07.1960 LDL

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In fhe Long Run it's the New JULf 1, 1960 ao. )) YOL. 5


In fhe Long Run it's the New

.4atta Deoantae -4oV'

YOL. 5 JULf 1, 1960 ao. ))

i, , TlE tOr{C DISTAflCE i,o0, A Prbllcsriotr for nuEls by nr!!6r! s33.i"##. ,icr-{ ! :rll-oi pr8l,liscf sEl::

vo,!no)!,!@b,,5,,Ju:r,qor,t:l:ll';.;"jjl:i.;y3.1,:;:,,_:".:11"subsc"'.!iio.: Retc.: 2!a o ropyi 6J. 0 rnd ._ie1d :,1"

^:urd.r .rr ..: r"!ra yei.. -"!D::Fned r .lhr!. .6r.rJ. jolj :r r\! .).{...: .r.,t ,rc

rlbs-rrtt,jo" "or.;.Dondcr cI6 11.1, . "., , :.:",_r :i1,))u r-,.-e 5t., t. dir:.-u, r..J_ ,: .. ir: -r ., f":" ." "a-,-:eiiiliilj!;il;iiil.::i:i,i:ir,.",i ". i :',:rr;;'''r;,1'.,, ;; 1: l,

lli;:li;:li.,"i:i:i '*";:t:i,:;::i :", .1,: ri ,, ' , '.:ri"i1. ,' 1'

;,::f,",:i;.l;.];,;"']l!.-J;:;],...i,;i, "; i".;{."ii,i :"1'i..;":;i. ..r.: ,,:r,j ' ,: ". ii' : :l:; i-::'lr:2!c!^. 1t19,7- .!6ai r...:.ti nic r.c;jn ;:.j n-Dh L ihr'. ,..1'"aro.i. ir,--dl"-.-- " -l-c.-tl_t*i:::-. ...; t:.r.. .

tr. .1" tirr L: _i lree. .-6:.6_S!i l.-Joh., a, ,.s, .hlfrl - 1! lc I ilen:a -p.:.. :, -r. ..l:.':!;lil:',ll',:i",; ji.o.i;"" '"'- :rq: r' '..:; ';. : : .

=lr:-Lej^ -, Fd rlen.. rdr4i,-i .. :-h

.. l:i;, ! .: .' - .;, :' -, ";l:ii":: {;"1';.1; 'rFr -@e'" q-J !:-.:'" ".,. " , * i,, .

1.ee-"ne roun,ar. q.s{c" r. er s-.,"," 1]ic:1- ''''. .- -. ..;,. .'...,1.

.="iliir;:"i:::ril':r)*:"fii:rir:r,'#E;' ;,. ",r :;:r: i: :.'i:;3:":.:1".4:;'fu.i.i;.',l;Ji'i:""::; . l:llii";;,;,.1 , "1,. ..,i.;' i;",.lJ 'u)D .-!\.lDs r.. .,.. re,- rd.,.j. .:id.ep €ie., a r:e\ elrl- -".r.,:1. 6,: oe .:3 :r_:.. ,.;",d.ep €re, i r:er drrt- r..r ''s :ar,-a-- .anlrri:i.l;.'i:!.j:TjJ ii-,k:,$::.i^ i"l.;:i ,'".rr : ",-i.J:. :r8li".1a0c ra { club;,:. ,14 r-n1 {Iep1e*.- I ..i j. i1L- )..1eon. .o-.:. .a.: rnarltlIr {4rk6. Johr D€nj),-,h not roL a.- -._-.-ge, ..1, .- .e; rry.!5, .,_:dl3ilii,";Xi;i."il*il'igloi.;:',,''* " i:, i:iii.':i.t ;.'::::'1""i::!;i.i:trv! u'a i: rrDe, rt:0r..?. .' :-:.,":!"i, "i:i,;,.i"i-i"'.iii.-li:.Sgy: rr Jin AC; i. Joe -rr- !6.5"basr Prreslino. The: t:57.o. a_l .q .rqr6r J.,..i., lnviLs.lora.-. Jj6i#*;.1' liri'3.";ii:'"*::1"*.l:lJr- +:i,:+;l' ;:i:f: i:;'i,:;";iitd;:";;iv.i:::"?;"1',":i::o'' Fo'1 Frk o'-' }i;.'i;;;!,9.'i"i:t,::::'8"1,:i:::-ii"'T;,j'"Hliii;,'li,':.'ill;."3;';".. ;;li;"::4*"j",iilE.i::'ii:,]u '" 'e'+i; >. Jear netre Ed-"iers. 6: 6. ro-r Di(ru,rrD1( crub, z; z. r-sL par;s,ine ,. :lii,.fi:i;,"ii:j::::ri:,i:;::;"L",,.,

VImi cAllAlil{ CoPS MIRGAlE l-!,IIlI ivllnargst€ Clty, r,1.,;.r lltJ ?c- vaine 0.1-

lal1n o!:h. aali100r. crots codhilvc-l,ub c1o!€d I*3! io ffin iho uarg&t€?-d11e Be4.h Run ioday by 3a) yadB oY6tncie.t d3hton tt ih€ Rliaara ljaiYerslty

ilalhrlb didnrt i4k3 h13 oo"e lrtllth6 16ad nDners tele iro & one-5rfr!,1e4 alonr !h! !.y.,I.h ors., .l l,no Shanaban :i @r the

eerly 1oaa6t & !!!e1!ed tb€ leeii hali-dT tn.olgh lhc rsndy gtlnc. Ij)vevor,he iltrgd & f1! !3hed .fourteenth.Th. !ac6 Es .porsor.d by the ctirr ot

liaxse',€. "r1114it

Shaler ta. racc 41.sc_

lealtlful ironhlos d redels {.16 i,!t-s'nied €t a dl;n+. f,r al.l q" J!!lo.r.te:taurari fo11o!1..S lne /a.o'{eath€ll cca1, ctdr'.qst f.l1o?hg

isaly !a1n st1 i4rnins. sand rer:{ Y,L& a airora s1trd tac4d the rdhere 9or

)I.e 5.oriia: 1. lilt1dore X-countrvclrrb, 1-l-/,:t-6-lai 2^ st. .to.eph'scot.i;se, 1-7-11-12-19-51! 3.!. J, Sr6ra T6a!he!E Collesot 64,

noJrDs rr1Ns JuNro! 0\G-II00i &tNt c,l&vaN1TIINs OPX}I TITLE

Ph!!a.. ,r,Iay 30- tomar sr. lrdL'1 4AD3C-X!10 CnedD. eotr Cat*n ran li ni1e3181 ]aidB tr *i! xhe J." Nattl .{-4lr &orrer 1-!o!r rui hefd in conJlnctlorLirh rh6 10ib araual l)enr ac tr&.!,reei a! olD.v ulah srhool tleld.AleI trreckerldst herd ib€ lead ai 6

qiles bui doctded to ea}1 lt 6 daY,4cstenied {t',t a good li:2, foY thePenmc 5-n11e tltlo. Catun tr secondrlace ai the tlae ceFled on fiihmtio@€tltloD la a bId for ihe AEerlcanlecard, lut tbe codb1!e4 effecto ofa leaw i.aci amt hnt @athet det€ned

oeorFe rouids, {\YPc) a Claduate eiud-ent :r the unlversitf ot P1ltsbtrghcover.d 10 l/{ dles & 35 Yalds towlh the Junror Netiocl tltle'3. Tob 0€1er. slanalatr cc, 10t nll€s &

ijr. #.]'ilLi iiiii"ir i i.';;:;. ;;;a-e1le. Penn nC. 10t di1e. & ?u, yds.Penn hC. lot riles & zo,i yds.

rnt6rlr r.- Pete teaae. Shanaknijil';iiiij"ii'rl'i"i:' i!.e"., si'i",h""cc- Io nil€6 & 36, adg,i, 5, ol.k lono-cc, to tir.u & 36\ ld9.i 5"hD;, ao.ron aA, 10 nlles & 312 yd5.i

i. tilavn€ C.Itath. B{lttfo.€ CfC, 16:04l. lobert asnLon, Ruts€* ]J. ssr. 16:lj!. i{&!ren VardelYee.. ' n n L6ll3r., Albert srd." undti.. c1lrlon. 16:22i. ltlaus Pieeseni, St' Jo6ephr., i6132., Larry RobirEon. s6ltinole ccc, 16:14_, PauL Shorffan. ralainoN ccc. lo:J79, rrck rrahpton. 8al !iDore cirC, 16:r9!. John Kinnaelli. iqta.rs U. ssc,16:42ic. Jay ounn, saliisor;,rcc, r5:l'-1rl. roi carr, st. J06epht6 cotl ! 16:lrr,i2. Pere leade, Sladhen aC, 16:4?13. Ed Ayleg; S;?tth6ore ..1les2/ 16:5111,, lernaa i,to!!an, shanqha! cLi. 16:5215. !vte arnheitei, Montcrarr STc 16:il16. Jde cQuilran, Sr, Jose],n's, 17:011". Har!r Berkoxltt. Pen., ac. lir1318. Ross Contreuv. st, Jo6ephis. l?:221!, Ron (ullk. v6i1tc1a1: :tare rc 17:2320, At ltodE€li, Central Jet.ev Tc 17:3921. Jam6e Sokoio6l-1. MoniclalrsTc f7:/il?2. E4 De Mauer" vnattached, L7r)+62!. cv Yannatelil. Unattached. Ilri)2/,. Davld tlaler._Montcla1! sic, 17r\l?5, lan€nce Jani.on, i6nn AU, I'ar5t26. Rlchard Tr6nery, lfonlctuIi St.-'_' 92?. Tor "1!!i1en 0r1e!, shan.cc, i Jlr23. iobert Ro!chert, l4ontc1al. .lr ' tr:0629. RalDlr trlelldr E11bers, shab : r:oa30. Ceoiq€ larbqck. LJdt,tached, 13:12'11. anca ullt1.nE. lllest ch6sterAc 8:2132. cene Kn.ser, sE, Joeephte cot'8:tL3r, Don r,{a3k.n, BaltlEole CCC, IAr5234. John Burton' BaltiDor€ ccc, 19:2835. Si€ve cerle!, Shanehaa CC, 2lro735. Jaled Hoch, Pent AC, 2lro9

ii=6.1i! "iiirii3,-ir'"ii6*6. bnce lobraa, PitiEbdsh, Pe', 9l/4 B1163 & lol yds.i 7. John chepnan,9* dltes & 28{ vde.; 8. Fcb chtub€rq,e l/r. ollss q 175 ydsi ,. K€. Loveil.E l/rl n[ss & 175 Jdsi t. K€n I,oveiPe.;n nC, a 3/4 n11e3 & 10 ydE. i 10:!;;" l/in!a;s. wesi chest;r tc, 8inile. and 116 ds.i 11. Jane3 sP6er,wr6hlnEtor. D.c.. 7j b11es & 310 vds.+ 1is€Et -aook. rirashlnEton, D.c', a

mileE. 216 yds. {8th placel.Penr, ic Resirlt6 - gsJ-Le! 1._Alex-lreckemldEe" ouantlco Mrtne., rr: z). u(oeet racord: o1d nark. l1r28.C ttJohn Ko!1l, (h,antlco, 19591i :?. lobca@n. rn;on Ac (Plitsbulshl, l?:r):;3. ceo;re louIds. NYlc. l3:11i 4- Jack_ea".".

Shanahatr ac. ]la17i :. ?!-vorDou€ftlrv. Fenn rc. ll:34i 6. Bob !Ew-Eon: uci;.. i4arrle-Newtom HS, 3!:00:7. ioo osl€i. ShAMhan Cc, lr+rL7i 3.Dlck Donohu€. BAA. 34:18i 9. J€63eBudelle. P€F Ac, l4:50t 10. Brucenobras- imon AC. l[:59i lI. PeteL€ade: Shalahan cC, 3rllo; 12. Joesteian6Flc!, PeM Ac, 16!lli ll: Johrirh:rmn- P€m AC. l6:22i L4. Ra!p!

iii:i:g: SHHXil 33: 3?i33' rl?i*"!!{t

i... ::
















(B!.ck.Eida. rtu Pe|Mc dI.t.!c. shep'.tor 1I'6 olPP'c t'{'16-J!1t l-2i1r1.s - co;tr,u€d) lf:8ir1."5"i"3:ii:"!r :i"ililil."16. sob chaob..!, sh&Ehan cc, t7t2!t l+t!o'!" 3-'-xtd t!!c6tt'-w, 15:02'0iiZ. rer !;reri. i€nn rct 18. ia;{ /:' i4'r1e ccs" Fr, 15t06'oi 5" 8111ii.,i"ijii;',-iiii'cnii:i"i; ic i; "it.-

PQck, oxt-,.1r:1J.7i i. Rod'l4u.!, ucr,lrhonDson r-!60 rllrlned !h6 rou ran. rl-:?7'l :v-q!:. r'..:rr! a'!11!' q949'.:ii'lii'i s-"iriil-iiij-i.. )"-- ' !-ioe'ei ?. r4c. r{tr.o{' 4clc" r+,11-/+iNo:es _-2S .ualt;d oi," "o,ir"ua 6_Erte .r-.,.ord 'lorr@nr 0:e.-qt,,.l:1t.8t s.srd hour eN &nt r3 !a!i for in€ l\rt1 AblDgco!, sars,.r+r?i,l. {fhe 1919 $CAt

houi.. Th. offlclsle _ Ja*k 5t. c1a:. .hihp let Jaok ?i1c.i ot the centralJ!., Jaca FFah, !!ad{ Fqtu_ri a Brodn- ldljiornld.Ac set a-folsu-'lv. oa'''Jns'Ro3s, aiarli EnL b..,.r. L.yrns lj:f-11"k:1,!.'.:l: :::::-1: ir'",r::l-io-'eep ieb! & th; qs.. ;nir

016;.o:J""i:i:_.1;"i:iilj;;riT,.ber ot 1ap5 tl:ey ran,and rho36 rhorintsned s:i.r Lhe :lrtL srr are lroe- Sii-ri r:51 4, rL:i r'5L l, vrlrors;ttt ";iu ;;;pdr"i;i ir'aila.y i,."i r'1) a) 7tj5')" 2" osard 't!B 7:?6'iilobbed!,. rec(.rroue,an Ir:2n,or l. r,anfo_i -:lo. i -..'.vrv -:J.-/ii;;;; iii;;-;; ;;;6; iii iiii-"i-ir." :. ,c-1. '! | ieaMn. c€.1* -j in^€r ro hl! 6-0116 vlclory.l-t1r6: r. Alex sreckenrid*. oaen!:(o .*:al€3=le J9L:-.-l-e]i l. .lan1? ( Lr.aE;i:::.t!:57.2;1.Bl]15hiri.5\er-1:\:i'...:|,^"-Gn cc, 1t:oli J. P.re Lllr.-b.:":: ::; l::lii i: xi:"::*l*::; ll?i:ii"'3' :J:;,Y;:'i:9i);'1.':r:;:::;.;;c: ,6:r:i e. p!,i ii"i,,""lo-nn rc, -o:roi i:,HeF rerre';'r ;?T.ljov:-6'.:Iil.iil;l .ll::lll"_a1le RA, 17:06 (15 fhlsne:s)notes - Si\$k ted rhloush rhe slle rr l:9!rd'-cic-ns!ir, !!42 1 bv cglllollrr,2:?4, rr,:rlr ard:n1er tooi thu rcaa ar !957)i 3

'Jci'A i'lc2'J! !' usc 10:10 lLi

i* 'Jirii I 'riiariie'i;";;rit-*ii;; t; 5. sar ros6 s'eaie 1o:15.o

:€gti I ' . .- o, ,sLal!l:.'. cry L.:aDe to eo Il"r aull-d a'Ey for r''s 1 u lA ' : e-r'rd Jr!. ". 8rrin.jll:i l, PeL€ rar.€rb, sc:. q:20.96\, 2.o7, 3rl1)i 2" BIU Holnes,,h1ir. !j.6n;e!, LrZ2.7, 3. :|/.@srae KEl,l-!l lri. Crios! ClTl TltlUIPll

ramon, lhtla, ltoreer,4:22.8: lr.at Waisr, Shanaha! ce, L,4.2a 5. san I'ancls"! cal!l'. Sundav, ilLae 22

iose, Haa;on, pbr1,. ?io$eir e. r.". 19:r1.^_ it":ll - "l.f:$1"e..19t. r:++:t

'a;'er, Psnn A.i _, Paul vln;han, oAC. ) r-eo60: L, chas. De1 po.st. Sh€Nhtu cc. 'd -lr lne E! a4 Ir ca;tur€d Lh€ ,oiti:q?.ir ;.;;, j i-;e;;*iirii,l li?,i.iii .Ity.: t9l"-!:'; :9 :-199.".l. nur 8ladFhaH. ie;! tc: /.. kli.le:. !i,,niij""'ci. - -' -- -- vFlshs 1ro -rd l-nds r-o, coqered r!.€:-lirle Uati:1. pon retrd. NypC. 1r:-s.7.81 all- cour3e-fron -ne F.r.y aulld-ffid:-al; 'Eil-isir-i:,6 i,-'"'

rcF Lo o-€an Be6ch-:. rrnrns. re.n3ec5,;r r:.i o"m"i NiFc, riis.ii-5.'s.6 rlf:y-slx ren coapeted ln rhe ereltn8iiFr "::i7l;ij; i::"iiriri"ii,-ii"" ,ii;.,i!!i,"'"ii*"1?.iie:.;:.,"i*:t._"i.i":-r.-;rr11i.'iroi!?"]"iz: z. o,,."_ d1d not codper€ becsuso of ! le8 rlrjuytlca, Ui 3. Shanahan c6, li; lr.'renn coach'd. bv Ylnarr rsrol'AC. ioi 5. DelaE.e va116o-ii- rz: captu!€d t]€ !ea6 ttlle rtt] ?1 polnts.o. {ew Yorn Pione€r club,'r, uon refrev, :'vrv'

;: i:ffi'":i;:""'ii6,"'*' fi;;;\,resi coes! Felavs - Fr.sno, cali"., a. Joset Szutc8il, 5CVYV, 13!08ffi, n-.-T6a;;alru- under Derfecr *itr,- t. !r: Georse Bran!& M.rln Acr ,.3:32er_condltlo;., ti.-aes lndica!.d l,har .t'52mo6! of ,.he ait'tetes u". not y.r, :. li1 ll::!9p,"9:*"'"ch6d' .!:32r€ady for Lnelr bcst effor.s--irppa!- ?: J1m lEooox' )raL 'tentli noldlns bacl' !o be ln tlp:iop 'conlrnued n€e Fcer

(!on KeUey IdlE S.r. Run- Conttnu6d)

9. Ray schnore, scvw, 4/+:tllO. Tlo [e11y, i{alln Ac, \5.26lL st.vo Jackron. U.S. litarinog. lr5:1512. Jo6 Becera, ustt., t+5t4o13. TIE Jordan. uGtt,. t+54r214, He.b Po!to!, SFAC, 151591t. leon sFoushts!, l4rrln AC, 46:1115. Ualter vatr zdt Jr., slAc, 116:1,17. J1n CaUou. sFAc. 4612918. ten l4ot!e, u!a!t., {6:4619. Bryc6 Snith, SCITV, 1713220, Joe Ktne, sCn9, \1r1+,21, Jack Pa!5on, lmtt., 48:4122. Jabes Jacobs, S!,tC, J+8r51?3. Rlchald AvatoE, unati., l+9:2I24. Atundo !!att4r uratt., /+9!24

1937 - 39152 ly NolMn lllght ot th6olyaplc Clu!. (Altholgh the coarsva!1ed .ltghtly rror lhs one tunoEr for the past Elx year6. Th15!tt1I 13 the A1l tlre b6st.l

1955 - 43112 by J€sse Ve! zant1956 - 41156 !y l{aIt Belser, SIACI9r7 - 11ro2 ny Je6se lar Zani1958 - 4M7 by w+1 tr1n9, gcwv (Pres-

1959 - 41:30 by tlI Klng, scvfl.


2!. Mlch., 1959, .t rplU.Eti. S€cond &thlrd rer. E. Mlchls.nr. Dous c.rolland Joruck&.,,Be.t ohland... . btondbuUot !F! Lri6n U11!olr, took th€380 tor the thld )€tr 1n r .or, rlthe 1:52,6, n r tnck .!d IIIC @rk. Theo1d toop r.cold 6. hi. oE, t:51.3,3€t !n 1954. rr

"9 h€..! 1:J4,7.

ohlande! roN for th6 UCTC ln th€ 3u-n€r and i. axp.ct6d to ba a va1abl€addtrlor ro th€ uclc afi:lr sraduarhgthlE yEF. (.n Slalock and rlarold I!ft,both C.Dt. Xl.h., took !.cord & thild.Maurl Jo.eakla. rdnn€. ol th6 rl1e &

2-h116 1n 1959, sEppod back ltronsaft€r hl! thlrd h the EaL€, & cui 10eecond! orf th€ loop recold of 9:31,4(F!ed 9.rdova1, rEU, 1958). The llnnrsf1n. 9!2I.7 a13o sdpp6d th. track!a!k ol 9:r,6.3 .ei by stN, East- Iu.,1953. DaE st.&, NIo, & Sandoaat, l{ ,took aecond & thltd.

chlceso, I11., l1lt 26- Trc Stagg ri61dealkr fel1 ar royolarr Em1. Bl11up! &th6 ocTcrc {!u1€ May! tlmed In tlneeof 1!tr.1 ( 80o!) & U.8 (rIon hlshs) 1nthe l!rM1 lrntY.lFtty of Cblcago Tlackclub opeD h€er,.. Ehe llbboG in thed1ltance 4N *nt to B1lL (ru.g.r,1500E.. O, of w1.c. at MllEukeei Ha1Hlsdotr, Sooo{.srchase, UCTci car w111-lans. 5OOOn.. UCTC; End Arne Rlchalds'10,oo0s-, UcTc.. Weether end tlack t€re

15OOm: 1. Bltl Kru€ser. Ur'fil. 4r16.1iz._TEE Kon}6y. DePeul i\'o!h, 4:19.3il. D@s B{l.n, loyola, l+:21.5i 4. Den-nt8 Rulch€. g of c, 4:22i 5. stan R1!-sk13, Il1. Fto.n, 4!23.5.lo00n, Srchase: 1. Hel ltladon, ucTc,tttd;Z!--2.--F-on \{41llnsforii, uilatt . ,

llriUla@bqrs, vlrslnle, MaY 13-142-M116: 1, rlncn. vllElnia l€chti:;ftd-, v1!c1!1a

. Vllalnia l€cht 2,a M111ts!f: 3. r,1nde:;Iton-, Vlrslnta |d11tslyi 3. Llnd6ay,

cltad€l: 4. Bralthdlte, r/a. lqtlltartic&ad€1i r+. BlalrhFlte, r/a. Ml1ltart5. Hudd16, Va. M}lttaiy,9!43.1itrld: 1. wlIIldg. 1'!&: 2. l,lndsaY.Ml1e:1. W1II1dE. 1'!&;2. 1,1nd5ae]E i61; 3. cartto', vufi 4. MaltIu!!a!; r. Pbl1llls; turran.4120.0880:1. wt111an6, WIi 2. lalley, nt-;A;;3. Dlfi.LLe, l4,E; 4. Davis, $&vif' 6.:;"ffi:-wn*:di:;i;i,,il"l:;*: !e!i1:ii;.,!l!i!i-*!Fll!;"!til6^uirri"ii iii ;l',ri-r:ai'r' r.ra.r rjr; to:50.4i 5' Pere x'aus' DsPaul, 10:'o'4

ii'*:l{r,*l;, : : ;l!l"ilik"1li, @.,."1{' Hill::tiy:;"yiii :' i ll !:1, i1-l1l19il:-l:-------- i;"i!i,i;**i"lti;a,i9:i9it;.i:,1:.".,

!:t:l'i"ilk.Yil"'l;":lt'I:tls"#i:"*- Ui;:ii:,i"diil"li*:l!'ii'3'jl,iil:rntercolleqlate Athlettc conference

::r:i;;lif:r"::ii;|:;r;*;;l"i;i::' rii!i;li*il1.I{l;'1rJiidlti:r;",I:];':li': "::fii:l xlil'f:1"::".'!:*- i riiri i z.T.r-s"ar"", uc'c, r :,,i 3';i;; ;; i;"i:-iii: : ;;.-r.i:,.11 r.or.-

Sdql:'*q""i$:talli:ti:ii,;ll,-llfi !H":::"5.[:i;"i.:ii;:?';'.i:iitiiir ii-i!ioiil-!!t ii fr;;!i Jodrka, Ulili"ttl"H?'!: ?l;53i'*,0i"5"'tl*'


{UcTc O?cr T&r- canilluad )

41!29.6t 6. !av. Slrl1',ys, {natt.,42:04.4 (€1nn.rr, ttssr 5:20, l4!4?116!14"5" 21r44" 27ti?.8, j2119),

;;;;;;;:"...;;:"-*rI lai ecrsr8 rn a@elng it6r ir ths

?, {8lriqtL" R,i 3" Ua.tindaler l.i lt.rlr.ells- i. l.l2I^4.,2-llt1e: l. E:nr.'l'acy, P;i :. 4!iicr,-;t-i: (1nre11;a.i ,:, liartLrdalr, !. 9:i1"9 (tlacl< :9€C:1,gob l1is6r. ?.nn. 1r5?.!! ?.Fdf F.1iI qer, r : l. -ea \rlner, ?"1l. Je.k r41si:, n.

Ency.l,/p+dla of tort. 3r in.:."'rott -:ija)0re-a\.drLed's94. r q.:ur.6 j_-oIrIi ,-,-":.r .|-;:i;o:.: r,-r , o- 1=-t,. rr i.:ertleLics: ,1 .r 1i tj,'o-.;.,"-.os.-coLntrt nrdlrd. ire J".ll . ."-. .r ,,. d" ,.:h' L. .-, :;...t. :1r PolD r3r1!y , ot I ..e -9t: ,. u :I t.- "..

. :,.the edu.&t€d cla5rca. tn. !eaBn{. i. itii. rirarql-iy iaa y,::ts .rsf 1,ae2:la.6! i,ondor, ts .oneer.€d, 1r nr1 Cil- .-eb.ri .I lhi Sa:rf!".ir..le !i:!rnd !lllcult io und-rstand" Th. .apid g:.,tl itcuiir! leai rle clo..:y L!:rchin l4.tiot srbulbr rLe.e3stlnte! e liie.r trrin ., iers risl 'f

rhe i.!;ii uualr:e;,.-o-:n./ !L.ee.: r' ^.?' 4vrj r.- ' a. ..... .; oi r .:r. ",1d r-reer1 , aoo $nr .rui.- :." :: rqr. .-, .; -.:;. .i ,;-,.,, . :j:,: Lthe.x1g.n.1ci oi c1.c.i8ea!ce:. coo. ,1.:.* \hite.$ .t ta€ 3.:r.rde.3 fran,r i!pe:!1ed t. haye Lir*ir heodllari..s j" L1er 5:ta t.r rne 1!:d ar rije e .1.!i1.t1y lo])ulqted Clit:.1crni !n: the tne rtir{i :re!, {1r;1 t.he v1ct.r e,ela!!€a.a.ce oi clustals ci tunne.r, i.J"Jii.. iiiG.; r.,Iy i""""a .n trgenerauy ot very !o.! cia€s end ar- ;ae jor rne fjr.r riN i6 rh. :itntd.',oo atrlly..1ad, Bp.Iasir:irs th.olsi d- i;; ;r;,;j ,,r.:r r"rnrr.,i :r,. 4iar i,1"dr tl.o_ou8hfar.iE, 'e ti. dn :.1s. r:r -3F"cc4:1e, a"J urdouile-'y..,d:. - : ! .."(r:... ;,j .;:1( _r.::( . ,op.ejudlce ihe niddg .f tnn:e Bho ia"e 1e51,5 aa-"1 ti,::.4, ,,rai!.rs i::.ris!edna.l roopp,-_LlrrI r:".-n1n";c. \ : ;'-,.,:r.a v.!h i;a s..r: ar F: .-s-.' il;:. i;" : ;i. ;j. .;. -; "'., ;-J.e r:{ter er.: o- io c-I: r: t! L r1r. a ;,, :l -..:" :r"\e I'L"E BL l.able :. . i er'- r''_urlns i. a palr' .t iri:i ndrkaf;b.rk- i: ::.1"n.er6 cuL iallii rhorte a thir noiir. !i,r" a.i€rnr. 1 i:rleElDr trot lhe lrvesiJ .xd aw.(rt.:. t! the seetlre. n. bac .f -1t1ror: t: i.cijr:.s lt. I coin.eri. ".TrRlai!6 for'lis ctost-!6\rrr-1-.hrrt- or i,. :ire j!!rt. .c;:ea a i.? trd:t :irlonrnipi ias noB Lecn rednced to a tie taaan, Jt.tjr!:" 'Jii ilde .f l:5:._science! 6nl -l! .8. r11'r e1 ,.a.... 1! -, .t , ...6 -.r' - R li. ro 'or.ee- -tl. fo ;, d I^- :j _ -:_\1 .,r ! l: ( .er ,.of 4 fe* rears aso, tle.. he 1s j?re- .li.i, sJj 1:t3.lI t. r.hn lawLor,!a!:d to dee.ie th€ -,rlo:L€ of hie lel.- -:itlle ch;irtjan i.r.sh, 1;O9"Ci 4: B:''"e r'be t. ::cIlng' j.. O:i. 9: :. i .. .;n p{ re" '-L occ.ri (i de t\al .:rilxr r,a:ln-rLi o.--'.t ': ._ r,-.:c,."r.o".4&re betns a1!eC todat. 46 ihe sali!4 gtii.tt t. t.a.o" .id!e!, !Sn, 9.?t.91so.s, n-f,e dole cL'.rs c "i -, r"" r'r" ;. '.u, u-c""1. ,, ..-.):l::-:::.::: :::::l--.

"i:.1.:f,:":: ;:'"il":", 'ii." .i";i".Es6ron, pa., laey lrr ?€ie waln€tE s\ar- il;.ii: "::li.rl,:i",;,.113"i'i?""i1'5,r;6rod tso l,asalle Coileae track recods;;;; ;;;";l;;-i*ei;;Jii.ii ii oil:ii!' li*'i!:T"i.li** ii"Tl:$".i":fffl.::lf!?'t "::f. :f ii;:",.?,riF"; ".^, ;,,7.; p;i.; i;;.;;rr'"r,n o! in-itfli.'isi'il'iili i:6";;ii;'i,i: "^' j-':..'l:.!l!.i9'1ii; slo.;,11i'l'i"2-Mi1e: L nalnerr, '., o:3ni t. Dr.n li,i,l siill::il'i,.iiil7t-;: ;: i;";;,;elre Ff,; i..-o,1 jaras, r. . .. ;;:1,.r.;;;;":'rii;--,-o;'o. ,a: -i.r,"i,88O: 1. Ton l,qaush" lJ. 1:52.3: 2. Jid#i";;, ;.:t;: .L::'o!i';""11,'.s. Hou'-on' 1 :1i 8i - s'r 1"'s' trs"

Be"llehon, P.:, uay 21--Penn "', .-,..-"r*#*:t 't""'-t;3;''1.'r|,'i.1 ii,LoJr Iehrsh 2il - llls! 1. u4rr-rr R.. ir!ri'iiii, 'o;i;, r:; ,6i I. Jaak qJrrcot

lcolt3eud R.iays - CorrtNodJ

.iii :"i':l'Zi.:...i:;:",f!::3igi,,_:i".

'iffi*iT*jffif;;++rgl*ffi#"i;,,;!:q{i1f ggr;l:;i}1;ii.;'



j:l!;1fi '1"fi

r., +;tt*ji+*,:+t;iir,,"pr;:




s.$tu;jfr-iril #*


i;,1ff ffi 3":i#" -,f s. i;"it{jf%!*#+ri:#*"-,iB"i;. *",!:.alght Cont. outdoor

e#w#++1,'ul5:iir5is:: :

ffii:rtit5ififii'atursff:i:##ri: J;+;;i'j..?:i,::r-



ffi ffi i,,'-,-T,=#ff *itli!fu *

ff,ru#:ltfo,i:ffn4i?ir=1960 AIU Handboo!, $1.7t froo r,D ros.




; 513,"3;"I*"S:lil



ggIIttD SIRIIDS - Jld Cral... altlsilnicoach Bt los a!s-:I6;-3iE-ta c.11.g.,h.r !..n Ed6d head t&f coach. aotue.coech l.llr Juonvtll€ !ec.nt1v .6!1a-!€d . . .-Ifi'Tr.su€, T{-€ut. cot. Ea!!ZatoDe&. a fo8-tlde OlFelc cba@lon.E6I!"-a icporter resr€ttur1y thet h6ruld not be gohs to Rcde th1. !])mer.nMy sup€rlora f..1 tnat I ao eore va1-sbl6 h€r6 a3 en oregnlre! & PrcP4aaR-dist lor 6po.t,n he s.Id,. nBelleve@,n zatopek conilnEd, 'lrd @ch!atlt.! b. rclEtla on the tlack a5 acoach, I donri haa€ tle dcht tefp€!-Eenr fo. adnlntsriatlon, The coafe!-ence€ &d et1 that arc too @ch forrv Doo! h€ad.n rdd he conltderedei!i;!1nc, say, Lhe Olymllc tsrathon?'Ohen I eork oui rlth the young one8,I nn F.tty re1l, Thea I set al1 excLted about ra.1ns asaln & I kn k 1J-I hBisted th. d1&ctor of cz€ch slorte,ou1d let ne codDete" But dhal aboutpublic oplnlon. I teel 6ure I couldllnlsi say, trenilath at leaai, Butthe Czech publtc wouldnrt und.rltand.1l I entered, I rcuLd be expecied towin atrd, alas, thatis no lonser poes-1b1e. I tu 38 Fa!. old, Th..e can beno dor€ sland Mblt,lo!. '.. -So@ ve.yline hlAh .chool nue.6 naae lsrforoedir rlunois thl. y.ar, thr€e h.vlngm 4r2O o! bette!. Top mn 1s !fCarius. ol Morton. e e@11 t(m n€a!F€f-I;- vlth a /r:i3 and r:19.7. Tvotunnef,c 1n the chtcago cathollc league,Ton SuUivan. S!. Ceorqe lurlor. and

tn I:20rs. ThE ChtcaEo rlathollc schoorsdo not belong to tbe stai:e hlgh 3choo1association snd don't ruo in the statena€t. rou:-ih .ankins 01161 1n ihestare ls lteynotth xtlkland of N.vTrier, t/innetta, slth two 4:2ars. Inih. Stat€ M6et llly 2l at chanpaign,carius edsed Klrklabd h 4:13 (rainfalltng durlng race, heavy sinds,track verv ruddrl,..!.thur Ne*ton Esfortv vhe; h6 i tarted;6:hiiF:-fi;bul1i a cou.s€ around hts faln and .anevery day afte. he gate e thought tobe a gleat frnner. Ile lan 6lght o! teDhoure a day, Cotected hls laLlts,achee, bdls€8 dd leaned the Prope.allarel to ve&. sane fo! cold o" mmdafu. gloathlne Es hiE stlons lolrt.oxygen is dut Bakes th6 hMn dchlneLrun. re lan flLat iooted noBt oi tneItib€, on toes olly rhen ho lslGed &tsested in runnlnq. . . Clar€nc€ leMar raBb ere,t ru""" 1; h1;-d;tTEcruse lre

punllh€d hlMelf nore tlAn hl! advEA!1e!, Jlst sevele plnlshdent @dhlb . wlnner,..Nearly atllons d13t,Den suff.! flod henorlolds sometlrln ihe1! ca!eer!. The tubblns ot tich€€ks ol post6rlo! celses th13 a1:and 13 a cause of ean.er, leMar dlrof tt. Neve! do any frnn1ng rlthougr€aaing rectun. And in a race do rvase11n6 ln quartltt. Prelarailor Idaily slv€3 son€ bercflt to sufr€lrlerer Heeeld. the srest 31x .tar E

m1kE. He relked in the a1d MadlsorSquar6 Garded vritl a me oi al€ i.hand, drinklnc lelsrrely whlle @Il...Much corstrxctlon ts .t111 eotrEalons tire Ionlers Maraiihon cours. hner toi,.s" e.., The roller coasleralve at aoout 1tt n11es has been €

lnaied and th€ o1d t€Daln b,\'-pasEeso that the st.re'och nor s1oP.s donand ellolnaies the curv€ ' a .e* ter

aplear3 at abour 13tniie6 oui .r th; c.use.'.!9e Ilsl!belleves that a nnner can rlse frlrediocrlty to chanplonelip caliberwltloui coachlne 1l he listens to cand learne ffor aach race..,Shou1{il9n:1 Zatopetr. the sreat cze.h 01lm!i=;!;;;6;nd reslectful sLtelt iorrhen he bredicie tlat at Rone Xalhztnry ot FoLand k1!l iake the 5000rzdzisla{ l(lzvsziroldak, anoche! Pote{tll prevail in the 10,000m and sericlov of lussla a1ll {ln ln the oaroni,,.!a!zah axom" altor qlnrlns t1939 B;:I;i-r6;-than co@ent€d:'I'

stead/ iobi. .cs y:lthe unlversriv 01_ ahicago Track crrcistanc€ .!nrer, is gcing to aussla_!he feU or a stldent exchange Proe::e 18 5iudyina for 3 Fh.D. ln seoloand h111 r;obablY be I1v1ns 1n l,eniE.a:..,{aiollioni3 18-}re3r-old dista:.e a1 tucan. !1an3 tD atterd Mtci;a; 5_t.atE Ij;Ti7 ais it y nel_t tat1.. &i,Jeuinsfod. 26-year-old fomer !'1c?l;n 1n-il iunn€r 1s a school teachaa xorth Toronto colle4iate Instltu:Tle Jxnio. Natlonal AAU Ma.athor cnalonshlp nlll be h61d for the se.oldst.aighr: year 1n altlantic clty, l,LJ,The race is sch€duled for sunday' oc!6tn and t1U be opotsoted by the InSocial &.4thlettc club. The coutse ibe chaneed to avoid the heavy boardxrraIfic,..J1d (Jumbo) Errtott hae b€elected 1960-61Track Coache6 t3soctatlon. li€ €uccee

!:ll :i'$,?:""i: gil";* gf:'i::"i:









, ,i;liir;1:;;i;,1,'i,i' ,' ,ii1ir 1,1.1,-.'.',: , 'i:: ';"ffitl$;$iulf ifLiitiil*,ii,r,i''i;;i;;

trffiffi*Hi*il*#n*ft, fi*frqfifift*

#ffi;.illffi [;r;,'*,,ir,*;;.rit;',,ii',;:

s*fi **+$*i,ii;:r gu*rl$ffi ffi tiniiiffis-m*r*fifrl'tffi


iffi$ffiffiffiI l;I":,;;;.i:;.;iji:;i'";" i:: :'' .: ''' -*.; r; ; ;:i ,,'

iii":j;i,:,iii!:j irf+:#i :.._:r,',;-"'.',,,

i;:r:l:';;";'""",'l; r;,,i'r ::: r,:;-'ir, .j:,. ,." .*"::.;: ,

iii:i. rl;;i;",'.,li';$

::.'' ;;:',i'r, I.,,;;:;i';1

'j:ii '

!13:i:-':.:t., a!,, ,;:.:;: :,.'1.,1 .l

;:"":ii:.i;l*:l,r;;ll*i';. t: ' ' .; ''' .'i:_r,,i,.;:.r

gf:*trt1i#;; i_ ;;* lt;;r -,,,- ',,:,


*rf.1**fi' #ti+*t#},iffiffil;"ffiii:iffi W iisfr




{cu]f lA0 - Nonilnucd) 8i1c: 1" Btl,l 3to!., 0k1ahoE6 stat.,Tllg.5i ?. .i!a c.ci1., nlrLA, 1:49.ir

bv Prul Jo1:.sor, abilen. '\l-3\1dn,rta'l 3. ia"h 'xl).o., icnlta:l Ca1It. IC,'a n: t. qr.rle lld.nd" 'lcusLc:., 1::1.7 _-: o.7; !. Ceole. (dc:er{an, osardli:T-necoro. l ', )tlt,hi t. B-b.arnoy, aSAr.

il49.8t 5. hlke Psek€, Slviv, 1150.5.

.;;,;;;. ,;;,;;;. ;;; ;;:;, ;;- r"T1jd#;1i;.rf i:i:il I'irh: .1( 11 "'T .10.,:.8: :.9iv"r.:r0r:6.s.''o.r.srr, (r-:f., \1ay ?'- .rL re Jrft ?ittr]a 8!Lqii r. fry, ^:jL.8i . sL..r-,... _ ioroe U, of \oEl. aa-o:ls -:5f;f;n't' fr.r-. :l'.5, ,. ariz-nnne., ehatt€ren lhe rre.icar eltlre!?s ona 36ie, il.le.l"q:ord lr Lne n,t-e ietrrdal _llhl. te.l- r{.;:. ie.cpe r'n" ::!lr)is.;6.1;rn. c.e-o!.,s Dror 'urlsso;, ir-J:t".0. :;-..s D"\ri, t'u. {6,1i I Vj!e'i'.t ttiro:t:'t:r' r:tl.o-av:-g : .-id-!s, r6.., a. v1. Iali,

':r. 1!Lon flva r'r.ror l"J):e je ej b, i. 16,1.r:ce Lecil-e oI - \,..e sil.0e-_ Brrl.-soi be.ade the leaw favcrltr otf !l.s3:-9.b.n lpr: ?1. i.I .r'- ^o\1A s1A_ J -3: \,!1"

4q'iIo!n1r o.Laye h- nj f{_--ei or" .: 1.'' lN'r \aarl Jc record,o. i0.. , In rh. ".oc!.o lrnior 'o:j-C, otd recr-d, 1.t1.6 by NeaI, l060'i 2.9tadlio by headlns the oregor solho$o:e loo l,ile, ltntniole va1ief,, ]151.?! 2:,-l ' 1e fl<] .r:y B.ady, Chafrey' 1151,8i ]| sn'lt-in r'" se{en-@r f1cJ4, .h 5'a'bcer- van,5 ocLro1, l:t2.'i r. C.nl'y, L,acc,

'v too. th- pad ou' Lhen l:)r. ; 6. rndres, Sac.h-s Safra clar. !l-v tia.dr.e raszlo rc{tel :. .jlephard, Bak.! !:13.!i 2,"aborl qenc ro t.e lrn" br q.trjdF E;ticr, cleidl1e, :l:.'i J, tutr,afte! tl1e ltrst la!. SICC1 l,:19.0; 4, lee, San Jose; 5.taboll st1ll led at the nalt In 1:i3 LoEiov. lonE Beach.

at\d ar 2159"7 afier ttree quartels- 2-I411e: 1, Dd1€ Story, Sents !na,1€ Fea!.y serr our ln fror.! !-!h ?10 ti?t)t ?, !.qy e van relich/ o-ance

jarde o qc, end tsuirs.r b€.ja Lo .orsl,9:2-r, i.1. hll'6rc,, r'lendar.'alo<e lhe ea!,.3u1 eeen sjtL. h's noldd 9:26 oi ! '/n iLe:e8c, Lac -a, o:?3.1;-1.1, Lhe lanl.y ^olleglan co{ldr'1 ov€r-,, Ji5..6ci, saf aa(eo, o:20.li',Lau€ his sodtler i-e aL ealtr sirercf- !-tur , M3! IA,,-"a!: " lliC ;L; ?.ed out lnto hrs 6p!1nr, and fl.,1shod BakelBfleld t0; l. IB 1,2; l+" ctendal6aloui f1!e strtdes ahead. 25i t" ilesno 2l+t Satrte.tna 21+, sD 24.Bxrrescn bLaded hlDs€Mo! ihe defeat. ----------h1 rupL Cidnrr have my usual fi!ish1:g;:";i:""1"::;'",i$i;.;-i:;,';"r;ffi. Ji#ii#-5;*i$i";L;:: Hi:::"'I'n:oin{ !o hae- 1o t:8ir 'arder lo iias"lt aro rnd havez Pa/Ine 1n rec-beat-Beatty, I.le ls nnerica!, besi ni1e.""o!d tlne tlls nolnirs io rin hls 4t'hI11e: 1. Jin aea'eiy, $CvtV, 3:58,0i 2. NatloMl title lnslde a y€ar.iF;T Bu'reson. ""aan. )t59,2i l. -a5- fl. @lred aBy irom a s_rorF rl- dzio ,aoori. 5:h'v. l.:Ou.oi a. di D-1- oI td !o tinisn ln 2:38.r'. 15- )b _lllree.! r rald Lipj_c lA, r:0?.'i:. AF Ba3e caotaln a1r'rqr hes DockeLilFob Seanen. . c srridel6, /.:0!.li 6. -"o. rhe 10. 20 & 25rm Ljl les.kfson. o.aeon. (:12.oi 7. Jeroao r'" - 2. tra'k slpog, (d6lendtng ^hsiplon)er6. did noi finlsh, {splllE: "rr S !Y!; ,. !t. lirayn. Ntchol, torl Yead'.57.i. trta.2.3:00.0i 8ur.esc", !d.i r.. L€o sjosr€n, lor ang€les.7t59.6, 3raa 4i laborl, 57.7, 1: ', .',2:t9,7 --laEt lap tlres- Beatt] r,3!.1eson 16.6. rabolr 60.1) Stutleafi. oer@nv, [{ev 21- Retnnage] ,-.ltrnlerr6 sijits: b0.2, ?:3i.:, l:rr.9..s;Mldt', 2:23.l..cordon Ptrie.i:01.9:-60.8 lasu ouert.r. d:06,6r Klrvsrkoyia[. 1o1., 3:03 !.5.ooc;: 1. Doua lyie. canads. lr:12.5i Lerpzis, r'lay 22- Honlck€' 8:0o.2.?:--n;T-ooberLsan, sl!1ders, 1r,: 16.2 ;l. c€orEe lounE. U.s.AmY. l4:20.o; 'Hov th6v 1!s1n," bt lred rlrr .'4, Bud Edelen.-SFoc. l{:?0.o. older arod lD rps'











'r-c_ l { \i , t :-vtc ;r.C !fJ rrr.rEed r.,- I rFej;-rL, iJ!T!!r rac. ct!1.1.r1r .6ndr.1e; 1t:r_-i oneercrrdL€i 1!L' eili.telr r., ,.'.r,r.r11Lra .tr.,-i.L! I .e I I r,rs, ar thc.;rr \ - crr rrl,trs

1inlC xl* ,:,3c! .-,o lnir ! 1i r.rrrar!l .:.,. , , u,. :v"./..,_:\ fsrry, J!..': , t ,,J,,-

"i.. -, -r '.. -t I .

.. r.56- I.'t,:1., ."r,.,,. ,, .O-"i? -!ao Ir. lq!":t!il!!! .a 1 t,).:.tzya-o, ro-r €ti.:-, P i . :. :61v. j-. J"e ."..ano?r:: -nr,,l ,mi, tz r q.! Iob t-'.re, hd :,.', .,,.!. Har-rt/ frTr o'iir. rernla. l, t//.+ r.t:0. rar Loverl, 5tLr. cc, ' 1 ))'1, -lr.f:t. ia i I n1!i.rg, aha.. a. ta.3t4+ 2a91?. J1M runrln3iar. r,enf;c ilj,."+ t.r

-. i:.. :o .11..-,. i ^1.,.azi.-' 1:- o-dnf - Davld ,. ferLC-r:no, : ,a.th..,ore.oi1age. .ir1.a€, T.rFe t/!),ri(s t_ l

'!€r!:fltRr9 4.r0 ;,Lillr !!a!s piar,,tari itcurSciioclb.y staaLiort t.! lfeb!r!rrr .€c-cld-b.eatin€ lelforirsice n:t.us to!. or ir."r/.r -.rl.s ligllr;t,ret ire Iifr,r arnudriAJ ta.f ,E.L dr i.r ' :.!orm!. F'.rpvFrrI €ld..irrbrrer, a lr-re-r_oid srudeftit r _.!ert aonsDI:a1ted llish wor il1p

1!c ia 0:r,4.7 a6 h. beat ctr r)sh cu1_breath 147.9). lveb3ter sr\a.ired th. lostl,hila. tloneer lt.!b t. ar easv teanvicto"y.41lqi I vern,forsan, ahanahan cc4l16,lr (5q.r,2:olL, J:12);2. par |l]aishsharuhax, 4:22.8; I l,laurlc€ cannonrioneer, rr.:24.5i 4.3t11 qotner. pi6n../r:JJ,0i <. J. r4urphy. ransdaie iaF.a srarrers..old neet ftar'k. a:I9.9 bvFxss Pradshak. Penn ,1C. 19t9.2-1411+ I. Pete ltath"1a, :hanahan CC.9t?9.5 \66.,2:15. 1r26" t!:rrl- 5:51-r:07, 8:2I) old n;et Mik. 9:r:6.7 ;;luther BurdelLe, Penn tc, 1957; 2. iomcarr, Pen, .rlc, 9:t1.2; 3. 81ft shl.k.shanalr.n c., a:56.1; i. i\4atr Slnslet6r.tsenn AC, 10:10.5



BIll, SHIE( liEN$ rilt,r Hali:l F.i::ij !_isl]tNor!IEtom, !d.,3ai,., JLd- i (1.:!iDn)foiier 41n,lelrt (.i]EE: Jlsrarce a-€.

r!. r',ti1raJ tho n.!f:na. rur h:Lct rr! th4 fjjth aninil 01! -. a.L:lrnlt 1. ,ri :rrck qn.1 rr:1. n.e. . L (:

l!|i.lrPlrl er ed, PiJnde.r, t:,lrcre6rs- 1:57.J. F.-3q Brad6hak, Pej AC. 2;014. lrc€ H:p!, Shsx cc; 5. Dt.&

1.aftl tltilaee1f;I1a tlcne.r n_{:.'Jila/a-" i1.i"y r.q, ,ni :'!d.riralanrd:ip lil, ?, dri!-buri ri,rr n (c, 6i I.sr, u: c.ileli, i,

ric z,,rot.rLti cr:,!-s !cinr1,I1!K Viii(r,. :nLi. C1!y, i .r,. "rlq 5- |

-r J:, .f ihe '.1 rtar!.r Nurrrr.in::i.or ',ie, r an4 ie.;eserLjx.;-

tDr aC ci fiiladeirkla, rroled-la rlgq€c .on.rrriti! as he .1iru]nj€k.rtrl .1_ runlhg to *in ri!€ lla.i,ral lnafdi:ik it1. 6vet A lel.nurse i.:.. Lcd4y,l"ie !.'tr t. r,r. Jr.nd inode is.ra'to iller ir.tri-- or r!€ 'da1k t*clt t.! !e aplr.ain.rel' 60 Xaldr.r-rj a. r rls:rr:rce lwolat rs r

!_'rr.o nillt,. re reas ren brtltt !n:.i!.4. e the €{act disaa;qill be prbLtsl.d Iate!.

z,olak, lc.ner ta5eil€ c.11.!:eout, starred hin trlsr veekerd rrrinE r:!e rllt l,1:r!! 5O.)0n rtt:riid::r :na |re loiion s'chas: .n3t lLEnl.i:$",:lqr ;:e ,,..1 ot: t.i.inl r.rsori, b/ car, g.an.ed theleir -h! .nd L beb: nrt .;!rr lloroi rrr3iruo 'r.i.:! (.i ij.ol tr:lC ie:.rue l€s rari,iirecior:Lni0r.erlrnar; .i,r:.L ci the .orrse.l. Ietr -ltilnejn, Sha4ahan cc. tr::1,. 'iedr, .rrn, rJ..r r lsL{r.s 1Ar. I5, Pete L-3er 4r shan. Cc, r:t:iiarr, Pern tci a:2ti ?. Joir nodHa.rlsbure llA, 4:32i 8, lhares iHar.isou.E rlaA, 4r3:l! 9. :fiuianson, te€i Cl"!3ror r'.1r,,t:40i 10.:Edrardl, Shrnahan cc, r:{6;11.:1,li1ilams, \,1. ChesLe! AC, lL:47; Ucharles ltIa1Iace, unafi., broordlldnf - Jacl aarry Shanahan CC,Atards Fere !,.esented at the Inl€9ocla1 a Atniet,ic club-tloDhies !als to 15th place. neflesh;ehts.P.evlous wirhers: 1947 Les J4acuiilrYAc, 4:1r+.8i Ia48 John Twomey! Inois 4c,4:16.4i I9l+9 John Tronerrr:15,2i 1950 r.ed ttl1t. NYAC. r,lal1t51 {xor held) i 1952 ion cehmEuratt,, WlscolsiD, l,:0r., ( ltecori195J Broqlna Ro5s, Penn Ac. 4:U19t4 iral rnltfield LAAC, 4:06.6 Iheclienridae actuaur won as a Da1955 Bfohine Ross, l:21.4 (nexi:




l?;t.ll"l,!i' ilt.i'#.:*:ilg"Y;:" :855i"3??ff .3iH*il"i'E0Prs 0r 0's'

,;;-;";,ii:r.'''' d pir'| q'ancjco nar-

-oapton. car.'i., J,ri r- ,ac1e sao'|E

.,^..i-.-,c.. lii-oiiiii",i-;:,"is, !l#:l',:'Ii:^li:iH:::.i1;"' i::"*.:irbrli:i. iiein * F-iED rnlurrorstrrs ili"li'i|ihlS]ii!i!""ji?"n:H'i..:rn'aar'. i,1e 2, 1960 UdversrnY of

"',l,';:,.i Ilji**l#,ii,;;i' "li:",:[ if.j]r ; :;;,;::"i:e;;r" 't:{, r a.e; r. h }li.: ."'j; -j;;:,"i-:".

;:.:,,",;;,t;!.:. ...:..j';lil!-i " ";i ""i"iris;;. ;';i;;

".,, j'; r

'.,:';::";i;:i;:': ,. :t;rrl:el$:it:;i,",:l .,,t;t;;


, :;*ir1; ili:rr"l".ii'll;=f'*:l;,iii" lli'l:lill":i:f.::lt;;:"*:fai;.ltt!:,,.,,'; j. !{,r.r r,rjnir, F.roj.t, ;,:r8_9r i: L ii .ii.r ii"iii.-rJi- i..:il",i " rre;ijs thi,! irrlen !i!.il ! i6btrir, !::7'rrc: r. ,Lr.:: ij:rr,r:,'r.oyi:ra !arv., ::11;.,:luo{n:.iirl::..iiiii iii!,,

l;r;i:i,,'l: i;,,'liil,ii:.r'i;fi lS3la iii"ii"-iiiri'i" fti,'"iai!iy o" rerea-

.,_,;t:_-,::] : : _: ._ _',":... ti"l,;i=l;;::li;i.i:"*:iil!::lir,:-iearrv's wor:rcr. flnlshlns l(1ck pxll-

-*i.: r # ilirl.i-;,;: ;;;;.1", j,, " i."?' "'.iLiii' l' "f; 1'iil. ii;"i"'i.,".

ifia. 1-41:l ?. ],a. r:.!, 7ti jj. |fri La.,

1I !;.fiCt lni;ii'Lii'iii";,Il.i"'' iti!:::*",:1"1,:l *iljit'$it"il!:'l,l:.(I : J:'i iL js i1- cae!-

Ui:*n*n*us*i*,::#;i fiffi'*$:*t*r*ff4rnfr;:r,nrdrrlr), l.i,J. i'7iii.i

i. 1 'J,,";;:;-';l;:r ;r!13 ii- - ;1,,;i':;3 i:1.! 3;i";"1"'i3l'i""l ii'..'.,:' , i,:,;- , ",;"'i:".; "".,-^,",."

t1:l;;,]J;?r"i' ;'""':":::'i:i';"'":";l;"i+itiirl"'*$r+.;il; i;:'!i;;:^'lill"l"*'' er:k:*-"}:-i:::"ll:.:::":,:::-:::tji - :-,,r:-l:l:- - - - :i':;::;:::i;i:ii::li::J!i':ii;::l:::c".ran P"su lr e--uan.v._r AP_: I )u "!'

ds1 1r'€ 6u!-dtsLanc"d Jlb cr"lIe

;i:;i ?iU';.ir;:;:l'i*irii,ril;i:r, :h3:i'"i*';""i":1""8'";*:::"'"-:l,ili*"ii;l;iir,ll*:ii"l;::t1

".,,". ,:i]l;';":"i.;BB"*,iI":':":'3::i,:'

riiii}llSi!'$i'i,t6:jliri"iiii, t1t6.i 3ilL;"" E111otrie thifteedn Drlrer-

-,i:i::l,u:;rii:a,r:*;:',ttii: ;:,-- i?il#iill":ti3";iiili!;lji!*iE r"-;;;;;;; il; ;;;l,l;;;;:l:i:.;i;jTt'r Bil::$ :i:,1,i;"?."i::lioEi!!ilyi;:ll^"ii:flili-*]'ililf.:ff?:"il]:; 6'n 1' "i;11,"!::ile,"t;:"*eiil(';';:;: x;:

{Be4ttr. EUILr-L tin,t" u6trilc^1- crnr.rli;56:'J:;f:i;' ' lhe r' '- fi-?'r' jor Lnree :aa""br -

*i!i,a r, r.tgi:i. ald Bob lrorrard, vc*, $ir"i$"iflil"i,;ll.Y; ii"3l35llclocrr€d/r:0l.9f,ato!'.rb. .;;-,;;1;;;!r;;-;;;;-'itiiiiii'l:i.rIeacon Jo,,.e, r-clic a5 evcr !n!s h:- !p.,,,.- - ".rro,.r "u.u_"o -i,r€6r, corsulred .4atty beror" L\c j,000

"r!r ,r,1, . yq .,,::.rir iiii :1" p;beler .Leip:rechase (nce: a"-La. \ 'F di,nc.ed6 ro j 1,c ,.i- . i!_p;i .. .;.:.Bearly tcld ltd. rThlnc ro\sh ard .ror'tii::";:lii;* j:1,,"F;" ;-:i'.:r; .;; ' 1i:! r!"!i!.::ql!;

,;;1.; :ii:l ':";P\,t 'otrdn 1":"o.-, ti: i:.r: 'tup

_1 Louenlo'or; ':_' so,."h"6t.eal trc€re IeF: ..:a. ...i ,coranatr and lnird ?lace rod oa!1€.r a:"g:'f ff,:::r;,,:"il1l.1{l!:f..a16o lettered i,he C1F,"ic qral.;.t:,.i;ssr. ard. :"'"'1":; ;t-f: -l:::-"-:'1li'.'i;::.

4+*ts*9_leg! -1:_?.:It. iit"ir ::, irr".ll"."Ji", t:-i;;.., ,;:; ..;i",,;;:;'by:;;;"'";c: i,':'1i:','i i;i:.."., h-ir-rre. (ro L !n (r,"..r' rs,,r :, q:i... i ,. :o.L 6k_ey, "dr ..,"d :i1thl"i,::".:l^1. "l-1,:^:^:I:;":tayeirevrlle, \rkan5a.. 3:.?.t;.r..(r- ,.;;;'.;'i;":;';;; .;;:"::;;;.;;.ial]9s !!alk, €an rose srai6, 9100.1" r"te.", uii"ei.liy;,,'r.i";'i;i.: E;,3"**.: Iii^yi"ii,il: $:I1!.,,."?9.' succ.eers J(6:..a/!r,, rc r:1c aJ!er{!iT"ir.i.'liioli,,'jl iYl"Etr,t;,?' f.#":i :$f;;';;:;"::., ;:;;,.J#:occtdenial, tr5ti-/,. Jack wilcox, cen- 10,6OOn:ei""Es cr viaiinii (,iis,"'ra- Callf._AC. ln onl, re Corptoi relerkeo rjdr_ zstooe^.ecerllv...H.

Elliort Eave r ntnL oi h,s poienr.ianeet fa1l to b€tter the olftDlc qual-ii;"i;; n.i- ::i9f,3::'?l::i.ff:i:,:.1"r,:.:',;;"", ;. .; ;";.;,,;;*;;;"- :1*i"1"'iq;::r"{"!:*iifj":l^t#,tIg.:ll"t::- .?90tui.9'9b"9',.1: Y" 'eri r'esh aL r\e enc; --a ry:3 p(

fifi'{:":E::'6::"ii::;'i:i?fi^ i i: fi: Bi;$i:.,,:i:,,::i:.ftliiLt:S"1l: I:!91!; lMt?!l "St!t{r l:". s,eerrr€i c. valen!:1 .as. cord,;I":';,::::'6Llti;:::ia#l"i: i;" n:ni r*e a nan doub:rnc D on de r

z,i.iar, iii5;;-ii-iiii'm-i"; ji;;, a. r"'@lade: strar'er'., 3 . :Tob'.10.ooo;: r. e- e"""r."*'i!"; jt:66 ' ?:,r'"'"""d"il":l::'i;9. ;:';:;:

jfui,iE"iit'i.1i a":*:"t*]"t"iiiUder sLaLe-.oonsois ro "\jci all.,lir abple tln" Ior ':"rrrne and c.

:::: Yll'.i:5 :. T1'Slll9-'l:'Xl lq_ rllon, h€ courc o- oa- 'hr-ce'mr iv1ll idd Lhe Bolo.n t!n.1 louch r.lron IdIeF ld to ione or Ausust 18. w€rner r,uesrs"l,5oob Olwplc bronz:Tne 3quad f,i1l relorr ro the V, of eedat h tt52 a;d Xlaus Richrle.talolego! at EuCene on July 2r, riI1 e.- stlve, 1! rhe sa&e eyenr 1n MelboEgase in ar iftra-sqEd 6eet thelc. JuJy He hotds lhe cuop"an Di.e re.oropor]lechnlc ]:16.r!...The op": I Ml1e Ollphan_lsL'.ure at P@oE, ca]If,, on rus. 1!t, t{iaj-i;r. on-,a,tb nold Race 16 e:heensase Ln atrorh€r DeeL rug, r or o 4r fo, Frlaey, Jlly "r, J:10 pD..Er-rerby long B€ch, & a thlrd in the tos !o u.. r.-6.-ei, Boi 315, i{talior

An8eles aea on Ausu6i 11. On!ar1o_.p!1,es:'!rohi€ ilo,ie Csn_ihe obT'-!ia!s a:11- report io Ne{ Ior& auto€ Auto@tlc watch, Rustt. cojAueust U-13, riLl be quctereit at the Tab1e. Cladslone Club isa. Ha!r!.landerorrr, oa! elgase .in a rHall ald (Scor;h a!.,.). cod & !eai, Left (IoeEll' hre-sqEd deel at Raodal]s rft ,hlr;ftsh ;oned and Da6]ed. I:rsiand d,lxeut 16r.b berore flnie a ;o;;;;:ii;-iii! il-.r6i-iiii i:

.rrre-eaa tapassea the r,. or rkh€ *, i8l ilif"i"E i: f:i8r*itn ffi"(:l

(trrd $!rldr! - co.t'ued) tt

ffd*Tffi+:'lut***$ffiea!1rr. n{r :,r.,r,ar 7 ..,cri.ii.l'iill'.ro.6 rh6r. 6_r1' .r,,!e-- tr rn" ;.."..:_. .... _ ic. 1,_::!":l:I:,;:"',:".'";;:T",:'.':..: o,.1,1a11q5.'-fg.*i'li,:,:l*,i::, i;i:l;;,;.;,,',:, .',


+;$r':'' ritffi



j:irn"ir:l'r::Jr tli ci:Lii'iol::il.!Pr; t. tf.::...i ::r,rJ1nz113 ii ::,: ,.ii.!r'ii--",:'.-:. :. r'- r-;..'".':::i'';:1..,' .i:; l:/, ; .:; ;":' it'j..;":,-i F:;i,',,:,; ,'. -,:,..',{':. i.,::,,;l ., ::";,1.1'i:i:.:-,:i; :' ,, ,.". iR .ro 1 :

';"-,:-1,:"1:iii;',":li',1'-X11"-i:.i;, iill;"ll'":'1':'' " .'_ c",.i : C, l. : .: r, lmy. li5c.l r,.',. " r :!:r.1 c -fE-i:-L .. ... :'ra|!; _" 'q"- .!-gcc*. ri,"r: c-i!'; l- i:'' i:'tJ irdv'

,i.l,i,::,,, ,1..ir;,i;;:;:;i',:i:"t: .1:j;;'.,;;1,,;1i,;;,

.:, ,'i:-:,,,j

il,l'"r;j:"ri;ilirli,ii,,.i: :i';ii,l.' ii: ; il'iiri,' ""'. :" ."ii:'lli "

3:*:1.::-';! "l::;.:i"l: l:i-'-l;;":1" -:;:'.:i: :.:;';:;"'':.-'i .' :-':l-'ur;;r';t.1- ";l ;.ll].i;,:j":ir,;:':" ti; :;1"*l::" L.t,:i,'.1;,:""?lii.".,11,; ;.,;l"l r:""::;:",:1ll:'i"'"i:'' "o-::::xgi" Luinoul o: \drin Beach."5-i-:.j:.:lTT:_6iic .n Jores, 4..7 J. 1ll idenrc crorded Lhe clrbs a ons !-crlni"i- r.-"; ',. fo. : fu':. \ii I 1.rE. Colubrs avenue' sL.crton glreeL 5'arl -

lf#,,,,irii:'i:iiil:;":i-f"'""' rff, ::'l:."IH;::; ii ; l"3"ii"ii *"

;;;;;;.; ;; .;;;: ;;. .,,r,:,:;,,, ;ti:::ill"i{:€::ii;:ill,:'il:i";rl:

"i?:'{;..-;: i;;:,';1"-:';*rfi, I ; l "'Ji{i;lliii"li;:li:l:;ili:ill"

n* ;ni"t"*i!; i" :::'"':il: iil;:" i;'"::,;::'i'.," ";::.1 .1:,.iy:"",*'

irijii;;;.iili:',!H.,3i.ll:-icii:'". i{irl,'i,'i?;:ti;i.l::i:, ;:i!;.r"i:'

:3d,"i.'l:i","i,:::"1:i,;:r.i",.'i;ii'' frq':"iidi,-ij,iit,::,i: :: vl;,2"*,

l?S;,i:ili;,^1"::t,,,^;: 1i,i"::'":"., llry: Ai'l.l i;':i': +l"i:i-ii';r.

u'"-^io:i'i"ii:t;'"lltil;i:lt'::"sit"' u:'[.i:ry:.1?:iii ij:,;.';;'r::g;nra.'lili"ii?'l, ,ai ':li":::ii:+qri". :iF:"ii,18ililnilli, nr:,i-4,i'15:,'rl:r:"li Ni,ii: i;tlii:lil:iit:;:" s:irilHu"l;:,t,i::; i;.:u"iii;,lli:ti:'ri;fii'i.' jillilh*il\i:'." H*,t!, iI:il'i;"::'1,::l:,:j.iill'AA, u; 3..ue"! hest€! ac, L; n. *'- i;i*1 f,:iii"i,;5;!3:,.y:.;:ri,.;i

!tH;,3?iii' 3: {:l::"T:i.ii:';'ii;:iir:A13";[11::;i::.?;i,i,?,llf.i:l: 33:i:i ii: :i]l i::li]I";-lflil li;"0.

ii,:lii. ;Li!;]ii"i"ff iiiril$:' i;rftiriiiiili:+:;,-^ii: fire;r'a,.fa'.. \.y.. arr.n'rerrs ?nill'll;"]'"'..

chlaan Road Funners Club olyqic Dew-t-ri1le Fun at Beue IsIe.,trotri, Jr:ichigan,. Suldal l,lay 15, 1960

r€rry !occi, l.stern M1.h. u.,.21t)1,Lil.l"ard il1ch! !esiern Mich. U. Irorr

2A2rL.'!.eorge nuhn. Detrolt Eoat CLub. 2a:50rin Ie..is, ale1e1:nd, oh10. 29taLl11l na1qe.. !errorr toai ChL.29:1?ilenry (ernedy, i.a:tached, 29 t?8Hona.d Iarrjson, Dltroft Soat C.29:uCLon Holnes, Uoai:sched. 2!:1,1!ian stan[.11ch, tetroft Tf, ]orOB, cotz i1o!ier, unarta.led, 3a:a?, :ernC Xlorfer, Nraitach€d. 31:20, tairon.lniLh, itdl"iaciec. l2: OO. rohn iJrer, rn:tta.hed, l,::OI. Ulrlch 71opler, Ltr;Ltrcned, l2:1ts, r!g1 Ia:court, I.t!o1: Track C,rl:r?. r:: Ljia:dn. ll.,licLiean it.. 3t-:rt. 11ke rral1, Datroit Podi club: l5:ii,10. 11€aK1er'. \t. tlctrlzai L_.- Lt -. llrlh iiccrerr:}. u, a,,t.. Dr,tFi:e r1. n1n. -1re 01 :7:i .4 !.tab1ishes

nel'.ourse record.

itatuto ltae, San rrancisco- Continued)

15? t,\ nr. Lralt 3oeh0, SF0!,41:t93.? mi. Dicl Vo1pe. S|AU.20r40

lr8 - 7-)+ n!. Ull Xlrg, SCI'IV, 39:2,lec, l.r ni. !i1l IorAan. St0C. 19:22r5q - 7.4 mi. rdtl K1ns, €C1yv, l9:0J

16cord. {2nd .1ace liediareert (Sctrv) ian l9:15. ihese iroLre the onLy rurn.rs to !rcak 40 nlns..7 niles- F.qnh l,lulftanse. SCVYV_(l: r ,1-

l,lorgan Stare, l+6.1.! :. Harv Stokes-Boc, {7.5 (18-year6-old) Iaier raa i47.1 r€13) l€s.6 roc won ln l:17.t.Teaa: l. Eoc, rr3t 2. Malg.an,3?-

Metropolitan -As6oc. 44Lr T&t Cha4D...Sat., Jnne flth. Yonters. N*.1.Ton rturphy briehtened tie Urltedstat€s' hotes of rerairlns tJre 0L11iF1c

JOU-oeter title ty ripDlnq off todavthe tasiest nsu-dile ivei run r" ti.Ea.t. The porerluf 24-,r,€ar-o1d t4anh.r-whiried t{ice arornd th€

€ccen_erically shaped 14er Menorialfteld tra.k in 1:L8,? ir defendrn/ hls880-yard crom in th€ Mer A{U cha;Ds.The Lrilliant pertordnce .lloled 2.,

tlre nret @rk set on thesane track iD 1956 !r Ton courtnev iheletired 1a55 ulFprc 3otm chEmolo; &korld record,hotder fvr n80 lards.Tle tastest nrevioLs halr-nite tinelosLed in the East Has 1149,1 br a.nieSo!-11 of Pltisrurah. rn that lice.Sokell dercdted Ron tltarv !n the icrAn.et 3t Randalls Island,otf his 19t9 victories in rhe 4.,{,U.nrii.nal chaipionship3, far-,{mericaa

dual meet asainst tneSoviPr un1on, Muroh/ rated as :h15nation's best bet io hofd rhe o1wplc300m titl€ {oo ty Johr l,rood4rf in1oJ6, i| hlrrield 1n 1a4d rnd 1952and coutney in 19t6.iloweve., Ton lad done 1i*,t1e p.1cr

to today to Just,ily his ratirE. tisbest lraviou3 1960 ctoc[in; for ihe99c ':5 i:19.;, just unoer rha 0tmDlcqual lfyins strnd:rd of 1rt9.d.lfurlhl,s tlnp here was nii best €ver..6y a r'ut1 3econd, Apoly1^s t.re ac.er!:ed converston figur€ of ravei-re.ttr;

tr:nornted to a befierlertormnce thar lis b.st 300n clock,inq of 1:4?.9, ir lasi yearis naiionalchanp:onships at, nile-]1iah loulder,It ras a do-it-youlse1f reco.d rrn

by l4urply. luried in an unwieldv. n1n€-nar field et the snari. tte 6-fooL,171-pound Broc|lynite bulst tron thepack ai lLoo lards. fled Dast the l,t o-yard pole in rl, scconds lnd iheh podr-ed it oh.. lje finished 15 rards iirtront ol Larly Sr,C1a1r :rd irtit p Cara-

clocked 1r l: t0,: a.d1:50.7, Pete rrandets, corneUrs co-captain elecr, €s a strons to!.th rt1!5I.1. a B1z Red record,,r dlan't tiink r couLd go so Jasiar: tltts tide,n urphy sald alterward,

llj!_I114_!!!!! - laliimore, i.1c., June 4

ITilc- lJaI1. Cue.rher, I.rt {noa. 1.y..:)q." .Ij-]ll 1. ror iodra, Bn., !:1 :5

,ii.:l',l*uii'r.';]a:ai.; a:t'i:li'i:;,i"i ;i!#,,',: iii,":i'i'l,"ii;Harrl.stoL€3, I c, 1:il...cnt ro.J, tna, 1:r1.7..2-l.li1e: t.d , Jirn:r, U,a.lrny, cerdry,9:-t9.rr,d , Jirn:r, u...rrny, cerdrt;3L9.r,.IJl mpi c CIuo, s9

;;;-;;1;;;;;-A;;;;. -;;;-ifi -;;;;;":-ne_11- 5-n11e: tLz? ia'f€rr pOCl

since li.rchi b.eakscorn set in:q32 or 12:11.6)l4 f. traat Pf1-siri. Pa,L. l+:20,1r5L LIn 1n iys]; 2. ail1 UotIlns.r, 4:29.5..38ri I. ree Jartrn. J:ar-, state, r:tt3,.l-!i1le: r. r;ers€, Boc, 15:25.1:;IM1. j,rlck E1lis

I.E(Metlopolitan tAU T&F- conttlued) lrih Annuat cenlra1 colteeiare Conte!_r',y.! sn les .us! 1o h.. tu!- r.,r !l::';i:;li*;i::"';i";"":;::";::.evod, eo - ]-t L to .i,h a_l I had June L r-s!. I . oo sp"^.DrorsJou lh Jiont. orr. r€gory r \o.. 1.r 3 s,. I acd l'4o!an. a !:0... o1 e: b.lt .ar; r:n:s. r,.:..- '.0;,,d-;,s*e( o 'L,L .anrt si.n t) E. ba l ou. v.j.e-s' Bor._o h_r old oroLve! ,oot :. n'j- n \qd - iv" y"ra ;. -.1,. -!o,. to :ds.

e .. rt.?, o cor ,.- ,.qo./ .; r,-. rf e..d ;4.):0. d.d .: 0. r,"J n- o!onD"o o. ). ret; :n r . ..,," ',r:: ;";ti, r". -"e 88. lap-, oo-h qe!6 :". ....'. .-.

r;i Ilobby l.owe oJ Broa o--e: 'oa, 01 rol npr -ee \.- -r-rdei' )tt.7.t- :t , -i!.::':,,1-. rcnn p. .1-1.4n:. . ..s r.e'd to doull. i: -l-";, r s.ee :F- a.. ", ne-ltv., 0u.! utc. )r, ),ultlej ^1 Lf_:-act. bF,aus" -. r.-" v": . r.zriqborder aI r . i.". w3!(j jinis,'L:p,__ o "-aq. d.nL o t4lrer.oo aJ r':e>..r_ s.. ? -n .d

re(ord n; ! a !.,..'- !€" Yo..t, A.j.r6:,- 1i. :4.1 -, -r,..." - ! rnror n rhe!de.-old --'! q, drsr rnce 3Le/6:"--.1e r.1 i. .- eo.d 1{e o ' l0o....ora! ,.'. wo,. b] l_. y .ds t..r :..r *"r ".., !..j- l.t Jso j a sd-, ,: o, ;3 clun-vlF. 'orCon ../err:a o L 6 aa-;c^ ^_rt. o^-: I

- r-a.y ld6..d- " __--.,'rrsani _. qr. .v.rs:", ir'. J;1i-an:pr' .d. .s s aaldrh ,ar, ras !' r:.. . .ohn Ies,.. lx"-a--!-.',

anotne. autstarditrg lelforMDce sad !!!i l, Ern!:e littrils, l,oloia nr cnicas.!Ft .-ed bJ -1rry iaode-bu-n. 'c . I- Do,r.4.cJa ltr. liat ri-s: .. .-s."sopl lroa Pa-o"Cosi rpsr rroips I-o.r- D.rar, , Drai". L,.d ;" "r;, :50,9a oa tool h- LAo. run 1r lan-s dr !rd oy Lo"erl

a t rr eJd d h3lr, '1. .2s. tl_l:j 1. 'e,r" .oD-se, -/-i J. .,"r./Tte ?loreers retai.ned tte rean riite. Tatrt;;;, uesre!; Nichtqari t. .{it tye.:I'l . .r." wrnne!€ ri . u.:.c on.- a.. .o.", ias!arn v:_J i.a.: 5, _11/ ev-Jonald, w\o rool, -" !wo-r lte "d sq -oldF. v.r"h,E6r :"i-. ,- ee' G;-._oe ai v,s ^h-r--- 1r: €," r" i t. rCll_s, s .a., 'o a.,

:otr"o -i t0 l po:r -3. -ne ,.1 o-, {, ., _

^hic: h4r'., '. ..r), p:1 -..e(ono ' e-- c -1n": :, ..,ni . - 5 n

::---:9:-:9::-:^-1:::1"-:L::-91-:*-:1:_ "-1"',:,i' " r_ii': : ' -l:,i' . .

l;!!sl--!4!, c!. Irarne, r,oj.na, une ;:';;"i;;.'i."-1:;;:,1 . i;:;'.;i.",'loi_!99g 1. CL!,e.ht,8.., 1.ttL,L.- ?2i B.aorer. r.: :, -.". & ticdrc;n149!i "

ronq, lesr-rr &r_rrcan, sr.-F, tl; t0 0",'o,., q,L:!r.z; ?r csMcr.,4: 01.6. ..1!9@_€jgg!9i 1. lhelcn, rie;-lLcrv. ):/1.O. 2. Jotulka. r- 14t.-. br- o \npic jeel q ,:_ o -:a ..o:rr.0..!q9.E 1. reps, {rcircan, 1:5j.- .!oo1- \{h[r]e._ _:2. hlcrder, {. )1)irolsr t:tl,o jn" L (r.O.O "-;s _ 2- "i I. .:1:;i;:i-;;:i-;;,;:;ffii-;ili;;i:-i;i;-- :;:::"":;.{;:":";, :-:l:l";;. ":;i:,1o3 a-eel.s, 311.f,, J-ne l8: 880: 1, al pa yt .Lon:). : j. ,,.tlln"yr Dofl.v, !o;es_o, relji'; "are ii"::"rs. i :.": ., j'ti; ..1: L.Li 2. Frodes, "btt.n., e^"!r, 1tto,o DalJ, u:,, ;:. i ; t, . a..r:rr.bi l. Undeaood, Buena Psrk, '-'al. ar., -r_ders. l: ., ,,d od: t. .cL.r.:rL. ; -1. Fuble, tos A1tos, .al_f., verra', ati oi-:a, :r. :-il. J:rr: .ri (76n {st"n, Bonica, :d J..ne, Cr" ", .era10 ,:t:!" , .or,."..,'...:shed s".orr bu- .trsq.atjri.d).. r.o.Li ', ,/ !0 .y, :..ay, : 6.lLl:f 1. lu.^er, Poly, -an r-ancts"o. I ooon :aj.:' leo ios'"n. inn:an-r:13.-; 2. Thomss, inionLoe, Pa.. I*!ca_L_. 1.:_^.^: ?: Hr;s Aune.r:lts.3t J. "ohn8on, Bake:sr:pta, aa11f., rrA , 1Lr59.. i ). t.tE Xttnn, ttr;-r:?0.2; -. dorn, -6-.asle!, 'a.: q:2t. Cir/ q , ti : ..:,

lard- J!ly tl--]0 rvJre Run, Narjck, n... JuIy J0- io rlle Run; prcvldena€, R.l.

1's.,;.:. : ..rtcuo -11.1",1] ..:.", l:;;":, :1""1;:"r::"".:"g;".::":-^

;:" l, "::'; :". -;l : :r: :j'::d"'.i:,,t;:":::t.iiiif::t-'-ll":ili'.1,:. ,i:li""i


! j,"";;;,.,. .f*,, ;::";",:...;i iji;:;;i;i

, .",i',.'i.'' :,;'i,., i, i:l"ir:','i1l - 1i:,'i,::,;,,i

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l, i,'" ' ,., .: " it.;,, i';,, j, ira,i: 1;,,,

, ."

-. t. ,. " ' ",,.." :r,-;:,' '"'':'. ".i:

: ::l -: '':" ,, , ,. .",, '

t,',,. 'i;;, ;,.:,".;;;l;r;. "j:i.--. ' t,,." ,.,; , :' '-'-. ^.;

",,li",=;i ,,."


' ' ", -' . ti5 ,,:;u',;;,i.i.',:;5"'

. :: r.;;,-'. t, +l+-.":"'";: l' ::ltli ". ", .


4.(SPAA! T&J- contlnu€d)

l. Idayle Yar Dellen, Dait., 9:r5.6i r+.leie uundle. Strlder6. (New @.k; oldreco.d, 9:28.6 by Bill coltirs, saniaBaibara A. c.. 19t6. )l0.00OD: 1- Bob Soth. Strider€. 30:29.8Tt:;-Ti?ord ! old l,tari, lo:1I.9, by Joe1yler. usN, 1956.); 2. Mal Robeltson,5tride13, l0:J0.L; L Ber.eit, un3tt.,It:tl.6i 4. Beenan, St11der..l.O00n. |lalk: 1. Rudv 8allza. IJSAI.-lll.:; Z:-Tans auna, raAc, lt:10.3;J. Ieo SJogre.r IArc, 15:?9.4. llL;ekrecord! old oark, I5:J1.6 by sjo8ren,1959, )t.000n:1. B11l Peck. oxv. L5:05.7::l?IZiSv uurphy. lnait,, it:rt.2; l. 8obllale, culver city ac, 15:26.?t 4. rer-narda Leon. USC. (* Danny l4urphy of Mlracosta Hs was tined in 1|:!8.t at th€ l-n1le lost for a natioral !rcP lecod.The.ecosnized naik is 1r1r16.l.l

*Quantico, va., Jue t0- {?1ace ti4es)50O0n: l. Truex. 14:29.2i 2. Siieelitz,14:44.2i r. B.eckenridse, 14:44.6t /+. R.dzkirner. 14:48.6..80oh: 1. Hadley' I:t0.12" xatt;tuan, 1r51.2; l. !1ps.omb, 1:51,/.

in€ lasi 100 yards & Mn' lt waE thefifth faet€€t tire eve. rccorded fofthe disrance & 4.4 se.onds slorerthan his om world record.Roszavoleyi Has clocked in ?:57.!'

Thi rd tr1aced Zdrisla{ X.zvszkowiakof Pol:rrd, the Eurolean t & 10 Kn.cr@D. ras ttned in 7:13.4 Eith Ja.-oEla; Ju.6k ot Czecnoslovalria rouri:hin ?:59,8. Fraik SalYat (0!l ra6

The Sritish c.owd ot 10,000 LovedcP lor ht5 lasi-second iursi over ihatlasi stleich - a eign thai hers eoingro be a hald nan to beat in tbe oll&-,te Gmes. d15 tine {as the b63i ever;.co.ded lor the distance in Britain.

P Flc illNN.c .N ERl IsH l)OO -^ ):--. op ree Lo'ots r' r 'r' !

": fj d

.,ie.i::;";-:"';,'B;'.$"::'::r,';,;:i:"""'ffi:'l.ltili:: :"r",";:r, l:,, _

i*iilill:rjr_:ftil:, ;::r;"iiri.jri1;- ":;1":i;,1;ii,.;1;;i1;:li-,::::::;'aa ,aD Lo defeaL t-l7ar ooszdyola/:. o" rer re.oldi

ilt*i":i :i::ri:l;iiii::.ili,rii:i:ii c.*'-,i,,:irliiir::''";i"tj'ot;:"'"i"; ili?3i?:"l''"F,liill: ."',., -,.-." )1,t-i;;;'ii:'i."i;:-i-+.:, r:- "-r.-

:!t.i:;;;i:lii,ri*:iiii:r.i:i:::";r" i"::i'i::i''::'':''i'ri:'';::'/;:i-

1:-"r-'lne -hird irs!€'-'|ii"n rn' #4",1-!li:^is';,,-.:";i;':ii:;l''il]:.,:':"I:":: coroo,.,-." won rhe ii"ii.; i. i. ni"ili'. -.',. .'

; J:::: :","-ilil. j; ;il;:;, :;, i:t",,". ;.i-" 11,,. i:1. ;:!,li;Fiil ]1

" "

Southeastern Conf€rence T&F Chanps-Cainesv1lle, Fla., MaY 21_ crahan!Alabaa" lL:1r:.8..A1ren, Fla., l: iL. E

T€er 1,,. St€re,561i Flrrid.,.5r t/1,Aubur!, l7; Ceoreia're.\ ?1 I/6.

New J€.sev AAU T&,l Cidls- iun€ llrh,aflTE;i_T:_l]: rodaY's raln failed tos!oo. cadDletelY. Lrre sixth dinuaL.riii"",tau trac* meet at cllfroi 3i3l-iun, Thrce eYents,chsd becaus€ of arkle deep ta'"er.The Central Jersey Track clun reaFec


JERSET AAU JUNIOR OI,YMPICSil.re thar 650 younesters' ages nlne

i6 l7- fen.e3ented It conm!nlties 1rtte c6rpulitton heLd nndet Lhe ioinrsDonsor;hiD of the 5w1i Area andciratlrar ch:pters of the Juior cheber(conti.ued Fae. 22--b.tton]

todays race. At the tasi bend l.ivan ios_zavotgyl, the Hunearian star & once tn.1500r world record-hoLder. challensedPlrie. eo8y eot a slight edge & Pirieao.ear.d ra be fadinE. B!t Pirie. hisci;eks puffrng tn & out I1*e beuows,stilt had the streneth & stdina thatbatiered. lte tu.n.d tn a lire spult 1n

4riJtb Atrw1 Foriaa )ays ISaturdal nw 29r 19lo.,"sr3d: 9:1? a.,r.

Gr3b lech io lortdar cajlfo4ia...1j.? 4i1es

-p n o.: r. . c,r -o.. .. 0, 6, . r., \a€d ^r..c'r"r ,o (o.

ielalrita., ot rarkr trcr*a.:i,r ,trec.or

(Aus. U, Thurs.-5:lopb--chicaeo,rlrer o-r11€. dnt_

Deeis to Ted H;ydor,6110 s. Unlv6rsiEv-Chl.aso, I11, For"

races (ps.2l I ultel1 d. Thoops.n Rd..lndianapolis 27,Iha

chlcrso, Juue i8-_Taa sutliva, {st. ce..se Hs, €ye,sron) rai tna riletoday i! 4:1:"7. Ir is netieeed t.o be the tasiest n e eaer nr b;! hlsh scboor junlor 11 L\! ln:t€d Sudr-s,.o".1 Cs.4rr: 11.. r.:tt.iasso(. ajr T0r ctMps.l .-!!i.5 nc,r ,. Lr-

(rontaru Days qdcal aoad Prr)Iten stro'q's srperr,-fs .tf.rt brc'{rrt hi. }r!1a a vici:r .rr rad tsh:.fdrglt hie 'a7

ore. lrhe 1onl] ilaii ln rt. taeaeei tir as rhe nex. trrriilir,:rf rorim4 r)a:rs raEir.] rchau.a. oa.r a 3:a. or tln: r3ce; Lha.; aavi i.craivo .titfa..r'" ii1..rr, .ld orl.r ;.lb; J.,:

! sr,aril ti iirli .f ,r .d _erJ.hjeh.r 29, drl, r.r1i:.1;.i ii€ 3R 'hr ti,r.,.;irr -n:

a.lrd rLrras3.tl :1r J.r,r.r :€.a .t ? i rl.rin,'i jfl.sr erer: thir 3.:i.i, h Nni.h tr: !t.t o i9t9 .ir:.:l,arl.

rn!. thr siMi fiJld .idrLl its F-:i 4.I trisi!.! ,r'!leCr.ri c4n:o:r rn"! Dv.r tha 3t4::x:LaB.' trL.

.f ihe holidat- vee.:3:n n:.. .l otrn"i ar.i 'i..ir a arth 4ot..le3ir:Li: 3.ttint Jo. @3i

th. !10.r: :lrjajBn 4 a rinE-tr*i bat:1.. Fish:f ba.r. s.rai.tP' !\enaorrr ira, dr irrake par...n !! ihc n: 1f!.fIrkd.., !.rrrL bs::!ie hi3 d.rnhii j3rt,

rd larcia jlst tlr!1 ,nisliri b2c\ (4i\ rjit:r, ht

^atiner ds

lrtr\. tii 6€nr.flFi 2t to Jin st relF;d artr;ci rh:la.,lar flerd. Ii.r.a;ir| irn'r.sr, rfth. Juio! chmbo. of C.,!.rt:.1,ir! pxt MS : aalctrt id.kti.n.t|.ls tj.r - {a3 serred Dnter d nl!r!?.d sei\i. lnd, ler'!Jf i1,, Jotrthfrl Lilr. iii3h - ruLljnl bcti;er iha

1a.3: Br for th3 :.r,jt: .Ycrt.

1?ia - Ist: ien.jarnr ltrdorrs,,..r:4:4r., lias:: rcber'r' Lioor.. .. 1:c-':i,.j1j15? - ]3r,; rlavir itada?i-::...,.1:2!:2? lasi: !:obe4 0on:. . .1:ll:irl1r5r - rst: 'rdos n. irheparl..,,.1:Irrt Fast: Lholi,r t &4 .1:i]1:15rt59 - 131: Lo-!e :nriard!.... ,1:22i2J l.ri,: rllllrl a- fa3i?;r:r:a!:ialtaa , 131: liaieijt t. strdLg....l:.11:2o

lcrl * ihc iirai- iu.: 26 - :lade. g.ov. J1A'r, - cralo coasi..'l:.i

J":rJ A - Saa lT-ara A{+31 6 - Hu.ireL.l laa.rliert.r-odvofrtiY

AI:r.,.i.r i.s,. .+io ,;.11he irlrrl:ra ii relkrrrer, dorr! fore€t ih.:2:r ir:-:. .L - oL r

;:pl. ?t - raih:iar..ui.ra:k Fest:lna1 r{r - t.5, aiie;

\ta!! 76 2/3, \!r! 51+ !/3, sat., irn. I l,1mapoiis, rid.) aour ne,-ior " r-dd:.

lost on1,r to the Qrarticc lLiacres lhis season. xrnv aor ilre€ or. .-. du-- -. 6 I a:7, . i r. ro. I,o.":, . -:r..-..-:1 . oL. a: - ., .i 2. a ..1 t, .il. ahico cnavez, lI. 9:22,.880: 1, liLL liann., a.i 2. ceor4e l,13rien-tha1, ,'1. ; l. ih.isN.J. Jun:or 01,Tpics--Continued - of Comelce. The dalrs outsiandinApeJfoman.e b/ " r" "' rv cron recl era.uLe, John!or'".. Por,ee r€n an ou'sr;-oi's.:l-.o n-:-, .ne faa!-s, s";o.lboytlne tun this tea. tn the east. nn entry sFhsorud by tne NewarkJay(ee n"o!e- roor leM ho-ore hr-h a8j'!oin(s. pl"j;I---o des.ndand Oc.an CitY finished thrrd.

.1f t,'iri;6ilw' #[*i $iili'ru*i',i;'j,1il::, i,, ^::1iil,i:i:,::i:l:,, :,*X; ;i:: :1, iy[.;i"1,,, jr,;r:*

::i;il; j:,iii:,x,",i.',", ",'r;i;,;1;','4",1i,:i,';-!,,,

!:';'",:r,i,,,i;, ::.',_ii,.i . "--LtJ'i,r,i,,,i:I r,:r,.i'u.

*gr*m#ffit-,:F,;,,i;;;l,*i,';'.,,, ;ll*iii.,-,*lli;'f,:i;;:;:i;,:f i;;,:ii:r,::;;';,i; ;;'::li;::i;'1,;;i::;";i:::I;

Hg-nffit*r1, , lffir;l-[utl,*ii: *irui1 :

g*run ffi;'5i*,









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r'(c,r € B Eo<zrr -/h,y.r._ g; a9-'{9;na5=;z4z: ".)



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