is that it calls itself? Josephine Dell, hem? - During some seconds, the sergeant Sellers was remained quiet listening to the voice that seemed a fly to buzz in the telephone. Later it made a summary of the harvested information and asked for the Mr. Stellman that it confirmed them. - There We go to see if apanhei all good. This Josephine Dell was to its store has about one month, saw box-of-music, it said to it that it would desire to buy it, but that it did not have enough money stops to take it, at this moment. Then a deposit left so that the box reserved it, during ninety days. However, in the passed Wednesday, it telephoned to it to communicate it that already it had that available amount and it sent it to it later, for telegraphic valley. It asked for to it that it ordered a carrier to deliver box-of-music to a blind person, without any another message that was not: “it is a gift of a person friend”. It was this? The sergeant Sellers became to listen what its informer said to it and asked for:- It leaves to make me to it plus a question. Remembers where this telegraphic valley is forwarded? Of Redlands, they hem? But it does not know the dwelling of Redlands? Ah, it lives in Los Angeles and thinks that she passed accidentally for Redlands. It does not know if it keeps any peculiar relation with this blind person, if he is relative…? It did not speak in this? It only saw a time to it, when it paid the deposit! It did not say to it where worked? I am to see. Well, very obliged. I assure to it that its contribution was precious. Yes…

sergeant Sellers, of the “Homicides”. The next one time that to pass for I will go there to be thankful to it personally. However, if to happen some thing related with this venda, would be to it grateful if it telephoned me. A time more, debtor… Good bye.Sellers he disconnect the telephone, one turned over it stops Bertha Cool and looked at it as if she saw it for the first time.- Very smart! - it commented.- Reason? - Bertha admired itself.- Appositive that that phone call that had you that to pay, this afternoon, was made of Redlands, not?- It can to be certain of that not it was - it assured Bertha.- It does not take me the evil that I make one investigaçãozinha in this direction?- It advances! It makes investigaçõezinhas that to understand. - Distrust, Mrs. Cool, that is not to understand me. During the inquiry that I am forced to take the handle, it goes me to be necessary to keep it, itself, in a place where it can find it, of absolute certainty.- What wants to say with this?- Exactamente what it said.- It insinuates that it goes to keep me under monitoring? - infuriated Bertha asked.- Oh, not! - Sellers clarified, as if the solution chosen he was tranquilizante. - This would constitute an unnecessary expenditure for the contributors, Mrs. Cool. It would never

pass me for the head a measure of this nature. Of remaining portion, this would cause to it, certainly, great inconveniences, are not really?- Then that measured it goes to adoptar?- On the other hand, if Mrs. to walk for there, to sirigaitar of a small farm for another one, to cause - to a date of work we will find it.- It wants to say that it goes to compel me to keep it me closed in mine office? - it inquired Bertha, with increasing indignation.- Not, Mrs. Cool! He would not be correcto. Perhaps before in mine.- What - Bertha blew up.- Well, I think that, if you to remain here plus some time, it will be gold on blue and it will simplify the system.- Has legal excuse to keep me under safekeeping? - Bertha inquired, with evident hostility. - It cannot make me this!- Certainly that not, Mrs. Cool. I am the first one to recognize it.- Then, as it is? - it , triumphant defied.- A moment, a moment - Sellers when seeing said that it sets of foot with the clear intention to go itself even so. - I really cannot keep it under safekeeping, as suspicion of a homicide case , but I have that to consider the fact to have you assaulted a private property, this night, and this is disloyalty.- But I did not take off nothing.- We cannot be absolutely certain of this, Mrs. Cool.- But I was revistada.

- It can be had I insult of what it took off, during the passage until here, and can have had intention to commit disloyalty… frustrate crime. As it sees, Mrs. Cool, we have “cloth for sleeves” in this substance and still has a pair of things that I have to verify, concerning its “andanças”. - Such as?- For example, the way as you left its office today. It went down hasty, it took one autocarro in the Seventh Street, followed in it until the a Grand Avenuee went down close to the esquina. The two men who I had charged of following had convinced to that he is about a false striking again. It followed you the foot, therefore in the dependence of the service of autocarros. For precaution, exceed-in, and they had more ahead come back stops backwards, slowly, there until they turn its particular automobile to twirl in its direcção and “to fish it” of the stroll for inside. My men had not been able to capsize in that point of the artery, but they had been certain, e I also, of that Mrs. it finishes of to operate a “manigância” to steal it any monitoring… what it is suspected, in a case of inquiry of homicide.The sergeant Sellers premiu a bell button. Moments later, matrona entered in the cabinet.- Mrs. Bell - Sellers said -, Mrs. Cool goes to have taste to be connosco, for less even tomorrow morning. It would be capable to provide the possible comfort all to it? smile of the woman-policy denounced a cold and malicious triumph.

- It will be a great one pleasure, sergeant - and turning over it stops Bertha, he commanded to it: - It comes with me, queridinha. XXVIII Slow and methodical steps had echoed throughout the metallic plate runner and Bertha Cool, incandescent of indignation, as an iron to rubro, heard clinking of a gravy of keys and the introduction of one of them in its lock. In the immediate instant, the door confided and appeared one another one matrona, of looking at inexpressivo, that in a mortiça voice it greeted:- Olá!- Who is you? - Bertha asked.- An employee.- What is that it wants?- They had ordered to take me it for the office.- So that? - It is everything how much I know.- Rays break them! I do not go. I am here.- it was you, it did not make this - it advised the woman.- Because not?- It does not serve to it you are welcome.- It leaves to come them here to search me.- If it does not delude proper itself. They are capable to come, if to give to them in the “hunger”, but if I was you - matrona became to advise, did not give this taste to them and” of remaining portion, also can “be forgotten” itself, here… - Very well. I am where I am.

- During how much time?- Until seeing.- It does not gain nothing with this. Many canine tooth has this “birra”, but they do not disturb nobody with it. You cannot be here perpetual and will have to leave the certain height and, then, she goes ouviz them to laugh to the outbursts of laughter.The employee spoke, as she was recited, in a monotonous voice, without timbre nor expression of any feeling and as if she was afraid that to speech if lowermost vitality drained great part of its already.- I remember of one canine tooth - it continued, brandamente, that it affirmed not to leave daqui nor in the day of the Final Judgment. They had ordered me to leave the opened door it to go itself even so, when she wanted. She was inside all here morning and alone to the way of the afternoon if decided to leave: then, “malta” all received it with one “ha-ha-ha” that never more it finished.Without a word, Bertha arose itself of tarimba of iron and followed matrona throughout a runner who lead to the metallic door, closed to the key, of a ascensor. Moments later were in an office, in front of unknown other matrona that it examined papers and it inquired:- This it is the Bertha Cool?- This is the Bertha Cool, and is better that it gives a Boa Vista to me of eyes, because will not be the last time that sees me. I go…The woman-policy opened a closet, took off there of inside a great sobrescrito of thick paper and declared:

- These are its “personal belongings” that they had been confiscated to it, yesterday at night, when “ they had put it inside”. Please, Mrs… Cool, examines them and declares if they are all there.- I go to turn this cursed place legs for air - it threatened Bertha. - Nobody it can make me one thing of these. I am a respectable woman, with decent and a honest one half of life, and…- Yes, but however it is favor to confer the articles that belong to it.- I go to clean this city. I go to clean this sergeant Sellers of one “figa”. I go…- I know, Mrs. Cool. Without doubt that will make everything this, but it are of my section. Here, I only ask for the favor to it to verify its things…- It thinks that it will be it are of its section, but when I to start to sweep this everything, will see as the thing it will go inside of all the departments. Have-of…- When it intends to lead ahead for its process, Mrs. Cool?- At your earliest convenience to contactar with a lawyer. - Very well. However Mrs. will not be able to contactar with a lawyer, while she will be here inside and not to want to verify what it is its property, will not be thus?Bertha Cool tore the sobrescrito, spread the things on the secretary, opened the stock market and put them there inside, with the hands tremendous of incontida fury.- And now? - it inquired, ragefully.Matrona made a signal of head to the other employee.- This way, “madama”.

Bertha still stopped, one instant, in front of the secretary e roared:- I have heard to speak of many you offend perpetrated against the rights of a citizen, but this exceeds… - It was withheld You, in the passed night, for suspicion of assault to a private property, Mrs. Cool. I ignore if the accusation will have continuation. But I know that acquittal order was granted to it , pendant of later inquiry.- I am to see! - Bertha ripostou. - Now they threaten me. It wants to say that if I to intend any judicial share, they go to search this invented accusation of property assault, is not this?- I do not know nothing concerning this. I limit myself to transmit it to it what here it is written in its fiche. E I make it, because it is of the regulation to inform the prisoners, at the moment of its acquittal, when one is about suspicious to serious crime. Very good day, Mrs. Cool.Bertha did not pull out.- I am a woman business-oriented. I have much thing important to make related with these businesses. To deviate me of my tasks, to keep me here an entire night and “to ferrarem me” with an accusation of this nature…- Its time is precious?- Certainly that he is precious and I cannot lose it…- In this in case that, Mrs. Cool, I not it would lose more time here inside.- Not yet I go myself even so - it refilou Bertha, furious. - I want to leave a message for the sergeant Sellers. It says that its to it trick it did not serve to it you are welcome.

It says to it that I go to put its escalpe in my belt and… GOOD DAY!Bertha turned over for the door.- More a thing, Mrs. Cool - matrona said.- What is?- It does not obtain to beat with the door. We put an automatic spring, with this purpose… e very good day, Mrs. Cool.Bertha found itself launched for is of the door of bars of steel, to the intense light of the morning, as any vulgar criminal. But it felt that matinal cool air provided to it a wonderful notion of freedom and, when Bertha liked a thing, liked exactly. It had the sensation of that the day it vaticinava the biggest successes, as never happens to it. They were eight hours and forty and five, when it entered in the office. Elsie Brand opened the correspondence. Bertha threaded in its cabinet, as an hurricane, shot with the stock market for top of the secretary and, in a voice tremente of cold indignation, it commanded the Elsie:- Sellers Binds to me for the sergeant. “I am in the inks” so that it is to sleep, or in the bath house , or in what he wants that will be! It puts me in the line. Elsie hurried itself to fulfill the one to it that it was indicated and dialed a number.- Command-Generality of the Policy? It desired to speak immediately to the sergeant Sellers, please. It is very important. Yes… It speaks of the office of Mrs. Bertha Cool… A moment, sergeant. I go to bind.

- I have a thing to say to it - it started Bertha, iradamente. - It stows to think about it during immense time, seated in the ray of that cell. I only want to inform it of that I go…- He does not go - Sellers said, in the extremity of the wire, interrupting to the outburst of laughter.- I go… - Bertha repeated.- Vai to be very quietinha - Sellers, second time interrupted, in a cold voice of where if the will disappears to laugh. - Mrs. she used herself abusively of the advantages of a license granted to an agency of detectives e, now, she is seated in a dynamite armchair . It has much that Donald Lam and you have walked to cut the returns there to me. It had occasions where they had obtained it e others where the thing ran to them badly with me. As Lam it is smart, they have been left always well of “enrascadas”, but now you are alone and were put in “alhada” a superior one to its possibilities. It was apanhada with the “mouth in botija” to assault a residence. Everything how much the Policy has now to make is to inform the Press and the Radio of the disloyalty accusation that impende on your agency e “to hunt” it to it license. Later… - It does not think that it can intimidate me, its vagabond of the devils! - Bertha, desvairada cut. - It only desired to be a man, “will calmeirão enough”, to go to grasp it for the collars there, to pull out it of this chair it are and to pull the long ears to it onward of the eyes. Now already I know as it has people that they go crazy to the point to commit a assassínio. It only wanted that it was here, to lie down the hands to the “bassoons”. I…

Bertha chokeed itself, bubbling of anger. Then the voice of Sellers sounded tranquilamente:- Moan that if feels in this way, concerning what it happened, Mrs. Cool, but I thought to be necessary to keep moved away it and quietinha, this night, while we proceeded to some inquiries. E the case is that these inquiries had had, as resulted, a substantial success for clarification of the crime.- I do not give one chavo for that vocês they have discovered - Bertha changed, still furious.- And - Sellers continued, - in the case to be worried you and with haste to come back the Riverside, to search its old “mother” who suffered an attack, I can since already saving this work to it, because its “mãezinha” is here, at this moment, in my cabinet. I am making to sign it a deposition, telling everything how much it happened. After this, the Solicitor of District will read this deposition and you he will be able to pass a new e, of this time, long period of imprisonment. I wait that, with the time, Mrs. Cool, understands how much cost to defy the law, to disrespect the rules judicial, to occult witnesses essential in a process-crime and to oppose to collaborate it with the Policy. There inside it will have immense time to think. By the way, we brought its car for the garage where costuma to arrange it. Of the next time that it desires to direct it some side, Mrs. Cool, when already it will be here it are, I advise it to go it directamente to the garage to search the car, instead of walking to jump of autocarros, therefore it can be magoar and, even so this is not of mine cultivates, finds that I must advertiz it of that a jury is very capable to convince of that these trips curtinhas of

autocarro and abilities with an automobile if destine to occult one intention criminal, as happened when, yesterday, the lady if directed Is Bernardino. It was left very badly, knows? He was same much badly! Good bye!The sergeant Sellers disconnect. Despaired. Bertha made two unfruitful attempts to poisar the telephone in the rest, until she obtained it.- What happened? - Elsie frightened itself Brand, looking at to it for the face.But, gradually, the anger of Bertha was wasted. An emotional reaction showed it now pale and abated. - I am in one “alhada”! - it murmured, directing themselves for the chair next and leaving themselves to fall in the seat. - About that one is?- I left and I was to search the blind person. “Encafuei it” in a hotel and I was vain of whom the Policy was incapable to follow me the track. I embedded until the o neck! Now that they had hunted me, I am well hunted! That one brutamontes,… that coriáceo sergeant of the Policy has reason! Barrela put me in one!- The things are thus so bad?- They are worse! - Bertha suspirou. - But, already now, valley the penalty not to stop. We have that in keeping them in movement. It is as to go to patinar for the way of a lake and to start the thawing. If we stop, is certain diving. We have therefore that pormo-in already to walk. - We? It stops where?- I e right now, for Redlands. - Reason for Redlands? I am not to perceive.

Bertha told to it to the adventures nocturnas with the box-of-music and the interrogation of Sellers who degnerates in arrest.- Well! - Bertha arising itself of the chair with evident effort exclamou. - Not ferrei eye during all the night. She was as crazy and I never lamented to have lost weight, in my life, as in the last night. - Reason? - Elsie asked.- Reason? Already I say reason to it. Matrona was one there, lasts as one ray, that it started parvamente to call me queridinha. It was great e ombruda as a cargo loader, but before having me put to emagrecer, it was very capable to lie down it the soil to it and to seat me on of it. E was exactamente what I must have done: to have seated me on of that one lombo, during all the night. I am in a “Pope”, Elsie, completely insult! What I had to make age to leave daqui and to go to rest, until the things if to aclararem. The types had hunted the blind person and it it goes to count to them history to it all. The Sellers had reason, when she affirmed that I had to leave the businesses to continue in the old routine, but the guilt was of the Donald, always to bulir, with that one head espertalhona to fervilhar of ideas e to infuse bad habits. It looks at, Elsie, I go to leave daqui, to overturn a whiskey and… well, I go the Redlands.XXIXA hot, burning sun, fell on Redlands and the green-dark orange groves contrasted with the blueone of the sky, without clouds, and with the róseos peaks of the mounts that if above sea level raised the three a thousand meters of altitude. However,

Bertha, gnawed of concerns, did not have chance to appreciate the beauty of the scene. It left the car, it was launched throughout the stroll, in sped up march, balancing the arms militarily, and threaded for the forecourt of the sanatorium. In a voice slightly tired, it asked to the nurse of the reception:- They have here, porventura, a Josephine Dell?- A moment - the employee said , consulting a filing-cabinet and of it extracting a card. - Yes. Particular room dois-zero-sete.- She is a nurse there?- Not. Pparently the interned one it is only to complete its period of convalescence, in rest. - Obliged - Bertha blew and, retaking breath, she carried its seventy and five kilos, corridor it are, until the ascensor o, that took it to as walking. Arrived at the 207, it beat to the door of spring hinges gentily and pushed it. In a chair, next to the window, it saw a young blond, of about twenty and seven years, blue-dark eyes and smiling lips. It dressed one négligé of silk and it read a book that seemed to please to it, when it raised the eyes and it saw Bertha to cross the room in its direcção.It had the heels supported in a cushion, placed on the chair border, and the book in the col.- It scared me! - it said, offering Bertha the enchantment of its great blue eyes.- I beat - Bertha justified itself.- It was “enfronhada”, full of interest, in a history of detectives. Costuma to read this género of literature?

- Of time in when - Bertha satisfied.- I never had it fact, before entering for the hospital. I never thought that it had time to interest me for them, but now believe that I will become in burning hot a aficionada one. I find that the inquiry of a crime is one of the things most interesting, more fascinating of the world, is not in agreement?- He is exactamente as he says - Bertha agreed.- Well, it wants to sit down. It says me where it I can be useful.Bertha sat down in an upholstered chair, to one I sing, and asked:- She is Josephine Dell?- I am.- And she was friend of a blind person?- It Is mentioned beggar who parks, to the esquina, next to the Bank? - the young, smiling inquired.Bertha assented, perscrutadoramente.- I find it a “beloved”. It sees this life, of what much people better. E is not nothing unhappy. Many people whom they see perfectly, worse know the things of this world, of that this man who cannot see. Although its existence to have been more circumscribed… more limited, I believe that it obtains to be happy, to its way. I mention its psychological activity to it, for what I know of it. - Also I believe - it admitted Bertha, without enthusiasm. Josephine Dell persisted in the subject:

- Certainly that it does not receive an education performed with care and it was poor e, if it had learned to read for tacto, if it had studied and obtained to acquire one betterdegree of instruction… but it could not, coitado. It did not have a cent of its.- I understand.- But, it knows? Later it had luck and it made a happy investment in an oil business and, now, it could live as it pleased to it; simply, it found that this happens very to it already late and that was too much old…- Also I believe - it agreed Bertha, patiently. - Was the girl who offered it a box-of-music?- Yes, but it did not want that it knew it. It intended that it judged that it are a friend any. It was afraid that one opposed to accept a gift dispendioso ofone rapariga that it needed to work, but now, I do not have money problems. However, when I started to join, to pay it, I arrived to think that it could not conseguiz it.- I understand - Bertha, lightly entediada repeated. - I am to see that I have walked foiled, all this time. It says me a thing. It does not know nothing concerning one another Josephine Dell who suffered an accident?- That it has caused an accident - asked the young, atónita.- One accident that occurred in the esquina, next to the Bank, in a friday, for return of the six but one room. The conductor of an automobile knocked down this rapariga, in the ticket for laborers. About the height, it it did not think to have been seriously contundida, but later…

- But I am this rapariga! - Josephine Dell exclamou, still more admired.Bertha straightened itself, suddenly, in the chair, as if espaldar of the same a had pushed for ahead. - You it is who?- I am rapariga that it was run over.- One of us is “pírulas”! - Bertha murmured.Josephine laughed, with a crystalline outburst of laughter.- But I am proper! It was, in the truth, a new experience for me. The man harvested me with keeps-lamas and knocked down me in this ticket. She seemed me a person charmer. About that moment I thought not to have very been hurt, but in the following day I started to feel me confused and with migraines. I called a doctor and it it said me that he was about a cerebral bruise, fast, but that I had to keep me in absolute rest and…- Aguente there, a moment - Bertha asked for. - The conductor took it it house?- Thus he wanted it and I assented. About the height, I thought that that was not it swims; only a small collision, without importance and, even so I had crossed whenit had, in relation to the signal for laborers… or perhaps not… I do not know well. Perhaps it did not have repaired, with the necessary care… Frankly I do not remember, went very worried, in that day. The man insisted where a hospital had to take me it, for a medical examination, and as I refused, offered itself to take I the house, in any way.Bertha Cool looked it as if she was to look at for a ghost.- Later, that it occurred?

- Well, the man seemed me very correcto, much gentleman. However, to handle of some moments to follow its side, I thought that it had drunk cups and, suddenly, started to reveal really intoxicado. It started to direct me piropos ackward and finished for me to apalpar the legs. I gave a slap to it, it stopped the car and I jumped for the street and took one autocarro, to go for house.- It did not arrive to say to it where lived?- Not. I only indicated it the direcção that had to take.- And it does not know its name?- I said it to it, but I understand now that he was too much tipsy to have fixed it. I am absolutely certain of this.Bertha closed eyes, with force, to become the abriz them escancaradamente.- Already now, to shuffle the things more, says me if it lived in the Bluebonnet Apartments. - To shuffle…? I do not perceive! But it is there that I live! … in the Bluebonnet of the Figueiroa Street. How it is that it knows? Bertha took the hand to the head.- But, that if it passes? - it was worried Josephine Dell.- Monkeys bite me! - Bertha exclamou. - Nor they need hook, that I go soon in the decoy! I am more “tansa” that a fish!- I am not to perceive! - it confessed Josephine, blinking confused.- It follows forward, counts the remaining portion to me.- Little more it has to count. I arose myself in the following day, as that perplexed and I called the doctor. It advised

absolute rest to me. I did not have money with me, but I am in eves to receive some, of form that I telephoned the Mrs. Cranning, that is one governanta e can make use of the money for the government of the house of my master, and asked for to it that it advanced me… Pressinto that I am to be little explicit… I did not arrive to explain to it that my master faleceu…- I know everything this respect - it cut Bertha. It speaks to me concerning the money.- Well, I looked Mrs. Cranning and it did not have enough money that it could excuse to me, but said me that it came to here, therefore would deal with the internment and that later if it would see. I am certain from that it was freed splendid, since the insurance company arrived at a magnificent agreement…- That species of agreement? - it interrupted Bertha.- It agreed to the doctor to whom I lacked of I complete rest, during one month or six weeks, and that later he would have to go for a place where nothing worried me, completely moved away from the people that encircled me, it stops to prevent annoyances. mine master died, but they would treat of to arrange me another one job. The insurance company paid me all the expenditures of the internment in this hospital and still grants the wage to me of two months of inactividade. It wants to say that, moreover, when to leave daqui, I receive a check from five hundred dollar and the guarantee to arrange me work. They are not generous?- Signed any document? - it inquired Bertha.

- Yes, a complete agreement.- My God! - Bertha exclamou.- It forgives, but I am not to perceive it. Everything how much I say seems to cause confusion to it.- The insurance company was the Intermutual de Indemnizações? - it continued Bertha. - agent with who he dealt called P. L. Fosdick?- Reason? Not!- Who devil was?- Age an automobile club any. I do not remember the name exactamente, but I believe that one was about the Autoclube Security. They had been they who had dealt with everything. I remember myself that the agent if called Milbran.- They had delivered a check to it?- The document of the agreement was made in terms that corresponded to a check. This was transferred in a Saturday and the Banks were closed. Mr. Milbran came to see me and declared that, in virtue of the circumstances, they had been very generous with me. Since already they made responsible for the total expenditures of the internment and, visa I to sign that agreement, would not have any problem. E knows what it counted to me after having signed the document?- I do not make idea - Bertha , each more confused time confessed.Josephine laughed and explained:- That its customer was so drunk that, at this moment, she at least does not remember to have had the accident. It admits that it is to drink immense and that it comes in the car for house, but is not remembered to have last in that zone of the

city, nor to have run over a person. It was a shock for it, when they had given the notice to it, and…- One moment - it cut Bertha. - In this in case that, as it obtained to set in contact with the insurance company?- It was through Mrs. Cranning.- Already I know, but as it obtained it to understand itself with them?- I remembered the number of school registration of the car.- It obtained to write down it?- Not. I did not write it, in the height, but I remembered it, later, and said it it Mrs. Cranning. In the truth, it had pointed the number, badly it arrives the house and I dictated it to the telephone. - You it made the thing worse that could have done! - Bertha commented.- I made? I do not perceive.- The number of the school registration Copied badly . It was for pure coincidence that this number corresponded to the school registration of the car of one another type that guided it in state of drunkeness, this exactly day and more or less to the same hour.- It wants to say that man… that the automobile club…- It is exactamente this that I want to say. This school registration calhou to be of an car guided for a type that if inebriates e that it admitted to be able to have run over a person. When Mrs. Cranning telephoned to tell the accident to it, it caught in the policy of the insurance e it communicated the occurrence to the company, that dealt with the remaining portion.

- My God! In this in case that, this man did not make me nothing?- Not. He was one another one, against who nobody complained… for the time being.- But this is impossible!- He is Not only possible - Bertha observed, roughly - as I have the certainty of that she happened.- And where it is that this takes me? - abismada and lightly distrustful Josephine inquired.- To the píncaros of the Moon! - Bertha with enthusiasm affirmed.- I am not to perceive.Bertha Cool opened the stock market, took off one of its cards of the agency and better delivered to it with its smile to it.- Here it has: Cool & Lam - Confidential inquiries. I am Bertha Cool.- It wants to say that he is detective?- Exactamente!- Oh! How exciting!- Nor therefore.- But you it must have extraordinary adventures, a date of violent working hours, nights without sleeping… - Back in this it made right in full. I had an adventure yesterday of devils e I passed night completely in white. But now, I found it.- It has walked to my search?- I go to arrange a date to it of money. If making, you of - cinquenta me percent?

- Money so that?- Money of the insurance company , for having been run over for a tipsy conductor.- But already I received it, Mrs. Cool. Already I signed an agreement.- Not of the insuring company of the type that ran over it. How much it is that it said that they paid to it?- Mr. Is mentioned to it Milbran?- Yes, to this autoclube, for which it signed a deposition.- They had said me that they would pay to all the expenditures with the hospital and two months of wage, in the value of two hundred and cinquenta dollar. I do not know how much it is that this addition, but calculating about ten dollar per day of internment, perhaps it arrives the six hundred dollar, more five hundred dollar, in money, when it will have high. My God, Mrs. Cool, imagines how much is that this represents? About a thousand and three hundred dollar!- Very well. Vai now to sign a declaration for which iliba this customer of any responsibility in its accident and frees the company of the obligatoriness to pay to it any indemnização, committing not to present it a later claim. In followed it presents its claim, pertinent and joust, to the Company Intermutual de Indemnizações. I go to explain to it better what it goes to make: it will put down this claim in my hands e they they will know to pull out carrada of “mass” to the Intermutual. Later it promises to pay half to me of how much I to obtain to get to it and I guarantee to it that it will not be less than two a thousand dollars.- It wants to say two a thousand dollars, in money?

- Yes, wanted. This will be its part and it does not have confusions. I will draw others two a thousand for me. E I mention one to it minimum. Perhaps it can obtain three a thousand dollar to it,it stops itself. - But, Mrs. Cool, this would be dishonest!- Dishonest Reason?- Because already I signed a declaration for another insurance company.- But it dealt with the missed company, insuring of the wrong conductor.- I know Well, but, in any way, already I accepted this money.- They have been to pay, bad luck is of them.- Not. I cannot make this. He would not be correcto - it considered Josephine.- Oiça here - it insisted Bertha. - company of insurances they have money mounts. They live to the great one. This man went to guide a so drunk car and that nor if remembers if was or not author of a running over. Mrs. Cranning telephoned it to it to inform it of that it it shoots with the car for top of itself and it it believed. It was accident insurance and it communicated the company that lead tipsy, has bad luck to run over it and that you it is with one craniana bruise e disturbances cerebral. For the love of God, it puts the things the clean one and it leaves me to walk forward.- I do not know that it makes.- Tome attention. Who was not it caused it this bruise. The fact of you to have signed a document for which if compromises not to present any claim against its insuring one,

it does not want to say nothing. In the truth, it does not go to complain thing some of this company. If it was completely “saloia” when offering to it a thousand dollar so that you she did not process it, this is there with it, and she does not hinder it to receive the indemnização who must to it, with reason from cause, of the safes of the insuring company of the type that, effectively, it ran over.In the fine skin of the forehead of Josephine Dell one was drawn ruga. A sun ray shone in its blond hair, when it turned the head and looked at for the windowto meditar in the proposal. Finally, it took a decision, it shook the cabeleira, in a refusal, and answered with determination:- Not, Mrs. Cool. I cannot make this. He would not be decent.- In this in case that, if it absolutely wants to be decent, telephone for this automobile club that fell in “esparrela” and says that a deceit was everything, therefore it supplied, for involuntary lapse, a wrong number of school registration. This is the truth.In the eyes of Josephine a suspicion glow scintillated.- I do not believe to have been deceptive me in the number. - I affirm to it that he errou - Bertha insisted.- How it is that it knows?- Because I know the insurance company that currently is worried about the case. - Very well, Mrs. Cool. If it is so certain of what it says, goes onward, explains me which was my error how much to the school registration of the car that not it ran over me e, already now, it says me which of the car that effectively this caused everything.

Bertha Cool tried to deviate the reply.- I have been in contact with the representative of the responsible insurance company for the accident. It assured me that…- Which is the number of school registration of the car that ran over me? - Josephine persisted.- I do not know - Bertha confessed. - Already it waited this. I ignore which the intentions that had taken it to look for to me, Mrs. Cool, but distrust that its proposal is not the one that more will be able to favor mineinterests. For what it touches me, I am absolutely satisfied with the current situation.- But from this way it does not receive the money of the company that…- Therefore not.- And it is to receive money from the company that not…- Therefore I am. Who was same you said me that the insurance company walks to swim in money and that would be correcto of my part to receive it.- This is what I would make given the circumstances, but since it intends to respect the ethics…- It is exactamente that I will make, given circumstances.- But, later, it will complain together of the responsible company?Josephine abanou the head.- For favor - Bertha requested. - It leaves me to deal with to it this. It would arrange the money to it, so simple as this! - and Bertha gave estalido with the fingers.

Josephine Dell smiled and declared, with a shade of suspicion in the look.- Distrust, Mrs. Cool, that is to try… Well, I have heard much thing concerning the way as the insurance company looks for to take off advantage of the situation where the people if find. I was really very admired with the gentility and generosity of Mr.Milbran. He is me allowed to assume that the company that it represents she has been opposed with the agreement that it considered me. Who says me to me that Mrs. was not sent by the administration, to try to convince me it to repudiate the signed agreement? Is this the case?- Of way none! - it protested Bertha. - Everything Is transferred as I displayed to it. You it badly wrote down the number of the school registration.- Can say me which was my error?- Not.- Sabe, the the least, one only number of this school registration?-- Not. It swims I know concerning car. I only know concerning the insurance company.- Therefore, it does not know at least name of the man who ran over me?- Nothing I know about of the “ray” of this man! - it retorquiu Desperate Bertha.Josephine Dell became to catch in the book and declared:- Moan much, Mrs. Cool, but I do not believe that it is valid penalty to lose more time to argue this subject. Good day.

- Oiça a thing - Bertha still tried, persuasivamente. - Tem knowledge of that Myrna Jackson walks to become to pass for itself? Sabe that it…- I have much penalty, Mrs. Cool, but I do not want to argue more any subject. Good day!- But…- Very good day, Mrs. Cool. XXXOnly in the Wednesday of morning, Bertha Cool returned to the office.- Where it is that it has state? - one was interested Elsie Brand.The face of Bertha, recently bronzed of the sun, revealed sarcastic.- I have been to make a thing, where really I am good.- That thing?- To fish.- It wants to say that it walked to fishes the day of yesterday all?- Yes. I was so despaired, in the monday, that felt me in risks to blow up. Yesterday, terça, already had to walk there with ones two hundred and eighty of sanguineous tension, of form that I decided to thread me in the car, slid until the a beach and, there arrival, I rented a sugar cane of fishes. The the least I amused me. Already it knows what it happened? An incredible combination of circumstances, an incredible coincidence, as it would not happen another one in a million.- Which was?

- man that he ran over Josephine Dell was drunk. It started with atrevimentos and it it left the car. It judged that it obtains to fix the number of the school registration, but was deceived e it changed the numbers, with as much luck, however, that the conductor of the car the one that also belonged the wrong school registration went to guide in equal state of drunkeness in such way that, at this moment, nor it refutes the accusation to have run over it. Therefore, Josephine finds itself in the enviable position of being able to receive two indemnizações, each one of its insurance company, but does not have the common-sense sufficient stops…- Perhaps it was good, first, to read the letter of Donald - Elsie warned.- Arrived a letter of the Donald?- It proper harm dictated.- Itself?- Yes.- When?- In the last night.- Where?- Here, in the office.- It is to mean me that Donald Lam it was here?- Yes. They had granted a thirty license to it and six hours, took the airplane until and ran here to see. My God! As it it is the uniform well! It is stronger, earnedweight and seems more… - But because ray not it put it you in contact with me?

- I made everything how much me it was possible, Mrs. Cool. As it informs that the Redlands went, I counted to the Donald what wise person of in case that, and it followed for there, to its search, perhaps only half hour after having broken you. As we could not guess that, yesterday, it had IDO to it fishes… But it does not want to read letter? Bertha pulled out the sobrescrito of the hand of Elsie, ran for the particular cabinet, estaked to the door and said, over the shoulder:- I do not want to be disturbed; I do not want phone calls, nor visiting, nor customers, nor NOTHING!An indignation time more vibrating , now cursing it fishes it, Bertha it was shot for the chair, it tore the top of the sobrescrito and started to read the long letter.Wanted Bertha:I have much penalty of not having joined. I was interested myself very for the case for correspondence and when, unexpectedly, they had granted thirty and six hours to me oflicense, I decided to come for there below and to see if could help it.You it was not in the office and the Elsie informed me of that it are the Redlands, where judged that Josephine Dell seachasse or had been installed. Therefore, I rented an car and I was until there. In virtue of certain peculiar circumstances, I already arrive at the conclusion of that Josephine Dell would have to meet hospitalized outside of the city. The fact to have been offered the blind person two gifts - one denouncing very tacto, on the part of likeable rapariga, trying to cheer a man in that condition, without any written

message to follow it offers, and another one, without tacto some, unskillfully folloied for a note they had taken meto think that two could exist Josephines Dell: true and a other imposter. The conversation that kept with the portière of the Apartments Bluebonnet must have despertado the suspicion to it of that rapariga that that one knew as being Myrna Jackson was same to who you interviews and if it hurried to make the luggages. It tries to remember itself of the declarations of the portière and of that it gave rapariga to it, in this night where if it prepared to leave, and will arriveto this conclusion. Me it was not difficult to find Josephine Dell, badly I arrived Redlands. I entered in sanatorium, forty minutes after you having left. Who said the Miss Dell I age and found it in a terrible state of hostility spirit and suspicion, but I started to speak to it and I obtained that it answered to some questions and it heard my explanations. I find that it committed an error, pardons me that it it says it, when so eager and insistent shown having itself. It presented the case to it under its point of view and, in the anxiety to defend its interest in the twenty and five a thousand dollar, ideiade that all people would be capable to accept two indemnizações, one of which the illegitimate one, did not take care of in strengthening its proposal, in accordance with the moral formation of Miss Dell. When it tried to correct its táctica, already it was late. For my side, I tried to evidence faceta of injustice that generous credulidade of some people would result to explore it and an insurance company, not responsible for the accident, what it degnerated in fraud, and honesty to complain it truily the company responsible for the

consequências of the act practised for its insured the due and legitimate indemnização.Clearly that I did not forget myself to as soon as evidence the enormous difference of the amounts in game, proving an attitude honest joust and it compensates. As soon as Miss Dell started to speak openly confident and, it was unmasked me solution of ours case. I started for convincing me that Harlow Milbers used the services of Josephine Dell in the office exclusively, as secretary, and not in its house. I interrogated it concerning the occasion where it serves of witness of the will and declared to remember me this perfectly. It explained that the second witness is not, of form some, Paul Hanberry, but one such Dawson, that it possesss a photographic laboratory to the side of the office of Harlow Milbers, and that it are in this office and not in the residence of the master that had signed the will. Then I asked for the Miss Dell that made me its signature and completely verified to be this different of that it testified the document of that I have the photocopy. Of remaining portion already it deduces the fraud existence when, it has days, I had the precaution to verify, in our meteorological archive of the Navy, which is the state of the time in day twenty and five of January of 1942, a thing that, pparently, you it neglected to make, consulting a periodical of the immediate day to the one of that date. If if it had given to this bother, examining the dedicated column to meteorology, in the archive of any of our daily ones, it would have been certifyd of that, in this day twenty and five of January, it is to rain, continuum and uninterruptedly, since the morning until at night. Therefore, Paul Hanberry could not

have itself given to the work to wash the car, to the hose e in full street, front to the windows of the residence of Harlow Milbers, under an authentic heavy shower. Also I interrogated Miss Dell concerning the symptoms of the illness of the master, in that fatídico day e I got the confirmation of that one complained of cramps in the bellies of the legs. In these circumstances, the poisoning symptoms for arsenic they become so evidentes that easy it will be to present to the Policy a convincing diagnosis. To shorten, I concluded that Harlow Milbers was poisoned in the morning of friday. It would come to die the same to the end of the afternoon of day. When returning the house, Josephine Dell was harvested by an automobile and suffered a fast cerebral bruise. It called a doctor, in the following morning, when he felt symptoms abnormal. He was this doctor who advised it to remain itself in absolute rest or, of preference, to intern itself in a sanatorium. As it did not have enough money I obtain, Miss Dell appealed telephonically Mrs. Cranning, admitting that it could loan some money to it of the government of the house of the master. Later, he was same to speak with Nettie Cranning, to the residence of Harlow Milbers, in order to display clearly its situation. It was then that Mrs. Cranning gavetests to possess a device to invulgar. Instead of telephoning to the person who runs over Josephine Dell, it proceeded from way to take possetion itself of a richness. It asked for to one its personal friend, called Milbran, that if presented the Miss Dell, as representative of an inexistent insurance company . However, they had convinced Miss Dell to intern

itself in a sanatorium it are of the city, what it would keep it moved away from any contacts, during a period of one or two months. This provided an ample chance to them to counterfeit the will. As I suspect and had the care of informing in writing, the first page of the will was genuine; second she was completely false. One will remember of that Myrna Jackson is to live with Josephine Dell about three weeks before the accident. In this height not yet they lodged left-hand side intentions, but if it does not forget that Myrna Jackson was friend of Mrs. Cranning and of its son Eva, possessing all they one exactly mental and moral bore.Soon to follow to the death of Harlow Milbers, Nettie Cranning discovered the will that bequeathed to the cousin of the deceased an amount of ten a thousand dollar. Of fact, I repeat, this first page of the will is absolutely genuine. Only in the following day, the possibility to operate an alteration in the will, occurred the Mrs. Cranning, the Eva Hanberry and the Paul Hanberry. The idea must have left, evidently, of Nettie Cranning. Using to advantage the convalescence of Josephine Dell, for an approach period of two months, and its intentional removal of the circulation, is of the city and far from its habitual contacts, they had had chance to substitute second page of the will, in way to be bequeathed, itself proper, the part most substantial of the property. One will remember of that I arrived to indicate this possibili-dade in my telegram. One only became convenient, for the case of somebody to have knowledge of the testamentary intentions of Harlow Milbers, that one another person took the place of Miss Dell e it signed for it the document. Paul

Hanberry substituted the second witness and, probably, also she counterfeited the signature of the Milbers deceased. Later, with I look to prevent it any impugnation of the will on the part of cousin the contemplated and only alive relative, Christopher Milbers, bride-in the one with a proposal tempting that a much more advantageous legacy of what would provide to it that one that is attributed to it,the expectation stops well beyond all . How much to the heiress - the Real - Josephine Dell, this would be moved away and other people's to the events, during sixty days. The imaginary insurance company promises to arrange a job to it, from the moment where the sanatorium left. Without a doubt, this occupation would take it for America of the South, or for another still more distant place, where never it could hear to speak of Milbers. The only blot in the painting appeared now in the person of the man who runs over Josephine Dell and that, even so enough intoxicado and amnesic, to the time of the accident, it could, when later sober, to communicate the occurrence to its insurance company. E was what it happened. However, they had been controlled to inform the authorities, in virtue of the state of drunkeness of the conductor, and had looked for to decide the problem by means of an agreement between the parts, responsible and injured by an accident. The only obstacle inhabited in the fact of the responsible one not to remember itself of the name of the victim of an accident. When they had read its announcement in the periodical, in search of a witness of the accident, had been hurried in contactar I obtain in the hope to be able to communicate with

the interested party and to shorten, for a simple agreement, the possible inherent judicial implications. It is in this height that enters a new personage in scene, Jerry Bowman. Subsequentemente, this opportunist entered in share and it would have supplanted, itself, in the attainment of an agreement signed for Myrna Jackson, on behalf of Josephine Dell, if the imposter had not been suspicious a confrontation with the conductor of the viatura, causer of the accident, that certainly would be remembered of the physical personality of the victim, e also the possible imprescindibilidade of its documentary identification. In the reality, Myrna Jackson could not prove to be Josephine Dell and if the man in cause if confrotted with it, would unmask itimposture. One of the indications most significant appeared in the fact of Josephine Dell not to have come back to see the blind person, after “reestablished”, as all judged it, in person of Myrna Jackson. It was an attitude of rough insensibilidade that if it did not coadunava with the moral feição of Miss Dell and very wounded Kosling, over all after the diligence that makes, demonstrative of I appraise it that voted to rapariga, when of the accident. Its friend Jerry Bollman was, in this in case that, more arguto that the Bertha. It started “to press” the blind person with questions and got information that had smelled to it intensely esturro. One remembers that it took the initiative to telephone for the residence of Harlow Milbers to inquire itself if Josephine Dell worked there, and notices that she made it as a person who it was total stranger. That is very significant, since he was not allowed any contact with “Josephine Dell”, on the part of whom it knew it. As soon

as one met with it, compreenit gave that one was not about the person who it capsizes to be knocked down by the automobile and, for an opportunist as Bollman, was not difficult to discover a magnificent track to it. What it deduced of its meeting with the fictitious Miss Dell and of what it obtains to infer of the information of the blind person, they had allowed it to discern the general lines and the nature from the conspiracy in que that one was involved.E now, Bertha, stand out a new and skillful error of conception: Bollman was not the house of Kosling, in search of any test or indication, but yes with determined intention of to prepare a trap with the rifle that it would have to kill the blind person. E this, because Kosling was the only witness capable to dismantle all the maquinação. Soon that it was eliminated, nothing would interpose between the conspirators and the inheritance. Christopher Milbers, having received its part, would return, of course, the house, in Vermont. How much the Jerry Bollman, the case was more complex. Its opportunist temperament decides it to mount it the deadly trap, after to have lead the blind person Is Bernardino. As soon as this was isolated, Bollman running the house of Harlow Milbers and would declare the Nettie Cranning, the Eva Hanberry and the Paul who came, deservedly, to partilhar of the cake, demanding a cut choruda. E the pseudo Miss Dell, Myrna Jackson, also would have of comparticipar in any agreement of commitment and security. If it does not forget, Bertha, whom it had some hundreds of thousand of dollar in game and that Jerry Bollman was género of type for who the value of the money was above all.

If they committed the error to refuse, Bollman would come back the house of Kosling, would disarm the device homicide e would be served of the blind person as witness, since this possuía all the enlightening elements, being able to denounce the imposture of Myrna Jackson. It already distrusts of the voice of the false Miss Dell and has chance ofto confidenciar its queerness the Thinwell. It would look the doctor who examines the true Josephine and the Policy would make the remaining portion. It was therefore necessary that Kosling waseliminated. In turn, Sellers and its minute connoisseurs had incurred into an error skillful of reasoning: they had left of the beginning of that the trap is mounted for a blind person, because it are not only skillfully disfarçada, and had neglected to analyze the fact, under the angle of that it are, effectively, prepared to kill a blind person, for what any disguise or occultation would be prescindíveis. How much to the death of Bollman nobody possesss concrete elements that allow definiz it stop beyond a simple rational speculation.On the basis of its information epistolares and in the story that made the Elsie, referring the incursion nocturna the house of Kosling, became me apparent that Jerry Bollman engenhara the trap in way who who pressured the wire, extended to the entrance of the interior of the house, would provoke the percussion of the cartridge and would receive the bullet in full chest. Finished its workmanship, Bollman must have retreating a little, to verify the direcção of the pipe and, very probably, as it occurred with the Bertha, the bat started to esvoaçar in its return, being looked for to it

the neck or the face, as if it accustoms to receive the afagos from the blind person. What it really happened a masterpiece of poetical justice will have to be considered. Bollman withdrew a little more, or ran against the wire. Coming back to the will, I believe to exist a possibility of Josephine Dell if to remember of the context of the second page. This will allow a substantial reconstitution of the constant substance in the genuine document and if it he will be in the disposal to give a verbal deposition, has accepted as test, perhaps the sentences against Nettie Cranning, Eva Hanberry and Paul Hanberry can considerably be attenuated.The sergeant Sellers “was spread roundly”, when fixing the hour of the death of Bollman, for return of the three of the afternoon, leaving of the principle that the bats alone fly at night, to less than they have been disturbed during the day. However, in house of the blind person, the curtains were races what it became the sufficiently dark environment. The bats, wanted Bertha, do not fly in the blackout, but in the semiblackness, in one lusco-fusco. The bats fly to the dusk. If Sellers had known this would not have missed how much to the element time. It would admit that Bollman mounts the trap, later to have isolated Kosling in They are Bernardino, e is then for fulminado it. Now let us deal with the death of Harlow Milbers. He is obvious that Nettie Cranning could not foresee the accident that Miss Dell would come to suffer, later of the death of Milbers. Therefore hardly if it can conceive that it has gliding this homicide, in the normal course of the events, being the alive witnesses of the will and sãs. It would be to it, in these circumstances, impracticable to

substitute the last page of the testamentary document. Speaking with Miss Dell, I discovered that Harlow Milbers was crazy for apple sugar and that gulosamente it appreciated what its cousin Christopher sent to it of fifth of Vermont. In the morning of the day where it died, it receives, in the office, a packing, coming for the post office. It opened it e it ate its content almost all. It affirms Miss Dell that still remained a little of this candy, in the deep one of the packing that one meets in a drawer of the secretary of the deceased master.I am certain, Bertha, of whom the analysis of this remaining portion of apple sugar will constitute enough test of that Christopher Milbers looked for, for this way, to anticipate the inheritance of its prime eccentric person.As me he was not possible to find it, while he stows here, and because he urged to free its customer, I transmitted these facts to the sergeant Sellers, giving to it a chance to decide two mysterious homicides and to decorate, with plus a pen, its helmet (In the original, “CAP”, in the direction of hat of penalty of the skin-red, where each inserted pen represents a practised valoroso act. (N. of the T.)), To say that the sergeant was radiating is to state me modestly. It is truth, almost forgot me! Josephine Dell was truily grateful for everything when we made. It charged a lawyer to make to fulfill a contract for which our firm will receive half from how much obtaining to get of the insurance company. Moreover, it agreed to granting to the one percentage of ten percent of the total

of the inheritance of Harlow Milbers - of that she is only heiress - since that let us prove… what already we proved. I think that this will cover the subject all e… its expenditures. It will find, enclosed, the two mentioned contracts that proper I wrote, to be certain of its legality.He seems that nobody knows where the Bertha stops. I go to wait here, until the o last possible minute, before taking the return airplane the San Francisco. I have to be in the Quarter of Navy of Island Tide in time and hours. It will understand, Bertha, that we are in war and that she disciplines it has of being kept. Although it it only can say it confidentially and nothing he has been ventilated for the official agencies, I have reason to believe that we are in eves to leave, what without a doubt some will extremely constitute an ackward surprise for the enemy. I have, in the truth, much penalty of not seeing, but the Elsie delivers this letter to it and waits that she finds in it substance that allows to count on the future cooperation of the sergeant Sellers it.Many compliments of Donald LamBertha Cool left to fall the letter on covers it of the secretary, grasped in the sobrescrito and “she fished there” of inside, with visible emotion, the two contracts, signed for Josephine Dell and testified by two nurses of the sanatorium.- Monkeys bite me! - it exclamou.It wanted to take off a cigarette, but its trementes fingers look-in disastrously in the box of “clips”. At this moment one brief quarrel in the exterior office heard. The door confided of chofre, while the sergeant Sellers protested:

- How nonsense, Elsie! Certainly that it wants me to see. My God! After everything how much it made for me, until I feel that I belong to the firm.Sellers stopped to the door of the cabinet of Bertha, with its vast shrunk trunk of humble pleasantness. - Bertha! I want that it pardons me! I was a bit rude I obtain and you, now, my God, makes to feel me as one cordeirinho. Already it had the marrows to arder and you it erased me. It gave possibility to me to decide the two more shining cases of my career and you to it and “ geniquento” its parceirozinho they are left to be in the shade, so that I it has the merit of the inquiry. I only want to press it to it hand.In two enormous steps, Sellers crossed the cabinet and extended manápula. Bertha set of foot and grasped it to it. - The things are to run well? - it asked. - As if they had been you and the Donald to decide the subject for me. Oiça, Bertha, if he will have some thing that you wants of the Department of the Policy, if I could be to it useful in any subject… it is alone to say. I think that it understands because devil… rays… I came here!Then, unexpectedly, the sergeant Sellers passed the long arm in return of the massive shoulders of Bertha, raised the chin to it with its hand of the size of a ham and kissed it in the mouth.- However it has here! - it exclamou, looking it and leaving to become free itself it. - However it has here as I feel myself!Bertha fell seated in the chair, murmuring weakly:- Nor necessary of hook! I fall soon in the decoy!END

Badana of the Erle against-layer Stanley Gardner was born in 1889, Malden, the Massachussetts. As its father was expert in the exploration of mines of oiro, the Erle young folloied it through the American territory, since the Klondike until the a California. She was pugilista professional, shooter to the arc, the carbine and the pistol and sailer. Feeling vocation for the law, it was formed in Right to the 21 years. The notable North American juisconsult Jerry Leisler affirmed regarding the Author: “Gardner would have been one of the greaters lawyers of our country if had continued in its career legal”. E Gardner justified its removal of the casuístico forum, confessing: “They trusted me as many cases that it would have to be moored to an only point of the land; therefore I started to write”. E thus created the fabulosas personages of heroes detetivescos: Perry Mason, Douglas Selby; Gramps Wiggins, Terry Clane and others, between which - writing under the pseudonym of. . Fair - Donald Lam and Bertha Cool. The workmanship of Erle Stanley Gardner is an unquestionable certification of the capacity of ficcionista creation in the domínios of the reasoning, criminal psychology and the behavior of the individual in the seio of a society in boiling. E, in this condition, will remain in international the cultural patrimony, as a inesquecível standard.Against-layerTHE SERIES “CHOSEN WORKMANSHIPS OF ERLE STANLEY GARDNER”, ENCLOSED IN THE COLECÇÃO GIANT VAMPIRE, CONSTITUTES A COMPILATION OF THE ROMANCES OF FICTION POLICIÁRIA THAT THE FAMOUS LAWYER AND CRIMINOLOGIST IT CREATED