1. 372 33 Powerpoint-slides 18-Reports TC 2e Ch-18

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    Oxford University Press 2011. All rights reserved.

    Technical Communication, Principlesand Practice, 2/E

    Meenakshi Raman, Group Leader,Humanities and Management, BITS Pilani,Goa

    Sangeeta Sharma, AssociateProfessor of the Languages Group at BITS,Pilani

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    Oxford University Press 2011. All rights reserved.

    Chapter 18


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    Oxford University Press 2011. All rights reserved.


    The word report is derived from theLatin word reportare, which means

    to bring back .

    A report is usually a piece of factualwriting, based on evidence,containing organized information oranalysis of a particular topic.

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    Oxford University Press 2011. All rights reserved.

    Importance of Report

    A report is the only tangible product

    of a professional Report enable decision-making and

    problem solving in organizations

    Reports help the authorities inplanning new ventures and inevaluating men and material

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    Oxford University Press 2011. All rights reserved.


    Reports are important means ofinformation dissemination within and

    outside the organization Reports serve as a measure of the

    growth, progress or success of an

    organization Reports serve as a valuable

    repository of information

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    Report reveal gaps in thinking. Reports develop certain skill in the


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    Objectives of Reports: Present a record of accomplishedwork (Project report) Record an experiment (Primary

    research report/ laboratory report) Record research findings or technicalspecifications

    Document schedules, timetables andmilestones (a status report on a longterm plan)

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    Document current status (aninspection report)

    Record and clarify complexinformation for future reference (areport on policies and procedures)

    Present information to a large numberof people (annual report)

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    Continued Present organized information on a

    particular topics (a report describingthe working of various divisions of anorganization)

    Recommend actions that can beconsidered in solving certainproblems (recommendatory report)

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    Characteristics of aReport:

    Precision Factual details Relevance Reader Oriented Objective of recommendations

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    Continued Simple and unambiguous language

    - Clarity- Brevity- Grammatical accuracy

    Special format

    Illustration Documentation

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    Categories of Report

    Informative, analytical (purpose) Periodic, special (frequency) Oral, written (mode of presentation) Long, short (length)

    Formal, informal (approach) Individual, group (target audience)

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    Continued Audience should be analysedaccording to the followingcharacteristics

    Background Needs and interest Mixed audience

    Wide variability in an audience Unknown audience

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    Continued - Investigating the source of information

    Two types of data:1.Primary data2.Secondary data

    Means of collecting primary data:- Personal observation- Personal interview- Surveys

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    Sources of Secondary Data: Internal records

    Published materials Databases as bibliographic and

    numeric databases Censuses Syndicated sources

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    Continued - Organizing the material:

    Depending on the topics, purpose andaudience material can be organized ineither of the following:

    The order of occurrence The order of Importance A combination of orders

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    Structure of the reports

    The standard twenty elements ofstructure of a full fledge report are:

    Prefatory Parts:Cover page

    Title pageCertificate Acknowledgements

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    Table of content List of illustration Abstract

    Main text Introduction Discussion Conclusion


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    Continued Supplementary parts- Appendix/appendices Reference/ bibliography Glossary Contents of a letter of transmittal:

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    Contents of a letter of

    transmittal:Objectives/ terms of referenceScopeMethodology adopted

    Highlights of the analysisImportant resultsSignificance of the study

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    Any other details that may be able theaudience to understand the reportbetter


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    Oxford University Press 2011. All rights reserved.

    Abstract tells readers about:

    Objectives Main findings SignificanceThe content of a Preface are: Factors leading to the report

    Organization of the report Highlights

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    Continued Significance Acknowledgements

    Main textIntroduction

    Background of the report Purpose and scope

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    Authorization Basic principles or theories involved

    Methods of gathering data General plan in developing the

    solution General structure of the report

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    It is the lengthiest part of the report. In this part information and data are

    presented, analyzed and interpreted.

    it contains the information thatsupports the conclusion andrecommendations as well as theanalysis, logic and interpretation ofthe information.

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    Oxford University Press 2011. All rights reserved.

    Characteristics of


    Uses decreasing order of importanceCan be narrative or tabularUses narrative type when there arefew conclusions

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    Contains only opinions and never

    suggest future action to be taken bythe reader

    Does not introduce any new idea notpreviously introduce in to the report

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    Oxford University Press 2011. All rights reserved.

    Bibliography / ReferencesThis list is used to

    Acknowledge and give credit to thesources of words, ideas, quotationsborrowed etc.

    Give the reader information to identify andconsult the sources

    Give the reader an opportunity to checkthe sources for accuracy

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    Types of Report Introductory report Progress report

    Incident reports Feasibility reports Marketing reports Laboratory test reports Project reports

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    Writing the Report First Draft Revising, Editing and proofreading

    The first draft is reviewed for the: Accuracy of facts Clarity of expression Overall organization Adequacy and appropriateness of the

    content to meet the set of objective

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    Suitability and conformity ofillustrations

    Effectiveness of expression Grammatical accuracy Correctness of layout