1-844-900-8357 Expedited Access to...

Post on 11-Jul-2020

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Expedited Access to Healthcare

You don’t have to wait...QuikCare Platinum is designed to assist you so you can focus on taking care of your well being.

QuikCare Platinum provides a unique healthcare benefit to you and your eligible dependents by allowing those who are placed on a medical wait list, immediate access to diagnostic scans (MRI/CT Scans) and specialist consultations with the cost fully covered.

QuikCare Platinum will give you peace of mind knowing diagnostic scans will be booked and performed within 72 hours and you will see specialists within weeks, not months.

QuikCare Platinum assists in alleviating the pain, worrying and returning you to a healthier life.

How does QuikCare Platinum work?When your physician recommends a diagnostic procedure or refers you to a specialist, you call the QuikCare Platinum Helpline (1-844-900-8357) for rapid intervention. QuikCare Platinum will liaise with you to obtain the required documentation and then utilize a network of specialists and diagnostic imaging services to coordinate and pay for the required services.

When your health is at risk you shouldn't have to wait!

Canadian medical specialists are limited to how many new patients they are able to diagnose each month due to the budgetary constraints within the Canadian Healthcare system. This creates average wait times of over 8 months to see a specialist and over 3 months for a diagnostic scan. Call 1-844-900-8357 to setup your consultation with one of our intake specialists.

All this time your condition could be worsening, you may be stressed, worried, unable to work and participate in your usual day-to-day activities. This adversely affects your health and well being which can have a substantial impact to the you and your family.

· Urology· Rheumatology· Orthopedics · Ophthalmology · Neurology· Cardiology · Gastroenterology · General Surgery · Neurosurgery · Ear, Nose & Throat

· Cardiology


· Neurology· CT Scan

· Urology

· Ophthalmology

· General Surgery

· Rheumatology

· Gastroenterology

· Ear, Nose & Throat · Orthopedics

· Ultrasound

· Neurosurgery


Covered Specialists

24/7 Dedicated Helpline

What is required?

All that is required for you or your eligible dependents to rapidly access expedited health care treatment is a diagnostic requisition form or a specialist referral from your physician.

You must first contact our helpline (1-844-900-8357) in advance of receiving a diagnostic procedure or specialist consultation and obtain approval from our Case Management team in order to have your expedited health care arranged and paid for. Fees for diagnostic testing and specialist consultations are paid by QuikCare directly to health care providers. You do not have to pay for your health care treatment and then seek reimbursement.

The 4 Easy Steps of QuikCare Platinum Expedited Health Care

What are the different types of diagnostic scans and specialists covered?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a medical diagnostic technique that uses strong magnetic fields, radio waves, and field gradients to generate images of the internal organs of the body. Unlike CT Scans, it does not utilize x-rays. MRIs allow healthcare professionals to assess internal issues that would otherwise be undetectable, providing more accurate and detailed diagnoses, which in turn yields shorter recovery times.

Computed Tomography Scan (CT Scan):

Computed Tomography Scan (CT Scan) is essentially a three-dimensional x-ray; a computer combines a series of many x-rays taken at different angles to create a single cross-sectional image of the area scanned. Various structures in the body absorb the x-rays to varying degrees, and will appear on the CT Scan with varying intensity, allowing a doctor to easily identify abnormalities. Being able to look into the body of a patient to find otherwise difficult to diagnose problems is an invaluable tool in providing quick and effective healthcare.


An Ultrasound is an imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves to penetrate the human body and create an image based off of the return of said sound waves. They echo off of the tissues to varying degrees, which is then recorded by a computer and displayed as an image. The main advantage of an ultrasound is that it provides images in real-time, so doctor and patient can determine the cause of injury or illness, and begin treatment, immediately.


Orthopedics is the branch of medicine concerning conditions involving the musculoskeletal system. An orthopedic specialist will help patients who suffer from bone fractures, the gradual degeneration of joints, sprains and strains of tendons and ligaments, and other such musculoskeletal issues.

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Call QuickCare Platinum HelplineWhen you receive a physicians diagnostic requistion or a physicians referral letter for a specialist, simply call the QuikCare Platinum helpline at 1-844-900-8357.

Expedited Health CareQuikCare will arrange the required expedited health care and will advise you or your eligible dependents of the appointment time and location.

Case ManagementOur Case Management team will coordinate with you or your eligible dependents to obtain the required documentation and assist you in every step.

Follow UpFollowing the scan or specialist appointment our Case Management team will follow up and ensure the results are sent to your physician and to arrange any further treatment.


A Cardiologist is a specialist of the heart, as well as other parts of the circulatory system. A healthy heart is vital to a long and active life, so it is absolutely essential that problems involving the heart are treated with accuracy and haste.


A neurologist is a medical specialist focused on disorders of the nervous system, including the brain, the spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system. Observation and analysis by a trained neurologist is imperative when it comes to a disorder of the nervous system; the entire human body relies on its proper function and health.


Disease affecting any part of the organ system used to digest food – the “gastrointestinal tract” - are the concern of a gastrointestinologist. An illness of the gastrointestinal tract can be substantially life altering; Crohn's disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, for example, can be lifelong ailments that require the diagnosis and treatment of a gastroenterologist to establish a manageable routine.

General Surgeon:

A General Surgeon specializes in the abdominal contents of the body, in particular the stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and other internal organs. Typically, the treatment of traumatic and emergency injury or illness falls to the general surgeon, however they also are responsible for the execution of a variety of other surgeries, such as transplants, mastectomies, laparoscopic procedures, pediatric surgeries.

Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT):

An Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) specialist deals with conditions of the ears, nose and throat, but also other structures at the base of the skull. Allergies, snoring, voice disorders, cleft lip/palates, and thyroid issues are all problems an ENT can help resolve.


Somewhat like an optometrist, who provides primary eye care, an Ophthalmologist specializes further in the health and physiology of the eyeball and the orbit. They can provide treatment for many eye diseases, as well as surgeries to improve vision.


A urologist specializes on the male and female urinary tract, as well as the male reproductive organs. A urologist may use medical management to treat conditions not requiring surgery, such as UTIs, as well as surgical management to treat more serious conditions, such as cancer or kidney stones.


As the name might suggest, one of the most well known rheumatological conditions is Rheumatoid Arthritis; it is one of a collection of disorders that causes chronic, often intermittent pain in the joints and/or connective tissue. A Rheumatologist can help treat such conditions that appear in various places on the body, including the back, shoulder, neck, knees and hands.


A neurosurgeon can prevent, diagnose and treat disorders of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. A healthy nervous system is critical to nearly every function within the body. When a neurological condition is treatable via surgery, such as brain cancer or a hemorrhage, a neurosurgeon will operate and can literally save a life.

The QuikCare Platinum Helpline (1-844-900-8357) is a dedicated 24/7 toll free helpline.

Case Study 1A member was injured when he was involved in a dirt biking accident, preventing him from working in any capacity. QuikCare Platinum expedited a MRI scan in one day for this member whereas he would have normally waited up to 6 months. The MRI led to a definitive diagnosis of a complete tear of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the member was referred to an orthopaedic surgeon. The consultation with the surgeon confirmed that an ACL reconstruction surgery would be necessary in order for him to recover and return to work. QuikCare Platinum booked the appointment and the surgery was completed in 7 days.

As QuikCare Platinum was able to have an MRI scan together with a referral to a surgeon and the actual surgery carried out within 7 days, the member was off work for a total of 6 weeks. Had QuikCare Platinum not been involved, months after the accident the member would still have been waiting for a specialist referral and surgery.

Case Study 2A member had been diagnosed with a fracture and was directed to be off work for 8 weeks. The member expressed to QuikCare Platinum that he did not feel like he was getting any better and in fact, he is not even sure what caused the fracture. He did not have a family doctor so he was only assessed by a physician at the hospital. The worker advised us that a bone scan was recommended to rule out osteoporosis, but nothing was done to book the appointment.

QuikCare Platinum arranged an independent assessment in order to assess the employee's inability to work and to help facilitate his referral for a bone scan. Following his appointment, not only was he given the referral for the bone scan, he was also cleared to return to work on modified duties immediately to assist with his recovery and rehabilitation.

With QuikCare Platinums quick intervention, not only did the member get the expedited health care he needed, but he was also able to return to work quicker and earn his full wages. Given the proactive approach taken there was only a total of 2 weeks of being off work as opposed to 8 to 12 weeks.

Confidentiality Statement:

QuikCare Platinum exercises utmost diligence to safeguard the confidential information of members and protects it against disclosure, misuse, loss and/or theft. We acknowledge that exchange and access to confidential information is a requirement to provide services. This information is secured in our paperless filing system and password protected at all times. QuikCare Platinum can confirm that without the prior written consent of the member, confidential information, except to the extent that such use or disclosure is required in connection with the performance of services or as required under the agreement, will not be disclosed or made available to any unauthorized parties.

24/7 Dedicated Phone Line1-844-900-8357